From: Steve Sheppard <>
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2010 20:58:28 +0000 (-0400)
Subject: updates to My Account section

updates to My Account section

diff --git a/1.6/catalog/myaccount-bookbags.xml b/1.6/catalog/myaccount-bookbags.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..209c612d44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.6/catalog/myaccount-bookbags.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<chapter xmlns="" xmlns:xi=""
+	xmlns:xl="" version="5.0" xml:id="MyAccountBookbags">
+	<info>
+		<title>My Account - Bookbags</title>
+		<abstract><para>Create and Manage Bookbags</para></abstract>
+	</info>
+	<section xml:id="myaccountbookbags">
+		<title>About My Bookbags</title>
+		<para>My Bookbags is a feature that allows you to create lists of library materials (books, audiobooks, videos, etc.) These lists create links to records in the catalog, but are otherwise completely private and only accessible by you when logged in to your My Account. </para>
+		<para>You have the option to share <emphasis role="bold">specific</emphasis> lists with people whom you choose (send them the direct URL), or more generally via RSS feed. Shared bookbags do <emphasis role="bold">NOT</emphasis> create a link to your personal library account information or private bookbags. You can share or un-share bookbags at any time.</para>
+		<para>You can create as many bookbags and you want.  Your bookbags will stay in your account until you delete them.</para>
+		<para>Items remain in bookbags until you remove them. Even if the item record is removed from the catalog, the bookbag entry will remain (but there will be no link to the catalog.)</para>
+	</section>
+	<section xml:id="myaccountbookbags-create">
+		<title>Create a new Bookbag</title>
+		<orderedlist>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>Login to <emphasis>My Account</emphasis> , click <emphasis>My Bookbags</emphasis></para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>At <emphasis>Create a new Bookbag</emphasis>, enter the name of the new Bookbag</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>Share – yes or no</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>Click <emphasis>Submit</emphasis></para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>Click <emphasis>OK</emphasis></para>
+			</listitem>
+		</orderedlist>
+	</section>
+	<section xml:id="myaccountbookbags-add">
+		<title>Add items to a Bookbag</title>
+		<orderedlist>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>Search for an item, open the Title Record</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>Open the <emphasis>More Actions...</emphasis> list; click the Bookbag name</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>Click <emphasis>OK</emphasis></para>
+			</listitem>
+		</orderedlist>
+	</section>
+	<section xml:id="myaccountbookbags-share">
+		<title>Share a Bookbag</title>
+		<orderedlist>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>Login to <emphasis>My Account</emphasis>, click <emphasis>My Bookbags</emphasis></para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>Find the Bookbag to share, click <emphasis>Share this Bookbag</emphasis></para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>Click <emphasis>OK</emphasis></para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>Click <emphasis>OK</emphasis></para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>Click <emphasis>View</emphasis> to open the list as a webpage – copy and send this URL to selected recipients or embed in another website</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>Click the RSS symbol add the list to an RSS reader</para>
+			</listitem>
+		</orderedlist>
+	</section>
+	<section xml:id="myaccountbookbags-example">
+		<para>
+			<mediaobject>
+				<imageobject xml:id="img_myaccountbookbags">
+					<imagedata width="430px" height="400px" fileref="../media/myaccount-bookbags.png" scalefit="1" />
+				</imageobject>
+			</mediaobject>
+		</para>
+	</section>
diff --git a/1.6/catalog/myaccount-itemscheckedout.xml b/1.6/catalog/myaccount-itemscheckedout.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1bb70fe66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.6/catalog/myaccount-itemscheckedout.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<chapter xmlns="" xmlns:xi=""
+	xmlns:xl="" version="5.0" xml:id="MyAccountItemsCheckedOut">
+	<info>
+		<title>My Account - Items Checked Out</title>
+		<abstract><para>Manage items currently checked out</para></abstract>
+	</info>
+	<section xml:id="myaccountitemscheckedout">
+		<title>About Managing Items Checked Out in My Account</title>
+		<para>All items currently borrowed, overdue items, renewals remaining, renew items, non-cataloged types checked out.</para>
+		<section>
+			<title>Actions include:</title>
+			<itemizedlist>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>stuff goes here...</para>
+				</listitem>
+			</itemizedlist>
+		</section>
+		<para>
+			<mediaobject xml:id="img_myaccountitemscheckedout">
+				<imageobject>
+					<imagedata width="430px" height="600px" fileref="../media/myaccount-itemscheckedout.png" scalefit="1" />
+				</imageobject>
+			</mediaobject>
+		</para>
+	</section>
diff --git a/1.6/catalog/myaccount-itemsonhold.xml b/1.6/catalog/myaccount-itemsonhold.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5770541048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.6/catalog/myaccount-itemsonhold.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<chapter xmlns="" xmlns:xi=""
+	xmlns:xl="" version="5.0" xml:id="MyAccountItemsOnHold">
+	<info>
+		<title>My Account - Manage Holds</title>
+		<abstract><para>Manage items currently being requested</para></abstract>
+	</info>
+	<section xml:id="myaccountitemsonhold">
+		<title>About Managing Holds in My Account</title>
+		<para>From My Account patrons can manage items currently being requested.</para>
+		<section xml:id="myaccountholds-actions">
+			<title>Actions include:</title>
+			<itemizedlist>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>Suspend – set a period of time during which the hold will not become active, such as during a vacation</para>
+				</listitem>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>Activate – manually remove the suspension</para>
+				</listitem>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>Set Active Date – specify a date at which the suspension will be lifted</para>
+				</listitem>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>Cancel –remove the hold request</para>
+				</listitem>
+			</itemizedlist>
+		</section>
+		<section xml:id="myaccountitemsonhold-edit">
+			<title>Edit options include:</title>
+			<itemizedlist>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>Enable/disable phone notifications</para>
+				</listitem>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>Change telephone number for notification</para>
+				</listitem>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>Enable/disable email notification</para>
+				</listitem>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>Change pick up library</para>
+				</listitem>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>Change expiration date</para>
+				</listitem>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>Suspend</para>
+				</listitem>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>Activate date</para>
+				</listitem>
+			</itemizedlist>
+		</section>
+	</section>
+	<section xml:id="myaccountitemsonhold-procedure">
+		<title>Procedure</title>
+		<orderedlist>
+			<listitem>
+				 <para>Login to My Account, click the <emphasis>Items on Hold</emphasis> tab</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				 <para>Select the hold to modify</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				 <para>Click <emphasis>Edit</emphasis> or <emphasis>Actions for Selected Holds</emphasis>…</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				 <para>Select the change to make, follow the steps on the screen</para>
+			</listitem>
+		</orderedlist>
+		<para>
+			<mediaobject xml:id="img_myaccountitemsonhold">
+				<imageobject>
+					<imagedata width="430px" height="600px" fileref="../media/myaccount-itemsonhold.png" scalefit="1" />
+				</imageobject>
+			</mediaobject>
+		</para>
+	</section>
diff --git a/1.6/catalog/myaccount-login.xml b/1.6/catalog/myaccount-login.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..71804025ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.6/catalog/myaccount-login.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<chapter xmlns="" xmlns:xi=""
+	xmlns:xl="" version="5.0" xml:id="MyAccountLogin">
+	<info>
+		<title>My Account - Login</title>
+		<abstract><para>Logging In (including required password change on first login, as well as self selected username alternative to card number)</para></abstract>
+	</info>
+	<section xml:id="myaccountlogin">
+		<title>Login to the OWWL Online Catalog</title>
+		<section>
+			<title>Procedure</title>
+			<orderedlist>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>Open a web browser and go to: [URL]</para>
+				</listitem>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>Click <emphasis>My Account</emphasis></para>
+				</listitem>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>Enter your <emphasis>Username</emphasis> and <emphasis>Password</emphasis></para>
+					<itemizedlist>
+						<listitem>By default, your username is your library card number.</listitem>
+						<listitem>Your password is a 4 digit code provided when your account was created. If you have forgotten your password, contact your local library to have it reset.</listitem>
+					</itemizedlist>
+				</listitem>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>Click <emphasis>Login</emphasis></para>
+					<itemizedlist>
+						<listitem>At the first login, or following a password reset, you will be prompted to change your password.</listitem>
+						<listitem>After updating the password, you must enter your Username and Password again</listitem>
+					</itemizedlist>
+				</listitem>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>Your <emphasis role="bold">Account Summary</emphasis> page displays</para>
+				</listitem>
+			</orderedlist>
+			<para/>
+			<para><imagedata fileref="../media/myaccount-login-arrow.png" scalefit="0" />        To view your account details, click one of the <emphasis role="bold">My Account</emphasis> tabs</para>
+			<para><imagedata fileref="../media/myaccount-login-arrow.png" scalefit="0" />        To start a search, enter a term in the search box at the top of the page and click <emphasis>Go!</emphasis></para>
+			<para><imagedata fileref="../media/myaccount-login-info.png" scalefit="0" /><emphasis role="bold">        If using a public computer be sure to log out!</emphasis></para>
+			<para/>
+			<para>
+			<mediaobject>
+				<imageobject xml:id="img_myaccountlogin">
+					<imagedata width="430px" height="400px" fileref="../media/myaccount-login.png" scalefit="1" />
+				</imageobject>
+			</mediaobject>
+			</para>
+		</section>
+	</section>
diff --git a/1.6/catalog/myaccount-renewitems.xml b/1.6/catalog/myaccount-renewitems.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9db9b4242f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.6/catalog/myaccount-renewitems.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<chapter xmlns="" xmlns:xi=""
+	xmlns:xl="" version="5.0" xml:id="MyAccountRenewItems">
+	<info>
+		<title>My Account - Renew Items</title>
+		<abstract><para>Renew selected items</para></abstract>
+	</info>
+	<section xml:id="myaccountrenewitems">
+		<title>Procedure</title>
+		<orderedlist>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>Login to My Account, open <emphasis>Items Checked Out</emphasis> tab</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>Select the items to renew</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>Click <emphasis>Renew Selected Items</emphasis></para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>Click <emphasis>OK</emphasis></para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>Click <emphasis>OK</emphasis></para>
+			</listitem>
+		</orderedlist>
+		<para>
+			<mediaobject xml:id="img_myaccountrenewitems">
+				<imageobject>
+					<imagedata width="430px" height="600px" fileref="../media/myaccount-itemrenew.png" scalefit="1" />
+				</imageobject>
+			</mediaobject>
+		</para>
+	</section>
diff --git a/1.6/catalog/myaccount-summary.xml b/1.6/catalog/myaccount-summary.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21e34ac53c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.6/catalog/myaccount-summary.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<chapter xmlns="" xmlns:xi=""
+	xmlns:xl="" version="5.0" xml:id="MyAccountSummary">
+	<info>
+		<title>My Account - Summary</title>
+		<abstract><para>View Staff Notes, home library, address, and phone numbers. Change account username,
+password, and email.</para></abstract>
+	</info>
+	<section xml:id="myaccountsummary">
+		<title>Procedure</title>
+		<orderedlist>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>stuff goes here...</para>
+			</listitem>
+		</orderedlist>
+		<para>
+			<mediaobject xml:id="img_myaccountsummary">
+				<imageobject>
+					<imagedata width="430px" height="600px" fileref="../media/myaccount-summary.png" scalefit="1" />
+				</imageobject>
+			</mediaobject>
+		</para>
+	</section>
diff --git a/1.6/media/myaccount-bookbags.png b/1.6/media/myaccount-bookbags.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..940618fe29
Binary files /dev/null and b/1.6/media/myaccount-bookbags.png differ
diff --git a/1.6/media/myaccount-itemrenew.png b/1.6/media/myaccount-itemrenew.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dcbb6760e9
Binary files /dev/null and b/1.6/media/myaccount-itemrenew.png differ
diff --git a/1.6/media/myaccount-itemscheckedout.png b/1.6/media/myaccount-itemscheckedout.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e85822bcf
Binary files /dev/null and b/1.6/media/myaccount-itemscheckedout.png differ
diff --git a/1.6/media/myaccount-itemsonhold.png b/1.6/media/myaccount-itemsonhold.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b1d5e3d6b
Binary files /dev/null and b/1.6/media/myaccount-itemsonhold.png differ
diff --git a/1.6/media/myaccount-itemsonhold2.png b/1.6/media/myaccount-itemsonhold2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a46796339b
Binary files /dev/null and b/1.6/media/myaccount-itemsonhold2.png differ
diff --git a/1.6/media/myaccount-login-arrow.png b/1.6/media/myaccount-login-arrow.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cdcdad299
Binary files /dev/null and b/1.6/media/myaccount-login-arrow.png differ
diff --git a/1.6/media/myaccount-login-info.png b/1.6/media/myaccount-login-info.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31343612db
Binary files /dev/null and b/1.6/media/myaccount-login-info.png differ
diff --git a/1.6/media/myaccount-login.png b/1.6/media/myaccount-login.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..180e9397a0
Binary files /dev/null and b/1.6/media/myaccount-login.png differ
diff --git a/1.6/media/myaccount-summary.png b/1.6/media/myaccount-summary.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ab86b48a3
Binary files /dev/null and b/1.6/media/myaccount-summary.png differ