# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - needed by CGIs
-SetEnv PERL5LIB /openils/lib/perl5
PerlRequire /etc/apache2/startup.pl
PerlChildInitHandler OpenILS::WWW::Reporter::child_init
PerlChildInitHandler OpenILS::WWW::SuperCat::child_init
=====How to load the test MFHD records=====
- First load the MARC21 records:
- - PERL5LIB=/openils/lib/perl5/ perl ../../src/extras/import/marc2bre.pl --marctype XML --start 1 --idfield 901 --idsubfield a serials_marc21.xml | perl ../../src/extras/import/pg_loader.pl -or bre -or mrd -or mfr -or mtfe -or mafe -or msfe -or mkfe -or msefe -a mrd -a mfr -a mtfe -a mafe -a msfe -a mkfe -a msefe | psql -U evergreen -h localhost
+ - perl ../../src/extras/import/marc2bre.pl --marctype XML --start 1 --idfield 901 --idsubfield a serials_marc21.xml | perl ../../src/extras/import/pg_loader.pl -or bre -or mrd -or mfr -or mtfe -or mafe -or msfe -or mkfe -or msefe -a mrd -a mfr -a mtfe -a mafe -a msfe -a mkfe -a msefe | psql -U evergreen -h localhost
- Then generate the metarecord map:
- pgsql -f ../../src/extras/import/quick_metarecord_map.sql
- Then process and load the MFHD records - ingest is not used. Adjust the
contents of serials_lib.map to match your library-to-actor.org_unit.id
- - PERL5LIB=/openils/lib/perl5/ perl ../../src/extras/import/marc2sre.pl --marctype XML --libmap serials_lib.map --password open-ils serials_mfhd.xml | perl ../../src/extras/import/pg_loader.pl -or sre > mfhd21.sql
+ - perl ../../src/extras/import/marc2sre.pl --marctype XML --libmap serials_lib.map --password open-ils serials_mfhd.xml | perl ../../src/extras/import/pg_loader.pl -or sre > mfhd21.sql
- psql -f mfhd21.sql