From: Dan Wells <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2015 20:45:16 +0000 (-0400)
Subject: LP 1198465: Make conditional negative balances test sql re-runnable

LP 1198465: Make conditional negative balances test sql re-runnable

Add some DELETEs and some more explicit setting of a few DB pieces such
that running the test SQL a second time will get everything back to
state where the tests will again proceed as expected (hopefully

Signed-off-by: Dan Wells <>
Signed-off-by: Kathy Lussier <>
Signed-off-by: Ben Shum <>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/live_t/lp1198465_run_this_before_livetests.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/live_t/lp1198465_run_this_before_livetests.sql
index b257b859a9..c578cad64d 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/live_t/lp1198465_run_this_before_livetests.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/live_t/lp1198465_run_this_before_livetests.sql
@@ -11,6 +11,19 @@ BEGIN;
 -- user id: 4, name: Gregory Jones
+-- clear bills and payments for our test circs
+DELETE FROM money.billing WHERE xact <= 9;
+DELETE FROM money.payment WHERE xact <= 9;
+-- clear any non-stock settings
+-- XXX This will need adjusting if new stock settings are added, so
+-- TODO: Pad out org_unit_settings with a SETVAL like we do for other
+-- settings
+DELETE FROM actor.org_unit_setting WHERE id >= 14;
+-- clear out the test workstation (just in case)
+DELETE FROM actor.workstation WHERE name = 'BR1-test-09-lp1198465_neg_balances.t';
 -- Setup all LOST circs
 UPDATE action.circulation SET
     xact_start = '2014-05-14 08:39:13.070326-04',
@@ -18,7 +31,11 @@ UPDATE action.circulation SET
 	stop_fines_time = '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04',
 	create_time = '2014-05-14 08:39:13.070326-04',
 	max_fine = '3.00',
-	stop_fines = 'LOST'
+	stop_fines = 'LOST',
+	checkin_staff = NULL,
+	checkin_lib = NULL,
+	checkin_time = NULL,
+	checkin_scan_time = NULL
 WHERE id >= 1 AND id <= 6;
 UPDATE asset.copy SET status = 3 WHERE id >= 2 AND id <= 7;
@@ -65,7 +82,11 @@ UPDATE action.circulation SET
 	due_date = NOW() + '1 day'::interval,
 	stop_fines_time = NOW() - '3 hours'::interval,
 	max_fine = '3.00',
-	stop_fines = 'LOST'
+	stop_fines = 'LOST',
+	checkin_staff = NULL,
+	checkin_lib = NULL,
+	checkin_time = NULL,
+	checkin_scan_time = NULL
 WHERE id IN (8, 9);
 UPDATE asset.copy SET status = 3 WHERE id IN (9, 10);
@@ -77,5 +98,12 @@ INSERT INTO money.payment (id, xact, payment_ts, voided, amount, note) VALUES
 	(DEFAULT, 8, NOW() - '30 minutes'::interval, false, 50.00, 'LOST payment'),
 	(DEFAULT, 9, NOW() - '2 hours'::interval, false, 50.00, 'LOST payment');
+-- if rerunning, make sure our mangled bills have the right total in the summary
+UPDATE money.materialized_billable_xact_summary SET balance_owed = 50.00
+	WHERE id >=1 AND id <= 6;
+UPDATE money.materialized_billable_xact_summary SET balance_owed = 0.70
+	WHERE id = 7;
+UPDATE money.materialized_billable_xact_summary SET balance_owed = 0.00
+	WHERE id IN (8, 9);