From: scottmk <scottmk@dcc99617-32d9-48b4-a31d-7c20da2025e4>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 13:53:47 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: Split the cstore servers into several pieces.

Split the cstore servers into several pieces.

Most of the machinery is now in a single module, oils_sql.c, shared
by all three servers, and available to other programs as well
through the new header oils_sql.h.

The three different servers -- pcrud, cstore, and reporter-store --
are now in separate modules, whose differences are built-in rather than
controlled by conditional compilation.  The original file, oils_cstore.c,
now implements only the cstore server.  The other two are now
implemented by oils_rstore.c and oils_pcrud.c.

The test_json_query program now calls functions from oils_sql.c instead
of from oils_cstore.c.

This restructuring required changes to and to in order to regenerate the Makefile appropriately.

A    Open-ILS/include/openils/oils_sql.h
A    Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_pcrud.c
A    Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_rstore.c
M    Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_cstore.c
A    Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_sql.c
M    Open-ILS/src/c-apps/
M    Open-ILS/src/c-apps/test_json_query.c

git-svn-id: svn:// dcc99617-32d9-48b4-a31d-7c20da2025e4

diff --git a/Open-ILS/include/openils/oils_sql.h b/Open-ILS/include/openils/oils_sql.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..473731aedb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/include/openils/oils_sql.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+Copyright (C) 2010 Equinox Software Inc.
+Scott McKellar <>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+	@file oils_sql.h
+	@brief Utility routines for translating JSON into SQL.
+#ifndef OILS_SQL_H
+#define OILS_SQL_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+void oilsSetSQLOptions( const char* module_name, int do_pcrud );
+void oilsSetDBConnection( dbi_conn conn );
+int oilsExtendIDL( void );
+int str_is_true( const char* str );
+char* buildQuery( osrfMethodContext* ctx, jsonObject* query, int flags );
+int beginTransaction ( osrfMethodContext* );
+int commitTransaction ( osrfMethodContext* );
+int rollbackTransaction ( osrfMethodContext* );
+int setSavepoint ( osrfMethodContext* );
+int releaseSavepoint ( osrfMethodContext* );
+int rollbackSavepoint ( osrfMethodContext* );
+int doJSONSearch ( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
+int doCreate( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
+int doRetrieve( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
+int doUpdate( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
+int doDelete( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
+int doSearch( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
+int doIdList( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/ b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/
index 11f4197c6e..2892fd68b9 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ dump_idl_SOURCES = dump_idl.c
 dump_idl_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) -loils_idl
 dump_idl_DEPENDENCIES =
-test_json_query_SOURCES = test_json_query.c
-test_json_query_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) -loils_idl
-test_json_query_LDADD =
+test_json_query_SOURCES = test_json_query.c oils_sql.c
+test_json_query_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS)
+test_json_query_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) -loils_idl -loils_utils
 test_json_query_DEPENDENCIES =
@@ -27,17 +27,15 @@ liboils_idl_la_SOURCES = oils_idl-core.c
 liboils_utils_la_SOURCES = oils_utils.c oils_event.c
-oils_cstore_la_SOURCES = oils_cstore.c
+oils_cstore_la_SOURCES = oils_cstore.c oils_sql.c
 oils_cstore_la_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) -loils_idl -ldbi -ldbdpgsql -loils_utils -module
 oils_cstore_la_DEPENDENCIES =
-oils_rstore_la_SOURCES = oils_cstore.c
-oils_rstore_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DRSTORE -c
+oils_rstore_la_SOURCES = oils_rstore.c oils_sql.c
 oils_rstore_la_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) -loils_idl -ldbi -ldbdpgsql -loils_utils -module
 oils_rstore_la_DEPENDENCIES =
-oils_pcrud_la_SOURCES = oils_cstore.c
-oils_pcrud_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DPCRUD -c
+oils_pcrud_la_SOURCES = oils_pcrud.c oils_sql.c
 oils_pcrud_la_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) -loils_idl -ldbi -ldbdpgsql -loils_utils -module
 oils_pcrud_la_DEPENDENCIES =
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_cstore.c b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_cstore.c
index 665cbc2b67..c093b9d574 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_cstore.c
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_cstore.c
@@ -3,183 +3,24 @@
 	@brief As a server, perform database operations at the request of clients.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
-#include "opensrf/osrf_application.h"
-#include "opensrf/osrf_settings.h"
-#include "opensrf/osrf_message.h"
+#include <dbi/dbi.h>
 #include "opensrf/utils.h"
-#include "opensrf/osrf_json.h"
 #include "opensrf/log.h"
+#include "opensrf/osrf_application.h"
 #include "openils/oils_utils.h"
-#include "openils/oils_constants.h"
-#include <dbi/dbi.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#ifdef RSTORE
-#  define MODULENAME "open-ils.reporter-store"
-#  define ENFORCE_PCRUD 0
-#  ifdef PCRUD
-#    define MODULENAME "open-ils.pcrud"
-#    define ENFORCE_PCRUD 1
-#  else
-#    define MODULENAME "open-ils.cstore"
-#    define ENFORCE_PCRUD 0
-#  endif
-// The next four macros are OR'd together as needed to form a set
-// of bitflags.  SUBCOMBO enables an extra pair of parentheses when
-// nesting one UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT inside another.
-// SUBSELECT tells us we're in a subquery, so don't add the
-// terminal semicolon yet.
-#define SUBCOMBO    8
-#define SUBSELECT   4
-#define DISABLE_I18N    2
-#define AND_OP_JOIN     0
-#define OR_OP_JOIN      1
-struct ClassInfoStruct;
-typedef struct ClassInfoStruct ClassInfo;
-#define ALIAS_STORE_SIZE 16
-struct ClassInfoStruct {
-	char* alias;
-	char* class_name;
-	char* source_def;
-	osrfHash* class_def;      // Points into IDL
-	osrfHash* fields;         // Points into IDL
-	osrfHash* links;          // Points into IDL
-	// The remaining members are private and internal.  Client code should not
-	// access them directly.
-	ClassInfo* next;          // Supports linked list of joined classes
-	int in_use;               // boolean
-	// We usually store the alias and class name in the following arrays, and
-	// point the corresponding pointers at them.  When the string is too big
-	// for the array (which will probably never happen in practice), we strdup it.
-	char alias_store[ ALIAS_STORE_SIZE + 1 ];
-	char class_name_store[ CLASS_NAME_STORE_SIZE + 1 ];
-struct QueryFrameStruct;
-typedef struct QueryFrameStruct QueryFrame;
-struct QueryFrameStruct {
-	ClassInfo core;
-	ClassInfo* join_list;  // linked list of classes joined to the core class
-	QueryFrame* next;      // implements stack as linked list
-	int in_use;            // boolean
-static int timeout_needs_resetting;
-static time_t time_next_reset;
-int osrfAppChildInit();
-int osrfAppInitialize();
-void osrfAppChildExit();
-static int verifyObjectClass ( osrfMethodContext*, const jsonObject* );
-static void setXactId( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
-static inline const char* getXactId( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
-static inline void clearXactId( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
-int beginTransaction ( osrfMethodContext* );
-int commitTransaction ( osrfMethodContext* );
-int rollbackTransaction ( osrfMethodContext* );
-int setSavepoint ( osrfMethodContext* );
-int releaseSavepoint ( osrfMethodContext* );
-int rollbackSavepoint ( osrfMethodContext* );
-int doJSONSearch ( osrfMethodContext* );
-int dispatchCRUDMethod( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
-static int doSearch( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
-static int doIdList( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
-static int doCreate( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
-static int doRetrieve( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
-static int doUpdate( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
-static int doDelete ( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
-static jsonObject* doFieldmapperSearch ( osrfMethodContext* ctx, osrfHash* class_meta,
-		jsonObject* where_hash, jsonObject* query_hash, int* err );
-static jsonObject* oilsMakeFieldmapperFromResult( dbi_result, osrfHash* );
-static jsonObject* oilsMakeJSONFromResult( dbi_result );
-static char* searchSimplePredicate ( const char* op, const char* class_alias,
-				osrfHash* field, const jsonObject* node );
-static char* searchFunctionPredicate ( const char*, osrfHash*, const jsonObject*, const char* );
-static char* searchFieldTransform ( const char*, osrfHash*, const jsonObject*);
-static char* searchFieldTransformPredicate ( const ClassInfo*, osrfHash*, const jsonObject*, const char* );
-static char* searchBETWEENPredicate ( const char*, osrfHash*, const jsonObject* );
-static char* searchINPredicate ( const char*, osrfHash*,
-								 jsonObject*, const char*, osrfMethodContext* );
-static char* searchPredicate ( const ClassInfo*, osrfHash*, jsonObject*, osrfMethodContext* );
-static char* searchJOIN ( const jsonObject*, const ClassInfo* left_info );
-static char* searchWHERE ( const jsonObject*, const ClassInfo*, int, osrfMethodContext* );
-static char* buildSELECT ( jsonObject*, jsonObject*, osrfHash*, osrfMethodContext* );
-char* buildQuery( osrfMethodContext* ctx, jsonObject* query, int flags );
-char* SELECT ( osrfMethodContext*, jsonObject*, jsonObject*, jsonObject*, jsonObject*, jsonObject*, jsonObject*, jsonObject*, int );
-void userDataFree( void* );
-static void sessionDataFree( char*, void* );
-static char* getRelation( osrfHash* );
-static int str_is_true( const char* str );
-static int obj_is_true( const jsonObject* obj );
-static const char* json_type( int code );
-static const char* get_primitive( osrfHash* field );
-static const char* get_datatype( osrfHash* field );
-static int is_identifier( const char* s);
-static int is_good_operator( const char* op );
-static void pop_query_frame( void );
-static void push_query_frame( void );
-static int add_query_core( const char* alias, const char* class_name );
-static inline ClassInfo* search_alias( const char* target );
-static ClassInfo* search_all_alias( const char* target );
-static ClassInfo* add_joined_class( const char* alias, const char* classname );
-static void clear_query_stack( void );
-static const jsonObject* verifyUserPCRUD( osrfMethodContext* );
-static int verifyObjectPCRUD( osrfMethodContext*, const jsonObject* );
-static char* org_tree_root( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
-static jsonObject* single_hash( const char* key, const char* value );
-static int child_initialized = 0;   /* boolean */
-static dbi_conn writehandle; /* our MASTER db connection */
-static dbi_conn dbhandle; /* our CURRENT db connection */
-//static osrfHash * readHandles;
-static jsonObject* const jsonNULL = NULL; //
-static int max_flesh_depth = 100;
-// The following points to the top of a stack of QueryFrames.  It's a little
-// confusing because the top level of the query is at the bottom of the stack.
-static QueryFrame* curr_query = NULL;
-int oilsExtendIDL( void );
+#include "openils/oils_sql.h"
 static dbi_conn writehandle; /* our MASTER db connection */
 static dbi_conn dbhandle; /* our CURRENT db connection */
 //static osrfHash * readHandles;
-static const int enforce_pcrud = ENFORCE_PCRUD;     // Boolean
-static const char modulename[] = MODULENAME;
+static int max_flesh_depth = 100;
+static const int enforce_pcrud = 0;     // Boolean
+static const char modulename[] = "open-ils.cstore";
 	@brief Disconnect from the database.
@@ -219,13 +60,11 @@ void osrfAppChildExit() {
 	The name of the application is given by the MODULENAME macro, whose value depends on
 	conditional compilation.  The method names also incorporate MODULENAME, followed by a
-	dot, as a prefix.  Some methods are registered or not registered depending on whether
-	the PCRUD macro is defined, and on whether the IDL includes permacrud entries for the
-	class and method.
+	dot, as a prefix.
 	The general-purpose methods are as follows (minus their MODULENAME prefixes):
-	- json_query (not registered for PCRUD)
+	- json_query
 	- transaction.begin
 	- transaction.commit
 	- transaction.rollback
@@ -242,10 +81,9 @@ void osrfAppChildExit() {
 	- search    (atomic and non-atomic versions)
 	- id_list   (atomic and non-atomic versions)
-	For PCRUD, the full method names follow the pattern "MODULENAME.method_type.classname".
-	Otherwise they follow the pattern "", where XXX is the
-	fieldmapper name from the IDL, with every run of one or more consecutive colons replaced
-	by a period.  In addition, the names of atomic methods have a suffix of ".atomic".
+	The full method names follow the pattern "", where XXX
+	is the fieldmapper name from the IDL, with every run of one or more consecutive colons
+	replaced by a period.  In addition, the names of atomic methods have a suffix of ".atomic".
 	This function is called when the registering the application, and is executed by the
 	listener before spawning the drones.
@@ -258,15 +96,15 @@ int osrfAppInitialize() {
 	if (!oilsIDLInit( osrf_settings_host_value("/IDL") ))
 		return 1; /* return non-zero to indicate error */
+	oilsSetSQLOptions( modulename, enforce_pcrud );
 	growing_buffer* method_name = buffer_init(64);
-	if( ! enforce_pcrud ) {
-		// Generic search thingy (not for PCRUD)
-		buffer_add( method_name, modulename );
-		buffer_add( method_name, ".json_query" );
-		osrfAppRegisterMethod( modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR( method_name ),
-			"doJSONSearch", "", 1, OSRF_METHOD_STREAMING );
-	}
+	// Generic search thingy
+	buffer_add( method_name, modulename );
+	buffer_add( method_name, ".json_query" );
+	osrfAppRegisterMethod( modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR( method_name ),
+		"doJSONSearch", "", 1, OSRF_METHOD_STREAMING );
 	// first we register all the transaction and savepoint methods
@@ -350,17 +188,6 @@ int osrfAppInitialize() {
-		osrfHash* idlClass_permacrud = NULL;
-		if( enforce_pcrud ) {
-			// For PCRUD, ignore classes with no permacrud section
-			idlClass_permacrud = osrfHashGet(idlClass, "permacrud");
-			if (!idlClass_permacrud) {
-				osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-					"Skipping class \"%s\"; no permacrud in IDL", classname );
-				continue;
-			}
-		}
 		const char* readonly = osrfHashGet(idlClass, "readonly");
 		int i;
@@ -369,17 +196,6 @@ int osrfAppInitialize() {
 				"Using files to build %s class methods for %s", method_type, classname);
-			if( enforce_pcrud ) {
-				// Treat "id_list" or "search" as forms of "retrieve"
-				const char* tmp_method = method_type;
-				if ( *tmp_method == 'i' || *tmp_method == 's') {  // "id_list" or "search"
-					tmp_method = "retrieve";
-				}
-				// Skip this method if there is no permacrud entry for it
-				if (!osrfHashGet( idlClass_permacrud, tmp_method ))
-					continue;
-			}
 			// No create, update, or delete methods for a readonly class
 			if ( str_is_true( readonly )
 				&& ( *method_type == 'c' || *method_type == 'u' || *method_type == 'd') )
@@ -387,29 +203,23 @@ int osrfAppInitialize() {
 			buffer_reset( method_name );
-			// Build the method name
-			if( enforce_pcrud ) {
-				// For PCRUD: MODULENAME.method_type.classname
-				buffer_fadd(method_name, "%s.%s.%s", modulename, method_type, classname);
-			} else {
-				// For non-PCRUD:
-				// where XXX is the fieldmapper name from the IDL, with every run of
-				// one or more consecutive colons replaced by a period.
-				char* st_tmp = NULL;
-				char* part = NULL;
-				char* _fm = strdup( idlClass_fieldmapper );
-				part = strtok_r(_fm, ":", &st_tmp);
+			// Build the method name:
+			// where XXX is the fieldmapper name from the IDL, with every run of
+			// one or more consecutive colons replaced by a period.
+			char* st_tmp = NULL;
+			char* part = NULL;
+			char* _fm = strdup( idlClass_fieldmapper );
+			part = strtok_r(_fm, ":", &st_tmp);
-				buffer_fadd(method_name, "", modulename, part);
+			buffer_fadd(method_name, "", modulename, part);
-				while ((part = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &st_tmp))) {
-					OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR(method_name, '.');
-					OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, part);
-				}
+			while ((part = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &st_tmp))) {
 				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR(method_name, '.');
-				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, method_type);
-				free(_fm);
+				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, part);
+			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR(method_name, '.');
+			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, method_type);
+			free(_fm);
 			// For an id_list or search method we specify the OSRF_METHOD_STREAMING option.
 			// The consequence is that we implicitly create an atomic method in addition to
@@ -446,46 +256,6 @@ int osrfAppInitialize() {
-	@brief Get a table name, view name, or subquery for use in a FROM clause.
-	@param class Pointer to the IDL class entry.
-	@return A table name, a view name, or a subquery in parentheses.
-	In some cases the IDL defines a class, not with a table name or a view name, but with
-	a SELECT statement, which may be used as a subquery.
-static char* getRelation( osrfHash* class ) {
-	char* source_def = NULL;
-	const char* tabledef = osrfHashGet(class, "tablename");
-	if ( tabledef ) {
-		source_def = strdup( tabledef );   // Return the name of a table or view
-	} else {
-		tabledef = osrfHashGet( class, "source_definition" );
-		if( tabledef ) {
-			// Return a subquery, enclosed in parentheses
-			source_def = safe_malloc( strlen( tabledef ) + 3 );
-			source_def[ 0 ] = '(';
-			strcpy( source_def + 1, tabledef );
-			strcat( source_def, ")" );
-		} else {
-			// Not found: return an error
-			const char* classname = osrfHashGet( class, "classname" );
-			if( !classname )
-				classname = "???";
-			osrfLogError(
-				"%s ERROR No tablename or source_definition for class \"%s\"",
-				modulename,
-				classname
-			);
-		}
-	}
-	return source_def;
 	@brief Initialize a server drone.
 	@return Zero if successful, -1 if not.
@@ -547,6 +317,7 @@ int osrfAppChildInit() {
+	oilsSetDBConnection( writehandle );
 	osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s successfully connected to the database", modulename );
 	// Add datatypes from database to the fields in the IDL
@@ -559,6280 +330,35 @@ int osrfAppChildInit() {
-	@brief Add datatypes from the database to the fields in the IDL.
-	@return Zero if successful, or 1 upon error.
-	For each relevant class in the IDL: ask the database for the datatype of every field.
-	In particular, determine which fields are text fields and which fields are numeric
-	fields, so that we know whether to enclose their values in quotes.
-	At this writing this function does not detect any errors, so it always returns zero.
-int oilsExtendIDL( void ) {
-	osrfHashIterator* class_itr = osrfNewHashIterator( oilsIDL() );
-	osrfHash* class = NULL;
-	growing_buffer* query_buf = buffer_init( 64 );
-	// For each class in the IDL...
-	while( (class = osrfHashIteratorNext( class_itr ) ) ) {
-		const char* classname = osrfHashIteratorKey( class_itr );
-		osrfHash* fields = osrfHashGet( class, "fields" );
-		// If the class is virtual, ignore it
-		if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet(class, "virtual") ) ) {
-			osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Class %s is virtual, skipping", classname );
-			continue;
-		}
-		char* tabledef = getRelation(class);
-		if( !tabledef )
-			continue;   // No such relation -- a query of it would be doomed to failure
-		buffer_reset( query_buf );
-		buffer_fadd( query_buf, "SELECT * FROM %s AS x WHERE 1=0;", tabledef );
-		free(tabledef);
-		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s Investigatory SQL = %s",
-				modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR( query_buf ) );
-		dbi_result result = dbi_conn_query( writehandle, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR( query_buf ) );
-		if (result) {
-			int columnIndex = 1;
-			const char* columnName;
-			osrfHash* _f;
-			while( (columnName = dbi_result_get_field_name(result, columnIndex)) ) {
-				osrfLogInternal( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Looking for column named [%s]...",
-						columnName );
-				/* fetch the fieldmapper index */
-				if( (_f = osrfHashGet(fields, columnName)) ) {
-					osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Found [%s] in IDL hash...", columnName);
-					/* determine the field type and storage attributes */
-					switch( dbi_result_get_field_type_idx(result, columnIndex) ) {
-						case DBI_TYPE_INTEGER : {
-							if ( !osrfHashGet(_f, "primitive") )
-								osrfHashSet(_f, "number", "primitive");
-							int attr = dbi_result_get_field_attribs_idx(result, columnIndex);
-							if( attr & DBI_INTEGER_SIZE8 )
-								osrfHashSet(_f, "INT8", "datatype");
-							else
-								osrfHashSet(_f, "INT", "datatype");
-							break;
-						}
-						case DBI_TYPE_DECIMAL :
-							if ( !osrfHashGet(_f, "primitive") )
-								osrfHashSet(_f, "number", "primitive");
-							osrfHashSet(_f,"NUMERIC", "datatype");
-							break;
-						case DBI_TYPE_STRING :
-							if ( !osrfHashGet(_f, "primitive") )
-								osrfHashSet(_f,"string", "primitive");
-							osrfHashSet(_f,"TEXT", "datatype");
-							break;
-						case DBI_TYPE_DATETIME :
-							if ( !osrfHashGet(_f, "primitive") )
-								osrfHashSet(_f,"string", "primitive");
-							osrfHashSet(_f,"TIMESTAMP", "datatype");
-							break;
-						case DBI_TYPE_BINARY :
-							if ( !osrfHashGet(_f, "primitive") )
-								osrfHashSet(_f,"string", "primitive");
-							osrfHashSet(_f,"BYTEA", "datatype");
-					}
-					osrfLogDebug(
-						"Setting [%s] to primitive [%s] and datatype [%s]...",
-						columnName,
-						osrfHashGet(_f, "primitive"),
-						osrfHashGet(_f, "datatype")
-					);
-				}
-				++columnIndex;
-			} // end while loop for traversing columns of result
-			dbi_result_free(result);
-		} else {
-			osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "No data found for class [%s]...", classname);
-		}
-	} // end for each class in IDL
-	buffer_free( query_buf );
-	osrfHashIteratorFree( class_itr );
-	child_initialized = 1;
-	return 0;
-	@brief Install a database driver.
-	@param conn Pointer to a database driver.
-	The driver is used to process quoted strings correctly.
-	This function is a sleazy hack, intended @em only for testing and debugging without
-	actually connecting to a database. Any real server process should initialize the
-	database connection by calling osrfAppChildInit().
-void set_cstore_dbi_conn( dbi_conn conn ) {
-	dbhandle = writehandle = conn;
-	@brief Free an osrfHash that stores a transaction ID.
-	@param blob A pointer to the osrfHash to be freed, cast to a void pointer.
-	This function is a callback, to be called by the application session when it ends.
-	The application session stores the osrfHash via an opaque pointer.
-	If the osrfHash contains an entry for the key "xact_id", it means that an
-	uncommitted transaction is pending.  Roll it back.
-void userDataFree( void* blob ) {
-	osrfHash* hash = (osrfHash*) blob;
-	if( osrfHashGet( hash, "xact_id" ) && writehandle )
-		dbi_conn_query( writehandle, "ROLLBACK;" );
-	osrfHashFree( hash );
-	@name Managing session data
-	@brief Maintain data stored via the userData pointer of the application session.
-	Currently, session-level data is stored in an osrfHash.  Other arrangements are
-	possible, and some would be more efficient.  The application session calls a
-	callback function to free userData before terminating.
-	Currently, the only data we store at the session level is the transaction id.  By this
-	means we can ensure that any pending transactions are rolled back before the application
-	session terminates.
-	@brief Free an item in the application session's userData.
-	@param key The name of a key for an osrfHash.
-	@param item An opaque pointer to the item associated with the key.
-	We store an osrfHash as userData with the application session, and arrange (by
-	installing userDataFree() as a different callback) for the session to free that
-	osrfHash before terminating.
-	This function is a callback for freeing items in the osrfHash.  Currently we store
-	two things:
-	- Transaction id of a pending transaction; a character string.  Key: "xact_id".
-	- Authkey; a character string.  Key: "authkey".
-	- User object from the authentication server; a jsonObject.  Key: "user_login".
-	If we ever store anything else in userData, we will need to revisit this function so
-	that it will free whatever else needs freeing.
-static void sessionDataFree( char* key, void* item ) {
-	if ( !strcmp( key, "xact_id" )
-	     || !strcmp( key, "authkey" ) ) {
-		free( item );
-	} else if( !strcmp( key, "user_login" ) )
-		jsonObjectFree( (jsonObject*) item );
-	@brief Save a transaction id.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-	Save the session_id of the current application session as a transaction id.
-static void setXactId( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	if( ctx && ctx->session ) {
-		osrfAppSession* session = ctx->session;
-		osrfHash* cache = session->userData;
-		// If the session doesn't already have a hash, create one.  Make sure
-		// that the application session frees the hash when it terminates.
-		if( NULL == cache ) {
-			session->userData = cache = osrfNewHash();
-			osrfHashSetCallback( cache, &sessionDataFree );
-			ctx->session->userDataFree = &userDataFree;
-		}
-		// Save the transaction id in the hash, with the key "xact_id"
-		osrfHashSet( cache, strdup( session->session_id ), "xact_id" );
-	}
-	@brief Get the transaction ID for the current transaction, if any.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-	@return Pointer to the transaction ID.
-	The return value points to an internal buffer, and will become invalid upon issuing
-	a commit or rollback.
-static inline const char* getXactId( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	if( ctx && ctx->session && ctx->session->userData )
-		return osrfHashGet( (osrfHash*) ctx->session->userData, "xact_id" );
-	else
-		return NULL;
-	@brief Clear the current transaction id.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-static inline void clearXactId( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	if( ctx && ctx->session && ctx->session->userData )
-		osrfHashRemove( ctx->session->userData, "xact_id" );
-	@brief Save the user's login in the userData for the current application session.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-	@param user_login Pointer to the user login object to be cached (we cache the original,
-	not a copy of it).
-	If @a user_login is NULL, remove the user login if one is already cached.
-static void setUserLogin( osrfMethodContext* ctx, jsonObject* user_login ) {
-	if( ctx && ctx->session ) {
-		osrfAppSession* session = ctx->session;
-		osrfHash* cache = session->userData;
-		// If the session doesn't already have a hash, create one.  Make sure
-		// that the application session frees the hash when it terminates.
-		if( NULL == cache ) {
-			session->userData = cache = osrfNewHash();
-			osrfHashSetCallback( cache, &sessionDataFree );
-			ctx->session->userDataFree = &userDataFree;
-		}
-		if( user_login )
-			osrfHashSet( cache, user_login, "user_login" );
-		else
-			osrfHashRemove( cache, "user_login" );
-	}
-	@brief Get the user login object for the current application session, if any.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-	@return Pointer to the user login object if found; otherwise NULL.
-	The user login object was returned from the authentication server, and then cached so
-	we don't have to call the authentication server again for the same user.
-static const jsonObject* getUserLogin( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	if( ctx && ctx->session && ctx->session->userData )
-		return osrfHashGet( (osrfHash*) ctx->session->userData, "user_login" );
-	else
-		return NULL;
-	@brief Save a copy of an authkey in the userData of the current application session.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-	@param authkey The authkey to be saved.
-	If @a authkey is NULL, remove the authkey if one is already cached.
-static void setAuthkey( osrfMethodContext* ctx, const char* authkey ) {
-	if( ctx && ctx->session && authkey ) {
-		osrfAppSession* session = ctx->session;
-		osrfHash* cache = session->userData;
-		// If the session doesn't already have a hash, create one.  Make sure
-		// that the application session frees the hash when it terminates.
-		if( NULL == cache ) {
-			session->userData = cache = osrfNewHash();
-			osrfHashSetCallback( cache, &sessionDataFree );
-			ctx->session->userDataFree = &userDataFree;
-		}
-		// Save the transaction id in the hash, with the key "xact_id"
-		if( authkey && *authkey )
-			osrfHashSet( cache, strdup( authkey ), "authkey" );
-		else
-			osrfHashRemove( cache, "authkey" );
-	}
-	@brief Reset the login timeout.
-	@param authkey The authentication key for the current login session.
-	@param now The current time.
-	@return Zero if successful, or 1 if not.
-	Tell the authentication server to reset the timeout so that the login session won't
-	expire for a while longer.
-	We could dispense with the @a now parameter by calling time().  But we just called
-	time() in order to decide whether to reset the timeout, so we might as well reuse
-	the result instead of calling time() again.
-static int reset_timeout( const char* authkey, time_t now ) {
-	jsonObject* auth_object = jsonNewObject( authkey );
-	// Ask the authentication server to reset the timeout.  It returns an event
-	// indicating success or failure.
-	jsonObject* result = oilsUtilsQuickReq( "open-ils.auth",
-		"open-ils.auth.session.reset_timeout", auth_object );
-	jsonObjectFree(auth_object);
-	if( !result || result->type != JSON_HASH ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-			 "Unexpected object type receieved from open-ils.auth.session.reset_timeout" );
-		jsonObjectFree( result );
-		return 1;       // Not the right sort of object returned
-	}
-	const jsonObject* ilsevent = jsonObjectGetKey( result, "ilsevent" );
-	if( !ilsevent || ilsevent->type != JSON_NUMBER ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "ilsevent is absent or malformed" );
-		jsonObjectFree( result );
-		return 1;    // Return code from method not available
-	}
-	if( jsonObjectGetNumber( ilsevent ) != 0.0 ){
-		const char* desc = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKey( result, "desc" ) );
-		if( !desc )
-			desc = "(No reason available)";    // failsafe; shouldn't happen
-		osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Failure to reset timeout: %s", desc );
-		jsonObjectFree( result );
-		return 1;
-	}
-	// Revise our local proxy for the timeout deadline
-	// by a smallish fraction of the timeout interval
-	const char* timeout = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKey( result, "payload" ) );
-	if( !timeout )
-		timeout = "1";   // failsafe; shouldn't happen
-	time_next_reset = now + atoi( timeout ) / 15;
-	jsonObjectFree( result );
-	return 0;     // Successfully reset timeout
-	@brief Get the authkey string for the current application session, if any.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-	@return Pointer to the cached authkey if found; otherwise NULL.
-	If present, the authkey string was cached from a previous method call.
-static const char* getAuthkey( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	if( ctx && ctx->session && ctx->session->userData ) {
-		const char* authkey = osrfHashGet( (osrfHash*) ctx->session->userData, "authkey" );
-		// Possibly reset the authentication timeout to keep the login alive.  We do so
-		// no more than once per method call, and not at all if it has been only a short
-		// time since the last reset.
-		// Here we reset explicitly, if at all.  We also implicitly reset the timeout
-		// whenever we call the "open-ils.auth.session.retrieve" method.
-		if( timeout_needs_resetting ) {
-			time_t now = time( NULL );
-			if( now >= time_next_reset && reset_timeout( authkey, now ) )
-				authkey = NULL;    // timeout has apparently expired already
-		}
-		timeout_needs_resetting = 0;
-		return authkey;
-	}
-	else
-		return NULL;
-	@brief Implement the transaction.begin method.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-	@return Zero if successful, or -1 upon error.
-	Start a transaction.  Save a transaction ID for future reference.
-	Method parameters:
-	- authkey (PCRUD only)
-	Return to client: Transaction ID
-int beginTransaction ( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,  "Invalid method context" );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
-		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
-		const jsonObject* user = verifyUserPCRUD( ctx );
-		if (!user)
-			return -1;
-	}
-	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_query(writehandle, "START TRANSACTION;");
-	if (!result) {
-		osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error starting transaction", modulename );
-		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_INTERNALSERVERERROR,
-				"osrfMethodException", ctx->request, "Error starting transaction" );
-		return -1;
-	} else {
-		setXactId( ctx );
-		jsonObject* ret = jsonNewObject( getXactId( ctx ) );
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, ret );
-		jsonObjectFree(ret);
-	}
-	return 0;
-	@brief Implement the savepoint.set method.
+	@brief Implement the class-specific methods.
 	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
 	@return Zero if successful, or -1 if not.
-	Issue a SAVEPOINT to the database server.
-	Method parameters:
-	- authkey (PCRUD only)
-	- savepoint name
+	Branch on the method type: create, retrieve, update, delete, search, or id_list.
-	Return to client: Savepoint name
+	The method parameters and the type of value returned to the client depend on the method
+	type.
-int setSavepoint ( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,  "Invalid method context" );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	int spNamePos = 0;
-	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
-		spNamePos = 1;
-		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
-		const jsonObject* user = verifyUserPCRUD( ctx );
-		if (!user)
-			return -1;
-	}
-	// Verify that a transaction is pending
-	const char* trans_id = getXactId( ctx );
-	if( NULL == trans_id ) {
-		osrfAppSessionStatus(
-			ctx->session,
-			"osrfMethodException",
-			ctx->request,
-			"No active transaction -- required for savepoints"
-		);
-		return -1;
-	}
+int dispatchCRUDMethod( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	// Get the savepoint name from the method params
-	const char* spName = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetIndex(ctx->params, spNamePos) );
+	// Get the method type, then can branch on it
+	osrfHash* method_meta = (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData;
+	const char* methodtype = osrfHashGet( method_meta, "methodtype" );
-	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_queryf(writehandle, "SAVEPOINT \"%s\";", spName);
-	if (!result) {
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s: Error creating savepoint %s in transaction %s",
-			modulename,
-			spName,
-			trans_id
-		);
-		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_INTERNALSERVERERROR,
-				"osrfMethodException", ctx->request, "Error creating savepoint" );
-		return -1;
-	} else {
-		jsonObject* ret = jsonNewObject(spName);
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, ret );
-		jsonObjectFree(ret);
+	if( !strcmp( methodtype, "create" ))
+		return doCreate( ctx );
+	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "retrieve" ))
+		return doRetrieve( ctx );
+	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "update" ))
+		return doUpdate( ctx );
+	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "delete" ))
+		return doDelete( ctx );
+	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "search" ))
+		return doSearch( ctx );
+	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "id_list" ))
+		return doIdList( ctx );
+	else {
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );      // should be unreachable...
+		return 0;
-	return 0;
-	@brief Implement the savepoint.release method.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-	@return Zero if successful, or -1 if not.
-	Issue a RELEASE SAVEPOINT to the database server.
-	Method parameters:
-	- authkey (PCRUD only)
-	- savepoint name
-	Return to client: Savepoint name
-int releaseSavepoint ( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,  "Invalid method context" );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	int spNamePos = 0;
-	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
-		spNamePos = 1;
-		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
-		const jsonObject* user = verifyUserPCRUD( ctx );
-		if (!user)
-			return -1;
-	}
-	// Verify that a transaction is pending
-	const char* trans_id = getXactId( ctx );
-	if( NULL == trans_id ) {
-		osrfAppSessionStatus(
-			ctx->session,
-			"osrfMethodException",
-			ctx->request,
-			"No active transaction -- required for savepoints"
-		);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	// Get the savepoint name from the method params
-	const char* spName = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetIndex(ctx->params, spNamePos) );
-	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_queryf(writehandle, "RELEASE SAVEPOINT \"%s\";", spName);
-	if (!result) {
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s: Error releasing savepoint %s in transaction %s",
-			modulename,
-			spName,
-			trans_id
-		);
-		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_INTERNALSERVERERROR,
-				"osrfMethodException", ctx->request, "Error releasing savepoint" );
-		return -1;
-	} else {
-		jsonObject* ret = jsonNewObject(spName);
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, ret );
-		jsonObjectFree(ret);
-	}
-	return 0;
-	@brief Implement the savepoint.rollback method.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-	@return Zero if successful, or -1 if not.
-	Issue a ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT to the database server.
-	Method parameters:
-	- authkey (PCRUD only)
-	- savepoint name
-	Return to client: Savepoint name
-int rollbackSavepoint ( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,  "Invalid method context" );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	int spNamePos = 0;
-	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
-		spNamePos = 1;
-		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
-		const jsonObject* user = verifyUserPCRUD( ctx );
-		if (!user)
-			return -1;
-	}
-	// Verify that a transaction is pending
-	const char* trans_id = getXactId( ctx );
-	if( NULL == trans_id ) {
-		osrfAppSessionStatus(
-			ctx->session,
-			"osrfMethodException",
-			ctx->request,
-			"No active transaction -- required for savepoints"
-		);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	// Get the savepoint name from the method params
-	const char* spName = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetIndex(ctx->params, spNamePos) );
-	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_queryf(writehandle, "ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT \"%s\";", spName);
-	if (!result) {
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s: Error rolling back savepoint %s in transaction %s",
-			modulename,
-			spName,
-			trans_id
-		);
-		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_INTERNALSERVERERROR,
-				"osrfMethodException", ctx->request, "Error rolling back savepoint" );
-		return -1;
-	} else {
-		jsonObject* ret = jsonNewObject(spName);
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, ret );
-		jsonObjectFree(ret);
-	}
-	return 0;
-	@brief Implement the transaction.commit method.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-	@return Zero if successful, or -1 if not.
-	Issue a COMMIT to the database server.
-	Method parameters:
-	- authkey (PCRUD only)
-	Return to client: Transaction ID.
-int commitTransaction ( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Invalid method context" );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
-		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
-		const jsonObject* user = verifyUserPCRUD( ctx );
-		if (!user)
-			return -1;
-	}
-	// Verify that a transaction is pending
-	const char* trans_id = getXactId( ctx );
-	if( NULL == trans_id ) {
-		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_INTERNALSERVERERROR,
-				"osrfMethodException", ctx->request, "No active transaction to commit" );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_query(writehandle, "COMMIT;");
-	if (!result) {
-		osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error committing transaction", modulename );
-		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_INTERNALSERVERERROR,
-				"osrfMethodException", ctx->request, "Error committing transaction" );
-		return -1;
-	} else {
-		jsonObject* ret = jsonNewObject( trans_id );
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, ret );
-		jsonObjectFree(ret);
-		clearXactId( ctx );
-	}
-	return 0;
-	@brief Implement the transaction.rollback method.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-	@return Zero if successful, or -1 if not.
-	Issue a ROLLBACK to the database server.
-	Method parameters:
-	- authkey (PCRUD only)
-	Return to client: Transaction ID
-int rollbackTransaction ( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,  "Invalid method context" );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
-		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
-		const jsonObject* user = verifyUserPCRUD( ctx );
-		if (!user)
-			return -1;
-	}
-	// Verify that a transaction is pending
-	const char* trans_id = getXactId( ctx );
-	if( NULL == trans_id ) {
-		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_INTERNALSERVERERROR,
-				"osrfMethodException", ctx->request, "No active transaction to roll back" );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_query(writehandle, "ROLLBACK;");
-	if (!result) {
-		osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error rolling back transaction", modulename );
-		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_INTERNALSERVERERROR,
-				"osrfMethodException", ctx->request, "Error rolling back transaction" );
-		return -1;
-	} else {
-		jsonObject* ret = jsonNewObject( trans_id );
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, ret );
-		jsonObjectFree(ret);
-		clearXactId( ctx );
-	}
-	return 0;
-	@brief Implement the class-specific methods.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-	@return Zero if successful, or -1 if not.
-	Branch on the method type: create, retrieve, update, delete, search, or id_list.
-	The method parameters and the type of value returned to the client depend on the method
-	type.  However, for PCRUD methods, the first method parameter should always be an
-	authkey.
-int dispatchCRUDMethod ( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	// Get the method type, then can branch on it
-	osrfHash* method_meta = (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData;
-	const char* methodtype = osrfHashGet( method_meta, "methodtype" );
-	if( !strcmp( methodtype, "create" ))
-		return doCreate( ctx );
-	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "retrieve" ))
-		return doRetrieve( ctx );
-	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "update" ))
-		return doUpdate( ctx );
-	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "delete" ))
-		return doDelete( ctx );
-	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "search" ))
-		return doSearch( ctx );
-	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "id_list" ))
-		return doIdList( ctx );
-	else {
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );      // should be unreachable...
-		return 0;
-	}
-	@brief Implement the "search" method.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-	@return Zero if successful, or -1 if not.
-	Method parameters:
-	- authkey (PCRUD only)
-	- WHERE clause, as jsonObject
-	- Other SQL clause(s), as a JSON_HASH: joins, SELECT list, LIMIT, etc.
-	Return to client: rows of the specified class that satisfy a specified WHERE clause.
-	Optionally flesh linked fields.
-static int doSearch( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Invalid method context" );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if( enforce_pcrud )
-		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
-	jsonObject* where_clause;
-	jsonObject* rest_of_query;
-	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
-		where_clause  = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 1 );
-		rest_of_query = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 2 );
-	} else {
-		where_clause  = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 0 );
-		rest_of_query = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 1 );
-	}
-	// Get the class metadata
-	osrfHash* method_meta = (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData;
-	osrfHash* class_meta = osrfHashGet( method_meta, "class" );
-	// Do the query
-	int err = 0;
-	jsonObject* obj = doFieldmapperSearch( ctx, class_meta, where_clause, rest_of_query, &err );
-	if( err ) {
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	// Return each row to the client (except that some may be suppressed by PCRUD)
-	jsonObject* cur = 0;
-	unsigned long res_idx = 0;
-	while((cur = jsonObjectGetIndex( obj, res_idx++ ) )) {
-		if( enforce_pcrud && !verifyObjectPCRUD( ctx, cur ))
-			continue;
-		osrfAppRespond( ctx, cur );
-	}
-	jsonObjectFree( obj );
-	osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-	return 0;
-	@brief Implement the "id_list" method.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-	@param err Pointer through which to return an error code.
-	@return Zero if successful, or -1 if not.
-	Method parameters:
-	- authkey (PCRUD only)
-	- WHERE clause, as jsonObject
-	- Other SQL clause(s), as a JSON_HASH: joins, LIMIT, etc.
-	Return to client: The primary key values for all rows of the relevant class that
-	satisfy a specified WHERE clause.
-	This method relies on the assumption that every class has a primary key consisting of
-	a single column.
-static int doIdList( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Invalid method context" );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if( enforce_pcrud )
-		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
-	jsonObject* where_clause;
-	jsonObject* rest_of_query;
-	// We use the where clause without change.  But we need to massage the rest of the
-	// query, so we work with a copy of it instead of modifying the original.
-	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
-		where_clause  = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 1 );
-		rest_of_query = jsonObjectClone( jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 2 ) );
-	} else {
-		where_clause  = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 0 );
-		rest_of_query = jsonObjectClone( jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 1 ) );
-	}
-	// Eliminate certain SQL clauses, if present.
-	if ( rest_of_query ) {
-		jsonObjectRemoveKey( rest_of_query, "select" );
-		jsonObjectRemoveKey( rest_of_query, "no_i18n" );
-		jsonObjectRemoveKey( rest_of_query, "flesh" );
-		jsonObjectRemoveKey( rest_of_query, "flesh_columns" );
-	} else {
-		rest_of_query = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_HASH );
-	}
-	jsonObjectSetKey( rest_of_query, "no_i18n", jsonNewBoolObject( 1 ) );
-	// Get the class metadata
-	osrfHash* method_meta = (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData;
-	osrfHash* class_meta = osrfHashGet( method_meta, "class" );
-	// Build a SELECT list containing just the primary key,
-	// i.e. like { "classname":["keyname"] }
-	jsonObject* col_list_obj = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_ARRAY );
-	// Load array with name of primary key
-	jsonObjectPush( col_list_obj, jsonNewObject( osrfHashGet( class_meta, "primarykey" ) ) );
-	jsonObject* select_clause = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_HASH );
-	jsonObjectSetKey( select_clause, osrfHashGet( class_meta, "classname" ), col_list_obj );
-	jsonObjectSetKey( rest_of_query, "select", select_clause );
-	// Do the query
-	int err = 0;
-	jsonObject* obj =
-		doFieldmapperSearch( ctx, class_meta, where_clause, rest_of_query, &err );
-	jsonObjectFree( rest_of_query );
-	if( err ) {
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	// Return each primary key value to the client
-	jsonObject* cur;
-	unsigned long res_idx = 0;
-	while((cur = jsonObjectGetIndex( obj, res_idx++ ) )) {
-		if( enforce_pcrud && !verifyObjectPCRUD( ctx, cur ))
-			continue;        // Suppress due to lack of permission
-		else
-			osrfAppRespond( ctx,
-				oilsFMGetObject( cur, osrfHashGet( class_meta, "primarykey" ) ) );
-	}
-	jsonObjectFree( obj );
-	osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-	return 0;
-	@brief Verify that we have a valid class reference.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-	@param param Pointer to the method parameters.
-	@return 1 if the class reference is valid, or zero if it isn't.
-	The class of the method params must match the class to which the method id devoted.
-	For PCRUD there are additional restrictions.
-static int verifyObjectClass ( osrfMethodContext* ctx, const jsonObject* param ) {
-	osrfHash* method_meta = (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData;
-	osrfHash* class = osrfHashGet( method_meta, "class" );
-	// Compare the method's class to the parameters' class
-	if (!param->classname || (strcmp( osrfHashGet(class, "classname"), param->classname ))) {
-		// Oops -- they don't match.  Complain.
-		growing_buffer* msg = buffer_init(128);
-		buffer_fadd(
-			msg,
-			"%s: %s method for type %s was passed a %s",
-			modulename,
-			osrfHashGet(method_meta, "methodtype"),
-			osrfHashGet(class, "classname"),
-			param->classname ? param->classname : "(null)"
-		);
-		char* m = buffer_release(msg);
-		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_BADREQUEST, "osrfMethodException",
-				ctx->request, m );
-		free(m);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if( enforce_pcrud )
-		return verifyObjectPCRUD( ctx, param );
-	else
-		return 1;
-	@brief (PCRUD only) Verify that the user is properly logged in.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-	@return If the user is logged in, a pointer to the user object from the authentication
-	server; otherwise NULL.
-static const jsonObject* verifyUserPCRUD( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	// Get the authkey (the first method parameter)
-	const char* auth = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 0 ) );
-	// See if we have the same authkey, and a user object,
-	// locally cached from a previous call
-	const char* cached_authkey = getAuthkey( ctx );
-	if( cached_authkey && !strcmp( cached_authkey, auth ) ) {
-		const jsonObject* cached_user = getUserLogin( ctx );
-		if( cached_user )
-			return cached_user;
-	}
-	// We have no matching authentication data in the cache.  Authenticate from scratch.
-	jsonObject* auth_object = jsonNewObject(auth);
-	// Fetch the user object from the authentication server
-	jsonObject* user = oilsUtilsQuickReq( "open-ils.auth", "open-ils.auth.session.retrieve",
-			auth_object );
-	jsonObjectFree(auth_object);
-	if (!user->classname || strcmp(user->classname, "au")) {
-		growing_buffer* msg = buffer_init(128);
-		buffer_fadd(
-			msg,
-			"%s: permacrud received a bad auth token: %s",
-			modulename,
-			auth
-		);
-		char* m = buffer_release(msg);
-		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED, "osrfMethodException",
-				ctx->request, m );
-		free(m);
-		jsonObjectFree(user);
-		user = NULL;
-	}
-	setUserLogin( ctx, user );
-	setAuthkey( ctx, auth );
-	// Allow ourselves up to a second before we have to reset the login timeout.
-	// It would be nice to use some fraction of the timeout interval enforced by the
-	// authentication server, but that value is not readily available at this point.
-	// Instead, we use a conservative default interval.
-	time_next_reset = time( NULL ) + 1;
-	return user;
-static int verifyObjectPCRUD (  osrfMethodContext* ctx, const jsonObject* obj ) {
-	dbhandle = writehandle;
-	osrfHash* method_metadata = (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData;
-	osrfHash* class = osrfHashGet( method_metadata, "class" );
-	const char* method_type = osrfHashGet( method_metadata, "methodtype" );
-	int fetch = 0;
-	if ( ( *method_type == 's' || *method_type == 'i' ) ) {
-		method_type = "retrieve"; // search and id_list are equivalent to retrieve for this
-	} else if ( *method_type == 'u' || *method_type == 'd' ) {
-		fetch = 1; // MUST go to the db for the object for update and delete
-	}
-	osrfHash* pcrud = osrfHashGet( osrfHashGet(class, "permacrud"), method_type );
-	if (!pcrud) {
-		// No permacrud for this method type on this class
-		growing_buffer* msg = buffer_init(128);
-		buffer_fadd(
-			msg,
-			"%s: %s on class %s has no permacrud IDL entry",
-			modulename,
-			osrfHashGet(method_metadata, "methodtype"),
-			osrfHashGet(class, "classname")
-		);
-		char* m = buffer_release(msg);
-		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_FORBIDDEN,
-				"osrfMethodException", ctx->request, m );
-		free(m);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	const jsonObject* user = verifyUserPCRUD( ctx );
-	if (!user)
-		return 0;
-	int userid = atoi( oilsFMGetString( user, "id" ) );
-	osrfStringArray* permission = osrfHashGet(pcrud, "permission");
-	osrfStringArray* local_context = osrfHashGet(pcrud, "local_context");
-	osrfHash* foreign_context = osrfHashGet(pcrud, "foreign_context");
-	osrfStringArray* context_org_array = osrfNewStringArray(1);
-	int err = 0;
-	char* pkey_value = NULL;
-	if ( str_is_true( osrfHashGet(pcrud, "global_required") ) ) {
-		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-				"global-level permissions required, fetching top of the org tree" );
-		// check for perm at top of org tree
-		char* org_tree_root_id = org_tree_root( ctx );
-		if( org_tree_root_id ) {
-			osrfStringArrayAdd( context_org_array, org_tree_root_id );
-			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "top of the org tree is %s", org_tree_root_id );
-		} else  {
-			osrfStringArrayFree( context_org_array );
-			return 0;
-		}
-	} else {
-	    osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "global-level permissions not required, "
-				"fetching context org ids" );
-	    const char* pkey = osrfHashGet(class, "primarykey");
-		jsonObject *param = NULL;
-		if (obj->classname) {
-			pkey_value = oilsFMGetString( obj, pkey );
-			if (!fetch)
-				param = jsonObjectClone(obj);
-			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Object supplied, using primary key value of %s",
-					pkey_value );
-		} else {
-			pkey_value = jsonObjectToSimpleString( obj );
-			fetch = 1;
-			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Object not supplied, using primary key value "
-					"of %s and retrieving from the database", pkey_value );
-		}
-		if (fetch) {
-			jsonObject* _tmp_params = single_hash( pkey, pkey_value );
-			jsonObject* _list = doFieldmapperSearch( ctx, class, _tmp_params, NULL, &err );
-			jsonObjectFree(_tmp_params);
-			param = jsonObjectExtractIndex(_list, 0);
-			jsonObjectFree(_list);
-		}
-		if (!param) {
-			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-					"Object not found in the database with primary key %s of %s",
-					pkey, pkey_value );
-			growing_buffer* msg = buffer_init(128);
-			buffer_fadd(
-				msg,
-				"%s: no object found with primary key %s of %s",
-				modulename,
-				pkey,
-				pkey_value
-			);
-			char* m = buffer_release(msg);
-			osrfAppSessionStatus(
-				ctx->session,
-				"osrfMethodException",
-				ctx->request,
-				m
-			);
-			free(m);
-			if (pkey_value) free(pkey_value);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		if (local_context->size > 0) {
-			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%d class-local context field(s) specified",
-					local_context->size);
-			int i = 0;
-			const char* lcontext = NULL;
-			while ( (lcontext = osrfStringArrayGetString(local_context, i++)) ) {
-				osrfStringArrayAdd( context_org_array, oilsFMGetString( param, lcontext ) );
-				osrfLogDebug(
-					"adding class-local field %s (value: %s) to the context org list",
-					lcontext,
-					osrfStringArrayGetString(context_org_array, context_org_array->size - 1)
-				);
-			}
-		}
-		if (foreign_context) {
-			unsigned long class_count = osrfHashGetCount( foreign_context );
-			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%d foreign context classes(s) specified", class_count);
-			if (class_count > 0) {
-				osrfHash* fcontext = NULL;
-				osrfHashIterator* class_itr = osrfNewHashIterator( foreign_context );
-				while( (fcontext = osrfHashIteratorNext( class_itr ) ) ) {
-					const char* class_name = osrfHashIteratorKey( class_itr );
-					osrfHash* fcontext = osrfHashGet(foreign_context, class_name);
-					osrfLogDebug(
-						"%d foreign context fields(s) specified for class %s",
-						((osrfStringArray*)osrfHashGet(fcontext,"context"))->size,
-						class_name
-					);
-					char* foreign_pkey = osrfHashGet(fcontext, "field");
-					char* foreign_pkey_value =
-							oilsFMGetString(param, osrfHashGet(fcontext, "fkey"));
-					jsonObject* _tmp_params = single_hash( foreign_pkey, foreign_pkey_value );
-					jsonObject* _list = doFieldmapperSearch(
-						ctx, osrfHashGet( oilsIDL(), class_name ), _tmp_params, NULL, &err );
-					jsonObject* _fparam = jsonObjectClone(jsonObjectGetIndex(_list, 0));
-					jsonObjectFree(_tmp_params);
-					jsonObjectFree(_list);
-					osrfStringArray* jump_list = osrfHashGet(fcontext, "jump");
-					if (_fparam && jump_list) {
-						const char* flink = NULL;
-						int k = 0;
-						while ( (flink = osrfStringArrayGetString(jump_list, k++)) && _fparam ) {
-							free(foreign_pkey_value);
-							osrfHash* foreign_link_hash =
-									oilsIDLFindPath( "/%s/links/%s", _fparam->classname, flink );
-							foreign_pkey_value = oilsFMGetString(_fparam, flink);
-							foreign_pkey = osrfHashGet( foreign_link_hash, "key" );
-							_tmp_params = single_hash( foreign_pkey, foreign_pkey_value );
-							_list = doFieldmapperSearch(
-								ctx,
-								osrfHashGet( oilsIDL(),
-										osrfHashGet( foreign_link_hash, "class" ) ),
-								_tmp_params,
-								NULL,
-								&err
-							);
-							_fparam = jsonObjectClone(jsonObjectGetIndex(_list, 0));
-							jsonObjectFree(_tmp_params);
-							jsonObjectFree(_list);
-						}
-					}
-					if (!_fparam) {
-						growing_buffer* msg = buffer_init(128);
-						buffer_fadd(
-							msg,
-							"%s: no object found with primary key %s of %s",
-							modulename,
-							foreign_pkey,
-							foreign_pkey_value
-						);
-						char* m = buffer_release(msg);
-						osrfAppSessionStatus(
-							ctx->session,
-							"osrfMethodException",
-							ctx->request,
-							m
-						);
-						free(m);
-						osrfHashIteratorFree(class_itr);
-						free(foreign_pkey_value);
-						jsonObjectFree(param);
-						return 0;
-					}
-					free(foreign_pkey_value);
-					int j = 0;
-					const char* foreign_field = NULL;
-					while ( (foreign_field = osrfStringArrayGetString(
-							 osrfHashGet(fcontext,"context" ), j++)) ) {
-						osrfStringArrayAdd( context_org_array,
-								oilsFMGetString( _fparam, foreign_field ) );
-						osrfLogDebug(
-							OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-							"adding foreign class %s field %s (value: %s) to the context org list",
-							class_name,
-							foreign_field,
-							osrfStringArrayGetString(
-									context_org_array, context_org_array->size - 1)
-						);
-					}
-					jsonObjectFree(_fparam);
-				}
-				osrfHashIteratorFree( class_itr );
-			}
-		}
-		jsonObjectFree(param);
-	}
-	const char* context_org = NULL;
-	const char* perm = NULL;
-	int OK = 0;
-	if (permission->size == 0) {
-	    osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "No permission specified for this action, passing through" );
-		OK = 1;
-	}
-	int i = 0;
-	while ( (perm = osrfStringArrayGetString(permission, i++)) ) {
-		int j = 0;
-		while ( (context_org = osrfStringArrayGetString(context_org_array, j++)) ) {
-			dbi_result result;
-			if (pkey_value) {
-				osrfLogDebug(
-					"Checking object permission [%s] for user %d "
-							"on object %s (class %s) at org %d",
-					perm,
-					userid,
-					pkey_value,
-					osrfHashGet(class, "classname"),
-					atoi(context_org)
-				);
-				result = dbi_conn_queryf(
-					writehandle,
-					"SELECT permission.usr_has_object_perm(%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d) AS has_perm;",
-					userid,
-					perm,
-					osrfHashGet(class, "classname"),
-					pkey_value,
-					atoi(context_org)
-				);
-				if (result) {
-					osrfLogDebug(
-						"Received a result for object permission [%s] "
-								"for user %d on object %s (class %s) at org %d",
-						perm,
-						userid,
-						pkey_value,
-						osrfHashGet(class, "classname"),
-						atoi(context_org)
-					);
-					if (dbi_result_first_row(result)) {
-						jsonObject* return_val = oilsMakeJSONFromResult( result );
-						const char* has_perm = jsonObjectGetString(
-								jsonObjectGetKeyConst(return_val, "has_perm") );
-						osrfLogDebug(
-							OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-							"Status of object permission [%s] for user %d "
-									"on object %s (class %s) at org %d is %s",
-							perm,
-							userid,
-							pkey_value,
-							osrfHashGet(class, "classname"),
-							atoi(context_org),
-							has_perm
-						);
-						if ( *has_perm == 't' ) OK = 1;
-						jsonObjectFree(return_val);
-					}
-					dbi_result_free(result);
-					if (OK)
-						break;
-				}
-			}
-			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-					"Checking non-object permission [%s] for user %d at org %d",
-					perm, userid, atoi(context_org) );
-			result = dbi_conn_queryf(
-				writehandle,
-				"SELECT permission.usr_has_perm(%d, '%s', %d) AS has_perm;",
-				userid,
-				perm,
-				atoi(context_org)
-			);
-			if (result) {
-				osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-						"Received a result for permission [%s] for user %d at org %d",
-						perm, userid, atoi(context_org) );
-				if ( dbi_result_first_row(result) ) {
-					jsonObject* return_val = oilsMakeJSONFromResult( result );
-					const char* has_perm = jsonObjectGetString(
-							jsonObjectGetKeyConst(return_val, "has_perm") );
-					osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-							"Status of permission [%s] for user %d at org %d is [%s]",
-							perm, userid, atoi(context_org), has_perm );
-					if ( *has_perm == 't' )
-						OK = 1;
-					jsonObjectFree(return_val);
-				}
-				dbi_result_free(result);
-				if (OK) break;
-			}
-		}
-		if (OK)
-			break;
-	}
-	if (pkey_value) free(pkey_value);
-	osrfStringArrayFree(context_org_array);
-	return OK;
-	@brief Look up the root of the org_unit tree.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-	@return The id of the root org unit, as a character string.
-	Query actor.org_unit where parent_ou is null, and return the id as a string.
-	This function assumes that there is only one root org unit, i.e. that we
-	have a single tree, not a forest.
-	The calling code is responsible for freeing the returned string.
-static char* org_tree_root( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	static char cached_root_id[ 32 ] = "";  // extravagantly large buffer
-	static time_t last_lookup_time = 0;
-	time_t current_time = time( NULL );
-	if( cached_root_id[ 0 ] && ( current_time - last_lookup_time < 3600 ) ) {
-		// We successfully looked this up less than an hour ago.
-		// It's not likely to have changed since then.
-		return strdup( cached_root_id );
-	}
-	last_lookup_time = current_time;
-	int err = 0;
-	jsonObject* where_clause = single_hash( "parent_ou", NULL );
-	jsonObject* result = doFieldmapperSearch(
-		ctx, osrfHashGet( oilsIDL(), "aou" ), where_clause, NULL, &err );
-	jsonObjectFree( where_clause );
-	jsonObject* tree_top = jsonObjectGetIndex( result, 0 );
-	if (! tree_top) {
-		jsonObjectFree( result );
-		growing_buffer* msg = buffer_init(128);
-		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( msg, modulename );
-				": Internal error, could not find the top of the org tree (parent_ou = NULL)" );
-		char* m = buffer_release(msg);
-		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session,
-				OSRF_STATUS_INTERNALSERVERERROR, "osrfMethodException", ctx->request, m );
-		free(m);
-		cached_root_id[ 0 ] = '\0';
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	char* root_org_unit_id = oilsFMGetString( tree_top, "id" );
-	osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Top of the org tree is %s", root_org_unit_id );
-	jsonObjectFree( result );
-	strcpy( cached_root_id, root_org_unit_id );
-	return root_org_unit_id;
-	@brief Create a JSON_HASH with a single key/value pair.
-	@param key The key of the key/value pair.
-	@param value the value of the key/value pair.
-	@return Pointer to a newly created jsonObject of type JSON_HASH.
-	The value of the key/value is either a string or (if @a value is NULL) a null.
-static jsonObject* single_hash( const char* key, const char* value ) {
-	// Sanity check
-	if( ! key ) key = "";
-	jsonObject* hash = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_HASH );
-	jsonObjectSetKey( hash, key, jsonNewObject( value ) );
-	return hash;
-static int doCreate( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Invalid method context" );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if( enforce_pcrud )
-		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
-	osrfHash* meta = osrfHashGet( (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData, "class" );
-	jsonObject* target = NULL;
-	jsonObject* options = NULL;
-	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
-		target = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 1 );
-		options = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 2 );
-	} else {
-		target = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 0 );
-		options = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 1 );
-	}
-	if ( !verifyObjectClass( ctx, target )) {
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Object seems to be of the correct type" );
-	const char* trans_id = getXactId( ctx );
-	if ( !trans_id ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "No active transaction -- required for CREATE" );
-		osrfAppSessionStatus(
-			ctx->session,
-			"osrfMethodException",
-			ctx->request,
-			"No active transaction -- required for CREATE"
-		);
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	// The following test is harmless but redundant.  If a class is
-	// readonly, we don't register a create method for it.
-	if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( meta, "readonly" ) ) ) {
-		osrfAppSessionStatus(
-			ctx->session,
-			"osrfMethodException",
-			ctx->request,
-			"Cannot INSERT readonly class"
-		);
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	// Set the last_xact_id
-	int index = oilsIDL_ntop( target->classname, "last_xact_id" );
-	if (index > -1) {
-		osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Setting last_xact_id to %s on %s at position %d",
-			trans_id, target->classname, index);
-		jsonObjectSetIndex(target, index, jsonNewObject(trans_id));
-	}
-	osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "There is a transaction running..." );
-	dbhandle = writehandle;
-	osrfHash* fields = osrfHashGet(meta, "fields");
-	char* pkey = osrfHashGet(meta, "primarykey");
-	char* seq = osrfHashGet(meta, "sequence");
-	growing_buffer* table_buf = buffer_init(128);
-	growing_buffer* col_buf = buffer_init(128);
-	growing_buffer* val_buf = buffer_init(128);
-	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(table_buf, osrfHashGet(meta, "tablename"));
-	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( col_buf, '(' );
-	buffer_add(val_buf,"VALUES (");
-	int first = 1;
-	osrfHash* field = NULL;
-	osrfHashIterator* field_itr = osrfNewHashIterator( fields );
-	while( (field = osrfHashIteratorNext( field_itr ) ) ) {
-		const char* field_name = osrfHashIteratorKey( field_itr );
-		if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( field, "virtual" ) ) )
-			continue;
-		const jsonObject* field_object = oilsFMGetObject( target, field_name );
-		char* value;
-		if (field_object && field_object->classname) {
-			value = oilsFMGetString(
-				field_object,
-				(char*)oilsIDLFindPath("/%s/primarykey", field_object->classname)
-			);
-		} else if( field_object && JSON_BOOL == field_object->type ) {
-			if( jsonBoolIsTrue( field_object ) )
-				value = strdup( "t" );
-			else
-				value = strdup( "f" );
-		} else {
-			value = jsonObjectToSimpleString( field_object );
-		}
-		if (first) {
-			first = 0;
-		} else {
-			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( col_buf, ',' );
-			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( val_buf, ',' );
-		}
-		buffer_add(col_buf, field_name);
-		if (!field_object || field_object->type == JSON_NULL) {
-			buffer_add( val_buf, "DEFAULT" );
-		} else if ( !strcmp(get_primitive( field ), "number") ) {
-			const char* numtype = get_datatype( field );
-			if ( !strcmp( numtype, "INT8") ) {
-				buffer_fadd( val_buf, "%lld", atoll(value) );
-			} else if ( !strcmp( numtype, "INT") ) {
-				buffer_fadd( val_buf, "%d", atoi(value) );
-			} else if ( !strcmp( numtype, "NUMERIC") ) {
-				buffer_fadd( val_buf, "%f", atof(value) );
-			}
-		} else {
-			if ( dbi_conn_quote_string(writehandle, &value) ) {
-				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( val_buf, value );
-			} else {
-				osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error quoting string [%s]", modulename, value);
-				osrfAppSessionStatus(
-					ctx->session,
-					"osrfMethodException",
-					ctx->request,
-					"Error quoting string -- please see the error log for more details"
-				);
-				free(value);
-				buffer_free(table_buf);
-				buffer_free(col_buf);
-				buffer_free(val_buf);
-				osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-				return -1;
-			}
-		}
-		free(value);
-	}
-	osrfHashIteratorFree( field_itr );
-	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( col_buf, ')' );
-	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( val_buf, ')' );
-	char* table_str = buffer_release(table_buf);
-	char* col_str   = buffer_release(col_buf);
-	char* val_str   = buffer_release(val_buf);
-	growing_buffer* sql = buffer_init(128);
-	buffer_fadd( sql, "%s %s %s;", table_str, col_str, val_str );
-	free(table_str);
-	free(col_str);
-	free(val_str);
-	char* query = buffer_release(sql);
-	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Insert SQL [%s]", modulename, query);
-	jsonObject* obj = NULL;
-	int rc = 0;
-	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_query( writehandle, query );
-	if (!result) {
-		obj = jsonNewObject(NULL);
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s ERROR inserting %s object using query [%s]",
-			modulename,
-			osrfHashGet(meta, "fieldmapper"),
-			query
-		);
-		osrfAppSessionStatus(
-			ctx->session,
-			"osrfMethodException",
-			ctx->request,
-			"INSERT error -- please see the error log for more details"
-		);
-		rc = -1;
-	} else {
-		char* id = oilsFMGetString(target, pkey);
-		if (!id) {
-			unsigned long long new_id = dbi_conn_sequence_last(writehandle, seq);
-			growing_buffer* _id = buffer_init(10);
-			buffer_fadd(_id, "%lld", new_id);
-			id = buffer_release(_id);
-		}
-		// Find quietness specification, if present
-		const char* quiet_str = NULL;
-		if ( options ) {
-			const jsonObject* quiet_obj = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( options, "quiet" );
-			if( quiet_obj )
-				quiet_str = jsonObjectGetString( quiet_obj );
-		}
-		if( str_is_true( quiet_str ) ) {  // if quietness is specified
-			obj = jsonNewObject(id);
-		}
-		else {
-			// Fetch the row that we just inserted, so that we can return it to the client
-			jsonObject* where_clause = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_HASH );
-			jsonObjectSetKey( where_clause, pkey, jsonNewObject(id) );
-			int err = 0;
-			jsonObject* list = doFieldmapperSearch( ctx, meta, where_clause, NULL, &err );
-			if( err )
-				rc = -1;
-			else
-				obj = jsonObjectClone( jsonObjectGetIndex( list, 0 ));
-			jsonObjectFree( list );
-			jsonObjectFree( where_clause );
-		}
-		free(id);
-	}
-	free(query);
-	osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, obj );
-	jsonObjectFree( obj );
-	return rc;
-	@brief Implement the retrieve method.
-	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
-	@param err Pointer through which to return an error code.
-	@return If successful, a pointer to the result to be returned to the client;
-	otherwise NULL.
-	From the method's class, fetch a row with a specified value in the primary key.  This
-	method relies on the database design convention that a primary key consists of a single
-	column.
-	Method parameters:
-	- authkey (PCRUD only)
-	- value of the primary key for the desired row, for building the WHERE clause
-	- a JSON_HASH containing any other SQL clauses: select, join, etc.
-	Return to client: One row from the query.
-static int doRetrieve(osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Invalid method context" );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if( enforce_pcrud )
-		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
-	int id_pos = 0;
-	int order_pos = 1;
-	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
-		id_pos = 1;
-		order_pos = 2;
-	}
-	// Get the class metadata
-	osrfHash* class_def = osrfHashGet( (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData, "class" );
-	// Get the value of the primary key, from a method parameter
-	const jsonObject* id_obj = jsonObjectGetIndex(ctx->params, id_pos);
-	osrfLogDebug(
-		"%s retrieving %s object with primary key value of %s",
-		modulename,
-		osrfHashGet( class_def, "fieldmapper" ),
-		jsonObjectGetString( id_obj )
-	);
-	// Build a WHERE clause based on the key value
-	jsonObject* where_clause = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_HASH );
-	jsonObjectSetKey(
-		where_clause,
-		osrfHashGet( class_def, "primarykey" ),  // name of key column
-		jsonObjectClone( id_obj )                // value of key column
-	);
-	jsonObject* rest_of_query = jsonObjectGetIndex(ctx->params, order_pos);
-	// Do the query
-	int err = 0;
-	jsonObject* list = doFieldmapperSearch( ctx, class_def, where_clause, rest_of_query, &err );
-	jsonObjectFree( where_clause );
-	if( err ) {
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	jsonObject* obj = jsonObjectExtractIndex( list, 0 );
-	jsonObjectFree( list );
-	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
-		if(!verifyObjectPCRUD(ctx, obj)) {
-			jsonObjectFree(obj);
-			growing_buffer* msg = buffer_init(128);
-			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( msg, modulename );
-			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( msg, ": Insufficient permissions to retrieve object" );
-			char* m = buffer_release(msg);
-			osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_NOTALLOWED, "osrfMethodException",
-					ctx->request, m );
-			free(m);
-			osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-			return -1;
-		}
-	}
-	osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, obj );
-	jsonObjectFree( obj );
-	return 0;
-static char* jsonNumberToDBString ( osrfHash* field, const jsonObject* value ) {
-	growing_buffer* val_buf = buffer_init(32);
-	const char* numtype = get_datatype( field );
-	if ( !strncmp( numtype, "INT", 3 ) ) {
-		if (value->type == JSON_NUMBER)
-			//buffer_fadd( val_buf, "%ld", (long)jsonObjectGetNumber(value) );
-			buffer_fadd( val_buf, jsonObjectGetString( value ) );
-		else {
-			buffer_fadd( val_buf, jsonObjectGetString( value ) );
-		}
-	} else if ( !strcmp( numtype, "NUMERIC" ) ) {
-		if (value->type == JSON_NUMBER)
-			buffer_fadd( val_buf, jsonObjectGetString( value ) );
-		else {
-			buffer_fadd( val_buf, jsonObjectGetString( value ) );
-		}
-	} else {
-		// Presumably this was really intended ot be a string, so quote it
-		char* str = jsonObjectToSimpleString( value );
-		if ( dbi_conn_quote_string(dbhandle, &str) ) {
-			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( val_buf, str );
-			free(str);
-		} else {
-			osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error quoting key string [%s]", modulename, str);
-			free(str);
-			buffer_free(val_buf);
-			return NULL;
-		}
-	}
-	return buffer_release(val_buf);
-static char* searchINPredicate (const char* class_alias, osrfHash* field,
-		jsonObject* node, const char* op, osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init(32);
-	buffer_fadd(
-		sql_buf,
-		"\"%s\".%s ",
-		class_alias,
-		osrfHashGet(field, "name")
-	);
-	if (!op) {
-		buffer_add(sql_buf, "IN (");
-	} else if (!(strcasecmp(op,"not in"))) {
-		buffer_add(sql_buf, "NOT IN (");
-	} else {
-		buffer_add(sql_buf, "IN (");
-	}
-	if (node->type == JSON_HASH) {
-		// subquery predicate
-		char* subpred = buildQuery( ctx, node, SUBSELECT );
-		if( ! subpred ) {
-			buffer_free( sql_buf );
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		buffer_add(sql_buf, subpred);
-		free(subpred);
-	} else if (node->type == JSON_ARRAY) {
-		// literal value list
-		int in_item_index = 0;
-		int in_item_first = 1;
-		const jsonObject* in_item;
-		while ( (in_item = jsonObjectGetIndex(node, in_item_index++)) ) {
-			if (in_item_first)
-				in_item_first = 0;
-			else
-				buffer_add(sql_buf, ", ");
-			// Sanity check
-			if ( in_item->type != JSON_STRING && in_item->type != JSON_NUMBER ) {
-				osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-						"%s: Expected string or number within IN list; found %s",
-						modulename, json_type( in_item->type ) );
-				buffer_free(sql_buf);
-				return NULL;
-			}
-			// Append the literal value -- quoted if not a number
-			if ( JSON_NUMBER == in_item->type ) {
-				char* val = jsonNumberToDBString( field, in_item );
-				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, val );
-				free(val);
-			} else if ( !strcmp( get_primitive( field ), "number") ) {
-				char* val = jsonNumberToDBString( field, in_item );
-				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, val );
-				free(val);
-			} else {
-				char* key_string = jsonObjectToSimpleString(in_item);
-				if ( dbi_conn_quote_string(dbhandle, &key_string) ) {
-					OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, key_string );
-					free(key_string);
-				} else {
-					osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-							"%s: Error quoting key string [%s]", modulename, key_string);
-					free(key_string);
-					buffer_free(sql_buf);
-					return NULL;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if( in_item_first ) {
-			osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Empty IN list", modulename );
-			buffer_free( sql_buf );
-			return NULL;
-		}
-	} else {
-		osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Expected object or array for IN clause; found %s",
-			modulename, json_type( node->type ) );
-		buffer_free(sql_buf);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( sql_buf, ')' );
-	return buffer_release(sql_buf);
-// Receive a JSON_ARRAY representing a function call.  The first
-// entry in the array is the function name.  The rest are parameters.
-static char* searchValueTransform( const jsonObject* array ) {
-	if( array->size < 1 ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Empty array for value transform", modulename );
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	// Get the function name
-	jsonObject* func_item = jsonObjectGetIndex( array, 0 );
-	if( func_item->type != JSON_STRING ) {
-		osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error: expected function name, found %s",
-			modulename, json_type( func_item->type ) );
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init(32);
-	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, jsonObjectGetString( func_item ) );
-	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, "( " );
-	// Get the parameters
-	int func_item_index = 1;   // We already grabbed the zeroth entry
-	while ( (func_item = jsonObjectGetIndex(array, func_item_index++)) ) {
-		// Add a separator comma, if we need one
-		if( func_item_index > 2 )
-			buffer_add( sql_buf, ", " );
-		// Add the current parameter
-		if (func_item->type == JSON_NULL) {
-			buffer_add( sql_buf, "NULL" );
-		} else {
-			char* val = jsonObjectToSimpleString(func_item);
-			if ( dbi_conn_quote_string(dbhandle, &val) ) {
-				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, val );
-				free(val);
-			} else {
-				osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error quoting key string [%s]", modulename, val);
-				buffer_free(sql_buf);
-				free(val);
-				return NULL;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	buffer_add( sql_buf, " )" );
-	return buffer_release(sql_buf);
-static char* searchFunctionPredicate (const char* class_alias, osrfHash* field,
-		const jsonObject* node, const char* op) {
-	if( ! is_good_operator( op ) ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Invalid operator [%s]", modulename, op );
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	char* val = searchValueTransform(node);
-	if( !val )
-		return NULL;
-	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init(32);
-	buffer_fadd(
-		sql_buf,
-		"\"%s\".%s %s %s",
-		class_alias,
-		osrfHashGet(field, "name"),
-		op,
-		val
-	);
-	free(val);
-	return buffer_release(sql_buf);
-// class_alias is a class name or other table alias
-// field is a field definition as stored in the IDL
-// node comes from the method parameter, and may represent an entry in the SELECT list
-static char* searchFieldTransform (const char* class_alias, osrfHash* field, const jsonObject* node) {
-	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init(32);
-	const char* field_transform = jsonObjectGetString(
-		jsonObjectGetKeyConst( node, "transform" ) );
-	const char* transform_subcolumn = jsonObjectGetString(
-		jsonObjectGetKeyConst( node, "result_field" ) );
-	if(transform_subcolumn) {
-		if( ! is_identifier( transform_subcolumn ) ) {
-			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Invalid subfield name: \"%s\"\n",
-					modulename, transform_subcolumn );
-			buffer_free( sql_buf );
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( sql_buf, '(' );    // enclose transform in parentheses
-	}
-	if (field_transform) {
-		if( ! is_identifier( field_transform ) ) {
-			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Expected function name, found \"%s\"\n",
-					modulename, field_transform );
-			buffer_free( sql_buf );
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		if( obj_is_true( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( node, "distinct" ) ) ) {
-			buffer_fadd( sql_buf, "%s(DISTINCT \"%s\".%s",
-				field_transform, class_alias, osrfHashGet(field, "name"));
-		} else {
-			buffer_fadd( sql_buf, "%s(\"%s\".%s",
-				field_transform, class_alias, osrfHashGet(field, "name"));
-		}
-		const jsonObject* array = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( node, "params" );
-		if (array) {
-			if( array->type != JSON_ARRAY ) {
-				osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-					"%s: Expected JSON_ARRAY for function params; found %s",
-					modulename, json_type( array->type ) );
-				buffer_free( sql_buf );
-				return NULL;
-			}
-			int func_item_index = 0;
-			jsonObject* func_item;
-			while ( (func_item = jsonObjectGetIndex(array, func_item_index++)) ) {
-				char* val = jsonObjectToSimpleString(func_item);
-				if ( !val ) {
-					buffer_add( sql_buf, ",NULL" );
-				} else if ( dbi_conn_quote_string(dbhandle, &val) ) {
-					OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( sql_buf, ',' );
-					OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, val );
-				} else {
-					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-							"%s: Error quoting key string [%s]", modulename, val);
-					free(val);
-					buffer_free(sql_buf);
-					return NULL;
-				}
-				free(val);
-			}
-		}
-		buffer_add( sql_buf, " )" );
-	} else {
-		buffer_fadd( sql_buf, "\"%s\".%s", class_alias, osrfHashGet(field, "name"));
-	}
-	if (transform_subcolumn)
-		buffer_fadd( sql_buf, ").\"%s\"", transform_subcolumn );
-	return buffer_release(sql_buf);
-static char* searchFieldTransformPredicate( const ClassInfo* class_info, osrfHash* field,
-		const jsonObject* node, const char* op ) {
-	if( ! is_good_operator( op ) ) {
-		osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error: Invalid operator %s", modulename, op);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	char* field_transform = searchFieldTransform( class_info->alias, field, node );
-	if( ! field_transform )
-		return NULL;
-	char* value = NULL;
-	int extra_parens = 0;   // boolean
-	const jsonObject* value_obj = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( node, "value" );
-	if ( ! value_obj ) {
-		value = searchWHERE( node, class_info, AND_OP_JOIN, NULL );
-		if( !value ) {
-			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error building condition for field transform",
-				modulename );
-			free(field_transform);
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		extra_parens = 1;
-	} else if ( value_obj->type == JSON_ARRAY ) {
-		value = searchValueTransform( value_obj );
-		if( !value ) {
-			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-				"%s: Error building value transform for field transform", modulename );
-			free( field_transform );
-			return NULL;
-		}
-	} else if ( value_obj->type == JSON_HASH ) {
-		value = searchWHERE( value_obj, class_info, AND_OP_JOIN, NULL );
-		if( !value ) {
-			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error building predicate for field transform",
-				modulename );
-			free(field_transform);
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		extra_parens = 1;
-	} else if ( value_obj->type == JSON_NUMBER ) {
-		value = jsonNumberToDBString( field, value_obj );
-	} else if ( value_obj->type == JSON_NULL ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-			"%s: Error building predicate for field transform: null value", modulename );
-		free(field_transform);
-		return NULL;
-	} else if ( value_obj->type == JSON_BOOL ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-			"%s: Error building predicate for field transform: boolean value", modulename );
-		free(field_transform);
-		return NULL;
-	} else {
-		if ( !strcmp( get_primitive( field ), "number") ) {
-			value = jsonNumberToDBString( field, value_obj );
-		} else {
-			value = jsonObjectToSimpleString( value_obj );
-			if ( !dbi_conn_quote_string(dbhandle, &value) ) {
-				osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error quoting key string [%s]",
-					modulename, value );
-				free(value);
-				free(field_transform);
-				return NULL;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	const char* left_parens  = "";
-	const char* right_parens = "";
-	if( extra_parens ) {
-		left_parens  = "(";
-		right_parens = ")";
-	}
-	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init(32);
-	buffer_fadd(
-		sql_buf,
-		"%s%s %s %s %s %s%s",
-		left_parens,
-		field_transform,
-		op,
-		left_parens,
-		value,
-		right_parens,
-		right_parens
-	);
-	free(value);
-	free(field_transform);
-	return buffer_release(sql_buf);
-static char* searchSimplePredicate (const char* op, const char* class_alias,
-		osrfHash* field, const jsonObject* node) {
-	if( ! is_good_operator( op ) ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Invalid operator [%s]", modulename, op );
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	char* val = NULL;
-	// Get the value to which we are comparing the specified column
-	if (node->type != JSON_NULL) {
-		if ( node->type == JSON_NUMBER ) {
-			val = jsonNumberToDBString( field, node );
-		} else if ( !strcmp( get_primitive( field ), "number" ) ) {
-			val = jsonNumberToDBString( field, node );
-		} else {
-			val = jsonObjectToSimpleString(node);
-		}
-	}
-	if( val ) {
-		if( JSON_NUMBER != node->type && strcmp( get_primitive( field ), "number") ) {
-			// Value is not numeric; enclose it in quotes
-			if ( !dbi_conn_quote_string( dbhandle, &val ) ) {
-				osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error quoting key string [%s]",
-					modulename, val );
-				free( val );
-				return NULL;
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		// Compare to a null value
-		val = strdup( "NULL" );
-		if (strcmp( op, "=" ))
-			op = "IS NOT";
-		else
-			op = "IS";
-	}
-	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init(32);
-	buffer_fadd( sql_buf, "\"%s\".%s %s %s", class_alias, osrfHashGet(field, "name"), op, val );
-	char* pred = buffer_release( sql_buf );
-	free(val);
-	return pred;
-static char* searchBETWEENPredicate (const char* class_alias,
-		osrfHash* field, const jsonObject* node) {
-	const jsonObject* x_node = jsonObjectGetIndex( node, 0 );
-	const jsonObject* y_node = jsonObjectGetIndex( node, 1 );
-	if( NULL == y_node ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Not enough operands for BETWEEN operator", modulename );
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	else if( NULL != jsonObjectGetIndex( node, 2 ) ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Too many operands for BETWEEN operator", modulename );
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	char* x_string;
-	char* y_string;
-	if ( !strcmp( get_primitive( field ), "number") ) {
-		x_string = jsonNumberToDBString(field, x_node);
-		y_string = jsonNumberToDBString(field, y_node);
-	} else {
-		x_string = jsonObjectToSimpleString(x_node);
-		y_string = jsonObjectToSimpleString(y_node);
-		if ( !(dbi_conn_quote_string(dbhandle, &x_string) && dbi_conn_quote_string(dbhandle, &y_string)) ) {
-			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error quoting key strings [%s] and [%s]",
-					modulename, x_string, y_string );
-			free(x_string);
-			free(y_string);
-			return NULL;
-		}
-	}
-	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init(32);
-	buffer_fadd( sql_buf, "\"%s\".%s BETWEEN %s AND %s",
-			class_alias, osrfHashGet(field, "name"), x_string, y_string );
-	free(x_string);
-	free(y_string);
-	return buffer_release(sql_buf);
-static char* searchPredicate ( const ClassInfo* class_info, osrfHash* field,
-							   jsonObject* node, osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	char* pred = NULL;
-	if (node->type == JSON_ARRAY) { // equality IN search
-		pred = searchINPredicate( class_info->alias, field, node, NULL, ctx );
-	} else if (node->type == JSON_HASH) { // other search
-		jsonIterator* pred_itr = jsonNewIterator( node );
-		if( !jsonIteratorHasNext( pred_itr ) ) {
-			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Empty predicate for field \"%s\"",
-					modulename, osrfHashGet(field, "name" ));
-		} else {
-			jsonObject* pred_node = jsonIteratorNext( pred_itr );
-			// Verify that there are no additional predicates
-			if( jsonIteratorHasNext( pred_itr ) ) {
-				osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Multiple predicates for field \"%s\"",
-						modulename, osrfHashGet(field, "name" ));
-			} else if ( !(strcasecmp( pred_itr->key,"between" )) )
-				pred = searchBETWEENPredicate( class_info->alias, field, pred_node );
-			else if ( !(strcasecmp( pred_itr->key,"in" ))
-					|| !(strcasecmp( pred_itr->key,"not in" )) )
-				pred = searchINPredicate(
-					class_info->alias, field, pred_node, pred_itr->key, ctx );
-			else if ( pred_node->type == JSON_ARRAY )
-				pred = searchFunctionPredicate(
-					class_info->alias, field, pred_node, pred_itr->key );
-			else if ( pred_node->type == JSON_HASH )
-				pred = searchFieldTransformPredicate(
-					class_info, field, pred_node, pred_itr->key );
-			else
-				pred = searchSimplePredicate( pred_itr->key, class_info->alias, field, pred_node );
-		}
-		jsonIteratorFree(pred_itr);
-	} else if (node->type == JSON_NULL) { // IS NULL search
-		growing_buffer* _p = buffer_init(64);
-		buffer_fadd(
-			_p,
-			"\"%s\".%s IS NULL",
-			class_info->class_name,
-			osrfHashGet(field, "name")
-		);
-		pred = buffer_release(_p);
-	} else { // equality search
-		pred = searchSimplePredicate( "=", class_info->alias, field, node );
-	}
-	return pred;
-join : {
-	acn : {
-		field : record,
-		fkey : id
-		type : left
-		filter_op : or
-		filter : { ... },
-		join : {
-			acp : {
-				field : call_number,
-				fkey : id,
-				filter : { ... },
-			},
-		},
-	},
-	mrd : {
-		field : record,
-		type : inner
-		fkey : id,
-		filter : { ... },
-	}
-static char* searchJOIN ( const jsonObject* join_hash, const ClassInfo* left_info ) {
-	const jsonObject* working_hash;
-	jsonObject* freeable_hash = NULL;
-	if (join_hash->type == JSON_HASH) {
-		working_hash = join_hash;
-	} else if (join_hash->type == JSON_STRING) {
-		// turn it into a JSON_HASH by creating a wrapper
-		// around a copy of the original
-		const char* _tmp = jsonObjectGetString( join_hash );
-		freeable_hash = jsonNewObjectType(JSON_HASH);
-		jsonObjectSetKey(freeable_hash, _tmp, NULL);
-		working_hash = freeable_hash;
-	} else {
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s: JOIN failed; expected JSON object type not found",
-			modulename
-		);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	growing_buffer* join_buf = buffer_init(128);
-	const char* leftclass = left_info->class_name;
-	jsonObject* snode = NULL;
-	jsonIterator* search_itr = jsonNewIterator( working_hash );
-	while ( (snode = jsonIteratorNext( search_itr )) ) {
-		const char* right_alias = search_itr->key;
-		const char* class =
-				jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( snode, "class" ) );
-		if( ! class )
-			class = right_alias;
-		const ClassInfo* right_info = add_joined_class( right_alias, class );
-		if( !right_info ) {
-			osrfLogError(
-				"%s: JOIN failed.  Class \"%s\" not resolved in IDL",
-				modulename,
-				search_itr->key
-			);
-			jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
-			buffer_free( join_buf );
-			if( freeable_hash )
-				jsonObjectFree( freeable_hash );
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		osrfHash* links    = right_info->links;
-		const char* table  = right_info->source_def;
-		const char* fkey  = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( snode, "fkey" ) );
-		const char* field = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( snode, "field" ) );
-		if (field && !fkey) {
-			// Look up the corresponding join column in the IDL.
-			// The link must be defined in the child table,
-			// and point to the right parent table.
-			osrfHash* idl_link = (osrfHash*) osrfHashGet( links, field );
-			const char* reltype = NULL;
-			const char* other_class = NULL;
-			reltype = osrfHashGet( idl_link, "reltype" );
-			if( reltype && strcmp( reltype, "has_many" ) )
-				other_class = osrfHashGet( idl_link, "class" );
-			if( other_class && !strcmp( other_class, leftclass ) )
-				fkey = osrfHashGet( idl_link, "key" );
-			if (!fkey) {
-				osrfLogError(
-					"%s: JOIN failed.  No link defined from %s.%s to %s",
-					modulename,
-					class,
-					field,
-					leftclass
-				);
-				buffer_free(join_buf);
-				if(freeable_hash)
-					jsonObjectFree(freeable_hash);
-				jsonIteratorFree(search_itr);
-				return NULL;
-			}
-		} else if (!field && fkey) {
-			// Look up the corresponding join column in the IDL.
-			// The link must be defined in the child table,
-			// and point to the right parent table.
-			osrfHash* left_links = left_info->links;
-			osrfHash* idl_link = (osrfHash*) osrfHashGet( left_links, fkey );
-			const char* reltype = NULL;
-			const char* other_class = NULL;
-			reltype = osrfHashGet( idl_link, "reltype" );
-			if( reltype && strcmp( reltype, "has_many" ) )
-				other_class = osrfHashGet( idl_link, "class" );
-			if( other_class && !strcmp( other_class, class ) )
-				field = osrfHashGet( idl_link, "key" );
-			if (!field) {
-				osrfLogError(
-					"%s: JOIN failed.  No link defined from %s.%s to %s",
-					modulename,
-					leftclass,
-					fkey,
-					class
-				);
-				buffer_free(join_buf);
-				if(freeable_hash)
-					jsonObjectFree(freeable_hash);
-				jsonIteratorFree(search_itr);
-				return NULL;
-			}
-		} else if (!field && !fkey) {
-			osrfHash* left_links = left_info->links;
-			// For each link defined for the left class:
-			// see if the link references the joined class
-			osrfHashIterator* itr = osrfNewHashIterator( left_links );
-			osrfHash* curr_link = NULL;
-			while( (curr_link = osrfHashIteratorNext( itr ) ) ) {
-				const char* other_class = osrfHashGet( curr_link, "class" );
-				if( other_class && !strcmp( other_class, class ) ) {
-					// In the IDL, the parent class doesn't always know then names of the child
-					// columns that are pointing to it, so don't use that end of the link
-					const char* reltype = osrfHashGet( curr_link, "reltype" );
-					if( reltype && strcmp( reltype, "has_many" ) ) {
-						// Found a link between the classes
-						fkey = osrfHashIteratorKey( itr );
-						field = osrfHashGet( curr_link, "key" );
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			osrfHashIteratorFree( itr );
-			if (!field || !fkey) {
-				// Do another such search, with the classes reversed
-				// For each link defined for the joined class:
-				// see if the link references the left class
-				osrfHashIterator* itr = osrfNewHashIterator( links );
-				osrfHash* curr_link = NULL;
-				while( (curr_link = osrfHashIteratorNext( itr ) ) ) {
-					const char* other_class = osrfHashGet( curr_link, "class" );
-					if( other_class && !strcmp( other_class, leftclass ) ) {
-						// In the IDL, the parent class doesn't know then names of the child
-						// columns that are pointing to it, so don't use that end of the link
-						const char* reltype = osrfHashGet( curr_link, "reltype" );
-						if( reltype && strcmp( reltype, "has_many" ) ) {
-							// Found a link between the classes
-							field = osrfHashIteratorKey( itr );
-							fkey = osrfHashGet( curr_link, "key" );
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				osrfHashIteratorFree( itr );
-			}
-			if (!field || !fkey) {
-				osrfLogError(
-					"%s: JOIN failed.  No link defined between %s and %s",
-					modulename,
-					leftclass,
-					class
-				);
-				buffer_free(join_buf);
-				if(freeable_hash)
-					jsonObjectFree(freeable_hash);
-				jsonIteratorFree(search_itr);
-				return NULL;
-			}
-		}
-		const char* type = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( snode, "type" ) );
-		if (type) {
-			if ( !strcasecmp(type,"left") ) {
-				buffer_add(join_buf, " LEFT JOIN");
-			} else if ( !strcasecmp(type,"right") ) {
-				buffer_add(join_buf, " RIGHT JOIN");
-			} else if ( !strcasecmp(type,"full") ) {
-				buffer_add(join_buf, " FULL JOIN");
-			} else {
-				buffer_add(join_buf, " INNER JOIN");
-			}
-		} else {
-			buffer_add(join_buf, " INNER JOIN");
-		}
-		buffer_fadd(join_buf, " %s AS \"%s\" ON ( \"%s\".%s = \"%s\".%s",
-					table, right_alias, right_alias, field, left_info->alias, fkey);
-		// Add any other join conditions as specified by "filter"
-		const jsonObject* filter = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( snode, "filter" );
-		if (filter) {
-			const char* filter_op = jsonObjectGetString(
-				jsonObjectGetKeyConst( snode, "filter_op" ) );
-			if ( filter_op && !strcasecmp("or",filter_op) ) {
-				buffer_add( join_buf, " OR " );
-			} else {
-				buffer_add( join_buf, " AND " );
-			}
-			char* jpred = searchWHERE( filter, right_info, AND_OP_JOIN, NULL );
-			if( jpred ) {
-				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( join_buf, ' ' );
-				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( join_buf, jpred );
-				free(jpred);
-			} else {
-				osrfLogError(
-					"%s: JOIN failed.  Invalid conditional expression.",
-					modulename
-				);
-				jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
-				buffer_free( join_buf );
-				if( freeable_hash )
-					jsonObjectFree( freeable_hash );
-				return NULL;
-			}
-		}
-		buffer_add(join_buf, " ) ");
-		// Recursively add a nested join, if one is present
-		const jsonObject* join_filter = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( snode, "join" );
-		if (join_filter) {
-			char* jpred = searchJOIN( join_filter, right_info );
-			if( jpred ) {
-				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( join_buf, ' ' );
-				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( join_buf, jpred );
-				free(jpred);
-			} else {
-				osrfLogError(  OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Invalid nested join.", modulename );
-				jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
-				buffer_free( join_buf );
-				if( freeable_hash )
-					jsonObjectFree( freeable_hash );
-				return NULL;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if(freeable_hash)
-		jsonObjectFree(freeable_hash);
-	jsonIteratorFree(search_itr);
-	return buffer_release(join_buf);
-{ +class : { -or|-and : { field : { op : value }, ... } ... }, ... }
-{ +class : { -or|-and : [ { field : { op : value }, ... }, ...] ... }, ... }
-[ { +class : { -or|-and : [ { field : { op : value }, ... }, ...] ... }, ... }, ... ]
-Generate code to express a set of conditions, as for a WHERE clause.  Parameters:
-search_hash is the JSON expression of the conditions.
-meta is the class definition from the IDL, for the relevant table.
-opjoin_type indicates whether multiple conditions, if present, should be
-	connected by AND or OR.
-osrfMethodContext is loaded with all sorts of stuff, but all we do with it here is
-	to pass it to other functions -- and all they do with it is to use the session
-	and request members to send error messages back to the client.
-static char* searchWHERE ( const jsonObject* search_hash, const ClassInfo* class_info,
-		int opjoin_type, osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	osrfLogDebug(
-		"%s: Entering searchWHERE; search_hash addr = %p, meta addr = %p, "
-		"opjoin_type = %d, ctx addr = %p",
-		modulename,
-		search_hash,
-		class_info->class_def,
-		opjoin_type,
-		ctx
-	);
-	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init(128);
-	jsonObject* node = NULL;
-	int first = 1;
-	if ( search_hash->type == JSON_ARRAY ) {
-		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-		  "%s: In WHERE clause, condition type is JSON_ARRAY", modulename );
-		if( 0 == search_hash->size ) {
-			osrfLogError(
-				"%s: Invalid predicate structure: empty JSON array",
-				modulename
-			);
-			buffer_free( sql_buf );
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		unsigned long i = 0;
-		while((node = jsonObjectGetIndex( search_hash, i++ ) )) {
-			if (first) {
-				first = 0;
-			} else {
-				if (opjoin_type == OR_OP_JOIN)
-					buffer_add(sql_buf, " OR ");
-				else
-					buffer_add(sql_buf, " AND ");
-			}
-			char* subpred = searchWHERE( node, class_info, opjoin_type, ctx );
-			if( ! subpred ) {
-				buffer_free( sql_buf );
-				return NULL;
-			}
-			buffer_fadd(sql_buf, "( %s )", subpred);
-			free(subpred);
-		}
-	} else if ( search_hash->type == JSON_HASH ) {
-		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-			"%s: In WHERE clause, condition type is JSON_HASH", modulename );
-		jsonIterator* search_itr = jsonNewIterator( search_hash );
-		if( !jsonIteratorHasNext( search_itr ) ) {
-			osrfLogError(
-				"%s: Invalid predicate structure: empty JSON object",
-				modulename
-			);
-			jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
-			buffer_free( sql_buf );
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		while ( (node = jsonIteratorNext( search_itr )) ) {
-			if (first) {
-				first = 0;
-			} else {
-				if (opjoin_type == OR_OP_JOIN)
-					buffer_add(sql_buf, " OR ");
-				else
-					buffer_add(sql_buf, " AND ");
-			}
-			if ( '+' == search_itr->key[ 0 ] ) {
-				// This plus sign prefixes a class name or other table alias;
-				// make sure the table alias is in scope
-				ClassInfo* alias_info = search_all_alias( search_itr->key + 1 );
-				if( ! alias_info ) {
-					osrfLogError(
-							 OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-							"%s: Invalid table alias \"%s\" in WHERE clause",
-							modulename,
-							search_itr->key + 1
-					);
-					jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
-					buffer_free( sql_buf );
-					return NULL;
-				}
-				if ( node->type == JSON_STRING ) {
-					// It's the name of a column; make sure it belongs to the class
-					const char* fieldname = jsonObjectGetString( node );
-					if( ! osrfHashGet( alias_info->fields, fieldname ) ) {
-						osrfLogError(
-							OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-							"%s: Invalid column name \"%s\" in WHERE clause "
-							"for table alias \"%s\"",
-							modulename,
-							fieldname,
-							alias_info->alias
-						);
-						jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
-						buffer_free( sql_buf );
-						return NULL;
-					}
-					buffer_fadd(sql_buf, " \"%s\".%s ", alias_info->alias, fieldname );
-				} else {
-					// It's something more complicated
-					char* subpred = searchWHERE( node, alias_info, AND_OP_JOIN, ctx );
-					if( ! subpred ) {
-						jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
-						buffer_free( sql_buf );
-						return NULL;
-					}
-					buffer_fadd(sql_buf, "( %s )", subpred);
-					free(subpred);
-				}
-			} else if ( '-' == search_itr->key[ 0 ] ) {
-				if ( !strcasecmp("-or",search_itr->key) ) {
-					char* subpred = searchWHERE( node, class_info, OR_OP_JOIN, ctx );
-					if( ! subpred ) {
-						jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
-						buffer_free( sql_buf );
-						return NULL;
-					}
-					buffer_fadd(sql_buf, "( %s )", subpred);
-					free( subpred );
-				} else if ( !strcasecmp("-and",search_itr->key) ) {
-					char* subpred = searchWHERE( node, class_info, AND_OP_JOIN, ctx );
-					if( ! subpred ) {
-						jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
-						buffer_free( sql_buf );
-						return NULL;
-					}
-					buffer_fadd(sql_buf, "( %s )", subpred);
-					free( subpred );
-				} else if ( !strcasecmp("-not",search_itr->key) ) {
-					char* subpred = searchWHERE( node, class_info, AND_OP_JOIN, ctx );
-					if( ! subpred ) {
-						jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
-						buffer_free( sql_buf );
-						return NULL;
-					}
-					buffer_fadd(sql_buf, " NOT ( %s )", subpred);
-					free( subpred );
-				} else if ( !strcasecmp("-exists",search_itr->key) ) {
-					char* subpred = buildQuery( ctx, node, SUBSELECT );
-					if( ! subpred ) {
-						jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
-						buffer_free( sql_buf );
-						return NULL;
-					}
-					buffer_fadd(sql_buf, "EXISTS ( %s )", subpred);
-					free(subpred);
-				} else if ( !strcasecmp("-not-exists",search_itr->key) ) {
-					char* subpred = buildQuery( ctx, node, SUBSELECT );
-					if( ! subpred ) {
-						jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
-						buffer_free( sql_buf );
-						return NULL;
-					}
-					buffer_fadd(sql_buf, "NOT EXISTS ( %s )", subpred);
-					free(subpred);
-				} else {     // Invalid "minus" operator
-					osrfLogError(
-							 OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-							"%s: Invalid operator \"%s\" in WHERE clause",
-							modulename,
-							search_itr->key
-					);
-					jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
-					buffer_free( sql_buf );
-					return NULL;
-				}
-			} else {
-				const char* class = class_info->class_name;
-				osrfHash* fields = class_info->fields;
-				osrfHash* field = osrfHashGet( fields, search_itr->key );
-				if (!field) {
-					const char* table = class_info->source_def;
-					osrfLogError(
-						"%s: Attempt to reference non-existent column \"%s\" on %s (%s)",
-						modulename,
-						search_itr->key,
-						table ? table : "?",
-						class ? class : "?"
-					);
-					jsonIteratorFree(search_itr);
-					buffer_free(sql_buf);
-					return NULL;
-				}
-				char* subpred = searchPredicate( class_info, field, node, ctx );
-				if( ! subpred ) {
-					buffer_free(sql_buf);
-					jsonIteratorFree(search_itr);
-					return NULL;
-				}
-				buffer_add( sql_buf, subpred );
-				free(subpred);
-			}
-		}
-		jsonIteratorFree(search_itr);
-	} else {
-		// ERROR ... only hash and array allowed at this level
-		char* predicate_string = jsonObjectToJSON( search_hash );
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s: Invalid predicate structure: %s",
-			modulename,
-			predicate_string
-		);
-		buffer_free(sql_buf);
-		free(predicate_string);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return buffer_release(sql_buf);
-/* Build a JSON_ARRAY of field names for a given table alias
-static jsonObject* defaultSelectList( const char* table_alias ) {
-	if( ! table_alias )
-		table_alias = "";
-	ClassInfo* class_info = search_all_alias( table_alias );
-	if( ! class_info ) {
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s: Can't build default SELECT clause for \"%s\"; no such table alias",
-			modulename,
-			table_alias
-		);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	jsonObject* array = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_ARRAY );
-	osrfHash* field_def = NULL;
-	osrfHashIterator* field_itr = osrfNewHashIterator( class_info->fields );
-	while( ( field_def = osrfHashIteratorNext( field_itr ) ) ) {
-		const char* field_name = osrfHashIteratorKey( field_itr );
-		if( ! str_is_true( osrfHashGet( field_def, "virtual" ) ) ) {
-			jsonObjectPush( array, jsonNewObject( field_name ) );
-		}
-	}
-	osrfHashIteratorFree( field_itr );
-	return array;
-// Translate a jsonObject into a UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT query.
-// The jsonObject must be a JSON_HASH with an single entry for "union",
-// "intersect", or "except".  The data associated with this key must be an
-// array of hashes, each hash being a query.
-// Also allowed but currently ignored: entries for "order_by" and "alias".
-static char* doCombo( osrfMethodContext* ctx, jsonObject* combo, int flags ) {
-	// Sanity check
-	if( ! combo || combo->type != JSON_HASH )
-		return NULL;      // should be impossible; validated by caller
-	const jsonObject* query_array = NULL;   // array of subordinate queries
-	const char* op = NULL;     // name of operator, e.g. UNION
-	const char* alias = NULL;  // alias for the query (needed for ORDER BY)
-	int op_count = 0;          // for detecting conflicting operators
-	int excepting = 0;         // boolean
-	int all = 0;               // boolean
-	jsonObject* order_obj = NULL;
-	// Identify the elements in the hash
-	jsonIterator* query_itr = jsonNewIterator( combo );
-	jsonObject* curr_obj = NULL;
-	while( (curr_obj = jsonIteratorNext( query_itr ) ) ) {
-		if( ! strcmp( "union", query_itr->key ) ) {
-			++op_count;
-			op = " UNION ";
-			query_array = curr_obj;
-		} else if( ! strcmp( "intersect", query_itr->key ) ) {
-			++op_count;
-			op = " INTERSECT ";
-			query_array = curr_obj;
-		} else if( ! strcmp( "except", query_itr->key ) ) {
-			++op_count;
-			op = " EXCEPT ";
-			excepting = 1;
-			query_array = curr_obj;
-		} else if( ! strcmp( "order_by", query_itr->key ) ) {
-			osrfLogWarning(
-				"%s: ORDER BY not supported for UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT",
-				modulename
-			);
-			order_obj = curr_obj;
-		} else if( ! strcmp( "alias", query_itr->key ) ) {
-			if( curr_obj->type != JSON_STRING ) {
-				jsonIteratorFree( query_itr );
-				return NULL;
-			}
-			alias = jsonObjectGetString( curr_obj );
-		} else if( ! strcmp( "all", query_itr->key ) ) {
-			if( obj_is_true( curr_obj ) )
-				all = 1;
-		} else {
-			if( ctx )
-				osrfAppSessionStatus(
-					ctx->session,
-					"osrfMethodException",
-					ctx->request,
-					"Malformed query; unexpected entry in query object"
-				);
-			osrfLogError(
-				"%s: Unexpected entry for \"%s\" in%squery",
-				modulename,
-				query_itr->key,
-				op
-			);
-			jsonIteratorFree( query_itr );
-			return NULL;
-		}
-	}
-	jsonIteratorFree( query_itr );
-	// More sanity checks
-	if( ! query_array ) {
-		if( ctx )
-			osrfAppSessionStatus(
-				ctx->session,
-				"osrfMethodException",
-				ctx->request,
-				"Expected UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operator not found"
-			);
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s: Expected UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operator not found",
-			modulename
-		);
-		return NULL;        // should be impossible...
-	} else if( op_count > 1 ) {
-		if( ctx )
-				osrfAppSessionStatus(
-				ctx->session,
-				"osrfMethodException",
-				ctx->request,
-				"Found more than one of UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT in same query"
-			);
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s: Found more than one of UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT in same query",
-			modulename
-		);
-		return NULL;
-	} if( query_array->type != JSON_ARRAY ) {
-		if( ctx )
-				osrfAppSessionStatus(
-				ctx->session,
-				"osrfMethodException",
-				ctx->request,
-				"Malformed query: expected array of queries under UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT"
-			);
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s: Expected JSON_ARRAY of queries for%soperator; found %s",
-			modulename,
-			op,
-			json_type( query_array->type )
-		);
-		return NULL;
-	} if( query_array->size < 2 ) {
-		if( ctx )
-			osrfAppSessionStatus(
-				ctx->session,
-				"osrfMethodException",
-				ctx->request,
-				"UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT requires multiple queries as operands"
-			);
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s:%srequires multiple queries as operands",
-			modulename,
-			op
-		);
-		return NULL;
-	} else if( excepting && query_array->size > 2 ) {
-		if( ctx )
-			osrfAppSessionStatus(
-				ctx->session,
-				"osrfMethodException",
-				ctx->request,
-				"EXCEPT operator has too many queries as operands"
-			);
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s:EXCEPT operator has too many queries as operands",
-			modulename
-		);
-		return NULL;
-	} else if( order_obj && ! alias ) {
-		if( ctx )
-			osrfAppSessionStatus(
-				ctx->session,
-				"osrfMethodException",
-				ctx->request,
-				"ORDER BY requires an alias for a UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT"
-			);
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s:ORDER BY requires an alias for a UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT",
-			modulename
-		);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	// So far so good.  Now build the SQL.
-	growing_buffer* sql = buffer_init( 256 );
-	// If we nested inside another UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT,
-	// Add a layer of parentheses
-	if( flags & SUBCOMBO )
-		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql, "( " );
-	// Traverse the query array.  Each entry should be a hash.
-	int first = 1;   // boolean
-	int i = 0;
-	jsonObject* query = NULL;
-	while((query = jsonObjectGetIndex( query_array, i++ ) )) {
-		if( query->type != JSON_HASH ) {
-			if( ctx )
-				osrfAppSessionStatus(
-					ctx->session,
-					"osrfMethodException",
-					ctx->request,
-					"Malformed query under UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT"
-				);
-			osrfLogError(
-				"%s: Malformed query under%s -- expected JSON_HASH, found %s",
-				modulename,
-				op,
-				json_type( query->type )
-			);
-			buffer_free( sql );
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		if( first )
-			first = 0;
-		else {
-			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql, op );
-			if( all )
-				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql, "ALL " );
-		}
-		char* query_str = buildQuery( ctx, query, SUBSELECT | SUBCOMBO );
-		if( ! query_str ) {
-			osrfLogError(
-				"%s: Error building query under%s",
-				modulename,
-				op
-			);
-			buffer_free( sql );
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql, query_str );
-	}
-	if( flags & SUBCOMBO )
-		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( sql, ')' );
-	if ( !(flags & SUBSELECT) )
-		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( sql, ';' );
-	return buffer_release( sql );
-// Translate a jsonObject into a SELECT, UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT query.
-// The jsonObject must be a JSON_HASH with an entry for "from", "union", "intersect",
-// or "except" to indicate the type of query.
-char* buildQuery( osrfMethodContext* ctx, jsonObject* query, int flags ) {
-	// Sanity checks
-	if( ! query ) {
-		if( ctx )
-			osrfAppSessionStatus(
-				ctx->session,
-				"osrfMethodException",
-				ctx->request,
-				"Malformed query; no query object"
-			);
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Null pointer to query object", modulename );
-		return NULL;
-	} else if( query->type != JSON_HASH ) {
-		if( ctx )
-			osrfAppSessionStatus(
-				ctx->session,
-				"osrfMethodException",
-				ctx->request,
-				"Malformed query object"
-			);
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s: Query object is %s instead of JSON_HASH",
-			modulename,
-			json_type( query->type )
-		);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	// Determine what kind of query it purports to be, and dispatch accordingly.
-	if( jsonObjectGetKey( query, "union" ) ||
-		jsonObjectGetKey( query, "intersect" ) ||
-		jsonObjectGetKey( query, "except" ) ) {
-		return doCombo( ctx, query, flags );
-	} else {
-		// It is presumably a SELECT query
-		// Push a node onto the stack for the current query.  Every level of
-		// subquery gets its own QueryFrame on the Stack.
-		push_query_frame();
-		// Build an SQL SELECT statement
-		char* sql = SELECT(
-			ctx,
-			jsonObjectGetKey( query, "select" ),
-			jsonObjectGetKey( query, "from" ),
-			jsonObjectGetKey( query, "where" ),
-			jsonObjectGetKey( query, "having" ),
-			jsonObjectGetKey( query, "order_by" ),
-			jsonObjectGetKey( query, "limit" ),
-			jsonObjectGetKey( query, "offset" ),
-			flags
-		);
-		pop_query_frame();
-		return sql;
-	}
-char* SELECT (
-		/* method context */ osrfMethodContext* ctx,
-		/* SELECT   */ jsonObject* selhash,
-		/* FROM     */ jsonObject* join_hash,
-		/* WHERE    */ jsonObject* search_hash,
-		/* HAVING   */ jsonObject* having_hash,
-		/* ORDER BY */ jsonObject* order_hash,
-		/* LIMIT    */ jsonObject* limit,
-		/* OFFSET   */ jsonObject* offset,
-		/* flags    */ int flags
-) {
-	const char* locale = osrf_message_get_last_locale();
-	// general tmp objects
-	const jsonObject* tmp_const;
-	jsonObject* selclass = NULL;
-	jsonObject* snode = NULL;
-	jsonObject* onode = NULL;
-	char* string = NULL;
-	int from_function = 0;
-	int first = 1;
-	int gfirst = 1;
-	//int hfirst = 1;
-	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "cstore SELECT locale: %s", locale ? locale : "(none)" );
-	// punt if there's no FROM clause
-	if (!join_hash || ( join_hash->type == JSON_HASH && !join_hash->size )) {
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s: FROM clause is missing or empty",
-			modulename
-		);
-		if( ctx )
-			osrfAppSessionStatus(
-				ctx->session,
-				"osrfMethodException",
-				ctx->request,
-				"FROM clause is missing or empty in JSON query"
-			);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	// the core search class
-	const char* core_class = NULL;
-	// get the core class -- the only key of the top level FROM clause, or a string
-	if (join_hash->type == JSON_HASH) {
-		jsonIterator* tmp_itr = jsonNewIterator( join_hash );
-		snode = jsonIteratorNext( tmp_itr );
-		// Populate the current QueryFrame with information
-		// about the core class
-		if( add_query_core( NULL, tmp_itr->key ) ) {
-			if( ctx )
-				osrfAppSessionStatus(
-					ctx->session,
-					"osrfMethodException",
-					ctx->request,
-					"Unable to look up core class"
-				);
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		core_class = curr_query->core.class_name;
-		join_hash = snode;
-		jsonObject* extra = jsonIteratorNext( tmp_itr );
-		jsonIteratorFree( tmp_itr );
-		snode = NULL;
-		// There shouldn't be more than one entry in join_hash
-		if( extra ) {
-			osrfLogError(
-				"%s: Malformed FROM clause: extra entry in JSON_HASH",
-				modulename
-			);
-			if( ctx )
-				osrfAppSessionStatus(
-					ctx->session,
-					"osrfMethodException",
-					ctx->request,
-					"Malformed FROM clause in JSON query"
-				);
-			return NULL;    // Malformed join_hash; extra entry
-		}
-	} else if (join_hash->type == JSON_ARRAY) {
-		// We're selecting from a function, not from a table
-		from_function = 1;
-		core_class = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetIndex(join_hash, 0) );
-		selhash = NULL;
-	} else if (join_hash->type == JSON_STRING) {
-		// Populate the current QueryFrame with information
-		// about the core class
-		core_class = jsonObjectGetString( join_hash );
-		join_hash = NULL;
-		if( add_query_core( NULL, core_class ) ) {
-			if( ctx )
-				osrfAppSessionStatus(
-					ctx->session,
-					"osrfMethodException",
-					ctx->request,
-					"Unable to look up core class"
-				);
-			return NULL;
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s: FROM clause is unexpected JSON type: %s",
-			modulename,
-			json_type( join_hash->type )
-		);
-		if( ctx )
-			osrfAppSessionStatus(
-				ctx->session,
-				"osrfMethodException",
-				ctx->request,
-				"Ill-formed FROM clause in JSON query"
-			);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	// Build the join clause, if any, while filling out the list
-	// of joined classes in the current QueryFrame.
-	char* join_clause = NULL;
-	if( join_hash && ! from_function ) {
-		join_clause = searchJOIN( join_hash, &curr_query->core );
-		if( ! join_clause ) {
-			if (ctx)
-				osrfAppSessionStatus(
-					ctx->session,
-					"osrfMethodException",
-					ctx->request,
-					"Unable to construct JOIN clause(s)"
-				);
-			return NULL;
-		}
-	}
-	// For in case we don't get a select list
-	jsonObject* defaultselhash = NULL;
-	// if there is no select list, build a default select list ...
-	if (!selhash && !from_function) {
-		jsonObject* default_list = defaultSelectList( core_class );
-		if( ! default_list ) {
-			if (ctx) {
-				osrfAppSessionStatus(
-					ctx->session,
-					"osrfMethodException",
-					ctx->request,
-					"Unable to build default SELECT clause in JSON query"
-				);
-				free( join_clause );
-				return NULL;
-			}
-		}
-		selhash = defaultselhash = jsonNewObjectType(JSON_HASH);
-		jsonObjectSetKey( selhash, core_class, default_list );
-	}
-	// The SELECT clause can be encoded only by a hash
-	if( !from_function && selhash->type != JSON_HASH ) {
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s: Expected JSON_HASH for SELECT clause; found %s",
-			modulename,
-			json_type( selhash->type )
-		);
-		if (ctx)
-			osrfAppSessionStatus(
-				ctx->session,
-				"osrfMethodException",
-				ctx->request,
-				"Malformed SELECT clause in JSON query"
-			);
-		free( join_clause );
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	// If you see a null or wild card specifier for the core class, or an
-	// empty array, replace it with a default SELECT list
-	tmp_const = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( selhash, core_class );
-	if ( tmp_const ) {
-		int default_needed = 0;   // boolean
-		if( JSON_STRING == tmp_const->type
-			&& !strcmp( "*", jsonObjectGetString( tmp_const ) ))
-				default_needed = 1;
-		else if( JSON_NULL == tmp_const->type )
-			default_needed = 1;
-		if( default_needed ) {
-			// Build a default SELECT list
-			jsonObject* default_list = defaultSelectList( core_class );
-			if( ! default_list ) {
-				if (ctx) {
-					osrfAppSessionStatus(
-						ctx->session,
-						"osrfMethodException",
-						ctx->request,
-						"Can't build default SELECT clause in JSON query"
-					);
-					free( join_clause );
-					return NULL;
-				}
-			}
-			jsonObjectSetKey( selhash, core_class, default_list );
-		}
-	}
-	// temp buffers for the SELECT list and GROUP BY clause
-	growing_buffer* select_buf = buffer_init(128);
-	growing_buffer* group_buf = buffer_init(128);
-	int aggregate_found = 0;     // boolean
-	// Build a select list
-	if(from_function)   // From a function we select everything
-		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( select_buf, '*' );
-	else {
-		// Build the SELECT list as SQL
-	    int sel_pos = 1;
-	    first = 1;
-	    gfirst = 1;
-	    jsonIterator* selclass_itr = jsonNewIterator( selhash );
-	    while ( (selclass = jsonIteratorNext( selclass_itr )) ) {    // For each class
-			const char* cname = selclass_itr->key;
-			// Make sure the target relation is in the FROM clause.
-			// At this point join_hash is a step down from the join_hash we
-			// received as a parameter.  If the original was a JSON_STRING,
-			// then json_hash is now NULL.  If the original was a JSON_HASH,
-			// then json_hash is now the first (and only) entry in it,
-			// denoting the core class.  We've already excluded the
-			// possibility that the original was a JSON_ARRAY, because in
-			// that case from_function would be non-NULL, and we wouldn't
-			// be here.
-			// If the current table alias isn't in scope, bail out
-			ClassInfo* class_info = search_alias( cname );
-			if( ! class_info ) {
-				osrfLogError(
-					"%s: SELECT clause references class not in FROM clause: \"%s\"",
-					modulename,
-					cname
-				);
-				if( ctx )
-					osrfAppSessionStatus(
-						ctx->session,
-						"osrfMethodException",
-						ctx->request,
-						"Selected class not in FROM clause in JSON query"
-					);
-				jsonIteratorFree( selclass_itr );
-				buffer_free( select_buf );
-				buffer_free( group_buf );
-				if( defaultselhash )
-					jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
-				free( join_clause );
-				return NULL;
-			}
-			if( selclass->type != JSON_ARRAY ) {
-				osrfLogError(
-					"%s: Malformed SELECT list for class \"%s\"; not an array",
-					modulename,
-					cname
-				);
-				if( ctx )
-					osrfAppSessionStatus(
-						ctx->session,
-						"osrfMethodException",
-						ctx->request,
-						"Selected class not in FROM clause in JSON query"
-					);
-				jsonIteratorFree( selclass_itr );
-				buffer_free( select_buf );
-				buffer_free( group_buf );
-				if( defaultselhash )
-					jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
-				free( join_clause );
-				return NULL;
-			}
-			// Look up some attributes of the current class
-			osrfHash* idlClass = class_info->class_def;
-			osrfHash* class_field_set = class_info->fields;
-			const char* class_pkey = osrfHashGet( idlClass, "primarykey" );
-			const char* class_tname = osrfHashGet( idlClass, "tablename" );
-			if( 0 == selclass->size ) {
-				osrfLogWarning(
-					"%s: No columns selected from \"%s\"",
-					modulename,
-					cname
-				);
-			}
-			// stitch together the column list for the current table alias...
-			unsigned long field_idx = 0;
-			jsonObject* selfield = NULL;
-			while((selfield = jsonObjectGetIndex( selclass, field_idx++ ) )) {
-				// If we need a separator comma, add one
-				if (first) {
-					first = 0;
-				} else {
-					OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( select_buf, ',' );
-				}
-				// if the field specification is a string, add it to the list
-				if (selfield->type == JSON_STRING) {
-					// Look up the field in the IDL
-					const char* col_name = jsonObjectGetString( selfield );
-					osrfHash* field_def = osrfHashGet( class_field_set, col_name );
-					if ( !field_def ) {
-						// No such field in current class
-						osrfLogError(
-							OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-							"%s: Selected column \"%s\" not defined in IDL for class \"%s\"",
-							modulename,
-							col_name,
-							cname
-						);
-						if( ctx )
-							osrfAppSessionStatus(
-								ctx->session,
-								"osrfMethodException",
-								ctx->request,
-								"Selected column not defined in JSON query"
-							);
-						jsonIteratorFree( selclass_itr );
-						buffer_free( select_buf );
-						buffer_free( group_buf );
-						if( defaultselhash )
-							jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
-						free( join_clause );
-						return NULL;
-					} else if ( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( field_def, "virtual" ) ) ) {
-						// Virtual field not allowed
-						osrfLogError(
-							OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-							"%s: Selected column \"%s\" for class \"%s\" is virtual",
-							modulename,
-							col_name,
-							cname
-						);
-						if( ctx )
-							osrfAppSessionStatus(
-								ctx->session,
-								"osrfMethodException",
-								ctx->request,
-								"Selected column may not be virtual in JSON query"
-							);
-						jsonIteratorFree( selclass_itr );
-						buffer_free( select_buf );
-						buffer_free( group_buf );
-						if( defaultselhash )
-							jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
-						free( join_clause );
-						return NULL;
-					}
-					if (locale) {
-						const char* i18n;
-						if (flags & DISABLE_I18N)
-							i18n = NULL;
-						else
-							i18n = osrfHashGet(field_def, "i18n");
-						if( str_is_true( i18n ) ) {
-							buffer_fadd( select_buf, " oils_i18n_xlate('%s', '%s', '%s', "
-								"'%s', \"%s\".%s::TEXT, '%s') AS \"%s\"",
-								class_tname, cname, col_name, class_pkey,
-								cname, class_pkey, locale, col_name );
-						} else {
-							buffer_fadd(select_buf, " \"%s\".%s AS \"%s\"",
-								cname, col_name, col_name );
-						}
-					} else {
-						buffer_fadd(select_buf, " \"%s\".%s AS \"%s\"",
-								cname, col_name, col_name );
-					}
-				// ... but it could be an object, in which case we check for a Field Transform
-				} else if (selfield->type == JSON_HASH) {
-					const char* col_name = jsonObjectGetString(
-							jsonObjectGetKeyConst( selfield, "column" ) );
-					// Get the field definition from the IDL
-					osrfHash* field_def = osrfHashGet( class_field_set, col_name );
-					if ( !field_def ) {
-						// No such field in current class
-						osrfLogError(
-							OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-							"%s: Selected column \"%s\" is not defined in IDL for class \"%s\"",
-							modulename,
-							col_name,
-							cname
-						);
-						if( ctx )
-							osrfAppSessionStatus(
-								ctx->session,
-								"osrfMethodException",
-								ctx->request,
-								"Selected column is not defined in JSON query"
-							);
-						jsonIteratorFree( selclass_itr );
-						buffer_free( select_buf );
-						buffer_free( group_buf );
-						if( defaultselhash )
-							jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
-						free( join_clause );
-						return NULL;
-					} else if ( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( field_def, "virtual" ) ) ) {
-						// No such field in current class
-						osrfLogError(
-							OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-							"%s: Selected column \"%s\" is virtual for class \"%s\"",
-							modulename,
-							col_name,
-							cname
-						);
-						if( ctx )
-							osrfAppSessionStatus(
-								ctx->session,
-								"osrfMethodException",
-								ctx->request,
-								"Selected column is virtual in JSON query"
-							);
-						jsonIteratorFree( selclass_itr );
-						buffer_free( select_buf );
-						buffer_free( group_buf );
-						if( defaultselhash )
-							jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
-						free( join_clause );
-						return NULL;
-					}
-					// Decide what to use as a column alias
-					const char* _alias;
-					if ((tmp_const = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( selfield, "alias" ))) {
-						_alias = jsonObjectGetString( tmp_const );
-					} else {         // Use field name as the alias
-						_alias = col_name;
-					}
-					if (jsonObjectGetKeyConst( selfield, "transform" )) {
-						char* transform_str = searchFieldTransform(
-							class_info->alias, field_def, selfield );
-						if( transform_str ) {
-							buffer_fadd(select_buf, " %s AS \"%s\"", transform_str, _alias);
-							free(transform_str);
-						} else {
-							if( ctx )
-								osrfAppSessionStatus(
-									ctx->session,
-									"osrfMethodException",
-									ctx->request,
-									"Unable to generate transform function in JSON query"
-								);
-							jsonIteratorFree( selclass_itr );
-							buffer_free( select_buf );
-							buffer_free( group_buf );
-							if( defaultselhash )
-								jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
-							free( join_clause );
-							return NULL;
-						}
-					} else {
-						if (locale) {
-							const char* i18n;
-							if (flags & DISABLE_I18N)
-								i18n = NULL;
-							else
-								i18n = osrfHashGet(field_def, "i18n");
-							if( str_is_true( i18n ) ) {
-								buffer_fadd( select_buf,
-									" oils_i18n_xlate('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', "
-									"\"%s\".%s::TEXT, '%s') AS \"%s\"",
-									class_tname, cname, col_name, class_pkey, cname,
-									class_pkey, locale, _alias);
-							} else {
-								buffer_fadd( select_buf, " \"%s\".%s AS \"%s\"",
-									cname, col_name, _alias );
-							}
-						} else {
-							buffer_fadd( select_buf, " \"%s\".%s AS \"%s\"",
-								cname, col_name, _alias);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				else {
-					osrfLogError(
-						"%s: Selected item is unexpected JSON type: %s",
-						modulename,
-						json_type( selfield->type )
-					);
-					if( ctx )
-						osrfAppSessionStatus(
-							ctx->session,
-							"osrfMethodException",
-							ctx->request,
-							"Ill-formed SELECT item in JSON query"
-						);
-					jsonIteratorFree( selclass_itr );
-					buffer_free( select_buf );
-					buffer_free( group_buf );
-					if( defaultselhash )
-						jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
-					free( join_clause );
-					return NULL;
-				}
-				const jsonObject* agg_obj = jsonObjectGetKey( selfield, "aggregate" );
-				if( obj_is_true( agg_obj ) )
-					aggregate_found = 1;
-				else {
-					// Append a comma (except for the first one)
-					// and add the column to a GROUP BY clause
-					if (gfirst)
-						gfirst = 0;
-					else
-						OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( group_buf, ',' );
-					buffer_fadd(group_buf, " %d", sel_pos);
-				}
-#if 0
-			    if (is_agg->size || (flags & SELECT_DISTINCT)) {
-					const jsonObject* aggregate_obj = jsonObjectGetKey( selfield, "aggregate" );
-				    if ( ! obj_is_true( aggregate_obj ) ) {
-					    if (gfirst) {
-						    gfirst = 0;
-					    } else {
-							OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( group_buf, ',' );
-					    }
-					    buffer_fadd(group_buf, " %d", sel_pos);
-					/*
-				    } else if (is_agg = jsonObjectGetKey( selfield, "having" )) {
-					    if (gfirst) {
-						    gfirst = 0;
-					    } else {
-							OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( group_buf, ',' );
-					    }
-					    _column = searchFieldTransform(class_info->alias, field, selfield);
-						OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR(group_buf, ' ');
-						OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(group_buf, _column);
-					    _column = searchFieldTransform(class_info->alias, field, selfield);
-					*/
-				    }
-			    }
-				sel_pos++;
-			} // end while -- iterating across SELECT columns
-		} // end while -- iterating across classes
-		jsonIteratorFree(selclass_itr);
-	}
-	char* col_list = buffer_release(select_buf);
-	// Make sure the SELECT list isn't empty.  This can happen, for example,
-	// if we try to build a default SELECT clause from a non-core table.
-	if( ! *col_list ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: SELECT clause is empty", modulename );
-		if (ctx)
-			osrfAppSessionStatus(
-				ctx->session,
-				"osrfMethodException",
-				ctx->request,
-				"SELECT list is empty"
-		);
-		free( col_list );
-		buffer_free( group_buf );
-		if( defaultselhash )
-			jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
-		free( join_clause );
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	char* table = NULL;
-	if (from_function) table = searchValueTransform(join_hash);
-	else table = strdup( curr_query->core.source_def );
-	if( !table ) {
-		if (ctx)
-			osrfAppSessionStatus(
-				ctx->session,
-				"osrfMethodException",
-				ctx->request,
-				"Unable to identify table for core class"
-			);
-		free( col_list );
-		buffer_free( group_buf );
-		if( defaultselhash )
-			jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
-		free( join_clause );
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	// Put it all together
-	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init(128);
-	buffer_fadd(sql_buf, "SELECT %s FROM %s AS \"%s\" ", col_list, table, core_class );
-	free(col_list);
-	free(table);
-	// Append the join clause, if any
-	if( join_clause ) {
-		buffer_add(sql_buf, join_clause);
-		free(join_clause);
-	}
-	char* order_by_list = NULL;
-	char* having_buf = NULL;
-	if (!from_function) {
-		// Build a WHERE clause, if there is one
-		if ( search_hash ) {
-			buffer_add(sql_buf, " WHERE ");
-			// and it's on the WHERE clause
-			char* pred = searchWHERE( search_hash, &curr_query->core, AND_OP_JOIN, ctx );
-			if ( ! pred ) {
-				if (ctx) {
-					osrfAppSessionStatus(
-						ctx->session,
-						"osrfMethodException",
-						ctx->request,
-						"Severe query error in WHERE predicate -- see error log for more details"
-					);
-				}
-				buffer_free(group_buf);
-				buffer_free(sql_buf);
-				if (defaultselhash)
-					jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-				return NULL;
-			}
-			buffer_add(sql_buf, pred);
-			free(pred);
-		}
-		// Build a HAVING clause, if there is one
-		if ( having_hash ) {
-			// and it's on the the WHERE clause
-			having_buf = searchWHERE( having_hash, &curr_query->core, AND_OP_JOIN, ctx );
-			if( ! having_buf ) {
-				if (ctx) {
-						osrfAppSessionStatus(
-						ctx->session,
-						"osrfMethodException",
-						ctx->request,
-						"Severe query error in HAVING predicate -- see error log for more details"
-					);
-				}
-				buffer_free(group_buf);
-				buffer_free(sql_buf);
-				if (defaultselhash)
-					jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-				return NULL;
-			}
-		}
-		growing_buffer* order_buf = NULL;  // to collect ORDER BY list
-		// Build an ORDER BY clause, if there is one
-		if( NULL == order_hash )
-			;  // No ORDER BY? do nothing
-		else if( JSON_ARRAY == order_hash->type ) {
-			// Array of field specifications, each specification being a
-			// hash to define the class, field, and other details
-			int order_idx = 0;
-			jsonObject* order_spec;
-			while( (order_spec = jsonObjectGetIndex( order_hash, order_idx++ ) ) ) {
-				if( JSON_HASH != order_spec->type ) {
-					osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-						 "%s: Malformed field specification in ORDER BY clause; expected JSON_HASH, found %s",
-						modulename, json_type( order_spec->type ) );
-					if( ctx )
-						osrfAppSessionStatus(
-							 ctx->session,
-							"osrfMethodException",
-							ctx->request,
-							"Malformed ORDER BY clause -- see error log for more details"
-						);
-					buffer_free( order_buf );
-					free(having_buf);
-					buffer_free(group_buf);
-					buffer_free(sql_buf);
-					if (defaultselhash)
-						jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-					return NULL;
-				}
-				const char* class_alias =
-						jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( order_spec, "class" ) );
-				const char* field =
-						jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( order_spec, "field" ) );
-				if ( order_buf )
-					OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(order_buf, ", ");
-				else
-					order_buf = buffer_init(128);
-				if( !field || !class_alias ) {
-					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-						"%s: Missing class or field name in field specification "
-						"of ORDER BY clause",
-						modulename );
-					if( ctx )
-						osrfAppSessionStatus(
-							ctx->session,
-							"osrfMethodException",
-							ctx->request,
-							"Malformed ORDER BY clause -- see error log for more details"
-						);
-					buffer_free( order_buf );
-					free(having_buf);
-					buffer_free(group_buf);
-					buffer_free(sql_buf);
-					if (defaultselhash)
-						jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-					return NULL;
-				}
-				ClassInfo* order_class_info = search_alias( class_alias );
-				if( ! order_class_info ) {
-					osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: ORDER BY clause references class \"%s\" "
-							"not in FROM clause", modulename, class_alias );
-					if( ctx )
-						osrfAppSessionStatus(
-							ctx->session,
-							"osrfMethodException",
-							ctx->request,
-							"Invalid class referenced in ORDER BY clause -- "
-							"see error log for more details"
-						);
-					free(having_buf);
-					buffer_free(group_buf);
-					buffer_free(sql_buf);
-					if (defaultselhash)
-						jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-					return NULL;
-				}
-				osrfHash* field_def = osrfHashGet( order_class_info->fields, field );
-				if( !field_def ) {
-					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-						"%s: Invalid field \"%s\".%s referenced in ORDER BY clause",
-						modulename, class_alias, field );
-					if( ctx )
-						osrfAppSessionStatus(
-							ctx->session,
-							"osrfMethodException",
-							ctx->request,
-							"Invalid field referenced in ORDER BY clause -- "
-							"see error log for more details"
-						);
-					free(having_buf);
-					buffer_free(group_buf);
-					buffer_free(sql_buf);
-					if (defaultselhash)
-						jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-					return NULL;
-				} else if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( field_def, "virtual" ) ) ) {
-					osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Virtual field \"%s\" in ORDER BY clause",
-								 modulename, field );
-					if( ctx )
-						osrfAppSessionStatus(
-							ctx->session,
-							"osrfMethodException",
-							ctx->request,
-							"Virtual field in ORDER BY clause -- see error log for more details"
-						);
-					buffer_free( order_buf );
-					free(having_buf);
-					buffer_free(group_buf);
-					buffer_free(sql_buf);
-					if (defaultselhash)
-						jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-					return NULL;
-				}
-				if( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( order_spec, "transform" ) ) {
-					char* transform_str = searchFieldTransform(
-							class_alias, field_def, order_spec );
-					if( ! transform_str ) {
-						if( ctx )
-							osrfAppSessionStatus(
-								ctx->session,
-								"osrfMethodException",
-								ctx->request,
-								"Severe query error in ORDER BY clause -- "
-								"see error log for more details"
-							);
-						buffer_free( order_buf );
-						free(having_buf);
-						buffer_free(group_buf);
-						buffer_free(sql_buf);
-						if (defaultselhash)
-							jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-						return NULL;
-					}
-					OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( order_buf, transform_str );
-					free( transform_str );
-				}
-				else
-					buffer_fadd( order_buf, "\"%s\".%s", class_alias, field );
-				const char* direction =
-						jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( order_spec, "direction" ) );
-				if( direction ) {
-					if( direction[ 0 ] || 'D' == direction[ 0 ] )
-						OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( order_buf, " DESC" );
-					else
-						OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( order_buf, " ASC" );
-				}
-			}
-		} else if( JSON_HASH == order_hash->type ) {
-			// This hash is keyed on class alias.  Each class has either
-			// an array of field names or a hash keyed on field name.
-			jsonIterator* class_itr = jsonNewIterator( order_hash );
-			while ( (snode = jsonIteratorNext( class_itr )) ) {
-				ClassInfo* order_class_info = search_alias( class_itr->key );
-				if( ! order_class_info ) {
-					osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-						"%s: Invalid class \"%s\" referenced in ORDER BY clause",
-						modulename, class_itr->key );
-					if( ctx )
-						osrfAppSessionStatus(
-							ctx->session,
-							"osrfMethodException",
-							ctx->request,
-							"Invalid class referenced in ORDER BY clause -- "
-							"see error log for more details"
-						);
-					jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
-					buffer_free( order_buf );
-					free(having_buf);
-					buffer_free(group_buf);
-					buffer_free(sql_buf);
-					if (defaultselhash)
-						jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-					return NULL;
-				}
-				osrfHash* field_list_def = order_class_info->fields;
-				if ( snode->type == JSON_HASH ) {
-					// Hash is keyed on field names from the current class.  For each field
-					// there is another layer of hash to define the sorting details, if any,
-					// or a string to indicate direction of sorting.
-					jsonIterator* order_itr = jsonNewIterator( snode );
-					while ( (onode = jsonIteratorNext( order_itr )) ) {
-						osrfHash* field_def = osrfHashGet( field_list_def, order_itr->key );
-						if( !field_def ) {
-							osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-								"%s: Invalid field \"%s\" in ORDER BY clause",
-								modulename, order_itr->key );
-							if( ctx )
-								osrfAppSessionStatus(
-									ctx->session,
-									"osrfMethodException",
-									ctx->request,
-									"Invalid field in ORDER BY clause -- "
-									"see error log for more details"
-								);
-							jsonIteratorFree( order_itr );
-							jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
-							buffer_free( order_buf );
-							free(having_buf);
-							buffer_free(group_buf);
-							buffer_free(sql_buf);
-							if (defaultselhash)
-								jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-							return NULL;
-						} else if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( field_def, "virtual" ) ) ) {
-							osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-								"%s: Virtual field \"%s\" in ORDER BY clause",
-								modulename, order_itr->key );
-							if( ctx )
-								osrfAppSessionStatus(
-									ctx->session,
-									"osrfMethodException",
-									ctx->request,
-									"Virtual field in ORDER BY clause -- "
-									"see error log for more details"
-							);
-							jsonIteratorFree( order_itr );
-							jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
-							buffer_free( order_buf );
-							free(having_buf);
-							buffer_free(group_buf);
-							buffer_free(sql_buf);
-							if (defaultselhash)
-								jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-							return NULL;
-						}
-						const char* direction = NULL;
-						if ( onode->type == JSON_HASH ) {
-							if ( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( onode, "transform" ) ) {
-								string = searchFieldTransform(
-									class_itr->key,
-									osrfHashGet( field_list_def, order_itr->key ),
-									onode
-								);
-								if( ! string ) {
-									if( ctx ) osrfAppSessionStatus(
-										ctx->session,
-										"osrfMethodException",
-										ctx->request,
-										"Severe query error in ORDER BY clause -- "
-										"see error log for more details"
-									);
-									jsonIteratorFree( order_itr );
-									jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
-									free(having_buf);
-									buffer_free(group_buf);
-									buffer_free(order_buf);
-									buffer_free(sql_buf);
-									if (defaultselhash)
-										jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-									return NULL;
-								}
-							} else {
-								growing_buffer* field_buf = buffer_init(16);
-								buffer_fadd( field_buf, "\"%s\".%s",
-									class_itr->key, order_itr->key );
-								string = buffer_release(field_buf);
-							}
-							if ( (tmp_const = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( onode, "direction" )) ) {
-								const char* dir = jsonObjectGetString(tmp_const);
-								if (!strncasecmp(dir, "d", 1)) {
-									direction = " DESC";
-								} else {
-									direction = " ASC";
-								}
-							}
-						} else if ( JSON_NULL == onode->type || JSON_ARRAY == onode->type ) {
-							osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-								"%s: Expected JSON_STRING in ORDER BY clause; found %s",
-								modulename, json_type( onode->type ) );
-							if( ctx )
-								osrfAppSessionStatus(
-									ctx->session,
-									"osrfMethodException",
-									ctx->request,
-									"Malformed ORDER BY clause -- see error log for more details"
-								);
-							jsonIteratorFree( order_itr );
-							jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
-							free(having_buf);
-							buffer_free(group_buf);
-							buffer_free(order_buf);
-							buffer_free(sql_buf);
-							if (defaultselhash)
-								jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-							return NULL;
-						} else {
-							string = strdup(order_itr->key);
-							const char* dir = jsonObjectGetString(onode);
-							if (!strncasecmp(dir, "d", 1)) {
-								direction = " DESC";
-							} else {
-								direction = " ASC";
-							}
-						}
-						if ( order_buf )
-							OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(order_buf, ", ");
-						else
-							order_buf = buffer_init(128);
-						OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(order_buf, string);
-						free(string);
-						if (direction) {
-							 OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(order_buf, direction);
-						}
-					} // end while
-					jsonIteratorFree(order_itr);
-				} else if ( snode->type == JSON_ARRAY ) {
-					// Array is a list of fields from the current class
-					unsigned long order_idx = 0;
-					while(( onode = jsonObjectGetIndex( snode, order_idx++ ) )) {
-						const char* _f = jsonObjectGetString( onode );
-						osrfHash* field_def = osrfHashGet( field_list_def, _f );
-						if( !field_def ) {
-							osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-									"%s: Invalid field \"%s\" in ORDER BY clause",
-									modulename, _f );
-							if( ctx )
-								osrfAppSessionStatus(
-									ctx->session,
-									"osrfMethodException",
-									ctx->request,
-									"Invalid field in ORDER BY clause -- "
-									"see error log for more details"
-								);
-							jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
-							buffer_free( order_buf );
-							free(having_buf);
-							buffer_free(group_buf);
-							buffer_free(sql_buf);
-							if (defaultselhash)
-								jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-							return NULL;
-						} else if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( field_def, "virtual" ) ) ) {
-							osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-								"%s: Virtual field \"%s\" in ORDER BY clause",
-								modulename, _f );
-							if( ctx )
-								osrfAppSessionStatus(
-									ctx->session,
-									"osrfMethodException",
-									ctx->request,
-									"Virtual field in ORDER BY clause -- "
-									"see error log for more details"
-								);
-							jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
-							buffer_free( order_buf );
-							free(having_buf);
-							buffer_free(group_buf);
-							buffer_free(sql_buf);
-							if (defaultselhash)
-								jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-							return NULL;
-						}
-						if ( order_buf )
-							OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(order_buf, ", ");
-						else
-							order_buf = buffer_init(128);
-						buffer_fadd( order_buf, "\"%s\".%s", class_itr->key, _f);
-					} // end while
-				} else {
-					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-						"%s: Possible SQL injection attempt; direct order by is not allowed",
-						modulename );
-					if (ctx) {
-						osrfAppSessionStatus(
-							ctx->session,
-							"osrfMethodException",
-							ctx->request,
-							"Severe query error -- see error log for more details"
-						);
-					}
-					free(having_buf);
-					buffer_free(group_buf);
-					buffer_free(order_buf);
-					buffer_free(sql_buf);
-					if (defaultselhash)
-						jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-					jsonIteratorFree(class_itr);
-					return NULL;
-				}
-			} // end while
-			jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
-		} else {
-			osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-				"%s: Malformed ORDER BY clause; expected JSON_HASH or JSON_ARRAY, found %s",
-				modulename, json_type( order_hash->type ) );
-			if( ctx )
-				osrfAppSessionStatus(
-					ctx->session,
-					"osrfMethodException",
-					ctx->request,
-					"Malformed ORDER BY clause -- see error log for more details"
-				);
-			buffer_free( order_buf );
-			free(having_buf);
-			buffer_free(group_buf);
-			buffer_free(sql_buf);
-			if (defaultselhash)
-				jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		if( order_buf )
-			order_by_list = buffer_release( order_buf );
-	}
-	string = buffer_release(group_buf);
-	if ( *string && ( aggregate_found || (flags & SELECT_DISTINCT) ) ) {
-		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, " GROUP BY " );
-		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, string );
-	}
-	free(string);
-	if( having_buf && *having_buf ) {
-		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, " HAVING " );
-		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, having_buf );
-		free( having_buf );
-	}
-	if( order_by_list ) {
-		if ( *order_by_list ) {
-			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, " ORDER BY " );
-			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, order_by_list );
-		}
-		free( order_by_list );
-	}
-	if ( limit ){
-		const char* str = jsonObjectGetString(limit);
-		buffer_fadd( sql_buf, " LIMIT %d", atoi(str) );
-	}
-	if (offset) {
-		const char* str = jsonObjectGetString(offset);
-		buffer_fadd( sql_buf, " OFFSET %d", atoi(str) );
-	}
-	if (!(flags & SUBSELECT)) OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR(sql_buf, ';');
-	if (defaultselhash)
-		 jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-	return buffer_release(sql_buf);
-} // end of SELECT()
-static char* buildSELECT ( jsonObject* search_hash, jsonObject* order_hash, osrfHash* meta, osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	const char* locale = osrf_message_get_last_locale();
-	osrfHash* fields = osrfHashGet(meta, "fields");
-	char* core_class = osrfHashGet(meta, "classname");
-	const jsonObject* join_hash = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( order_hash, "join" );
-	jsonObject* node = NULL;
-	jsonObject* snode = NULL;
-	jsonObject* onode = NULL;
-	const jsonObject* _tmp = NULL;
-	jsonObject* selhash = NULL;
-	jsonObject* defaultselhash = NULL;
-	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init(128);
-	growing_buffer* select_buf = buffer_init(128);
-	if ( !(selhash = jsonObjectGetKey( order_hash, "select" )) ) {
-		defaultselhash = jsonNewObjectType(JSON_HASH);
-		selhash = defaultselhash;
-	}
-	// If there's no SELECT list for the core class, build one
-	if ( !jsonObjectGetKeyConst(selhash,core_class) ) {
-		jsonObject* field_list = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_ARRAY );
-		// Add every non-virtual field to the field list
-		osrfHash* field_def = NULL;
-		osrfHashIterator* field_itr = osrfNewHashIterator( fields );
-		while( ( field_def = osrfHashIteratorNext( field_itr ) ) ) {
-			if( ! str_is_true( osrfHashGet( field_def, "virtual" ) ) ) {
-				const char* field = osrfHashIteratorKey( field_itr );
-				jsonObjectPush( field_list, jsonNewObject( field ) );
-			}
-		}
-		osrfHashIteratorFree( field_itr );
-		jsonObjectSetKey( selhash, core_class, field_list );
-	}
-	int first = 1;
-	jsonIterator* class_itr = jsonNewIterator( selhash );
-	while ( (snode = jsonIteratorNext( class_itr )) ) {
-		const char* cname = class_itr->key;
-		osrfHash* idlClass = osrfHashGet( oilsIDL(), cname );
-		if (!idlClass)
-			continue;
-		if (strcmp(core_class,class_itr->key)) {
-			if (!join_hash)
-				continue;
-			jsonObject* found =  jsonObjectFindPath(join_hash, "//%s", class_itr->key);
-			if (!found->size) {
-				jsonObjectFree(found);
-				continue;
-			}
-			jsonObjectFree(found);
-		}
-		jsonIterator* select_itr = jsonNewIterator( snode );
-		while ( (node = jsonIteratorNext( select_itr )) ) {
-			const char* item_str = jsonObjectGetString( node );
-			osrfHash* field = osrfHashGet( osrfHashGet( idlClass, "fields" ), item_str );
-			char* fname = osrfHashGet(field, "name");
-			if (!field)
-				continue;
-			if (first) {
-				first = 0;
-			} else {
-				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR(select_buf, ',');
-			}
-			if (locale) {
-				const char* i18n;
-				const jsonObject* no_i18n_obj = jsonObjectGetKey( order_hash, "no_i18n" );
-				if ( obj_is_true( no_i18n_obj ) )    // Suppress internationalization?
-					i18n = NULL;
-				else
-					i18n = osrfHashGet(field, "i18n");
-				if( str_is_true( i18n ) ) {
-					char* pkey = osrfHashGet(idlClass, "primarykey");
-					char* tname = osrfHashGet(idlClass, "tablename");
-					buffer_fadd(select_buf, " oils_i18n_xlate('%s', '%s', '%s', "
-							"'%s', \"%s\".%s::TEXT, '%s') AS \"%s\"",
-							tname, cname, fname, pkey, cname, pkey, locale, fname);
-				} else {
-					buffer_fadd(select_buf, " \"%s\".%s", cname, fname);
-				}
-			} else {
-				buffer_fadd(select_buf, " \"%s\".%s", cname, fname);
-			}
-		}
-		jsonIteratorFree(select_itr);
-	}
-	jsonIteratorFree(class_itr);
-	char* col_list = buffer_release(select_buf);
-	char* table = getRelation(meta);
-	if( !table )
-		table = strdup( "(null)" );
-	buffer_fadd(sql_buf, "SELECT %s FROM %s AS \"%s\"", col_list, table, core_class );
-	free(col_list);
-	free(table);
-	// Clear the query stack (as a fail-safe precaution against possible
-	// leftover garbage); then push the first query frame onto the stack.
-	clear_query_stack();
-	push_query_frame();
-	if( add_query_core( NULL, core_class ) ) {
-		if( ctx )
-			osrfAppSessionStatus(
-				ctx->session,
-				"osrfMethodException",
-				ctx->request,
-				"Unable to build query frame for core class"
-			);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	if ( join_hash ) {
-		char* join_clause = searchJOIN( join_hash, &curr_query->core );
-		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR(sql_buf, ' ');
-		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(sql_buf, join_clause);
-		free(join_clause);
-	}
-	osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s pre-predicate SQL =  %s",
-				  modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR( sql_buf ));
-	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(sql_buf, " WHERE ");
-	char* pred = searchWHERE( search_hash, &curr_query->core, AND_OP_JOIN, ctx );
-	if (!pred) {
-		osrfAppSessionStatus(
-			ctx->session,
-				"osrfMethodException",
-				ctx->request,
-				"Severe query error -- see error log for more details"
-			);
-		buffer_free(sql_buf);
-		if(defaultselhash)
-			jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-		clear_query_stack();
-		return NULL;
-	} else {
-		buffer_add(sql_buf, pred);
-		free(pred);
-	}
-	if (order_hash) {
-		char* string = NULL;
-		if ( (_tmp = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( order_hash, "order_by" )) ){
-			growing_buffer* order_buf = buffer_init(128);
-			first = 1;
-			jsonIterator* class_itr = jsonNewIterator( _tmp );
-			while ( (snode = jsonIteratorNext( class_itr )) ) {
-				if (!jsonObjectGetKeyConst(selhash,class_itr->key))
-					continue;
-				if ( snode->type == JSON_HASH ) {
-					jsonIterator* order_itr = jsonNewIterator( snode );
-					while ( (onode = jsonIteratorNext( order_itr )) ) {
-						osrfHash* field_def = oilsIDLFindPath( "/%s/fields/%s",
-								class_itr->key, order_itr->key );
-						if ( !field_def )
-							continue;
-						char* direction = NULL;
-						if ( onode->type == JSON_HASH ) {
-							if ( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( onode, "transform" ) ) {
-								string = searchFieldTransform( class_itr->key, field_def, onode );
-								if( ! string ) {
-									osrfAppSessionStatus(
-										ctx->session,
-										"osrfMethodException",
-										ctx->request,
-										"Severe query error in ORDER BY clause -- "
-										"see error log for more details"
-									);
-									jsonIteratorFree( order_itr );
-									jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
-									buffer_free( order_buf );
-									buffer_free( sql_buf );
-									if( defaultselhash )
-										jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
-									clear_query_stack();
-									return NULL;
-								}
-							} else {
-								growing_buffer* field_buf = buffer_init(16);
-								buffer_fadd( field_buf, "\"%s\".%s",
-									class_itr->key, order_itr->key );
-								string = buffer_release(field_buf);
-							}
-							if ( (_tmp = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( onode, "direction" )) ) {
-								const char* dir = jsonObjectGetString(_tmp);
-								if (!strncasecmp(dir, "d", 1)) {
-									direction = " DESC";
-								} else {
-									free(direction);
-								}
-							}
-						} else {
-							string = strdup(order_itr->key);
-							const char* dir = jsonObjectGetString(onode);
-							if (!strncasecmp(dir, "d", 1)) {
-								direction = " DESC";
-							} else {
-								direction = " ASC";
-							}
-						}
-						if (first) {
-							first = 0;
-						} else {
-							buffer_add(order_buf, ", ");
-						}
-						buffer_add(order_buf, string);
-						free(string);
-						if (direction) {
-							buffer_add(order_buf, direction);
-						}
-					}
-					jsonIteratorFree(order_itr);
-				} else {
-					const char* str = jsonObjectGetString(snode);
-					buffer_add(order_buf, str);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			jsonIteratorFree(class_itr);
-			string = buffer_release(order_buf);
-			if ( *string ) {
-				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, " ORDER BY " );
-				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, string );
-			}
-			free(string);
-		}
-		if ( (_tmp = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( order_hash, "limit" )) ){
-			const char* str = jsonObjectGetString(_tmp);
-			buffer_fadd(
-				sql_buf,
-				" LIMIT %d",
-				atoi(str)
-			);
-		}
-		_tmp = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( order_hash, "offset" );
-		if (_tmp) {
-			const char* str = jsonObjectGetString(_tmp);
-			buffer_fadd(
-				sql_buf,
-				" OFFSET %d",
-				atoi(str)
-			);
-		}
-	}
-	if (defaultselhash)
-		jsonObjectFree(defaultselhash);
-	clear_query_stack();
-	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR(sql_buf, ';');
-	return buffer_release(sql_buf);
-int doJSONSearch ( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,  "Invalid method context" );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Received query request");
-	int err = 0;
-	// XXX for now...
-	dbhandle = writehandle;
-	jsonObject* hash = jsonObjectGetIndex(ctx->params, 0);
-	int flags = 0;
-	if ( obj_is_true( jsonObjectGetKey( hash, "distinct" ) ) )
-		flags |= SELECT_DISTINCT;
-	if ( obj_is_true( jsonObjectGetKey( hash, "no_i18n" ) ) )
-		flags |= DISABLE_I18N;
-	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Building SQL ...");
-	clear_query_stack();       // a possibly needless precaution
-	char* sql = buildQuery( ctx, hash, flags );
-	clear_query_stack();
-	if (!sql) {
-		err = -1;
-		return err;
-	}
-	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s SQL =  %s", modulename, sql);
-	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_query(dbhandle, sql);
-	if(result) {
-		osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Query returned with no errors");
-		if (dbi_result_first_row(result)) {
-			/* JSONify the result */
-			osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Query returned at least one row");
-			do {
-				jsonObject* return_val = oilsMakeJSONFromResult( result );
-				osrfAppRespond( ctx, return_val );
-				jsonObjectFree( return_val );
-			} while (dbi_result_next_row(result));
-		} else {
-			osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s returned no results for query %s", modulename, sql);
-		}
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-		/* clean up the query */
-		dbi_result_free(result);
-	} else {
-		err = -1;
-		osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error with query [%s]", modulename, sql);
-		osrfAppSessionStatus(
-			ctx->session,
-			"osrfMethodException",
-			ctx->request,
-			"Severe query error -- see error log for more details"
-		);
-	}
-	free(sql);
-	return err;
-// The last parameter, err, is used to report an error condition by updating an int owned by
-// the calling code.
-// In case of an error, we set *err to -1.  If there is no error, *err is left unchanged.
-// It is the responsibility of the calling code to initialize *err before the
-// call, so that it will be able to make sense of the result.
-// Note also that we return NULL if and only if we set *err to -1.  So the err parameter is
-// redundant anyway.
-static jsonObject* doFieldmapperSearch ( osrfMethodContext* ctx, osrfHash* class_meta,
-		jsonObject* where_hash, jsonObject* query_hash, int* err ) {
-	// XXX for now...
-	dbhandle = writehandle;
-	char* core_class = osrfHashGet( class_meta, "classname" );
-	char* pkey = osrfHashGet( class_meta, "primarykey" );
-	const jsonObject* _tmp;
-	char* sql = buildSELECT( where_hash, query_hash, class_meta, ctx );
-	if (!sql) {
-		osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Problem building query, returning NULL");
-		*err = -1;
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s SQL =  %s", modulename, sql);
-	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_query(dbhandle, sql);
-	if( NULL == result ) {
-		osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error retrieving %s with query [%s]",
-			modulename, osrfHashGet( class_meta, "fieldmapper" ), sql);
-		osrfAppSessionStatus(
-			ctx->session,
-			"osrfMethodException",
-			ctx->request,
-			"Severe query error -- see error log for more details"
-		);
-		*err = -1;
-		free(sql);
-		return jsonNULL;
-	} else {
-		osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Query returned with no errors");
-	}
-	jsonObject* res_list = jsonNewObjectType(JSON_ARRAY);
-	jsonObject* row_obj = NULL;
-	if (dbi_result_first_row(result)) {
-		// Convert each row to a JSON_ARRAY of column values, and enclose those objects
-		// in a JSON_ARRAY of rows.  If two or more rows have the same key value, then
-		// eliminate the duplicates.
-		osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Query returned at least one row");
-		osrfHash* dedup = osrfNewHash();
-		do {
-			row_obj = oilsMakeFieldmapperFromResult( result, class_meta );
-			char* pkey_val = oilsFMGetString( row_obj, pkey );
-			if ( osrfHashGet( dedup, pkey_val ) ) {
-				jsonObjectFree( row_obj );
-				free( pkey_val );
-			} else {
-				osrfHashSet( dedup, pkey_val, pkey_val );
-				jsonObjectPush( res_list, row_obj );
-			}
-		} while (dbi_result_next_row(result));
-		osrfHashFree(dedup);
-	} else {
-		osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s returned no results for query %s",
-			modulename, sql );
-	}
-	/* clean up the query */
-	dbi_result_free(result);
-	free(sql);
-	// If we're asked to flesh, and there's anything to flesh, then flesh.
-	if (res_list->size && query_hash) {
-		_tmp = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( query_hash, "flesh" );
-		if (_tmp) {
-			// Get the flesh depth
-			int flesh_depth = (int) jsonObjectGetNumber( _tmp );
-			if ( flesh_depth == -1 || flesh_depth > max_flesh_depth )
-				flesh_depth = max_flesh_depth;
-			// We need a non-zero flesh depth, and a list of fields to flesh
-			const jsonObject* temp_blob = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( query_hash, "flesh_fields" );
-			if ( temp_blob && flesh_depth > 0 ) {
-				jsonObject* flesh_blob = jsonObjectClone( temp_blob );
-				const jsonObject* flesh_fields = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( flesh_blob, core_class );
-				osrfStringArray* link_fields = NULL;
-				osrfHash* links = osrfHashGet( class_meta, "links" );
-				// Make an osrfStringArray of the names of fields to be fleshed
-				if (flesh_fields) {
-					if (flesh_fields->size == 1) {
-						const char* _t = jsonObjectGetString(
-							jsonObjectGetIndex( flesh_fields, 0 ) );
-						if (!strcmp(_t,"*"))
-							link_fields = osrfHashKeys( links );
-					}
-					if (!link_fields) {
-						jsonObject* _f;
-						link_fields = osrfNewStringArray(1);
-						jsonIterator* _i = jsonNewIterator( flesh_fields );
-						while ((_f = jsonIteratorNext( _i ))) {
-							osrfStringArrayAdd( link_fields, jsonObjectGetString( _f ) );
-						}
-						jsonIteratorFree(_i);
-					}
-				}
-				osrfHash* fields = osrfHashGet( class_meta, "fields" );
-				// Iterate over the JSON_ARRAY of rows
-				jsonObject* cur;
-				unsigned long res_idx = 0;
-				while ((cur = jsonObjectGetIndex( res_list, res_idx++ ) )) {
-					int i = 0;
-					const char* link_field;
-					// Iterate over the list of fleshable fields
-					while ( (link_field = osrfStringArrayGetString(link_fields, i++)) ) {
-						osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Starting to flesh %s", link_field);
-						osrfHash* kid_link = osrfHashGet(links, link_field);
-						if (!kid_link)
-							continue;     // Not a link field; skip it
-						osrfHash* field = osrfHashGet(fields, link_field);
-						if (!field)
-							continue;     // Not a field at all; skip it (IDL is ill-formed)
-						osrfHash* kid_idl = osrfHashGet(oilsIDL(), osrfHashGet(kid_link, "class"));
-						if (!kid_idl)
-							continue;   // The class it links to doesn't exist; skip it
-						const char* reltype = osrfHashGet( kid_link, "reltype" );
-						if( !reltype )
-							continue;   // No reltype; skip it (IDL is ill-formed)
-						osrfHash* value_field = field;
-						if (   !strcmp( reltype, "has_many" )
-							|| !strcmp( reltype, "might_have" ) ) { // has_many or might_have
-							value_field = osrfHashGet(
-								fields, osrfHashGet( class_meta, "primarykey" ) );
-						}
-						osrfStringArray* link_map = osrfHashGet( kid_link, "map" );
-						if (link_map->size > 0) {
-							jsonObject* _kid_key = jsonNewObjectType(JSON_ARRAY);
-							jsonObjectPush(
-								_kid_key,
-								jsonNewObject( osrfStringArrayGetString( link_map, 0 ) )
-							);
-							jsonObjectSetKey(
-								flesh_blob,
-								osrfHashGet(kid_link, "class"),
-								_kid_key
-							);
-						};
-						osrfLogDebug(
-							OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-							"Link field: %s, remote class: %s, fkey: %s, reltype: %s",
-							osrfHashGet(kid_link, "field"),
-							osrfHashGet(kid_link, "class"),
-							osrfHashGet(kid_link, "key"),
-							osrfHashGet(kid_link, "reltype")
-						);
-						const char* search_key = jsonObjectGetString(
-							jsonObjectGetIndex( cur,
-								atoi( osrfHashGet(value_field, "array_position") )
-							)
-						);
-						if (!search_key) {
-							osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Nothing to search for!");
-							continue;
-						}
-						osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Creating param objects...");
-						// construct WHERE clause
-						jsonObject* where_clause  = jsonNewObjectType(JSON_HASH);
-						jsonObjectSetKey(
-							where_clause,
-							osrfHashGet(kid_link, "key"),
-							jsonNewObject( search_key )
-						);
-						// construct the rest of the query, mostly
-						// by copying pieces of the previous level of query
-						jsonObject* rest_of_query = jsonNewObjectType(JSON_HASH);
-						jsonObjectSetKey( rest_of_query, "flesh",
-							jsonNewNumberObject( flesh_depth - 1 + link_map->size )
-						);
-						if (flesh_blob)
-							jsonObjectSetKey( rest_of_query, "flesh_fields",
-								jsonObjectClone(flesh_blob) );
-						if (jsonObjectGetKeyConst(query_hash, "order_by")) {
-							jsonObjectSetKey( rest_of_query, "order_by",
-								jsonObjectClone(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(query_hash, "order_by"))
-							);
-						}
-						if (jsonObjectGetKeyConst(query_hash, "select")) {
-							jsonObjectSetKey( rest_of_query, "select",
-								jsonObjectClone(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(query_hash, "select"))
-							);
-						}
-						// do the query, recursively, to expand the fleshable field
-						jsonObject* kids = doFieldmapperSearch( ctx, kid_idl,
-							where_clause, rest_of_query, err);
-						jsonObjectFree( where_clause );
-						jsonObjectFree( rest_of_query );
-						if(*err) {
-							osrfStringArrayFree(link_fields);
-							jsonObjectFree(res_list);
-							jsonObjectFree(flesh_blob);
-							return jsonNULL;
-						}
-						osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Search for %s return %d linked objects",
-							osrfHashGet(kid_link, "class"), kids->size);
-						// Traverse the result set
-						jsonObject* X = NULL;
-						if ( link_map->size > 0 && kids->size > 0 ) {
-							X = kids;
-							kids = jsonNewObjectType(JSON_ARRAY);
-							jsonObject* _k_node;
-							unsigned long res_idx = 0;
-							while ((_k_node = jsonObjectGetIndex( X, res_idx++ ) )) {
-								jsonObjectPush(
-									kids,
-									jsonObjectClone(
-										jsonObjectGetIndex(
-											_k_node,
-											(unsigned long)atoi(
-												osrfHashGet(
-													osrfHashGet(
-														osrfHashGet(
-															osrfHashGet(
-																oilsIDL(),
-																osrfHashGet(kid_link, "class")
-															),
-															"fields"
-														),
-														osrfStringArrayGetString( link_map, 0 )
-													),
-													"array_position"
-												)
-											)
-										)
-									)
-								);
-							} // end while loop traversing X
-						}
-						if (!(strcmp( osrfHashGet(kid_link, "reltype"), "has_a" ))
-							|| !(strcmp( osrfHashGet(kid_link, "reltype"), "might_have" ))) {
-							osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Storing fleshed objects in %s",
-								osrfHashGet(kid_link, "field"));
-							jsonObjectSetIndex(
-								cur,
-								(unsigned long)atoi( osrfHashGet( field, "array_position" ) ),
-								jsonObjectClone( jsonObjectGetIndex(kids, 0) )
-							);
-						}
-						if (!(strcmp( osrfHashGet(kid_link, "reltype"), "has_many" ))) {
-							// has_many
-							osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Storing fleshed objects in %s",
-								osrfHashGet( kid_link, "field" ) );
-							jsonObjectSetIndex(
-								cur,
-								(unsigned long)atoi( osrfHashGet( field, "array_position" ) ),
-								jsonObjectClone( kids )
-							);
-						}
-						if (X) {
-							jsonObjectFree(kids);
-							kids = X;
-						}
-						jsonObjectFree( kids );
-						osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Fleshing of %s complete",
-							osrfHashGet( kid_link, "field" ) );
-						osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s", jsonObjectToJSON(cur));
-					} // end while loop traversing list of fleshable fields
-				} // end while loop traversing res_list
-				jsonObjectFree( flesh_blob );
-				osrfStringArrayFree(link_fields);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return res_list;
-static int doUpdate(osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Invalid method context" );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if( enforce_pcrud )
-		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
-	osrfHash* meta = osrfHashGet( (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData, "class" );
-	jsonObject* target = NULL;
-	if( enforce_pcrud )
-		target = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 1 );
-	else
-		target = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 0 );
-	if (!verifyObjectClass(ctx, target)) {
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if( getXactId( ctx ) == NULL ) {
-		osrfAppSessionStatus(
-			ctx->session,
-			"osrfMethodException",
-			ctx->request,
-			"No active transaction -- required for UPDATE"
-		);
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	// The following test is harmless but redundant.  If a class is
-	// readonly, we don't register an update method for it.
-	if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( meta, "readonly" ) ) ) {
-		osrfAppSessionStatus(
-			ctx->session,
-			"osrfMethodException",
-			ctx->request,
-			"Cannot UPDATE readonly class"
-		);
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	dbhandle = writehandle;
-	const char* trans_id = getXactId( ctx );
-	// Set the last_xact_id
-	int index = oilsIDL_ntop( target->classname, "last_xact_id" );
-	if (index > -1) {
-		osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Setting last_xact_id to %s on %s at position %d",
-				trans_id, target->classname, index);
-		jsonObjectSetIndex(target, index, jsonNewObject(trans_id));
-	}
-	char* pkey = osrfHashGet(meta, "primarykey");
-	osrfHash* fields = osrfHashGet(meta, "fields");
-	char* id = oilsFMGetString( target, pkey );
-	osrfLogDebug(
-		"%s updating %s object with %s = %s",
-		modulename,
-		osrfHashGet(meta, "fieldmapper"),
-		pkey,
-		id
-	);
-	growing_buffer* sql = buffer_init(128);
-	buffer_fadd(sql,"UPDATE %s SET", osrfHashGet(meta, "tablename"));
-	int first = 1;
-	osrfHash* field_def = NULL;
-	osrfHashIterator* field_itr = osrfNewHashIterator( fields );
-	while( (field_def = osrfHashIteratorNext( field_itr ) ) ) {
-		// Skip virtual fields, and the primary key
-		if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( field_def, "virtual") ) )
-			continue;
-		const char* field_name = osrfHashIteratorKey( field_itr );
-		if( ! strcmp( field_name, pkey ) )
-			continue;
-		const jsonObject* field_object = oilsFMGetObject( target, field_name );
-		int value_is_numeric = 0;    // boolean
-		char* value;
-		if (field_object && field_object->classname) {
-			value = oilsFMGetString(
-				field_object,
-				(char*)oilsIDLFindPath("/%s/primarykey", field_object->classname)
-			);
-		} else if( field_object && JSON_BOOL == field_object->type ) {
-			if( jsonBoolIsTrue( field_object ) )
-				value = strdup( "t" );
-			else
-				value = strdup( "f" );
-		} else {
-			value = jsonObjectToSimpleString( field_object );
-			if( field_object && JSON_NUMBER == field_object->type )
-				value_is_numeric = 1;
-		}
-		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Updating %s object with %s = %s",
-				osrfHashGet(meta, "fieldmapper"), field_name, value);
-		if (!field_object || field_object->type == JSON_NULL) {
-			if ( !(!( strcmp( osrfHashGet(meta, "classname"), "au" ) )
-					&& !( strcmp( field_name, "passwd" ) )) ) { // arg at the special case!
-				if( first )
-					first = 0;
-				else
-					OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR(sql, ',');
-				buffer_fadd( sql, " %s = NULL", field_name );
-			}
-		} else if ( value_is_numeric || !strcmp( get_primitive( field_def ), "number") ) {
-			if( first )
-				first = 0;
-			else
-				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR(sql, ',');
-			const char* numtype = get_datatype( field_def );
-			if ( !strncmp( numtype, "INT", 3 ) ) {
-				buffer_fadd( sql, " %s = %ld", field_name, atol(value) );
-			} else if ( !strcmp( numtype, "NUMERIC" ) ) {
-				buffer_fadd( sql, " %s = %f", field_name, atof(value) );
-			} else {
-				// Must really be intended as a string, so quote it
-				if ( dbi_conn_quote_string(dbhandle, &value) ) {
-					buffer_fadd( sql, " %s = %s", field_name, value );
-				} else {
-					osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error quoting string [%s]",
-						modulename, value);
-					osrfAppSessionStatus(
-						ctx->session,
-						"osrfMethodException",
-						ctx->request,
-						"Error quoting string -- please see the error log for more details"
-					);
-					free(value);
-					free(id);
-					osrfHashIteratorFree( field_itr );
-					buffer_free(sql);
-					osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-					return -1;
-				}
-			}
-			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s is of type %s", field_name, numtype );
-		} else {
-			if ( dbi_conn_quote_string(dbhandle, &value) ) {
-				if(first)
-					first = 0;
-				else
-					OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( sql, ',' );
-				buffer_fadd( sql, " %s = %s", field_name, value );
-			} else {
-				osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error quoting string [%s]", modulename, value);
-				osrfAppSessionStatus(
-					ctx->session,
-					"osrfMethodException",
-					ctx->request,
-					"Error quoting string -- please see the error log for more details"
-				);
-				free(value);
-				free(id);
-				osrfHashIteratorFree( field_itr );
-				buffer_free(sql);
-				osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-				return -1;
-			}
-		}
-		free(value);
-	} // end while
-	osrfHashIteratorFree( field_itr );
-	jsonObject* obj = jsonNewObject(id);
-	if ( strcmp( get_primitive( osrfHashGet( osrfHashGet(meta, "fields"), pkey ) ), "number" ) )
-		dbi_conn_quote_string(dbhandle, &id);
-	buffer_fadd( sql, " WHERE %s = %s;", pkey, id );
-	char* query = buffer_release(sql);
-	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Update SQL [%s]", modulename, query);
-	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_query(dbhandle, query);
-	free(query);
-	if (!result) {
-		jsonObjectFree(obj);
-		obj = jsonNewObject(NULL);
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s ERROR updating %s object with %s = %s",
-			modulename,
-			osrfHashGet(meta, "fieldmapper"),
-			pkey,
-			id
-		);
-	}
-	free(id);
-	osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, obj );
-	jsonObjectFree( obj );
-	return 0;
-static int doDelete( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
-	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Invalid method context" );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if( enforce_pcrud )
-		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
-	osrfHash* meta = osrfHashGet( (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData, "class" );
-	if( getXactId( ctx ) == NULL ) {
-		osrfAppSessionStatus(
-			ctx->session,
-			"osrfMethodException",
-			ctx->request,
-			"No active transaction -- required for DELETE"
-		);
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	// The following test is harmless but redundant.  If a class is
-	// readonly, we don't register a delete method for it.
-	if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( meta, "readonly" ) ) ) {
-		osrfAppSessionStatus(
-			ctx->session,
-			"osrfMethodException",
-			ctx->request,
-			"Cannot DELETE readonly class"
-		);
-		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-		return -1;
-	}
-	dbhandle = writehandle;
-	char* pkey = osrfHashGet(meta, "primarykey");
-	int _obj_pos = 0;
-	if( enforce_pcrud )
-		_obj_pos = 1;
-	char* id;
-	if (jsonObjectGetIndex(ctx->params, _obj_pos)->classname) {
-		if (!verifyObjectClass(ctx, jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, _obj_pos ))) {
-			osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-			return -1;
-		}
-		id = oilsFMGetString( jsonObjectGetIndex(ctx->params, _obj_pos), pkey );
-	} else {
-		if( enforce_pcrud && !verifyObjectPCRUD( ctx, NULL )) {
-			osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
-			return -1;
-		}
-		id = jsonObjectToSimpleString(jsonObjectGetIndex(ctx->params, _obj_pos));
-	}
-	osrfLogDebug(
-		"%s deleting %s object with %s = %s",
-		modulename,
-		osrfHashGet(meta, "fieldmapper"),
-		pkey,
-		id
-	);
-	jsonObject* obj = jsonNewObject(id);
-	if ( strcmp( get_primitive( osrfHashGet( osrfHashGet(meta, "fields"), pkey ) ), "number" ) )
-		dbi_conn_quote_string(writehandle, &id);
-	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_queryf(writehandle, "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s = %s;",
-		osrfHashGet(meta, "tablename"), pkey, id);
-	if (!result) {
-		jsonObjectFree(obj);
-		obj = jsonNewObject(NULL);
-		osrfLogError(
-			"%s ERROR deleting %s object with %s = %s",
-			modulename,
-			osrfHashGet(meta, "fieldmapper"),
-			pkey,
-			id
-		);
-	}
-	free(id);
-	osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, obj );
-	jsonObjectFree( obj );
-	return 0;
-	@brief Translate a row returned from the database into a jsonObject of type JSON_ARRAY.
-	@param result An iterator for a result set; we only look at the current row.
-	@param @meta Pointer to the class metadata for the core class.
-	@return Pointer to the resulting jsonObject if successful; otherwise NULL.
-	If a column is not defined in the IDL, or if it has no array_position defined for it in
-	the IDL, or if it is defined as virtual, ignore it.
-	Otherwise, translate the column value into a jsonObject of type JSON_NULL, JSON_NUMBER,
-	or JSON_STRING.  Then insert this jsonObject into the JSON_ARRAY according to its
-	array_position in the IDL.
-	A field defined in the IDL but not represented in the returned row will leave a hole
-	in the JSON_ARRAY.  In effect it will be treated as a null value.
-	In the resulting JSON_ARRAY, the field values appear in the sequence defined by the IDL,
-	regardless of their sequence in the SELECT statement.  The JSON_ARRAY is assigned the
-	classname corresponding to the @a meta argument.
-	The calling code is responsible for freeing the the resulting jsonObject by calling
-	jsonObjectFree().
-static jsonObject* oilsMakeFieldmapperFromResult( dbi_result result, osrfHash* meta) {
-	if(!(result && meta)) return jsonNULL;
-	jsonObject* object = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_ARRAY );
-	jsonObjectSetClass(object, osrfHashGet(meta, "classname"));
-	osrfLogInternal(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Setting object class to %s ", object->classname);
-	osrfHash* fields = osrfHashGet(meta, "fields");
-	int columnIndex = 1;
-	const char* columnName;
-	/* cycle through the columns in the row returned from the database */
-	while( (columnName = dbi_result_get_field_name(result, columnIndex)) ) {
-		osrfLogInternal(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Looking for column named [%s]...", (char*)columnName);
-		int fmIndex = -1;  // Will be set to the IDL's sequence number for this field
-		/* determine the field type and storage attributes */
-		unsigned short type = dbi_result_get_field_type_idx(result, columnIndex);
-		int attr            = dbi_result_get_field_attribs_idx(result, columnIndex);
-		// Fetch the IDL's sequence number for the field.  If the field isn't in the IDL,
-		// or if it has no sequence number there, or if it's virtual, skip it.
-		osrfHash* _f = osrfHashGet( fields, (char*) columnName );
-		if( _f ) {
-			if ( str_is_true( osrfHashGet(_f, "virtual") ) )
-				continue;   // skip this column: IDL says it's virtual
-			const char* pos = (char*)osrfHashGet(_f, "array_position");
-			if ( !pos )      // IDL has no sequence number for it.  This shouldn't happen,
-				continue;    // since we assign sequence numbers dynamically as we load the IDL.
-			fmIndex = atoi( pos );
-			osrfLogInternal(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "... Found column at position [%s]...", pos);
-		} else {
-			continue;     // This field is not defined in the IDL
-		}
-		// Stuff the column value into a slot in the JSON_ARRAY, indexed according to the
-		// sequence number from the IDL (which is likely to be different from the sequence
-		// of columns in the SELECT clause).
-		if (dbi_result_field_is_null_idx(result, columnIndex)) {
-			jsonObjectSetIndex( object, fmIndex, jsonNewObject(NULL) );
-		} else {
-			switch( type ) {
-				case DBI_TYPE_INTEGER :
-					if( attr & DBI_INTEGER_SIZE8 )
-						jsonObjectSetIndex( object, fmIndex,
-							jsonNewNumberObject(dbi_result_get_longlong_idx(result, columnIndex)));
-					else
-						jsonObjectSetIndex( object, fmIndex,
-							jsonNewNumberObject(dbi_result_get_int_idx(result, columnIndex)));
-					break;
-				case DBI_TYPE_DECIMAL :
-					jsonObjectSetIndex( object, fmIndex,
-							jsonNewNumberObject(dbi_result_get_double_idx(result, columnIndex)));
-					break;
-				case DBI_TYPE_STRING :
-					jsonObjectSetIndex(
-						object,
-						fmIndex,
-						jsonNewObject( dbi_result_get_string_idx(result, columnIndex) )
-					);
-					break;
-				case DBI_TYPE_DATETIME : {
-					char dt_string[256] = "";
-					struct tm gmdt;
-					// Fetch the date column as a time_t
-					time_t _tmp_dt = dbi_result_get_datetime_idx(result, columnIndex);
-					// Translate the time_t to a human-readable string
-					if (!(attr & DBI_DATETIME_DATE)) {
-						gmtime_r( &_tmp_dt, &gmdt );
-						strftime(dt_string, sizeof(dt_string), "%T", &gmdt);
-					} else if (!(attr & DBI_DATETIME_TIME)) {
-						localtime_r( &_tmp_dt, &gmdt );
-						strftime(dt_string, sizeof(dt_string), "%F", &gmdt);
-					} else {
-						localtime_r( &_tmp_dt, &gmdt );
-						strftime(dt_string, sizeof(dt_string), "%FT%T%z", &gmdt);
-					}
-					jsonObjectSetIndex( object, fmIndex, jsonNewObject(dt_string) );
-					break;
-				}
-				case DBI_TYPE_BINARY :
-					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-						"Can't do binary at column %s : index %d", columnName, columnIndex);
-			} // End switch
-		}
-		++columnIndex;
-	} // End while
-	return object;
-static jsonObject* oilsMakeJSONFromResult( dbi_result result ) {
-	if(!result) return jsonNULL;
-	jsonObject* object = jsonNewObject(NULL);
-	time_t _tmp_dt;
-	char dt_string[256];
-	struct tm gmdt;
-	int fmIndex;
-	int columnIndex = 1;
-	int attr;
-	unsigned short type;
-	const char* columnName;
-	/* cycle through the column list */
-	while( (columnName = dbi_result_get_field_name(result, columnIndex)) ) {
-		osrfLogInternal(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Looking for column named [%s]...", (char*)columnName);
-		fmIndex = -1; // reset the position
-		/* determine the field type and storage attributes */
-		type = dbi_result_get_field_type_idx(result, columnIndex);
-		attr = dbi_result_get_field_attribs_idx(result, columnIndex);
-		if (dbi_result_field_is_null_idx(result, columnIndex)) {
-			jsonObjectSetKey( object, columnName, jsonNewObject(NULL) );
-		} else {
-			switch( type ) {
-				case DBI_TYPE_INTEGER :
-					if( attr & DBI_INTEGER_SIZE8 )
-						jsonObjectSetKey( object, columnName,
-								jsonNewNumberObject(dbi_result_get_longlong_idx(
-										result, columnIndex)) );
-					else
-						jsonObjectSetKey( object, columnName,
-								jsonNewNumberObject(dbi_result_get_int_idx(result, columnIndex)) );
-					break;
-				case DBI_TYPE_DECIMAL :
-					jsonObjectSetKey( object, columnName,
-							jsonNewNumberObject(dbi_result_get_double_idx(result, columnIndex)) );
-					break;
-				case DBI_TYPE_STRING :
-					jsonObjectSetKey( object, columnName,
-							jsonNewObject(dbi_result_get_string_idx(result, columnIndex)) );
-					break;
-					memset(dt_string, '\0', sizeof(dt_string));
-					memset(&gmdt, '\0', sizeof(gmdt));
-					_tmp_dt = dbi_result_get_datetime_idx(result, columnIndex);
-					if (!(attr & DBI_DATETIME_DATE)) {
-						gmtime_r( &_tmp_dt, &gmdt );
-						strftime(dt_string, sizeof(dt_string), "%T", &gmdt);
-					} else if (!(attr & DBI_DATETIME_TIME)) {
-						localtime_r( &_tmp_dt, &gmdt );
-						strftime(dt_string, sizeof(dt_string), "%F", &gmdt);
-					} else {
-						localtime_r( &_tmp_dt, &gmdt );
-						strftime(dt_string, sizeof(dt_string), "%FT%T%z", &gmdt);
-					}
-					jsonObjectSetKey( object, columnName, jsonNewObject(dt_string) );
-					break;
-				case DBI_TYPE_BINARY :
-					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-						"Can't do binary at column %s : index %d", columnName, columnIndex );
-			}
-		}
-		++columnIndex;
-	} // end while loop traversing result
-	return object;
-// Interpret a string as true or false
-static int str_is_true( const char* str ) {
-	if( NULL == str || strcasecmp( str, "true" ) )
-		return 0;
-	else
-		return 1;
-// Interpret a jsonObject as true or false
-static int obj_is_true( const jsonObject* obj ) {
-	if( !obj )
-		return 0;
-	else switch( obj->type )
-	{
-		case JSON_BOOL :
-			if( obj->value.b )
-				return 1;
-			else
-				return 0;
-		case JSON_STRING :
-			if( strcasecmp( obj->value.s, "true" ) )
-				return 0;
-			else
-				return 1;
-		case JSON_NUMBER :          // Support 1/0 for perl's sake
-			if( jsonObjectGetNumber( obj ) == 1.0 )
-				return 1;
-			else
-				return 0;
-		default :
-			return 0;
-	}
-// Translate a numeric code into a text string identifying a type of
-// jsonObject.  To be used for building error messages.
-static const char* json_type( int code ) {
-	switch ( code )
-	{
-		case 0 :
-			return "JSON_HASH";
-		case 1 :
-			return "JSON_ARRAY";
-		case 2 :
-			return "JSON_STRING";
-		case 3 :
-			return "JSON_NUMBER";
-		case 4 :
-			return "JSON_NULL";
-		case 5 :
-			return "JSON_BOOL";
-		default :
-			return "(unrecognized)";
-	}
-// Extract the "primitive" attribute from an IDL field definition.
-// If we haven't initialized the app, then we must be running in
-// some kind of testbed.  In that case, default to "string".
-static const char* get_primitive( osrfHash* field ) {
-	const char* s = osrfHashGet( field, "primitive" );
-	if( !s ) {
-		if( child_initialized )
-			osrfLogError(
-				"%s ERROR No \"datatype\" attribute for field \"%s\"",
-				modulename,
-				osrfHashGet( field, "name" )
-			);
-		s = "string";
-	}
-	return s;
-// Extract the "datatype" attribute from an IDL field definition.
-// If we haven't initialized the app, then we must be running in
-// some kind of testbed.  In that case, default to to NUMERIC,
-// since we look at the datatype only for numbers.
-static const char* get_datatype( osrfHash* field ) {
-	const char* s = osrfHashGet( field, "datatype" );
-	if( !s ) {
-		if( child_initialized )
-			osrfLogError(
-				"%s ERROR No \"datatype\" attribute for field \"%s\"",
-				modulename,
-				osrfHashGet( field, "name" )
-			);
-		else
-			s = "NUMERIC";
-	}
-	return s;
-	@brief Determine whether a string is potentially a valid SQL identifier.
-	@param s The identifier to be tested.
-	@return 1 if the input string is potentially a valid SQL identifier, or 0 if not.
-	Purpose: to prevent certain kinds of SQL injection.  To that end we don't necessarily
-	need to follow all the rules exactly, such as requiring that the first character not
-	be a digit.
-	We allow leading and trailing white space.  In between, we do not allow punctuation
-	(except for underscores and dollar signs), control characters, or embedded white space.
-	More pedantically we should allow quoted identifiers containing arbitrary characters, but
-	for the foreseeable future such quoted identifiers are not likely to be an issue.
-static int is_identifier( const char* s) {
-	if( !s )
-		return 0;
-	// Skip leading white space
-	while( isspace( (unsigned char) *s ) )
-		++s;
-	if( !s )
-		return 0;   // Nothing but white space?  Not okay.
-	// Check each character until we reach white space or
-	// end-of-string.  Letters, digits, underscores, and
-	// dollar signs are okay. With the exception of periods
-	// (as in schema.identifier), control characters and other
-	// punctuation characters are not okay.  Anything else
-	// is okay -- it could for example be part of a multibyte
-	// UTF8 character such as a letter with diacritical marks,
-	// and those are allowed.
-	do {
-		if( isalnum( (unsigned char) *s )
-			|| '.' == *s
-			|| '_' == *s
-			|| '$' == *s )
-			;  // Fine; keep going
-		else if(   ispunct( (unsigned char) *s )
-				|| iscntrl( (unsigned char) *s ) )
-			return 0;
-			++s;
-	} while( *s && ! isspace( (unsigned char) *s ) );
-	// If we found any white space in the above loop,
-	// the rest had better be all white space.
-	while( isspace( (unsigned char) *s ) )
-		++s;
-	if( *s )
-		return 0;   // White space was embedded within non-white space
-	return 1;
-	@brief Determine whether to accept a character string as a comparison operator.
-	@param op The candidate comparison operator.
-	@return 1 if the string is acceptable as a comparison operator, or 0 if not.
-	We don't validate the operator for real.  We just make sure that it doesn't contain
-	any semicolons or white space (with special exceptions for a few specific operators).
-	The idea is to block certain kinds of SQL injection.  If it has no semicolons or white
-	space but it's still not a valid operator, then the database will complain.
-	Another approach would be to compare the string against a short list of approved operators.
-	We don't do that because we want to allow custom operators like ">100*", which at this
-	writing would be difficult or impossible to express otherwise in a JSON query.
-static int is_good_operator( const char* op ) {
-	if( !op ) return 0;   // Sanity check
-	const char* s = op;
-	while( *s ) {
-		if( isspace( (unsigned char) *s ) ) {
-			// Special exceptions for SIMILAR TO, IS DISTINCT FROM,
-			if( !strcasecmp( op, "similar to" ) )
-				return 1;
-			else if( !strcasecmp( op, "is distinct from" ) )
-				return 1;
-			else if( !strcasecmp( op, "is not distinct from" ) )
-				return 1;
-			else
-				return 0;
-		}
-		else if( ';' == *s )
-			return 0;
-		++s;
-	}
-	return 1;
-	@name Query Frame Management
-	The following machinery supports a stack of query frames for use by SELECT().
-	A query frame caches information about one level of a SELECT query.  When we enter
-	a subquery, we push another query frame onto the stack, and pop it off when we leave.
-	The query frame stores information about the core class, and about any joined classes
-	in the FROM clause.
-	The main purpose is to map table aliases to classes and tables, so that a query can
-	join to the same table more than once.  A secondary goal is to reduce the number of
-	lookups in the IDL by caching the results.
-static ClassInfo static_class_info[ STATIC_CLASS_INFO_COUNT ];
-	@brief Allocate a ClassInfo as raw memory.
-	@return Pointer to the newly allocated ClassInfo.
-	Except for the in_use flag, which is used only by the allocation and deallocation
-	logic, we don't initialize the ClassInfo here.
-static ClassInfo* allocate_class_info( void ) {
-	// In order to reduce the number of mallocs and frees, we return a static
-	// instance of ClassInfo, if we can find one that we're not already using.
-	// We rely on the fact that the compiler will implicitly initialize the
-	// static instances so that in_use == 0.
-	int i;
-	for( i = 0; i < STATIC_CLASS_INFO_COUNT; ++i ) {
-		if( ! static_class_info[ i ].in_use ) {
-			static_class_info[ i ].in_use = 1;
-			return static_class_info + i;
-		}
-	}
-	// The static ones are all in use.  Malloc one.
-	return safe_malloc( sizeof( ClassInfo ) );
-	@brief Free any malloc'd memory owned by a ClassInfo, returning it to a pristine state.
-	@param info Pointer to the ClassInfo to be cleared.
-static void clear_class_info( ClassInfo* info ) {
-	// Sanity check
-	if( ! info )
-		return;
-	// Free any malloc'd strings
-	if( info->alias != info->alias_store )
-		free( info->alias );
-	if( info->class_name != info->class_name_store )
-		free( info->class_name );
-	free( info->source_def );
-	info->alias = info->class_name = info->source_def = NULL;
-	info->next = NULL;
-	@brief Free a ClassInfo and everything it owns.
-	@param info Pointer to the ClassInfo to be freed.
-static void free_class_info( ClassInfo* info ) {
-	// Sanity check
-	if( ! info )
-		return;
-	clear_class_info( info );
-	// If it's one of the static instances, just mark it as not in use
-	int i;
-	for( i = 0; i < STATIC_CLASS_INFO_COUNT; ++i ) {
-		if( info == static_class_info + i ) {
-			static_class_info[ i ].in_use = 0;
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	// Otherwise it must have been malloc'd, so free it
-	free( info );
-	@brief Populate an already-allocated ClassInfo.
-	@param info Pointer to the ClassInfo to be populated.
-	@param alias Alias for the class.  If it is NULL, or an empty string, use the class
-	name for an alias.
-	@param class Name of the class.
-	@return Zero if successful, or 1 if not.
-	Populate the ClassInfo with copies of the alias and class name, and with pointers to
-	the relevant portions of the IDL for the specified class.
-static int build_class_info( ClassInfo* info, const char* alias, const char* class ) {
-	// Sanity checks
-	if( ! info ){
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-					  "%s ERROR: No ClassInfo available to populate", modulename );
-		info->alias = info->class_name = info->source_def = NULL;
-		info->class_def = info->fields = info->links = NULL;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	if( ! class ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-					  "%s ERROR: No class name provided for lookup", modulename );
-		info->alias = info->class_name = info->source_def = NULL;
-		info->class_def = info->fields = info->links = NULL;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	// Alias defaults to class name if not supplied
-	if( ! alias || ! alias[ 0 ] )
-		alias = class;
-	// Look up class info in the IDL
-	osrfHash* class_def = osrfHashGet( oilsIDL(), class );
-	if( ! class_def ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-					  "%s ERROR: Class %s not defined in IDL", modulename, class );
-		info->alias = info->class_name = info->source_def = NULL;
-		info->class_def = info->fields = info->links = NULL;
-		return 1;
-	} else if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( class_def, "virtual" ) ) ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-					  "%s ERROR: Class %s is defined as virtual", modulename, class );
-		info->alias = info->class_name = info->source_def = NULL;
-		info->class_def = info->fields = info->links = NULL;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	osrfHash* links = osrfHashGet( class_def, "links" );
-	if( ! links ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-					  "%s ERROR: No links defined in IDL for class %s", modulename, class );
-		info->alias = info->class_name = info->source_def = NULL;
-		info->class_def = info->fields = info->links = NULL;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	osrfHash* fields = osrfHashGet( class_def, "fields" );
-	if( ! fields ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-					  "%s ERROR: No fields defined in IDL for class %s", modulename, class );
-		info->alias = info->class_name = info->source_def = NULL;
-		info->class_def = info->fields = info->links = NULL;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	char* source_def = getRelation( class_def );
-	if( ! source_def )
-		return 1;
-	// We got everything we need, so populate the ClassInfo
-	if( strlen( alias ) > ALIAS_STORE_SIZE )
-		info->alias = strdup( alias );
-	else {
-		strcpy( info->alias_store, alias );
-		info->alias = info->alias_store;
-	}
-	if( strlen( class ) > CLASS_NAME_STORE_SIZE )
-		info->class_name = strdup( class );
-	else {
-		strcpy( info->class_name_store, class );
-		info->class_name = info->class_name_store;
-	}
-	info->source_def = source_def;
-	info->class_def = class_def;
-	info->links     = links;
-	info->fields    = fields;
-	return 0;
-static QueryFrame static_frame[ STATIC_FRAME_COUNT ];
-	@brief Allocate a QueryFrame as raw memory.
-	@return Pointer to the newly allocated QueryFrame.
-	Except for the in_use flag, which is used only by the allocation and deallocation
-	logic, we don't initialize the QueryFrame here.
-static QueryFrame* allocate_frame( void ) {
-	// In order to reduce the number of mallocs and frees, we return a static
-	// instance of QueryFrame, if we can find one that we're not already using.
-	// We rely on the fact that the compiler will implicitly initialize the
-	// static instances so that in_use == 0.
-	int i;
-	for( i = 0; i < STATIC_FRAME_COUNT; ++i ) {
-		if( ! static_frame[ i ].in_use ) {
-			static_frame[ i ].in_use = 1;
-			return static_frame + i;
-		}
-	}
-	// The static ones are all in use.  Malloc one.
-	return safe_malloc( sizeof( QueryFrame ) );
-	@brief Free a QueryFrame, and all the memory it owns.
-	@param frame Pointer to the QueryFrame to be freed.
-static void free_query_frame( QueryFrame* frame ) {
-	// Sanity check
-	if( ! frame )
-		return;
-	clear_class_info( &frame->core );
-	// Free the join list
-	ClassInfo* temp;
-	ClassInfo* info = frame->join_list;
-	while( info ) {
-		temp = info->next;
-		free_class_info( info );
-		info = temp;
-	}
-	frame->join_list = NULL;
-	frame->next = NULL;
-	// If the frame is a static instance, just mark it as unused
-	int i;
-	for( i = 0; i < STATIC_FRAME_COUNT; ++i ) {
-		if( frame == static_frame + i ) {
-			static_frame[ i ].in_use = 0;
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	// Otherwise it must have been malloc'd, so free it
-	free( frame );
-	@brief Search a given QueryFrame for a specified alias.
-	@param frame Pointer to the QueryFrame to be searched.
-	@param target The alias for which to search.
-	@return Pointer to the ClassInfo for the specified alias, if found; otherwise NULL.
-static ClassInfo* search_alias_in_frame( QueryFrame* frame, const char* target ) {
-	if( ! frame || ! target ) {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	ClassInfo* found_class = NULL;
-	if( !strcmp( target, frame->core.alias ) )
-		return &(frame->core);
-	else {
-		ClassInfo* curr_class = frame->join_list;
-		while( curr_class ) {
-			if( strcmp( target, curr_class->alias ) )
-				curr_class = curr_class->next;
-			else {
-				found_class = curr_class;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return found_class;
-	@brief Push a new (blank) QueryFrame onto the stack.
-static void push_query_frame( void ) {
-	QueryFrame* frame = allocate_frame();
-	frame->join_list = NULL;
-	frame->next = curr_query;
-	// Initialize the ClassInfo for the core class
-	ClassInfo* core = &frame->core;
-	core->alias = core->class_name = core->source_def = NULL;
-	core->class_def = core->fields = core->links = NULL;
-	curr_query = frame;
-	@brief Pop a QueryFrame off the stack and destroy it.
-static void pop_query_frame( void ) {
-	// Sanity check
-	if( ! curr_query )
-		return;
-	QueryFrame* popped = curr_query;
-	curr_query = popped->next;
-	free_query_frame( popped );
-	@brief Populate the ClassInfo for the core class.
-	@param alias Alias for the core class.  If it is NULL or an empty string, we use the
-	class name as an alias.
-	@param class_name Name of the core class.
-	@return Zero if successful, or 1 if not.
-	Populate the ClassInfo of the core class with copies of the alias and class name, and
-	with pointers to the relevant portions of the IDL for the core class.
-static int add_query_core( const char* alias, const char* class_name ) {
-	// Sanity checks
-	if( ! curr_query ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-					  "%s ERROR: No QueryFrame available for class %s", modulename, class_name );
-		return 1;
-	} else if( curr_query->core.alias ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-					  "%s ERROR: Core class %s already populated as %s",
-					  modulename, curr_query->core.class_name, curr_query->core.alias );
-		return 1;
-	}
-	build_class_info( &curr_query->core, alias, class_name );
-	if( curr_query->core.alias )
-		return 0;
-	else {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-					  "%s ERROR: Unable to look up core class %s", modulename, class_name );
-		return 1;
-	}
-	@brief Search the current QueryFrame for a specified alias.
-	@param target The alias for which to search.
-	@return A pointer to the corresponding ClassInfo, if found; otherwise NULL.
-static inline ClassInfo* search_alias( const char* target ) {
-	return search_alias_in_frame( curr_query, target );
-	@brief Search all levels of query for a specified alias, starting with the current query.
-	@param target The alias for which to search.
-	@return A pointer to the corresponding ClassInfo, if found; otherwise NULL.
-static ClassInfo* search_all_alias( const char* target ) {
-	ClassInfo* found_class = NULL;
-	QueryFrame* curr_frame = curr_query;
-	while( curr_frame ) {
-		if(( found_class = search_alias_in_frame( curr_frame, target ) ))
-			break;
-		else
-			curr_frame = curr_frame->next;
-	}
-	return found_class;
-	@brief Add a class to the list of classes joined to the current query.
-	@param alias Alias of the class to be added.  If it is NULL or an empty string, we use
-	the class name as an alias.
-	@param classname The name of the class to be added.
-	@return A pointer to the ClassInfo for the added class, if successful; otherwise NULL.
-static ClassInfo* add_joined_class( const char* alias, const char* classname ) {
-	if( ! classname || ! *classname ) {    // sanity check
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Can't join a class with no class name" );
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	if( ! alias )
-		alias = classname;
-	const ClassInfo* conflict = search_alias( alias );
-	if( conflict ) {
-		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-					  "%s ERROR: Table alias \"%s\" conflicts with class \"%s\"",
-					  modulename, alias, conflict->class_name );
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	ClassInfo* info = allocate_class_info();
-	if( build_class_info( info, alias, classname ) ) {
-		free_class_info( info );
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	// Add the new ClassInfo to the join list of the current QueryFrame
-	info->next = curr_query->join_list;
-	curr_query->join_list = info;
-	return info;
-	@brief Destroy all nodes on the query stack.
-static void clear_query_stack( void ) {
-	while( curr_query )
-		pop_query_frame();
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_pcrud.c b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_pcrud.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4470a7889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_pcrud.c
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+	@file oils_pcrud.c
+	@brief As a server, perform database operations at the request of clients.
+	This server is similar to the cstore and reporter-store servers,
+	except that it enforces a permissions scheme.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <dbi/dbi.h>
+#include "opensrf/utils.h"
+#include "opensrf/log.h"
+#include "opensrf/osrf_application.h"
+#include "openils/oils_utils.h"
+#include "openils/oils_sql.h"
+static dbi_conn writehandle; /* our MASTER db connection */
+static dbi_conn dbhandle; /* our CURRENT db connection */
+//static osrfHash * readHandles;
+static int max_flesh_depth = 100;
+static const int enforce_pcrud = 1;     // Boolean
+static const char modulename[] = "open-ils.pcrud";
+	@brief Disconnect from the database.
+	This function is called when the server drone is about to terminate.
+void osrfAppChildExit() {
+	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Child is exiting, disconnecting from database...");
+	int same = 0;
+	if (writehandle == dbhandle)
+		same = 1;
+	if (writehandle) {
+		dbi_conn_query(writehandle, "ROLLBACK;");
+		dbi_conn_close(writehandle);
+		writehandle = NULL;
+	}
+	if (dbhandle && !same)
+		dbi_conn_close(dbhandle);
+	// XXX add cleanup of readHandles whenever that gets used
+	return;
+	@brief Initialize the application.
+	@return Zero if successful, or non-zero if not.
+	Load the IDL file into an internal data structure for future reference.  Each non-virtual
+	class in the IDL corresponds to a table or view in the database, or to a subquery defined
+	in the IDL.  Ignore all virtual tables and virtual fields.
+	Register a number of methods, some of them general-purpose and others specific for
+	particular classes.
+	The name of the application is given by the MODULENAME macro, whose value depends on
+	conditional compilation.  The method names also incorporate MODULENAME, followed by a
+	dot, as a prefix.  Some methods are registered or not registered depending on whether
+	the IDL includes permacrud entries for the class and method.
+	The general-purpose methods are as follows (minus their MODULENAME prefixes):
+	- transaction.begin
+	- transaction.commit
+	- transaction.rollback
+	- savepoint.set
+	- savepoint.release
+	- savepoint.rollback
+	For each non-virtual class, create up to eight class-specific methods:
+	- create    (not for readonly classes)
+	- retrieve
+	- update    (not for readonly classes)
+	- delete    (not for readonly classes
+	- search    (atomic and non-atomic versions)
+	- id_list   (atomic and non-atomic versions)
+	The full method names follow the pattern "MODULENAME.method_type.classname".
+	In addition, the names of atomic methods have a suffix of ".atomic".
+	This function is called when the registering the application, and is executed by the
+	listener before spawning the drones.
+int osrfAppInitialize() {
+	osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Initializing the PCRUD Server...");
+	osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Finding XML file...");
+	if (!oilsIDLInit( osrf_settings_host_value("/IDL") ))
+		return 1; /* return non-zero to indicate error */
+	oilsSetSQLOptions( modulename, enforce_pcrud );
+	growing_buffer* method_name = buffer_init(64);
+	// first we register all the transaction and savepoint methods
+	buffer_reset(method_name);
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, modulename );
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, ".transaction.begin");
+	osrfAppRegisterMethod( modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR( method_name ),
+			"beginTransaction", "", 0, 0 );
+	buffer_reset(method_name);
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, modulename );
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, ".transaction.commit");
+	osrfAppRegisterMethod( modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR(method_name),
+			"commitTransaction", "", 0, 0 );
+	buffer_reset(method_name);
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, modulename );
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, ".transaction.rollback");
+	osrfAppRegisterMethod( modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR(method_name),
+			"rollbackTransaction", "", 0, 0 );
+	buffer_reset(method_name);
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, modulename );
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, ".savepoint.set");
+	osrfAppRegisterMethod( modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR(method_name),
+			"setSavepoint", "", 1, 0 );
+	buffer_reset(method_name);
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, modulename );
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, ".savepoint.release");
+	osrfAppRegisterMethod( modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR(method_name),
+			"releaseSavepoint", "", 1, 0 );
+	buffer_reset(method_name);
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, modulename );
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, ".savepoint.rollback");
+	osrfAppRegisterMethod( modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR(method_name),
+			"rollbackSavepoint", "", 1, 0 );
+	static const char* global_method[] = {
+		"create",
+		"retrieve",
+		"update",
+		"delete",
+		"search",
+		"id_list"
+	};
+	const int global_method_count
+		= sizeof( global_method ) / sizeof ( global_method[0] );
+	unsigned long class_count = osrfHashGetCount( oilsIDL() );
+	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%lu classes loaded", class_count );
+	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+		"At most %lu methods will be generated",
+		(unsigned long) (class_count * global_method_count) );
+	osrfHashIterator* class_itr = osrfNewHashIterator( oilsIDL() );
+	osrfHash* idlClass = NULL;
+	// For each class in the IDL...
+	while( (idlClass = osrfHashIteratorNext( class_itr ) ) ) {
+		const char* classname = osrfHashIteratorKey( class_itr );
+		osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Generating class methods for %s", classname);
+		if (!osrfStringArrayContains( osrfHashGet(idlClass, "controller"), modulename )) {
+			osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s is not listed as a controller for %s, moving on",
+					modulename, classname);
+			continue;
+		}
+		if ( str_is_true( osrfHashGet(idlClass, "virtual") ) ) {
+			osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Class %s is virtual, skipping", classname );
+			continue;
+		}
+		// Look up some other attributes of the current class
+		const char* idlClass_fieldmapper = osrfHashGet(idlClass, "fieldmapper");
+		if( !idlClass_fieldmapper ) {
+			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Skipping class \"%s\"; no fieldmapper in IDL",
+					classname );
+			continue;
+		}
+		osrfHash* idlClass_permacrud = NULL;
+		// Ignore classes with no permacrud section
+		idlClass_permacrud = osrfHashGet( idlClass, "permacrud" );
+		if( !idlClass_permacrud ) {
+			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+				"Skipping class \"%s\"; no permacrud in IDL", classname );
+			continue;
+		}
+		const char* readonly = osrfHashGet( idlClass, "readonly" );
+		int i;
+		for( i = 0; i < global_method_count; ++i ) {  // for each global method
+			const char* method_type = global_method[ i ];
+			osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+				"Using files to build %s class methods for %s", method_type, classname);
+			// Treat "id_list" or "search" as forms of "retrieve"
+			const char* tmp_method = method_type;
+			if ( *tmp_method == 'i' || *tmp_method == 's') {  // "id_list" or "search"
+				tmp_method = "retrieve";
+			}
+			// Skip this method if there is no permacrud entry for it
+			if (!osrfHashGet( idlClass_permacrud, tmp_method ))
+				continue;
+			// No create, update, or delete methods for a readonly class
+			if ( str_is_true( readonly )
+				&& ( *method_type == 'c' || *method_type == 'u' || *method_type == 'd') )
+				continue;
+			buffer_reset( method_name );
+			// Build the method name: MODULENAME.method_type.classname
+			buffer_fadd(method_name, "%s.%s.%s", modulename, method_type, classname);
+			// For an id_list or search method we specify the OSRF_METHOD_STREAMING option.
+			// The consequence is that we implicitly create an atomic method in addition to
+			// the usual non-atomic method.
+			int flags = 0;
+			if (*method_type == 'i' || *method_type == 's') {  // id_list or search
+				flags = flags | OSRF_METHOD_STREAMING;
+			}
+			osrfHash* method_meta = osrfNewHash();
+			osrfHashSet( method_meta, idlClass, "class");
+			osrfHashSet( method_meta, buffer_data( method_name ), "methodname" );
+			osrfHashSet( method_meta, strdup(method_type), "methodtype" );
+			// Register the method, with a pointer to an osrfHash to tell the method
+			// its name, type, and class.
+			osrfAppRegisterExtendedMethod(
+				modulename,
+				OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR( method_name ),
+				"dispatchCRUDMethod",
+				"",
+				1,
+				flags,
+				(void*)method_meta
+			);
+		} // end for each global method
+	} // end for each class in IDL
+	buffer_free( method_name );
+	osrfHashIteratorFree( class_itr );
+	return 0;
+	@brief Initialize a server drone.
+	@return Zero if successful, -1 if not.
+	Connect to the database.  For each non-virtual class in the IDL, execute a dummy "SELECT * "
+	query to get the datatype of each column.  Record the datatypes in the loaded IDL.
+	This function is called by a server drone shortly after it is spawned by the listener.
+int osrfAppChildInit() {
+	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Attempting to initialize libdbi...");
+	dbi_initialize(NULL);
+	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "... libdbi initialized.");
+	char* driver = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/driver", modulename );
+	char* user   = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/database/user", modulename );
+	char* host   = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/database/host", modulename );
+	char* port   = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/database/port", modulename );
+	char* db     = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/database/db", modulename );
+	char* pw     = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/database/pw", modulename );
+	char* md     = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/max_query_recursion",
+			modulename );
+	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Attempting to load the database driver [%s]...", driver);
+	writehandle = dbi_conn_new(driver);
+	if(!writehandle) {
+		osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Error loading database driver [%s]", driver);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Database driver [%s] seems OK", driver);
+	osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s connecting to database.  host=%s, "
+			"port=%s, user=%s, db=%s", modulename, host, port, user, db );
+	if(host) dbi_conn_set_option(writehandle, "host", host );
+	if(port) dbi_conn_set_option_numeric( writehandle, "port", atoi(port) );
+	if(user) dbi_conn_set_option(writehandle, "username", user);
+	if(pw)   dbi_conn_set_option(writehandle, "password", pw );
+	if(db)   dbi_conn_set_option(writehandle, "dbname", db );
+	if(md)                     max_flesh_depth = atoi(md);
+	if(max_flesh_depth < 0)    max_flesh_depth = 1;
+	if(max_flesh_depth > 1000) max_flesh_depth = 1000;
+	free(user);
+	free(host);
+	free(port);
+	free(db);
+	free(pw);
+	const char* err;
+	if (dbi_conn_connect(writehandle) < 0) {
+		sleep(1);
+		if (dbi_conn_connect(writehandle) < 0) {
+			dbi_conn_error(writehandle, &err);
+			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Error connecting to database: %s", err);
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	oilsSetDBConnection( writehandle );
+	osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s successfully connected to the database", modulename );
+	// Add datatypes from database to the fields in the IDL
+	if( oilsExtendIDL() ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Error extending the IDL" );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	else
+		return 0;
+	@brief Implement the class-specific methods.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@return Zero if successful, or -1 if not.
+	Branch on the method type: create, retrieve, update, delete, search, or id_list.
+	The method parameters and the type of value returned to the client depend on the method
+	type.  However, for all PCRUD methods, the first method parameter is an authkey.
+int dispatchCRUDMethod( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	// Get the method type, then can branch on it
+	osrfHash* method_meta = (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData;
+	const char* methodtype = osrfHashGet( method_meta, "methodtype" );
+	if( !strcmp( methodtype, "create" ))
+		return doCreate( ctx );
+	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "retrieve" ))
+		return doRetrieve( ctx );
+	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "update" ))
+		return doUpdate( ctx );
+	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "delete" ))
+		return doDelete( ctx );
+	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "search" ))
+		return doSearch( ctx );
+	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "id_list" ))
+		return doIdList( ctx );
+	else {
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );      // should be unreachable...
+		return 0;
+	}
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_rstore.c b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_rstore.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd5dfecff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_rstore.c
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+	@file oils_rstore.c
+	@brief As a server, perform database operations at the request of clients.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <dbi/dbi.h>
+#include "opensrf/utils.h"
+#include "opensrf/log.h"
+#include "opensrf/osrf_application.h"
+#include "openils/oils_utils.h"
+#include "openils/oils_sql.h"
+static dbi_conn writehandle; /* our MASTER db connection */
+static dbi_conn dbhandle; /* our CURRENT db connection */
+//static osrfHash * readHandles;
+static int max_flesh_depth = 100;
+static const int enforce_pcrud = 0;     // Boolean
+static const char modulename[] = "open-ils.reporter-store";
+	@brief Disconnect from the database.
+	This function is called when the server drone is about to terminate.
+void osrfAppChildExit() {
+	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Child is exiting, disconnecting from database...");
+	int same = 0;
+	if (writehandle == dbhandle)
+		same = 1;
+	if (writehandle) {
+		dbi_conn_query(writehandle, "ROLLBACK;");
+		dbi_conn_close(writehandle);
+		writehandle = NULL;
+	}
+	if (dbhandle && !same)
+		dbi_conn_close(dbhandle);
+	// XXX add cleanup of readHandles whenever that gets used
+	return;
+	@brief Initialize the application.
+	@return Zero if successful, or non-zero if not.
+	Load the IDL file into an internal data structure for future reference.  Each non-virtual
+	class in the IDL corresponds to a table or view in the database, or to a subquery defined
+	in the IDL.  Ignore all virtual tables and virtual fields.
+	Register a number of methods, some of them general-purpose and others specific for
+	particular classes.
+	The name of the application is given by the MODULENAME macro, whose value depends on
+	conditional compilation.  The method names also incorporate MODULENAME, followed by a
+	dot, as a prefix.
+	The general-purpose methods are as follows (minus their MODULENAME prefixes):
+	- json_query
+	- transaction.begin
+	- transaction.commit
+	- transaction.rollback
+	- savepoint.set
+	- savepoint.release
+	- savepoint.rollback
+	For each non-virtual class, create up to eight class-specific methods:
+	- create    (not for readonly classes)
+	- retrieve
+	- update    (not for readonly classes)
+	- delete    (not for readonly classes
+	- search    (atomic and non-atomic versions)
+	- id_list   (atomic and non-atomic versions)
+	The full method names follow the pattern "", where XXX
+	is the fieldmapper name from the IDL, with every run of one or more consecutive colons
+	replaced by a period.  In addition, the names of atomic methods have a suffix of ".atomic".
+	This function is called when the registering the application, and is executed by the
+	listener before spawning the drones.
+int osrfAppInitialize() {
+	osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Initializing the RStore Server...");
+	osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Finding XML file...");
+	if (!oilsIDLInit( osrf_settings_host_value("/IDL") ))
+		return 1; /* return non-zero to indicate error */
+	oilsSetSQLOptions( modulename, enforce_pcrud );
+	growing_buffer* method_name = buffer_init(64);
+	// Generic search thingy
+	buffer_add( method_name, modulename );
+	buffer_add( method_name, ".json_query" );
+	osrfAppRegisterMethod( modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR( method_name ),
+		"doJSONSearch", "", 1, OSRF_METHOD_STREAMING );
+	// first we register all the transaction and savepoint methods
+	buffer_reset(method_name);
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, modulename );
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, ".transaction.begin");
+	osrfAppRegisterMethod( modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR( method_name ),
+			"beginTransaction", "", 0, 0 );
+	buffer_reset(method_name);
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, modulename );
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, ".transaction.commit");
+	osrfAppRegisterMethod( modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR(method_name),
+			"commitTransaction", "", 0, 0 );
+	buffer_reset(method_name);
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, modulename );
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, ".transaction.rollback");
+	osrfAppRegisterMethod( modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR(method_name),
+			"rollbackTransaction", "", 0, 0 );
+	buffer_reset(method_name);
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, modulename );
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, ".savepoint.set");
+	osrfAppRegisterMethod( modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR(method_name),
+			"setSavepoint", "", 1, 0 );
+	buffer_reset(method_name);
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, modulename );
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, ".savepoint.release");
+	osrfAppRegisterMethod( modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR(method_name),
+			"releaseSavepoint", "", 1, 0 );
+	buffer_reset(method_name);
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, modulename );
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, ".savepoint.rollback");
+	osrfAppRegisterMethod( modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR(method_name),
+			"rollbackSavepoint", "", 1, 0 );
+	static const char* global_method[] = {
+		"create",
+		"retrieve",
+		"update",
+		"delete",
+		"search",
+		"id_list"
+	};
+	const int global_method_count
+		= sizeof( global_method ) / sizeof ( global_method[0] );
+	unsigned long class_count = osrfHashGetCount( oilsIDL() );
+	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%lu classes loaded", class_count );
+	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+		"At most %lu methods will be generated",
+		(unsigned long) (class_count * global_method_count) );
+	osrfHashIterator* class_itr = osrfNewHashIterator( oilsIDL() );
+	osrfHash* idlClass = NULL;
+	// For each class in the IDL...
+	while( (idlClass = osrfHashIteratorNext( class_itr ) ) ) {
+		const char* classname = osrfHashIteratorKey( class_itr );
+		osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Generating class methods for %s", classname);
+		if (!osrfStringArrayContains( osrfHashGet(idlClass, "controller"), modulename )) {
+			osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s is not listed as a controller for %s, moving on",
+					modulename, classname);
+			continue;
+		}
+		if ( str_is_true( osrfHashGet(idlClass, "virtual") ) ) {
+			osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Class %s is virtual, skipping", classname );
+			continue;
+		}
+		// Look up some other attributes of the current class
+		const char* idlClass_fieldmapper = osrfHashGet(idlClass, "fieldmapper");
+		if( !idlClass_fieldmapper ) {
+			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Skipping class \"%s\"; no fieldmapper in IDL",
+					classname );
+			continue;
+		}
+		const char* readonly = osrfHashGet(idlClass, "readonly");
+		int i;
+		for( i = 0; i < global_method_count; ++i ) {  // for each global method
+			const char* method_type = global_method[ i ];
+			osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+				"Using files to build %s class methods for %s", method_type, classname);
+			// No create, update, or delete methods for a readonly class
+			if ( str_is_true( readonly )
+				&& ( *method_type == 'c' || *method_type == 'u' || *method_type == 'd') )
+				continue;
+			buffer_reset( method_name );
+			// Build the method name:
+			// where XXX is the fieldmapper name from the IDL, with every run of
+			// one or more consecutive colons replaced by a period.
+			char* st_tmp = NULL;
+			char* part = NULL;
+			char* _fm = strdup( idlClass_fieldmapper );
+			part = strtok_r(_fm, ":", &st_tmp);
+			buffer_fadd(method_name, "", modulename, part);
+			while ((part = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &st_tmp))) {
+				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR(method_name, '.');
+				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, part);
+			}
+			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR(method_name, '.');
+			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(method_name, method_type);
+			free(_fm);
+			// For an id_list or search method we specify the OSRF_METHOD_STREAMING option.
+			// The consequence is that we implicitly create an atomic method in addition to
+			// the usual non-atomic method.
+			int flags = 0;
+			if (*method_type == 'i' || *method_type == 's') {  // id_list or search
+				flags = flags | OSRF_METHOD_STREAMING;
+			}
+			osrfHash* method_meta = osrfNewHash();
+			osrfHashSet( method_meta, idlClass, "class");
+			osrfHashSet( method_meta, buffer_data( method_name ), "methodname" );
+			osrfHashSet( method_meta, strdup(method_type), "methodtype" );
+			// Register the method, with a pointer to an osrfHash to tell the method
+			// its name, type, and class.
+			osrfAppRegisterExtendedMethod(
+				modulename,
+				OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR( method_name ),
+				"dispatchCRUDMethod",
+				"",
+				1,
+				flags,
+				(void*)method_meta
+			);
+		} // end for each global method
+	} // end for each class in IDL
+	buffer_free( method_name );
+	osrfHashIteratorFree( class_itr );
+	return 0;
+	@brief Initialize a server drone.
+	@return Zero if successful, -1 if not.
+	Connect to the database.  For each non-virtual class in the IDL, execute a dummy "SELECT * "
+	query to get the datatype of each column.  Record the datatypes in the loaded IDL.
+	This function is called by a server drone shortly after it is spawned by the listener.
+int osrfAppChildInit() {
+	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Attempting to initialize libdbi...");
+	dbi_initialize(NULL);
+	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "... libdbi initialized.");
+	char* driver = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/driver", modulename );
+	char* user   = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/database/user", modulename );
+	char* host   = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/database/host", modulename );
+	char* port   = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/database/port", modulename );
+	char* db     = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/database/db", modulename );
+	char* pw     = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/database/pw", modulename );
+	char* md     = osrf_settings_host_value("/apps/%s/app_settings/max_query_recursion",
+			modulename );
+	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Attempting to load the database driver [%s]...", driver);
+	writehandle = dbi_conn_new(driver);
+	if(!writehandle) {
+		osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Error loading database driver [%s]", driver);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Database driver [%s] seems OK", driver);
+	osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s connecting to database.  host=%s, "
+			"port=%s, user=%s, db=%s", modulename, host, port, user, db );
+	if(host) dbi_conn_set_option(writehandle, "host", host );
+	if(port) dbi_conn_set_option_numeric( writehandle, "port", atoi(port) );
+	if(user) dbi_conn_set_option(writehandle, "username", user);
+	if(pw)   dbi_conn_set_option(writehandle, "password", pw );
+	if(db)   dbi_conn_set_option(writehandle, "dbname", db );
+	if(md)                     max_flesh_depth = atoi(md);
+	if(max_flesh_depth < 0)    max_flesh_depth = 1;
+	if(max_flesh_depth > 1000) max_flesh_depth = 1000;
+	free(user);
+	free(host);
+	free(port);
+	free(db);
+	free(pw);
+	const char* err;
+	if (dbi_conn_connect(writehandle) < 0) {
+		sleep(1);
+		if (dbi_conn_connect(writehandle) < 0) {
+			dbi_conn_error(writehandle, &err);
+			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Error connecting to database: %s", err);
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	oilsSetDBConnection( writehandle );
+	osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s successfully connected to the database", modulename );
+	// Add datatypes from database to the fields in the IDL
+	if( oilsExtendIDL() ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Error extending the IDL" );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	else
+		return 0;
+	@brief Implement the class-specific methods.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@return Zero if successful, or -1 if not.
+	Branch on the method type: create, retrieve, update, delete, search, or id_list.
+	The method parameters and the type of value returned to the client depend on the method
+	type.
+int dispatchCRUDMethod( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	// Get the method type, then can branch on it
+	osrfHash* method_meta = (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData;
+	const char* methodtype = osrfHashGet( method_meta, "methodtype" );
+	if( !strcmp( methodtype, "create" ))
+		return doCreate( ctx );
+	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "retrieve" ))
+		return doRetrieve( ctx );
+	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "update" ))
+		return doUpdate( ctx );
+	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "delete" ))
+		return doDelete( ctx );
+	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "search" ))
+		return doSearch( ctx );
+	else if( !strcmp(methodtype, "id_list" ))
+		return doIdList( ctx );
+	else {
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );      // should be unreachable...
+		return 0;
+	}
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_sql.c b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_sql.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d97311b8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_sql.c
@@ -0,0 +1,6455 @@
+	@file oils_sql.c
+	@brief Utility routines for translating JSON into SQL.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <dbi/dbi.h>
+#include "opensrf/utils.h"
+#include "opensrf/log.h"
+#include "opensrf/osrf_application.h"
+#include "openils/oils_utils.h"
+#include "openils/oils_sql.h"
+// The next four macros are OR'd together as needed to form a set
+// of bitflags.  SUBCOMBO enables an extra pair of parentheses when
+// nesting one UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT inside another.
+// SUBSELECT tells us we're in a subquery, so don't add the
+// terminal semicolon yet.
+#define SUBCOMBO    8
+#define SUBSELECT   4
+#define DISABLE_I18N    2
+#define AND_OP_JOIN     0
+#define OR_OP_JOIN      1
+struct ClassInfoStruct;
+typedef struct ClassInfoStruct ClassInfo;
+#define ALIAS_STORE_SIZE 16
+struct ClassInfoStruct {
+	char* alias;
+	char* class_name;
+	char* source_def;
+	osrfHash* class_def;      // Points into IDL
+	osrfHash* fields;         // Points into IDL
+	osrfHash* links;          // Points into IDL
+	// The remaining members are private and internal.  Client code should not
+	// access them directly.
+	ClassInfo* next;          // Supports linked list of joined classes
+	int in_use;               // boolean
+	// We usually store the alias and class name in the following arrays, and
+	// point the corresponding pointers at them.  When the string is too big
+	// for the array (which will probably never happen in practice), we strdup it.
+	char alias_store[ ALIAS_STORE_SIZE + 1 ];
+	char class_name_store[ CLASS_NAME_STORE_SIZE + 1 ];
+struct QueryFrameStruct;
+typedef struct QueryFrameStruct QueryFrame;
+struct QueryFrameStruct {
+	ClassInfo core;
+	ClassInfo* join_list;  // linked list of classes joined to the core class
+	QueryFrame* next;      // implements stack as linked list
+	int in_use;            // boolean
+static int timeout_needs_resetting;
+static time_t time_next_reset;
+static int verifyObjectClass ( osrfMethodContext*, const jsonObject* );
+static void setXactId( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
+static inline const char* getXactId( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
+static inline void clearXactId( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
+static jsonObject* doFieldmapperSearch ( osrfMethodContext* ctx, osrfHash* class_meta,
+		jsonObject* where_hash, jsonObject* query_hash, int* err );
+static jsonObject* oilsMakeFieldmapperFromResult( dbi_result, osrfHash* );
+static jsonObject* oilsMakeJSONFromResult( dbi_result );
+static char* searchSimplePredicate ( const char* op, const char* class_alias,
+				osrfHash* field, const jsonObject* node );
+static char* searchFunctionPredicate ( const char*, osrfHash*, const jsonObject*, const char* );
+static char* searchFieldTransform ( const char*, osrfHash*, const jsonObject* );
+static char* searchFieldTransformPredicate ( const ClassInfo*, osrfHash*, const jsonObject*,
+		const char* );
+static char* searchBETWEENPredicate ( const char*, osrfHash*, const jsonObject* );
+static char* searchINPredicate ( const char*, osrfHash*,
+								 jsonObject*, const char*, osrfMethodContext* );
+static char* searchPredicate ( const ClassInfo*, osrfHash*, jsonObject*, osrfMethodContext* );
+static char* searchJOIN ( const jsonObject*, const ClassInfo* left_info );
+static char* searchWHERE ( const jsonObject*, const ClassInfo*, int, osrfMethodContext* );
+static char* buildSELECT ( jsonObject*, jsonObject*, osrfHash*, osrfMethodContext* );
+char* buildQuery( osrfMethodContext* ctx, jsonObject* query, int flags );
+char* SELECT ( osrfMethodContext*, jsonObject*, jsonObject*, jsonObject*, jsonObject*, jsonObject*, jsonObject*, jsonObject*, int );
+void userDataFree( void* );
+static void sessionDataFree( char*, void* );
+static char* getRelation( osrfHash* );
+static int obj_is_true( const jsonObject* obj );
+static const char* json_type( int code );
+static const char* get_primitive( osrfHash* field );
+static const char* get_datatype( osrfHash* field );
+static int is_identifier( const char* s );
+static int is_good_operator( const char* op );
+static void pop_query_frame( void );
+static void push_query_frame( void );
+static int add_query_core( const char* alias, const char* class_name );
+static inline ClassInfo* search_alias( const char* target );
+static ClassInfo* search_all_alias( const char* target );
+static ClassInfo* add_joined_class( const char* alias, const char* classname );
+static void clear_query_stack( void );
+static const jsonObject* verifyUserPCRUD( osrfMethodContext* );
+static int verifyObjectPCRUD( osrfMethodContext*, const jsonObject* );
+static char* org_tree_root( osrfMethodContext* ctx );
+static jsonObject* single_hash( const char* key, const char* value );
+static int child_initialized = 0;   /* boolean */
+static dbi_conn writehandle; /* our MASTER db connection */
+static dbi_conn dbhandle; /* our CURRENT db connection */
+//static osrfHash * readHandles;
+// The following points to the top of a stack of QueryFrames.  It's a little
+// confusing because the top level of the query is at the bottom of the stack.
+static QueryFrame* curr_query = NULL;
+static dbi_conn writehandle; /* our MASTER db connection */
+static dbi_conn dbhandle; /* our CURRENT db connection */
+//static osrfHash * readHandles;
+static int max_flesh_depth = 100;
+static int enforce_pcrud = 0;     // Boolean
+static char* modulename = NULL;
+	@brief Select some options.
+	@param module_name: Name of the server.
+	@param do_pcrud: Boolean.  True if we are to enforce PCRUD permissions.
+	This source file is used (at this writing) to implement three different servers:
+	- open-ils.reporter-store
+	- open-ils.pcrud
+	- open-ils.cstore
+	These servers behave mostly the same, but they implement different combinations of
+	methods, and open-ils.pcrud enforces a permissions scheme that the other two don't.
+	Here we use the server name in messages to identify which kind of server issued them.
+	We use do_crud as a boolean to control whether or not to enforce the permissions scheme.
+void oilsSetSQLOptions( const char* module_name, int do_pcrud ) {
+	if( !module_name )
+		module_name = "open-ils.cstore";   // bulletproofing with a default
+	if( modulename )
+		free( modulename );
+	modulename = strdup( module_name );
+	enforce_pcrud = do_pcrud;
+	@brief Install a database connection.
+	@param conn Pointer to a database connection.
+	In some contexts, @a conn may merely provide a driver so that we can process strings
+	properly, without providing an open database connection.
+void oilsSetDBConnection( dbi_conn conn ) {
+	dbhandle = writehandle = conn;
+	@brief Get a table name, view name, or subquery for use in a FROM clause.
+	@param class Pointer to the IDL class entry.
+	@return A table name, a view name, or a subquery in parentheses.
+	In some cases the IDL defines a class, not with a table name or a view name, but with
+	a SELECT statement, which may be used as a subquery.
+static char* getRelation( osrfHash* class ) {
+	char* source_def = NULL;
+	const char* tabledef = osrfHashGet( class, "tablename" );
+	if( tabledef ) {
+		source_def = strdup( tabledef );   // Return the name of a table or view
+	} else {
+		tabledef = osrfHashGet( class, "source_definition" );
+		if( tabledef ) {
+			// Return a subquery, enclosed in parentheses
+			source_def = safe_malloc( strlen( tabledef ) + 3 );
+			source_def[ 0 ] = '(';
+			strcpy( source_def + 1, tabledef );
+			strcat( source_def, ")" );
+		} else {
+			// Not found: return an error
+			const char* classname = osrfHashGet( class, "classname" );
+			if( !classname )
+				classname = "???";
+			osrfLogError(
+				"%s ERROR No tablename or source_definition for class \"%s\"",
+				modulename,
+				classname
+			);
+		}
+	}
+	return source_def;
+	@brief Add datatypes from the database to the fields in the IDL.
+	@return Zero if successful, or 1 upon error.
+	For each relevant class in the IDL: ask the database for the datatype of every field.
+	In particular, determine which fields are text fields and which fields are numeric
+	fields, so that we know whether to enclose their values in quotes.
+	At this writing this function does not detect any errors, so it always returns zero.
+int oilsExtendIDL( void ) {
+	osrfHashIterator* class_itr = osrfNewHashIterator( oilsIDL() );
+	osrfHash* class = NULL;
+	growing_buffer* query_buf = buffer_init( 64 );
+	// For each class in the IDL...
+	while( (class = osrfHashIteratorNext( class_itr ) ) ) {
+		const char* classname = osrfHashIteratorKey( class_itr );
+		osrfHash* fields = osrfHashGet( class, "fields" );
+		// If the class is virtual, ignore it
+		if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet(class, "virtual") ) ) {
+			osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Class %s is virtual, skipping", classname );
+			continue;
+		}
+		char* tabledef = getRelation( class );
+		if( !tabledef )
+			continue;   // No such relation -- a query of it would be doomed to failure
+		buffer_reset( query_buf );
+		buffer_fadd( query_buf, "SELECT * FROM %s AS x WHERE 1=0;", tabledef );
+		free(tabledef );
+		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s Investigatory SQL = %s",
+				modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR( query_buf ) );
+		dbi_result result = dbi_conn_query( writehandle, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR( query_buf ) );
+		if( result ) {
+			int columnIndex = 1;
+			const char* columnName;
+			while( (columnName = dbi_result_get_field_name(result, columnIndex)) ) {
+				osrfLogInternal( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Looking for column named [%s]...",
+						columnName );
+				/* fetch the fieldmapper index */
+				osrfHash* _f = osrfHashGet(fields, columnName);
+				if( _f ) {
+					osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Found [%s] in IDL hash...", columnName);
+					/* determine the field type and storage attributes */
+					switch( dbi_result_get_field_type_idx( result, columnIndex )) {
+						case DBI_TYPE_INTEGER : {
+							if( !osrfHashGet(_f, "primitive") )
+								osrfHashSet(_f, "number", "primitive");
+							int attr = dbi_result_get_field_attribs_idx( result, columnIndex );
+							if( attr & DBI_INTEGER_SIZE8 )
+								osrfHashSet( _f, "INT8", "datatype" );
+							else
+								osrfHashSet( _f, "INT", "datatype" );
+							break;
+						}
+						case DBI_TYPE_DECIMAL :
+							if( !osrfHashGet( _f, "primitive" ))
+								osrfHashSet( _f, "number", "primitive" );
+							osrfHashSet( _f, "NUMERIC", "datatype" );
+							break;
+						case DBI_TYPE_STRING :
+							if( !osrfHashGet( _f, "primitive" ))
+								osrfHashSet( _f, "string", "primitive" );
+							osrfHashSet( _f,"TEXT", "datatype" );
+							break;
+						case DBI_TYPE_DATETIME :
+							if( !osrfHashGet( _f, "primitive" ))
+								osrfHashSet( _f, "string", "primitive" );
+							osrfHashSet( _f, "TIMESTAMP", "datatype" );
+							break;
+						case DBI_TYPE_BINARY :
+							if( !osrfHashGet( _f, "primitive" ))
+								osrfHashSet( _f, "string", "primitive" );
+							osrfHashSet( _f, "BYTEA", "datatype" );
+					}
+					osrfLogDebug(
+						"Setting [%s] to primitive [%s] and datatype [%s]...",
+						columnName,
+						osrfHashGet( _f, "primitive" ),
+						osrfHashGet( _f, "datatype" )
+					);
+				}
+				++columnIndex;
+			} // end while loop for traversing columns of result
+			dbi_result_free( result  );
+		} else {
+			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "No data found for class [%s]...", classname );
+		}
+	} // end for each class in IDL
+	buffer_free( query_buf );
+	osrfHashIteratorFree( class_itr );
+	child_initialized = 1;
+	return 0;
+	@brief Free an osrfHash that stores a transaction ID.
+	@param blob A pointer to the osrfHash to be freed, cast to a void pointer.
+	This function is a callback, to be called by the application session when it ends.
+	The application session stores the osrfHash via an opaque pointer.
+	If the osrfHash contains an entry for the key "xact_id", it means that an
+	uncommitted transaction is pending.  Roll it back.
+void userDataFree( void* blob ) {
+	osrfHash* hash = (osrfHash*) blob;
+	if( osrfHashGet( hash, "xact_id" ) && writehandle )
+		dbi_conn_query( writehandle, "ROLLBACK;" );
+	osrfHashFree( hash );
+	@name Managing session data
+	@brief Maintain data stored via the userData pointer of the application session.
+	Currently, session-level data is stored in an osrfHash.  Other arrangements are
+	possible, and some would be more efficient.  The application session calls a
+	callback function to free userData before terminating.
+	Currently, the only data we store at the session level is the transaction id.  By this
+	means we can ensure that any pending transactions are rolled back before the application
+	session terminates.
+	@brief Free an item in the application session's userData.
+	@param key The name of a key for an osrfHash.
+	@param item An opaque pointer to the item associated with the key.
+	We store an osrfHash as userData with the application session, and arrange (by
+	installing userDataFree() as a different callback) for the session to free that
+	osrfHash before terminating.
+	This function is a callback for freeing items in the osrfHash.  Currently we store
+	two things:
+	- Transaction id of a pending transaction; a character string.  Key: "xact_id".
+	- Authkey; a character string.  Key: "authkey".
+	- User object from the authentication server; a jsonObject.  Key: "user_login".
+	If we ever store anything else in userData, we will need to revisit this function so
+	that it will free whatever else needs freeing.
+static void sessionDataFree( char* key, void* item ) {
+	if( !strcmp( key, "xact_id" )
+	     || !strcmp( key, "authkey" ) ) {
+		free( item );
+	} else if( !strcmp( key, "user_login" ) )
+		jsonObjectFree( (jsonObject*) item );
+	@brief Save a transaction id.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	Save the session_id of the current application session as a transaction id.
+static void setXactId( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	if( ctx && ctx->session ) {
+		osrfAppSession* session = ctx->session;
+		osrfHash* cache = session->userData;
+		// If the session doesn't already have a hash, create one.  Make sure
+		// that the application session frees the hash when it terminates.
+		if( NULL == cache ) {
+			session->userData = cache = osrfNewHash();
+			osrfHashSetCallback( cache, &sessionDataFree );
+			ctx->session->userDataFree = &userDataFree;
+		}
+		// Save the transaction id in the hash, with the key "xact_id"
+		osrfHashSet( cache, strdup( session->session_id ), "xact_id" );
+	}
+	@brief Get the transaction ID for the current transaction, if any.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@return Pointer to the transaction ID.
+	The return value points to an internal buffer, and will become invalid upon issuing
+	a commit or rollback.
+static inline const char* getXactId( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	if( ctx && ctx->session && ctx->session->userData )
+		return osrfHashGet( (osrfHash*) ctx->session->userData, "xact_id" );
+	else
+		return NULL;
+	@brief Clear the current transaction id.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+static inline void clearXactId( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	if( ctx && ctx->session && ctx->session->userData )
+		osrfHashRemove( ctx->session->userData, "xact_id" );
+	@brief Save the user's login in the userData for the current application session.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@param user_login Pointer to the user login object to be cached (we cache the original,
+	not a copy of it).
+	If @a user_login is NULL, remove the user login if one is already cached.
+static void setUserLogin( osrfMethodContext* ctx, jsonObject* user_login ) {
+	if( ctx && ctx->session ) {
+		osrfAppSession* session = ctx->session;
+		osrfHash* cache = session->userData;
+		// If the session doesn't already have a hash, create one.  Make sure
+		// that the application session frees the hash when it terminates.
+		if( NULL == cache ) {
+			session->userData = cache = osrfNewHash();
+			osrfHashSetCallback( cache, &sessionDataFree );
+			ctx->session->userDataFree = &userDataFree;
+		}
+		if( user_login )
+			osrfHashSet( cache, user_login, "user_login" );
+		else
+			osrfHashRemove( cache, "user_login" );
+	}
+	@brief Get the user login object for the current application session, if any.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@return Pointer to the user login object if found; otherwise NULL.
+	The user login object was returned from the authentication server, and then cached so
+	we don't have to call the authentication server again for the same user.
+static const jsonObject* getUserLogin( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	if( ctx && ctx->session && ctx->session->userData )
+		return osrfHashGet( (osrfHash*) ctx->session->userData, "user_login" );
+	else
+		return NULL;
+	@brief Save a copy of an authkey in the userData of the current application session.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@param authkey The authkey to be saved.
+	If @a authkey is NULL, remove the authkey if one is already cached.
+static void setAuthkey( osrfMethodContext* ctx, const char* authkey ) {
+	if( ctx && ctx->session && authkey ) {
+		osrfAppSession* session = ctx->session;
+		osrfHash* cache = session->userData;
+		// If the session doesn't already have a hash, create one.  Make sure
+		// that the application session frees the hash when it terminates.
+		if( NULL == cache ) {
+			session->userData = cache = osrfNewHash();
+			osrfHashSetCallback( cache, &sessionDataFree );
+			ctx->session->userDataFree = &userDataFree;
+		}
+		// Save the transaction id in the hash, with the key "xact_id"
+		if( authkey && *authkey )
+			osrfHashSet( cache, strdup( authkey ), "authkey" );
+		else
+			osrfHashRemove( cache, "authkey" );
+	}
+	@brief Reset the login timeout.
+	@param authkey The authentication key for the current login session.
+	@param now The current time.
+	@return Zero if successful, or 1 if not.
+	Tell the authentication server to reset the timeout so that the login session won't
+	expire for a while longer.
+	We could dispense with the @a now parameter by calling time().  But we just called
+	time() in order to decide whether to reset the timeout, so we might as well reuse
+	the result instead of calling time() again.
+static int reset_timeout( const char* authkey, time_t now ) {
+	jsonObject* auth_object = jsonNewObject( authkey );
+	// Ask the authentication server to reset the timeout.  It returns an event
+	// indicating success or failure.
+	jsonObject* result = oilsUtilsQuickReq( "open-ils.auth",
+		"open-ils.auth.session.reset_timeout", auth_object );
+	jsonObjectFree( auth_object );
+	if( !result || result->type != JSON_HASH ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+			 "Unexpected object type receieved from open-ils.auth.session.reset_timeout" );
+		jsonObjectFree( result );
+		return 1;       // Not the right sort of object returned
+	}
+	const jsonObject* ilsevent = jsonObjectGetKey( result, "ilsevent" );
+	if( !ilsevent || ilsevent->type != JSON_NUMBER ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "ilsevent is absent or malformed" );
+		jsonObjectFree( result );
+		return 1;    // Return code from method not available
+	}
+	if( jsonObjectGetNumber( ilsevent ) != 0.0 ) {
+		const char* desc = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKey( result, "desc" ) );
+		if( !desc )
+			desc = "(No reason available)";    // failsafe; shouldn't happen
+		osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Failure to reset timeout: %s", desc );
+		jsonObjectFree( result );
+		return 1;
+	}
+	// Revise our local proxy for the timeout deadline
+	// by a smallish fraction of the timeout interval
+	const char* timeout = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKey( result, "payload" ) );
+	if( !timeout )
+		timeout = "1";   // failsafe; shouldn't happen
+	time_next_reset = now + atoi( timeout ) / 15;
+	jsonObjectFree( result );
+	return 0;     // Successfully reset timeout
+	@brief Get the authkey string for the current application session, if any.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@return Pointer to the cached authkey if found; otherwise NULL.
+	If present, the authkey string was cached from a previous method call.
+static const char* getAuthkey( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	if( ctx && ctx->session && ctx->session->userData ) {
+		const char* authkey = osrfHashGet( (osrfHash*) ctx->session->userData, "authkey" );
+		// Possibly reset the authentication timeout to keep the login alive.  We do so
+		// no more than once per method call, and not at all if it has been only a short
+		// time since the last reset.
+		// Here we reset explicitly, if at all.  We also implicitly reset the timeout
+		// whenever we call the "open-ils.auth.session.retrieve" method.
+		if( timeout_needs_resetting ) {
+			time_t now = time( NULL );
+			if( now >= time_next_reset && reset_timeout( authkey, now ) )
+				authkey = NULL;    // timeout has apparently expired already
+		}
+		timeout_needs_resetting = 0;
+		return authkey;
+	}
+	else
+		return NULL;
+	@brief Implement the transaction.begin method.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@return Zero if successful, or -1 upon error.
+	Start a transaction.  Save a transaction ID for future reference.
+	Method parameters:
+	- authkey (PCRUD only)
+	Return to client: Transaction ID
+int beginTransaction( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,  "Invalid method context" );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
+		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
+		const jsonObject* user = verifyUserPCRUD( ctx );
+		if( !user )
+			return -1;
+	}
+	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_query( writehandle, "START TRANSACTION;" );
+	if( !result ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error starting transaction", modulename );
+		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_INTERNALSERVERERROR,
+				"osrfMethodException", ctx->request, "Error starting transaction" );
+		return -1;
+	} else {
+		setXactId( ctx );
+		jsonObject* ret = jsonNewObject( getXactId( ctx ) );
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, ret );
+		jsonObjectFree( ret );
+	}
+	return 0;
+	@brief Implement the savepoint.set method.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@return Zero if successful, or -1 if not.
+	Issue a SAVEPOINT to the database server.
+	Method parameters:
+	- authkey (PCRUD only)
+	- savepoint name
+	Return to client: Savepoint name
+int setSavepoint( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,  "Invalid method context" );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	int spNamePos = 0;
+	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
+		spNamePos = 1;
+		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
+		const jsonObject* user = verifyUserPCRUD( ctx );
+		if( !user )
+			return -1;
+	}
+	// Verify that a transaction is pending
+	const char* trans_id = getXactId( ctx );
+	if( NULL == trans_id ) {
+		osrfAppSessionStatus(
+			ctx->session,
+			"osrfMethodException",
+			ctx->request,
+			"No active transaction -- required for savepoints"
+		);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	// Get the savepoint name from the method params
+	const char* spName = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetIndex(ctx->params, spNamePos) );
+	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_queryf( writehandle, "SAVEPOINT \"%s\";", spName );
+	if( !result ) {
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s: Error creating savepoint %s in transaction %s",
+			modulename,
+			spName,
+			trans_id
+		);
+		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_INTERNALSERVERERROR,
+				"osrfMethodException", ctx->request, "Error creating savepoint" );
+		return -1;
+	} else {
+		jsonObject* ret = jsonNewObject( spName );
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, ret );
+		jsonObjectFree( ret  );
+	}
+	return 0;
+	@brief Implement the savepoint.release method.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@return Zero if successful, or -1 if not.
+	Issue a RELEASE SAVEPOINT to the database server.
+	Method parameters:
+	- authkey (PCRUD only)
+	- savepoint name
+	Return to client: Savepoint name
+int releaseSavepoint( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,  "Invalid method context" );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	int spNamePos = 0;
+	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
+		spNamePos = 1;
+		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
+		const jsonObject* user = verifyUserPCRUD( ctx );
+		if(  !user )
+			return -1;
+	}
+	// Verify that a transaction is pending
+	const char* trans_id = getXactId( ctx );
+	if( NULL == trans_id ) {
+		osrfAppSessionStatus(
+			ctx->session,
+			"osrfMethodException",
+			ctx->request,
+			"No active transaction -- required for savepoints"
+		);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	// Get the savepoint name from the method params
+	const char* spName = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetIndex(ctx->params, spNamePos) );
+	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_queryf( writehandle, "RELEASE SAVEPOINT \"%s\";", spName );
+	if( !result ) {
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s: Error releasing savepoint %s in transaction %s",
+			modulename,
+			spName,
+			trans_id
+		);
+		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_INTERNALSERVERERROR,
+				"osrfMethodException", ctx->request, "Error releasing savepoint" );
+		return -1;
+	} else {
+		jsonObject* ret = jsonNewObject( spName );
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, ret );
+		jsonObjectFree( ret );
+	}
+	return 0;
+	@brief Implement the savepoint.rollback method.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@return Zero if successful, or -1 if not.
+	Issue a ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT to the database server.
+	Method parameters:
+	- authkey (PCRUD only)
+	- savepoint name
+	Return to client: Savepoint name
+int rollbackSavepoint( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,  "Invalid method context" );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	int spNamePos = 0;
+	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
+		spNamePos = 1;
+		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
+		const jsonObject* user = verifyUserPCRUD( ctx );
+		if( !user )
+			return -1;
+	}
+	// Verify that a transaction is pending
+	const char* trans_id = getXactId( ctx );
+	if( NULL == trans_id ) {
+		osrfAppSessionStatus(
+			ctx->session,
+			"osrfMethodException",
+			ctx->request,
+			"No active transaction -- required for savepoints"
+		);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	// Get the savepoint name from the method params
+	const char* spName = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetIndex(ctx->params, spNamePos) );
+	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_queryf( writehandle, "ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT \"%s\";", spName );
+	if( !result ) {
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s: Error rolling back savepoint %s in transaction %s",
+			modulename,
+			spName,
+			trans_id
+		);
+		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_INTERNALSERVERERROR,
+				"osrfMethodException", ctx->request, "Error rolling back savepoint" );
+		return -1;
+	} else {
+		jsonObject* ret = jsonNewObject( spName );
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, ret );
+		jsonObjectFree( ret );
+	}
+	return 0;
+	@brief Implement the transaction.commit method.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@return Zero if successful, or -1 if not.
+	Issue a COMMIT to the database server.
+	Method parameters:
+	- authkey (PCRUD only)
+	Return to client: Transaction ID.
+int commitTransaction( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Invalid method context" );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
+		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
+		const jsonObject* user = verifyUserPCRUD( ctx );
+		if( !user )
+			return -1;
+	}
+	// Verify that a transaction is pending
+	const char* trans_id = getXactId( ctx );
+	if( NULL == trans_id ) {
+		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_INTERNALSERVERERROR,
+				"osrfMethodException", ctx->request, "No active transaction to commit" );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_query( writehandle, "COMMIT;" );
+	if( !result ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error committing transaction", modulename );
+		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_INTERNALSERVERERROR,
+				"osrfMethodException", ctx->request, "Error committing transaction" );
+		return -1;
+	} else {
+		jsonObject* ret = jsonNewObject( trans_id );
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, ret );
+		jsonObjectFree( ret );
+		clearXactId( ctx );
+	}
+	return 0;
+	@brief Implement the transaction.rollback method.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@return Zero if successful, or -1 if not.
+	Issue a ROLLBACK to the database server.
+	Method parameters:
+	- authkey (PCRUD only)
+	Return to client: Transaction ID
+int rollbackTransaction( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	if( osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,  "Invalid method context" );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
+		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
+		const jsonObject* user = verifyUserPCRUD( ctx );
+		if( !user )
+			return -1;
+	}
+	// Verify that a transaction is pending
+	const char* trans_id = getXactId( ctx );
+	if( NULL == trans_id ) {
+		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_INTERNALSERVERERROR,
+				"osrfMethodException", ctx->request, "No active transaction to roll back" );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_query( writehandle, "ROLLBACK;" );
+	if( !result ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error rolling back transaction", modulename );
+		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_INTERNALSERVERERROR,
+				"osrfMethodException", ctx->request, "Error rolling back transaction" );
+		return -1;
+	} else {
+		jsonObject* ret = jsonNewObject( trans_id );
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, ret );
+		jsonObjectFree( ret );
+		clearXactId( ctx );
+	}
+	return 0;
+	@brief Implement the "search" method.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@return Zero if successful, or -1 if not.
+	Method parameters:
+	- authkey (PCRUD only)
+	- WHERE clause, as jsonObject
+	- Other SQL clause(s), as a JSON_HASH: joins, SELECT list, LIMIT, etc.
+	Return to client: rows of the specified class that satisfy a specified WHERE clause.
+	Optionally flesh linked fields.
+int doSearch( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	if( osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Invalid method context" );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( enforce_pcrud )
+		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
+	jsonObject* where_clause;
+	jsonObject* rest_of_query;
+	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
+		where_clause  = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 1 );
+		rest_of_query = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 2 );
+	} else {
+		where_clause  = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 0 );
+		rest_of_query = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 1 );
+	}
+	// Get the class metadata
+	osrfHash* method_meta = (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData;
+	osrfHash* class_meta = osrfHashGet( method_meta, "class" );
+	// Do the query
+	int err = 0;
+	jsonObject* obj = doFieldmapperSearch( ctx, class_meta, where_clause, rest_of_query, &err );
+	if( err ) {
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	// Return each row to the client (except that some may be suppressed by PCRUD)
+	jsonObject* cur = 0;
+	unsigned long res_idx = 0;
+	while((cur = jsonObjectGetIndex( obj, res_idx++ ) )) {
+		if( enforce_pcrud && !verifyObjectPCRUD( ctx, cur ))
+			continue;
+		osrfAppRespond( ctx, cur );
+	}
+	jsonObjectFree( obj );
+	osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+	return 0;
+	@brief Implement the "id_list" method.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@param err Pointer through which to return an error code.
+	@return Zero if successful, or -1 if not.
+	Method parameters:
+	- authkey (PCRUD only)
+	- WHERE clause, as jsonObject
+	- Other SQL clause(s), as a JSON_HASH: joins, LIMIT, etc.
+	Return to client: The primary key values for all rows of the relevant class that
+	satisfy a specified WHERE clause.
+	This method relies on the assumption that every class has a primary key consisting of
+	a single column.
+int doIdList( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	if( osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Invalid method context" );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( enforce_pcrud )
+		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
+	jsonObject* where_clause;
+	jsonObject* rest_of_query;
+	// We use the where clause without change.  But we need to massage the rest of the
+	// query, so we work with a copy of it instead of modifying the original.
+	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
+		where_clause  = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 1 );
+		rest_of_query = jsonObjectClone( jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 2 ) );
+	} else {
+		where_clause  = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 0 );
+		rest_of_query = jsonObjectClone( jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 1 ) );
+	}
+	// Eliminate certain SQL clauses, if present.
+	if( rest_of_query ) {
+		jsonObjectRemoveKey( rest_of_query, "select" );
+		jsonObjectRemoveKey( rest_of_query, "no_i18n" );
+		jsonObjectRemoveKey( rest_of_query, "flesh" );
+		jsonObjectRemoveKey( rest_of_query, "flesh_columns" );
+	} else {
+		rest_of_query = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_HASH );
+	}
+	jsonObjectSetKey( rest_of_query, "no_i18n", jsonNewBoolObject( 1 ) );
+	// Get the class metadata
+	osrfHash* method_meta = (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData;
+	osrfHash* class_meta = osrfHashGet( method_meta, "class" );
+	// Build a SELECT list containing just the primary key,
+	// i.e. like { "classname":["keyname"] }
+	jsonObject* col_list_obj = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_ARRAY );
+	// Load array with name of primary key
+	jsonObjectPush( col_list_obj, jsonNewObject( osrfHashGet( class_meta, "primarykey" ) ) );
+	jsonObject* select_clause = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_HASH );
+	jsonObjectSetKey( select_clause, osrfHashGet( class_meta, "classname" ), col_list_obj );
+	jsonObjectSetKey( rest_of_query, "select", select_clause );
+	// Do the query
+	int err = 0;
+	jsonObject* obj =
+		doFieldmapperSearch( ctx, class_meta, where_clause, rest_of_query, &err );
+	jsonObjectFree( rest_of_query );
+	if( err ) {
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	// Return each primary key value to the client
+	jsonObject* cur;
+	unsigned long res_idx = 0;
+	while((cur = jsonObjectGetIndex( obj, res_idx++ ) )) {
+		if( enforce_pcrud && !verifyObjectPCRUD( ctx, cur ))
+			continue;        // Suppress due to lack of permission
+		else
+			osrfAppRespond( ctx,
+				oilsFMGetObject( cur, osrfHashGet( class_meta, "primarykey" ) ) );
+	}
+	jsonObjectFree( obj );
+	osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+	return 0;
+	@brief Verify that we have a valid class reference.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@param param Pointer to the method parameters.
+	@return 1 if the class reference is valid, or zero if it isn't.
+	The class of the method params must match the class to which the method id devoted.
+	For PCRUD there are additional restrictions.
+static int verifyObjectClass ( osrfMethodContext* ctx, const jsonObject* param ) {
+	osrfHash* method_meta = (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData;
+	osrfHash* class = osrfHashGet( method_meta, "class" );
+	// Compare the method's class to the parameters' class
+	if( !param->classname || (strcmp( osrfHashGet(class, "classname"), param->classname ))) {
+		// Oops -- they don't match.  Complain.
+		growing_buffer* msg = buffer_init( 128 );
+		buffer_fadd(
+			msg,
+			"%s: %s method for type %s was passed a %s",
+			modulename,
+			osrfHashGet( method_meta, "methodtype" ),
+			osrfHashGet( class, "classname" ),
+			param->classname ? param->classname : "(null)"
+		);
+		char* m = buffer_release( msg );
+		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_BADREQUEST, "osrfMethodException",
+				ctx->request, m );
+		free( m );
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if( enforce_pcrud )
+		return verifyObjectPCRUD( ctx, param );
+	else
+		return 1;
+	@brief (PCRUD only) Verify that the user is properly logged in.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@return If the user is logged in, a pointer to the user object from the authentication
+	server; otherwise NULL.
+static const jsonObject* verifyUserPCRUD( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	// Get the authkey (the first method parameter)
+	const char* auth = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 0 ) );
+	// See if we have the same authkey, and a user object,
+	// locally cached from a previous call
+	const char* cached_authkey = getAuthkey( ctx );
+	if( cached_authkey && !strcmp( cached_authkey, auth ) ) {
+		const jsonObject* cached_user = getUserLogin( ctx );
+		if( cached_user )
+			return cached_user;
+	}
+	// We have no matching authentication data in the cache.  Authenticate from scratch.
+	jsonObject* auth_object = jsonNewObject( auth );
+	// Fetch the user object from the authentication server
+	jsonObject* user = oilsUtilsQuickReq( "open-ils.auth", "open-ils.auth.session.retrieve",
+			auth_object );
+	jsonObjectFree( auth_object );
+	if( !user->classname || strcmp(user->classname, "au" )) {
+		growing_buffer* msg = buffer_init( 128 );
+		buffer_fadd(
+			msg,
+			"%s: permacrud received a bad auth token: %s",
+			modulename,
+			auth
+		);
+		char* m = buffer_release( msg );
+		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED, "osrfMethodException",
+				ctx->request, m );
+		free( m );
+		jsonObjectFree( user );
+		user = NULL;
+	}
+	setUserLogin( ctx, user );
+	setAuthkey( ctx, auth );
+	// Allow ourselves up to a second before we have to reset the login timeout.
+	// It would be nice to use some fraction of the timeout interval enforced by the
+	// authentication server, but that value is not readily available at this point.
+	// Instead, we use a conservative default interval.
+	time_next_reset = time( NULL ) + 1;
+	return user;
+static int verifyObjectPCRUD (  osrfMethodContext* ctx, const jsonObject* obj ) {
+	dbhandle = writehandle;
+	osrfHash* method_metadata = (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData;
+	osrfHash* class = osrfHashGet( method_metadata, "class" );
+	const char* method_type = osrfHashGet( method_metadata, "methodtype" );
+	int fetch = 0;
+	if( *method_type == 's' || *method_type == 'i' ) {
+		method_type = "retrieve"; // search and id_list are equivalent to retrieve for this
+	} else if( *method_type == 'u' || *method_type == 'd' ) {
+		fetch = 1; // MUST go to the db for the object for update and delete
+	}
+	osrfHash* pcrud = osrfHashGet( osrfHashGet( class, "permacrud" ), method_type );
+	if( !pcrud ) {
+		// No permacrud for this method type on this class
+		growing_buffer* msg = buffer_init( 128 );
+		buffer_fadd(
+			msg,
+			"%s: %s on class %s has no permacrud IDL entry",
+			modulename,
+			osrfHashGet( method_metadata, "methodtype" ),
+			osrfHashGet( class, "classname" )
+		);
+		char* m = buffer_release( msg );
+		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_FORBIDDEN,
+				"osrfMethodException", ctx->request, m );
+		free( m );
+		return 0;
+	}
+	const jsonObject* user = verifyUserPCRUD( ctx );
+	if( !user )
+		return 0;
+	int userid = atoi( oilsFMGetString( user, "id" ) );
+	osrfStringArray* permission = osrfHashGet( pcrud, "permission" );
+	osrfStringArray* local_context = osrfHashGet( pcrud, "local_context" );
+	osrfHash* foreign_context = osrfHashGet( pcrud, "foreign_context" );
+	osrfStringArray* context_org_array = osrfNewStringArray( 1 );
+	int err = 0;
+	char* pkey_value = NULL;
+	if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet(pcrud, "global_required") ) ) {
+		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+				"global-level permissions required, fetching top of the org tree" );
+		// check for perm at top of org tree
+		char* org_tree_root_id = org_tree_root( ctx );
+		if( org_tree_root_id ) {
+			osrfStringArrayAdd( context_org_array, org_tree_root_id );
+			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "top of the org tree is %s", org_tree_root_id );
+		} else  {
+			osrfStringArrayFree( context_org_array );
+			return 0;
+		}
+	} else {
+	    osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "global-level permissions not required, "
+				"fetching context org ids" );
+	    const char* pkey = osrfHashGet( class, "primarykey" );
+		jsonObject *param = NULL;
+		if( obj->classname ) {
+			pkey_value = oilsFMGetString( obj, pkey );
+			if( !fetch )
+				param = jsonObjectClone( obj );
+			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Object supplied, using primary key value of %s",
+					pkey_value );
+		} else {
+			pkey_value = jsonObjectToSimpleString( obj );
+			fetch = 1;
+			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Object not supplied, using primary key value "
+					"of %s and retrieving from the database", pkey_value );
+		}
+		if( fetch ) {
+			jsonObject* _tmp_params = single_hash( pkey, pkey_value );
+			jsonObject* _list = doFieldmapperSearch( ctx, class, _tmp_params, NULL, &err );
+			jsonObjectFree( _tmp_params );
+			param = jsonObjectExtractIndex( _list, 0 );
+			jsonObjectFree( _list );
+		}
+		if( !param ) {
+			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+					"Object not found in the database with primary key %s of %s",
+					pkey, pkey_value );
+			growing_buffer* msg = buffer_init( 128 );
+			buffer_fadd(
+				msg,
+				"%s: no object found with primary key %s of %s",
+				modulename,
+				pkey,
+				pkey_value
+			);
+			char* m = buffer_release( msg );
+			osrfAppSessionStatus(
+				ctx->session,
+				"osrfMethodException",
+				ctx->request,
+				m
+			);
+			free( m );
+			if( pkey_value )
+				free( pkey_value );
+			return 0;
+		}
+		if( local_context->size > 0 ) {
+			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%d class-local context field(s) specified",
+					local_context->size );
+			int i = 0;
+			const char* lcontext = NULL;
+			while ( (lcontext = osrfStringArrayGetString(local_context, i++)) ) {
+				osrfStringArrayAdd( context_org_array, oilsFMGetString( param, lcontext ) );
+				osrfLogDebug(
+					"adding class-local field %s (value: %s) to the context org list",
+					lcontext,
+					osrfStringArrayGetString( context_org_array, context_org_array->size - 1 )
+				);
+			}
+		}
+		if( foreign_context ) {
+			unsigned long class_count = osrfHashGetCount( foreign_context );
+			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%d foreign context classes(s) specified", class_count );
+			if( class_count > 0 ) {
+				osrfHash* fcontext = NULL;
+				osrfHashIterator* class_itr = osrfNewHashIterator( foreign_context );
+				while( (fcontext = osrfHashIteratorNext( class_itr ) ) ) {
+					const char* class_name = osrfHashIteratorKey( class_itr );
+					osrfHash* fcontext = osrfHashGet( foreign_context, class_name );
+					osrfLogDebug(
+						"%d foreign context fields(s) specified for class %s",
+						((osrfStringArray*)osrfHashGet(fcontext,"context"))->size,
+						class_name
+					);
+					char* foreign_pkey = osrfHashGet( fcontext, "field" );
+					char* foreign_pkey_value =
+							oilsFMGetString( param, osrfHashGet(  fcontext, "fkey" ));
+					jsonObject* _tmp_params = single_hash( foreign_pkey, foreign_pkey_value );
+					jsonObject* _list = doFieldmapperSearch(
+						ctx, osrfHashGet( oilsIDL(), class_name ), _tmp_params, NULL, &err );
+					jsonObject* _fparam = jsonObjectClone( jsonObjectGetIndex( _list, 0 ));
+					jsonObjectFree( _tmp_params );
+					jsonObjectFree( _list );
+					osrfStringArray* jump_list = osrfHashGet( fcontext, "jump" );
+					if( _fparam && jump_list ) {
+						const char* flink = NULL;
+						int k = 0;
+						while ( (flink = osrfStringArrayGetString(jump_list, k++)) && _fparam ) {
+							free( foreign_pkey_value );
+							osrfHash* foreign_link_hash =
+									oilsIDLFindPath( "/%s/links/%s", _fparam->classname, flink );
+							foreign_pkey_value = oilsFMGetString( _fparam, flink );
+							foreign_pkey = osrfHashGet( foreign_link_hash, "key" );
+							_tmp_params = single_hash( foreign_pkey, foreign_pkey_value );
+							_list = doFieldmapperSearch(
+								ctx,
+								osrfHashGet( oilsIDL(),
+										osrfHashGet( foreign_link_hash, "class" ) ),
+								_tmp_params,
+								NULL,
+								&err
+							);
+							_fparam = jsonObjectClone( jsonObjectGetIndex( _list, 0 ));
+							jsonObjectFree( _tmp_params );
+							jsonObjectFree( _list );
+						}
+					}
+					if( !_fparam ) {
+						growing_buffer* msg = buffer_init( 128 );
+						buffer_fadd(
+							msg,
+							"%s: no object found with primary key %s of %s",
+							modulename,
+							foreign_pkey,
+							foreign_pkey_value
+						);
+						char* m = buffer_release( msg );
+						osrfAppSessionStatus(
+							ctx->session,
+							"osrfMethodException",
+							ctx->request,
+							m
+						);
+						free( m );
+						osrfHashIteratorFree( class_itr );
+						free( foreign_pkey_value );
+						jsonObjectFree( param );
+						return 0;
+					}
+					free( foreign_pkey_value );
+					int j = 0;
+					const char* foreign_field = NULL;
+					while ( (foreign_field = osrfStringArrayGetString(
+							 osrfHashGet(fcontext,"context" ), j++ )) ) {
+						osrfStringArrayAdd( context_org_array,
+								oilsFMGetString( _fparam, foreign_field ) );
+						osrfLogDebug(
+							OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+							"adding foreign class %s field %s (value: %s) to the context org list",
+							class_name,
+							foreign_field,
+							osrfStringArrayGetString(
+									context_org_array, context_org_array->size - 1 )
+						);
+					}
+					jsonObjectFree( _fparam );
+				}
+				osrfHashIteratorFree( class_itr );
+			}
+		}
+		jsonObjectFree( param );
+	}
+	const char* context_org = NULL;
+	const char* perm = NULL;
+	int OK = 0;
+	if( permission->size == 0 ) {
+	    osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "No permission specified for this action, passing through" );
+		OK = 1;
+	}
+	int i = 0;
+	while( (perm = osrfStringArrayGetString(permission, i++)) ) {
+		int j = 0;
+		while( (context_org = osrfStringArrayGetString( context_org_array, j++ )) ) {
+			dbi_result result;
+			if(  pkey_value ) {
+				osrfLogDebug(
+					"Checking object permission [%s] for user %d "
+							"on object %s (class %s) at org %d",
+					perm,
+					userid,
+					pkey_value,
+					osrfHashGet( class, "classname" ),
+					atoi( context_org )
+				);
+				result = dbi_conn_queryf(
+					writehandle,
+					"SELECT permission.usr_has_object_perm(%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d) AS has_perm;",
+					userid,
+					perm,
+					osrfHashGet( class, "classname" ),
+					pkey_value,
+					atoi( context_org )
+				);
+				if( result ) {
+					osrfLogDebug(
+						"Received a result for object permission [%s] "
+								"for user %d on object %s (class %s) at org %d",
+						perm,
+						userid,
+						pkey_value,
+						osrfHashGet( class, "classname" ),
+						atoi( context_org )
+					);
+					if( dbi_result_first_row( result )) {
+						jsonObject* return_val = oilsMakeJSONFromResult( result );
+						const char* has_perm = jsonObjectGetString(
+								jsonObjectGetKeyConst( return_val, "has_perm" ));
+						osrfLogDebug(
+							OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+							"Status of object permission [%s] for user %d "
+									"on object %s (class %s) at org %d is %s",
+							perm,
+							userid,
+							pkey_value,
+							osrfHashGet(class, "classname"),
+							atoi(context_org),
+							has_perm
+						);
+						if( *has_perm == 't' )
+							OK = 1;
+						jsonObjectFree( return_val );
+					}
+					dbi_result_free( result );
+					if( OK )
+						break;
+				}
+			}
+			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+					"Checking non-object permission [%s] for user %d at org %d",
+					perm, userid, atoi(context_org) );
+			result = dbi_conn_queryf(
+				writehandle,
+				"SELECT permission.usr_has_perm(%d, '%s', %d) AS has_perm;",
+				userid,
+				perm,
+				atoi( context_org )
+			);
+			if( result ) {
+				osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+						"Received a result for permission [%s] for user %d at org %d",
+						perm, userid, atoi( context_org ));
+				if( dbi_result_first_row( result )) {
+					jsonObject* return_val = oilsMakeJSONFromResult( result );
+					const char* has_perm = jsonObjectGetString(
+							jsonObjectGetKeyConst( return_val, "has_perm" ));
+					osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+							"Status of permission [%s] for user %d at org %d is [%s]",
+							perm, userid, atoi( context_org ), has_perm );
+					if( *has_perm == 't' )
+						OK = 1;
+					jsonObjectFree( return_val );
+				}
+				dbi_result_free( result );
+				if( OK )
+					break;
+			}
+		}
+		if( OK )
+			break;
+	}
+	if( pkey_value )
+		free(pkey_value);
+	osrfStringArrayFree( context_org_array );
+	return OK;
+	@brief Look up the root of the org_unit tree.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@return The id of the root org unit, as a character string.
+	Query actor.org_unit where parent_ou is null, and return the id as a string.
+	This function assumes that there is only one root org unit, i.e. that we
+	have a single tree, not a forest.
+	The calling code is responsible for freeing the returned string.
+static char* org_tree_root( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	static char cached_root_id[ 32 ] = "";  // extravagantly large buffer
+	static time_t last_lookup_time = 0;
+	time_t current_time = time( NULL );
+	if( cached_root_id[ 0 ] && ( current_time - last_lookup_time < 3600 ) ) {
+		// We successfully looked this up less than an hour ago.
+		// It's not likely to have changed since then.
+		return strdup( cached_root_id );
+	}
+	last_lookup_time = current_time;
+	int err = 0;
+	jsonObject* where_clause = single_hash( "parent_ou", NULL );
+	jsonObject* result = doFieldmapperSearch(
+		ctx, osrfHashGet( oilsIDL(), "aou" ), where_clause, NULL, &err );
+	jsonObjectFree( where_clause );
+	jsonObject* tree_top = jsonObjectGetIndex( result, 0 );
+	if( !tree_top ) {
+		jsonObjectFree( result );
+		growing_buffer* msg = buffer_init( 128 );
+		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( msg, modulename );
+				": Internal error, could not find the top of the org tree (parent_ou = NULL)" );
+		char* m = buffer_release( msg );
+		osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session,
+				OSRF_STATUS_INTERNALSERVERERROR, "osrfMethodException", ctx->request, m );
+		free( m );
+		cached_root_id[ 0 ] = '\0';
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	char* root_org_unit_id = oilsFMGetString( tree_top, "id" );
+	osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Top of the org tree is %s", root_org_unit_id );
+	jsonObjectFree( result );
+	strcpy( cached_root_id, root_org_unit_id );
+	return root_org_unit_id;
+	@brief Create a JSON_HASH with a single key/value pair.
+	@param key The key of the key/value pair.
+	@param value the value of the key/value pair.
+	@return Pointer to a newly created jsonObject of type JSON_HASH.
+	The value of the key/value is either a string or (if @a value is NULL) a null.
+static jsonObject* single_hash( const char* key, const char* value ) {
+	// Sanity check
+	if( ! key ) key = "";
+	jsonObject* hash = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_HASH );
+	jsonObjectSetKey( hash, key, jsonNewObject( value ) );
+	return hash;
+int doCreate( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Invalid method context" );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( enforce_pcrud )
+		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
+	osrfHash* meta = osrfHashGet( (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData, "class" );
+	jsonObject* target = NULL;
+	jsonObject* options = NULL;
+	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
+		target = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 1 );
+		options = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 2 );
+	} else {
+		target = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 0 );
+		options = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 1 );
+	}
+	if( !verifyObjectClass( ctx, target )) {
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Object seems to be of the correct type" );
+	const char* trans_id = getXactId( ctx );
+	if( !trans_id ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "No active transaction -- required for CREATE" );
+		osrfAppSessionStatus(
+			ctx->session,
+			"osrfMethodException",
+			ctx->request,
+			"No active transaction -- required for CREATE"
+		);
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	// The following test is harmless but redundant.  If a class is
+	// readonly, we don't register a create method for it.
+	if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( meta, "readonly" ) ) ) {
+		osrfAppSessionStatus(
+			ctx->session,
+			"osrfMethodException",
+			ctx->request,
+			"Cannot INSERT readonly class"
+		);
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	// Set the last_xact_id
+	int index = oilsIDL_ntop( target->classname, "last_xact_id" );
+	if( index > -1 ) {
+		osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Setting last_xact_id to %s on %s at position %d",
+			trans_id, target->classname, index);
+		jsonObjectSetIndex( target, index, jsonNewObject( trans_id ));
+	}
+	osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "There is a transaction running..." );
+	dbhandle = writehandle;
+	osrfHash* fields = osrfHashGet( meta, "fields" );
+	char* pkey       = osrfHashGet( meta, "primarykey" );
+	char* seq        = osrfHashGet( meta, "sequence" );
+	growing_buffer* table_buf = buffer_init( 128 );
+	growing_buffer* col_buf   = buffer_init( 128 );
+	growing_buffer* val_buf   = buffer_init( 128 );
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( table_buf, "INSERT INTO " );
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( table_buf, osrfHashGet( meta, "tablename" ));
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( col_buf, '(' );
+	buffer_add( val_buf,"VALUES (" );
+	int first = 1;
+	osrfHash* field = NULL;
+	osrfHashIterator* field_itr = osrfNewHashIterator( fields );
+	while( (field = osrfHashIteratorNext( field_itr ) ) ) {
+		const char* field_name = osrfHashIteratorKey( field_itr );
+		if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( field, "virtual" ) ) )
+			continue;
+		const jsonObject* field_object = oilsFMGetObject( target, field_name );
+		char* value;
+		if( field_object && field_object->classname ) {
+			value = oilsFMGetString(
+				field_object,
+				(char*)oilsIDLFindPath( "/%s/primarykey", field_object->classname )
+			);
+		} else if( field_object && JSON_BOOL == field_object->type ) {
+			if( jsonBoolIsTrue( field_object ) )
+				value = strdup( "t" );
+			else
+				value = strdup( "f" );
+		} else {
+			value = jsonObjectToSimpleString( field_object );
+		}
+		if( first ) {
+			first = 0;
+		} else {
+			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( col_buf, ',' );
+			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( val_buf, ',' );
+		}
+		buffer_add( col_buf, field_name );
+		if( !field_object || field_object->type == JSON_NULL ) {
+			buffer_add( val_buf, "DEFAULT" );
+		} else if( !strcmp( get_primitive( field ), "number" )) {
+			const char* numtype = get_datatype( field );
+			if( !strcmp( numtype, "INT8" )) {
+				buffer_fadd( val_buf, "%lld", atoll( value ));
+			} else if( !strcmp( numtype, "INT" )) {
+				buffer_fadd( val_buf, "%d", atoi( value ));
+			} else if( !strcmp( numtype, "NUMERIC" )) {
+				buffer_fadd( val_buf, "%f", atof( value ));
+			}
+		} else {
+			if( dbi_conn_quote_string( writehandle, &value )) {
+				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( val_buf, value );
+			} else {
+				osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error quoting string [%s]", modulename, value );
+				osrfAppSessionStatus(
+					ctx->session,
+					"osrfMethodException",
+					ctx->request,
+					"Error quoting string -- please see the error log for more details"
+				);
+				free( value );
+				buffer_free( table_buf );
+				buffer_free( col_buf );
+				buffer_free( val_buf );
+				osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+				return -1;
+			}
+		}
+		free( value );
+	}
+	osrfHashIteratorFree( field_itr );
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( col_buf, ')' );
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( val_buf, ')' );
+	char* table_str = buffer_release( table_buf );
+	char* col_str   = buffer_release( col_buf );
+	char* val_str   = buffer_release( val_buf );
+	growing_buffer* sql = buffer_init( 128 );
+	buffer_fadd( sql, "%s %s %s;", table_str, col_str, val_str );
+	free( table_str );
+	free( col_str );
+	free( val_str );
+	char* query = buffer_release( sql );
+	osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Insert SQL [%s]", modulename, query );
+	jsonObject* obj = NULL;
+	int rc = 0;
+	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_query( writehandle, query );
+	if( !result ) {
+		obj = jsonNewObject( NULL );
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s ERROR inserting %s object using query [%s]",
+			modulename,
+			osrfHashGet(meta, "fieldmapper"),
+			query
+		);
+		osrfAppSessionStatus(
+			ctx->session,
+			"osrfMethodException",
+			ctx->request,
+			"INSERT error -- please see the error log for more details"
+		);
+		rc = -1;
+	} else {
+		char* id = oilsFMGetString( target, pkey );
+		if( !id ) {
+			unsigned long long new_id = dbi_conn_sequence_last( writehandle, seq );
+			growing_buffer* _id = buffer_init( 10 );
+			buffer_fadd( _id, "%lld", new_id );
+			id = buffer_release( _id );
+		}
+		// Find quietness specification, if present
+		const char* quiet_str = NULL;
+		if( options ) {
+			const jsonObject* quiet_obj = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( options, "quiet" );
+			if( quiet_obj )
+				quiet_str = jsonObjectGetString( quiet_obj );
+		}
+		if( str_is_true( quiet_str )) {  // if quietness is specified
+			obj = jsonNewObject( id );
+		}
+		else {
+			// Fetch the row that we just inserted, so that we can return it to the client
+			jsonObject* where_clause = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_HASH );
+			jsonObjectSetKey( where_clause, pkey, jsonNewObject( id ));
+			int err = 0;
+			jsonObject* list = doFieldmapperSearch( ctx, meta, where_clause, NULL, &err );
+			if( err )
+				rc = -1;
+			else
+				obj = jsonObjectClone( jsonObjectGetIndex( list, 0 ));
+			jsonObjectFree( list );
+			jsonObjectFree( where_clause );
+		}
+		free( id );
+	}
+	free( query );
+	osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, obj );
+	jsonObjectFree( obj );
+	return rc;
+	@brief Implement the retrieve method.
+	@param ctx Pointer to the method context.
+	@param err Pointer through which to return an error code.
+	@return If successful, a pointer to the result to be returned to the client;
+	otherwise NULL.
+	From the method's class, fetch a row with a specified value in the primary key.  This
+	method relies on the database design convention that a primary key consists of a single
+	column.
+	Method parameters:
+	- authkey (PCRUD only)
+	- value of the primary key for the desired row, for building the WHERE clause
+	- a JSON_HASH containing any other SQL clauses: select, join, etc.
+	Return to client: One row from the query.
+int doRetrieve( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Invalid method context" );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( enforce_pcrud )
+		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
+	int id_pos = 0;
+	int order_pos = 1;
+	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
+		id_pos = 1;
+		order_pos = 2;
+	}
+	// Get the class metadata
+	osrfHash* class_def = osrfHashGet( (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData, "class" );
+	// Get the value of the primary key, from a method parameter
+	const jsonObject* id_obj = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, id_pos );
+	osrfLogDebug(
+		"%s retrieving %s object with primary key value of %s",
+		modulename,
+		osrfHashGet( class_def, "fieldmapper" ),
+		jsonObjectGetString( id_obj )
+	);
+	// Build a WHERE clause based on the key value
+	jsonObject* where_clause = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_HASH );
+	jsonObjectSetKey(
+		where_clause,
+		osrfHashGet( class_def, "primarykey" ),  // name of key column
+		jsonObjectClone( id_obj )                // value of key column
+	);
+	jsonObject* rest_of_query = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, order_pos );
+	// Do the query
+	int err = 0;
+	jsonObject* list = doFieldmapperSearch( ctx, class_def, where_clause, rest_of_query, &err );
+	jsonObjectFree( where_clause );
+	if( err ) {
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	jsonObject* obj = jsonObjectExtractIndex( list, 0 );
+	jsonObjectFree( list );
+	if( enforce_pcrud ) {
+		if(!verifyObjectPCRUD( ctx, obj )) {
+			jsonObjectFree( obj );
+			growing_buffer* msg = buffer_init( 128 );
+			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( msg, modulename );
+			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( msg, ": Insufficient permissions to retrieve object" );
+			char* m = buffer_release( msg );
+			osrfAppSessionStatus( ctx->session, OSRF_STATUS_NOTALLOWED, "osrfMethodException",
+					ctx->request, m );
+			free( m );
+			osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, obj );
+	jsonObjectFree( obj );
+	return 0;
+static char* jsonNumberToDBString( osrfHash* field, const jsonObject* value ) {
+	growing_buffer* val_buf = buffer_init( 32 );
+	const char* numtype = get_datatype( field );
+	if( !strncmp( numtype, "INT", 3 ) ) {
+		if( value->type == JSON_NUMBER )
+			//buffer_fadd( val_buf, "%ld", (long)jsonObjectGetNumber(value) );
+			buffer_fadd( val_buf, jsonObjectGetString( value ) );
+		else {
+			buffer_fadd( val_buf, jsonObjectGetString( value ) );
+		}
+	} else if( !strcmp( numtype, "NUMERIC" )) {
+		if( value->type == JSON_NUMBER )
+			buffer_fadd( val_buf, jsonObjectGetString( value ));
+		else {
+			buffer_fadd( val_buf, jsonObjectGetString( value ));
+		}
+	} else {
+		// Presumably this was really intended ot be a string, so quote it
+		char* str = jsonObjectToSimpleString( value );
+		if( dbi_conn_quote_string( dbhandle, &str )) {
+			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( val_buf, str );
+			free( str );
+		} else {
+			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error quoting key string [%s]", modulename, str );
+			free( str );
+			buffer_free( val_buf );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	return buffer_release( val_buf );
+static char* searchINPredicate( const char* class_alias, osrfHash* field,
+		jsonObject* node, const char* op, osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init( 32 );
+	buffer_fadd(
+		sql_buf,
+		"\"%s\".%s ",
+		class_alias,
+		osrfHashGet( field, "name" )
+	);
+	if( !op ) {
+		buffer_add( sql_buf, "IN (" );
+	} else if( !strcasecmp( op,"not in" )) {
+		buffer_add( sql_buf, "NOT IN (" );
+	} else {
+		buffer_add( sql_buf, "IN (" );
+	}
+	if( node->type == JSON_HASH ) {
+		// subquery predicate
+		char* subpred = buildQuery( ctx, node, SUBSELECT );
+		if( ! subpred ) {
+			buffer_free( sql_buf );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		buffer_add( sql_buf, subpred );
+		free( subpred );
+	} else if( node->type == JSON_ARRAY ) {
+		// literal value list
+		int in_item_index = 0;
+		int in_item_first = 1;
+		const jsonObject* in_item;
+		while( (in_item = jsonObjectGetIndex( node, in_item_index++ )) ) {
+			if( in_item_first )
+				in_item_first = 0;
+			else
+				buffer_add( sql_buf, ", " );
+			// Sanity check
+			if( in_item->type != JSON_STRING && in_item->type != JSON_NUMBER ) {
+				osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+						"%s: Expected string or number within IN list; found %s",
+						modulename, json_type( in_item->type ) );
+				buffer_free( sql_buf );
+				return NULL;
+			}
+			// Append the literal value -- quoted if not a number
+			if( JSON_NUMBER == in_item->type ) {
+				char* val = jsonNumberToDBString( field, in_item );
+				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, val );
+				free( val );
+			} else if( !strcmp( get_primitive( field ), "number" )) {
+				char* val = jsonNumberToDBString( field, in_item );
+				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, val );
+				free( val );
+			} else {
+				char* key_string = jsonObjectToSimpleString( in_item );
+				if( dbi_conn_quote_string( dbhandle, &key_string )) {
+					OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, key_string );
+					free( key_string );
+				} else {
+					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+							"%s: Error quoting key string [%s]", modulename, key_string );
+					free( key_string );
+					buffer_free( sql_buf );
+					return NULL;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if( in_item_first ) {
+			osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Empty IN list", modulename );
+			buffer_free( sql_buf );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+	} else {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Expected object or array for IN clause; found %s",
+			modulename, json_type( node->type ));
+		buffer_free( sql_buf );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( sql_buf, ')' );
+	return buffer_release( sql_buf );
+// Receive a JSON_ARRAY representing a function call.  The first
+// entry in the array is the function name.  The rest are parameters.
+static char* searchValueTransform( const jsonObject* array ) {
+	if( array->size < 1 ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Empty array for value transform", modulename );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	// Get the function name
+	jsonObject* func_item = jsonObjectGetIndex( array, 0 );
+	if( func_item->type != JSON_STRING ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error: expected function name, found %s",
+			modulename, json_type( func_item->type ));
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init( 32 );
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, jsonObjectGetString( func_item ) );
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, "( " );
+	// Get the parameters
+	int func_item_index = 1;   // We already grabbed the zeroth entry
+	while( (func_item = jsonObjectGetIndex( array, func_item_index++ )) ) {
+		// Add a separator comma, if we need one
+		if( func_item_index > 2 )
+			buffer_add( sql_buf, ", " );
+		// Add the current parameter
+		if( func_item->type == JSON_NULL ) {
+			buffer_add( sql_buf, "NULL" );
+		} else {
+			char* val = jsonObjectToSimpleString( func_item );
+			if( dbi_conn_quote_string( dbhandle, &val )) {
+				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, val );
+				free( val );
+			} else {
+				osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error quoting key string [%s]",
+					modulename, val );
+				buffer_free( sql_buf );
+				free( val );
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	buffer_add( sql_buf, " )" );
+	return buffer_release( sql_buf );
+static char* searchFunctionPredicate( const char* class_alias, osrfHash* field,
+		const jsonObject* node, const char* op ) {
+	if( ! is_good_operator( op ) ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Invalid operator [%s]", modulename, op );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	char* val = searchValueTransform( node );
+	if( !val )
+		return NULL;
+	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init( 32 );
+	buffer_fadd(
+		sql_buf,
+		"\"%s\".%s %s %s",
+		class_alias,
+		osrfHashGet( field, "name" ),
+		op,
+		val
+	);
+	free( val );
+	return buffer_release( sql_buf );
+// class_alias is a class name or other table alias
+// field is a field definition as stored in the IDL
+// node comes from the method parameter, and may represent an entry in the SELECT list
+static char* searchFieldTransform( const char* class_alias, osrfHash* field,
+		const jsonObject* node ) {
+	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init( 32 );
+	const char* field_transform = jsonObjectGetString(
+		jsonObjectGetKeyConst( node, "transform" ) );
+	const char* transform_subcolumn = jsonObjectGetString(
+		jsonObjectGetKeyConst( node, "result_field" ) );
+	if( transform_subcolumn ) {
+		if( ! is_identifier( transform_subcolumn ) ) {
+			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Invalid subfield name: \"%s\"\n",
+					modulename, transform_subcolumn );
+			buffer_free( sql_buf );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( sql_buf, '(' );    // enclose transform in parentheses
+	}
+	if( field_transform ) {
+		if( ! is_identifier( field_transform ) ) {
+			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Expected function name, found \"%s\"\n",
+					modulename, field_transform );
+			buffer_free( sql_buf );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		if( obj_is_true( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( node, "distinct" ) ) ) {
+			buffer_fadd( sql_buf, "%s(DISTINCT \"%s\".%s",
+				field_transform, class_alias, osrfHashGet( field, "name" ));
+		} else {
+			buffer_fadd( sql_buf, "%s(\"%s\".%s",
+				field_transform, class_alias, osrfHashGet( field, "name" ));
+		}
+		const jsonObject* array = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( node, "params" );
+		if( array ) {
+			if( array->type != JSON_ARRAY ) {
+				osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+					"%s: Expected JSON_ARRAY for function params; found %s",
+					modulename, json_type( array->type ) );
+				buffer_free( sql_buf );
+				return NULL;
+			}
+			int func_item_index = 0;
+			jsonObject* func_item;
+			while( (func_item = jsonObjectGetIndex( array, func_item_index++ ))) {
+				char* val = jsonObjectToSimpleString( func_item );
+				if( !val ) {
+					buffer_add( sql_buf, ",NULL" );
+				} else if( dbi_conn_quote_string( dbhandle, &val )) {
+					OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( sql_buf, ',' );
+					OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, val );
+				} else {
+					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+							"%s: Error quoting key string [%s]", modulename, val );
+					free( val );
+					buffer_free( sql_buf );
+					return NULL;
+				}
+				free( val );
+			}
+		}
+		buffer_add( sql_buf, " )" );
+	} else {
+		buffer_fadd( sql_buf, "\"%s\".%s", class_alias, osrfHashGet( field, "name" ));
+	}
+	if( transform_subcolumn )
+		buffer_fadd( sql_buf, ").\"%s\"", transform_subcolumn );
+	return buffer_release( sql_buf );
+static char* searchFieldTransformPredicate( const ClassInfo* class_info, osrfHash* field,
+		const jsonObject* node, const char* op ) {
+	if( ! is_good_operator( op ) ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error: Invalid operator %s", modulename, op );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	char* field_transform = searchFieldTransform( class_info->alias, field, node );
+	if( ! field_transform )
+		return NULL;
+	char* value = NULL;
+	int extra_parens = 0;   // boolean
+	const jsonObject* value_obj = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( node, "value" );
+	if( ! value_obj ) {
+		value = searchWHERE( node, class_info, AND_OP_JOIN, NULL );
+		if( !value ) {
+			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error building condition for field transform",
+				modulename );
+			free( field_transform );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		extra_parens = 1;
+	} else if( value_obj->type == JSON_ARRAY ) {
+		value = searchValueTransform( value_obj );
+		if( !value ) {
+			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+				"%s: Error building value transform for field transform", modulename );
+			free( field_transform );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+	} else if( value_obj->type == JSON_HASH ) {
+		value = searchWHERE( value_obj, class_info, AND_OP_JOIN, NULL );
+		if( !value ) {
+			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error building predicate for field transform",
+				modulename );
+			free( field_transform );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		extra_parens = 1;
+	} else if( value_obj->type == JSON_NUMBER ) {
+		value = jsonNumberToDBString( field, value_obj );
+	} else if( value_obj->type == JSON_NULL ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+			"%s: Error building predicate for field transform: null value", modulename );
+		free( field_transform );
+		return NULL;
+	} else if( value_obj->type == JSON_BOOL ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+			"%s: Error building predicate for field transform: boolean value", modulename );
+		free( field_transform );
+		return NULL;
+	} else {
+		if( !strcmp( get_primitive( field ), "number") ) {
+			value = jsonNumberToDBString( field, value_obj );
+		} else {
+			value = jsonObjectToSimpleString( value_obj );
+			if( !dbi_conn_quote_string( dbhandle, &value )) {
+				osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error quoting key string [%s]",
+					modulename, value );
+				free( value );
+				free( field_transform );
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	const char* left_parens  = "";
+	const char* right_parens = "";
+	if( extra_parens ) {
+		left_parens  = "(";
+		right_parens = ")";
+	}
+	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init( 32 );
+	buffer_fadd(
+		sql_buf,
+		"%s%s %s %s %s %s%s",
+		left_parens,
+		field_transform,
+		op,
+		left_parens,
+		value,
+		right_parens,
+		right_parens
+	);
+	free( value );
+	free( field_transform );
+	return buffer_release( sql_buf );
+static char* searchSimplePredicate( const char* op, const char* class_alias,
+		osrfHash* field, const jsonObject* node ) {
+	if( ! is_good_operator( op ) ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Invalid operator [%s]", modulename, op );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	char* val = NULL;
+	// Get the value to which we are comparing the specified column
+	if( node->type != JSON_NULL ) {
+		if( node->type == JSON_NUMBER ) {
+			val = jsonNumberToDBString( field, node );
+		} else if( !strcmp( get_primitive( field ), "number" ) ) {
+			val = jsonNumberToDBString( field, node );
+		} else {
+			val = jsonObjectToSimpleString( node );
+		}
+	}
+	if( val ) {
+		if( JSON_NUMBER != node->type && strcmp( get_primitive( field ), "number") ) {
+			// Value is not numeric; enclose it in quotes
+			if( !dbi_conn_quote_string( dbhandle, &val ) ) {
+				osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error quoting key string [%s]",
+					modulename, val );
+				free( val );
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		// Compare to a null value
+		val = strdup( "NULL" );
+		if( strcmp( op, "=" ))
+			op = "IS NOT";
+		else
+			op = "IS";
+	}
+	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init( 32 );
+	buffer_fadd( sql_buf, "\"%s\".%s %s %s", class_alias, osrfHashGet(field, "name"), op, val );
+	char* pred = buffer_release( sql_buf );
+	free( val );
+	return pred;
+static char* searchBETWEENPredicate( const char* class_alias,
+		osrfHash* field, const jsonObject* node ) {
+	const jsonObject* x_node = jsonObjectGetIndex( node, 0 );
+	const jsonObject* y_node = jsonObjectGetIndex( node, 1 );
+	if( NULL == y_node ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Not enough operands for BETWEEN operator", modulename );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	else if( NULL != jsonObjectGetIndex( node, 2 ) ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Too many operands for BETWEEN operator", modulename );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	char* x_string;
+	char* y_string;
+	if( !strcmp( get_primitive( field ), "number") ) {
+		x_string = jsonNumberToDBString( field, x_node );
+		y_string = jsonNumberToDBString( field, y_node );
+	} else {
+		x_string = jsonObjectToSimpleString( x_node );
+		y_string = jsonObjectToSimpleString( y_node );
+		if( !(dbi_conn_quote_string( dbhandle, &x_string )
+			&& dbi_conn_quote_string( dbhandle, &y_string )) ) {
+			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error quoting key strings [%s] and [%s]",
+					modulename, x_string, y_string );
+			free( x_string );
+			free( y_string );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init( 32 );
+	buffer_fadd( sql_buf, "\"%s\".%s BETWEEN %s AND %s",
+			class_alias, osrfHashGet( field, "name" ), x_string, y_string );
+	free( x_string );
+	free( y_string );
+	return buffer_release( sql_buf );
+static char* searchPredicate( const ClassInfo* class_info, osrfHash* field,
+							  jsonObject* node, osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	char* pred = NULL;
+	if( node->type == JSON_ARRAY ) { // equality IN search
+		pred = searchINPredicate( class_info->alias, field, node, NULL, ctx );
+	} else if( node->type == JSON_HASH ) { // other search
+		jsonIterator* pred_itr = jsonNewIterator( node );
+		if( !jsonIteratorHasNext( pred_itr ) ) {
+			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Empty predicate for field \"%s\"",
+					modulename, osrfHashGet(field, "name" ));
+		} else {
+			jsonObject* pred_node = jsonIteratorNext( pred_itr );
+			// Verify that there are no additional predicates
+			if( jsonIteratorHasNext( pred_itr ) ) {
+				osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Multiple predicates for field \"%s\"",
+						modulename, osrfHashGet(field, "name" ));
+			} else if( !(strcasecmp( pred_itr->key,"between" )) )
+				pred = searchBETWEENPredicate( class_info->alias, field, pred_node );
+			else if( !(strcasecmp( pred_itr->key,"in" ))
+					|| !(strcasecmp( pred_itr->key,"not in" )) )
+				pred = searchINPredicate(
+					class_info->alias, field, pred_node, pred_itr->key, ctx );
+			else if( pred_node->type == JSON_ARRAY )
+				pred = searchFunctionPredicate(
+					class_info->alias, field, pred_node, pred_itr->key );
+			else if( pred_node->type == JSON_HASH )
+				pred = searchFieldTransformPredicate(
+					class_info, field, pred_node, pred_itr->key );
+			else
+				pred = searchSimplePredicate( pred_itr->key, class_info->alias, field, pred_node );
+		}
+		jsonIteratorFree( pred_itr );
+	} else if( node->type == JSON_NULL ) { // IS NULL search
+		growing_buffer* _p = buffer_init( 64 );
+		buffer_fadd(
+			_p,
+			"\"%s\".%s IS NULL",
+			class_info->class_name,
+			osrfHashGet( field, "name" )
+		);
+		pred = buffer_release( _p );
+	} else { // equality search
+		pred = searchSimplePredicate( "=", class_info->alias, field, node );
+	}
+	return pred;
+join : {
+	acn : {
+		field : record,
+		fkey : id
+		type : left
+		filter_op : or
+		filter : { ... },
+		join : {
+			acp : {
+				field : call_number,
+				fkey : id,
+				filter : { ... },
+			},
+		},
+	},
+	mrd : {
+		field : record,
+		type : inner
+		fkey : id,
+		filter : { ... },
+	}
+static char* searchJOIN( const jsonObject* join_hash, const ClassInfo* left_info ) {
+	const jsonObject* working_hash;
+	jsonObject* freeable_hash = NULL;
+	if( join_hash->type == JSON_HASH ) {
+		working_hash = join_hash;
+	} else if( join_hash->type == JSON_STRING ) {
+		// turn it into a JSON_HASH by creating a wrapper
+		// around a copy of the original
+		const char* _tmp = jsonObjectGetString( join_hash );
+		freeable_hash = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_HASH );
+		jsonObjectSetKey( freeable_hash, _tmp, NULL );
+		working_hash = freeable_hash;
+	} else {
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s: JOIN failed; expected JSON object type not found",
+			modulename
+		);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	growing_buffer* join_buf = buffer_init( 128 );
+	const char* leftclass = left_info->class_name;
+	jsonObject* snode = NULL;
+	jsonIterator* search_itr = jsonNewIterator( working_hash );
+	while ( (snode = jsonIteratorNext( search_itr )) ) {
+		const char* right_alias = search_itr->key;
+		const char* class =
+				jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( snode, "class" ) );
+		if( ! class )
+			class = right_alias;
+		const ClassInfo* right_info = add_joined_class( right_alias, class );
+		if( !right_info ) {
+			osrfLogError(
+				"%s: JOIN failed.  Class \"%s\" not resolved in IDL",
+				modulename,
+				search_itr->key
+			);
+			jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+			buffer_free( join_buf );
+			if( freeable_hash )
+				jsonObjectFree( freeable_hash );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		osrfHash* links    = right_info->links;
+		const char* table  = right_info->source_def;
+		const char* fkey  = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( snode, "fkey" ) );
+		const char* field = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( snode, "field" ) );
+		if( field && !fkey ) {
+			// Look up the corresponding join column in the IDL.
+			// The link must be defined in the child table,
+			// and point to the right parent table.
+			osrfHash* idl_link = (osrfHash*) osrfHashGet( links, field );
+			const char* reltype = NULL;
+			const char* other_class = NULL;
+			reltype = osrfHashGet( idl_link, "reltype" );
+			if( reltype && strcmp( reltype, "has_many" ) )
+				other_class = osrfHashGet( idl_link, "class" );
+			if( other_class && !strcmp( other_class, leftclass ) )
+				fkey = osrfHashGet( idl_link, "key" );
+			if( !fkey ) {
+				osrfLogError(
+					"%s: JOIN failed.  No link defined from %s.%s to %s",
+					modulename,
+					class,
+					field,
+					leftclass
+				);
+				buffer_free( join_buf );
+				if( freeable_hash )
+					jsonObjectFree( freeable_hash );
+				jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		} else if( !field && fkey ) {
+			// Look up the corresponding join column in the IDL.
+			// The link must be defined in the child table,
+			// and point to the right parent table.
+			osrfHash* left_links = left_info->links;
+			osrfHash* idl_link = (osrfHash*) osrfHashGet( left_links, fkey );
+			const char* reltype = NULL;
+			const char* other_class = NULL;
+			reltype = osrfHashGet( idl_link, "reltype" );
+			if( reltype && strcmp( reltype, "has_many" ) )
+				other_class = osrfHashGet( idl_link, "class" );
+			if( other_class && !strcmp( other_class, class ) )
+				field = osrfHashGet( idl_link, "key" );
+			if( !field ) {
+				osrfLogError(
+					"%s: JOIN failed.  No link defined from %s.%s to %s",
+					modulename,
+					leftclass,
+					fkey,
+					class
+				);
+				buffer_free( join_buf );
+				if( freeable_hash )
+					jsonObjectFree( freeable_hash );
+				jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		} else if( !field && !fkey ) {
+			osrfHash* left_links = left_info->links;
+			// For each link defined for the left class:
+			// see if the link references the joined class
+			osrfHashIterator* itr = osrfNewHashIterator( left_links );
+			osrfHash* curr_link = NULL;
+			while( (curr_link = osrfHashIteratorNext( itr ) ) ) {
+				const char* other_class = osrfHashGet( curr_link, "class" );
+				if( other_class && !strcmp( other_class, class ) ) {
+					// In the IDL, the parent class doesn't always know then names of the child
+					// columns that are pointing to it, so don't use that end of the link
+					const char* reltype = osrfHashGet( curr_link, "reltype" );
+					if( reltype && strcmp( reltype, "has_many" ) ) {
+						// Found a link between the classes
+						fkey = osrfHashIteratorKey( itr );
+						field = osrfHashGet( curr_link, "key" );
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			osrfHashIteratorFree( itr );
+			if( !field || !fkey ) {
+				// Do another such search, with the classes reversed
+				// For each link defined for the joined class:
+				// see if the link references the left class
+				osrfHashIterator* itr = osrfNewHashIterator( links );
+				osrfHash* curr_link = NULL;
+				while( (curr_link = osrfHashIteratorNext( itr ) ) ) {
+					const char* other_class = osrfHashGet( curr_link, "class" );
+					if( other_class && !strcmp( other_class, leftclass ) ) {
+						// In the IDL, the parent class doesn't know then names of the child
+						// columns that are pointing to it, so don't use that end of the link
+						const char* reltype = osrfHashGet( curr_link, "reltype" );
+						if( reltype && strcmp( reltype, "has_many" ) ) {
+							// Found a link between the classes
+							field = osrfHashIteratorKey( itr );
+							fkey = osrfHashGet( curr_link, "key" );
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				osrfHashIteratorFree( itr );
+			}
+			if( !field || !fkey ) {
+				osrfLogError(
+					"%s: JOIN failed.  No link defined between %s and %s",
+					modulename,
+					leftclass,
+					class
+				);
+				buffer_free( join_buf );
+				if( freeable_hash )
+					jsonObjectFree( freeable_hash );
+				jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		}
+		const char* type = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( snode, "type" ) );
+		if( type ) {
+			if( !strcasecmp( type,"left" )) {
+				buffer_add( join_buf, " LEFT JOIN" );
+			} else if( !strcasecmp( type,"right" )) {
+				buffer_add( join_buf, " RIGHT JOIN" );
+			} else if( !strcasecmp( type,"full" )) {
+				buffer_add( join_buf, " FULL JOIN" );
+			} else {
+				buffer_add( join_buf, " INNER JOIN" );
+			}
+		} else {
+			buffer_add( join_buf, " INNER JOIN" );
+		}
+		buffer_fadd( join_buf, " %s AS \"%s\" ON ( \"%s\".%s = \"%s\".%s",
+					table, right_alias, right_alias, field, left_info->alias, fkey );
+		// Add any other join conditions as specified by "filter"
+		const jsonObject* filter = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( snode, "filter" );
+		if( filter ) {
+			const char* filter_op = jsonObjectGetString(
+				jsonObjectGetKeyConst( snode, "filter_op" ) );
+			if( filter_op && !strcasecmp( "or",filter_op )) {
+				buffer_add( join_buf, " OR " );
+			} else {
+				buffer_add( join_buf, " AND " );
+			}
+			char* jpred = searchWHERE( filter, right_info, AND_OP_JOIN, NULL );
+			if( jpred ) {
+				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( join_buf, ' ' );
+				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( join_buf, jpred );
+				free( jpred );
+			} else {
+				osrfLogError(
+					"%s: JOIN failed.  Invalid conditional expression.",
+					modulename
+				);
+				jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+				buffer_free( join_buf );
+				if( freeable_hash )
+					jsonObjectFree( freeable_hash );
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		}
+		buffer_add( join_buf, " ) " );
+		// Recursively add a nested join, if one is present
+		const jsonObject* join_filter = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( snode, "join" );
+		if( join_filter ) {
+			char* jpred = searchJOIN( join_filter, right_info );
+			if( jpred ) {
+				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( join_buf, ' ' );
+				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( join_buf, jpred );
+				free( jpred );
+			} else {
+				osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Invalid nested join.", modulename );
+				jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+				buffer_free( join_buf );
+				if( freeable_hash )
+					jsonObjectFree( freeable_hash );
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if( freeable_hash )
+		jsonObjectFree( freeable_hash );
+	jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+	return buffer_release( join_buf );
+{ +class : { -or|-and : { field : { op : value }, ... } ... }, ... }
+{ +class : { -or|-and : [ { field : { op : value }, ... }, ...] ... }, ... }
+[ { +class : { -or|-and : [ { field : { op : value }, ... }, ...] ... }, ... }, ... ]
+Generate code to express a set of conditions, as for a WHERE clause.  Parameters:
+search_hash is the JSON expression of the conditions.
+meta is the class definition from the IDL, for the relevant table.
+opjoin_type indicates whether multiple conditions, if present, should be
+	connected by AND or OR.
+osrfMethodContext is loaded with all sorts of stuff, but all we do with it here is
+	to pass it to other functions -- and all they do with it is to use the session
+	and request members to send error messages back to the client.
+static char* searchWHERE( const jsonObject* search_hash, const ClassInfo* class_info,
+		int opjoin_type, osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	osrfLogDebug(
+		"%s: Entering searchWHERE; search_hash addr = %p, meta addr = %p, "
+		"opjoin_type = %d, ctx addr = %p",
+		modulename,
+		search_hash,
+		class_info->class_def,
+		opjoin_type,
+		ctx
+	);
+	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init( 128 );
+	jsonObject* node = NULL;
+	int first = 1;
+	if( search_hash->type == JSON_ARRAY ) {
+		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+		  "%s: In WHERE clause, condition type is JSON_ARRAY", modulename );
+		if( 0 == search_hash->size ) {
+			osrfLogError(
+				"%s: Invalid predicate structure: empty JSON array",
+				modulename
+			);
+			buffer_free( sql_buf );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		unsigned long i = 0;
+		while(( node = jsonObjectGetIndex( search_hash, i++ ) )) {
+			if( first ) {
+				first = 0;
+			} else {
+				if( opjoin_type == OR_OP_JOIN )
+					buffer_add( sql_buf, " OR " );
+				else
+					buffer_add( sql_buf, " AND " );
+			}
+			char* subpred = searchWHERE( node, class_info, opjoin_type, ctx );
+			if( ! subpred ) {
+				buffer_free( sql_buf );
+				return NULL;
+			}
+			buffer_fadd( sql_buf, "( %s )", subpred );
+			free( subpred );
+		}
+	} else if( search_hash->type == JSON_HASH ) {
+		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+			"%s: In WHERE clause, condition type is JSON_HASH", modulename );
+		jsonIterator* search_itr = jsonNewIterator( search_hash );
+		if( !jsonIteratorHasNext( search_itr ) ) {
+			osrfLogError(
+				"%s: Invalid predicate structure: empty JSON object",
+				modulename
+			);
+			jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+			buffer_free( sql_buf );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		while( (node = jsonIteratorNext( search_itr )) ) {
+			if( first ) {
+				first = 0;
+			} else {
+				if( opjoin_type == OR_OP_JOIN )
+					buffer_add( sql_buf, " OR " );
+				else
+					buffer_add( sql_buf, " AND " );
+			}
+			if( '+' == search_itr->key[ 0 ] ) {
+				// This plus sign prefixes a class name or other table alias;
+				// make sure the table alias is in scope
+				ClassInfo* alias_info = search_all_alias( search_itr->key + 1 );
+				if( ! alias_info ) {
+					osrfLogError(
+							 OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+							"%s: Invalid table alias \"%s\" in WHERE clause",
+							modulename,
+							search_itr->key + 1
+					);
+					jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+					buffer_free( sql_buf );
+					return NULL;
+				}
+				if( node->type == JSON_STRING ) {
+					// It's the name of a column; make sure it belongs to the class
+					const char* fieldname = jsonObjectGetString( node );
+					if( ! osrfHashGet( alias_info->fields, fieldname ) ) {
+						osrfLogError(
+							OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+							"%s: Invalid column name \"%s\" in WHERE clause "
+							"for table alias \"%s\"",
+							modulename,
+							fieldname,
+							alias_info->alias
+						);
+						jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+						buffer_free( sql_buf );
+						return NULL;
+					}
+					buffer_fadd( sql_buf, " \"%s\".%s ", alias_info->alias, fieldname );
+				} else {
+					// It's something more complicated
+					char* subpred = searchWHERE( node, alias_info, AND_OP_JOIN, ctx );
+					if( ! subpred ) {
+						jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+						buffer_free( sql_buf );
+						return NULL;
+					}
+					buffer_fadd( sql_buf, "( %s )", subpred );
+					free( subpred );
+				}
+			} else if( '-' == search_itr->key[ 0 ] ) {
+				if( !strcasecmp( "-or", search_itr->key )) {
+					char* subpred = searchWHERE( node, class_info, OR_OP_JOIN, ctx );
+					if( ! subpred ) {
+						jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+						buffer_free( sql_buf );
+						return NULL;
+					}
+					buffer_fadd( sql_buf, "( %s )", subpred );
+					free( subpred );
+				} else if( !strcasecmp( "-and", search_itr->key )) {
+					char* subpred = searchWHERE( node, class_info, AND_OP_JOIN, ctx );
+					if( ! subpred ) {
+						jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+						buffer_free( sql_buf );
+						return NULL;
+					}
+					buffer_fadd( sql_buf, "( %s )", subpred );
+					free( subpred );
+				} else if( !strcasecmp("-not",search_itr->key) ) {
+					char* subpred = searchWHERE( node, class_info, AND_OP_JOIN, ctx );
+					if( ! subpred ) {
+						jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+						buffer_free( sql_buf );
+						return NULL;
+					}
+					buffer_fadd( sql_buf, " NOT ( %s )", subpred );
+					free( subpred );
+				} else if( !strcasecmp( "-exists", search_itr->key )) {
+					char* subpred = buildQuery( ctx, node, SUBSELECT );
+					if( ! subpred ) {
+						jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+						buffer_free( sql_buf );
+						return NULL;
+					}
+					buffer_fadd( sql_buf, "EXISTS ( %s )", subpred );
+					free( subpred );
+				} else if( !strcasecmp("-not-exists", search_itr->key )) {
+					char* subpred = buildQuery( ctx, node, SUBSELECT );
+					if( ! subpred ) {
+						jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+						buffer_free( sql_buf );
+						return NULL;
+					}
+					buffer_fadd( sql_buf, "NOT EXISTS ( %s )", subpred );
+					free( subpred );
+				} else {     // Invalid "minus" operator
+					osrfLogError(
+							 OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+							"%s: Invalid operator \"%s\" in WHERE clause",
+							modulename,
+							search_itr->key
+					);
+					jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+					buffer_free( sql_buf );
+					return NULL;
+				}
+			} else {
+				const char* class = class_info->class_name;
+				osrfHash* fields = class_info->fields;
+				osrfHash* field = osrfHashGet( fields, search_itr->key );
+				if( !field ) {
+					const char* table = class_info->source_def;
+					osrfLogError(
+						"%s: Attempt to reference non-existent column \"%s\" on %s (%s)",
+						modulename,
+						search_itr->key,
+						table ? table : "?",
+						class ? class : "?"
+					);
+					jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+					buffer_free( sql_buf );
+					return NULL;
+				}
+				char* subpred = searchPredicate( class_info, field, node, ctx );
+				if( ! subpred ) {
+					buffer_free( sql_buf );
+					jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+					return NULL;
+				}
+				buffer_add( sql_buf, subpred );
+				free( subpred );
+			}
+		}
+		jsonIteratorFree( search_itr );
+	} else {
+		// ERROR ... only hash and array allowed at this level
+		char* predicate_string = jsonObjectToJSON( search_hash );
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s: Invalid predicate structure: %s",
+			modulename,
+			predicate_string
+		);
+		buffer_free( sql_buf );
+		free( predicate_string );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return buffer_release( sql_buf );
+/* Build a JSON_ARRAY of field names for a given table alias
+static jsonObject* defaultSelectList( const char* table_alias ) {
+	if( ! table_alias )
+		table_alias = "";
+	ClassInfo* class_info = search_all_alias( table_alias );
+	if( ! class_info ) {
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s: Can't build default SELECT clause for \"%s\"; no such table alias",
+			modulename,
+			table_alias
+		);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	jsonObject* array = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_ARRAY );
+	osrfHash* field_def = NULL;
+	osrfHashIterator* field_itr = osrfNewHashIterator( class_info->fields );
+	while( ( field_def = osrfHashIteratorNext( field_itr ) ) ) {
+		const char* field_name = osrfHashIteratorKey( field_itr );
+		if( ! str_is_true( osrfHashGet( field_def, "virtual" ) ) ) {
+			jsonObjectPush( array, jsonNewObject( field_name ) );
+		}
+	}
+	osrfHashIteratorFree( field_itr );
+	return array;
+// Translate a jsonObject into a UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT query.
+// The jsonObject must be a JSON_HASH with an single entry for "union",
+// "intersect", or "except".  The data associated with this key must be an
+// array of hashes, each hash being a query.
+// Also allowed but currently ignored: entries for "order_by" and "alias".
+static char* doCombo( osrfMethodContext* ctx, jsonObject* combo, int flags ) {
+	// Sanity check
+	if( ! combo || combo->type != JSON_HASH )
+		return NULL;      // should be impossible; validated by caller
+	const jsonObject* query_array = NULL;   // array of subordinate queries
+	const char* op = NULL;     // name of operator, e.g. UNION
+	const char* alias = NULL;  // alias for the query (needed for ORDER BY)
+	int op_count = 0;          // for detecting conflicting operators
+	int excepting = 0;         // boolean
+	int all = 0;               // boolean
+	jsonObject* order_obj = NULL;
+	// Identify the elements in the hash
+	jsonIterator* query_itr = jsonNewIterator( combo );
+	jsonObject* curr_obj = NULL;
+	while( (curr_obj = jsonIteratorNext( query_itr ) ) ) {
+		if( ! strcmp( "union", query_itr->key ) ) {
+			++op_count;
+			op = " UNION ";
+			query_array = curr_obj;
+		} else if( ! strcmp( "intersect", query_itr->key ) ) {
+			++op_count;
+			op = " INTERSECT ";
+			query_array = curr_obj;
+		} else if( ! strcmp( "except", query_itr->key ) ) {
+			++op_count;
+			op = " EXCEPT ";
+			excepting = 1;
+			query_array = curr_obj;
+		} else if( ! strcmp( "order_by", query_itr->key ) ) {
+			osrfLogWarning(
+				"%s: ORDER BY not supported for UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT",
+				modulename
+			);
+			order_obj = curr_obj;
+		} else if( ! strcmp( "alias", query_itr->key ) ) {
+			if( curr_obj->type != JSON_STRING ) {
+				jsonIteratorFree( query_itr );
+				return NULL;
+			}
+			alias = jsonObjectGetString( curr_obj );
+		} else if( ! strcmp( "all", query_itr->key ) ) {
+			if( obj_is_true( curr_obj ) )
+				all = 1;
+		} else {
+			if( ctx )
+				osrfAppSessionStatus(
+					ctx->session,
+					"osrfMethodException",
+					ctx->request,
+					"Malformed query; unexpected entry in query object"
+				);
+			osrfLogError(
+				"%s: Unexpected entry for \"%s\" in%squery",
+				modulename,
+				query_itr->key,
+				op
+			);
+			jsonIteratorFree( query_itr );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	jsonIteratorFree( query_itr );
+	// More sanity checks
+	if( ! query_array ) {
+		if( ctx )
+			osrfAppSessionStatus(
+				ctx->session,
+				"osrfMethodException",
+				ctx->request,
+				"Expected UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operator not found"
+			);
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s: Expected UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operator not found",
+			modulename
+		);
+		return NULL;        // should be impossible...
+	} else if( op_count > 1 ) {
+		if( ctx )
+				osrfAppSessionStatus(
+				ctx->session,
+				"osrfMethodException",
+				ctx->request,
+				"Found more than one of UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT in same query"
+			);
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s: Found more than one of UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT in same query",
+			modulename
+		);
+		return NULL;
+	} if( query_array->type != JSON_ARRAY ) {
+		if( ctx )
+				osrfAppSessionStatus(
+				ctx->session,
+				"osrfMethodException",
+				ctx->request,
+				"Malformed query: expected array of queries under UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT"
+			);
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s: Expected JSON_ARRAY of queries for%soperator; found %s",
+			modulename,
+			op,
+			json_type( query_array->type )
+		);
+		return NULL;
+	} if( query_array->size < 2 ) {
+		if( ctx )
+			osrfAppSessionStatus(
+				ctx->session,
+				"osrfMethodException",
+				ctx->request,
+				"UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT requires multiple queries as operands"
+			);
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s:%srequires multiple queries as operands",
+			modulename,
+			op
+		);
+		return NULL;
+	} else if( excepting && query_array->size > 2 ) {
+		if( ctx )
+			osrfAppSessionStatus(
+				ctx->session,
+				"osrfMethodException",
+				ctx->request,
+				"EXCEPT operator has too many queries as operands"
+			);
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s:EXCEPT operator has too many queries as operands",
+			modulename
+		);
+		return NULL;
+	} else if( order_obj && ! alias ) {
+		if( ctx )
+			osrfAppSessionStatus(
+				ctx->session,
+				"osrfMethodException",
+				ctx->request,
+				"ORDER BY requires an alias for a UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT"
+			);
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s:ORDER BY requires an alias for a UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT",
+			modulename
+		);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	// So far so good.  Now build the SQL.
+	growing_buffer* sql = buffer_init( 256 );
+	// If we nested inside another UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT,
+	// Add a layer of parentheses
+	if( flags & SUBCOMBO )
+		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql, "( " );
+	// Traverse the query array.  Each entry should be a hash.
+	int first = 1;   // boolean
+	int i = 0;
+	jsonObject* query = NULL;
+	while( (query = jsonObjectGetIndex( query_array, i++ )) ) {
+		if( query->type != JSON_HASH ) {
+			if( ctx )
+				osrfAppSessionStatus(
+					ctx->session,
+					"osrfMethodException",
+					ctx->request,
+					"Malformed query under UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT"
+				);
+			osrfLogError(
+				"%s: Malformed query under%s -- expected JSON_HASH, found %s",
+				modulename,
+				op,
+				json_type( query->type )
+			);
+			buffer_free( sql );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		if( first )
+			first = 0;
+		else {
+			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql, op );
+			if( all )
+				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql, "ALL " );
+		}
+		char* query_str = buildQuery( ctx, query, SUBSELECT | SUBCOMBO );
+		if( ! query_str ) {
+			osrfLogError(
+				"%s: Error building query under%s",
+				modulename,
+				op
+			);
+			buffer_free( sql );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql, query_str );
+	}
+	if( flags & SUBCOMBO )
+		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( sql, ')' );
+	if( !(flags & SUBSELECT) )
+		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( sql, ';' );
+	return buffer_release( sql );
+// Translate a jsonObject into a SELECT, UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT query.
+// The jsonObject must be a JSON_HASH with an entry for "from", "union", "intersect",
+// or "except" to indicate the type of query.
+char* buildQuery( osrfMethodContext* ctx, jsonObject* query, int flags ) {
+	// Sanity checks
+	if( ! query ) {
+		if( ctx )
+			osrfAppSessionStatus(
+				ctx->session,
+				"osrfMethodException",
+				ctx->request,
+				"Malformed query; no query object"
+			);
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Null pointer to query object", modulename );
+		return NULL;
+	} else if( query->type != JSON_HASH ) {
+		if( ctx )
+			osrfAppSessionStatus(
+				ctx->session,
+				"osrfMethodException",
+				ctx->request,
+				"Malformed query object"
+			);
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s: Query object is %s instead of JSON_HASH",
+			modulename,
+			json_type( query->type )
+		);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	// Determine what kind of query it purports to be, and dispatch accordingly.
+	if( jsonObjectGetKey( query, "union" ) ||
+		jsonObjectGetKey( query, "intersect" ) ||
+		jsonObjectGetKey( query, "except" ) ) {
+		return doCombo( ctx, query, flags );
+	} else {
+		// It is presumably a SELECT query
+		// Push a node onto the stack for the current query.  Every level of
+		// subquery gets its own QueryFrame on the Stack.
+		push_query_frame();
+		// Build an SQL SELECT statement
+		char* sql = SELECT(
+			ctx,
+			jsonObjectGetKey( query, "select" ),
+			jsonObjectGetKey( query, "from" ),
+			jsonObjectGetKey( query, "where" ),
+			jsonObjectGetKey( query, "having" ),
+			jsonObjectGetKey( query, "order_by" ),
+			jsonObjectGetKey( query, "limit" ),
+			jsonObjectGetKey( query, "offset" ),
+			flags
+		);
+		pop_query_frame();
+		return sql;
+	}
+char* SELECT (
+		/* method context */ osrfMethodContext* ctx,
+		/* SELECT   */ jsonObject* selhash,
+		/* FROM     */ jsonObject* join_hash,
+		/* WHERE    */ jsonObject* search_hash,
+		/* HAVING   */ jsonObject* having_hash,
+		/* ORDER BY */ jsonObject* order_hash,
+		/* LIMIT    */ jsonObject* limit,
+		/* OFFSET   */ jsonObject* offset,
+		/* flags    */ int flags
+) {
+	const char* locale = osrf_message_get_last_locale();
+	// general tmp objects
+	const jsonObject* tmp_const;
+	jsonObject* selclass = NULL;
+	jsonObject* snode = NULL;
+	jsonObject* onode = NULL;
+	char* string = NULL;
+	int from_function = 0;
+	int first = 1;
+	int gfirst = 1;
+	//int hfirst = 1;
+	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "cstore SELECT locale: %s", locale ? locale : "(none)" );
+	// punt if there's no FROM clause
+	if( !join_hash || ( join_hash->type == JSON_HASH && !join_hash->size )) {
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s: FROM clause is missing or empty",
+			modulename
+		);
+		if( ctx )
+			osrfAppSessionStatus(
+				ctx->session,
+				"osrfMethodException",
+				ctx->request,
+				"FROM clause is missing or empty in JSON query"
+			);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	// the core search class
+	const char* core_class = NULL;
+	// get the core class -- the only key of the top level FROM clause, or a string
+	if( join_hash->type == JSON_HASH ) {
+		jsonIterator* tmp_itr = jsonNewIterator( join_hash );
+		snode = jsonIteratorNext( tmp_itr );
+		// Populate the current QueryFrame with information
+		// about the core class
+		if( add_query_core( NULL, tmp_itr->key ) ) {
+			if( ctx )
+				osrfAppSessionStatus(
+					ctx->session,
+					"osrfMethodException",
+					ctx->request,
+					"Unable to look up core class"
+				);
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		core_class = curr_query->core.class_name;
+		join_hash = snode;
+		jsonObject* extra = jsonIteratorNext( tmp_itr );
+		jsonIteratorFree( tmp_itr );
+		snode = NULL;
+		// There shouldn't be more than one entry in join_hash
+		if( extra ) {
+			osrfLogError(
+				"%s: Malformed FROM clause: extra entry in JSON_HASH",
+				modulename
+			);
+			if( ctx )
+				osrfAppSessionStatus(
+					ctx->session,
+					"osrfMethodException",
+					ctx->request,
+					"Malformed FROM clause in JSON query"
+				);
+			return NULL;    // Malformed join_hash; extra entry
+		}
+	} else if( join_hash->type == JSON_ARRAY ) {
+		// We're selecting from a function, not from a table
+		from_function = 1;
+		core_class = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetIndex( join_hash, 0 ));
+		selhash = NULL;
+	} else if( join_hash->type == JSON_STRING ) {
+		// Populate the current QueryFrame with information
+		// about the core class
+		core_class = jsonObjectGetString( join_hash );
+		join_hash = NULL;
+		if( add_query_core( NULL, core_class ) ) {
+			if( ctx )
+				osrfAppSessionStatus(
+					ctx->session,
+					"osrfMethodException",
+					ctx->request,
+					"Unable to look up core class"
+				);
+			return NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s: FROM clause is unexpected JSON type: %s",
+			modulename,
+			json_type( join_hash->type )
+		);
+		if( ctx )
+			osrfAppSessionStatus(
+				ctx->session,
+				"osrfMethodException",
+				ctx->request,
+				"Ill-formed FROM clause in JSON query"
+			);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	// Build the join clause, if any, while filling out the list
+	// of joined classes in the current QueryFrame.
+	char* join_clause = NULL;
+	if( join_hash && ! from_function ) {
+		join_clause = searchJOIN( join_hash, &curr_query->core );
+		if( ! join_clause ) {
+			if( ctx )
+				osrfAppSessionStatus(
+					ctx->session,
+					"osrfMethodException",
+					ctx->request,
+					"Unable to construct JOIN clause(s)"
+				);
+			return NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	// For in case we don't get a select list
+	jsonObject* defaultselhash = NULL;
+	// if there is no select list, build a default select list ...
+	if( !selhash && !from_function ) {
+		jsonObject* default_list = defaultSelectList( core_class );
+		if( ! default_list ) {
+			if( ctx ) {
+				osrfAppSessionStatus(
+					ctx->session,
+					"osrfMethodException",
+					ctx->request,
+					"Unable to build default SELECT clause in JSON query"
+				);
+				free( join_clause );
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		}
+		selhash = defaultselhash = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_HASH );
+		jsonObjectSetKey( selhash, core_class, default_list );
+	}
+	// The SELECT clause can be encoded only by a hash
+	if( !from_function && selhash->type != JSON_HASH ) {
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s: Expected JSON_HASH for SELECT clause; found %s",
+			modulename,
+			json_type( selhash->type )
+		);
+		if( ctx )
+			osrfAppSessionStatus(
+				ctx->session,
+				"osrfMethodException",
+				ctx->request,
+				"Malformed SELECT clause in JSON query"
+			);
+		free( join_clause );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	// If you see a null or wild card specifier for the core class, or an
+	// empty array, replace it with a default SELECT list
+	tmp_const = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( selhash, core_class );
+	if( tmp_const ) {
+		int default_needed = 0;   // boolean
+		if( JSON_STRING == tmp_const->type
+			&& !strcmp( "*", jsonObjectGetString( tmp_const ) ))
+				default_needed = 1;
+		else if( JSON_NULL == tmp_const->type )
+			default_needed = 1;
+		if( default_needed ) {
+			// Build a default SELECT list
+			jsonObject* default_list = defaultSelectList( core_class );
+			if( ! default_list ) {
+				if( ctx ) {
+					osrfAppSessionStatus(
+						ctx->session,
+						"osrfMethodException",
+						ctx->request,
+						"Can't build default SELECT clause in JSON query"
+					);
+					free( join_clause );
+					return NULL;
+				}
+			}
+			jsonObjectSetKey( selhash, core_class, default_list );
+		}
+	}
+	// temp buffers for the SELECT list and GROUP BY clause
+	growing_buffer* select_buf = buffer_init( 128 );
+	growing_buffer* group_buf  = buffer_init( 128 );
+	int aggregate_found = 0;     // boolean
+	// Build a select list
+	if( from_function )   // From a function we select everything
+		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( select_buf, '*' );
+	else {
+		// Build the SELECT list as SQL
+	    int sel_pos = 1;
+	    first = 1;
+	    gfirst = 1;
+	    jsonIterator* selclass_itr = jsonNewIterator( selhash );
+	    while ( (selclass = jsonIteratorNext( selclass_itr )) ) {    // For each class
+			const char* cname = selclass_itr->key;
+			// Make sure the target relation is in the FROM clause.
+			// At this point join_hash is a step down from the join_hash we
+			// received as a parameter.  If the original was a JSON_STRING,
+			// then json_hash is now NULL.  If the original was a JSON_HASH,
+			// then json_hash is now the first (and only) entry in it,
+			// denoting the core class.  We've already excluded the
+			// possibility that the original was a JSON_ARRAY, because in
+			// that case from_function would be non-NULL, and we wouldn't
+			// be here.
+			// If the current table alias isn't in scope, bail out
+			ClassInfo* class_info = search_alias( cname );
+			if( ! class_info ) {
+				osrfLogError(
+					"%s: SELECT clause references class not in FROM clause: \"%s\"",
+					modulename,
+					cname
+				);
+				if( ctx )
+					osrfAppSessionStatus(
+						ctx->session,
+						"osrfMethodException",
+						ctx->request,
+						"Selected class not in FROM clause in JSON query"
+					);
+				jsonIteratorFree( selclass_itr );
+				buffer_free( select_buf );
+				buffer_free( group_buf );
+				if( defaultselhash )
+					jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+				free( join_clause );
+				return NULL;
+			}
+			if( selclass->type != JSON_ARRAY ) {
+				osrfLogError(
+					"%s: Malformed SELECT list for class \"%s\"; not an array",
+					modulename,
+					cname
+				);
+				if( ctx )
+					osrfAppSessionStatus(
+						ctx->session,
+						"osrfMethodException",
+						ctx->request,
+						"Selected class not in FROM clause in JSON query"
+					);
+				jsonIteratorFree( selclass_itr );
+				buffer_free( select_buf );
+				buffer_free( group_buf );
+				if( defaultselhash )
+					jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+				free( join_clause );
+				return NULL;
+			}
+			// Look up some attributes of the current class
+			osrfHash* idlClass        = class_info->class_def;
+			osrfHash* class_field_set = class_info->fields;
+			const char* class_pkey    = osrfHashGet( idlClass, "primarykey" );
+			const char* class_tname   = osrfHashGet( idlClass, "tablename" );
+			if( 0 == selclass->size ) {
+				osrfLogWarning(
+					"%s: No columns selected from \"%s\"",
+					modulename,
+					cname
+				);
+			}
+			// stitch together the column list for the current table alias...
+			unsigned long field_idx = 0;
+			jsonObject* selfield = NULL;
+			while(( selfield = jsonObjectGetIndex( selclass, field_idx++ ) )) {
+				// If we need a separator comma, add one
+				if( first ) {
+					first = 0;
+				} else {
+					OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( select_buf, ',' );
+				}
+				// if the field specification is a string, add it to the list
+				if( selfield->type == JSON_STRING ) {
+					// Look up the field in the IDL
+					const char* col_name = jsonObjectGetString( selfield );
+					osrfHash* field_def = osrfHashGet( class_field_set, col_name );
+					if( !field_def ) {
+						// No such field in current class
+						osrfLogError(
+							OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+							"%s: Selected column \"%s\" not defined in IDL for class \"%s\"",
+							modulename,
+							col_name,
+							cname
+						);
+						if( ctx )
+							osrfAppSessionStatus(
+								ctx->session,
+								"osrfMethodException",
+								ctx->request,
+								"Selected column not defined in JSON query"
+							);
+						jsonIteratorFree( selclass_itr );
+						buffer_free( select_buf );
+						buffer_free( group_buf );
+						if( defaultselhash )
+							jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+						free( join_clause );
+						return NULL;
+					} else if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( field_def, "virtual" ) ) ) {
+						// Virtual field not allowed
+						osrfLogError(
+							OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+							"%s: Selected column \"%s\" for class \"%s\" is virtual",
+							modulename,
+							col_name,
+							cname
+						);
+						if( ctx )
+							osrfAppSessionStatus(
+								ctx->session,
+								"osrfMethodException",
+								ctx->request,
+								"Selected column may not be virtual in JSON query"
+							);
+						jsonIteratorFree( selclass_itr );
+						buffer_free( select_buf );
+						buffer_free( group_buf );
+						if( defaultselhash )
+							jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+						free( join_clause );
+						return NULL;
+					}
+					if( locale ) {
+						const char* i18n;
+						if( flags & DISABLE_I18N )
+							i18n = NULL;
+						else
+							i18n = osrfHashGet( field_def, "i18n" );
+						if( str_is_true( i18n ) ) {
+							buffer_fadd( select_buf, " oils_i18n_xlate('%s', '%s', '%s', "
+								"'%s', \"%s\".%s::TEXT, '%s') AS \"%s\"",
+								class_tname, cname, col_name, class_pkey,
+								cname, class_pkey, locale, col_name );
+						} else {
+							buffer_fadd( select_buf, " \"%s\".%s AS \"%s\"",
+								cname, col_name, col_name );
+						}
+					} else {
+						buffer_fadd( select_buf, " \"%s\".%s AS \"%s\"",
+								cname, col_name, col_name );
+					}
+				// ... but it could be an object, in which case we check for a Field Transform
+				} else if( selfield->type == JSON_HASH ) {
+					const char* col_name = jsonObjectGetString(
+							jsonObjectGetKeyConst( selfield, "column" ) );
+					// Get the field definition from the IDL
+					osrfHash* field_def = osrfHashGet( class_field_set, col_name );
+					if( !field_def ) {
+						// No such field in current class
+						osrfLogError(
+							OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+							"%s: Selected column \"%s\" is not defined in IDL for class \"%s\"",
+							modulename,
+							col_name,
+							cname
+						);
+						if( ctx )
+							osrfAppSessionStatus(
+								ctx->session,
+								"osrfMethodException",
+								ctx->request,
+								"Selected column is not defined in JSON query"
+							);
+						jsonIteratorFree( selclass_itr );
+						buffer_free( select_buf );
+						buffer_free( group_buf );
+						if( defaultselhash )
+							jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+						free( join_clause );
+						return NULL;
+					} else if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( field_def, "virtual" ))) {
+						// No such field in current class
+						osrfLogError(
+							OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+							"%s: Selected column \"%s\" is virtual for class \"%s\"",
+							modulename,
+							col_name,
+							cname
+						);
+						if( ctx )
+							osrfAppSessionStatus(
+								ctx->session,
+								"osrfMethodException",
+								ctx->request,
+								"Selected column is virtual in JSON query"
+							);
+						jsonIteratorFree( selclass_itr );
+						buffer_free( select_buf );
+						buffer_free( group_buf );
+						if( defaultselhash )
+							jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+						free( join_clause );
+						return NULL;
+					}
+					// Decide what to use as a column alias
+					const char* _alias;
+					if((tmp_const = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( selfield, "alias" ))) {
+						_alias = jsonObjectGetString( tmp_const );
+					} else {         // Use field name as the alias
+						_alias = col_name;
+					}
+					if( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( selfield, "transform" )) {
+						char* transform_str = searchFieldTransform(
+							class_info->alias, field_def, selfield );
+						if( transform_str ) {
+							buffer_fadd( select_buf, " %s AS \"%s\"", transform_str, _alias );
+							free( transform_str );
+						} else {
+							if( ctx )
+								osrfAppSessionStatus(
+									ctx->session,
+									"osrfMethodException",
+									ctx->request,
+									"Unable to generate transform function in JSON query"
+								);
+							jsonIteratorFree( selclass_itr );
+							buffer_free( select_buf );
+							buffer_free( group_buf );
+							if( defaultselhash )
+								jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+							free( join_clause );
+							return NULL;
+						}
+					} else {
+						if( locale ) {
+							const char* i18n;
+							if( flags & DISABLE_I18N )
+								i18n = NULL;
+							else
+								i18n = osrfHashGet( field_def, "i18n" );
+							if( str_is_true( i18n ) ) {
+								buffer_fadd( select_buf,
+									" oils_i18n_xlate('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', "
+									"\"%s\".%s::TEXT, '%s') AS \"%s\"",
+									class_tname, cname, col_name, class_pkey, cname,
+									class_pkey, locale, _alias );
+							} else {
+								buffer_fadd( select_buf, " \"%s\".%s AS \"%s\"",
+									cname, col_name, _alias );
+							}
+						} else {
+							buffer_fadd( select_buf, " \"%s\".%s AS \"%s\"",
+								cname, col_name, _alias );
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				else {
+					osrfLogError(
+						"%s: Selected item is unexpected JSON type: %s",
+						modulename,
+						json_type( selfield->type )
+					);
+					if( ctx )
+						osrfAppSessionStatus(
+							ctx->session,
+							"osrfMethodException",
+							ctx->request,
+							"Ill-formed SELECT item in JSON query"
+						);
+					jsonIteratorFree( selclass_itr );
+					buffer_free( select_buf );
+					buffer_free( group_buf );
+					if( defaultselhash )
+						jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+					free( join_clause );
+					return NULL;
+				}
+				const jsonObject* agg_obj = jsonObjectGetKey( selfield, "aggregate" );
+				if( obj_is_true( agg_obj ) )
+					aggregate_found = 1;
+				else {
+					// Append a comma (except for the first one)
+					// and add the column to a GROUP BY clause
+					if( gfirst )
+						gfirst = 0;
+					else
+						OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( group_buf, ',' );
+					buffer_fadd( group_buf, " %d", sel_pos );
+				}
+#if 0
+			    if (is_agg->size || (flags & SELECT_DISTINCT)) {
+					const jsonObject* aggregate_obj = jsonObjectGetKey( selfield, "aggregate" );
+				    if ( ! obj_is_true( aggregate_obj ) ) {
+					    if (gfirst) {
+						    gfirst = 0;
+					    } else {
+							OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( group_buf, ',' );
+					    }
+					    buffer_fadd(group_buf, " %d", sel_pos);
+					/*
+				    } else if (is_agg = jsonObjectGetKey( selfield, "having" )) {
+					    if (gfirst) {
+						    gfirst = 0;
+					    } else {
+							OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( group_buf, ',' );
+					    }
+					    _column = searchFieldTransform(class_info->alias, field, selfield);
+						OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR(group_buf, ' ');
+						OSRF_BUFFER_ADD(group_buf, _column);
+					    _column = searchFieldTransform(class_info->alias, field, selfield);
+					*/
+				    }
+			    }
+				sel_pos++;
+			} // end while -- iterating across SELECT columns
+		} // end while -- iterating across classes
+		jsonIteratorFree( selclass_itr );
+	}
+	char* col_list = buffer_release( select_buf );
+	// Make sure the SELECT list isn't empty.  This can happen, for example,
+	// if we try to build a default SELECT clause from a non-core table.
+	if( ! *col_list ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: SELECT clause is empty", modulename );
+		if( ctx )
+			osrfAppSessionStatus(
+				ctx->session,
+				"osrfMethodException",
+				ctx->request,
+				"SELECT list is empty"
+		);
+		free( col_list );
+		buffer_free( group_buf );
+		if( defaultselhash )
+			jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+		free( join_clause );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	char* table = NULL;
+	if( from_function )
+		table = searchValueTransform( join_hash );
+	else
+		table = strdup( curr_query->core.source_def );
+	if( !table ) {
+		if( ctx )
+			osrfAppSessionStatus(
+				ctx->session,
+				"osrfMethodException",
+				ctx->request,
+				"Unable to identify table for core class"
+			);
+		free( col_list );
+		buffer_free( group_buf );
+		if( defaultselhash )
+			jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+		free( join_clause );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	// Put it all together
+	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init( 128 );
+	buffer_fadd(sql_buf, "SELECT %s FROM %s AS \"%s\" ", col_list, table, core_class );
+	free( col_list );
+	free( table );
+	// Append the join clause, if any
+	if( join_clause ) {
+		buffer_add(sql_buf, join_clause );
+		free( join_clause );
+	}
+	char* order_by_list = NULL;
+	char* having_buf = NULL;
+	if( !from_function ) {
+		// Build a WHERE clause, if there is one
+		if( search_hash ) {
+			buffer_add( sql_buf, " WHERE " );
+			// and it's on the WHERE clause
+			char* pred = searchWHERE( search_hash, &curr_query->core, AND_OP_JOIN, ctx );
+			if( ! pred ) {
+				if( ctx ) {
+					osrfAppSessionStatus(
+						ctx->session,
+						"osrfMethodException",
+						ctx->request,
+						"Severe query error in WHERE predicate -- see error log for more details"
+					);
+				}
+				buffer_free( group_buf );
+				buffer_free( sql_buf );
+				if( defaultselhash )
+					jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+				return NULL;
+			}
+			buffer_add( sql_buf, pred );
+			free( pred );
+		}
+		// Build a HAVING clause, if there is one
+		if( having_hash ) {
+			// and it's on the the WHERE clause
+			having_buf = searchWHERE( having_hash, &curr_query->core, AND_OP_JOIN, ctx );
+			if( ! having_buf ) {
+				if( ctx ) {
+						osrfAppSessionStatus(
+						ctx->session,
+						"osrfMethodException",
+						ctx->request,
+						"Severe query error in HAVING predicate -- see error log for more details"
+					);
+				}
+				buffer_free( group_buf );
+				buffer_free( sql_buf );
+				if( defaultselhash )
+					jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		}
+		growing_buffer* order_buf = NULL;  // to collect ORDER BY list
+		// Build an ORDER BY clause, if there is one
+		if( NULL == order_hash )
+			;  // No ORDER BY? do nothing
+		else if( JSON_ARRAY == order_hash->type ) {
+			// Array of field specifications, each specification being a
+			// hash to define the class, field, and other details
+			int order_idx = 0;
+			jsonObject* order_spec;
+			while( (order_spec = jsonObjectGetIndex( order_hash, order_idx++ ) ) ) {
+				if( JSON_HASH != order_spec->type ) {
+					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+						 "%s: Malformed field specification in ORDER BY clause; expected JSON_HASH, found %s",
+						modulename, json_type( order_spec->type ) );
+					if( ctx )
+						osrfAppSessionStatus(
+							 ctx->session,
+							"osrfMethodException",
+							ctx->request,
+							"Malformed ORDER BY clause -- see error log for more details"
+						);
+					buffer_free( order_buf );
+					free( having_buf );
+					buffer_free( group_buf );
+					buffer_free( sql_buf );
+					if( defaultselhash )
+						jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+					return NULL;
+				}
+				const char* class_alias =
+						jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( order_spec, "class" ) );
+				const char* field =
+						jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( order_spec, "field" ) );
+				if( order_buf )
+					OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( order_buf, ", " );
+				else
+					order_buf = buffer_init( 128 );
+				if( !field || !class_alias ) {
+					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+						"%s: Missing class or field name in field specification "
+						"of ORDER BY clause",
+						modulename );
+					if( ctx )
+						osrfAppSessionStatus(
+							ctx->session,
+							"osrfMethodException",
+							ctx->request,
+							"Malformed ORDER BY clause -- see error log for more details"
+						);
+					buffer_free( order_buf );
+					free( having_buf );
+					buffer_free( group_buf );
+					buffer_free( sql_buf );
+					if( defaultselhash )
+						jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+					return NULL;
+				}
+				ClassInfo* order_class_info = search_alias( class_alias );
+				if( ! order_class_info ) {
+					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: ORDER BY clause references class \"%s\" "
+							"not in FROM clause", modulename, class_alias );
+					if( ctx )
+						osrfAppSessionStatus(
+							ctx->session,
+							"osrfMethodException",
+							ctx->request,
+							"Invalid class referenced in ORDER BY clause -- "
+							"see error log for more details"
+						);
+					free( having_buf );
+					buffer_free( group_buf );
+					buffer_free( sql_buf );
+					if( defaultselhash )
+						jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+					return NULL;
+				}
+				osrfHash* field_def = osrfHashGet( order_class_info->fields, field );
+				if( !field_def ) {
+					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+						"%s: Invalid field \"%s\".%s referenced in ORDER BY clause",
+						modulename, class_alias, field );
+					if( ctx )
+						osrfAppSessionStatus(
+							ctx->session,
+							"osrfMethodException",
+							ctx->request,
+							"Invalid field referenced in ORDER BY clause -- "
+							"see error log for more details"
+						);
+					free( having_buf );
+					buffer_free( group_buf );
+					buffer_free( sql_buf );
+					if( defaultselhash )
+						jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+					return NULL;
+				} else if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( field_def, "virtual" ) ) ) {
+					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Virtual field \"%s\" in ORDER BY clause",
+								 modulename, field );
+					if( ctx )
+						osrfAppSessionStatus(
+							ctx->session,
+							"osrfMethodException",
+							ctx->request,
+							"Virtual field in ORDER BY clause -- see error log for more details"
+						);
+					buffer_free( order_buf );
+					free( having_buf );
+					buffer_free( group_buf );
+					buffer_free( sql_buf );
+					if( defaultselhash )
+						jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+					return NULL;
+				}
+				if( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( order_spec, "transform" ) ) {
+					char* transform_str = searchFieldTransform(
+							class_alias, field_def, order_spec );
+					if( ! transform_str ) {
+						if( ctx )
+							osrfAppSessionStatus(
+								ctx->session,
+								"osrfMethodException",
+								ctx->request,
+								"Severe query error in ORDER BY clause -- "
+								"see error log for more details"
+							);
+						buffer_free( order_buf );
+						free( having_buf );
+						buffer_free( group_buf );
+						buffer_free( sql_buf );
+						if( defaultselhash )
+							jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+						return NULL;
+					}
+					OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( order_buf, transform_str );
+					free( transform_str );
+				}
+				else
+					buffer_fadd( order_buf, "\"%s\".%s", class_alias, field );
+				const char* direction =
+						jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( order_spec, "direction" ) );
+				if( direction ) {
+					if( direction[ 0 ] || 'D' == direction[ 0 ] )
+						OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( order_buf, " DESC" );
+					else
+						OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( order_buf, " ASC" );
+				}
+			}
+		} else if( JSON_HASH == order_hash->type ) {
+			// This hash is keyed on class alias.  Each class has either
+			// an array of field names or a hash keyed on field name.
+			jsonIterator* class_itr = jsonNewIterator( order_hash );
+			while( (snode = jsonIteratorNext( class_itr )) ) {
+				ClassInfo* order_class_info = search_alias( class_itr->key );
+				if( ! order_class_info ) {
+					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+						"%s: Invalid class \"%s\" referenced in ORDER BY clause",
+						modulename, class_itr->key );
+					if( ctx )
+						osrfAppSessionStatus(
+							ctx->session,
+							"osrfMethodException",
+							ctx->request,
+							"Invalid class referenced in ORDER BY clause -- "
+							"see error log for more details"
+						);
+					jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
+					buffer_free( order_buf );
+					free( having_buf );
+					buffer_free( group_buf );
+					buffer_free( sql_buf );
+					if( defaultselhash )
+						jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+					return NULL;
+				}
+				osrfHash* field_list_def = order_class_info->fields;
+				if( snode->type == JSON_HASH ) {
+					// Hash is keyed on field names from the current class.  For each field
+					// there is another layer of hash to define the sorting details, if any,
+					// or a string to indicate direction of sorting.
+					jsonIterator* order_itr = jsonNewIterator( snode );
+					while( (onode = jsonIteratorNext( order_itr )) ) {
+						osrfHash* field_def = osrfHashGet( field_list_def, order_itr->key );
+						if( !field_def ) {
+							osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+								"%s: Invalid field \"%s\" in ORDER BY clause",
+								modulename, order_itr->key );
+							if( ctx )
+								osrfAppSessionStatus(
+									ctx->session,
+									"osrfMethodException",
+									ctx->request,
+									"Invalid field in ORDER BY clause -- "
+									"see error log for more details"
+								);
+							jsonIteratorFree( order_itr );
+							jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
+							buffer_free( order_buf );
+							free( having_buf );
+							buffer_free( group_buf );
+							buffer_free( sql_buf );
+							if( defaultselhash )
+								jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+							return NULL;
+						} else if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( field_def, "virtual" ) ) ) {
+							osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+								"%s: Virtual field \"%s\" in ORDER BY clause",
+								modulename, order_itr->key );
+							if( ctx )
+								osrfAppSessionStatus(
+									ctx->session,
+									"osrfMethodException",
+									ctx->request,
+									"Virtual field in ORDER BY clause -- "
+									"see error log for more details"
+							);
+							jsonIteratorFree( order_itr );
+							jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
+							buffer_free( order_buf );
+							free( having_buf );
+							buffer_free( group_buf );
+							buffer_free( sql_buf );
+							if( defaultselhash )
+								jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+							return NULL;
+						}
+						const char* direction = NULL;
+						if( onode->type == JSON_HASH ) {
+							if( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( onode, "transform" ) ) {
+								string = searchFieldTransform(
+									class_itr->key,
+									osrfHashGet( field_list_def, order_itr->key ),
+									onode
+								);
+								if( ! string ) {
+									if( ctx ) osrfAppSessionStatus(
+										ctx->session,
+										"osrfMethodException",
+										ctx->request,
+										"Severe query error in ORDER BY clause -- "
+										"see error log for more details"
+									);
+									jsonIteratorFree( order_itr );
+									jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
+									free( having_buf );
+									buffer_free( group_buf );
+									buffer_free( order_buf);
+									buffer_free( sql_buf );
+									if( defaultselhash )
+										jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+									return NULL;
+								}
+							} else {
+								growing_buffer* field_buf = buffer_init( 16 );
+								buffer_fadd( field_buf, "\"%s\".%s",
+									class_itr->key, order_itr->key );
+								string = buffer_release( field_buf );
+							}
+							if( (tmp_const = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( onode, "direction" )) ) {
+								const char* dir = jsonObjectGetString( tmp_const );
+								if(!strncasecmp( dir, "d", 1 )) {
+									direction = " DESC";
+								} else {
+									direction = " ASC";
+								}
+							}
+						} else if( JSON_NULL == onode->type || JSON_ARRAY == onode->type ) {
+							osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+								"%s: Expected JSON_STRING in ORDER BY clause; found %s",
+								modulename, json_type( onode->type ) );
+							if( ctx )
+								osrfAppSessionStatus(
+									ctx->session,
+									"osrfMethodException",
+									ctx->request,
+									"Malformed ORDER BY clause -- see error log for more details"
+								);
+							jsonIteratorFree( order_itr );
+							jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
+							free( having_buf );
+							buffer_free( group_buf );
+							buffer_free( order_buf );
+							buffer_free( sql_buf );
+							if( defaultselhash )
+								jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+							return NULL;
+						} else {
+							string = strdup( order_itr->key );
+							const char* dir = jsonObjectGetString( onode );
+							if( !strncasecmp( dir, "d", 1 )) {
+								direction = " DESC";
+							} else {
+								direction = " ASC";
+							}
+						}
+						if( order_buf )
+							OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( order_buf, ", " );
+						else
+							order_buf = buffer_init( 128 );
+						OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( order_buf, string );
+						free( string );
+						if( direction ) {
+							 OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( order_buf, direction );
+						}
+					} // end while
+					jsonIteratorFree( order_itr );
+				} else if( snode->type == JSON_ARRAY ) {
+					// Array is a list of fields from the current class
+					unsigned long order_idx = 0;
+					while(( onode = jsonObjectGetIndex( snode, order_idx++ ) )) {
+						const char* _f = jsonObjectGetString( onode );
+						osrfHash* field_def = osrfHashGet( field_list_def, _f );
+						if( !field_def ) {
+							osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+									"%s: Invalid field \"%s\" in ORDER BY clause",
+									modulename, _f );
+							if( ctx )
+								osrfAppSessionStatus(
+									ctx->session,
+									"osrfMethodException",
+									ctx->request,
+									"Invalid field in ORDER BY clause -- "
+									"see error log for more details"
+								);
+							jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
+							buffer_free( order_buf );
+							free( having_buf );
+							buffer_free( group_buf );
+							buffer_free( sql_buf );
+							if( defaultselhash )
+								jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+							return NULL;
+						} else if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( field_def, "virtual" ) ) ) {
+							osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+								"%s: Virtual field \"%s\" in ORDER BY clause",
+								modulename, _f );
+							if( ctx )
+								osrfAppSessionStatus(
+									ctx->session,
+									"osrfMethodException",
+									ctx->request,
+									"Virtual field in ORDER BY clause -- "
+									"see error log for more details"
+								);
+							jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
+							buffer_free( order_buf );
+							free( having_buf );
+							buffer_free( group_buf );
+							buffer_free( sql_buf );
+							if( defaultselhash )
+								jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+							return NULL;
+						}
+						if( order_buf )
+							OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( order_buf, ", " );
+						else
+							order_buf = buffer_init( 128 );
+						buffer_fadd( order_buf, "\"%s\".%s", class_itr->key, _f );
+					} // end while
+				} else {
+					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+						"%s: Possible SQL injection attempt; direct order by is not allowed",
+						modulename );
+					if(ctx) {
+						osrfAppSessionStatus(
+							ctx->session,
+							"osrfMethodException",
+							ctx->request,
+							"Severe query error -- see error log for more details"
+						);
+					}
+					free( having_buf );
+					buffer_free( group_buf );
+					buffer_free( order_buf );
+					buffer_free( sql_buf );
+					if( defaultselhash )
+						jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+					jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
+					return NULL;
+				}
+			} // end while
+			jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
+		} else {
+			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+				"%s: Malformed ORDER BY clause; expected JSON_HASH or JSON_ARRAY, found %s",
+				modulename, json_type( order_hash->type ) );
+			if( ctx )
+				osrfAppSessionStatus(
+					ctx->session,
+					"osrfMethodException",
+					ctx->request,
+					"Malformed ORDER BY clause -- see error log for more details"
+				);
+			buffer_free( order_buf );
+			free( having_buf );
+			buffer_free( group_buf );
+			buffer_free( sql_buf );
+			if( defaultselhash )
+				jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		if( order_buf )
+			order_by_list = buffer_release( order_buf );
+	}
+	string = buffer_release( group_buf );
+	if( *string && ( aggregate_found || (flags & SELECT_DISTINCT) ) ) {
+		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, " GROUP BY " );
+		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, string );
+	}
+	free( string );
+	if( having_buf && *having_buf ) {
+		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, " HAVING " );
+		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, having_buf );
+		free( having_buf );
+	}
+	if( order_by_list ) {
+		if( *order_by_list ) {
+			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, " ORDER BY " );
+			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, order_by_list );
+		}
+		free( order_by_list );
+	}
+	if( limit ){
+		const char* str = jsonObjectGetString( limit );
+		buffer_fadd( sql_buf, " LIMIT %d", atoi( str ));
+	}
+	if( offset ) {
+		const char* str = jsonObjectGetString( offset );
+		buffer_fadd( sql_buf, " OFFSET %d", atoi( str ));
+	}
+	if( !(flags & SUBSELECT) )
+		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( sql_buf, ';' );
+	if( defaultselhash )
+		 jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+	return buffer_release( sql_buf );
+} // end of SELECT()
+static char* buildSELECT ( jsonObject* search_hash, jsonObject* order_hash, osrfHash* meta, osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	const char* locale = osrf_message_get_last_locale();
+	osrfHash* fields = osrfHashGet( meta, "fields" );
+	char* core_class = osrfHashGet( meta, "classname" );
+	const jsonObject* join_hash = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( order_hash, "join" );
+	jsonObject* node = NULL;
+	jsonObject* snode = NULL;
+	jsonObject* onode = NULL;
+	const jsonObject* _tmp = NULL;
+	jsonObject* selhash = NULL;
+	jsonObject* defaultselhash = NULL;
+	growing_buffer* sql_buf = buffer_init( 128 );
+	growing_buffer* select_buf = buffer_init( 128 );
+	if( !(selhash = jsonObjectGetKey( order_hash, "select" )) ) {
+		defaultselhash = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_HASH );
+		selhash = defaultselhash;
+	}
+	// If there's no SELECT list for the core class, build one
+	if( !jsonObjectGetKeyConst( selhash, core_class ) ) {
+		jsonObject* field_list = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_ARRAY );
+		// Add every non-virtual field to the field list
+		osrfHash* field_def = NULL;
+		osrfHashIterator* field_itr = osrfNewHashIterator( fields );
+		while( ( field_def = osrfHashIteratorNext( field_itr ) ) ) {
+			if( ! str_is_true( osrfHashGet( field_def, "virtual" ) ) ) {
+				const char* field = osrfHashIteratorKey( field_itr );
+				jsonObjectPush( field_list, jsonNewObject( field ) );
+			}
+		}
+		osrfHashIteratorFree( field_itr );
+		jsonObjectSetKey( selhash, core_class, field_list );
+	}
+	int first = 1;
+	jsonIterator* class_itr = jsonNewIterator( selhash );
+	while( (snode = jsonIteratorNext( class_itr )) ) {
+		const char* cname = class_itr->key;
+		osrfHash* idlClass = osrfHashGet( oilsIDL(), cname );
+		if( !idlClass )
+			continue;
+		if( strcmp(core_class,class_itr->key )) {
+			if( !join_hash )
+				continue;
+			jsonObject* found =  jsonObjectFindPath( join_hash, "//%s", class_itr->key );
+			if( !found->size ) {
+				jsonObjectFree( found );
+				continue;
+			}
+			jsonObjectFree( found );
+		}
+		jsonIterator* select_itr = jsonNewIterator( snode );
+		while( (node = jsonIteratorNext( select_itr )) ) {
+			const char* item_str = jsonObjectGetString( node );
+			osrfHash* field = osrfHashGet( osrfHashGet( idlClass, "fields" ), item_str );
+			char* fname = osrfHashGet( field, "name" );
+			if( !field )
+				continue;
+			if( first ) {
+				first = 0;
+			} else {
+				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( select_buf, ',' );
+			}
+			if( locale ) {
+				const char* i18n;
+				const jsonObject* no_i18n_obj = jsonObjectGetKey( order_hash, "no_i18n" );
+				if( obj_is_true( no_i18n_obj ) )    // Suppress internationalization?
+					i18n = NULL;
+				else
+					i18n = osrfHashGet( field, "i18n" );
+				if( str_is_true( i18n ) ) {
+					char* pkey = osrfHashGet( idlClass, "primarykey" );
+					char* tname = osrfHashGet( idlClass, "tablename" );
+					buffer_fadd( select_buf, " oils_i18n_xlate('%s', '%s', '%s', "
+							"'%s', \"%s\".%s::TEXT, '%s') AS \"%s\"",
+							tname, cname, fname, pkey, cname, pkey, locale, fname );
+				} else {
+					buffer_fadd( select_buf, " \"%s\".%s", cname, fname );
+				}
+			} else {
+				buffer_fadd( select_buf, " \"%s\".%s", cname, fname );
+			}
+		}
+		jsonIteratorFree( select_itr );
+	}
+	jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
+	char* col_list = buffer_release( select_buf );
+	char* table = getRelation( meta );
+	if( !table )
+		table = strdup( "(null)" );
+	buffer_fadd( sql_buf, "SELECT %s FROM %s AS \"%s\"", col_list, table, core_class );
+	free( col_list );
+	free( table );
+	// Clear the query stack (as a fail-safe precaution against possible
+	// leftover garbage); then push the first query frame onto the stack.
+	clear_query_stack();
+	push_query_frame();
+	if( add_query_core( NULL, core_class ) ) {
+		if( ctx )
+			osrfAppSessionStatus(
+				ctx->session,
+				"osrfMethodException",
+				ctx->request,
+				"Unable to build query frame for core class"
+			);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if( join_hash ) {
+		char* join_clause = searchJOIN( join_hash, &curr_query->core );
+		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( sql_buf, ' ' );
+		OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, join_clause );
+		free( join_clause );
+	}
+	osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s pre-predicate SQL =  %s",
+				  modulename, OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR( sql_buf ));
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, " WHERE " );
+	char* pred = searchWHERE( search_hash, &curr_query->core, AND_OP_JOIN, ctx );
+	if( !pred ) {
+		osrfAppSessionStatus(
+			ctx->session,
+				"osrfMethodException",
+				ctx->request,
+				"Severe query error -- see error log for more details"
+			);
+		buffer_free( sql_buf );
+		if( defaultselhash )
+			jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+		clear_query_stack();
+		return NULL;
+	} else {
+		buffer_add( sql_buf, pred );
+		free( pred );
+	}
+	if( order_hash ) {
+		char* string = NULL;
+		if( (_tmp = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( order_hash, "order_by" )) ){
+			growing_buffer* order_buf = buffer_init( 128 );
+			first = 1;
+			jsonIterator* class_itr = jsonNewIterator( _tmp );
+			while( (snode = jsonIteratorNext( class_itr )) ) {
+				if( !jsonObjectGetKeyConst( selhash,class_itr->key ))
+					continue;
+				if( snode->type == JSON_HASH ) {
+					jsonIterator* order_itr = jsonNewIterator( snode );
+					while( (onode = jsonIteratorNext( order_itr )) ) {
+						osrfHash* field_def = oilsIDLFindPath( "/%s/fields/%s",
+								class_itr->key, order_itr->key );
+						if( !field_def )
+							continue;
+						char* direction = NULL;
+						if( onode->type == JSON_HASH ) {
+							if( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( onode, "transform" ) ) {
+								string = searchFieldTransform( class_itr->key, field_def, onode );
+								if( ! string ) {
+									osrfAppSessionStatus(
+										ctx->session,
+										"osrfMethodException",
+										ctx->request,
+										"Severe query error in ORDER BY clause -- "
+										"see error log for more details"
+									);
+									jsonIteratorFree( order_itr );
+									jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
+									buffer_free( order_buf );
+									buffer_free( sql_buf );
+									if( defaultselhash )
+										jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+									clear_query_stack();
+									return NULL;
+								}
+							} else {
+								growing_buffer* field_buf = buffer_init( 16 );
+								buffer_fadd( field_buf, "\"%s\".%s",
+									class_itr->key, order_itr->key );
+								string = buffer_release( field_buf );
+							}
+							if( (_tmp = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( onode, "direction" )) ) {
+								const char* dir = jsonObjectGetString( _tmp );
+								if(!strncasecmp( dir, "d", 1 )) {
+									direction = " DESC";
+								}
+							}
+						} else {
+							string = strdup( order_itr->key );
+							const char* dir = jsonObjectGetString( onode );
+							if( !strncasecmp( dir, "d", 1 )) {
+								direction = " DESC";
+							} else {
+								direction = " ASC";
+							}
+						}
+						if( first ) {
+							first = 0;
+						} else {
+							buffer_add( order_buf, ", " );
+						}
+						buffer_add( order_buf, string );
+						free( string );
+						if( direction ) {
+							buffer_add( order_buf, direction );
+						}
+					}
+					jsonIteratorFree( order_itr );
+				} else {
+					const char* str = jsonObjectGetString( snode );
+					buffer_add( order_buf, str );
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			jsonIteratorFree( class_itr );
+			string = buffer_release( order_buf );
+			if( *string ) {
+				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, " ORDER BY " );
+				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, string );
+			}
+			free( string );
+		}
+		if( (_tmp = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( order_hash, "limit" )) ) {
+			const char* str = jsonObjectGetString( _tmp );
+			buffer_fadd(
+				sql_buf,
+				" LIMIT %d",
+				atoi(str)
+			);
+		}
+		_tmp = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( order_hash, "offset" );
+		if( _tmp ) {
+			const char* str = jsonObjectGetString( _tmp );
+			buffer_fadd(
+				sql_buf,
+				" OFFSET %d",
+				atoi( str )
+			);
+		}
+	}
+	if( defaultselhash )
+		jsonObjectFree( defaultselhash );
+	clear_query_stack();
+	OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( sql_buf, ';' );
+	return buffer_release( sql_buf );
+int doJSONSearch ( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	if(osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,  "Invalid method context" );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Received query request" );
+	int err = 0;
+	// XXX for now...
+	dbhandle = writehandle;
+	jsonObject* hash = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 0 );
+	int flags = 0;
+	if( obj_is_true( jsonObjectGetKey( hash, "distinct" ) ) )
+		flags |= SELECT_DISTINCT;
+	if( obj_is_true( jsonObjectGetKey( hash, "no_i18n" ) ) )
+		flags |= DISABLE_I18N;
+	osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Building SQL ..." );
+	clear_query_stack();       // a possibly needless precaution
+	char* sql = buildQuery( ctx, hash, flags );
+	clear_query_stack();
+	if( !sql ) {
+		err = -1;
+		return err;
+	}
+	osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s SQL =  %s", modulename, sql );
+	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_query( dbhandle, sql );
+	if( result ) {
+		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Query returned with no errors" );
+		if( dbi_result_first_row( result )) {
+			/* JSONify the result */
+			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Query returned at least one row" );
+			do {
+				jsonObject* return_val = oilsMakeJSONFromResult( result );
+				osrfAppRespond( ctx, return_val );
+				jsonObjectFree( return_val );
+			} while( dbi_result_next_row( result ));
+		} else {
+			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s returned no results for query %s", modulename, sql );
+		}
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+		/* clean up the query */
+		dbi_result_free( result );
+	} else {
+		err = -1;
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error with query [%s]", modulename, sql );
+		osrfAppSessionStatus(
+			ctx->session,
+			"osrfMethodException",
+			ctx->request,
+			"Severe query error -- see error log for more details"
+		);
+	}
+	free( sql );
+	return err;
+// The last parameter, err, is used to report an error condition by updating an int owned by
+// the calling code.
+// In case of an error, we set *err to -1.  If there is no error, *err is left unchanged.
+// It is the responsibility of the calling code to initialize *err before the
+// call, so that it will be able to make sense of the result.
+// Note also that we return NULL if and only if we set *err to -1.  So the err parameter is
+// redundant anyway.
+static jsonObject* doFieldmapperSearch( osrfMethodContext* ctx, osrfHash* class_meta,
+		jsonObject* where_hash, jsonObject* query_hash, int* err ) {
+	// XXX for now...
+	dbhandle = writehandle;
+	char* core_class = osrfHashGet( class_meta, "classname" );
+	char* pkey = osrfHashGet( class_meta, "primarykey" );
+	const jsonObject* _tmp;
+	char* sql = buildSELECT( where_hash, query_hash, class_meta, ctx );
+	if( !sql ) {
+		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Problem building query, returning NULL" );
+		*err = -1;
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s SQL =  %s", modulename, sql );
+	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_query( dbhandle, sql );
+	if( NULL == result ) {
+		osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error retrieving %s with query [%s]",
+			modulename, osrfHashGet( class_meta, "fieldmapper" ), sql );
+		osrfAppSessionStatus(
+			ctx->session,
+			"osrfMethodException",
+			ctx->request,
+			"Severe query error -- see error log for more details"
+		);
+		*err = -1;
+		free( sql );
+		return NULL;
+	} else {
+		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Query returned with no errors" );
+	}
+	jsonObject* res_list = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_ARRAY );
+	jsonObject* row_obj = NULL;
+	if( dbi_result_first_row( result )) {
+		// Convert each row to a JSON_ARRAY of column values, and enclose those objects
+		// in a JSON_ARRAY of rows.  If two or more rows have the same key value, then
+		// eliminate the duplicates.
+		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Query returned at least one row" );
+		osrfHash* dedup = osrfNewHash();
+		do {
+			row_obj = oilsMakeFieldmapperFromResult( result, class_meta );
+			char* pkey_val = oilsFMGetString( row_obj, pkey );
+			if( osrfHashGet( dedup, pkey_val ) ) {
+				jsonObjectFree( row_obj );
+				free( pkey_val );
+			} else {
+				osrfHashSet( dedup, pkey_val, pkey_val );
+				jsonObjectPush( res_list, row_obj );
+			}
+		} while( dbi_result_next_row( result ));
+		osrfHashFree( dedup );
+	} else {
+		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s returned no results for query %s",
+			modulename, sql );
+	}
+	/* clean up the query */
+	dbi_result_free( result );
+	free( sql );
+	// If we're asked to flesh, and there's anything to flesh, then flesh.
+	if( res_list->size && query_hash ) {
+		_tmp = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( query_hash, "flesh" );
+		if( _tmp ) {
+			// Get the flesh depth
+			int flesh_depth = (int) jsonObjectGetNumber( _tmp );
+			if( flesh_depth == -1 || flesh_depth > max_flesh_depth )
+				flesh_depth = max_flesh_depth;
+			// We need a non-zero flesh depth, and a list of fields to flesh
+			const jsonObject* temp_blob = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( query_hash, "flesh_fields" );
+			if( temp_blob && flesh_depth > 0 ) {
+				jsonObject* flesh_blob = jsonObjectClone( temp_blob );
+				const jsonObject* flesh_fields = jsonObjectGetKeyConst( flesh_blob, core_class );
+				osrfStringArray* link_fields = NULL;
+				osrfHash* links = osrfHashGet( class_meta, "links" );
+				// Make an osrfStringArray of the names of fields to be fleshed
+				if( flesh_fields ) {
+					if( flesh_fields->size == 1 ) {
+						const char* _t = jsonObjectGetString(
+							jsonObjectGetIndex( flesh_fields, 0 ) );
+						if( !strcmp( _t, "*" ))
+							link_fields = osrfHashKeys( links );
+					}
+					if( !link_fields ) {
+						jsonObject* _f;
+						link_fields = osrfNewStringArray( 1 );
+						jsonIterator* _i = jsonNewIterator( flesh_fields );
+						while ((_f = jsonIteratorNext( _i ))) {
+							osrfStringArrayAdd( link_fields, jsonObjectGetString( _f ) );
+						}
+						jsonIteratorFree( _i );
+					}
+				}
+				osrfHash* fields = osrfHashGet( class_meta, "fields" );
+				// Iterate over the JSON_ARRAY of rows
+				jsonObject* cur;
+				unsigned long res_idx = 0;
+				while((cur = jsonObjectGetIndex( res_list, res_idx++ ) )) {
+					int i = 0;
+					const char* link_field;
+					// Iterate over the list of fleshable fields
+					while( (link_field = osrfStringArrayGetString(link_fields, i++)) ) {
+						osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Starting to flesh %s", link_field );
+						osrfHash* kid_link = osrfHashGet( links, link_field );
+						if( !kid_link )
+							continue;     // Not a link field; skip it
+						osrfHash* field = osrfHashGet( fields, link_field );
+						if( !field )
+							continue;     // Not a field at all; skip it (IDL is ill-formed)
+						osrfHash* kid_idl = osrfHashGet( oilsIDL(),
+							osrfHashGet( kid_link, "class" ));
+						if( !kid_idl )
+							continue;   // The class it links to doesn't exist; skip it
+						const char* reltype = osrfHashGet( kid_link, "reltype" );
+						if( !reltype )
+							continue;   // No reltype; skip it (IDL is ill-formed)
+						osrfHash* value_field = field;
+						if(    !strcmp( reltype, "has_many" )
+							|| !strcmp( reltype, "might_have" ) ) { // has_many or might_have
+							value_field = osrfHashGet(
+								fields, osrfHashGet( class_meta, "primarykey" ) );
+						}
+						osrfStringArray* link_map = osrfHashGet( kid_link, "map" );
+						if( link_map->size > 0 ) {
+							jsonObject* _kid_key = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_ARRAY );
+							jsonObjectPush(
+								_kid_key,
+								jsonNewObject( osrfStringArrayGetString( link_map, 0 ) )
+							);
+							jsonObjectSetKey(
+								flesh_blob,
+								osrfHashGet( kid_link, "class" ),
+								_kid_key
+							);
+						};
+						osrfLogDebug(
+							OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+							"Link field: %s, remote class: %s, fkey: %s, reltype: %s",
+							osrfHashGet( kid_link, "field" ),
+							osrfHashGet( kid_link, "class" ),
+							osrfHashGet( kid_link, "key" ),
+							osrfHashGet( kid_link, "reltype" )
+						);
+						const char* search_key = jsonObjectGetString(
+							jsonObjectGetIndex( cur,
+								atoi( osrfHashGet( value_field, "array_position" ) )
+							)
+						);
+						if( !search_key ) {
+							osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Nothing to search for!" );
+							continue;
+						}
+						osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Creating param objects..." );
+						// construct WHERE clause
+						jsonObject* where_clause  = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_HASH );
+						jsonObjectSetKey(
+							where_clause,
+							osrfHashGet( kid_link, "key" ),
+							jsonNewObject( search_key )
+						);
+						// construct the rest of the query, mostly
+						// by copying pieces of the previous level of query
+						jsonObject* rest_of_query = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_HASH );
+						jsonObjectSetKey( rest_of_query, "flesh",
+							jsonNewNumberObject( flesh_depth - 1 + link_map->size )
+						);
+						if( flesh_blob )
+							jsonObjectSetKey( rest_of_query, "flesh_fields",
+								jsonObjectClone( flesh_blob ));
+						if( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( query_hash, "order_by" )) {
+							jsonObjectSetKey( rest_of_query, "order_by",
+								jsonObjectClone( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( query_hash, "order_by" ))
+							);
+						}
+						if( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( query_hash, "select" )) {
+							jsonObjectSetKey( rest_of_query, "select",
+								jsonObjectClone( jsonObjectGetKeyConst( query_hash, "select" ))
+							);
+						}
+						// do the query, recursively, to expand the fleshable field
+						jsonObject* kids = doFieldmapperSearch( ctx, kid_idl,
+							where_clause, rest_of_query, err );
+						jsonObjectFree( where_clause );
+						jsonObjectFree( rest_of_query );
+						if( *err ) {
+							osrfStringArrayFree( link_fields );
+							jsonObjectFree( res_list );
+							jsonObjectFree( flesh_blob );
+							return NULL;
+						}
+						osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Search for %s return %d linked objects",
+							osrfHashGet( kid_link, "class" ), kids->size );
+						// Traverse the result set
+						jsonObject* X = NULL;
+						if( link_map->size > 0 && kids->size > 0 ) {
+							X = kids;
+							kids = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_ARRAY );
+							jsonObject* _k_node;
+							unsigned long res_idx = 0;
+							while((_k_node = jsonObjectGetIndex( X, res_idx++ ) )) {
+								jsonObjectPush(
+									kids,
+									jsonObjectClone(
+										jsonObjectGetIndex(
+											_k_node,
+											(unsigned long) atoi(
+												osrfHashGet(
+													osrfHashGet(
+														osrfHashGet(
+															osrfHashGet(
+																oilsIDL(),
+																osrfHashGet( kid_link, "class" )
+															),
+															"fields"
+														),
+														osrfStringArrayGetString( link_map, 0 )
+													),
+													"array_position"
+												)
+											)
+										)
+									)
+								);
+							} // end while loop traversing X
+						}
+						if(    !strcmp( osrfHashGet( kid_link, "reltype" ), "has_a" )
+							|| !strcmp( osrfHashGet( kid_link, "reltype" ), "might_have" )) {
+							osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Storing fleshed objects in %s",
+								osrfHashGet( kid_link, "field" ));
+							jsonObjectSetIndex(
+								cur,
+								(unsigned long) atoi( osrfHashGet( field, "array_position" ) ),
+								jsonObjectClone( jsonObjectGetIndex( kids, 0 ))
+							);
+						}
+						if( !strcmp( osrfHashGet( kid_link, "reltype" ), "has_many" )) {
+							// has_many
+							osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Storing fleshed objects in %s",
+								osrfHashGet( kid_link, "field" ) );
+							jsonObjectSetIndex(
+								cur,
+								(unsigned long) atoi( osrfHashGet( field, "array_position" ) ),
+								jsonObjectClone( kids )
+							);
+						}
+						if( X ) {
+							jsonObjectFree( kids );
+							kids = X;
+						}
+						jsonObjectFree( kids );
+						osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Fleshing of %s complete",
+							osrfHashGet( kid_link, "field" ) );
+						osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s", jsonObjectToJSON( cur ));
+					} // end while loop traversing list of fleshable fields
+				} // end while loop traversing res_list
+				jsonObjectFree( flesh_blob );
+				osrfStringArrayFree( link_fields );
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return res_list;
+int doUpdate( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	if( osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Invalid method context" );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( enforce_pcrud )
+		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
+	osrfHash* meta = osrfHashGet( (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData, "class" );
+	jsonObject* target = NULL;
+	if( enforce_pcrud )
+		target = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 1 );
+	else
+		target = jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, 0 );
+	if(!verifyObjectClass( ctx, target )) {
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( getXactId( ctx ) == NULL ) {
+		osrfAppSessionStatus(
+			ctx->session,
+			"osrfMethodException",
+			ctx->request,
+			"No active transaction -- required for UPDATE"
+		);
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	// The following test is harmless but redundant.  If a class is
+	// readonly, we don't register an update method for it.
+	if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( meta, "readonly" ) ) ) {
+		osrfAppSessionStatus(
+			ctx->session,
+			"osrfMethodException",
+			ctx->request,
+			"Cannot UPDATE readonly class"
+		);
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	dbhandle = writehandle;
+	const char* trans_id = getXactId( ctx );
+	// Set the last_xact_id
+	int index = oilsIDL_ntop( target->classname, "last_xact_id" );
+	if( index > -1 ) {
+		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Setting last_xact_id to %s on %s at position %d",
+				trans_id, target->classname, index );
+		jsonObjectSetIndex( target, index, jsonNewObject( trans_id ));
+	}
+	char* pkey = osrfHashGet( meta, "primarykey" );
+	osrfHash* fields = osrfHashGet( meta, "fields" );
+	char* id = oilsFMGetString( target, pkey );
+	osrfLogDebug(
+		"%s updating %s object with %s = %s",
+		modulename,
+		osrfHashGet( meta, "fieldmapper" ),
+		pkey,
+		id
+	);
+	growing_buffer* sql = buffer_init( 128 );
+	buffer_fadd( sql,"UPDATE %s SET", osrfHashGet( meta, "tablename" ));
+	int first = 1;
+	osrfHash* field_def = NULL;
+	osrfHashIterator* field_itr = osrfNewHashIterator( fields );
+	while( ( field_def = osrfHashIteratorNext( field_itr ) ) ) {
+		// Skip virtual fields, and the primary key
+		if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( field_def, "virtual") ) )
+			continue;
+		const char* field_name = osrfHashIteratorKey( field_itr );
+		if( ! strcmp( field_name, pkey ) )
+			continue;
+		const jsonObject* field_object = oilsFMGetObject( target, field_name );
+		int value_is_numeric = 0;    // boolean
+		char* value;
+		if( field_object && field_object->classname ) {
+			value = oilsFMGetString(
+				field_object,
+				(char*) oilsIDLFindPath( "/%s/primarykey", field_object->classname )
+			);
+		} else if( field_object && JSON_BOOL == field_object->type ) {
+			if( jsonBoolIsTrue( field_object ) )
+				value = strdup( "t" );
+			else
+				value = strdup( "f" );
+		} else {
+			value = jsonObjectToSimpleString( field_object );
+			if( field_object && JSON_NUMBER == field_object->type )
+				value_is_numeric = 1;
+		}
+		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Updating %s object with %s = %s",
+				osrfHashGet( meta, "fieldmapper" ), field_name, value);
+		if( !field_object || field_object->type == JSON_NULL ) {
+			if( !( !( strcmp( osrfHashGet( meta, "classname" ), "au" ) )
+					&& !( strcmp( field_name, "passwd" ) )) ) { // arg at the special case!
+				if( first )
+					first = 0;
+				else
+					OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( sql, ',' );
+				buffer_fadd( sql, " %s = NULL", field_name );
+			}
+		} else if( value_is_numeric || !strcmp( get_primitive( field_def ), "number") ) {
+			if( first )
+				first = 0;
+			else
+				OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( sql, ',' );
+			const char* numtype = get_datatype( field_def );
+			if( !strncmp( numtype, "INT", 3 ) ) {
+				buffer_fadd( sql, " %s = %ld", field_name, atol( value ) );
+			} else if( !strcmp( numtype, "NUMERIC" ) ) {
+				buffer_fadd( sql, " %s = %f", field_name, atof( value ) );
+			} else {
+				// Must really be intended as a string, so quote it
+				if( dbi_conn_quote_string( dbhandle, &value )) {
+					buffer_fadd( sql, " %s = %s", field_name, value );
+				} else {
+					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error quoting string [%s]",
+						modulename, value );
+					osrfAppSessionStatus(
+						ctx->session,
+						"osrfMethodException",
+						ctx->request,
+						"Error quoting string -- please see the error log for more details"
+					);
+					free( value );
+					free( id );
+					osrfHashIteratorFree( field_itr );
+					buffer_free( sql );
+					osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+					return -1;
+				}
+			}
+			osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s is of type %s", field_name, numtype );
+		} else {
+			if( dbi_conn_quote_string( dbhandle, &value ) ) {
+				if( first )
+					first = 0;
+				else
+					OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( sql, ',' );
+				buffer_fadd( sql, " %s = %s", field_name, value );
+			} else {
+				osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Error quoting string [%s]", modulename, value );
+				osrfAppSessionStatus(
+					ctx->session,
+					"osrfMethodException",
+					ctx->request,
+					"Error quoting string -- please see the error log for more details"
+				);
+				free( value );
+				free( id );
+				osrfHashIteratorFree( field_itr );
+				buffer_free( sql );
+				osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+				return -1;
+			}
+		}
+		free( value );
+	} // end while
+	osrfHashIteratorFree( field_itr );
+	jsonObject* obj = jsonNewObject( id );
+	if( strcmp( get_primitive( osrfHashGet( osrfHashGet(meta, "fields"), pkey )), "number" ))
+		dbi_conn_quote_string( dbhandle, &id );
+	buffer_fadd( sql, " WHERE %s = %s;", pkey, id );
+	char* query = buffer_release( sql );
+	osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s: Update SQL [%s]", modulename, query );
+	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_query( dbhandle, query );
+	free( query );
+	if( !result ) {
+		jsonObjectFree( obj );
+		obj = jsonNewObject( NULL );
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s ERROR updating %s object with %s = %s",
+			modulename,
+			osrfHashGet( meta, "fieldmapper" ),
+			pkey,
+			id
+		);
+	}
+	free( id );
+	osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, obj );
+	jsonObjectFree( obj );
+	return 0;
+int doDelete( osrfMethodContext* ctx ) {
+	if( osrfMethodVerifyContext( ctx )) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Invalid method context" );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( enforce_pcrud )
+		timeout_needs_resetting = 1;
+	osrfHash* meta = osrfHashGet( (osrfHash*) ctx->method->userData, "class" );
+	if( getXactId( ctx ) == NULL ) {
+		osrfAppSessionStatus(
+			ctx->session,
+			"osrfMethodException",
+			ctx->request,
+			"No active transaction -- required for DELETE"
+		);
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	// The following test is harmless but redundant.  If a class is
+	// readonly, we don't register a delete method for it.
+	if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( meta, "readonly" ) ) ) {
+		osrfAppSessionStatus(
+			ctx->session,
+			"osrfMethodException",
+			ctx->request,
+			"Cannot DELETE readonly class"
+		);
+		osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	dbhandle = writehandle;
+	char* pkey = osrfHashGet( meta, "primarykey" );
+	int _obj_pos = 0;
+	if( enforce_pcrud )
+		_obj_pos = 1;
+	char* id;
+	if( jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, _obj_pos )->classname ) {
+		if( !verifyObjectClass( ctx, jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, _obj_pos ))) {
+			osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+			return -1;
+		}
+		id = oilsFMGetString( jsonObjectGetIndex(ctx->params, _obj_pos), pkey );
+	} else {
+		if( enforce_pcrud && !verifyObjectPCRUD( ctx, NULL )) {
+			osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, NULL );
+			return -1;
+		}
+		id = jsonObjectToSimpleString( jsonObjectGetIndex( ctx->params, _obj_pos ));
+	}
+	osrfLogDebug(
+		"%s deleting %s object with %s = %s",
+		modulename,
+		osrfHashGet( meta, "fieldmapper" ),
+		pkey,
+		id
+	);
+	jsonObject* obj = jsonNewObject( id );
+	if( strcmp( get_primitive( osrfHashGet( osrfHashGet(meta, "fields"), pkey ) ), "number" ) )
+		dbi_conn_quote_string( writehandle, &id );
+	dbi_result result = dbi_conn_queryf( writehandle, "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s = %s;",
+		osrfHashGet( meta, "tablename" ), pkey, id );
+	if( !result ) {
+		jsonObjectFree( obj );
+		obj = jsonNewObject( NULL );
+		osrfLogError(
+			"%s ERROR deleting %s object with %s = %s",
+			modulename,
+			osrfHashGet( meta, "fieldmapper" ),
+			pkey,
+			id
+		);
+	}
+	free( id );
+	osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, obj );
+	jsonObjectFree( obj );
+	return 0;
+	@brief Translate a row returned from the database into a jsonObject of type JSON_ARRAY.
+	@param result An iterator for a result set; we only look at the current row.
+	@param @meta Pointer to the class metadata for the core class.
+	@return Pointer to the resulting jsonObject if successful; otherwise NULL.
+	If a column is not defined in the IDL, or if it has no array_position defined for it in
+	the IDL, or if it is defined as virtual, ignore it.
+	Otherwise, translate the column value into a jsonObject of type JSON_NULL, JSON_NUMBER,
+	or JSON_STRING.  Then insert this jsonObject into the JSON_ARRAY according to its
+	array_position in the IDL.
+	A field defined in the IDL but not represented in the returned row will leave a hole
+	in the JSON_ARRAY.  In effect it will be treated as a null value.
+	In the resulting JSON_ARRAY, the field values appear in the sequence defined by the IDL,
+	regardless of their sequence in the SELECT statement.  The JSON_ARRAY is assigned the
+	classname corresponding to the @a meta argument.
+	The calling code is responsible for freeing the the resulting jsonObject by calling
+	jsonObjectFree().
+static jsonObject* oilsMakeFieldmapperFromResult( dbi_result result, osrfHash* meta) {
+	if( !( result && meta )) return NULL;
+	jsonObject* object = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_ARRAY );
+	jsonObjectSetClass( object, osrfHashGet( meta, "classname" ));
+	osrfLogInternal( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Setting object class to %s ", object->classname );
+	osrfHash* fields = osrfHashGet( meta, "fields" );
+	int columnIndex = 1;
+	const char* columnName;
+	/* cycle through the columns in the row returned from the database */
+	while( (columnName = dbi_result_get_field_name( result, columnIndex )) ) {
+		osrfLogInternal( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Looking for column named [%s]...", (char*) columnName );
+		int fmIndex = -1;  // Will be set to the IDL's sequence number for this field
+		/* determine the field type and storage attributes */
+		unsigned short type = dbi_result_get_field_type_idx( result, columnIndex );
+		int attr            = dbi_result_get_field_attribs_idx( result, columnIndex );
+		// Fetch the IDL's sequence number for the field.  If the field isn't in the IDL,
+		// or if it has no sequence number there, or if it's virtual, skip it.
+		osrfHash* _f = osrfHashGet( fields, (char*) columnName );
+		if( _f ) {
+			if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( _f, "virtual" )))
+				continue;   // skip this column: IDL says it's virtual
+			const char* pos = (char*) osrfHashGet( _f, "array_position" );
+			if( !pos )      // IDL has no sequence number for it.  This shouldn't happen,
+				continue;    // since we assign sequence numbers dynamically as we load the IDL.
+			fmIndex = atoi( pos );
+			osrfLogInternal( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "... Found column at position [%s]...", pos );
+		} else {
+			continue;     // This field is not defined in the IDL
+		}
+		// Stuff the column value into a slot in the JSON_ARRAY, indexed according to the
+		// sequence number from the IDL (which is likely to be different from the sequence
+		// of columns in the SELECT clause).
+		if( dbi_result_field_is_null_idx( result, columnIndex )) {
+			jsonObjectSetIndex( object, fmIndex, jsonNewObject( NULL ));
+		} else {
+			switch( type ) {
+				case DBI_TYPE_INTEGER :
+					if( attr & DBI_INTEGER_SIZE8 )
+						jsonObjectSetIndex( object, fmIndex,
+							jsonNewNumberObject(
+								dbi_result_get_longlong_idx( result, columnIndex )));
+					else
+						jsonObjectSetIndex( object, fmIndex,
+							jsonNewNumberObject( dbi_result_get_int_idx( result, columnIndex )));
+					break;
+				case DBI_TYPE_DECIMAL :
+					jsonObjectSetIndex( object, fmIndex,
+							jsonNewNumberObject( dbi_result_get_double_idx(result, columnIndex )));
+					break;
+				case DBI_TYPE_STRING :
+					jsonObjectSetIndex(
+						object,
+						fmIndex,
+						jsonNewObject( dbi_result_get_string_idx( result, columnIndex ))
+					);
+					break;
+				case DBI_TYPE_DATETIME : {
+					char dt_string[ 256 ] = "";
+					struct tm gmdt;
+					// Fetch the date column as a time_t
+					time_t _tmp_dt = dbi_result_get_datetime_idx( result, columnIndex );
+					// Translate the time_t to a human-readable string
+					if( !( attr & DBI_DATETIME_DATE )) {
+						gmtime_r( &_tmp_dt, &gmdt );
+						strftime( dt_string, sizeof( dt_string ), "%T", &gmdt );
+					} else if( !( attr & DBI_DATETIME_TIME )) {
+						localtime_r( &_tmp_dt, &gmdt );
+						strftime( dt_string, sizeof( dt_string ), "%F", &gmdt );
+					} else {
+						localtime_r( &_tmp_dt, &gmdt );
+						strftime( dt_string, sizeof( dt_string ), "%FT%T%z", &gmdt );
+					}
+					jsonObjectSetIndex( object, fmIndex, jsonNewObject( dt_string ));
+					break;
+				}
+				case DBI_TYPE_BINARY :
+					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+						"Can't do binary at column %s : index %d", columnName, columnIndex );
+			} // End switch
+		}
+		++columnIndex;
+	} // End while
+	return object;
+static jsonObject* oilsMakeJSONFromResult( dbi_result result ) {
+	if( !result ) return NULL;
+	jsonObject* object = jsonNewObject( NULL );
+	time_t _tmp_dt;
+	char dt_string[ 256 ];
+	struct tm gmdt;
+	int fmIndex;
+	int columnIndex = 1;
+	int attr;
+	unsigned short type;
+	const char* columnName;
+	/* cycle through the column list */
+	while(( columnName = dbi_result_get_field_name( result, columnIndex ))) {
+		osrfLogInternal( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Looking for column named [%s]...", (char*) columnName );
+		fmIndex = -1; // reset the position
+		/* determine the field type and storage attributes */
+		type = dbi_result_get_field_type_idx( result, columnIndex );
+		attr = dbi_result_get_field_attribs_idx( result, columnIndex );
+		if( dbi_result_field_is_null_idx( result, columnIndex )) {
+			jsonObjectSetKey( object, columnName, jsonNewObject( NULL ));
+		} else {
+			switch( type ) {
+				case DBI_TYPE_INTEGER :
+					if( attr & DBI_INTEGER_SIZE8 )
+						jsonObjectSetKey( object, columnName,
+								jsonNewNumberObject( dbi_result_get_longlong_idx(
+										result, columnIndex )) );
+					else
+						jsonObjectSetKey( object, columnName, jsonNewNumberObject(
+								dbi_result_get_int_idx( result, columnIndex )) );
+					break;
+				case DBI_TYPE_DECIMAL :
+					jsonObjectSetKey( object, columnName, jsonNewNumberObject(
+						dbi_result_get_double_idx( result, columnIndex )) );
+					break;
+				case DBI_TYPE_STRING :
+					jsonObjectSetKey( object, columnName,
+						jsonNewObject( dbi_result_get_string_idx( result, columnIndex )));
+					break;
+					memset( dt_string, '\0', sizeof( dt_string ));
+					memset( &gmdt, '\0', sizeof( gmdt ));
+					_tmp_dt = dbi_result_get_datetime_idx( result, columnIndex );
+					if( !( attr & DBI_DATETIME_DATE )) {
+						gmtime_r( &_tmp_dt, &gmdt );
+						strftime( dt_string, sizeof( dt_string ), "%T", &gmdt );
+					} else if( !( attr & DBI_DATETIME_TIME )) {
+						localtime_r( &_tmp_dt, &gmdt );
+						strftime( dt_string, sizeof( dt_string ), "%F", &gmdt );
+					} else {
+						localtime_r( &_tmp_dt, &gmdt );
+						strftime( dt_string, sizeof( dt_string ), "%FT%T%z", &gmdt );
+					}
+					jsonObjectSetKey( object, columnName, jsonNewObject( dt_string ));
+					break;
+				case DBI_TYPE_BINARY :
+					osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+						"Can't do binary at column %s : index %d", columnName, columnIndex );
+			}
+		}
+		++columnIndex;
+	} // end while loop traversing result
+	return object;
+// Interpret a string as true or false
+int str_is_true( const char* str ) {
+	if( NULL == str || strcasecmp( str, "true" ) )
+		return 0;
+	else
+		return 1;
+// Interpret a jsonObject as true or false
+static int obj_is_true( const jsonObject* obj ) {
+	if( !obj )
+		return 0;
+	else switch( obj->type )
+	{
+		case JSON_BOOL :
+			if( obj->value.b )
+				return 1;
+			else
+				return 0;
+		case JSON_STRING :
+			if( strcasecmp( obj->value.s, "true" ) )
+				return 0;
+			else
+				return 1;
+		case JSON_NUMBER :          // Support 1/0 for perl's sake
+			if( jsonObjectGetNumber( obj ) == 1.0 )
+				return 1;
+			else
+				return 0;
+		default :
+			return 0;
+	}
+// Translate a numeric code into a text string identifying a type of
+// jsonObject.  To be used for building error messages.
+static const char* json_type( int code ) {
+	switch ( code )
+	{
+		case 0 :
+			return "JSON_HASH";
+		case 1 :
+			return "JSON_ARRAY";
+		case 2 :
+			return "JSON_STRING";
+		case 3 :
+			return "JSON_NUMBER";
+		case 4 :
+			return "JSON_NULL";
+		case 5 :
+			return "JSON_BOOL";
+		default :
+			return "(unrecognized)";
+	}
+// Extract the "primitive" attribute from an IDL field definition.
+// If we haven't initialized the app, then we must be running in
+// some kind of testbed.  In that case, default to "string".
+static const char* get_primitive( osrfHash* field ) {
+	const char* s = osrfHashGet( field, "primitive" );
+	if( !s ) {
+		if( child_initialized )
+			osrfLogError(
+				"%s ERROR No \"datatype\" attribute for field \"%s\"",
+				modulename,
+				osrfHashGet( field, "name" )
+			);
+		s = "string";
+	}
+	return s;
+// Extract the "datatype" attribute from an IDL field definition.
+// If we haven't initialized the app, then we must be running in
+// some kind of testbed.  In that case, default to to NUMERIC,
+// since we look at the datatype only for numbers.
+static const char* get_datatype( osrfHash* field ) {
+	const char* s = osrfHashGet( field, "datatype" );
+	if( !s ) {
+		if( child_initialized )
+			osrfLogError(
+				"%s ERROR No \"datatype\" attribute for field \"%s\"",
+				modulename,
+				osrfHashGet( field, "name" )
+			);
+		else
+			s = "NUMERIC";
+	}
+	return s;
+	@brief Determine whether a string is potentially a valid SQL identifier.
+	@param s The identifier to be tested.
+	@return 1 if the input string is potentially a valid SQL identifier, or 0 if not.
+	Purpose: to prevent certain kinds of SQL injection.  To that end we don't necessarily
+	need to follow all the rules exactly, such as requiring that the first character not
+	be a digit.
+	We allow leading and trailing white space.  In between, we do not allow punctuation
+	(except for underscores and dollar signs), control characters, or embedded white space.
+	More pedantically we should allow quoted identifiers containing arbitrary characters, but
+	for the foreseeable future such quoted identifiers are not likely to be an issue.
+static int is_identifier( const char* s) {
+	if( !s )
+		return 0;
+	// Skip leading white space
+	while( isspace( (unsigned char) *s ) )
+		++s;
+	if( !s )
+		return 0;   // Nothing but white space?  Not okay.
+	// Check each character until we reach white space or
+	// end-of-string.  Letters, digits, underscores, and
+	// dollar signs are okay. With the exception of periods
+	// (as in schema.identifier), control characters and other
+	// punctuation characters are not okay.  Anything else
+	// is okay -- it could for example be part of a multibyte
+	// UTF8 character such as a letter with diacritical marks,
+	// and those are allowed.
+	do {
+		if( isalnum( (unsigned char) *s )
+			|| '.' == *s
+			|| '_' == *s
+			|| '$' == *s )
+			;  // Fine; keep going
+		else if(   ispunct( (unsigned char) *s )
+				|| iscntrl( (unsigned char) *s ) )
+			return 0;
+			++s;
+	} while( *s && ! isspace( (unsigned char) *s ) );
+	// If we found any white space in the above loop,
+	// the rest had better be all white space.
+	while( isspace( (unsigned char) *s ) )
+		++s;
+	if( *s )
+		return 0;   // White space was embedded within non-white space
+	return 1;
+	@brief Determine whether to accept a character string as a comparison operator.
+	@param op The candidate comparison operator.
+	@return 1 if the string is acceptable as a comparison operator, or 0 if not.
+	We don't validate the operator for real.  We just make sure that it doesn't contain
+	any semicolons or white space (with special exceptions for a few specific operators).
+	The idea is to block certain kinds of SQL injection.  If it has no semicolons or white
+	space but it's still not a valid operator, then the database will complain.
+	Another approach would be to compare the string against a short list of approved operators.
+	We don't do that because we want to allow custom operators like ">100*", which at this
+	writing would be difficult or impossible to express otherwise in a JSON query.
+static int is_good_operator( const char* op ) {
+	if( !op ) return 0;   // Sanity check
+	const char* s = op;
+	while( *s ) {
+		if( isspace( (unsigned char) *s ) ) {
+			// Special exceptions for SIMILAR TO, IS DISTINCT FROM,
+			if( !strcasecmp( op, "similar to" ) )
+				return 1;
+			else if( !strcasecmp( op, "is distinct from" ) )
+				return 1;
+			else if( !strcasecmp( op, "is not distinct from" ) )
+				return 1;
+			else
+				return 0;
+		}
+		else if( ';' == *s )
+			return 0;
+		++s;
+	}
+	return 1;
+	@name Query Frame Management
+	The following machinery supports a stack of query frames for use by SELECT().
+	A query frame caches information about one level of a SELECT query.  When we enter
+	a subquery, we push another query frame onto the stack, and pop it off when we leave.
+	The query frame stores information about the core class, and about any joined classes
+	in the FROM clause.
+	The main purpose is to map table aliases to classes and tables, so that a query can
+	join to the same table more than once.  A secondary goal is to reduce the number of
+	lookups in the IDL by caching the results.
+static ClassInfo static_class_info[ STATIC_CLASS_INFO_COUNT ];
+	@brief Allocate a ClassInfo as raw memory.
+	@return Pointer to the newly allocated ClassInfo.
+	Except for the in_use flag, which is used only by the allocation and deallocation
+	logic, we don't initialize the ClassInfo here.
+static ClassInfo* allocate_class_info( void ) {
+	// In order to reduce the number of mallocs and frees, we return a static
+	// instance of ClassInfo, if we can find one that we're not already using.
+	// We rely on the fact that the compiler will implicitly initialize the
+	// static instances so that in_use == 0.
+	int i;
+	for( i = 0; i < STATIC_CLASS_INFO_COUNT; ++i ) {
+		if( ! static_class_info[ i ].in_use ) {
+			static_class_info[ i ].in_use = 1;
+			return static_class_info + i;
+		}
+	}
+	// The static ones are all in use.  Malloc one.
+	return safe_malloc( sizeof( ClassInfo ) );
+	@brief Free any malloc'd memory owned by a ClassInfo, returning it to a pristine state.
+	@param info Pointer to the ClassInfo to be cleared.
+static void clear_class_info( ClassInfo* info ) {
+	// Sanity check
+	if( ! info )
+		return;
+	// Free any malloc'd strings
+	if( info->alias != info->alias_store )
+		free( info->alias );
+	if( info->class_name != info->class_name_store )
+		free( info->class_name );
+	free( info->source_def );
+	info->alias = info->class_name = info->source_def = NULL;
+	info->next = NULL;
+	@brief Free a ClassInfo and everything it owns.
+	@param info Pointer to the ClassInfo to be freed.
+static void free_class_info( ClassInfo* info ) {
+	// Sanity check
+	if( ! info )
+		return;
+	clear_class_info( info );
+	// If it's one of the static instances, just mark it as not in use
+	int i;
+	for( i = 0; i < STATIC_CLASS_INFO_COUNT; ++i ) {
+		if( info == static_class_info + i ) {
+			static_class_info[ i ].in_use = 0;
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	// Otherwise it must have been malloc'd, so free it
+	free( info );
+	@brief Populate an already-allocated ClassInfo.
+	@param info Pointer to the ClassInfo to be populated.
+	@param alias Alias for the class.  If it is NULL, or an empty string, use the class
+	name for an alias.
+	@param class Name of the class.
+	@return Zero if successful, or 1 if not.
+	Populate the ClassInfo with copies of the alias and class name, and with pointers to
+	the relevant portions of the IDL for the specified class.
+static int build_class_info( ClassInfo* info, const char* alias, const char* class ) {
+	// Sanity checks
+	if( ! info ){
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+					  "%s ERROR: No ClassInfo available to populate", modulename );
+		info->alias = info->class_name = info->source_def = NULL;
+		info->class_def = info->fields = info->links = NULL;
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if( ! class ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+					  "%s ERROR: No class name provided for lookup", modulename );
+		info->alias = info->class_name = info->source_def = NULL;
+		info->class_def = info->fields = info->links = NULL;
+		return 1;
+	}
+	// Alias defaults to class name if not supplied
+	if( ! alias || ! alias[ 0 ] )
+		alias = class;
+	// Look up class info in the IDL
+	osrfHash* class_def = osrfHashGet( oilsIDL(), class );
+	if( ! class_def ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+					  "%s ERROR: Class %s not defined in IDL", modulename, class );
+		info->alias = info->class_name = info->source_def = NULL;
+		info->class_def = info->fields = info->links = NULL;
+		return 1;
+	} else if( str_is_true( osrfHashGet( class_def, "virtual" ) ) ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+					  "%s ERROR: Class %s is defined as virtual", modulename, class );
+		info->alias = info->class_name = info->source_def = NULL;
+		info->class_def = info->fields = info->links = NULL;
+		return 1;
+	}
+	osrfHash* links = osrfHashGet( class_def, "links" );
+	if( ! links ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+					  "%s ERROR: No links defined in IDL for class %s", modulename, class );
+		info->alias = info->class_name = info->source_def = NULL;
+		info->class_def = info->fields = info->links = NULL;
+		return 1;
+	}
+	osrfHash* fields = osrfHashGet( class_def, "fields" );
+	if( ! fields ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+					  "%s ERROR: No fields defined in IDL for class %s", modulename, class );
+		info->alias = info->class_name = info->source_def = NULL;
+		info->class_def = info->fields = info->links = NULL;
+		return 1;
+	}
+	char* source_def = getRelation( class_def );
+	if( ! source_def )
+		return 1;
+	// We got everything we need, so populate the ClassInfo
+	if( strlen( alias ) > ALIAS_STORE_SIZE )
+		info->alias = strdup( alias );
+	else {
+		strcpy( info->alias_store, alias );
+		info->alias = info->alias_store;
+	}
+	if( strlen( class ) > CLASS_NAME_STORE_SIZE )
+		info->class_name = strdup( class );
+	else {
+		strcpy( info->class_name_store, class );
+		info->class_name = info->class_name_store;
+	}
+	info->source_def = source_def;
+	info->class_def = class_def;
+	info->links     = links;
+	info->fields    = fields;
+	return 0;
+static QueryFrame static_frame[ STATIC_FRAME_COUNT ];
+	@brief Allocate a QueryFrame as raw memory.
+	@return Pointer to the newly allocated QueryFrame.
+	Except for the in_use flag, which is used only by the allocation and deallocation
+	logic, we don't initialize the QueryFrame here.
+static QueryFrame* allocate_frame( void ) {
+	// In order to reduce the number of mallocs and frees, we return a static
+	// instance of QueryFrame, if we can find one that we're not already using.
+	// We rely on the fact that the compiler will implicitly initialize the
+	// static instances so that in_use == 0.
+	int i;
+	for( i = 0; i < STATIC_FRAME_COUNT; ++i ) {
+		if( ! static_frame[ i ].in_use ) {
+			static_frame[ i ].in_use = 1;
+			return static_frame + i;
+		}
+	}
+	// The static ones are all in use.  Malloc one.
+	return safe_malloc( sizeof( QueryFrame ) );
+	@brief Free a QueryFrame, and all the memory it owns.
+	@param frame Pointer to the QueryFrame to be freed.
+static void free_query_frame( QueryFrame* frame ) {
+	// Sanity check
+	if( ! frame )
+		return;
+	clear_class_info( &frame->core );
+	// Free the join list
+	ClassInfo* temp;
+	ClassInfo* info = frame->join_list;
+	while( info ) {
+		temp = info->next;
+		free_class_info( info );
+		info = temp;
+	}
+	frame->join_list = NULL;
+	frame->next = NULL;
+	// If the frame is a static instance, just mark it as unused
+	int i;
+	for( i = 0; i < STATIC_FRAME_COUNT; ++i ) {
+		if( frame == static_frame + i ) {
+			static_frame[ i ].in_use = 0;
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	// Otherwise it must have been malloc'd, so free it
+	free( frame );
+	@brief Search a given QueryFrame for a specified alias.
+	@param frame Pointer to the QueryFrame to be searched.
+	@param target The alias for which to search.
+	@return Pointer to the ClassInfo for the specified alias, if found; otherwise NULL.
+static ClassInfo* search_alias_in_frame( QueryFrame* frame, const char* target ) {
+	if( ! frame || ! target ) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	ClassInfo* found_class = NULL;
+	if( !strcmp( target, frame->core.alias ) )
+		return &(frame->core);
+	else {
+		ClassInfo* curr_class = frame->join_list;
+		while( curr_class ) {
+			if( strcmp( target, curr_class->alias ) )
+				curr_class = curr_class->next;
+			else {
+				found_class = curr_class;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return found_class;
+	@brief Push a new (blank) QueryFrame onto the stack.
+static void push_query_frame( void ) {
+	QueryFrame* frame = allocate_frame();
+	frame->join_list = NULL;
+	frame->next = curr_query;
+	// Initialize the ClassInfo for the core class
+	ClassInfo* core = &frame->core;
+	core->alias = core->class_name = core->source_def = NULL;
+	core->class_def = core->fields = core->links = NULL;
+	curr_query = frame;
+	@brief Pop a QueryFrame off the stack and destroy it.
+static void pop_query_frame( void ) {
+	// Sanity check
+	if( ! curr_query )
+		return;
+	QueryFrame* popped = curr_query;
+	curr_query = popped->next;
+	free_query_frame( popped );
+	@brief Populate the ClassInfo for the core class.
+	@param alias Alias for the core class.  If it is NULL or an empty string, we use the
+	class name as an alias.
+	@param class_name Name of the core class.
+	@return Zero if successful, or 1 if not.
+	Populate the ClassInfo of the core class with copies of the alias and class name, and
+	with pointers to the relevant portions of the IDL for the core class.
+static int add_query_core( const char* alias, const char* class_name ) {
+	// Sanity checks
+	if( ! curr_query ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+					  "%s ERROR: No QueryFrame available for class %s", modulename, class_name );
+		return 1;
+	} else if( curr_query->core.alias ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+					  "%s ERROR: Core class %s already populated as %s",
+					  modulename, curr_query->core.class_name, curr_query->core.alias );
+		return 1;
+	}
+	build_class_info( &curr_query->core, alias, class_name );
+	if( curr_query->core.alias )
+		return 0;
+	else {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+					  "%s ERROR: Unable to look up core class %s", modulename, class_name );
+		return 1;
+	}
+	@brief Search the current QueryFrame for a specified alias.
+	@param target The alias for which to search.
+	@return A pointer to the corresponding ClassInfo, if found; otherwise NULL.
+static inline ClassInfo* search_alias( const char* target ) {
+	return search_alias_in_frame( curr_query, target );
+	@brief Search all levels of query for a specified alias, starting with the current query.
+	@param target The alias for which to search.
+	@return A pointer to the corresponding ClassInfo, if found; otherwise NULL.
+static ClassInfo* search_all_alias( const char* target ) {
+	ClassInfo* found_class = NULL;
+	QueryFrame* curr_frame = curr_query;
+	while( curr_frame ) {
+		if(( found_class = search_alias_in_frame( curr_frame, target ) ))
+			break;
+		else
+			curr_frame = curr_frame->next;
+	}
+	return found_class;
+	@brief Add a class to the list of classes joined to the current query.
+	@param alias Alias of the class to be added.  If it is NULL or an empty string, we use
+	the class name as an alias.
+	@param classname The name of the class to be added.
+	@return A pointer to the ClassInfo for the added class, if successful; otherwise NULL.
+static ClassInfo* add_joined_class( const char* alias, const char* classname ) {
+	if( ! classname || ! *classname ) {    // sanity check
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Can't join a class with no class name" );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if( ! alias )
+		alias = classname;
+	const ClassInfo* conflict = search_alias( alias );
+	if( conflict ) {
+		osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+					  "%s ERROR: Table alias \"%s\" conflicts with class \"%s\"",
+					  modulename, alias, conflict->class_name );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	ClassInfo* info = allocate_class_info();
+	if( build_class_info( info, alias, classname ) ) {
+		free_class_info( info );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	// Add the new ClassInfo to the join list of the current QueryFrame
+	info->next = curr_query->join_list;
+	curr_query->join_list = info;
+	return info;
+	@brief Destroy all nodes on the query stack.
+static void clear_query_stack( void ) {
+	while( curr_query )
+		pop_query_frame();
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/test_json_query.c b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/test_json_query.c
index 95f2a60ef2..441d08b9dc 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/test_json_query.c
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/test_json_query.c
@@ -35,26 +35,22 @@ Scott McKellar <>
 	usual mangling by the shell.  In most cases it will be sufficient
 	to enclose it in single quotes, but of course any single quotes
 	embedded within the query will need to be escaped.
- */
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
-#include <opensrf/utils.h>
-#include <opensrf/osrf_json.h>
-#include <opensrf/osrf_application.h>
-#include <opensrf/osrf_app_session.h>
-#include <openils/oils_idl.h>
 #include <dbi/dbi.h>
-#define DISABLE_I18N	2
+#include "opensrf/utils.h"
+#include "opensrf/osrf_json.h"
+#include "opensrf/osrf_application.h"
+#include "opensrf/osrf_app_session.h"
+#include "openils/oils_idl.h"
+#include "openils/oils_sql.h"
+#define DISABLE_I18N    2
-// Prototypes for two functions in oils_cstore.c, which
-// are not defined in any header
-char* buildQuery( osrfMethodContext* ctx, jsonObject* query, int flags );
-void set_cstore_dbi_conn( dbi_conn conn );
 static int obj_is_true( const jsonObject* obj );
 static int test_json_query( const char* json_query );
 static char* load_query( const char* filename );
@@ -124,7 +120,7 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
 		if( optind < argc )
 			fprintf( stderr, "Extra parameter(s) ignored\n" );
 		loaded_json = load_query( query_file_name );
-		if( !loaded_json ) 
+		if( !loaded_json )
 			return EXIT_FAILURE;
 		json_query = loaded_json;
 	} else {                  // No file?  Use command line parameter
@@ -148,7 +144,7 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
 		printf( "Unable to load database driver\n" );
 		return EXIT_FAILURE;
 	dbi_conn conn = dbi_conn_new( "pgsql" );  // change string if ever necessary
 	if( !conn ) {
 		printf( "Unable to establish dbi connection\n" );
@@ -156,7 +152,7 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
 		return EXIT_FAILURE;
-	set_cstore_dbi_conn( conn );
+	oilsSetDBConnection( conn );
 	// The foregoing is an inelegant kludge.  The true, proper, and uniquely
 	// correct thing to do is to load the system settings and then call
@@ -181,7 +177,7 @@ static int test_json_query( const char* json_query ) {
 		fprintf( stderr, "Invalid JSON\n" );
 		return -1;
 	int flags = 0;
 	if ( obj_is_true( jsonObjectGetKey( hash, "distinct" ) ) )
@@ -255,7 +251,7 @@ static char* load_query( const char* filename ) {
 	char buf[ BUFSIZ + 1 ];
 	growing_buffer* gb = buffer_init( sizeof( buf ) );
-    while( ( num_read = fread( buf, 1, sizeof( buf ) - 1, fp ) ) ) {
+	while( ( num_read = fread( buf, 1, sizeof( buf ) - 1, fp ) ) ) {
 		buf[ num_read ] = '\0';
 		buffer_add( gb, buf );
diff --git a/ b/
index a0869db6ae..91b24c33cb 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ AC_PROG_INSTALL
 # Install options