From: Jane Sandberg <>
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2018 23:25:44 +0000 (-0800)
Subject: Docs: updating holding, item, call number terminology

Docs: updating holding, item, call number terminology

Signed-off-by: Jane Sandberg <>

diff --git a/docs/admin/Org_Unit_Proximity_Adjustments.adoc b/docs/admin/Org_Unit_Proximity_Adjustments.adoc
index 3dc8298872..09ca8afd23 100644
--- a/docs/admin/Org_Unit_Proximity_Adjustments.adoc
+++ b/docs/admin/Org_Unit_Proximity_Adjustments.adoc
@@ -3,14 +3,18 @@ Org Unit Proximity Adjustments
 Org Unit Proximity Adjustments
-Org Unit Proximity Adjustments allow libraries to indicate lending preferences for holds between libraries in an Evergreen consortium.  When a hold is placed in Evergreen, the hold targeter looks for copies that can fill the hold.  One factor that the hold targeter uses to choose the best copy to fill the hold is the distance, or proximity, between the capturing library and the pickup library for the request.  The proximity is based on the number of steps through the org tree that it takes to get from one org unit to another.    
+Org Unit Proximity Adjustments allow libraries to indicate lending preferences for holds between libraries in
+an Evergreen consortium.  When a hold is placed in Evergreen, the hold targeter looks for items that can fill
+the hold.  One factor that the hold targeter uses to choose the best item to fill the hold is the distance,
+or proximity, between the capturing library and the pickup library for the request.  The proximity is based
+on the number of steps through the org tree that it takes to get from one org unit to another.    
 image::media/Org_Unit_Prox_Adj1.png[Org Unit Proximity]
 Org Unit Proximity between BR1 and BR4 = 4
-Org Unit Proximity Adjustments allow libraries to customize the distances between org units, which provides more control over which libraries are looked at when targeting copies to fill a hold.  Evergreen can also be configured to take Org Unit Proximity Adjustments into account during opportunistic capture through the creation of a custom Best-Hold Selection Sort Order.  See documentation <here> for more information on Best-Hold Selection Sort Order. 
+Org Unit Proximity Adjustments allow libraries to customize the distances between org units, which provides more control over which libraries are looked at when targeting items to fill a hold.  Evergreen can also be configured to take Org Unit Proximity Adjustments into account during opportunistic capture through the creation of a custom Best-Hold Selection Sort Order.  See documentation <here> for more information on Best-Hold Selection Sort Order. 
-An Org Unit Proximity Adjustment can be created to tell Evergreen which libraries to look at first for copies to fill a hold or which library to look at last.  This may be useful for accounting for true transit costs or physical distances between libraries.  It can also be used to identify libraries that have special lending agreements or preferences.  Org Unit Proximity Adjustments can be created for all holds between two org units, or they can be created for holds on specific Copy Locations and Circulation Modifiers.  
+An Org Unit Proximity Adjustment can be created to tell Evergreen which libraries to look at first for items to fill a hold or which library to look at last.  This may be useful for accounting for true transit costs or physical distances between libraries.  It can also be used to identify libraries that have special lending agreements or preferences.  Org Unit Proximity Adjustments can be created for all holds between two org units, or they can be created for holds on specific Shelving Locations and Circulation Modifiers.  
 Absolute and Relative Adjustments
@@ -18,7 +22,7 @@ Two types of proximity adjustments can be created in Evergreen: Absolute adjustm
 Absolute proximity adjustments allow you to replace the default proximity distance between two org units.  An absolute adjustment could be made to tell the hold targeter to look at a specific library or library system first to find an item to fill a hold, before looking elsewhere in the consortium.  
-Relative proximity adjustments allows the proximity between org units to be treated as closer or farther from one another than the default distance.  A relative proximity adjustment could be used to identify a library that has limited hours or slow transit times to tell the hold targeter to look at that library last for copies to fill a hold.  
+Relative proximity adjustments allows the proximity between org units to be treated as closer or farther from one another than the default distance.  A relative proximity adjustment could be used to identify a library that has limited hours or slow transit times to tell the hold targeter to look at that library last for items to fill a hold.  
 Create an Org Unit Proximity Adjustment
@@ -27,7 +31,7 @@ Create an Org Unit Proximity Adjustment
 . Click *New OU Proximity Adjustment*.
 . Choose an *Item Circ Lib* from the drop down menu.  
 . Choose a *Hold Request Lib* from the drop down menu.
-. If this proximity adjustment applies to a specific copy location, select the appropriate *Copy Location*  from the drop down menu.
+. If this proximity adjustment applies to a specific shelving location, select the appropriate *Shelving Location*  from the drop down menu.
 . If this proximity adjustment applies to a specific material type, select the appropriate *Circ Modifier* from the drop down menu.
 . If this is an Absolute proximity adjustment, check the box next to *Absolute adjustment?*  If you leave the box blank, a relative proximity adjustment will be applied.
 . Enter the *Proximity Adjustment* between the *Item Circulating Library* and the *Request Library*.
diff --git a/docs/admin/circulation_limit_groups.adoc b/docs/admin/circulation_limit_groups.adoc
index 88268c9bfa..f4468f15e9 100644
--- a/docs/admin/circulation_limit_groups.adoc
+++ b/docs/admin/circulation_limit_groups.adoc
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 Circulation Limit Sets
-Maximum Checkout by Copy Location
+Maximum Checkout by Shelving Location
 This feature enables you to specify the maximum number of checkouts of items by
-copy location and is an addition to the circulation limit sets.  Circulation
+shelving location and is an addition to the circulation limit sets.  Circulation
 limit sets refine circulation policies by limiting the number of items that
 users can check out.  Circulation limit sets are linked by name to circulation
-To limit checkouts by copy location:
+To limit checkouts by shelving location:
 . Click *Administration -> Local Administration ->  Circ Limit Sets*.
 . Click *New* to create a new circulation limit set.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ To limit checkouts by copy location:
 this limit set.
 . Enter a *Name* for the circulation set.  You will select the *Name* to link
 the circulation limit set to a circulation policy.
-. Enter the number of *Items Out* that a user can take from this copy location.
+. Enter the number of *Items Out* that a user can take from this shelving location.
 . Enter the *Min Depth*, or the minimum depth in the org tree that Evergreen
 will consider as valid circulation libraries for counting items out.  The min
 depth is based on org unit type depths.  For example, if you want the items in
diff --git a/docs/admin/cn_prefixes_and_suffixes.adoc b/docs/admin/cn_prefixes_and_suffixes.adoc
index 3e975dd90e..7b201904f4 100644
--- a/docs/admin/cn_prefixes_and_suffixes.adoc
+++ b/docs/admin/cn_prefixes_and_suffixes.adoc
@@ -43,4 +43,4 @@ image::media/Call_Number_Prefixes_and_Suffixes_2_22.jpg[Call_Number_Prefixes_and
 Apply Call Number Prefixes and Suffixes
-You can apply call number prefixes and suffixes to items from a pre-configured list in the *Unified Volume/Copy Creator*.  See the document, Unified Volume/Copy Creator, for an example.
+You can apply call number prefixes and suffixes to items from a pre-configured list in the Holdings Editor.
diff --git a/docs/admin/copy_locations.adoc b/docs/admin/copy_locations.adoc
index ae17a0d25d..ac9c4cbc4e 100644
--- a/docs/admin/copy_locations.adoc
+++ b/docs/admin/copy_locations.adoc
@@ -1,115 +1,115 @@
-Administering copy locations
+Administering shelving locations
-Creating new copy locations
+Creating new shelving locations
 . Click _Administration_.
 . Click _Local Administration_.
-. Click _Copy Locations Editor_.
-. Type the name of the copy location.
-. In _OPAC Visible_, choose whether you would like items in this copy location
+. Click _Shelving Locations Editor_.
+. Type the name of the shelving location.
+. In _OPAC Visible_, choose whether you would like items in this shelving location
   to appear in the catalog.
 . In _Hold Verify_, 
 . In _Checkin Alert_, choose whether you would like a routing alert to appear
-  when a copy in this location is checked in. This is intended for special
+  when an item in this location is checked in. This is intended for special
   locations, such as 'Display', that may require special handling, or that
   temporarily contain items that are not normally in that location.
-NOTE: By default, these alerts will only display when a copy is checked in, _not_
+NOTE: By default, these alerts will only display when an item is checked in, _not_
 when it is used to record an in-house use.
-To also display these alerts when a copy in your location is scanned for in-house
+To also display these alerts when an item in your location is scanned for in-house
 use, go to Administration > Local Administration > Library Settings Editor and
-set _Display copy location check in alert for in-house-use_ to True.
+set _Display shelving location check in alert for in-house-use_ to True.
 . If you would like a prefix or suffix to be added to the call numbers of every
   volume in this location, enter it.
 . If you would like, add a URL to the _URL_ field.  When a URL is entered in
-  this field, the associated copy location will display as a link in the Public
+  this field, the associated shelving location will display as a link in the Public
   Catalog summary display. This link can be useful for retrieving maps or other
-  directions to the copy location to aid users in finding material.
-. If you would like to override any copy-level circulation/hold policies to
-  make sure that copies in your new location can't circulate or be holdable,
+  directions to the shelving location to aid users in finding material.
+. If you would like to override any item-level circulation/hold policies to
+  make sure that items in your new location can't circulate or be holdable,
   choose _No_ in the appropriate field.  If you choose _Yes_, Evergreen will
   use the typical circulation and hold policies to determine circulation
-Deleting copy locations
+Deleting shelving locations
-You may only delete a copy location if:
-. it doesn't contain any copies, or
-. it only contains deleted copies.
+You may only delete a shelving location if:
+. it doesn't contain any items, or
+. it only contains deleted items.
-Evergreen preserves copy locations in the database, so no statistical information
-is lost when a copy location is deleted.
+Evergreen preserves shelving locations in the database, so no statistical information
+is lost when a shelving location is deleted.
-Modifying copy location order
+Modifying shelving location order
 . Go to _Administration_.
 . Go to _Local Administration_.
-. Click _Copy Location Order_.
+. Click _Shelving Location Order_.
 . Drag and drop the locations until you are satisfied with their order.
 . Click _Apply changes_.
-Copy location groups
+Shelving location groups
 .Use case
 Mayberry Public Library provides a scope allowing users to search for all
 children's materials in their library. The library's children's scope
-incorporates several copy locations used at the library, including Picture
+incorporates several shelving locations used at the library, including Picture
 Books, Children's Fiction, Children's Non-Fiction, Easy Readers, and Children's
 DVDs. The library also builds a similar scope for YA materials that incorporates
-several copy locations.
+several shelving locations.
-This feature allows staff to create and name sets of copy locations to use as
+This feature allows staff to create and name sets of shelving locations to use as
 a search filter in the catalog.  OPAC-visible groups will display within the
 library selector in the Public Catalog.  When a user selects a group
 and performs a search, the set of results will be limited to records that have
-copies in one of the copy locations within the group.  Groups can live at any
-level of the library hierarchy and may include copy locations from any parent
+items in one of the shelving locations within the group.  Groups can live at any
+level of the library hierarchy and may include shelving locations from any parent
 org unit or child org unit.
-NOTE: To work with Copy Location Groups, you will need the ADMIN_COPY_LOCATION_GROUP
+NOTE: To work with Shelving Location Groups, you will need the ADMIN_COPY_LOCATION_GROUP
-Create a Copy Location Group
+Create a Shelving Location Group
-. Click Administration ->  Local Administration -> Copy Location Groups.
+. Click Administration ->  Local Administration -> Shelving Location Groups.
 . At the top of the screen is a drop down menu that displays the org unit tree.
-  Select the unit within the org tree to which you want to add a copy location group.
-  The copy locations associated with the org unit appear in the Copy Locations column.
+  Select the unit within the org tree to which you want to add a shelving location group.
+  The shelving locations associated with the org unit appear in the Shelving Locations column.
 . In the column called _Location Groups_, click _New_.
-. Choose how you want the copy location group to display to patrons in the catalog's
-  org unit tree in the OPAC. By default, when you add a new copy location group, the
+. Choose how you want the shelving location group to display to patrons in the catalog's
+  org unit tree in the OPAC. By default, when you add a new shelving location group, the
   group displays in the org unit tree beneath any branches or sub-libraries of its
   parental org unit.  If you check the box adjacent to Display above orgs, then the
   group will appear above the branches or sub-libraries of its parental org unit.
-. To make the copy location group visible to users searching the public catalog, check
+. To make the shelving location group visible to users searching the public catalog, check
   the box adjacent to Is OPAC visible?
-. Enter a _Name_ for the copy location group.
-. Click Save. The name of the Copy Location Group appears in the Location Groups.
-. Select the copy locations that you want to add to the group, and click Add. The copy
+. Enter a _Name_ for the shelving location group.
+. Click Save. The name of the Shelving Location Group appears in the Location Groups.
+. Select the shelving locations that you want to add to the group, and click Add. The shelving 
   locations will populate the middle column, Group Entries.
-. The copy location group is now visible in the org unit tree in the catalog. Search
-  the catalog to retrieve results from any of the copy locations that you added to
-  the copy location group.
+. The shelving location group is now visible in the org unit tree in the catalog. Search
+  the catalog to retrieve results from any of the shelving locations that you added to
+  the shelving location group.
-Order Copy Location Groups
+Order Shelving Location Groups
-If you create more than one copy location group, then you can order the groups in the
+If you create more than one shelving location group, then you can order the groups in the
 org unit tree.
-. Click Administration -> Local Administration -> Copy Location Groups.
-. Three icons appear next to each location group. Click on the icons to drag the copy
+. Click Administration -> Local Administration -> Shelving Location Groups.
+. Three icons appear next to each location group. Click on the icons to drag the shelving 
   location groups into the order in which you would like them to appear in the catalog.
-. Search the catalog to view the reorder of the copy location groups.
+. Search the catalog to view the reorder of the shelving location groups.
diff --git a/docs/admin/popularity_badges_web_client.adoc b/docs/admin/popularity_badges_web_client.adoc
index 785c2db51e..7bd1206a0a 100644
--- a/docs/admin/popularity_badges_web_client.adoc
+++ b/docs/admin/popularity_badges_web_client.adoc
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ NOTE: only Name, Scope, Weight, Recalculation Interval, Importance Interval, and
   * *Bib Source Filter:*  Apply the badge only to bibliographic records with a specific source.
-  * *Location Group Filter:*  Apply the badge only to items that are part of the specified Copy Location Group.  Applies only to item related badges.
+  * *Location Group Filter:*  Apply the badge only to items that are part of the specified Shelving Location Group.  Applies only to item related badges.
   * *Recalculation Interval:* Indicates how often the popularity value of the badge should be recalculated for bibliographic records that have earned the badge.  Recalculation is controlled by a cron job.  Required field with a default value of 1 month.
diff --git a/docs/admin_initial_setup/borrowing_items.adoc b/docs/admin_initial_setup/borrowing_items.adoc
index 94be81bae8..9136c71ae0 100644
--- a/docs/admin_initial_setup/borrowing_items.adoc
+++ b/docs/admin_initial_setup/borrowing_items.adoc
@@ -18,42 +18,42 @@ circulation policies.
 Copy data
-Several fields set via the copy editor are commonly used to affect the
+Several fields set via the holdings editor are commonly used to affect the
 circulation of an item.
 * *Circulation modifier* - Circulation modifiers are fields used to control
-circulation policies on specific groups of items. They can be added to copies
+circulation policies on specific groups of items. They can be added to items
 during the cataloging process. New circulation modifiers can be created in the
 staff client by navigating to *Administration -> Server Administration ->  Circulation
-* *Circulate?* flag - The circulate? flag in the copy editor can be set to False
+* *Circulate?* flag - The circulate? flag in the holdings editor can be set to False
 to disallow an item from circulating.
-* *Reference?* flag - The reference? flag in the copy editor can also be used as
+* *Reference?* flag - The reference? flag in the holdings editor can also be used as
 a data element in circulation policies.
-Copy location data
+Shelving location data
-* To get to the Copy Locations Editor, navigate to *Administration ->
-Local Administration -> Copy Locations Editor*. 
-* Set _OPAC Visible_ to "No" to hide all copies in a copy location from the
-public catalog. (You can also hide individual copies using the Copy Editor.)
-* Set _Hold Verify_ to "Yes" if when a copy checks in you want to always ask for
+* To get to the Shelving Locations Editor, navigate to *Administration ->
+Local Administration -> Shelving Locations Editor*. 
+* Set _OPAC Visible_ to "No" to hide all items in a shelving location from the
+public catalog. (You can also hide individual items using the Copy Editor.)
+* Set _Hold Verify_ to "Yes" if when an item checks in you want to always ask for
 staff confirmation before capturing a hold.
-* Set _Checkin Alert_ to "Yes" to allow routing alerts to display when copies
+* Set _Checkin Alert_ to "Yes" to allow routing alerts to display when items
 are checked in.
-* Set _Holdable_ to "No" to prevent copies in an entire copy location from
+* Set _Holdable_ to "No" to prevent items in an entire shelving location from
 being placed on hold.
-* Set _Circulate_ to "No" to disallow circulating copies in an entire copy
+* Set _Circulate_ to "No" to disallow circulating items in an entire shelving
-* If you delete a copy location, it will be removed from display in the staff
+* If you delete a shelving location, it will be removed from display in the staff
 client and the catalog, but it will remain in the database. This allows you to
-treat a copy location as deleted without losing statistical information for
-circulations related to that copy location.
+treat a shelving location as deleted without losing statistical information for
+circulations related to that shelving location.
-image::media/copy_locations_editor.png[screenshot of Copy Location Editor]
+image::media/copy_locations_editor.png[screenshot of Shelving Location Editor]
-* Copy locations can also be used as a data element in circulation policies. 
+* Shelving locations can also be used as a data element in circulation policies. 
 User data
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ These rules generally cause the most variation between organizational units.
 Loan duration and recurring fine rate are designed with 3 levels: short, normal,
 and extended loan duration, and low, normal, and high recurring fine rate. These
-values are applied to specific items, when copy records are created. 
+values are applied to specific items, when item records are created. 
 When naming these rules, give them a name that clearly identifies what the rule
 does. This will make it easier to select the correct rule when creating your
@@ -110,9 +110,9 @@ circ policies.
 Circulation Limit Sets
-Circulation Limit Sets allow you to limit the maximum number of copies for
+Circulation Limit Sets allow you to limit the maximum number of items for
 different types of materials that a patron can check out at one time. Evergreen
-supports creating these limits based on circulation modifiers, copy locations,
+supports creating these limits based on circulation modifiers, shelving locations,
 or circ limit groups, which allow you to create limits based on MARC data.
 The below instructions will allow you to create limits based on circulation
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ enter a zero (0) in this field.
 units in your consortium to be restricted by this limit set when it is applied
 to a circulation policy. Otherwise, Evergreen will only apply the limit to the
 direct ancestors and descendants of the owning library.
-* *Linked Limit Groups* - Add any circulation modifiers, copy locations, or circ
+* *Linked Limit Groups* - Add any circulation modifiers, shelving locations, or circ
 limit groups that should be part of this limit set.
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ return the various parameters that are applied to the matching transaction.
 item, select the checkout library as the *Org Unit (org_unit)*.
    - If your policies should follow the rules of the library that owns the item,
 select the consortium as the *Org Unit (org_unit)* and select the owning library
-as the *Copy Circ Lib (copy_circ_lib)*.
+as the *Item Circ Lib (copy_circ_lib)*.
 * Renewal policies can be created by setting *Renewals? (is_renewal)* to True.
 * You can apply the duration rules, recurring fine rules, maximum fine rules,
 and circulation sets created in the above sets when creating the circulation
diff --git a/docs/admin_initial_setup/migrating_your_data.adoc b/docs/admin_initial_setup/migrating_your_data.adoc
index 8ae1725fe8..83d2286b70 100644
--- a/docs/admin_initial_setup/migrating_your_data.adoc
+++ b/docs/admin_initial_setup/migrating_your_data.adoc
@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ Once you have loaded the records into your Evergreen system, you can search for
 some known records using the staff client to confirm that the import was
-Migrating your call numbers, copies, and parts
+Migrating your call numbers, items, and parts
-'Holdings', comprised of call numbers, copies, and parts, are the set of
+'Holdings', comprised of call numbers, items, and parts, are the set of
 objects that enable users to locate and potentially acquire materials from your
 library system.
@@ -148,21 +148,21 @@ the label.
 'Copies' connect call numbers to particular instances of that resource at a
 particular library. Each copy has a barcode and must exist in a particular copy
-location. Other optional attributes of copies include circulation modifier,
+location. Other optional attributes of items include circulation modifier,
 which may affect whether that copy can circulate or for how long it can
 circulate, and OPAC visibility, which controls whether that particular copy
 should be visible in the public catalog.
-'Parts' provide more granularity for copies, primarily to enable patrons to
+'Parts' provide more granularity for items, primarily to enable patrons to
 place holds on individual parts of a set of items. For example, an encyclopedia
 might be represented by a single bibliographic record, with a single call
 number representing the label for that encyclopedia at a given library, with 26
-copies representing each letter of the alphabet, with each copy mapped to a
+items representing each letter of the alphabet, with each copy mapped to a
 different part such as _A, B, C, ... Z_.
 To migrate this data into your Evergreen system, you will create another
 staging table in the database to hold the raw data for your materials from
-which the actual call numbers, copies, and parts will be generated.
+which the actual call numbers, items, and parts will be generated.
 Begin by connecting to the PostgreSQL database using the _psql_ command. For
@@ -190,12 +190,12 @@ CREATE TABLE staging_materials (
-For the purposes of this example migration of call numbers, copies, and parts,
+For the purposes of this example migration of call numbers, items, and parts,
 we assume that you are able to create a tab-delimited file containing values
 that map to the staging table properties, with one copy per line. For example,
 the following 5 lines demonstrate how the file could look for 5 different
-copies, with non-applicable attribute values represented by _\N_, and 3 of the
-copies connected to a single call number and bibliographic record via parts:
+items, with non-applicable attribute values represented by _\N_, and 3 of the
+items connected to a single call number and bibliographic record via parts:
 1   QA 76.76 A3 \N  \N  LC  2012-12-05  STACKS  BOOK    BR1 30007001122620  \N
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ INSERT INTO asset.call_number (
-Generate the copies for your holdings:
+Generate the items for your holdings:
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ INSERT INTO biblio.monograph_part (record, label)
-Now map the parts for each record to the specific copies that you added:
+Now map the parts for each record to the specific items that you added:
@@ -348,6 +348,6 @@ INSERT INTO asset.copy_part_map (target_copy, part)
 At this point, you have loaded your bibliographic records, call numbers, call
-number prefixes and suffixes, copies, and parts, and your records should be
+number prefixes and suffixes, items, and parts, and your records should be
 visible to searches in the public catalog within the appropriate organization
 unit scope.
diff --git a/docs/cataloging/copy-buckets_web_client.adoc b/docs/cataloging/copy-buckets_web_client.adoc
index 74b4d394dc..26d8180cd2 100755
--- a/docs/cataloging/copy-buckets_web_client.adoc
+++ b/docs/cataloging/copy-buckets_web_client.adoc
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-Copy Buckets
+Item Buckets
-Copy buckets are containers copy records can be put into to easily perform batch actions on.  Copies stay in buckets until they are removed.
+Item buckets are containers copy records can be put into to easily perform batch actions on.  Copies stay in buckets until they are removed.
-The _Copy Bucket_ interface is accessed by going to *Cataloguing* -> *Copy Buckets*.
+The _Item Bucket_ interface is accessed by going to *Cataloguing* -> *Copy Buckets*.
 image::media/copy-bucket-2.png[Cataloguing Menu]
 NOTE: The words _copy_ and _item_ are used interchangeably in Evergreen. 
-Managing Copy Buckets
+Managing Item Buckets
-Creating Copy Buckets
+Creating Item Buckets
-Copy buckets can be created in the _Copy Bucket_ interface as well as on the fly when adding copies to a bucket from
+Item buckets can be created in the _Item Bucket_ interface as well as on the fly when adding items to a bucket from
 a catalogue search or from within the _Item Status_ interface.  For information on creating buckets on the fly see _Adding Copies to a Bucket_ (needs section ID).
-1. In the _Copy Bucket_ interface on the click *Buckets* in either the _Pending Copies_ or _Bucket View_ tab.
+1. In the _Item Bucket_ interface on the click *Buckets* in either the _Pending Copies_ or _Bucket View_ tab.
-image::media/copy-bucket-new-1.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-new-1.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 2. From the drop down menu select *New Bucket*.
-image::media/copy-bucket-new-2.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-new-2.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 3. Enter a _Name_ and a _Description_ (optional) for your bucket and click *Create Bucket*.  
-image::media/copy-bucket-new-3.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-new-3.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 The bucket can also be set as _Publicly Visible_ at this time. 
 NOTE: The functionality for making buckets publicly visible does not appear to be in place at this time.
-Editing Copy Buckets
+Editing Item Buckets
-1. In the _Copy Bucket_ interface click *Buckets* in either the _Pending Copies_ or _Bucket View_ tab.
+1. In the _Item Bucket_ interface click *Buckets* in either the _Pending Copies_ or _Bucket View_ tab.
-image::media/copy-bucket-new-1.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-new-1.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 2. From the drop down menu select the bucket you would like to edit.  The bucket will load in the interface.
 3. Click on *Buckets*.
 4. From the drop down menu select *Edit Bucket*.
-image::media/copy-bucket-edit-1.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-edit-1.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 5. Update the desired information and click *Apply Changes*.  
-image::media/copy-bucket-edit-2.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-edit-2.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 NOTE: The functionality for making buckets publicly visible does not appear to be in place at this time.
-Sharing Copy Buckets
+Sharing Item Buckets
 Finding the Bucket ID
@@ -66,34 +66,34 @@ image::media/copy-bucket-share-1.png[Bucket ID URL]
 Opening a Shared Bucket
-. In the _Copy Bucket_ interface click *Buckets* in either the _Pending Copies_ or _Bucket View_ tab.
+. In the _Item Bucket_ interface click *Buckets* in either the _Pending Copies_ or _Bucket View_ tab.
-image::media/copy-bucket-new-1.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-new-1.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 . From the drop down menu select *Shared Bucket*.
-image::media/copy-bucket-share-2.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-share-2.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 . Enter the bucket ID and click *Load Bucket*.
-image::media/copy-bucket-share-3.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-share-3.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 . The shared bucket will display and can be worked with the same as any bucket you own.
-image::media/copy-bucket-share-4.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-share-4.png[Item Bucket Interface]
-Deleting Copy Buckets
+Deleting Item Buckets
-1. In the _Copy Bucket_ interface click *Buckets* in either the _Pending Copies_ or _Bucket View_ tab.
+1. In the _Item Bucket_ interface click *Buckets* in either the _Pending Copies_ or _Bucket View_ tab.
-image::media/copy-bucket-new-1.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-new-1.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 2. From the drop down menu select the bucket you would like to delete.  The bucket will load in the interface.
 3. Click on *Buckets*.
 4. From the drop down menu select *Delete Bucket*.
-image::media/copy-bucket-delete-1.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-delete-1.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 5. On the confirmation pop up click *Delete Bucket*.
 6. Refresh your screen.
@@ -102,32 +102,32 @@ image::media/copy-bucket-delete-1.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
 Adding Copies to a Bucket
-From the Copy Bucket Interface
+From the Item Bucket Interface
-1. In the _Copy Bucket_ interface click on the *Pending Copies* tab.
+1. In the _Item Bucket_ interface click on the *Pending Copies* tab.
-image::media/copy-bucket-pending-1.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-pending-1.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 2. Scan in all of the items you wish to add to the bucket.
-image::media/copy-bucket-pending-3.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-pending-3.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 3. Click on *Buckets*.
 4. From the drop down menu select the bucket you wish to add the items to.
-Alternatively you can create a *New Bucket* (link back to Copy Bucket Interface section of Creating Copy Buckets).
+Alternatively you can create a *New Bucket* (link back to Item Bucket Interface section of Creating Copy Buckets).
-image::media/copy-bucket-pending-2.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-pending-2.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 5. Use the check boxes to select the item(s) you wish to add to the bucket.
 6. Click *Actions*.
 7. From the drop down menu select *Add To Bucket*.
-image::media/copy-bucket-pending-4.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-pending-4.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 8. The number of items in the bucket, displayed beside the bucket name, will update as will the number on the *Bucket View* tab.
-image::media/copy-bucket-pending-5.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-pending-5.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 NOTE: Once you have added your selected items to a bucket you can deselect them, select other items on your pending list, and add those items to a different bucket.
@@ -149,9 +149,9 @@ image::media/copy-bucket-cat-2.png[Holdings View]
 6. Enter a name for your bucket or select an existing from the drop down menu.
 7. Click *Add To New Bucket* or *Add To Selected Bucket*.
-image::media/copy-bucket-cat-3.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-cat-3.png[Item Bucket Interface]
-8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 to add additional copies.
+8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 to add additional items.
 From the Scan Item Interface
@@ -169,70 +169,70 @@ side of the screen is checked.
 Removing Copies from a Bucket
-. Open the _Copy Bucket_ interface.  By default you are on the *Bucket View* tab.
+. Open the _Item Bucket_ interface.  By default you are on the *Bucket View* tab.
-image::media/copy-bucket-remove-1.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-remove-1.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 . Click on *Buckets*.
 . From the drop down menu select the bucket containing the item(s) you would like to remove.
-image::media/copy-bucket-remove-2.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-remove-2.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 . Use the check boxes to select the item(s) you wish to remove from the bucket.
 . Click *Actions*.
 . From the drop down menu select *Remove Selected Copies from Bucket*.
-image::media/copy-bucket-remove-3.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-remove-3.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 . Your bucket will reload and the selected item(s) will no longer be in the bucket.
 Editing Copies in a Bucket
-. Open the _Copy Bucket_ interface.  By default you are on the *Bucket View* tab.
+. Open the _Item Bucket_ interface.  By default you are on the *Bucket View* tab.
-image::media/copy-bucket-remove-1.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-remove-1.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 . Click on *Buckets*.
 . From the drop down menu select the bucket containing the item(s) you would like to edit.
-image::media/copy-bucket-remove-2.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-remove-2.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 . Use the check boxes to select the item(s) you wish to edit.
 . Click *Actions*.
 . From the drop down menu select *Edit Selected Copies*.
-image::media/copy-bucket-edit-copy-1.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-edit-copy-1.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 . The _Copy Editor_ will open in a new tab.  Make your edits and then click *Save and Exit*.
-image::media/copy-bucket-edit-copy-2.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-edit-copy-2.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 . Your items have been updated.
-image::media/copy-bucket-edit-copy-3.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-edit-copy-3.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 Deleting Copies from the Catalogue
-. Open the _Copy Bucket_ interface.  By default you are on the *Bucket View* tab.
+. Open the _Item Bucket_ interface.  By default you are on the *Bucket View* tab.
-image::media/copy-bucket-remove-1.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-remove-1.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 . Click on *Buckets*.
 . From the drop down menu select the bucket containing the item(s) you would like to delete from the catalogue.
-image::media/copy-bucket-remove-2.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-remove-2.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 . Use the check boxes to select the item(s) you wish to delete.
 . Click *Actions*.
 . From the drop down menu select *Delete Selected Copies from Catalog*.
-image::media/copy-bucket-delete-copy-1.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-delete-copy-1.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 . On the confirmation pop up click *OK/Continue*.
-image::media/copy-bucket-delete-copy-2.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-delete-copy-2.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 . The items have been deleted from the catalogue.
@@ -240,24 +240,24 @@ image::media/copy-bucket-delete-copy-2.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
 Placing Holds on Copies in a Bucket
-. Open the _Copy Bucket_ interface.  By default you are on the *Bucket View* tab.
+. Open the _Item Bucket_ interface.  By default you are on the *Bucket View* tab.
-image::media/copy-bucket-remove-1.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-remove-1.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 . Click on *Buckets*.
 . From the drop down menu select the bucket containing the item(s) you would like to place a hold on.
-image::media/copy-bucket-remove-2.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-remove-2.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 . Use the check boxes to select the item(s) you wish to delete.
 . Click *Actions*.
 . From the drop down menu select *Request Selected Copies*.
-image::media/copy-bucket-request-1.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-request-1.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 . Enter the barcode for the patron who the hold is for. By default the system enters the barcode of the account logged into the client.
-image::media/copy-bucket-request-2.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-request-2.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 . Select the correct _Pickup Library_.
 . Select the correct _Hold Type_. (More explanation of the hold types needed here.)
@@ -279,24 +279,24 @@ image::media/copy-bucket-cat-1.png[Holdings View]
 image::media/copy-bucket-transfer-1.png[Holdings View]
-6. Open the _Copy Bucket_ interface.  By default you are on the *Bucket View* tab.
+6. Open the _Item Bucket_ interface.  By default you are on the *Bucket View* tab.
-image::media/copy-bucket-remove-1.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-remove-1.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 7. Click on *Buckets*.
 8. From the drop down menu select the bucket containing the item(s) you would like to transfer to the volume.
-image::media/copy-bucket-remove-2.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-remove-2.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 9. Use the check boxes to select the item(s) you wish to transfer.
 10. Click *Actions*.
 11. From the drop down menu select *Transfer Selected Copies to Marked Volume*.
-image::media/copy-bucket-transfer-2.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-transfer-2.png[Item Bucket Interface]
 12. The item(s) is transferred.
-image::media/copy-bucket-transfer-3.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
+image::media/copy-bucket-transfer-3.png[Item Bucket Interface]
diff --git a/docs/cataloging/holdings_templates.adoc b/docs/cataloging/holdings_templates.adoc
index 1e6a4f8799..bd84256c72 100644
--- a/docs/cataloging/holdings_templates.adoc
+++ b/docs/cataloging/holdings_templates.adoc
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-Working with volume/copy templates
+Working with holdings templates
-Setting up volume/copy templates can save a lot of time when creating items, and they
+Setting up holdings templates can save a lot of time when creating items, and they
 also improve consistency and accuracy.  Any time you find yourself creating multiple
-items with the same item-level data, you may wish to create a volume/copy template
+items with the same item-level data, you may wish to create a holdings template
 to automate that process.
-Creating a new volume/copy template
+Creating a new holdings template
-* Open _Administration_ -> _Local Administration_ -> _Volume/Copy Templates_.
+* Open _Administration_ -> _Local Administration_ -> _Holdings Template Editor_.
 * Select the desired template attributes by moving through the fields in the
 editor. The attributes you've changed will appear in green. If you want to
 start this process over, you can click the _Clear_ button in the top right
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ corner of the screen.
 of the screen.
 * Press the _Save_ button.
-Using a volume/copy template
+Using a holdings template
-Whenever you see the volume/copy editor, you can use data from your templates.
+Whenever you see the holdings editor, you can use data from your templates.
 * In the _Template_ menu, choose the template you wish to use.
 * Click _Apply_.
diff --git a/docs/cataloging/monograph_parts.adoc b/docs/cataloging/monograph_parts.adoc
index 4bb4bb2591..8240924b96 100644
--- a/docs/cataloging/monograph_parts.adoc
+++ b/docs/cataloging/monograph_parts.adoc
@@ -36,37 +36,37 @@ image::media/manage_parts_menu.jpg[Menu: Manage Parts]
 . Enter the *label* that you want to appear to the user in the catalog,
 and click *Save*.  This will create a list of monograph parts from which
-you can choose when you create a volume and copy.
+you can choose when you create holdings.
-. Add a volume and copy.  To add a volume and copy to your workstation
-library, click the *Add Volumes* button in the *Record Summary* area above the tabs.
+. Add holdings.  To add holdings to your workstation
+library, click the *Add Holdings* button in the *Record Summary* area above the tabs.
-To add a volume and copy to your workstation library or other libraries,
+To add holdings to your workstation library or other libraries,
 click the *Holdings View* tab, right-click the appropriate
-library, and choose *Add -> Volumes and Copies*.
+library, and choose *Add -> Call numbers and Items*.
-. The *Unified Volume/Copy Creator* opens. Enter the number of volumes
-that you want to add to the catalog and the volume description.
+. The Holdings Editor opens. Enter the number of call numbers
+that you want to add to the catalog and the call number description.
-. Enter the number of copies and barcode(s) of each item.
+. Enter the number of items and barcode(s) of each item.
 . Choose the part label from the *Part* drop down menu.
-. Apply a template to the copies, or edit fields in the *Working Copies* section below.
+. Apply a template to the items, or edit fields in the *Working Items* section below.
-. Click *Store Selected* when those copies are ready.
+. Click *Store Selected* when those items are ready.
-. Review your completed copies on the "Completed Copies" tab.
+. Review your completed items on the "Completed Items" tab.
-. When all copies have been stored and reviewed, click "Save & Exit".
+. When all items have been stored and reviewed, click "Save & Exit".
 NOTE: If you are only making one set of changes, you can simply click
 *Save & Exit* and skip the *Store Selected* stage.
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ NOTE: If you are only making one set of changes, you can simply click
 . The *Holdings View* tab now shows the new part information. These fields
 also appear in the OPAC View.
-image::media/manage_parts_opac.png[Catalog Record showing copies with part details]
+image::media/manage_parts_opac.png[Catalog Record showing items with part details]
 Monograph Part Merging
@@ -95,5 +95,5 @@ items in a monospaced font, with blanks represented by a middle-dot character
 for more visibility.
 . Click on the item you wish to prevail.
-The undesired part labels will be deleted, and any copies that previously used
+The undesired part labels will be deleted, and any items that previously used
 those labels will now use the prevailing label
diff --git a/docs/cataloging/tpac_copy_edit_links.adoc b/docs/cataloging/tpac_copy_edit_links.adoc
index ff0c10f20e..9e135dc8cd 100644
--- a/docs/cataloging/tpac_copy_edit_links.adoc
+++ b/docs/cataloging/tpac_copy_edit_links.adoc
@@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
-Accessing the Volume/Copy editor from a catalog record
+Accessing the holdings editor from a catalog record
-The bibliographic record detail page displays library holdings, including the call number, shelving location, and copy barcode. Within the staff client, the holdings list now displays a new column next to the copy barcode(s). This new column contains two links, *view* and *edit*.
+The bibliographic record detail page displays library holdings, including the call number, shelving location, and item barcode. Within the
+staff client, the holdings list displays a column next to the item barcode(s) containing two links, *view* and *edit*.
 image::media/copy_edit_link_1.jpg[Copy Edit Link]
-Clicking on the *view* link opens the *Item Status* screen for that specific copy.
+Clicking on the *view* link opens the *Item Status* screen for that specific item.
-Clicking on the *edit* link opens the *Volume and Copy Creator* screen for that specific copy.
+Clicking on the *edit* link opens the *Holdings Editor* screen for that specific item.
 The *edit* link will only be exposed next to copies when the user has the *UPDATE_COPY* permission at the copy owning or circulating library. 
-For libraries where the *Library Setting: Unified Volume/Item Creator/Editor* value is set to *True*, the unified *Volume and Copy Creator* screen will open.
-For libraries where the *Library Setting: Unified Volume/Item Creator/Editor* value is set to *False*, the standard *Volume and Copy Creator* screen will open.
diff --git a/docs/cataloging/volcopy_editor.adoc b/docs/cataloging/volcopy_editor.adoc
index ce46084cc8..8b4618445a 100644
--- a/docs/cataloging/volcopy_editor.adoc
+++ b/docs/cataloging/volcopy_editor.adoc
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
-Using the Volume/Copy Editor
+Using the Holdings Editor
 indexterm:[call numbers,editing]
+indexterm:[holdings editor]
-The Volume/Copy Editor is the tool where you can edit all holdings data.
+The Holdings Editor is the tool where you can edit all holdings data.
 Specific fields
@@ -18,20 +20,21 @@ This field is populated with the invoiced cost of the originating acquisition.
 This field will be empty until its originating acquisition is connected to an
-Copy Number
+Item Number
 indexterm:[copy number]
+indexterm:[item number]
 If you have multiple copies of the same item, you may want to
-assign them copy numbers to help distinguish them.  If you do
-not include a copy number in this field, Evergreen will assign your
-item a default copy number of 1.
+assign them item numbers to help distinguish them.  If you do
+not include an item number in this field, Evergreen will assign your
+item a default item number of 1.
-Accessing the Volume/Copy Editor by barcode
+Accessing the Holdings Editor by barcode
-. Click *Search -> Search for Copies by Barcode*
+. Click *Search -> Search for Items by Barcode*
 . Scan your barcode.
 . Right click on the entry in the grid.
-. Click *Edit -> Volumes and Items* on the actions menu that appears.
+. Click *Edit -> Call Numbers and Items* on the actions menu that appears.
diff --git a/docs/development/data_unapi.adoc b/docs/development/data_unapi.adoc
index 24d2d0ec58..5b00801c13 100644
--- a/docs/development/data_unapi.adoc
+++ b/docs/development/data_unapi.adoc
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ URL format
 Evergreen's unAPI support includes access to many
 record types. For example, the following URL would fetch
-bib 267 in MODS32 along with holdings, volume, copy,
-and record attribute information:
+bib 267 in MODS32 along with holdings and record attribute information:{holdings_xml,acn,acp,mra}&format=mods32
@@ -18,18 +17,18 @@ following form:
   * followed by class name, which may be
     ** +bre+ (bibs)
     ** +biblio_record_entry_feed+ (multiple bibs)
-    ** +acl+ (copy locations)
-    ** +acn+ (volumes)
+    ** +acl+ (shelving locations)
+    ** +acn+ (call numbers)
     ** +acnp+ (call number prefixes)
     ** +acns+ (call number suffixes)
-    ** +acp+ (copies)
-    ** +acpn+ (copy notes)
+    ** +acp+ (items)
+    ** +acpn+ (item notes)
     ** +aou+ (org units)
-    ** +ascecm+ (copy stat cat entries)
+    ** +ascecm+ (item stat cat entries)
     ** +auri+ (located URIs)
     ** +bmp+ (monographic parts)
     ** +cbs+ (bib sources)
-    ** +ccs+ (copy statuses)
+    ** +ccs+ (item statuses)
     ** +circ+ (loan checkout and due dates)
     ** +holdings_xml+ (holdings)
     ** +mmr+ (metarecords)
@@ -60,9 +59,9 @@ following form:
    * followed, optionally, by +/+ and org unit depth
    * followed, optionally, by +/+ and a path. If the path
      is +barcode+ and the class is +acp+, the record ID is taken
-     to be a copy barcode rather than a copy ID; for example, in
+     to be an item barcode rather than an item ID; for example, in
      +tag::U2@acp/ACQ140{acn,bre,mra}/-/0/barcode+, +ACQ140+ is
-     meant to be a copy barcode.
+     meant to be an item barcode.
    * followed, optionally, by +&format=+ and the format in which the record
      should be retrieved. If this part is omitted, the list of available
      formats will be retrieved.