We had some overlap in numbers at the beginning of test file names.
The OCD in me think this should be straightened out. This branch
renumbers the duplicates starting with 10-.
Signed-off-by: Jason Stephenson <jason@sigio.com>
Signed-off-by: Ben Shum <ben@evergreener.net>
+++ /dev/null
-use strict; use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 3;
-diag("Tests handling of future backdates in checkin");
-use constant ITEM_BARCODE => 'CONC4000070';
-use DateTime;
-use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
-my $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
- username => 'admin',
- password => 'demo123',
- type => 'staff'
-ok($script->authtoken, 'Have an authtoken');
-my $checkin_resp = $script->do_checkin({
- barcode => ITEM_BARCODE,
- backdate => '3001-01-23' # date of the singularity; it is known.
-is(ref $checkin_resp,'HASH','Checkin request returned a HASH');
-my $ymd = DateTime->now->strftime('%F');
- substr($checkin_resp->{payload}->{circ}->checkin_time, 0, 10) eq $ymd,
- 'Checkin time matches current date, not backdate'
+++ /dev/null
-use Test::More tests => 2;
-diag("Make sure we don't close xacts with fines");
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
-my $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
-#our $apputils = "OpenILS::Application::AppUtils";
-my $storage_ses = $script->session('open-ils.storage');
- username => 'admin',
- password => 'demo123',
- type => 'staff'});
-ok( $script->authtoken, 'Have an authtoken');
-my $barcode = 'CONC4000054';
-my $circ_id = 18;
-my $checkin_resp = $script->do_checkin_override({
- barcode => $barcode});
-my $circ_req = $storage_ses->request('open-ils.storage.direct.action.circulation.retrieve', $circ_id);
-if (my $circ_resp = $circ_req->recv) {
- if (my $circ = $circ_resp->content) {
- ok(
- !$circ->xact_finish,
- 'Circ with id = ' . $circ_id . ' is overdue with fines, so xact_finish isn\'t set'
- );
- } else {
- fail('unable to retrieve circ');
- }
+++ /dev/null
-use strict; use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 4;
-use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
-use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor qw/:funcs/;
-diag("Tests safe auth token user activity tracking");
-my $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
-my $e = new_editor();
- username => 'admin',
- password => 'demo123',
- type => 'staff'
-ok($script->authtoken, 'Have an authtoken');
-my $actor_ses = $script->session('open-ils.actor');
-my $req = $actor_ses->request(
- 'open-ils.actor.session.safe_token', $script->authtoken);
-my $safe_token = $req->recv->content;
-ok($safe_token, 'Have safe token');
-my $act_count = scalar(@{$e->search_actor_usr_activity({usr => 1})});
-$req = $actor_ses->request(
- 'open-ils.actor.safe_token.home_lib.shortname', $safe_token);
-my $home_ou = $req->recv->content;
-ok($home_ou, 'Retrieved home org unit');
-my $act_count2 = scalar(@{$e->search_actor_usr_activity({usr => 1})});
-is($act_count2, $act_count + 1, 'User activity entry created');
--- /dev/null
+use strict; use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 3;
+diag("Tests handling of future backdates in checkin");
+use constant ITEM_BARCODE => 'CONC4000070';
+use DateTime;
+use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
+my $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
+ username => 'admin',
+ password => 'demo123',
+ type => 'staff'
+ok($script->authtoken, 'Have an authtoken');
+my $checkin_resp = $script->do_checkin({
+ barcode => ITEM_BARCODE,
+ backdate => '3001-01-23' # date of the singularity; it is known.
+is(ref $checkin_resp,'HASH','Checkin request returned a HASH');
+my $ymd = DateTime->now->strftime('%F');
+ substr($checkin_resp->{payload}->{circ}->checkin_time, 0, 10) eq $ymd,
+ 'Checkin time matches current date, not backdate'
--- /dev/null
+use Test::More tests => 2;
+diag("Make sure we don't close xacts with fines");
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
+my $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
+#our $apputils = "OpenILS::Application::AppUtils";
+my $storage_ses = $script->session('open-ils.storage');
+ username => 'admin',
+ password => 'demo123',
+ type => 'staff'});
+ok( $script->authtoken, 'Have an authtoken');
+my $barcode = 'CONC4000054';
+my $circ_id = 18;
+my $checkin_resp = $script->do_checkin_override({
+ barcode => $barcode});
+my $circ_req = $storage_ses->request('open-ils.storage.direct.action.circulation.retrieve', $circ_id);
+if (my $circ_resp = $circ_req->recv) {
+ if (my $circ = $circ_resp->content) {
+ ok(
+ !$circ->xact_finish,
+ 'Circ with id = ' . $circ_id . ' is overdue with fines, so xact_finish isn\'t set'
+ );
+ } else {
+ fail('unable to retrieve circ');
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-use strict; use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 28;
-use Data::Dumper;
-diag("Test config.standing_penalty.ignore_proximity feature.");
-use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
-use OpenILS::SIP::Patron;
-my $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
-our $apputils = 'OpenILS::Application::AppUtils';
-use constant WORKSTATION_NAME => 'BR1-test-lp1499123_csp_ignore_proximity.t';
-use constant WORKSTATION_LIB => 4;
-# Because this may run multiple times, without a DB reload, we search
-# for the workstation before registering it.
-sub find_workstation {
- my $r = $apputils->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.actor',
- 'open-ils.actor.workstation.list',
- $script->authtoken,
- );
- if ($r->{&WORKSTATION_LIB}) {
- return scalar(grep {$_->name() eq WORKSTATION_NAME} @{$r->{&WORKSTATION_LIB}});
- }
- return 0;
-sub retrieve_staff_chr {
- my $e = shift;
- my $staff_chr = $e->retrieve_config_standing_penalty(25);
- return $staff_chr;
-sub update_staff_chr {
- my $e = shift;
- my $penalty = shift;
- $e->xact_begin;
- my $r = $e->update_config_standing_penalty($penalty) || $e->event();
- if (ref($r)) {
- $e->rollback();
- } else {
- $e->commit;
- }
- return $r;
-sub retrieve_user_by_barcode {
- my $barcode = shift;
- return $apputils->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.actor',
- 'open-ils.actor.user.fleshed.retrieve_by_barcode',
- $script->authtoken,
- $barcode
- );
-sub retrieve_copy_by_barcode {
- my $editor = shift;
- my $barcode = shift;
- my $r = $editor->search_asset_copy({barcode => $barcode});
- if (ref($r) eq 'ARRAY' && @$r) {
- return $r->[0];
- }
- return undef;
-sub apply_staff_chr_to_patron {
- my ($staff, $patron) = @_;
- my $penalty = Fieldmapper::actor::user_standing_penalty->new();
- $penalty->standing_penalty(25);
- $penalty->usr($patron->id());
- $penalty->set_date('now');
- $penalty->staff($staff->id());
- $penalty->org_unit(1); # Consortium-wide.
- $penalty->note('LP 1499123 csp.ignore_proximity test');
- my $r = $apputils->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.actor',
- 'open-ils.actor.user.penalty.apply',
- $script->authtoken,
- $penalty
- );
- if (ref($r)) {
- undef($penalty);
- } else {
- $penalty->id($r);
- }
- return $penalty;
-sub remove_staff_chr_from_patron {
- my $penalty = shift;
- return $apputils->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.actor',
- 'open-ils.actor.user.penalty.remove',
- $script->authtoken,
- $penalty
- );
-sub checkout_permit_test {
- my $patron = shift;
- my $copy_barcode = shift;
- my $r = $apputils->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.circ',
- 'open-ils.circ.checkout.permit',
- $script->authtoken,
- {
- patron => $patron->id(),
- barcode => $copy_barcode
- }
- );
- if (ref($r) eq 'HASH' && $r->{textcode} eq 'SUCCESS') {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-sub copy_hold_permit_test {
- my $editor = shift;
- my $patron = shift;
- my $copy_barcode = shift;
- my $copy = retrieve_copy_by_barcode($editor, $copy_barcode);
- if ($copy) {
- my $r = $apputils->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.circ',
- 'open-ils.circ.title_hold.is_possible',
- $script->authtoken,
- {
- patronid => $patron->id(),
- pickup_lib => 4,
- copy_id => $copy->id(),
- hold_type => 'C'
- }
- );
- if (ref($r) && defined $r->{success}) {
- return $r->{success};
- }
- }
- return undef;
-sub patron_sip_test {
- my $patron_id = shift;
- my $patron = OpenILS::SIP::Patron->new(usr => $patron_id, authtoken => $script->authtoken);
- return scalar(@{$patron->{user}->standing_penalties()});
-# In concerto, we need to register a workstation.
- username => 'admin',
- password => 'demo123',
- type => 'staff',
-ok($script->authtoken, 'Initial Login');
-SKIP: {
- my $ws = find_workstation();
- skip 'Workstation exists', 1 if ($ws);
- $ws = $script->register_workstation(WORKSTATION_NAME, WORKSTATION_LIB) unless ($ws);
- ok(! ref $ws, 'Registered a new workstation');
- username => 'admin',
- password => 'demo123',
- type => 'staff',
- workstation => WORKSTATION_NAME
-ok($script->authtoken, 'Login with workstaion');
-# Get a CStoreEditor for later use.
-my $editor = $script->editor(authtoken=>$script->authtoken);
-my $staff = $editor->checkauth();
-ok(ref($staff), 'Got a staff user');
-# We retrieve STAFF_CHR block and check that it has an undefined
-# ignore_proximity.
-my $staff_chr = retrieve_staff_chr($editor);
-isa_ok($staff_chr, 'Fieldmapper::config::standing_penalty', 'STAFF_CHR');
-is($staff_chr->name, 'STAFF_CHR', 'Penalty name is STAFF_CHR');
-is($staff_chr->ignore_proximity, undef, 'STAFF_CHR ignore_proximity is undefined');
-# We set the ignore_proximity to 0.
-ok(! ref update_staff_chr($editor, $staff_chr), 'Update of STAFF_CHR');
-# We need a patron with no penalties to test holds and circulation.
-my $patron = retrieve_user_by_barcode("99999350419");
-isa_ok($patron, 'Fieldmapper::actor::user', 'Patron');
-# Patron should have no penalties.
-ok(! scalar(@{$patron->standing_penalties()}), 'Patron has no penalties');
-# Add the STAFF_CHR to the patron
-my $penalty = apply_staff_chr_to_patron($staff, $patron);
-ok(ref $penalty, 'Added STAFF_CHR to patron');
-is(patron_sip_test($patron->id()), 0, 'SIP says patron has no penalties');
-# See if we can place a hold on a copy owned by BR1.
-is(copy_hold_permit_test($editor, $patron, "CONC4300036"), 1, 'Can place hold on copy from BR1');
-# We should not be able to place a hold on a copy owned by a different branch.
-is(copy_hold_permit_test($editor, $patron, "CONC51000636"), 0, 'Cannot place hold on copy from BR2');
-# See if we can check out a copy owned by branch 4 out to the patron.
-# This should succeed.
-ok(checkout_permit_test($patron, "CONC4300036"), 'Can checkout copy from BR1');
-# We should not be able to checkout a copy owned by a different branch.
-ok(!checkout_permit_test($patron, "CONC51000636"), 'Cannot checkout copy from BR2');
-# We reset the ignore_proximity of STAFF_CHR.
-ok(! ref update_staff_chr($editor, $staff_chr), 'Reset of STAFF_CHR');
-is(patron_sip_test($patron->id()), 1, 'SIP says patron has one penalty');
-# See if we can place a hold on a copy owned by BR1.
-is(copy_hold_permit_test($editor, $patron, "CONC4300036"), 0, 'Cannot place hold on copy from BR1');
-# We should not be able to place a hold on a copy owned by a different branch.
-is(copy_hold_permit_test($editor, $patron, "CONC51000636"), 0, 'Cannot place hold on copy from BR2');
-# See if we can check out a copy owned by branch 4 out to the patron.
-# This should succeed.
-ok(!checkout_permit_test($patron, "CONC4300036"), 'Cannot checkout copy from BR1');
-# We should not be able to checkout a copy owned by a different branch.
-ok(!checkout_permit_test($patron, "CONC51000636"), 'Cannot checkout copy from BR2');
-# We remove the STAFF_CHR from our test patron.
-my $r = remove_staff_chr_from_patron($penalty);
-ok( ! ref $r, 'STAFF_CHR removed from patron');
-# Do the checks again, all should pass.
-is(patron_sip_test($patron->id()), 0, 'SIP says patron has no penalties');
-# See if we can place a hold on a copy owned by BR1.
-is(copy_hold_permit_test($editor, $patron, "CONC4300036"), 1, 'Can place hold on copy from BR1');
-# We should now be able to place a hold on a copy owned by a different branch.
-is(copy_hold_permit_test($editor, $patron, "CONC51000636"), 1, 'Can place hold on copy from BR2');
-# See if we can check out a copy owned by branch 4 out to the patron.
-# This should succeed.
-ok(checkout_permit_test($patron, "CONC4300036"), 'Can checkout copy from BR1');
-# We should not be able to checkout a copy owned by a different branch.
-ok(checkout_permit_test($patron, "CONC51000636"), 'Can checkout copy from BR2');
+++ /dev/null
-use Test::More tests => 12;
-diag("Test checking for, creating, and restricting patron opt-in.");
-use constant WORKSTATION_NAME => 'BR1-test-12-lp1533329-opt-in.t';
-use constant WORKSTATION_LIB => 4; # BR1, a branch of SYS1
-use constant PATRON_LIB => 6; # BR3, a branch of SYS2
-use constant PATRON_SYS => 3; # SYS2
-use constant SYS_DEPTH => 1; # depth of "System" org type
-use constant PATRON_BARCODE => '99999359616';
-use strict; use warnings;
-use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
-use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor qw/:funcs/;
-use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
-my $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
-our $U = "OpenILS::Application::AppUtils";
-my $e = new_editor(xact => 1);
-# initialize a new aous object for insertion into the db
-sub new_org_setting {
- my ($org_unit, $name, $value) = @_;
- my $set = Fieldmapper::actor::org_unit_setting->new();
- $set->org_unit($org_unit);
- $set->name($name);
- $set->value($value);
- return $set;
-sub opt_in_enabled {
- my $resp = $U->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.actor',
- 'open-ils.actor.user.org_unit_opt_in.enabled'
- );
- return $resp;
-# do an opt-in check
-sub opt_in_check {
- my ($authtoken, $usr_id) = @_;
- my $resp = $U->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.actor',
- 'open-ils.actor.user.org_unit_opt_in.check',
- $authtoken, $usr_id);
- return $resp;
-unless(opt_in_enabled()) {
- BAIL_OUT('cannot test opt-in unless enabled in opensrf.xml');
-# 1. Login, register workstation, get authtoken.
- username => 'admin',
- password => 'demo123',
- type => 'staff'});
- $script->authtoken,
- 'Have an authtoken'
-my $ws = $script->register_workstation(WORKSTATION_NAME,WORKSTATION_LIB);
- ! ref $ws,
- 'Registered a new workstation'
- username => 'admin',
- password => 'demo123',
- type => 'staff',
- workstation => WORKSTATION_NAME});
- $script->authtoken,
- 'Have an authtoken associated with the workstation'
-# 2. Set org.patron_opt_boundary for SYS2, so that BR1 is outside
-# the boundary.
-my $boundary = new_org_setting(PATRON_SYS, 'org.patron_opt_boundary', SYS_DEPTH);
-my $boundary_stat = $e->create_actor_org_unit_setting($boundary);
-ok($boundary_stat, 'Opt boundary setting created successfully');
-# 3. Check opt-in for test patron. It should return 0.
-my $patron = $U->fetch_user_by_barcode(PATRON_BARCODE);
- opt_in_check($script->authtoken, $patron->id),
- '0',
- 'Opt-in check for non-opted-in patron correctly returned 0'
-# 4. Set org.restrict_opt_to_depth at SYS2, so that BR1 is
-# outside SYS2's section of the tree at the specified depth (thus
-# preventing opt-in).
-my $restrict = new_org_setting(PATRON_SYS, 'org.restrict_opt_to_depth', SYS_DEPTH);
-my $restrict_stat = $e->create_actor_org_unit_setting($restrict);
-ok($restrict_stat, 'Opt restrict depth setting created successfully');
-# 5. Check opt-in for test patron. It should return 2.
- opt_in_check($script->authtoken, $patron->id),
- '2',
- 'Opt-in check for patron at restricted opt-in library correctly returned 2'
-# 6. Remove the org.restrict_opt_to_depth setting for SYS2.
-my $delete_restrict_stat = $e->delete_actor_org_unit_setting($restrict);
-ok($delete_restrict_stat, 'Opt restrict depth setting deleted successfully');
-# 7. Create opt-in for test patron.
-my $opt_id = $U->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.actor',
- 'open-ils.actor.user.org_unit_opt_in.create',
- $script->authtoken, $patron->id, WORKSTATION_LIB);
-ok($opt_id, 'Patron successfully opted in');
-# 8. Check opt-in for test patron. It should return 1.
- opt_in_check($script->authtoken, $patron->id),
- '1',
- 'Opt-in check for opted-in patron correctly returned 1'
-# 9. Delete opt-in.
-my $opt = $U->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.cstore',
- 'open-ils.cstore.direct.actor.usr_org_unit_opt_in.retrieve',
- $opt_id
-my $delete_opt_stat = $e->delete_actor_usr_org_unit_opt_in($opt);
-ok($delete_opt_stat, 'Opt-in deleted successfully');
-# 10. Remove opt boundary setting.
-my $delete_setting_stat = $e->delete_actor_org_unit_setting($boundary);
-ok($delete_setting_stat, 'Opt boundary setting deleted successfully');
+++ /dev/null
-use strict; use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 7;
-use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
-use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor qw/:funcs/;
-diag("Tests ACQ invoices");
-my $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
-my $e = new_editor();
- username => 'admin',
- password => 'demo123',
- type => 'staff'
-ok($script->authtoken, 'Have an authtoken');
-my $invoice = Fieldmapper::acq::invoice->new;
-my $entry = Fieldmapper::acq::invoice_entry->new;
-my $acq_ses = $script->session('open-ils.acq');
-my $req = $acq_ses->request(
- 'open-ils.acq.invoice.update', $script->authtoken, $invoice, [$entry]);
-$invoice = $req->recv->content;
-$entry = $invoice->entries->[0];
-is(ref $invoice, 'Fieldmapper::acq::invoice', 'Invoice created');
-my $inv_debit =
- $e->search_acq_fund_debit({invoice_entry => $entry->id})->[0];
-isnt($inv_debit, undef, 'A fund_debit links to new invoice entry');
-is($inv_debit->encumbrance, 't',
- 'Debit is still encumbered after invoice create');
-# Close the invoice. LP#1333254.
-$req = $acq_ses->request(
- 'open-ils.acq.invoice.update', $script->authtoken, $invoice);
-$invoice = $req->recv->content;
-is($invoice->complete, 't', 'Invoice is closed');
-$inv_debit = $e->retrieve_acq_fund_debit($inv_debit->id);
-is($inv_debit->encumbrance, 'f',
- 'Debit is disencumbered after invoice close');
-# re-open the invoice
-$req = $acq_ses->request(
- 'open-ils.acq.invoice.update', $script->authtoken, $invoice);
-$invoice = $req->recv->content;
-$inv_debit = $e->retrieve_acq_fund_debit($inv_debit->id);
-is($inv_debit->encumbrance, 't',
- 'Debit is re-encumbered when invoice is reopened');
--- /dev/null
+use strict; use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 4;
+use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
+use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor qw/:funcs/;
+diag("Tests safe auth token user activity tracking");
+my $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
+my $e = new_editor();
+ username => 'admin',
+ password => 'demo123',
+ type => 'staff'
+ok($script->authtoken, 'Have an authtoken');
+my $actor_ses = $script->session('open-ils.actor');
+my $req = $actor_ses->request(
+ 'open-ils.actor.session.safe_token', $script->authtoken);
+my $safe_token = $req->recv->content;
+ok($safe_token, 'Have safe token');
+my $act_count = scalar(@{$e->search_actor_usr_activity({usr => 1})});
+$req = $actor_ses->request(
+ 'open-ils.actor.safe_token.home_lib.shortname', $safe_token);
+my $home_ou = $req->recv->content;
+ok($home_ou, 'Retrieved home org unit');
+my $act_count2 = scalar(@{$e->search_actor_usr_activity({usr => 1})});
+is($act_count2, $act_count + 1, 'User activity entry created');
--- /dev/null
+use strict; use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 28;
+use Data::Dumper;
+diag("Test config.standing_penalty.ignore_proximity feature.");
+use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
+use OpenILS::SIP::Patron;
+my $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
+our $apputils = 'OpenILS::Application::AppUtils';
+use constant WORKSTATION_NAME => 'BR1-test-lp1499123_csp_ignore_proximity.t';
+use constant WORKSTATION_LIB => 4;
+# Because this may run multiple times, without a DB reload, we search
+# for the workstation before registering it.
+sub find_workstation {
+ my $r = $apputils->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.actor',
+ 'open-ils.actor.workstation.list',
+ $script->authtoken,
+ );
+ if ($r->{&WORKSTATION_LIB}) {
+ return scalar(grep {$_->name() eq WORKSTATION_NAME} @{$r->{&WORKSTATION_LIB}});
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub retrieve_staff_chr {
+ my $e = shift;
+ my $staff_chr = $e->retrieve_config_standing_penalty(25);
+ return $staff_chr;
+sub update_staff_chr {
+ my $e = shift;
+ my $penalty = shift;
+ $e->xact_begin;
+ my $r = $e->update_config_standing_penalty($penalty) || $e->event();
+ if (ref($r)) {
+ $e->rollback();
+ } else {
+ $e->commit;
+ }
+ return $r;
+sub retrieve_user_by_barcode {
+ my $barcode = shift;
+ return $apputils->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.actor',
+ 'open-ils.actor.user.fleshed.retrieve_by_barcode',
+ $script->authtoken,
+ $barcode
+ );
+sub retrieve_copy_by_barcode {
+ my $editor = shift;
+ my $barcode = shift;
+ my $r = $editor->search_asset_copy({barcode => $barcode});
+ if (ref($r) eq 'ARRAY' && @$r) {
+ return $r->[0];
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub apply_staff_chr_to_patron {
+ my ($staff, $patron) = @_;
+ my $penalty = Fieldmapper::actor::user_standing_penalty->new();
+ $penalty->standing_penalty(25);
+ $penalty->usr($patron->id());
+ $penalty->set_date('now');
+ $penalty->staff($staff->id());
+ $penalty->org_unit(1); # Consortium-wide.
+ $penalty->note('LP 1499123 csp.ignore_proximity test');
+ my $r = $apputils->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.actor',
+ 'open-ils.actor.user.penalty.apply',
+ $script->authtoken,
+ $penalty
+ );
+ if (ref($r)) {
+ undef($penalty);
+ } else {
+ $penalty->id($r);
+ }
+ return $penalty;
+sub remove_staff_chr_from_patron {
+ my $penalty = shift;
+ return $apputils->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.actor',
+ 'open-ils.actor.user.penalty.remove',
+ $script->authtoken,
+ $penalty
+ );
+sub checkout_permit_test {
+ my $patron = shift;
+ my $copy_barcode = shift;
+ my $r = $apputils->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.circ',
+ 'open-ils.circ.checkout.permit',
+ $script->authtoken,
+ {
+ patron => $patron->id(),
+ barcode => $copy_barcode
+ }
+ );
+ if (ref($r) eq 'HASH' && $r->{textcode} eq 'SUCCESS') {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub copy_hold_permit_test {
+ my $editor = shift;
+ my $patron = shift;
+ my $copy_barcode = shift;
+ my $copy = retrieve_copy_by_barcode($editor, $copy_barcode);
+ if ($copy) {
+ my $r = $apputils->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.circ',
+ 'open-ils.circ.title_hold.is_possible',
+ $script->authtoken,
+ {
+ patronid => $patron->id(),
+ pickup_lib => 4,
+ copy_id => $copy->id(),
+ hold_type => 'C'
+ }
+ );
+ if (ref($r) && defined $r->{success}) {
+ return $r->{success};
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub patron_sip_test {
+ my $patron_id = shift;
+ my $patron = OpenILS::SIP::Patron->new(usr => $patron_id, authtoken => $script->authtoken);
+ return scalar(@{$patron->{user}->standing_penalties()});
+# In concerto, we need to register a workstation.
+ username => 'admin',
+ password => 'demo123',
+ type => 'staff',
+ok($script->authtoken, 'Initial Login');
+SKIP: {
+ my $ws = find_workstation();
+ skip 'Workstation exists', 1 if ($ws);
+ $ws = $script->register_workstation(WORKSTATION_NAME, WORKSTATION_LIB) unless ($ws);
+ ok(! ref $ws, 'Registered a new workstation');
+ username => 'admin',
+ password => 'demo123',
+ type => 'staff',
+ workstation => WORKSTATION_NAME
+ok($script->authtoken, 'Login with workstaion');
+# Get a CStoreEditor for later use.
+my $editor = $script->editor(authtoken=>$script->authtoken);
+my $staff = $editor->checkauth();
+ok(ref($staff), 'Got a staff user');
+# We retrieve STAFF_CHR block and check that it has an undefined
+# ignore_proximity.
+my $staff_chr = retrieve_staff_chr($editor);
+isa_ok($staff_chr, 'Fieldmapper::config::standing_penalty', 'STAFF_CHR');
+is($staff_chr->name, 'STAFF_CHR', 'Penalty name is STAFF_CHR');
+is($staff_chr->ignore_proximity, undef, 'STAFF_CHR ignore_proximity is undefined');
+# We set the ignore_proximity to 0.
+ok(! ref update_staff_chr($editor, $staff_chr), 'Update of STAFF_CHR');
+# We need a patron with no penalties to test holds and circulation.
+my $patron = retrieve_user_by_barcode("99999350419");
+isa_ok($patron, 'Fieldmapper::actor::user', 'Patron');
+# Patron should have no penalties.
+ok(! scalar(@{$patron->standing_penalties()}), 'Patron has no penalties');
+# Add the STAFF_CHR to the patron
+my $penalty = apply_staff_chr_to_patron($staff, $patron);
+ok(ref $penalty, 'Added STAFF_CHR to patron');
+is(patron_sip_test($patron->id()), 0, 'SIP says patron has no penalties');
+# See if we can place a hold on a copy owned by BR1.
+is(copy_hold_permit_test($editor, $patron, "CONC4300036"), 1, 'Can place hold on copy from BR1');
+# We should not be able to place a hold on a copy owned by a different branch.
+is(copy_hold_permit_test($editor, $patron, "CONC51000636"), 0, 'Cannot place hold on copy from BR2');
+# See if we can check out a copy owned by branch 4 out to the patron.
+# This should succeed.
+ok(checkout_permit_test($patron, "CONC4300036"), 'Can checkout copy from BR1');
+# We should not be able to checkout a copy owned by a different branch.
+ok(!checkout_permit_test($patron, "CONC51000636"), 'Cannot checkout copy from BR2');
+# We reset the ignore_proximity of STAFF_CHR.
+ok(! ref update_staff_chr($editor, $staff_chr), 'Reset of STAFF_CHR');
+is(patron_sip_test($patron->id()), 1, 'SIP says patron has one penalty');
+# See if we can place a hold on a copy owned by BR1.
+is(copy_hold_permit_test($editor, $patron, "CONC4300036"), 0, 'Cannot place hold on copy from BR1');
+# We should not be able to place a hold on a copy owned by a different branch.
+is(copy_hold_permit_test($editor, $patron, "CONC51000636"), 0, 'Cannot place hold on copy from BR2');
+# See if we can check out a copy owned by branch 4 out to the patron.
+# This should succeed.
+ok(!checkout_permit_test($patron, "CONC4300036"), 'Cannot checkout copy from BR1');
+# We should not be able to checkout a copy owned by a different branch.
+ok(!checkout_permit_test($patron, "CONC51000636"), 'Cannot checkout copy from BR2');
+# We remove the STAFF_CHR from our test patron.
+my $r = remove_staff_chr_from_patron($penalty);
+ok( ! ref $r, 'STAFF_CHR removed from patron');
+# Do the checks again, all should pass.
+is(patron_sip_test($patron->id()), 0, 'SIP says patron has no penalties');
+# See if we can place a hold on a copy owned by BR1.
+is(copy_hold_permit_test($editor, $patron, "CONC4300036"), 1, 'Can place hold on copy from BR1');
+# We should now be able to place a hold on a copy owned by a different branch.
+is(copy_hold_permit_test($editor, $patron, "CONC51000636"), 1, 'Can place hold on copy from BR2');
+# See if we can check out a copy owned by branch 4 out to the patron.
+# This should succeed.
+ok(checkout_permit_test($patron, "CONC4300036"), 'Can checkout copy from BR1');
+# We should not be able to checkout a copy owned by a different branch.
+ok(checkout_permit_test($patron, "CONC51000636"), 'Can checkout copy from BR2');
--- /dev/null
+use Test::More tests => 12;
+diag("Test checking for, creating, and restricting patron opt-in.");
+use constant WORKSTATION_NAME => 'BR1-test-12-lp1533329-opt-in.t';
+use constant WORKSTATION_LIB => 4; # BR1, a branch of SYS1
+use constant PATRON_LIB => 6; # BR3, a branch of SYS2
+use constant PATRON_SYS => 3; # SYS2
+use constant SYS_DEPTH => 1; # depth of "System" org type
+use constant PATRON_BARCODE => '99999359616';
+use strict; use warnings;
+use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
+use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor qw/:funcs/;
+use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
+my $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
+our $U = "OpenILS::Application::AppUtils";
+my $e = new_editor(xact => 1);
+# initialize a new aous object for insertion into the db
+sub new_org_setting {
+ my ($org_unit, $name, $value) = @_;
+ my $set = Fieldmapper::actor::org_unit_setting->new();
+ $set->org_unit($org_unit);
+ $set->name($name);
+ $set->value($value);
+ return $set;
+sub opt_in_enabled {
+ my $resp = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.actor',
+ 'open-ils.actor.user.org_unit_opt_in.enabled'
+ );
+ return $resp;
+# do an opt-in check
+sub opt_in_check {
+ my ($authtoken, $usr_id) = @_;
+ my $resp = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.actor',
+ 'open-ils.actor.user.org_unit_opt_in.check',
+ $authtoken, $usr_id);
+ return $resp;
+unless(opt_in_enabled()) {
+ BAIL_OUT('cannot test opt-in unless enabled in opensrf.xml');
+# 1. Login, register workstation, get authtoken.
+ username => 'admin',
+ password => 'demo123',
+ type => 'staff'});
+ $script->authtoken,
+ 'Have an authtoken'
+my $ws = $script->register_workstation(WORKSTATION_NAME,WORKSTATION_LIB);
+ ! ref $ws,
+ 'Registered a new workstation'
+ username => 'admin',
+ password => 'demo123',
+ type => 'staff',
+ workstation => WORKSTATION_NAME});
+ $script->authtoken,
+ 'Have an authtoken associated with the workstation'
+# 2. Set org.patron_opt_boundary for SYS2, so that BR1 is outside
+# the boundary.
+my $boundary = new_org_setting(PATRON_SYS, 'org.patron_opt_boundary', SYS_DEPTH);
+my $boundary_stat = $e->create_actor_org_unit_setting($boundary);
+ok($boundary_stat, 'Opt boundary setting created successfully');
+# 3. Check opt-in for test patron. It should return 0.
+my $patron = $U->fetch_user_by_barcode(PATRON_BARCODE);
+ opt_in_check($script->authtoken, $patron->id),
+ '0',
+ 'Opt-in check for non-opted-in patron correctly returned 0'
+# 4. Set org.restrict_opt_to_depth at SYS2, so that BR1 is
+# outside SYS2's section of the tree at the specified depth (thus
+# preventing opt-in).
+my $restrict = new_org_setting(PATRON_SYS, 'org.restrict_opt_to_depth', SYS_DEPTH);
+my $restrict_stat = $e->create_actor_org_unit_setting($restrict);
+ok($restrict_stat, 'Opt restrict depth setting created successfully');
+# 5. Check opt-in for test patron. It should return 2.
+ opt_in_check($script->authtoken, $patron->id),
+ '2',
+ 'Opt-in check for patron at restricted opt-in library correctly returned 2'
+# 6. Remove the org.restrict_opt_to_depth setting for SYS2.
+my $delete_restrict_stat = $e->delete_actor_org_unit_setting($restrict);
+ok($delete_restrict_stat, 'Opt restrict depth setting deleted successfully');
+# 7. Create opt-in for test patron.
+my $opt_id = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.actor',
+ 'open-ils.actor.user.org_unit_opt_in.create',
+ $script->authtoken, $patron->id, WORKSTATION_LIB);
+ok($opt_id, 'Patron successfully opted in');
+# 8. Check opt-in for test patron. It should return 1.
+ opt_in_check($script->authtoken, $patron->id),
+ '1',
+ 'Opt-in check for opted-in patron correctly returned 1'
+# 9. Delete opt-in.
+my $opt = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.cstore',
+ 'open-ils.cstore.direct.actor.usr_org_unit_opt_in.retrieve',
+ $opt_id
+my $delete_opt_stat = $e->delete_actor_usr_org_unit_opt_in($opt);
+ok($delete_opt_stat, 'Opt-in deleted successfully');
+# 10. Remove opt boundary setting.
+my $delete_setting_stat = $e->delete_actor_org_unit_setting($boundary);
+ok($delete_setting_stat, 'Opt boundary setting deleted successfully');
--- /dev/null
+use strict; use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 7;
+use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
+use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor qw/:funcs/;
+diag("Tests ACQ invoices");
+my $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
+my $e = new_editor();
+ username => 'admin',
+ password => 'demo123',
+ type => 'staff'
+ok($script->authtoken, 'Have an authtoken');
+my $invoice = Fieldmapper::acq::invoice->new;
+my $entry = Fieldmapper::acq::invoice_entry->new;
+my $acq_ses = $script->session('open-ils.acq');
+my $req = $acq_ses->request(
+ 'open-ils.acq.invoice.update', $script->authtoken, $invoice, [$entry]);
+$invoice = $req->recv->content;
+$entry = $invoice->entries->[0];
+is(ref $invoice, 'Fieldmapper::acq::invoice', 'Invoice created');
+my $inv_debit =
+ $e->search_acq_fund_debit({invoice_entry => $entry->id})->[0];
+isnt($inv_debit, undef, 'A fund_debit links to new invoice entry');
+is($inv_debit->encumbrance, 't',
+ 'Debit is still encumbered after invoice create');
+# Close the invoice. LP#1333254.
+$req = $acq_ses->request(
+ 'open-ils.acq.invoice.update', $script->authtoken, $invoice);
+$invoice = $req->recv->content;
+is($invoice->complete, 't', 'Invoice is closed');
+$inv_debit = $e->retrieve_acq_fund_debit($inv_debit->id);
+is($inv_debit->encumbrance, 'f',
+ 'Debit is disencumbered after invoice close');
+# re-open the invoice
+$req = $acq_ses->request(
+ 'open-ils.acq.invoice.update', $script->authtoken, $invoice);
+$invoice = $req->recv->content;
+$inv_debit = $e->retrieve_acq_fund_debit($inv_debit->id);
+is($inv_debit->encumbrance, 't',
+ 'Debit is re-encumbered when invoice is reopened');