From: Galen Charlton Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2022 00:16:29 +0000 (-0400) Subject: LP#1904036: stamp DB update X-Git-Url:;h=3cbfbae842eaf6a6d274afb853fd33ae1146f4a7;p=evergreen%2Fpines.git LP#1904036: stamp DB update Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton --- diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql index ffa81f5739..f344f74a0f 100644 --- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql +++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ CREATE TRIGGER no_overlapping_deps BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON config.db_patch_dependencies FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.array_overlap_check ('deprecates'); -INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('1345', :eg_version); -- berick/tlittle/sandbergja +INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('1346', :eg_version); -- berick/sandbergja/gmcharlt CREATE TABLE config.bib_source ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5da0e97552 --- /dev/null +++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/ @@ -0,0 +1,667 @@ + +BEGIN; + +SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1346', :eg_version); + +-- insert then update for easier iterative development tweaks +INSERT INTO config.print_template + (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) +VALUES ('items_out', 'Patron Items Out', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); + +UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ +[% + USE date; + circulations = template_data.circulations; +%] +
Welcome to [% %]
You have the following items:
    + [% FOR checkout IN circulations %] +
  1. +
    [% checkout.title %]
    + [% IF checkout.copy %]Barcode: [% checkout.copy.barcode %][% END %] + Due: [% date.format(helpers.format_date(checkout.dueDate, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r') %] +
  2. + [% END %] +
[% %] [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
You were helped by [% staff.first_given_name %]
+$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'items_out'; + +UPDATE config.print_template SET active = TRUE WHERE name = 'patron_address'; + +-- insert then update for easier iterative development tweaks +INSERT INTO config.print_template + (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) +VALUES ('bills_current', 'Bills, Current', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); + + +UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ +[% + USE date; + USE money = format('$%.2f'); + SET xacts = template_data.xacts; +%] +
+ +
Welcome to [% %]
You have the following bills:
    + [% FOR xact IN xacts %] +
  1. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Bill #:[% %]
    Date:[% date.format(helpers.format_date( + xact.xact_start, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r') %] +
    Last Billing:[% xact.last_billing_type %]
    Total Billed:[% money(xact.total_owed) %]
    Last Payment: + [% xact.last_payment_type %] + [% IF xact.last_payment_ts %] + at [% date.format( + helpers.format_date( + xact.last_payment_ts, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r') %] + [% END %] +
    Total Paid:[% money(xact.total_paid) %]
    Balance:[% money(xact.balance_owed) %]
  2. + [% END %] +
[% %] [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
You were helped by [% staff.first_given_name %]
+$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'bills_current'; + + +INSERT INTO config.print_template + (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) +VALUES ('bills_payment', 'Bills, Payment', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); + +UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ +[% + USE date; + USE money = format('$%.2f'); + SET payments = template_data.payments; + SET previous_balance = template_data.previous_balance; + SET new_balance = template_data.new_balance; + SET payment_type = template_data.payment_type; + SET payment_total = template_data.payment_total; + SET payment_applied = template_data.payment_applied; + SET amount_voided = template_data.amount_voided; + SET change_given = template_data.change_given; + SET payment_note = template_data.payment_note; + SET copy_barcode = template_data.copy_barcode; + SET title = template_data.title; +%] +
+ +
Welcome to [% %]
A receipt of your transaction:
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Original Balance:[% money(previous_balance) %]
Payment Method: + [% SWITCH payment_type %] + [% CASE "cash_payment" %]Cash + [% CASE "check_payment" %]Check + [% CASE "credit_card_payment" %]Credit Card + [% CASE "debit_card_payment" %]Debit Card + [% CASE "credit_payment" %]Patron Credit + [% CASE "work_payment" %]Work + [% CASE "forgive_payment" %]Forgive + [% CASE "goods_payment" %]Goods + [% END %] +
Payment Received:[% money(payment_total) %]
Payment Applied:[% money(payment_applied) %]
Billings Voided:[% money(amount_voided) %]
Change Given:[% money(change_given) %]
New Balance:[% money(new_balance) %]

Note: [% payment_note %]


+ Specific Bills +

+ [% FOR payment IN payments %] + + + + + + + [% IF payment.copy_barcode %] + + + + [% END %] +
Bill # [% %][% payment.xact.summary.last_billing_type %]Received: [% money(payment.amount) %]
[% payment.copy_barcode %] [% payment.title %]
+ [% END %] +


[% %] [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
You were helped by [% staff.first_given_name %]
+$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'bills_payment'; + + +INSERT INTO config.print_template + (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) +VALUES ('patron_data', 'Patron Data', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); + +UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ +[% + USE date; + USE money = format('$%.2f'); + SET patron = template_data.patron; +%] + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + [% FOR addr IN patron.addresses %] + + + + + + + + + + + + [% END %] + + [% FOR entry IN patron.stat_cat_entries %] + + + [% END %] + +
Barcode:[% patron.card.barcode %]
Patron's Username:[% patron.usrname %]
Prefix/Title:[% patron.prefix %]
First Name:[% patron.first_given_name %]
Middle Name:[% patron.second_given_name %]
Last Name:[% patron.family_name %]
Suffix:[% patron.suffix %]
Holds Alias:[% patron.alias %]
Date of Birth:[% patron.dob %]
Juvenile:[% patron.juvenile %]
Primary Identification Type:[% %]
Primary Identification:[% patron.ident_value %]
Secondary Identification Type:[% %]
Secondary Identification:[% patron.ident_value2 %]
Email Address:[% %]
Daytime Phone:[% patron.day_phone %]
Evening Phone:[% patron.evening_phone %]
Other Phone:[% patron.other_phone %]
Home Library:[% %]
Main (Profile) Permission Group:[% %]
Privilege Expiration Date:[% patron.expire_date %]
Internet Access Level:[% %]
Active:[% %]
Barred:[% patron.barred %]
Is Group Lead Account:[% patron.master_account %]
Claims-Returned Count:[% patron.claims_returned_count %]
Claims-Never-Checked-Out Count:[% patron.claims_never_checked_out_count %]
Alert Message:[% patron.alert_message %]
Type:[% addr.address_type %]
Street (1):[% addr.street1 %]
Street (2):[% addr.street2 %]
City:[% %]
County:[% addr.county %]
State:[% addr.state %]
Postal Code:[% addr.post_code %]
Country:[% %]
Valid Address?:[% addr.valid %]
Within City Limits?:[% addr.within_city_limits %]
[% %][% entry.stat_cat_entry %]
+ +$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'patron_data'; + + +INSERT INTO config.print_template + (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) +VALUES ('hold_shelf_slip', 'Hold Shelf Slip', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); + + +UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ +[% + USE date; + USE money = format('$%.2f'); + SET copy = template_data.checkin.copy; + SET hold = template_data.checkin.hold; + SET volume = template_data.checkin.volume; + SET hold = template_data.checkin.hold; + SET record = template_data.checkin.record; + SET patron = template_data.checkin.patron; +%] + +
+ [% IF hold.behind_desk == 't' %] + This item needs to be routed to the Private Holds Shelf. + [% ELSE %] + This item needs to be routed to the Public Holds Shelf. + [% END %] +
+ +
Barcode: [% copy.barcode %]
Title: [% checkin.title %]
Call Number: [% volume.prefix.label %] [% volume.label %] [% volume.suffix.label %]
+ +
+ +
Hold for patron: [% patron.family_name %], + [% patron.first_given_name %] [% patron.second_given_name %]
Barcode: [% patron.card.barcode %]
+ +[% IF hold.phone_notify %] +
Notify by phone: [% hold.phone_notify %]
+[% END %] +[% IF hold.sms_notify %] +
Notify by text: [% hold.sms_notify %]
+[% END %] +[% IF hold.email_notify %] +
Notify by email: [% %]
+[% END %] + +[% FOR note IN hold.notes %] + +[% END %] +
+ +
Request Date: [% + date.format(helpers.format_date(hold.request_time, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r') %]
Slip Date: [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
Printed by [% staff.first_given_name %] at [% staff_org.shortname %]
+ + + +$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'hold_shelf_slip'; + + +INSERT INTO config.print_template + (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) +VALUES ('transit_slip', 'Transit Slip', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); + + +UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ +[% + USE date; + USE money = format('$%.2f'); + SET checkin = template_data.checkin; + SET copy = checkin.copy; + SET destOrg = checkin.destOrg; + SET destAddress = checkin.destAddress; + SET destCourierCode = checkin.destCourierCode; +%] +
This item needs to be routed to [% destOrg.shortname %]
[% %]
+ [% IF destCourierCode %]Courier Code: [% destCourierCode %][% END %] + + [% IF destAddress %] +
[% destAddress.street1 %]
[% destAddress.street2 %]
[% %], + [% destAddress.state %] + [% destAddress.post_code %]
+ [% ELSE %] +
We do not have a holds address for this library.
+ [% END %] + +
Barcode: [% copy.barcode %]
Title: [% checkin.title %]
Author: [% %]
+ +
Slip Date: [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
Printed by [% staff.first_given_name %] at [% staff_org.shortname %]
+ +$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'transit_slip'; + + +INSERT INTO config.print_template + (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) +VALUES ('hold_transit_slip', 'Hold Transit Slip', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); + +UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ +[% + USE date; + USE money = format('$%.2f'); + SET checkin = template_data.checkin; + SET copy = checkin.copy; + SET hold = checkin.hold; + SET patron = checkin.patron; + SET destOrg = checkin.destOrg; + SET destAddress = checkin.destAddress; + SET destCourierCode = checkin.destCourierCode; +%] +
This item needs to be routed to [% destOrg.shortname %]
[% %]
+ [% IF destCourierCode %]Courier Code: [% destCourierCode %][% END %] + + [% IF destAddress %] +
[% destAddress.street1 %]
[% destAddress.street2 %]
[% %], + [% destAddress.state %] + [% destAddress.post_code %]
+ [% ELSE %] +
We do not have a holds address for this library.
+ [% END %] + +
Barcode: [% copy.barcode %]
Title: [% checkin.title %]
Author: [% %]
+ +
Hold for patron [% patron.card.barcode %]
+ +
Request Date: [% + date.format(helpers.format_date(hold.request_time, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r') %] +
Slip Date: [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
Printed by [% staff.first_given_name %] at [% staff_org.shortname %]
+ +$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'transit_slip'; + +INSERT INTO config.print_template + (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) +VALUES ('checkin', 'Checkin', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); + +UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ +[% + USE date; + USE money = format('$%.2f'); + SET checkins = template_data.checkins; +%] + +
Welcome to [% %]
You checked in the following items:
    + [% FOR checkin IN checkins %] +
  1. +
    [% checkin.title %]
    + Barcode: + [% checkin.copy.barcode %] + Call Number: + + [% IF checkin.volume %] + [% volume.prefix.label %] [% volume.label %] [% volume.suffix.label %] + [% ELSE %] + Not Cataloged + [% END %] + +
  2. + [% END %] +
Slip Date: [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
Printed by [% staff.first_given_name %] at [% staff_org.shortname %]
+ +$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'checkin'; + + +INSERT INTO config.print_template + (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) +VALUES ('holds_for_patron', 'Holds For Patron', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); + + +UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ +[% + USE date; + USE money = format('$%.2f'); + SET holds = template_data; +%] + +
Welcome to [% %]
You have the following items on hold:
    + [% FOR hold IN holds %] +
  1. +
    [% hold.title %]
  2. + [% END %] +
Slip Date: [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
Printed by [% staff.first_given_name %] at [% staff_org.shortname %]
+ +$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'holds_for_patron'; + + +INSERT INTO config.print_template + (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) +VALUES ('bills_historical', 'Bills, Historical', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); + + +UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ +[% + USE date; + USE money = format('$%.2f'); + SET xacts = template_data.xacts; +%] +
+ +
Welcome to [% %]
You have the following bills:
    + [% FOR xact IN xacts %] +
  1. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Bill #:[% %]
    Date:[% date.format(helpers.format_date( + xact.xact_start, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r') %] +
    Last Billing:[% xact.last_billing_type %]
    Total Billed:[% money(xact.total_owed) %]
    Last Payment: + [% xact.last_payment_type %] + [% IF xact.last_payment_ts %] + at [% date.format( + helpers.format_date( + xact.last_payment_ts, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r') %] + [% END %] +
    Total Paid:[% money(xact.total_paid) %]
    Balance:[% money(xact.balance_owed) %]
  2. + [% END %] +
[% %] [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
You were helped by [% staff.first_given_name %]
+$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'bills_historical'; + +INSERT INTO config.print_template + (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) +VALUES ('checkout', 'Checkout', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); + +UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ +[% + USE date; + USE money = format('$%.2f'); + SET checkouts = template_data.checkouts; +%] + +
Welcome to [% %]
You checked out the following items:
    + [% FOR checkout IN checkouts %] +
  1. +
    [% checkout.title %]
    + Barcode: + [% checkout.copy.barcode %] + Call Number: + + [% IF checkout.volume %] + [% volume.prefix.label %] [% volume.label %] [% volume.suffix.label %] + [% ELSE %] + Not Cataloged + [% END %] + +
  2. + [% END %] +
Slip Date: [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
Printed by [% staff.first_given_name %] at [% staff_org.shortname %]
+ +$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'checkout'; + +INSERT INTO config.print_template + (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) +VALUES ('renew', 'renew', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); + +UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ +[% + USE date; + USE money = format('$%.2f'); + SET renewals = template_data.renewals; +%] + +
Welcome to [% %]
You renewed the following items:
    + [% FOR renewal IN renewals %] +
  1. +
    [% renewal.title %]
    + Barcode: + [% renewal.copy.barcode %] + Call Number: + + [% IF renewal.volume %] + [% volume.prefix.label %] [% volume.label %] [% volume.suffix.label %] + [% ELSE %] + Not Cataloged + [% END %] + +
  2. + [% END %] +
Slip Date: [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
Printed by [% staff.first_given_name %] at [% staff_org.shortname %]
+ +$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'renew'; + +INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type (name, grp, datatype, label, description) +VALUES ( + 'ui.staff.angular_circ.enabled', 'gui', 'bool', + oils_i18n_gettext( + 'ui.staff.angular_circ.enabled', + 'Enable Angular Circulation Menu', + 'coust', 'label' + ), + oils_i18n_gettext( + 'ui.staff.angular_circ.enabled', + 'Enable Angular Circulation Menu', + 'coust', 'description' + ) +); + +INSERT INTO permission.perm_list ( id, code, description ) VALUES + ( 640, 'ACCESS_ANGULAR_CIRC', oils_i18n_gettext(640, + 'Allow a user to access the experimental Angular circulation interfaces', 'ppl', 'description')) +; + + +COMMIT; + + diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6b367f29ad..0000000000 --- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,667 +0,0 @@ - -BEGIN; - --- SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('TODO', :eg_version); - --- insert then update for easier iterative development tweaks -INSERT INTO config.print_template - (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) -VALUES ('items_out', 'Patron Items Out', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); - -UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ -[% - USE date; - circulations = template_data.circulations; -%] -
Welcome to [% %]
You have the following items:
    - [% FOR checkout IN circulations %] -
  1. -
    [% checkout.title %]
    - [% IF checkout.copy %]Barcode: [% checkout.copy.barcode %][% END %] - Due: [% date.format(helpers.format_date(checkout.dueDate, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r') %] -
  2. - [% END %] -
[% %] [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
You were helped by [% staff.first_given_name %]
-$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'items_out'; - -UPDATE config.print_template SET active = TRUE WHERE name = 'patron_address'; - --- insert then update for easier iterative development tweaks -INSERT INTO config.print_template - (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) -VALUES ('bills_current', 'Bills, Current', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); - - -UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ -[% - USE date; - USE money = format('$%.2f'); - SET xacts = template_data.xacts; -%] -
- -
Welcome to [% %]
You have the following bills:
    - [% FOR xact IN xacts %] -
  1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Bill #:[% %]
    Date:[% date.format(helpers.format_date( - xact.xact_start, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r') %] -
    Last Billing:[% xact.last_billing_type %]
    Total Billed:[% money(xact.total_owed) %]
    Last Payment: - [% xact.last_payment_type %] - [% IF xact.last_payment_ts %] - at [% date.format( - helpers.format_date( - xact.last_payment_ts, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r') %] - [% END %] -
    Total Paid:[% money(xact.total_paid) %]
    Balance:[% money(xact.balance_owed) %]
  2. - [% END %] -
[% %] [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
You were helped by [% staff.first_given_name %]
-$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'bills_current'; - - -INSERT INTO config.print_template - (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) -VALUES ('bills_payment', 'Bills, Payment', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); - -UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ -[% - USE date; - USE money = format('$%.2f'); - SET payments = template_data.payments; - SET previous_balance = template_data.previous_balance; - SET new_balance = template_data.new_balance; - SET payment_type = template_data.payment_type; - SET payment_total = template_data.payment_total; - SET payment_applied = template_data.payment_applied; - SET amount_voided = template_data.amount_voided; - SET change_given = template_data.change_given; - SET payment_note = template_data.payment_note; - SET copy_barcode = template_data.copy_barcode; - SET title = template_data.title; -%] -
- -
Welcome to [% %]
A receipt of your transaction:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Original Balance:[% money(previous_balance) %]
Payment Method: - [% SWITCH payment_type %] - [% CASE "cash_payment" %]Cash - [% CASE "check_payment" %]Check - [% CASE "credit_card_payment" %]Credit Card - [% CASE "debit_card_payment" %]Debit Card - [% CASE "credit_payment" %]Patron Credit - [% CASE "work_payment" %]Work - [% CASE "forgive_payment" %]Forgive - [% CASE "goods_payment" %]Goods - [% END %] -
Payment Received:[% money(payment_total) %]
Payment Applied:[% money(payment_applied) %]
Billings Voided:[% money(amount_voided) %]
Change Given:[% money(change_given) %]
New Balance:[% money(new_balance) %]

Note: [% payment_note %]


- Specific Bills -

- [% FOR payment IN payments %] - - - - - - - [% IF payment.copy_barcode %] - - - - [% END %] -
Bill # [% %][% payment.xact.summary.last_billing_type %]Received: [% money(payment.amount) %]
[% payment.copy_barcode %] [% payment.title %]
- [% END %] -


[% %] [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
You were helped by [% staff.first_given_name %]
-$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'bills_payment'; - - -INSERT INTO config.print_template - (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) -VALUES ('patron_data', 'Patron Data', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); - -UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ -[% - USE date; - USE money = format('$%.2f'); - SET patron = template_data.patron; -%] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [% FOR addr IN patron.addresses %] - - - - - - - - - - - - [% END %] - - [% FOR entry IN patron.stat_cat_entries %] - - - [% END %] - -
Barcode:[% patron.card.barcode %]
Patron's Username:[% patron.usrname %]
Prefix/Title:[% patron.prefix %]
First Name:[% patron.first_given_name %]
Middle Name:[% patron.second_given_name %]
Last Name:[% patron.family_name %]
Suffix:[% patron.suffix %]
Holds Alias:[% patron.alias %]
Date of Birth:[% patron.dob %]
Juvenile:[% patron.juvenile %]
Primary Identification Type:[% %]
Primary Identification:[% patron.ident_value %]
Secondary Identification Type:[% %]
Secondary Identification:[% patron.ident_value2 %]
Email Address:[% %]
Daytime Phone:[% patron.day_phone %]
Evening Phone:[% patron.evening_phone %]
Other Phone:[% patron.other_phone %]
Home Library:[% %]
Main (Profile) Permission Group:[% %]
Privilege Expiration Date:[% patron.expire_date %]
Internet Access Level:[% %]
Active:[% %]
Barred:[% patron.barred %]
Is Group Lead Account:[% patron.master_account %]
Claims-Returned Count:[% patron.claims_returned_count %]
Claims-Never-Checked-Out Count:[% patron.claims_never_checked_out_count %]
Alert Message:[% patron.alert_message %]
Type:[% addr.address_type %]
Street (1):[% addr.street1 %]
Street (2):[% addr.street2 %]
City:[% %]
County:[% addr.county %]
State:[% addr.state %]
Postal Code:[% addr.post_code %]
Country:[% %]
Valid Address?:[% addr.valid %]
Within City Limits?:[% addr.within_city_limits %]
[% %][% entry.stat_cat_entry %]
- -$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'patron_data'; - - -INSERT INTO config.print_template - (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) -VALUES ('hold_shelf_slip', 'Hold Shelf Slip', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); - - -UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ -[% - USE date; - USE money = format('$%.2f'); - SET copy = template_data.checkin.copy; - SET hold = template_data.checkin.hold; - SET volume = template_data.checkin.volume; - SET hold = template_data.checkin.hold; - SET record = template_data.checkin.record; - SET patron = template_data.checkin.patron; -%] - -
- [% IF hold.behind_desk == 't' %] - This item needs to be routed to the Private Holds Shelf. - [% ELSE %] - This item needs to be routed to the Public Holds Shelf. - [% END %] -
- -
Barcode: [% copy.barcode %]
Title: [% checkin.title %]
Call Number: [% volume.prefix.label %] [% volume.label %] [% volume.suffix.label %]
- -
- -
Hold for patron: [% patron.family_name %], - [% patron.first_given_name %] [% patron.second_given_name %]
Barcode: [% patron.card.barcode %]
- -[% IF hold.phone_notify %] -
Notify by phone: [% hold.phone_notify %]
-[% END %] -[% IF hold.sms_notify %] -
Notify by text: [% hold.sms_notify %]
-[% END %] -[% IF hold.email_notify %] -
Notify by email: [% %]
-[% END %] - -[% FOR note IN hold.notes %] - -[% END %] -
- -
Request Date: [% - date.format(helpers.format_date(hold.request_time, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r') %]
Slip Date: [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
Printed by [% staff.first_given_name %] at [% staff_org.shortname %]
- - - -$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'hold_shelf_slip'; - - -INSERT INTO config.print_template - (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) -VALUES ('transit_slip', 'Transit Slip', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); - - -UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ -[% - USE date; - USE money = format('$%.2f'); - SET checkin = template_data.checkin; - SET copy = checkin.copy; - SET destOrg = checkin.destOrg; - SET destAddress = checkin.destAddress; - SET destCourierCode = checkin.destCourierCode; -%] -
This item needs to be routed to [% destOrg.shortname %]
[% %]
- [% IF destCourierCode %]Courier Code: [% destCourierCode %][% END %] - - [% IF destAddress %] -
[% destAddress.street1 %]
[% destAddress.street2 %]
[% %], - [% destAddress.state %] - [% destAddress.post_code %]
- [% ELSE %] -
We do not have a holds address for this library.
- [% END %] - -
Barcode: [% copy.barcode %]
Title: [% checkin.title %]
Author: [% %]
- -
Slip Date: [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
Printed by [% staff.first_given_name %] at [% staff_org.shortname %]
- -$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'transit_slip'; - - -INSERT INTO config.print_template - (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) -VALUES ('hold_transit_slip', 'Hold Transit Slip', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); - -UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ -[% - USE date; - USE money = format('$%.2f'); - SET checkin = template_data.checkin; - SET copy = checkin.copy; - SET hold = checkin.hold; - SET patron = checkin.patron; - SET destOrg = checkin.destOrg; - SET destAddress = checkin.destAddress; - SET destCourierCode = checkin.destCourierCode; -%] -
This item needs to be routed to [% destOrg.shortname %]
[% %]
- [% IF destCourierCode %]Courier Code: [% destCourierCode %][% END %] - - [% IF destAddress %] -
[% destAddress.street1 %]
[% destAddress.street2 %]
[% %], - [% destAddress.state %] - [% destAddress.post_code %]
- [% ELSE %] -
We do not have a holds address for this library.
- [% END %] - -
Barcode: [% copy.barcode %]
Title: [% checkin.title %]
Author: [% %]
- -
Hold for patron [% patron.card.barcode %]
- -
Request Date: [% - date.format(helpers.format_date(hold.request_time, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r') %] -
Slip Date: [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
Printed by [% staff.first_given_name %] at [% staff_org.shortname %]
- -$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'transit_slip'; - -INSERT INTO config.print_template - (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) -VALUES ('checkin', 'Checkin', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); - -UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ -[% - USE date; - USE money = format('$%.2f'); - SET checkins = template_data.checkins; -%] - -
Welcome to [% %]
You checked in the following items:
    - [% FOR checkin IN checkins %] -
  1. -
    [% checkin.title %]
    - Barcode: - [% checkin.copy.barcode %] - Call Number: - - [% IF checkin.volume %] - [% volume.prefix.label %] [% volume.label %] [% volume.suffix.label %] - [% ELSE %] - Not Cataloged - [% END %] - -
  2. - [% END %] -
Slip Date: [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
Printed by [% staff.first_given_name %] at [% staff_org.shortname %]
- -$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'checkin'; - - -INSERT INTO config.print_template - (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) -VALUES ('holds_for_patron', 'Holds For Patron', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); - - -UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ -[% - USE date; - USE money = format('$%.2f'); - SET holds = template_data; -%] - -
Welcome to [% %]
You have the following items on hold:
    - [% FOR hold IN holds %] -
  1. -
    [% hold.title %]
  2. - [% END %] -
Slip Date: [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
Printed by [% staff.first_given_name %] at [% staff_org.shortname %]
- -$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'holds_for_patron'; - - -INSERT INTO config.print_template - (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) -VALUES ('bills_historical', 'Bills, Historical', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); - - -UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ -[% - USE date; - USE money = format('$%.2f'); - SET xacts = template_data.xacts; -%] -
- -
Welcome to [% %]
You have the following bills:
    - [% FOR xact IN xacts %] -
  1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Bill #:[% %]
    Date:[% date.format(helpers.format_date( - xact.xact_start, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r') %] -
    Last Billing:[% xact.last_billing_type %]
    Total Billed:[% money(xact.total_owed) %]
    Last Payment: - [% xact.last_payment_type %] - [% IF xact.last_payment_ts %] - at [% date.format( - helpers.format_date( - xact.last_payment_ts, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r') %] - [% END %] -
    Total Paid:[% money(xact.total_paid) %]
    Balance:[% money(xact.balance_owed) %]
  2. - [% END %] -
[% %] [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
You were helped by [% staff.first_given_name %]
-$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'bills_historical'; - -INSERT INTO config.print_template - (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) -VALUES ('checkout', 'Checkout', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); - -UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ -[% - USE date; - USE money = format('$%.2f'); - SET checkouts = template_data.checkouts; -%] - -
Welcome to [% %]
You checked out the following items:
    - [% FOR checkout IN checkouts %] -
  1. -
    [% checkout.title %]
    - Barcode: - [% checkout.copy.barcode %] - Call Number: - - [% IF checkout.volume %] - [% volume.prefix.label %] [% volume.label %] [% volume.suffix.label %] - [% ELSE %] - Not Cataloged - [% END %] - -
  2. - [% END %] -
Slip Date: [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
Printed by [% staff.first_given_name %] at [% staff_org.shortname %]
- -$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'checkout'; - -INSERT INTO config.print_template - (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template) -VALUES ('renew', 'renew', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', ''); - -UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$ -[% - USE date; - USE money = format('$%.2f'); - SET renewals = template_data.renewals; -%] - -
Welcome to [% %]
You renewed the following items:
    - [% FOR renewal IN renewals %] -
  1. -
    [% renewal.title %]
    - Barcode: - [% renewal.copy.barcode %] - Call Number: - - [% IF renewal.volume %] - [% volume.prefix.label %] [% volume.label %] [% volume.suffix.label %] - [% ELSE %] - Not Cataloged - [% END %] - -
  2. - [% END %] -
Slip Date: [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]
Printed by [% staff.first_given_name %] at [% staff_org.shortname %]
- -$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'renew'; - -INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type (name, grp, datatype, label, description) -VALUES ( - 'ui.staff.angular_circ.enabled', 'gui', 'bool', - oils_i18n_gettext( - 'ui.staff.angular_circ.enabled', - 'Enable Angular Circulation Menu', - 'coust', 'label' - ), - oils_i18n_gettext( - 'ui.staff.angular_circ.enabled', - 'Enable Angular Circulation Menu', - 'coust', 'description' - ) -); - -INSERT INTO permission.perm_list ( id, code, description ) VALUES - ( 640, 'ACCESS_ANGULAR_CIRC', oils_i18n_gettext(640, - 'Allow a user to access the experimental Angular circulation interfaces', 'ppl', 'description')) -; - - -COMMIT; - -