$scope.$parent.$parent.content = replace_with
}, 0);
- console.log('well, replaced it');
$($element).parent().css({display: 'none'});
.directive("egMarcEditEditable", ['$timeout', '$compile', '$document', function ($timeout, $compile, $document) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
- replace: false,
- transclude: true,
+ replace: true,
template: '<input style="font-family: \'Lucida Console\', Monaco, monospace;" ng-model="content" size="{{content.length * 1.1}}" maxlength="{{max}}" class="" type="text"/>',
scope: {
field: '=',
+ onKeydown: '=',
subfield: '=',
content: '=',
contextItemContainer: '@',
+ idPath: '=',
max: '@',
- type: '@'
+ itype: '@'
controller : ['$scope',
function ( $scope ) {
if ($scope.context_menu_element) {
console.log('Reshowing context menu...');
$($scope.context_menu_element).css({ display: 'block', top: event.pageY, left: event.pageX });
+ $('body').on('click.context_menu',function() {
+ $($scope.context_menu_element).css('display','none');
+ $('body').off('click.context_menu');
+ });
return false;
var tnode = angular.element(tmpl);
- console.log('... got element ...');
- console.log('... attached to DOM ...');
display: 'block',
top: event.pageY,
left: event.pageX
- console.log('... displayed ...');
$scope.context_menu_element = tnode;
- console.log('... captured for later ...');
$timeout(function() {
var e = $compile(tnode)($scope);
- console.log('... compiled: ' + e);
}, 0);
+ $('body').on('click.context_menu',function() {
+ $(tnode).css('display','none');
+ $('body').off('click.context_menu');
+ });
return false;
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
+ if (scope.onKeydown) element.bind('keydown', scope.onKeydown);
element.bind('change', function (e) { element.size = scope.max || parseInt(scope.content.length * 1.1) });
if (scope.contextItemContainer && angular.isArray(scope[scope.contextItemContainer]))
element.bind('contextmenu', scope.showContext);
.directive("egMarcEditSubfield", function () {
return {
+ transclude: true,
restrict: 'E',
template: '<span>'+
- '<span><eg-marc-edit-editable type="sfc" class="marcsfcode" field="field" subfield="subfield" content="subfield[0]" max="1"/></span>'+
- '<span><eg-marc-edit-editable type="sfv" class="marcsfvalue" field="field" subfield="subfield" content="subfield[1]"/></span>'+
+ '<span><eg-marc-edit-editable '+
+ 'itype="sfc" '+
+ 'class="marcsfcode" '+
+ 'field="field" '+
+ 'subfield="subfield" '+
+ 'content="subfield[0]" '+
+ 'max="1" '+
+ 'on-keydown="onKeydown" '+
+ 'id="r{{field.record.subfield(\'901\',\'c\')[1]}}f{{field.position}}s{{subfield[2]}}code" '+
+ '/></span>'+
+ '<span><eg-marc-edit-editable '+
+ 'itype="sfv" '+
+ 'class="marcsfvalue" '+
+ 'field="field" '+
+ 'subfield="subfield" '+
+ 'content="subfield[1]" '+
+ 'on-keydown="onKeydown" '+
+ 'id="r{{field.record.subfield(\'901\',\'c\')[1]}}f{{field.position}}s{{subfield[2]}}value" '+
+ '/></span>'+
- scope: { field: "=", subfield: "=" },
+ scope: { field: "=", subfield: "=", onKeydown: '=' },
replace: false
.directive("egMarcEditInd", function () {
return {
+ transclude: true,
restrict: 'E',
- template: '<span><eg-marc-edit-editable type="ind" field="field" content="ind" max="1"/></span>',
- scope: { ind : '=', field: '=' },
+ template: '<span><eg-marc-edit-editable itype="ind" field="field" content="ind" max="1" on-keydown="onKeydown" id="r{{field.record.subfield(\'901\',\'c\')[1]}}f{{field.position}}i{{indNumber}}"/></span>',
+ scope: { ind : '=', field: '=', onKeydown: '=', indNumber: '@' },
replace: false,
.directive("egMarcEditTag", function () {
return {
+ transclude: true,
restrict: 'E',
- template: '<span><eg-marc-edit-editable type="tag" field="field" content="tag" max="3"/></span>',
- scope: { tag : '=', field: '=' },
+ template: '<span><eg-marc-edit-editable itype="tag" field="field" content="tag" max="3" on-keydown="onKeydown" id="r{{field.record.subfield(\'901\',\'c\')[1]}}f{{field.position}}tag"/></span>',
+ scope: { tag : '=', field: '=', onKeydown: '=' },
replace: false
.directive("egMarcEditDatafield", function () {
return {
+ transclude: true,
restrict: 'E',
template: '<div>'+
- '<span><eg-marc-edit-tag class="marctag" field="field" tag="field.tag"/></span>'+
- '<span><eg-marc-edit-ind class="marcind" field="field" ind="field.ind1"/></span>'+
- '<span><eg-marc-edit-ind class="marcind" field="field" ind="field.ind2"/></span>'+
- '<span><eg-marc-edit-subfield ng-repeat="subfield in field.subfields" subfield="subfield" field="field"/></span>'+
+ '<span><eg-marc-edit-tag class="marctag" field="field" tag="field.tag" on-keydown="onKeydown"/></span>'+
+ '<span><eg-marc-edit-ind class="marcind" field="field" ind="field.ind1" on-keydown="onKeydown" ind-number="1"/></span>'+
+ '<span><eg-marc-edit-ind class="marcind" field="field" ind="field.ind2" on-keydown="onKeydown" ind-number="2"/></span>'+
+ '<span><eg-marc-edit-subfield ng-repeat="subfield in field.subfields" subfield="subfield" field="field" on-keydown="onKeydown"/></span>'+
- scope: { field: "=" }
+ scope: { field: "=", onKeydown: '=' }
.directive("egMarcEditControlfield", function () {
return {
+ transclude: true,
restrict: 'E',
template: '<div>'+
- '<span><eg-marc-edit-tag class="marctag" field="field" tag="field.tag"/></span>'+
- '<span><eg-marc-edit-editable type="cfld" field="field" class="marcdata" content="field.data"/></span>'+
+ '<span><eg-marc-edit-tag class="marctag" field="field" tag="field.tag" on-keydown="onKeydown"/></span>'+
+ '<span><eg-marc-edit-editable itype="cfld" field="field" class="marcdata" content="field.data" on-keydown="onKeydown" id="r{{field.record.subfield(\'901\',\'c\')[1]}}f{{field.position}}data"/></span>'+
- scope: { field: "=" }
+ scope: { field: "=", onKeydown: '=' }
.directive("egMarcEditLeader", function () {
return {
+ transclude: true,
restrict: 'E',
template: '<div>'+
- '<span><eg-marc-edit-editable class="marctag" content="tag"/></span>'+
- '<span><eg-marc-edit-editable class="marcdata" type="ldr" max="{{record.leader.length}}" content="record.leader"/></span>'+
+ '<span><eg-marc-edit-editable class="marctag" content="tag" on-keydown="onKeydown" id="leadertag" disabled="disabled"/></span>'+
+ '<span><eg-marc-edit-editable class="marcdata" itype="ldr" max="{{record.leader.length}}" content="record.leader" id="r{{record.subfield(\'901\',\'c\')[1]}}leaderdata" on-keydown="onKeydown"/></span>'+
controller : ['$scope',
function ( $scope ) {
$scope.tag = 'LDR';
- scope: { record: "=" }
+ scope: { record: "=", onKeydown: '=' }
return {
template: '<form ng-submit="saveRecord()">'+
'<div class="marcrecord">'+
- '<div><eg-marc-edit-leader record="record"/></div>'+
- '<div><eg-marc-edit-controlfield ng-repeat="field in controlfields" field="field"/></div>'+
- '<div><eg-marc-edit-datafield ng-repeat="field in datafields" field="field"/></div>'+
+ '<div><eg-marc-edit-leader record="record" on-keydown="onKeydown"/></div>'+
+ '<div><eg-marc-edit-controlfield ng-repeat="field in controlfields" field="field" on-keydown="onKeydown"/></div>'+
+ '<div><eg-marc-edit-datafield ng-repeat="field in datafields" field="field" on-keydown="onKeydown"/></div>'+
'<button class="btn btn-default" type="submit">Save</button>'+
'<button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="seeBreaker()">Breaker</button>',
restrict: 'E',
replace: false,
- scope: { recordId : '=' },
- controller : ['$scope','egCore',
- function ( $scope , egCore ) {
+ scope: { recordId : '=', maxUndo : '@' },
+ controller : ['$timeout','$scope','egCore',
+ function ( $timeout , $scope , egCore ) {
+ $scope.max_undo = $scope.maxUndo || 100;
+ $scope.record_undo_stack = [];
+ $scope.record_redo_stack = [];
+ $scope.in_undo = false;
+ $scope.in_redo = false;
+ $scope.record = new MARC.Record();
+ $scope.onKeydown = function (event) {
+ var event_return = true;
+ if (event.which == 89 && event.ctrlKey) { // ctrl+y, redo
+ event_return = $scope.processRedo();
+ } else if (event.which == 90 && event.ctrlKey) { // ctrl+z, undo
+ event_return = $scope.processUndo();
+ } else { // Assumes only marc editor elements have IDs that can trigger this event handler.
+ $scope.current_event_target = $(event.target).attr('id');
+ if ($scope.current_event_target) {
+ $scope.current_event_target_cursor_pos =
+ event.target.selectionDirection=='backward' ?
+ event.target.selectionStart :
+ event.target.selectionEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ return event_return;
+ };
+ function setCaret() {
+ if ($scope.current_event_target) {
+ var element = $('#'+$scope.current_event_target).get(0);
+ element.focus();
+ element.setSelectionRange(
+ $scope.current_event_target_cursor_pos,
+ $scope.current_event_target_cursor_pos
+ );
+ $scope.current_event_target = null;
+ }
+ }
function loadRecord() {
return egCore.pcrud.retrieve(
'bre', $scope.recordId
).then(function(rec) {
+ $scope.in_redo = true;
$scope.bre = rec;
- $scope.record = new MARC.Record();
- $scope.record.fromXmlString( $scope.bre.marc() );
+ $scope.record = new MARC.Record({ marcxml : $scope.bre.marc() });
$scope.controlfields = $scope.record.fields.filter(function(f){ return f.isControlfield() });
$scope.datafields = $scope.record.fields.filter(function(f){ return !f.isControlfield() });
- });
+ }).then(setCaret);
+ $scope.$watch('record.toBreaker()', function (newVal, oldVal) {
+ if (!$scope.in_undo && !$scope.in_redo && oldVal != newVal) {
+ $scope.record_undo_stack.push({
+ breaker: oldVal,
+ target: $scope.current_event_target,
+ pos: $scope.current_event_target_cursor_pos
+ });
+ }
+ if ($scope.record_undo_stack.length > $scope.max_undo)
+ $scope.record_undo_stack.shift();
+ console.log('undo stack is ' + $scope.record_undo_stack.length + ' deep');
+ $scope.in_redo = false;
+ $scope.in_undo = false;
+ });
+ $scope.processUndo = function () {
+ if ($scope.record_undo_stack.length) {
+ $scope.in_undo = true;
+ var undo_item = $scope.record_undo_stack.pop();
+ $scope.record_redo_stack.push(undo_item);
+ $scope.record = new MARC.Record({ marcbreaker : undo_item.breaker });
+ $scope.controlfields = $scope.record.fields.filter(function(f){ return f.isControlfield() });
+ $scope.datafields = $scope.record.fields.filter(function(f){ return !f.isControlfield() });
+ $scope.current_event_target = undo_item.target;
+ $scope.current_event_target_cursor_pos = undo_item.pos;
+ console.log('Undo targeting ' + $scope.current_event_target + ' position ' + $scope.current_event_target_cursor_pos);
+ $timeout(function(){$scope.$digest()}).then(setCaret);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ $scope.processRedo = function () {
+ if ($scope.record_redo_stack.length) {
+ $scope.in_redo = true;
+ var redo_item = $scope.record_redo_stack.pop();
+ $scope.record_undo_stack.push(redo_item);
+ $scope.record = new MARC.Record({ marcbreaker : redo_item.breaker });
+ $scope.controlfields = $scope.record.fields.filter(function(f){ return f.isControlfield() });
+ $scope.datafields = $scope.record.fields.filter(function(f){ return !f.isControlfield() });
+ $scope.current_event_target = redo_item.target;
+ $scope.current_event_target_cursor_pos = redo_item.pos;
+ console.log('Redo targeting ' + $scope.current_event_target + ' position ' + $scope.current_event_target_cursor_pos);
+ $timeout(function(){$scope.$digest()}).then(setCaret);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
$scope.saveRecord = function () {
return egCore.pcrud.update(
// this.clone = function () { return dojo.clone(this) } // maybe implement later...
this.fromXmlURL = function (url) {
- this.ready = false;
var me = this;
return $.get( // This is a Promise
function (mxml) {
me.fromXmlDocument($('record', mxml)[0]);
- me.ready = true;
if (me.onLoad) me.onLoad();
var me = this;
me.leader = $($('leader',mxml)[0]).text() || '00000cam a2200205Ka 4500';
- $('controlfield', mxml).each(function () {
+ $('controlfield', mxml).each(function (ind) {
var cf=$(this);
new MARC.Field({
record : me,
tag : cf.attr('tag'),
- data : cf.text()
+ data : cf.text(),
+ position: ind
- $('datafield', mxml).each(function () {
+ var cfield_count = me.fields.length + 1;
+ $('datafield', mxml).each(function (ind) {
var df=$(this);
new MARC.Field({
tag : df.attr('tag'),
ind1 : df.attr('ind1'),
ind2 : df.attr('ind2'),
+ position : ind + cfield_count,
subfields : $('subfield', df).map(
function (i, sf) {
- return [[ $(sf).attr('code'), $(sf).text() ]];
+ return [[ $(sf).attr('code'), $(sf).text(), i ]];
+ me.ready = true;
var lines = marctxt.replace(/^=/gm,'').split('\n');
- lines.forEach(function (current_line) {
+ lines.forEach(function (current_line, ind) {
if (current_line.match(/^#/)) {
// skip comment lines
new MARC.Field({
record : me,
tag : line_tag(current_line),
- data : cf_line_data(current_line).replace('\\',' ','g')
+ data : cf_line_data(current_line).replace('\\',' ','g'),
+ position: ind
tag : line_tag(current_line),
ind1 : df_ind1(current_line),
ind2 : df_ind2(current_line),
- subfields : sf_list.map( function (sf) {
+ position : ind,
+ subfields : sf_list.map( function (sf, i) {
var sf_data = sf.substring(1);
if (me.delimiter == '$') sf_data = sf_data.replace(/\{dollar\}/g, '$');
- return [ sf.substring(0,1), sf_data ];
+ return [ sf.substring(0,1), sf_data, i ];
+ me.ready = true;
return this;
return val;
+ this.ready = false;
this.fields = [];
this.delimiter = '\u2021';
this.leader = '00000cam a2200205Ka 4500';
this.data = ''; // MARC data for a controlfield element
this.subfields = []; // list of MARC subfields for a datafield element
+ this.position = kwargs.position;
this.record = kwargs.record;
this.tag = kwargs.tag;
this.ind1 = kwargs.ind1 || ' ';