. Take a look at the Label Preview area.
. When you are satisfied with your labels, click the _Print_ button.
+Request Items Action
+To place requests from the Item Status interface, select one or more items in List View and select *Actions -> Request Items*. This action can also be invoked for a single item from Item Status Detail View.
+Starting in 3.4, this action has an Honor User Preferences checkbox which does the following for the selected user when checked:
+* Changes the Pickup Library selection to match the user's Default Hold Pickup Location
+* Honor the user's Holds Notification settings (including Default Phone Number, etc.)
+Also beginning with 3.4, a Title Hold option has been added to the Hold Type menu. This will create one title-level hold request for each unique title associated with the items that were selected when Request Items was invoked.
+image::media/request_from_item_status.png[Request from Item Status]
+Success and Failure toasts have also been added based on what happens after the Request Items interface has closed.