-package ACSServer;
+package SIPServer;
use strict;
use warnings;
# This is the main event.
# Child
syslog("LOG_INFO", "telnet_transport: shutting down");
+sub http_transport {
# The terminal has logged in, using either the SIP login process
# over a raw socket, or via the pseudo-unix login provided by the
local $/ = "\r"; # SIP protocol message terminator
+ #
+ # initialize connection to ILS
+ #
+ $self->{ils} = new ILS $self->{account}->{institution};
+ if (!$self->{ils}) {
+ syslog("LOG_ERR", "%s: ILS connection to '%s' failed, exiting",
+ $self->{service}, $self->{institution});
+ die("ILS initialization failed");
+ }
# Now that the terminal has logged in, the first message
# we recieve must be an SC_STATUS message. But it might be
# an SC_REQUEST_RESEND. So, as long as we keep receiving
$expect = '';
-sub http_transport {