From: Jason Etheridge <>
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 16:08:55 +0000 (-0400)
Subject: pin down upgrade script version numbers

pin down upgrade script version numbers

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql
index 53e0ba52fd..02f699e745 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ CREATE TRIGGER no_overlapping_deps
     BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON config.db_patch_dependencies
     FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.array_overlap_check ('deprecates');
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('0621', :eg_version); -- berick
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('0623', :eg_version); -- Joseph Lewis / phasefx / tsbere
 CREATE TABLE config.bib_source (
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80eca3f5a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+-- Updates config.org_unit_setting_type to remove the old tag prefixes for once 
+-- groups have been added.
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0622', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO config.settings_group (name, label) VALUES
+('sys', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.system', 'System', 'coust', 'label')),
+('gui', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.gui', 'GUI', 'coust', 'label')),
+('lib', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.lib', 'Library', 'coust', 'label')),
+('sec', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.sec', 'Security', 'coust', 'label')),
+('cat', oils_i18n_gettext('', 'Cataloging', 'coust', 'label')),
+('holds', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.holds', 'Holds', 'coust', 'label')),
+('circ', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.circulation', 'Circulation', 'coust', 'label')),
+('self', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.self', 'Self Check', 'coust', 'label')),
+('opac', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.opac', 'OPAC', 'coust', 'label')),
+('prog', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.program', 'Program', 'coust', 'label')),
+('glob', oils_i18n_gettext('', 'Global', 'coust', 'label')),
+('finance', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.finances', 'Finanaces', 'coust', 'label')),
+('credit', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.ccp', 'Credit Card Processing', 'coust', 'label')),
+('serial', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.serial', 'Serials', 'coust', 'label')),
+('recall', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.recall', 'Recalls', 'coust', 'label')),
+('booking', oils_i18n_gettext('', 'Booking', 'coust', 'label')),
+('offline', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.offline', 'Offline', 'coust', 'label')),
+('receipt_template', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.receipt_template', 'Receipt Template', 'coust', 'label'));
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib', label='Set copy creator as receiver' WHERE name = 'acq.copy_creator_uses_receiver';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'acq.default_circ_modifier';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'acq.default_copy_location';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'finance' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'finance' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'acq.holds.allow_holds_from_purchase_request';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'acq.tmp_barcode_prefix';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'acq.tmp_callnumber_prefix';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec' WHERE name = 'auth.opac_timeout';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec' WHERE name = 'auth.persistent_login_interval';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec' WHERE name = 'auth.staff_timeout';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'booking' WHERE name = 'booking.allow_email_notify';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui' WHERE name = 'cat.bib.alert_on_empty';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Delete bib if all copies are deleted via Acquisitions lineitem cancellation.' WHERE name = 'cat.bib.delete_on_no_copy_via_acq_lineitem_cancel';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'prog' WHERE name = 'cat.bib.keep_on_empty';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Default Classification Scheme' WHERE name = 'cat.default_classification_scheme';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Default copy status (fast add)' WHERE name = 'cat.default_copy_status_fast';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Default copy status (normal)' WHERE name = 'cat.default_copy_status_normal';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'finance' WHERE name = 'cat.default_item_price';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Spine and pocket label font family' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Spine and pocket label font size' WHERE name = 'cat.label.font.size';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Spine and pocket label font weight' WHERE name = 'cat.label.font.weight';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Defines the control number identifier used in 003 and 035 fields.' WHERE name = 'cat.marc_control_number_identifier';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Spine label maximum lines' WHERE name = 'cat.spine.line.height';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Spine label left margin' WHERE name = 'cat.spine.line.margin';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Spine label line width' WHERE name = 'cat.spine.line.width';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Delete volume with last copy' WHERE name = 'cat.volume.delete_on_empty';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Toggle off the patron summary sidebar after first view.' WHERE name = 'circ.auto_hide_patron_summary';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Block Renewal of Items Needed for Holds' WHERE name = 'circ.block_renews_for_holds';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'booking', label='Elbow room' WHERE name = 'circ.booking_reservation.default_elbow_room';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'finance' WHERE name = 'circ.charge_lost_on_zero';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'finance' WHERE name = 'circ.charge_on_damaged';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ' WHERE name = 'circ.checkout_auto_renew_age';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ' WHERE name = 'circ.checkout_fills_related_hold';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ' WHERE name = 'circ.checkout_fills_related_hold_exact_match_only';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'circ.claim_never_checked_out.mark_missing';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'circ.claim_return.copy_status';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'circ.damaged.void_ovedue';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'finance' WHERE name = 'circ.damaged_item_processing_fee';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Do not include outstanding Claims Returned circulations in lump sum tallies in Patron Display.' WHERE name = 'circ.do_not_tally_claims_returned';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Hard boundary' WHERE name = 'circ.hold_boundary.hard';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Soft boundary' WHERE name = 'circ.hold_boundary.soft';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Expire Alert Interval' WHERE name = 'circ.hold_expire_alert_interval';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Expire Interval' WHERE name = 'circ.hold_expire_interval';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ' WHERE name = 'circ.hold_shelf_status_delay';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Soft stalling interval' WHERE name = 'circ.hold_stalling.soft';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Hard stalling interval' WHERE name = 'circ.hold_stalling_hard';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Use Active Date for Age Protection' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.age_protect.active_date';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Behind Desk Pickup Supported' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.behind_desk_pickup_supported';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Canceled holds display age' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.canceled.display_age';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Canceled holds display count' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.canceled.display_count';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Clear shelf copy status' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.clear_shelf.copy_status';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Bypass hold capture during clear shelf process' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.clear_shelf.no_capture_holds';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Default Estimated Wait' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.default_estimated_wait_interval';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.default_shelf_expire_interval';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Block hold request if hold recipient privileges have expired' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.expired_patron_block';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Has Local Copy Alert' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.hold_has_copy_at.alert';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Has Local Copy Block' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.hold_has_copy_at.block';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Maximum library target attempts' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.max_org_unit_target_loops';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Minimum Estimated Wait' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.min_estimated_wait_interval';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Org Unit Target Weight' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.org_unit_target_weight';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'recall', label='An array of fine amount, fine interval, and maximum fine.' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.recall_fine_rules';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'recall', label='Truncated loan period.' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.recall_return_interval';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'recall', label='Circulation duration that triggers a recall.' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.recall_threshold';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Use weight-based hold targeting' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.target_holds_by_org_unit_weight';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.target_skip_me';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Reset request time on un-cancel' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.uncancel.reset_request_time';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='FIFO' WHERE name = 'circ.holds_fifo';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui' WHERE name = 'circ.item_checkout_history.max';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Lost Checkin Generates New Overdues' WHERE name = 'circ.lost.generate_overdue_on_checkin';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Lost items usable on checkin' WHERE name = 'circ.lost_immediately_available';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'finance' WHERE name = 'circ.lost_materials_processing_fee';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Void lost max interval' WHERE name = 'circ.max_accept_return_of_lost';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Cap Max Fine at Item Price' WHERE name = 'circ.max_fine.cap_at_price';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ' WHERE name = 'circ.max_patron_claim_return_count';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Item Status for Missing Pieces' WHERE name = 'circ.missing_pieces.copy_status';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec' WHERE name = 'circ.obscure_dob';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'offline', label='Skip offline checkin if newer item Status Changed Time.' WHERE name = 'circ.offline.skip_checkin_if_newer_status_changed_time';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'offline', label='Skip offline checkout if newer item Status Changed Time.' WHERE name = 'circ.offline.skip_checkout_if_newer_status_changed_time';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'offline', label='Skip offline renewal if newer item Status Changed Time.' WHERE name = 'circ.offline.skip_renew_if_newer_status_changed_time';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec', label='Offline: Patron Usernames Allowed' WHERE name = 'circ.offline.username_allowed';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec', label='Maximum concurrently active self-serve password reset requests per user' WHERE name = 'circ.password_reset_request_per_user_limit';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Require matching email address for password reset requests' WHERE name = 'circ.password_reset_request_requires_matching_email';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec', label='Maximum concurrently active self-serve password reset requests' WHERE name = 'circ.password_reset_request_throttle';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec', label='Self-serve password reset request time-to-live' WHERE name = 'circ.password_reset_request_time_to_live';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Patron Registration: Cloned patrons get address copy' WHERE name = 'circ.patron_edit.clone.copy_address';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ' WHERE name = 'circ.patron_invalid_address_apply_penalty';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'circ.pre_cat_copy_circ_lib';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'circ.reshelving_complete.interval';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Restore overdues on lost item return' WHERE name = 'circ.restore_overdue_on_lost_return';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'self', label='Pop-up alert for errors' WHERE name = 'circ.selfcheck.alert.popup';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'self', label='Audio Alerts' WHERE name = 'circ.selfcheck.alert.sound';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'self' WHERE name = 'circ.selfcheck.auto_override_checkout_events';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'self', label='Block copy checkout status' WHERE name = 'circ.selfcheck.block_checkout_on_copy_status';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'self', label='Patron Login Timeout (in seconds)' WHERE name = 'circ.selfcheck.patron_login_timeout';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'self', label='Require Patron Password' WHERE name = 'circ.selfcheck.patron_password_required';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'self', label='Require patron password' WHERE name = 'circ.selfcheck.require_patron_password';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'self', label='Workstation Required' WHERE name = 'circ.selfcheck.workstation_required';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ' WHERE name = 'circ.staff_client.actor_on_checkout';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'prog' WHERE name = 'circ.staff_client.do_not_auto_attempt_print';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'receipt_template', label='Content of alert_text include' WHERE name = 'circ.staff_client.receipt.alert_text';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'receipt_template', label='Content of event_text include' WHERE name = 'circ.staff_client.receipt.event_text';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'receipt_template', label='Content of footer_text include' WHERE name = 'circ.staff_client.receipt.footer_text';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'receipt_template', label='Content of header_text include' WHERE name = 'circ.staff_client.receipt.header_text';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'receipt_template', label='Content of notice_text include' WHERE name = 'circ.staff_client.receipt.notice_text';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Minimum Transit Checkin Interval' WHERE name = 'circ.transit.min_checkin_interval';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Patron Merge Deactivate Card' WHERE name = 'circ.user_merge.deactivate_cards';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Patron Merge Address Delete' WHERE name = 'circ.user_merge.delete_addresses';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Patron Merge Barcode Delete' WHERE name = 'circ.user_merge.delete_cards';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Void lost item billing when returned' WHERE name = 'circ.void_lost_on_checkin';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Void processing fee on lost item return' WHERE name = 'circ.void_lost_proc_fee_on_checkin';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'finance', label='Void overdue fines when items are marked lost' WHERE name = 'circ.void_overdue_on_lost';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'finance' WHERE name = 'credit.payments.allow';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='Enable AuthorizeNet payments' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.authorizenet.enabled';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='AuthorizeNet login' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.authorizenet.login';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='AuthorizeNet password' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.authorizenet.password';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='AuthorizeNet server' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.authorizenet.server';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='AuthorizeNet test mode' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.authorizenet.testmode';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='Name default credit processor' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.default';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='Enable PayflowPro payments' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.payflowpro.enabled';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='PayflowPro login/merchant ID' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.payflowpro.login';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='PayflowPro partner' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.payflowpro.partner';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='PayflowPro password' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.payflowpro.password';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='PayflowPro test mode' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.payflowpro.testmode';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='PayflowPro vendor' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.payflowpro.vendor';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='Enable PayPal payments' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.paypal.enabled';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='PayPal login' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.paypal.login';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='PayPal password' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.paypal.password';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='PayPal signature' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.paypal.signature';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='PayPal test mode' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.paypal.testmode';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Format Dates with this pattern.' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Format Times with this pattern.' WHERE name = 'format.time';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'glob' WHERE name = 'global.default_locale';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'global.juvenile_age_threshold';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'glob' WHERE name = 'global.password_regex';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Disable the ability to save list column configurations locally.' WHERE name = 'gui.disable_local_save_columns';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib', label='Courier Code' WHERE name = 'lib.courier_code';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'notice.telephony.callfile_lines';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'opac', label='Allow pending addresses' WHERE name = 'opac.allow_pending_address';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'glob' WHERE name = 'opac.barcode_regex';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'opac', label='Use fully compressed serial holdings' WHERE name = 'opac.fully_compressed_serial_holdings';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'opac', label='Org Unit Hiding Depth' WHERE name = 'opac.org_unit_hiding.depth';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'opac', label='Payment History Age Limit' WHERE name = 'opac.payment_history_age_limit';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'prog' WHERE name = 'org.bounced_emails';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec', label='Patron Opt-In Boundary' WHERE name = 'org.patron_opt_boundary';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec', label='Patron Opt-In Default' WHERE name = 'org.patron_opt_default';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec' WHERE name = 'patron.password.use_phone';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'serial', label='Previous Issuance Copy Location' WHERE name = 'serial.prev_issuance_copy_location';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Work Log: Maximum Patrons Logged' WHERE name = 'ui.admin.patron_log.max_entries';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Work Log: Maximum Actions Logged' WHERE name = 'ui.admin.work_log.max_entries';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Horizontal layout for Volume/Copy Creator/Editor.' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Uncheck bills by default in the patron billing interface' WHERE name = 'ui.circ.billing.uncheck_bills_and_unfocus_payment_box';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Record In-House Use: Maximum # of uses allowed per entry.' WHERE name = 'ui.circ.in_house_use.entry_cap';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Record In-House Use: # of uses threshold for Are You Sure? dialog.' WHERE name = 'ui.circ.in_house_use.entry_warn';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui' WHERE name = 'ui.circ.patron_summary.horizontal';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui' WHERE name = 'ui.circ.show_billing_tab_on_bills';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Suppress popup-dialogs during check-in.' WHERE name = 'ui.circ.suppress_checkin_popups';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Button bar' WHERE name = 'ui.general.button_bar';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Default Hotkeyset' WHERE name = 'ui.general.hotkeyset';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Idle timeout' WHERE name = 'ui.general.idle_timeout';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Default Country for New Addresses in Patron Editor' WHERE name = 'ui.patron.default_country';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Default Ident Type for Patron Registration' WHERE name = 'ui.patron.default_ident_type';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec', label='Default level of patrons'' internet access' WHERE name = 'ui.patron.default_inet_access_level';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show active field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest active field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show alert_message field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest alert_message field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show alias field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest alias field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show barred field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest barred field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show claims_never_checked_out_count field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest claims_never_checked_out_count field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show claims_returned_count field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest claims_returned_count field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Example for day_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Regex for day_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Require day_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show day_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest day_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show calendar widget for dob field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Require dob field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show dob field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest dob field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Example for email field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Regex for email field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Require email field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show email field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest email field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Example for evening_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Regex for evening_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Require evening_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show evening_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest evening_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show ident_value field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest ident_value field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show ident_value2 field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest ident_value2 field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show juvenile field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest juvenile field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show master_account field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest master_account field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Example for other_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Regex for other_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Require other_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show other_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest other_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show second_given_name field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest second_given_name field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show suffix field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest suffix field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Require county field on patron registration' WHERE name = 'ui.patron.edit.aua.county.require';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Example for post_code field on patron registration' WHERE name = 'ui.patron.edit.aua.post_code.example';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Regex for post_code field on patron registration' WHERE name = 'ui.patron.edit.aua.post_code.regex';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Default showing suggested patron registration fields' WHERE name = 'ui.patron.edit.default_suggested';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Example for phone fields on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Regex for phone fields on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Require at least one address for Patron Registration' WHERE name = 'ui.patron.registration.require_address';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Cap results in Patron Search at this number.' WHERE name = 'ui.patron_search.result_cap';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Require staff initials for entry/edit of item/patron/penalty notes/messages.' WHERE name = 'ui.staff.require_initials';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Unified Volume/Item Creator/Editor' WHERE name = 'ui.unified_volume_copy_editor';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='URL for remote directory containing list column settings.' WHERE name = 'url.remote_column_settings';
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0623.schema.YAOUS-log-table.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0623.schema.YAOUS-log-table.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..826ff5fbe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0623.schema.YAOUS-log-table.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0623', :eg_version);
+CREATE TABLE config.org_unit_setting_type_log (
+    id              BIGSERIAL   PRIMARY KEY,
+    org             INT         REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id),
+    original_value  TEXT,
+    new_value       TEXT,
+    field_name      TEXT      REFERENCES config.org_unit_setting_type (name)
+-- Log each change in oust to oustl, so admins can see what they messed up if someting stops working.
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ous_change_log() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $ous_change_log$
+    original TEXT;
+    BEGIN
+        -- Check for which setting is being updated, and log it.
+        SELECT INTO original value FROM actor.org_unit_setting WHERE name = AND org_unit = NEW.org_unit;
+        INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type_log (org,original_value,new_value,field_name) VALUES (NEW.org_unit, original, NEW.value,;
+        RETURN NEW;
+    END;
+$ous_change_log$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;    
+CREATE TRIGGER log_ous_change
+    BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON actor.org_unit_setting
+    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE ous_change_log();
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ous_delete_log() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $ous_delete_log$
+    original TEXT;
+    BEGIN
+        -- Check for which setting is being updated, and log it.
+        SELECT INTO original value FROM actor.org_unit_setting WHERE name = AND org_unit = OLD.org_unit;
+        INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type_log (org,original_value,new_value,field_name) VALUES (OLD.org_unit, original, 'null',;
+        RETURN OLD;
+    END;
+$ous_delete_log$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;    
+CREATE TRIGGER log_ous_del
+    BEFORE DELETE ON actor.org_unit_setting
+    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE ous_delete_log();
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b77fde268..0000000000
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
--- Updates config.org_unit_setting_type to remove the old tag prefixes for once 
--- groups have been added.
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('XXXX', :eg_version);
-INSERT INTO config.settings_group (name, label) VALUES
-('sys', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.system', 'System', 'coust', 'label')),
-('gui', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.gui', 'GUI', 'coust', 'label')),
-('lib', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.lib', 'Library', 'coust', 'label')),
-('sec', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.sec', 'Security', 'coust', 'label')),
-('cat', oils_i18n_gettext('', 'Cataloging', 'coust', 'label')),
-('holds', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.holds', 'Holds', 'coust', 'label')),
-('circ', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.circulation', 'Circulation', 'coust', 'label')),
-('self', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.self', 'Self Check', 'coust', 'label')),
-('opac', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.opac', 'OPAC', 'coust', 'label')),
-('prog', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.program', 'Program', 'coust', 'label')),
-('glob', oils_i18n_gettext('', 'Global', 'coust', 'label')),
-('finance', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.finances', 'Finanaces', 'coust', 'label')),
-('credit', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.ccp', 'Credit Card Processing', 'coust', 'label')),
-('serial', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.serial', 'Serials', 'coust', 'label')),
-('recall', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.recall', 'Recalls', 'coust', 'label')),
-('booking', oils_i18n_gettext('', 'Booking', 'coust', 'label')),
-('offline', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.offline', 'Offline', 'coust', 'label')),
-('receipt_template', oils_i18n_gettext('config.settings_group.receipt_template', 'Receipt Template', 'coust', 'label'));
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib', label='Set copy creator as receiver' WHERE name = 'acq.copy_creator_uses_receiver';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'acq.default_circ_modifier';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'acq.default_copy_location';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'finance' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'finance' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'acq.holds.allow_holds_from_purchase_request';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'acq.tmp_barcode_prefix';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'acq.tmp_callnumber_prefix';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec' WHERE name = 'auth.opac_timeout';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec' WHERE name = 'auth.persistent_login_interval';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec' WHERE name = 'auth.staff_timeout';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'booking' WHERE name = 'booking.allow_email_notify';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui' WHERE name = 'cat.bib.alert_on_empty';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Delete bib if all copies are deleted via Acquisitions lineitem cancellation.' WHERE name = 'cat.bib.delete_on_no_copy_via_acq_lineitem_cancel';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'prog' WHERE name = 'cat.bib.keep_on_empty';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Default Classification Scheme' WHERE name = 'cat.default_classification_scheme';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Default copy status (fast add)' WHERE name = 'cat.default_copy_status_fast';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Default copy status (normal)' WHERE name = 'cat.default_copy_status_normal';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'finance' WHERE name = 'cat.default_item_price';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Spine and pocket label font family' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Spine and pocket label font size' WHERE name = 'cat.label.font.size';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Spine and pocket label font weight' WHERE name = 'cat.label.font.weight';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Defines the control number identifier used in 003 and 035 fields.' WHERE name = 'cat.marc_control_number_identifier';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Spine label maximum lines' WHERE name = 'cat.spine.line.height';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Spine label left margin' WHERE name = 'cat.spine.line.margin';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Spine label line width' WHERE name = 'cat.spine.line.width';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'cat', label='Delete volume with last copy' WHERE name = 'cat.volume.delete_on_empty';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Toggle off the patron summary sidebar after first view.' WHERE name = 'circ.auto_hide_patron_summary';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Block Renewal of Items Needed for Holds' WHERE name = 'circ.block_renews_for_holds';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'booking', label='Elbow room' WHERE name = 'circ.booking_reservation.default_elbow_room';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'finance' WHERE name = 'circ.charge_lost_on_zero';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'finance' WHERE name = 'circ.charge_on_damaged';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ' WHERE name = 'circ.checkout_auto_renew_age';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ' WHERE name = 'circ.checkout_fills_related_hold';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ' WHERE name = 'circ.checkout_fills_related_hold_exact_match_only';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'circ.claim_never_checked_out.mark_missing';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'circ.claim_return.copy_status';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'circ.damaged.void_ovedue';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'finance' WHERE name = 'circ.damaged_item_processing_fee';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Do not include outstanding Claims Returned circulations in lump sum tallies in Patron Display.' WHERE name = 'circ.do_not_tally_claims_returned';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Hard boundary' WHERE name = 'circ.hold_boundary.hard';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Soft boundary' WHERE name = 'circ.hold_boundary.soft';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Expire Alert Interval' WHERE name = 'circ.hold_expire_alert_interval';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Expire Interval' WHERE name = 'circ.hold_expire_interval';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ' WHERE name = 'circ.hold_shelf_status_delay';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Soft stalling interval' WHERE name = 'circ.hold_stalling.soft';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Hard stalling interval' WHERE name = 'circ.hold_stalling_hard';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Use Active Date for Age Protection' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.age_protect.active_date';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Behind Desk Pickup Supported' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.behind_desk_pickup_supported';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Canceled holds display age' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.canceled.display_age';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Canceled holds display count' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.canceled.display_count';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Clear shelf copy status' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.clear_shelf.copy_status';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Bypass hold capture during clear shelf process' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.clear_shelf.no_capture_holds';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Default Estimated Wait' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.default_estimated_wait_interval';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.default_shelf_expire_interval';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Block hold request if hold recipient privileges have expired' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.expired_patron_block';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Has Local Copy Alert' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.hold_has_copy_at.alert';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Has Local Copy Block' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.hold_has_copy_at.block';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Maximum library target attempts' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.max_org_unit_target_loops';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Minimum Estimated Wait' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.min_estimated_wait_interval';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Org Unit Target Weight' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.org_unit_target_weight';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'recall', label='An array of fine amount, fine interval, and maximum fine.' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.recall_fine_rules';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'recall', label='Truncated loan period.' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.recall_return_interval';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'recall', label='Circulation duration that triggers a recall.' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.recall_threshold';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Use weight-based hold targeting' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.target_holds_by_org_unit_weight';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.target_skip_me';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='Reset request time on un-cancel' WHERE name = 'circ.holds.uncancel.reset_request_time';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'holds', label='FIFO' WHERE name = 'circ.holds_fifo';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui' WHERE name = 'circ.item_checkout_history.max';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Lost Checkin Generates New Overdues' WHERE name = 'circ.lost.generate_overdue_on_checkin';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Lost items usable on checkin' WHERE name = 'circ.lost_immediately_available';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'finance' WHERE name = 'circ.lost_materials_processing_fee';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Void lost max interval' WHERE name = 'circ.max_accept_return_of_lost';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Cap Max Fine at Item Price' WHERE name = 'circ.max_fine.cap_at_price';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ' WHERE name = 'circ.max_patron_claim_return_count';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Item Status for Missing Pieces' WHERE name = 'circ.missing_pieces.copy_status';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec' WHERE name = 'circ.obscure_dob';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'offline', label='Skip offline checkin if newer item Status Changed Time.' WHERE name = 'circ.offline.skip_checkin_if_newer_status_changed_time';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'offline', label='Skip offline checkout if newer item Status Changed Time.' WHERE name = 'circ.offline.skip_checkout_if_newer_status_changed_time';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'offline', label='Skip offline renewal if newer item Status Changed Time.' WHERE name = 'circ.offline.skip_renew_if_newer_status_changed_time';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec', label='Offline: Patron Usernames Allowed' WHERE name = 'circ.offline.username_allowed';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec', label='Maximum concurrently active self-serve password reset requests per user' WHERE name = 'circ.password_reset_request_per_user_limit';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Require matching email address for password reset requests' WHERE name = 'circ.password_reset_request_requires_matching_email';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec', label='Maximum concurrently active self-serve password reset requests' WHERE name = 'circ.password_reset_request_throttle';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec', label='Self-serve password reset request time-to-live' WHERE name = 'circ.password_reset_request_time_to_live';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Patron Registration: Cloned patrons get address copy' WHERE name = 'circ.patron_edit.clone.copy_address';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ' WHERE name = 'circ.patron_invalid_address_apply_penalty';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'circ.pre_cat_copy_circ_lib';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'circ.reshelving_complete.interval';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Restore overdues on lost item return' WHERE name = 'circ.restore_overdue_on_lost_return';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'self', label='Pop-up alert for errors' WHERE name = 'circ.selfcheck.alert.popup';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'self', label='Audio Alerts' WHERE name = 'circ.selfcheck.alert.sound';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'self' WHERE name = 'circ.selfcheck.auto_override_checkout_events';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'self', label='Block copy checkout status' WHERE name = 'circ.selfcheck.block_checkout_on_copy_status';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'self', label='Patron Login Timeout (in seconds)' WHERE name = 'circ.selfcheck.patron_login_timeout';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'self', label='Require Patron Password' WHERE name = 'circ.selfcheck.patron_password_required';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'self', label='Require patron password' WHERE name = 'circ.selfcheck.require_patron_password';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'self', label='Workstation Required' WHERE name = 'circ.selfcheck.workstation_required';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ' WHERE name = 'circ.staff_client.actor_on_checkout';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'prog' WHERE name = 'circ.staff_client.do_not_auto_attempt_print';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'receipt_template', label='Content of alert_text include' WHERE name = 'circ.staff_client.receipt.alert_text';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'receipt_template', label='Content of event_text include' WHERE name = 'circ.staff_client.receipt.event_text';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'receipt_template', label='Content of footer_text include' WHERE name = 'circ.staff_client.receipt.footer_text';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'receipt_template', label='Content of header_text include' WHERE name = 'circ.staff_client.receipt.header_text';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'receipt_template', label='Content of notice_text include' WHERE name = 'circ.staff_client.receipt.notice_text';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Minimum Transit Checkin Interval' WHERE name = 'circ.transit.min_checkin_interval';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Patron Merge Deactivate Card' WHERE name = 'circ.user_merge.deactivate_cards';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Patron Merge Address Delete' WHERE name = 'circ.user_merge.delete_addresses';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Patron Merge Barcode Delete' WHERE name = 'circ.user_merge.delete_cards';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Void lost item billing when returned' WHERE name = 'circ.void_lost_on_checkin';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Void processing fee on lost item return' WHERE name = 'circ.void_lost_proc_fee_on_checkin';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'finance', label='Void overdue fines when items are marked lost' WHERE name = 'circ.void_overdue_on_lost';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'finance' WHERE name = 'credit.payments.allow';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='Enable AuthorizeNet payments' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.authorizenet.enabled';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='AuthorizeNet login' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.authorizenet.login';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='AuthorizeNet password' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.authorizenet.password';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='AuthorizeNet server' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.authorizenet.server';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='AuthorizeNet test mode' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.authorizenet.testmode';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='Name default credit processor' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.default';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='Enable PayflowPro payments' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.payflowpro.enabled';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='PayflowPro login/merchant ID' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.payflowpro.login';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='PayflowPro partner' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.payflowpro.partner';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='PayflowPro password' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.payflowpro.password';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='PayflowPro test mode' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.payflowpro.testmode';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='PayflowPro vendor' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.payflowpro.vendor';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='Enable PayPal payments' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.paypal.enabled';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='PayPal login' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.paypal.login';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='PayPal password' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.paypal.password';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='PayPal signature' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.paypal.signature';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'credit', label='PayPal test mode' WHERE name = 'credit.processor.paypal.testmode';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Format Dates with this pattern.' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Format Times with this pattern.' WHERE name = 'format.time';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'glob' WHERE name = 'global.default_locale';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'global.juvenile_age_threshold';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'glob' WHERE name = 'global.password_regex';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Disable the ability to save list column configurations locally.' WHERE name = 'gui.disable_local_save_columns';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib', label='Courier Code' WHERE name = 'lib.courier_code';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'lib' WHERE name = 'notice.telephony.callfile_lines';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'opac', label='Allow pending addresses' WHERE name = 'opac.allow_pending_address';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'glob' WHERE name = 'opac.barcode_regex';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'opac', label='Use fully compressed serial holdings' WHERE name = 'opac.fully_compressed_serial_holdings';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'opac', label='Org Unit Hiding Depth' WHERE name = 'opac.org_unit_hiding.depth';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'opac', label='Payment History Age Limit' WHERE name = 'opac.payment_history_age_limit';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'prog' WHERE name = 'org.bounced_emails';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec', label='Patron Opt-In Boundary' WHERE name = 'org.patron_opt_boundary';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec', label='Patron Opt-In Default' WHERE name = 'org.patron_opt_default';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec' WHERE name = 'patron.password.use_phone';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'serial', label='Previous Issuance Copy Location' WHERE name = 'serial.prev_issuance_copy_location';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Work Log: Maximum Patrons Logged' WHERE name = 'ui.admin.patron_log.max_entries';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Work Log: Maximum Actions Logged' WHERE name = 'ui.admin.work_log.max_entries';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Horizontal layout for Volume/Copy Creator/Editor.' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Uncheck bills by default in the patron billing interface' WHERE name = 'ui.circ.billing.uncheck_bills_and_unfocus_payment_box';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Record In-House Use: Maximum # of uses allowed per entry.' WHERE name = 'ui.circ.in_house_use.entry_cap';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Record In-House Use: # of uses threshold for Are You Sure? dialog.' WHERE name = 'ui.circ.in_house_use.entry_warn';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui' WHERE name = 'ui.circ.patron_summary.horizontal';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui' WHERE name = 'ui.circ.show_billing_tab_on_bills';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'circ', label='Suppress popup-dialogs during check-in.' WHERE name = 'ui.circ.suppress_checkin_popups';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Button bar' WHERE name = 'ui.general.button_bar';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Default Hotkeyset' WHERE name = 'ui.general.hotkeyset';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Idle timeout' WHERE name = 'ui.general.idle_timeout';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Default Country for New Addresses in Patron Editor' WHERE name = 'ui.patron.default_country';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Default Ident Type for Patron Registration' WHERE name = 'ui.patron.default_ident_type';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'sec', label='Default level of patrons'' internet access' WHERE name = 'ui.patron.default_inet_access_level';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show active field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest active field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show alert_message field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest alert_message field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show alias field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest alias field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show barred field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest barred field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show claims_never_checked_out_count field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest claims_never_checked_out_count field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show claims_returned_count field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest claims_returned_count field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Example for day_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Regex for day_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Require day_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show day_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest day_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show calendar widget for dob field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Require dob field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show dob field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest dob field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Example for email field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Regex for email field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Require email field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show email field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest email field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Example for evening_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Regex for evening_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Require evening_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show evening_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest evening_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show ident_value field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest ident_value field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show ident_value2 field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest ident_value2 field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show juvenile field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest juvenile field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show master_account field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest master_account field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Example for other_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Regex for other_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Require other_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show other_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest other_phone field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show second_given_name field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest second_given_name field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Show suffix field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Suggest suffix field on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Require county field on patron registration' WHERE name = 'ui.patron.edit.aua.county.require';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Example for post_code field on patron registration' WHERE name = 'ui.patron.edit.aua.post_code.example';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Regex for post_code field on patron registration' WHERE name = 'ui.patron.edit.aua.post_code.regex';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Default showing suggested patron registration fields' WHERE name = 'ui.patron.edit.default_suggested';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Example for phone fields on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Regex for phone fields on patron registration' WHERE name = '';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Require at least one address for Patron Registration' WHERE name = 'ui.patron.registration.require_address';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Cap results in Patron Search at this number.' WHERE name = 'ui.patron_search.result_cap';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Require staff initials for entry/edit of item/patron/penalty notes/messages.' WHERE name = 'ui.staff.require_initials';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='Unified Volume/Item Creator/Editor' WHERE name = 'ui.unified_volume_copy_editor';
-UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET grp = 'gui', label='URL for remote directory containing list column settings.' WHERE name = 'url.remote_column_settings';
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.schema.YAOUS-log-table.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.schema.YAOUS-log-table.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 0230a76c86..0000000000
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.schema.YAOUS-log-table.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('XXXX', :eg_version);
-CREATE TABLE config.org_unit_setting_type_log (
-    id              BIGSERIAL   PRIMARY KEY,
-    org             INT         REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id),
-    original_value  TEXT,
-    new_value       TEXT,
-    field_name      TEXT      REFERENCES config.org_unit_setting_type (name)
--- Log each change in oust to oustl, so admins can see what they messed up if someting stops working.
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ous_change_log() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $ous_change_log$
-    original TEXT;
-    BEGIN
-        -- Check for which setting is being updated, and log it.
-        SELECT INTO original value FROM actor.org_unit_setting WHERE name = AND org_unit = NEW.org_unit;
-        INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type_log (org,original_value,new_value,field_name) VALUES (NEW.org_unit, original, NEW.value,;
-        RETURN NEW;
-    END;
-$ous_change_log$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;    
-CREATE TRIGGER log_ous_change
-    BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON actor.org_unit_setting
-    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE ous_change_log();
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ous_delete_log() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $ous_delete_log$
-    original TEXT;
-    BEGIN
-        -- Check for which setting is being updated, and log it.
-        SELECT INTO original value FROM actor.org_unit_setting WHERE name = AND org_unit = OLD.org_unit;
-        INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type_log (org,original_value,new_value,field_name) VALUES (OLD.org_unit, original, 'null',;
-        RETURN OLD;
-    END;
-$ous_delete_log$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;    
-CREATE TRIGGER log_ous_del
-    BEFORE DELETE ON actor.org_unit_setting
-    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE ous_delete_log();