--- /dev/null
- function createSearchResult (result, store, searchResultDataset) {
+/* eslint-env browser */
+window.antoraLunr = (function (lunr) {
++ const scriptAttrs = document.getElementById('search-script').dataset
++ const basePath = scriptAttrs.basePath
++ const pagePath = scriptAttrs.pagePath
+ var searchInput = document.getElementById('search-input')
+ var searchResult = document.createElement('div')
+ searchResult.classList.add('search-result-dropdown-menu')
+ searchInput.parentNode.appendChild(searchResult)
+ function highlightText (doc, position) {
+ var hits = []
+ var start = position[0]
+ var length = position[1]
+ var text = doc.text
+ var highlightSpan = document.createElement('span')
+ highlightSpan.classList.add('search-result-highlight')
+ highlightSpan.innerText = text.substr(start, length)
+ var end = start + length
+ var textEnd = text.length - 1
+ var contextOffset = 15
+ var contextAfter = end + contextOffset > textEnd ? textEnd : end + contextOffset
+ var contextBefore = start - contextOffset < 0 ? 0 : start - contextOffset
+ if (start === 0 && end === textEnd) {
+ hits.push(highlightSpan)
+ } else if (start === 0) {
+ hits.push(highlightSpan)
+ hits.push(document.createTextNode(text.substr(end, contextAfter)))
+ } else if (end === textEnd) {
+ hits.push(document.createTextNode(text.substr(0, start)))
+ hits.push(highlightSpan)
+ } else {
+ hits.push(document.createTextNode('...' + text.substr(contextBefore, start - contextBefore)))
+ hits.push(highlightSpan)
+ hits.push(document.createTextNode(text.substr(end, contextAfter - end) + '...'))
+ }
+ return hits
+ }
+ function highlightTitle (hash, doc, position) {
+ var hits = []
+ var start = position[0]
+ var length = position[1]
+ var highlightSpan = document.createElement('span')
+ highlightSpan.classList.add('search-result-highlight')
+ var title
+ if (hash) {
+ title = doc.titles.filter(function (item) {
+ return item.id === hash
+ })[0].text
+ } else {
+ title = doc.title
+ }
+ highlightSpan.innerText = title.substr(start, length)
+ var end = start + length
+ var titleEnd = title.length - 1
+ if (start === 0 && end === titleEnd) {
+ hits.push(highlightSpan)
+ } else if (start === 0) {
+ hits.push(highlightSpan)
+ hits.push(document.createTextNode(title.substr(length, titleEnd)))
+ } else if (end === titleEnd) {
+ hits.push(document.createTextNode(title.substr(0, start)))
+ hits.push(highlightSpan)
+ } else {
+ hits.push(document.createTextNode(title.substr(0, start)))
+ hits.push(highlightSpan)
+ hits.push(document.createTextNode(title.substr(end, titleEnd)))
+ }
+ return hits
+ }
+ function highlightHit (metadata, hash, doc) {
+ var hits = []
+ for (var token in metadata) {
+ var fields = metadata[token]
+ for (var field in fields) {
+ var positions = fields[field]
+ if (positions.position) {
+ var position = positions.position[0] // only higlight the first match
+ if (field === 'title') {
+ hits = highlightTitle(hash, doc, position)
+ } else if (field === 'text') {
+ hits = highlightText(doc, position)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return hits
+ }
- var rootPath = window.antora.basePath
++ function createSearchResult(result, store, searchResultDataset) {
+ result.forEach(function (item) {
+ var url = item.ref
+ var hash
+ if (url.includes('#')) {
+ hash = url.substring(url.indexOf('#') + 1)
+ url = url.replace('#' + hash, '')
+ }
+ var doc = store[url]
+ var metadata = item.matchData.metadata
+ var hits = highlightHit(metadata, hash, doc)
+ searchResultDataset.appendChild(createSearchResultItem(doc, item, hits))
+ })
+ }
+ function createSearchResultItem (doc, item, hits) {
+ var documentTitle = document.createElement('div')
+ documentTitle.classList.add('search-result-document-title')
+ documentTitle.innerText = doc.title
+ var documentHit = document.createElement('div')
+ documentHit.classList.add('search-result-document-hit')
+ var documentHitLink = document.createElement('a')
- var index = Object.assign({ index: lunr.Index.load(data.index), store: data.store })
++ var rootPath = basePath
+ documentHitLink.href = rootPath + item.ref
+ documentHit.appendChild(documentHitLink)
+ hits.forEach(function (hit) {
+ documentHitLink.appendChild(hit)
+ })
+ var searchResultItem = document.createElement('div')
+ searchResultItem.classList.add('search-result-item')
+ searchResultItem.appendChild(documentTitle)
+ searchResultItem.appendChild(documentHit)
+ searchResultItem.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) {
+ e.preventDefault()
+ })
+ return searchResultItem
+ }
+ function createNoResult (text) {
+ var searchResultItem = document.createElement('div')
+ searchResultItem.classList.add('search-result-item')
+ var documentHit = document.createElement('div')
+ documentHit.classList.add('search-result-document-hit')
+ var message = document.createElement('strong')
+ message.innerText = 'No results found for query "' + text + '"'
+ documentHit.appendChild(message)
+ searchResultItem.appendChild(documentHit)
+ return searchResultItem
+ }
+ function search (index, text) {
+ // execute an exact match search
+ var result = index.search(text)
+ if (result.length > 0) {
+ return result
+ }
+ // no result, use a begins with search
+ result = index.search(text + '*')
+ if (result.length > 0) {
+ return result
+ }
+ // no result, use a contains search
+ result = index.search('*' + text + '*')
+ return result
+ }
+ function searchIndex (index, store, text) {
+ // reset search result
+ while (searchResult.firstChild) {
+ searchResult.removeChild(searchResult.firstChild)
+ }
+ if (text.trim() === '') {
+ return
+ }
+ var result = search(index, text)
+ var searchResultDataset = document.createElement('div')
+ searchResultDataset.classList.add('search-result-dataset')
+ searchResult.appendChild(searchResultDataset)
+ if (result.length > 0) {
+ createSearchResult(result, store, searchResultDataset)
+ } else {
+ searchResultDataset.appendChild(createNoResult(text))
+ }
+ }
+ function debounce (func, wait, immediate) {
+ var timeout
+ return function () {
+ var context = this
+ var args = arguments
+ var later = function () {
+ timeout = null
+ if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args)
+ }
+ var callNow = immediate && !timeout
+ clearTimeout(timeout)
+ timeout = setTimeout(later, wait)
+ if (callNow) func.apply(context, args)
+ }
+ }
+ function init (data) {
++ var index = Object.assign({index: lunr.Index.load(data.index), store: data.store})
+ var search = debounce(function () {
+ searchIndex(index.index, index.store, searchInput.value)
+ }, 100)
+ searchInput.addEventListener('keydown', search)
+ // this is prevented in case of mousedown attached to SearchResultItem
+ searchInput.addEventListener('blur', function (e) {
+ while (searchResult.firstChild) {
+ searchResult.removeChild(searchResult.firstChild)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ return {
+ init: init,
+ }