From: Galen Charlton <>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2021 15:45:28 +0000 (-0400)
Subject: update version-upgrade script for 3.7-rc

update version-upgrade script for 3.7-rc

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.6.2-3.7-beta-upgrade-db.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.6.2-3.7-beta-upgrade-db.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index b06b9d870a..0000000000
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.6.2-3.7-beta-upgrade-db.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1395 +0,0 @@
---Upgrade Script for 3.6.2 to 3.7-beta
-\set eg_version '''3.7-beta'''
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('3.7-beta', :eg_version);
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1247', :eg_version);
-INSERT INTO permission.perm_list (id,code,description) VALUES (627,'SSO_ADMIN','Modify patron SSO settings');
-INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type
-( name, grp, label, description, datatype, update_perm )
- 'opac',
- oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.enable', 'Enable Shibboleth SSO for the OPAC', 'coust', 'label'),
- oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.enable', 'Enable Shibboleth SSO for the OPAC', 'coust', 'description'),
- 'bool', 627),
- 'opac',
- oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.entityId', 'Shibboleth SSO Entity ID', 'coust', 'label'),
- oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.entityId', 'Which configured Entity ID to use for SSO when there is more than one available to Shibboleth', 'coust', 'description'),
- 'string', 627),
- 'opac',
- oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.logout', 'Log out of the Shibboleth IdP', 'coust', 'label'),
- oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.logout', 'When logging out of Evergreen, also force a logout of the IdP behind Shibboleth', 'coust', 'description'),
- 'bool', 627),
- 'opac',
- oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.allow_native', 'Allow both Shibboleth and native OPAC authentication', 'coust', 'label'),
- oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.allow_native', 'When Shibboleth SSO is enabled, also allow native Evergreen authentication', 'coust', 'description'),
- 'bool', 627),
- 'opac',
- oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.evergreen_matchpoint', 'Evergreen SSO matchpoint', 'coust', 'label'),
- oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.evergreen_matchpoint',
-  'Evergreen-side field to match a patron against for Shibboleth SSO. Default is usrname.  Other reasonable values would be barcode or email.',
-  'coust', 'description'),
- 'string', 627),
- 'opac',
- oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.shib_matchpoint', 'Shibboleth SSO matchpoint', 'coust', 'label'),
- oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.shib_matchpoint',
-  'Shibboleth-side field to match a patron against for Shibboleth SSO. Default is uid; use eppn for Active Directory', 'coust', 'description'),
- 'string', 627)
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1248', :eg_version);
-DO LANGUAGE plpgsql $$
-  ind RECORD;
-  tablist TEXT;
-  -- We only want to mess with gist indexes in stock Evergreen.
-  -- If you've added your own convert them or don't as you see fit.
-  FROM pg_index idx
-    JOIN pg_class cls ON cls.oid=idx.indexrelid
-    JOIN pg_namespace sc ON sc.oid = cls.relnamespace
-    JOIN pg_class tab ON tab.oid=idx.indrelid
-    JOIN pg_attribute at ON (at.attnum = ANY(idx.indkey) AND at.attrelid = tab.oid)
-    JOIN pg_am am ON am.oid=cls.relam
-  WHERE am.amname = 'gist'
-    AND cls.relname IN (
-      'authority_full_rec_index_vector_idx',
-      'authority_simple_heading_index_vector_idx',
-      'metabib_identifier_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-      'metabib_combined_identifier_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-      'metabib_title_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-      'metabib_combined_title_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-      'metabib_author_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-      'metabib_combined_author_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-      'metabib_subject_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-      'metabib_combined_subject_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-      'metabib_keyword_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-      'metabib_combined_keyword_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-      'metabib_series_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-      'metabib_combined_series_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-      'metabib_full_rec_index_vector_idx'
-    );
-    RETURN;
-  END IF;
-  tablist := '';
-  RAISE NOTICE 'Converting GIST indexes into GIN indexes...';
-  FOR ind IN SELECT sc.nspname AS sch, tab.relname AS tab, cls.relname AS idx, at.attname AS col
-             FROM pg_index idx
-               JOIN pg_class cls ON cls.oid=idx.indexrelid
-               JOIN pg_namespace sc ON sc.oid = cls.relnamespace
-               JOIN pg_class tab ON tab.oid=idx.indrelid
-               JOIN pg_attribute at ON (at.attnum = ANY(idx.indkey) AND at.attrelid = tab.oid)
-               JOIN pg_am am ON am.oid=cls.relam
-             WHERE am.amname = 'gist'
-               AND cls.relname IN (
-                 'authority_full_rec_index_vector_idx',
-                 'authority_simple_heading_index_vector_idx',
-                 'metabib_identifier_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-                 'metabib_combined_identifier_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-                 'metabib_title_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-                 'metabib_combined_title_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-                 'metabib_author_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-                 'metabib_combined_author_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-                 'metabib_subject_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-                 'metabib_combined_subject_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-                 'metabib_keyword_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-                 'metabib_combined_keyword_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-                 'metabib_series_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-                 'metabib_combined_series_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
-                 'metabib_full_rec_index_vector_idx'
-               )
-    -- Move existing index out of the way so there's no difference between new databases and upgraded databases
-    EXECUTE FORMAT('ALTER INDEX %I.%I RENAME TO %I_gist', ind.sch, ind.idx, ind.idx);
-    -- Meet the new index, same as the old index (almost)
-    EXECUTE FORMAT('CREATE INDEX %I ON %I.%I USING GIN (%I)', ind.idx, ind.sch,, ind.col);
-    -- And drop the old index
-    EXECUTE FORMAT('DROP INDEX %I.%I_gist', ind.sch, ind.idx);
-    tablist := tablist || '           ' || ind.sch || '.' || || E'\n';
-  RAISE NOTICE E'Conversion Complete.\n\n           You should run a VACUUM ANALYZE on the following tables soon:\n%', tablist;
-END $$;
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1249', :eg_version);
-INSERT INTO config.usr_setting_type (
-    name,
-    opac_visible,
-    label,
-    description,
-    datatype,
-    reg_default
-    'circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled',
-    TRUE,
-    oils_i18n_gettext(
-        'circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled',
-        'Receive Overdue and Courtesy Emails',
-        'cust',
-        'label'
-    ),
-    oils_i18n_gettext(
-        'circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled',
-        'Receive overdue and predue email notifications',
-        'cust',
-        'description'
-    ),
-    'bool',
-    'true'
-\qecho The following query will set the circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled
-\qecho user setting to true (the default value) for all existing users,
-\qecho ensuring they continue to receive overdue/predue emails.
-\qecho     INSERT INTO actor.usr_setting (usr, name, value)
-\qecho     SELECT
-\qecho         id,
-\qecho         'circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled',
-\qecho         'true'
-\qecho     FROM actor.usr;
-\qecho The following query will add the circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled
-\qecho user setting as an opt-in setting for all action triggers that send
-\qecho emails based on a circ being due (unless another opt-in setting is
-\qecho already in use).
-\qecho     UPDATE action_trigger.event_definition
-\qecho     SET opt_in_setting = 'circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled',
-\qecho         usr_field = 'usr'
-\qecho     WHERE opt_in_setting IS NULL
-\qecho         AND hook = 'checkout.due'
-\qecho         AND reactor = 'SendEmail';
-\qecho Evergreen admins who wish to use the new setting should run both of
-\qecho the above queries.  Admins who do not wish to use it, or who are
-\qecho already using a custom opt-in setting of their own, do not need to
-\qecho do anything.
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1250', :eg_version);
-CREATE TABLE action.batch_hold_event (
-    id          SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
-    bucket      INT     NOT NULL REFERENCES container.user_bucket (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,
-    target      INT     NOT NULL,
-    hold_type   TEXT    NOT NULL DEFAULT 'T', -- maybe different hold types in the future...
-CREATE TABLE action.batch_hold_event_map (
-    id                  SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
-    batch_hold_event    INT     NOT NULL REFERENCES action.batch_hold_event (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,
-    hold                INT     NOT NULL REFERENCES action.hold_request (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
-INSERT INTO container.user_bucket_type (code,label) VALUES ('hold_subscription','Hold Group Container');
-INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type
-    (name, label, description, grp, datatype)
-    'holds.subscription.randomize',
-    oils_i18n_gettext(
-        'holds.subscription.randomize',
-        'Randomize group hold order',
-        'coust',
-        'label'
-    ),
-    oils_i18n_gettext(
-        'holds.subscription.randomize',
-        'When placing a batch group hold, randomize the order of the patrons receiving the holds so they are not always in the same order.',
-        'coust',
-        'description'
-    ),
-    'holds',
-    'bool'
-INSERT INTO permission.perm_list (id,code,description)
-  VALUES ( 628, 'MANAGE_HOLD_GROUPS', oils_i18n_gettext(628, 'Manage hold groups and hold group events', 'ppl', 'description'));
-INSERT INTO action.hold_request_cancel_cause (id,label)
-  VALUES ( 8, oils_i18n_gettext(8, 'Hold Group Event rollback', 'ahrcc', 'label'));
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (active, owner, name, hook, validator, reactor, delay, delay_field, group_field, cleanup_success, template)
-    VALUES ('f', 1, 'Hold Group Hold Placed for Patron Email Notification', 'hold_request.success', 'NOOP_True', 'SendEmail', '30 minutes', 'request_time', 'usr', 'CreateHoldNotification',
-[%- USE date -%]
-[%- user = target.0.usr -%]
-To: [%- params.recipient_email || %]
-From: [%- params.sender_email || default_sender %]
-Date: [%- date.format(, '%a, %d %b %Y %T -0000', gmt => 1) %]
-Subject: Subcription Hold placed for you
-Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
-Dear [% user.family_name %], [% user.first_given_name %]
-The following items have been placed on hold for you:
-[% FOR hold IN target %]
-    [%- copy_details = helpers.get_copy_bib_basics( -%]
-    Title: [% copy_details.title %]
-    Author: [% %]
-    Call Number: [% hold.current_copy.call_number.label %]
-    Barcode: [% hold.current_copy.barcode %]
-    Library: [% %]
-[% END %]
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment (event_def, path ) VALUES
-( currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'), 'usr' ),
-( currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'), 'pickup_lib' ),
-( currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'), 'current_copy.call_number' );
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (
-    active, owner, name, hook, validator, reactor, cleanup_success,
-    delay, delay_field, group_field, template
-    false, 1, 'Hold Group Hold Placed for Patron SMS Notification', 'hold_request.success', 'NOOP_True',
-    'SendSMS', 'CreateHoldNotification', '00:30:00', 'shelf_time', 'sms_notify',
-    '[%- USE date -%]
-[%- user = target.0.usr -%]
-From: [%- params.sender_email || default_sender %]
-Date: [%- date.format(, ''%a, %d %b %Y %T -0000'', gmt => 1) %]
-To: [%- params.recipient_email || helpers.get_sms_gateway_email(target.0.sms_carrier,target.0.sms_notify) %]
-Subject: [% target.size %] subscription hold(s) placed for you
-Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
-[% FOR hold IN target %][%-
-  bibxml = helpers.xml_doc( hold.current_copy.call_number.record.marc );
-  title = "";
-  FOR part IN bibxml.findnodes(''//*[@tag="245"]/*[@code="a"]'');
-    title = title _ part.textContent;
-  END;
-  author = bibxml.findnodes(''//*[@tag="100"]/*[@code="a"]'').textContent;
-%][% hold.usr.first_given_name %]:[% title %] @ [% %]
-[% END %]
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment (
-    event_def,
-    path
-    currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'),
-    'current_copy.call_number.record.simple_record'
-), (
-    currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'),
-    'usr'
-), (
-    currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'),
-    'pickup_lib.billing_address'
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_params (event_def, param, value)
-    VALUES (currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'), 'check_sms_notify', 1);
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1251', :eg_version);
-INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type
-    (grp, name, datatype, label, description)
-    'circ',
-    'circ.renew.expired_patron_allow', 'bool',
-    oils_i18n_gettext(
-        'circ.renew.expired_patron_allow',
-        'Allow renewal request if renewal recipient privileges have expired',
-        'coust',
-        'label'
-    ),
-    oils_i18n_gettext(
-        'circ.renew.expired_patron_allow',
-        'If enabled, users within the org unit who are expired may still renew items.',
-        'coust',
-        'description'
-    )
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1252', :eg_version);
-INSERT INTO config.coded_value_map
-    (id, ctype, code, opac_visible, value, search_label)
-    SELECT 1738,'search_format','video', true,
-    oils_i18n_gettext(1738, 'All Videos', 'ccvm', 'value'),
-    oils_i18n_gettext(1738, 'All Videos', 'ccvm', 'search_label')
-        SELECT 1 FROM config.coded_value_map WHERE id=1738
-        OR value = 'All Videos' OR search_label = 'All Videos'
-    );
-INSERT INTO config.composite_attr_entry_definition (coded_value, definition)
-    SELECT 1738, '{"_attr":"item_type","_val":"g"}'
-    SELECT 1 FROM config.composite_attr_entry_definition WHERE coded_value = 1738
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1253', :eg_version);
-INSERT INTO config.workstation_setting_type (name, grp, datatype, label)
-    'eg.print.template_context.booking_capture', 'gui', 'string',
-    oils_i18n_gettext(
-        'eg.print.template_context.booking_capture',
-        'Print Template Context: booking_capture',
-        'cwst', 'label'
-    )
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1254', :eg_version);
--- XXX Committer: confirm ID below is the next available!
-INSERT INTO permission.perm_list (id, code, description)
-    VALUES ( 629, 'ADMIN_LIBRARY_GROUPS', 'Administer library groups');
-INSERT INTO config.workstation_setting_type (name, grp, datatype, label)
-    '', 'gui', 'object',
-    oils_i18n_gettext(
-        '',
-        'Grid Config:',
-        'cwst', 'label'
-    )
-), (
-    '', 'gui', 'object',
-    oils_i18n_gettext(
-        '',
-        'Grid Config:',
-        'cwst', 'label'
-    )
--- check whether patch can be applied
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1255', :eg_version);
--- 005.schema.actors.sql
--- CREATE TABLE actor.org_address (
---     ...
---     latitude    FLOAT,
---     longitude   FLOAT
--- );
-ALTER TABLE actor.org_address ADD COLUMN latitude FLOAT;
-ALTER TABLE actor.org_address ADD COLUMN longitude FLOAT;
--- 002.schema.config.sql
-CREATE TABLE config.geolocation_service (
-    id           SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
-    active       BOOLEAN,
-    owner        INT NOT NULL, -- REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id)
-    name         TEXT,
-    service_code TEXT,
-    api_key      TEXT
--- 800.fkeys.sql
-ALTER TABLE config.geolocation_service ADD CONSTRAINT cgs_owner_fkey
-INSERT INTO config.global_flag (name, value, enabled, label)
-    'opac.use_geolocation',
-    NULL,
-    FALSE,
-    oils_i18n_gettext(
-        'opac.use_geolocation',
-        'Offer use of geographic location services in the public catalog',
-        'cgf', 'label'
-    )
-INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type (name, label, grp, description, datatype)
-    'opac.holdings_sort_by_geographic_proximity',
-    oils_i18n_gettext('opac.holdings_sort_by_geographic_proximity',
-        'Enable Holdings Sort by Geographic Proximity',
-        'coust', 'label'),
-    'opac',
-    oils_i18n_gettext('opac.holdings_sort_by_geographic_proximity',
-        'When set to TRUE, will cause the record details page to display the controls for sorting holdings by geographic proximity. This also depends on the global flag opac.use_geolocation being enabled.',
-        'coust', 'description'),
-    'bool'
-INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type (name, label, grp, description, datatype)
-    'opac.geographic_proximity_in_miles',
-    oils_i18n_gettext('opac.geographic_proximity_in_miles',
-        'Show Geographic Proximity in Miles',
-        'coust', 'label'),
-    'opac',
-    oils_i18n_gettext('opac.geographic_proximity_in_miles',
-        'When set to TRUE, will cause the record details page to show distances for geographic proximity in miles instead of kilometers.',
-        'coust', 'description'),
-    'bool'
-INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type (name, label, grp, description, datatype, fm_class)
-    'opac.geographic_location_service_for_address',
-    oils_i18n_gettext('opac.geographic_location_service_for_address',
-        'Geographic Location Service to use for Addresses',
-        'coust', 'label'),
-    'opac',
-    oils_i18n_gettext('opac.geographic_location_service_for_address',
-        'Specifies which geographic location service to use for converting address input to geographic coordinates.',
-        'coust', 'description'),
-    'link', 'cgs'
-INSERT INTO permission.perm_list ( id, code, description ) VALUES
- ( 630, 'VIEW_GEOLOCATION_SERVICES', oils_i18n_gettext(630,
-    'View geographic location services', 'ppl', 'description')),
- ( 631, 'ADMIN_GEOLOCATION_SERVICES', oils_i18n_gettext(631,
-    'Administer geographic location services', 'ppl', 'description'))
--- geolocation-aware variant
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.rank_ou(lib INT, search_lib INT, pref_lib INT, plat FLOAT, plon FLOAT)
-        -- lib matches search_lib
-        (SELECT CASE WHEN $1 = $2 THEN -20000 END),
-        -- lib matches pref_lib
-        (SELECT CASE WHEN $1 = $3 THEN -10000 END),
-        -- pref_lib is a child of search_lib and lib is a child of pref lib.
-        -- For example, searching CONS, pref lib is SYS1,
-        -- copies at BR1 and BR2 sort to the front.
-        (SELECT distance - 5000
-            FROM actor.org_unit_descendants_distance($3)
-            WHERE id = $1 AND $3 IN (
-                SELECT id FROM actor.org_unit_descendants($2))),
-        -- lib is a child of search_lib
-        (SELECT distance FROM actor.org_unit_descendants_distance($2) WHERE id = $1),
-        -- all others pay cash
-        1000
-    ) + ((SELECT CASE WHEN addr.latitude IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE -20038 END) + (earth_distance( -- shortest GC distance is returned, only half the circumfrence is needed
-            ll_to_earth(
-                COALESCE(addr.latitude,plat), -- if the org has no coords, we just
-                COALESCE(addr.longitude,plon) -- force 0 distance and let the above tie-break
-            ),ll_to_earth(plat,plon)
-        ) / 1000)::INT ) -- earth_distance is in meters, convert to kilometers and subtract from largest distance
-    FROM actor.org_unit org
-         LEFT JOIN actor.org_address addr ON (org.billing_address =
-    WHERE = $1;
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1256', :eg_version);
-INSERT INTO config.internal_flag (name, value, enabled) VALUES ('symspell.prefix_length', '6', TRUE);
-INSERT INTO config.internal_flag (name, value, enabled) VALUES ('symspell.max_edit_distance', '3', TRUE);
-INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
-( name, grp, label, description, datatype )
-( 'opac.did_you_mean.max_suggestions', 'opac',
-   oils_i18n_gettext(
-     'opac.did_you_mean.max_suggestions',
-     'Maximum number of spelling suggestions that may be offered',
-     'coust', 'label'),
-   oils_i18n_gettext(
-     'opac.did_you_mean.max_suggestions',
-     'If set to -1, provide "best" suggestion if mispelled; if set higher than 0, the maximum suggestions that can be provided; if set to 0, disable suggestions.',
-     'coust', 'description'),
-   'integer' );
-INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
-( name, grp, label, description, datatype )
-( 'opac.did_you_mean.low_result_threshold', 'opac',
-   oils_i18n_gettext(
-     'opac.did_you_mean.low_result_threshold',
-     'Maximum search result count at which spelling suggestions may be offered',
-     'coust', 'label'),
-   oils_i18n_gettext(
-     'opac.did_you_mean.low_result_threshold',
-     'If a search results in this number or fewer results, and there are correctable spelling mistakes, a suggested search may be provided.',
-     'coust', 'description'),
-   'integer' );
-INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
-( name, grp, label, description, datatype )
-( 'search.symspell.min_suggestion_use_threshold', 'opac',
-   oils_i18n_gettext(
-     'search.symspell.min_suggestion_use_threshold',
-     'Minimum required uses of a spelling suggestions that may be offered',
-     'coust', 'label'),
-   oils_i18n_gettext(
-     'search.symspell.min_suggestion_use_threshold',
-     'The number of bibliographic records (more or less) that a spelling suggestion must appear in to be considered before offering it to a user. Defaults to 1 (must appear in the bib data).',
-     'coust', 'description'),
-   'integer' );
-INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
-( name, grp, label, description, datatype )
-( 'search.symspell.soundex.weight', 'opac',
-   oils_i18n_gettext(
-     'search.symspell.soundex.weight',
-     'Soundex score weighting in OPAC spelling suggestions.',
-     'coust', 'label'),
-   oils_i18n_gettext(
-     'search.symspell.soundex.weight',
-     'Soundex, trgm, and keyboard distance similarity measures can be combined to form a secondary ordering parameter for spelling suggestions. This controls the relative weight of the scaled soundex component. Defaults to 0 for "off".',
-     'coust', 'description'),
-   'integer' );
-INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
-( name, grp, label, description, datatype )
-( 'search.symspell.pg_trgm.weight', 'opac',
-   oils_i18n_gettext(
-     'search.symspell.pg_trgm.weight',
-     'Pg_trgm score weighting in OPAC spelling suggestions.',
-     'coust', 'label'),
-   oils_i18n_gettext(
-     'search.symspell.pg_trgm.weight',
-     'Soundex, pg_trgm, and keyboard distance similarity measures can be combined to form a secondary ordering parameter for spelling suggestions. This controls the relative weight of the scaled pg_trgm component. Defaults to 0 for "off".',
-     'coust', 'description'),
-   'integer' );
-INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
-( name, grp, label, description, datatype )
-( 'search.symspell.keyboard_distance.weight', 'opac',
-   oils_i18n_gettext(
-     'search.symspell.keyboard_distance.weight',
-     'Keyboard distance score weighting in OPAC spelling suggestions.',
-     'coust', 'label'),
-   oils_i18n_gettext(
-     'search.symspell.keyboard_distance.weight',
-     'Soundex, trgm, and keyboard distance similarity measures can be combined to form a secondary ordering parameter for spelling suggestions. This controls the relative weight of the scaled keyboard distance component. Defaults to 0 for "off".',
-     'coust', 'description'),
-   'integer' );
-    return uc(shift);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.text_array_merge_unique (
-    TEXT[], TEXT[]
-            UNION
-    ),'{}');
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.qwerty_keyboard_distance ( a TEXT, b TEXT ) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $F$
-use String::KeyboardDistance qw(:all);
-return qwerty_keyboard_distance(@_);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.qwerty_keyboard_distance_match ( a TEXT, b TEXT ) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $F$
-use String::KeyboardDistance qw(:all);
-return qwerty_keyboard_distance_match(@_);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.levenshtein_damerau_edistance ( a TEXT, b TEXT, INT ) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $F$
-use Text::Levenshtein::Damerau::XS qw/xs_edistance/;
-return xs_edistance(@_);
-CREATE TABLE search.symspell_dictionary (
-    keyword_count           INT     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
-    title_count             INT     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
-    author_count            INT     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
-    subject_count           INT     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
-    series_count            INT     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
-    identifier_count        INT     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
-    prefix_key              TEXT    PRIMARY KEY,
-    keyword_suggestions     TEXT[],
-    title_suggestions       TEXT[],
-    author_suggestions      TEXT[],
-    subject_suggestions     TEXT[],
-    series_suggestions      TEXT[],
-    identifier_suggestions  TEXT[]
-) WITH (fillfactor = 80);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_parse_words ( phrase TEXT )
-    SELECT UNNEST(x) FROM regexp_matches($1, '([[:alnum:]]+''*[[:alnum:]]*)', 'g') x;
--- This version does not preserve input word order!
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_parse_words_distinct ( phrase TEXT )
-    SELECT DISTINCT UNNEST(x) FROM regexp_matches($1, '([[:alnum:]]+''*[[:alnum:]]*)', 'g') x;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_transfer_casing ( withCase TEXT, withoutCase TEXT )
-    woChars TEXT[];
-    curr    TEXT;
-    ind     INT := 1;
-    woChars := regexp_split_to_array(withoutCase,'');
-    FOR curr IN SELECT x FROM regexp_split_to_table(withCase, '') x LOOP
-        IF curr = evergreen.uppercase(curr) THEN
-            woChars[ind] := evergreen.uppercase(woChars[ind]);
-        END IF;
-        ind := ind + 1;
-    END LOOP;
-    RETURN ARRAY_TO_STRING(woChars,'');
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_generate_edits (
-    raw_word    TEXT,
-    dist        INT DEFAULT 1,
-    maxED       INT DEFAULT 3
-    item    TEXT;
-    list    TEXT[] := '{}';
-    sublist TEXT[] := '{}';
-    FOR I IN 1 .. CHARACTER_LENGTH(raw_word) LOOP
-        item := SUBSTRING(raw_word FROM 1 FOR I - 1) || SUBSTRING(raw_word FROM I + 1);
-        IF NOT list @> ARRAY[item] THEN
-            list := item || list;
-            IF dist < maxED AND CHARACTER_LENGTH(raw_word) > dist + 1 THEN
-                sublist := search.symspell_generate_edits(item, dist + 1, maxED) || sublist;
-            END IF;
-        END IF;
-    END LOOP;
-    IF dist = 1 THEN
-        RETURN evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(list, sublist);
-    ELSE
-        RETURN list || sublist;
-    END IF;
--- DROP TYPE search.symspell_lookup_output CASCADE;
-CREATE TYPE search.symspell_lookup_output AS (
-    suggestion          TEXT,
-    suggestion_count    INT,
-    lev_distance        INT,
-    pg_trgm_sim         NUMERIC,
-    qwerty_kb_match     NUMERIC,
-    soundex_sim         NUMERIC,
-    input               TEXT,
-    norm_input          TEXT,
-    prefix_key          TEXT,
-    prefix_key_count    INT,
-    word_pos            INT
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_lookup (
-    raw_input       TEXT,
-    search_class    TEXT,
-    verbosity       INT DEFAULT 2,
-    xfer_case       BOOL DEFAULT FALSE,
-    count_threshold INT DEFAULT 1,
-    soundex_weight  INT DEFAULT 0,
-    pg_trgm_weight  INT DEFAULT 0,
-    kbdist_weight   INT DEFAULT 0
-) RETURNS SETOF search.symspell_lookup_output AS $F$
-    prefix_length INT;
-    maxED         INT;
-    word_list   TEXT[];
-    edit_list   TEXT[] := '{}';
-    seen_list   TEXT[] := '{}';
-    output      search.symspell_lookup_output;
-    output_list search.symspell_lookup_output[];
-    entry       RECORD;
-    entry_key   TEXT;
-    prefix_key  TEXT;
-    sugg        TEXT;
-    input       TEXT;
-    word        TEXT;
-    w_pos       INT := -1;
-    smallest_ed INT := -1;
-    global_ed   INT;
-    SELECT value::INT INTO prefix_length FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'symspell.prefix_length' AND enabled;
-    prefix_length := COALESCE(prefix_length, 6);
-    SELECT value::INT INTO maxED FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'symspell.max_edit_distance' AND enabled;
-    maxED := COALESCE(maxED, 3);
-    word_list := ARRAY_AGG(x) FROM search.symspell_parse_words(raw_input) x;
-    -- Common case exact match test for preformance
-    IF verbosity = 0 AND CARDINALITY(word_list) = 1 AND CHARACTER_LENGTH(word_list[1]) <= prefix_length THEN
-        EXECUTE
-          'SELECT  '||search_class||'_suggestions AS suggestions,
-                   '||search_class||'_count AS count,
-                   prefix_key
-             FROM  search.symspell_dictionary
-             WHERE prefix_key = $1
-                   AND '||search_class||'_count >= $2 
-                   AND '||search_class||'_suggestions @> ARRAY[$1]' 
-          INTO entry USING evergreen.lowercase(word_list[1]), COALESCE(count_threshold,1);
-        IF entry.prefix_key IS NOT NULL THEN
-            output.lev_distance := 0; -- definitionally
-            output.prefix_key := entry.prefix_key;
-            output.prefix_key_count := entry.count;
-            output.suggestion_count := entry.count;
-            output.input := word_list[1];
-            IF xfer_case THEN
-                output.suggestion := search.symspell_transfer_casing(output.input, entry.prefix_key);
-            ELSE
-                output.suggestion := entry.prefix_key;
-            END IF;
-            output.norm_input := entry.prefix_key;
-            output.qwerty_kb_match := 1;
-            output.pg_trgm_sim := 1;
-            output.soundex_sim := 1;
-            RETURN NEXT output;
-            RETURN;
-        END IF;
-    END IF;
-    <<word_loop>>
-    FOREACH word IN ARRAY word_list LOOP
-        w_pos := w_pos + 1;
-        input := evergreen.lowercase(word);
-        IF CHARACTER_LENGTH(input) > prefix_length THEN
-            prefix_key := SUBSTRING(input FROM 1 FOR prefix_length);
-            edit_list := ARRAY[input,prefix_key] || search.symspell_generate_edits(prefix_key, 1, maxED);
-        ELSE
-            edit_list := input || search.symspell_generate_edits(input, 1, maxED);
-        END IF;
-        output_list := '{}';
-        seen_list := '{}';
-        global_ed := NULL;
-        <<entry_key_loop>>
-        FOREACH entry_key IN ARRAY edit_list LOOP
-            smallest_ed := -1;
-            IF global_ed IS NOT NULL THEN
-                smallest_ed := global_ed;
-            END IF;
-            FOR entry IN EXECUTE
-                'SELECT  '||search_class||'_suggestions AS suggestions,
-                         '||search_class||'_count AS count,
-                         prefix_key
-                   FROM  search.symspell_dictionary
-                   WHERE prefix_key = $1
-                         AND '||search_class||'_suggestions IS NOT NULL' 
-                USING entry_key
-            LOOP
-                FOREACH sugg IN ARRAY entry.suggestions LOOP
-                    IF NOT seen_list @> ARRAY[sugg] THEN
-                        seen_list := seen_list || sugg;
-                        IF input = sugg THEN -- exact match, no need to spend time on a call
-                            output.lev_distance := 0;
-                            output.suggestion_count = entry.count;
-                        ELSIF ABS(CHARACTER_LENGTH(input) - CHARACTER_LENGTH(sugg)) > maxED THEN
-                            -- They are definitionally too different to consider, just move on.
-                            CONTINUE;
-                        ELSE
-                            --output.lev_distance := levenshtein_less_equal(
-                            output.lev_distance := evergreen.levenshtein_damerau_edistance(
-                                input,
-                                sugg,
-                                maxED
-                            );
-                            IF output.lev_distance < 0 THEN
-                                -- The Perl module returns -1 for "more distant than max".
-                                output.lev_distance := maxED + 1;
-                                -- This short-circuit's the count test below for speed, bypassing
-                                -- a couple useless tests.
-                                output.suggestion_count := -1;
-                            ELSE
-                                EXECUTE 'SELECT '||search_class||'_count FROM search.symspell_dictionary WHERE prefix_key = $1'
-                                    INTO output.suggestion_count USING sugg;
-                            END IF;
-                        END IF;
-                        -- The caller passes a minimum suggestion count threshold (or uses
-                        -- the default of 0) and if the suggestion has that many or less uses
-                        -- then we move on to the next suggestion, since this one is too rare.
-                        CONTINUE WHEN output.suggestion_count < COALESCE(count_threshold,1);
-                        -- Track the smallest edit distance among suggestions from this prefix key.
-                        IF smallest_ed = -1 OR output.lev_distance < smallest_ed THEN
-                            smallest_ed := output.lev_distance;
-                        END IF;
-                        -- Track the smallest edit distance for all prefix keys for this word.
-                        IF global_ed IS NULL OR smallest_ed < global_ed THEN
-                            global_ed = smallest_ed;
-                        END IF;
-                        -- Only proceed if the edit distance is <= the max for the dictionary.
-                        IF output.lev_distance <= maxED THEN
-                            IF output.lev_distance > global_ed AND verbosity <= 1 THEN
-                                -- Lev distance is our main similarity measure. While
-                                -- trgm or soundex similarity could be the main filter,
-                                -- Lev is both language agnostic and faster.
-                                --
-                                -- Here we will skip suggestions that have a longer edit distance
-                                -- than the shortest we've already found. This is simply an
-                                -- optimization that allows us to avoid further processing
-                                -- of this entry. It would be filtered out later.
-                                CONTINUE;
-                            END IF;
-                            -- If we have an exact match on the suggestion key we can also avoid
-                            -- some function calls.
-                            IF output.lev_distance = 0 THEN
-                                output.qwerty_kb_match := 1;
-                                output.pg_trgm_sim := 1;
-                                output.soundex_sim := 1;
-                            ELSE
-                                output.qwerty_kb_match := evergreen.qwerty_keyboard_distance_match(input, sugg);
-                                output.pg_trgm_sim := similarity(input, sugg);
-                                output.soundex_sim := difference(input, sugg) / 4.0;
-                            END IF;
-                            -- Fill in some fields
-                            IF xfer_case THEN
-                                output.suggestion := search.symspell_transfer_casing(word, sugg);
-                            ELSE
-                                output.suggestion := sugg;
-                            END IF;
-                            output.prefix_key := entry.prefix_key;
-                            output.prefix_key_count := entry.count;
-                            output.input := word;
-                            output.norm_input := input;
-                            output.word_pos := w_pos;
-                            -- We can't "cache" a set of generated records directly, so
-                            -- here we build up an array of search.symspell_lookup_output
-                            -- records that we can revivicate later as a table using UNNEST().
-                            output_list := output_list || output;
-                            EXIT entry_key_loop WHEN smallest_ed = 0 AND verbosity = 0; -- exact match early exit
-                            CONTINUE entry_key_loop WHEN smallest_ed = 0 AND verbosity = 1; -- exact match early jump to the next key
-                        END IF; -- maxED test
-                    END IF; -- suggestion not seen test
-                END LOOP; -- loop over suggestions
-            END LOOP; -- loop over entries
-        END LOOP; -- loop over entry_keys
-        -- Now we're done examining this word
-        IF verbosity = 0 THEN
-            -- Return the "best" suggestion from the smallest edit
-            -- distance group.  We define best based on the weighting
-            -- of the non-lev similarity measures and use the suggestion
-            -- use count to break ties.
-            RETURN QUERY
-                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list)
-                    ORDER BY lev_distance,
-                        (soundex_sim * COALESCE(soundex_weight,0))
-                            + (pg_trgm_sim * COALESCE(pg_trgm_weight,0))
-                            + (qwerty_kb_match * COALESCE(kbdist_weight,0)) DESC,
-                        suggestion_count DESC
-                        LIMIT 1;
-        ELSIF verbosity = 1 THEN
-            -- Return all suggestions from the smallest
-            -- edit distance group.
-            RETURN QUERY
-                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list) WHERE lev_distance = smallest_ed
-                    ORDER BY (soundex_sim * COALESCE(soundex_weight,0))
-                            + (pg_trgm_sim * COALESCE(pg_trgm_weight,0))
-                            + (qwerty_kb_match * COALESCE(kbdist_weight,0)) DESC,
-                        suggestion_count DESC;
-        ELSIF verbosity = 2 THEN
-            -- Return everything we find, along with relevant stats
-            RETURN QUERY
-                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list)
-                    ORDER BY lev_distance,
-                        (soundex_sim * COALESCE(soundex_weight,0))
-                            + (pg_trgm_sim * COALESCE(pg_trgm_weight,0))
-                            + (qwerty_kb_match * COALESCE(kbdist_weight,0)) DESC,
-                        suggestion_count DESC;
-        ELSIF verbosity = 3 THEN
-            -- Return everything we find from the two smallest edit distance groups
-            RETURN QUERY
-                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list)
-                    WHERE lev_distance IN (SELECT DISTINCT lev_distance FROM UNNEST(output_list) ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 2)
-                    ORDER BY lev_distance,
-                        (soundex_sim * COALESCE(soundex_weight,0))
-                            + (pg_trgm_sim * COALESCE(pg_trgm_weight,0))
-                            + (qwerty_kb_match * COALESCE(kbdist_weight,0)) DESC,
-                        suggestion_count DESC;
-        ELSIF verbosity = 4 THEN
-            -- Return everything we find from the two smallest edit distance groups that are NOT 0 distance
-            RETURN QUERY
-                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list)
-                    WHERE lev_distance IN (SELECT DISTINCT lev_distance FROM UNNEST(output_list) WHERE lev_distance > 0 ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 2)
-                    ORDER BY lev_distance,
-                        (soundex_sim * COALESCE(soundex_weight,0))
-                            + (pg_trgm_sim * COALESCE(pg_trgm_weight,0))
-                            + (qwerty_kb_match * COALESCE(kbdist_weight,0)) DESC,
-                        suggestion_count DESC;
-        END IF;
-    END LOOP; -- loop over words
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_build_raw_entry (
-    raw_input       TEXT,
-    source_class    TEXT,
-    no_limit        BOOL DEFAULT FALSE,
-    prefix_length   INT DEFAULT 6,
-    maxED           INT DEFAULT 3
-) RETURNS SETOF search.symspell_dictionary AS $F$
-    key         TEXT;
-    del_key     TEXT;
-    key_list    TEXT[];
-    entry       search.symspell_dictionary%ROWTYPE;
-    key := raw_input;
-    IF NOT no_limit AND CHARACTER_LENGTH(raw_input) > prefix_length THEN
-        key := SUBSTRING(key FROM 1 FOR prefix_length);
-        key_list := ARRAY[raw_input, key];
-    ELSE
-        key_list := ARRAY[key];
-    END IF;
-    FOREACH del_key IN ARRAY key_list LOOP
-        entry.prefix_key := del_key;
-        entry.keyword_count := 0;
-        entry.title_count := 0;
-        entry.author_count := 0;
-        entry.subject_count := 0;
-        entry.series_count := 0;
-        entry.identifier_count := 0;
-        entry.keyword_suggestions := '{}';
-        entry.title_suggestions := '{}';
-        entry.author_suggestions := '{}';
-        entry.subject_suggestions := '{}';
-        entry.series_suggestions := '{}';
-        entry.identifier_suggestions := '{}';
-        IF source_class = 'keyword' THEN entry.keyword_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
-        IF source_class = 'title' THEN entry.title_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
-        IF source_class = 'author' THEN entry.author_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
-        IF source_class = 'subject' THEN entry.subject_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
-        IF source_class = 'series' THEN entry.series_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
-        IF source_class = 'identifier' THEN entry.identifier_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
-        IF source_class = 'keyword' THEN entry.keyword_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
-        IF del_key = raw_input THEN
-            IF source_class = 'keyword' THEN entry.keyword_count := 1; END IF;
-            IF source_class = 'title' THEN entry.title_count := 1; END IF;
-            IF source_class = 'author' THEN entry.author_count := 1; END IF;
-            IF source_class = 'subject' THEN entry.subject_count := 1; END IF;
-            IF source_class = 'series' THEN entry.series_count := 1; END IF;
-            IF source_class = 'identifier' THEN entry.identifier_count := 1; END IF;
-        END IF;
-        RETURN NEXT entry;
-    END LOOP;
-    FOR del_key IN SELECT x FROM UNNEST(search.symspell_generate_edits(key, 1, maxED)) x LOOP
-        entry.keyword_suggestions := '{}';
-        entry.title_suggestions := '{}';
-        entry.author_suggestions := '{}';
-        entry.subject_suggestions := '{}';
-        entry.series_suggestions := '{}';
-        entry.identifier_suggestions := '{}';
-        IF source_class = 'keyword' THEN entry.keyword_count := 0; END IF;
-        IF source_class = 'title' THEN entry.title_count := 0; END IF;
-        IF source_class = 'author' THEN entry.author_count := 0; END IF;
-        IF source_class = 'subject' THEN entry.subject_count := 0; END IF;
-        IF source_class = 'series' THEN entry.series_count := 0; END IF;
-        IF source_class = 'identifier' THEN entry.identifier_count := 0; END IF;
-        entry.prefix_key := del_key;
-        IF source_class = 'keyword' THEN entry.keyword_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
-        IF source_class = 'title' THEN entry.title_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
-        IF source_class = 'author' THEN entry.author_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
-        IF source_class = 'subject' THEN entry.subject_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
-        IF source_class = 'series' THEN entry.series_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
-        IF source_class = 'identifier' THEN entry.identifier_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
-        IF source_class = 'keyword' THEN entry.keyword_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
-        RETURN NEXT entry;
-    END LOOP;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_build_entries (
-    full_input      TEXT,
-    source_class    TEXT,
-    old_input       TEXT DEFAULT NULL,
-    include_phrases BOOL DEFAULT FALSE
-) RETURNS SETOF search.symspell_dictionary AS $F$
-    prefix_length   INT;
-    maxED           INT;
-    word_list   TEXT[];
-    input       TEXT;
-    word        TEXT;
-    entry       search.symspell_dictionary;
-    IF full_input IS NOT NULL THEN
-        SELECT value::INT INTO prefix_length FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'symspell.prefix_length' AND enabled;
-        prefix_length := COALESCE(prefix_length, 6);
-        SELECT value::INT INTO maxED FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'symspell.max_edit_distance' AND enabled;
-        maxED := COALESCE(maxED, 3);
-        input := evergreen.lowercase(full_input);
-        word_list := ARRAY_AGG(x) FROM search.symspell_parse_words_distinct(input) x;
-        IF CARDINALITY(word_list) > 1 AND include_phrases THEN
-            RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM search.symspell_build_raw_entry(input, source_class, TRUE, prefix_length, maxED);
-        END IF;
-        FOREACH word IN ARRAY word_list LOOP
-            RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM search.symspell_build_raw_entry(word, source_class, FALSE, prefix_length, maxED);
-        END LOOP;
-    END IF;
-    IF old_input IS NOT NULL THEN
-        input := evergreen.lowercase(old_input);
-        FOR word IN SELECT x FROM search.symspell_parse_words_distinct(input) x LOOP
-            entry.prefix_key := word;
-            entry.keyword_count := 0;
-            entry.title_count := 0;
-            entry.author_count := 0;
-            entry.subject_count := 0;
-            entry.series_count := 0;
-            entry.identifier_count := 0;
-            entry.keyword_suggestions := '{}';
-            entry.title_suggestions := '{}';
-            entry.author_suggestions := '{}';
-            entry.subject_suggestions := '{}';
-            entry.series_suggestions := '{}';
-            entry.identifier_suggestions := '{}';
-            IF source_class = 'keyword' THEN entry.keyword_count := -1; END IF;
-            IF source_class = 'title' THEN entry.title_count := -1; END IF;
-            IF source_class = 'author' THEN entry.author_count := -1; END IF;
-            IF source_class = 'subject' THEN entry.subject_count := -1; END IF;
-            IF source_class = 'series' THEN entry.series_count := -1; END IF;
-            IF source_class = 'identifier' THEN entry.identifier_count := -1; END IF;
-            RETURN NEXT entry;
-        END LOOP;
-    END IF;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_build_and_merge_entries (
-    full_input      TEXT,
-    source_class    TEXT,
-    old_input       TEXT DEFAULT NULL,
-    include_phrases BOOL DEFAULT FALSE
-) RETURNS SETOF search.symspell_dictionary AS $F$
-    new_entry       RECORD;
-    conflict_entry  RECORD;
-    IF full_input = old_input THEN -- neither NULL, and are the same
-        RETURN;
-    END IF;
-    FOR new_entry IN EXECUTE $q$
-        SELECT  count,
-                prefix_key,
-                evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(s,'{}') suggestions
-          FROM  (SELECT prefix_key,
-                        ARRAY_AGG($q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions[1]) s,
-                        SUM($q$ || source_class || $q$_count) count
-                  FROM  search.symspell_build_entries($1, $2, $3, $4)
-                  GROUP BY 1) x
-        $q$ USING full_input, source_class, old_input, include_phrases
-    LOOP
-        EXECUTE $q$
-            SELECT  prefix_key,
-                    $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions suggestions,
-                    $q$ || source_class || $q$_count count
-              FROM  search.symspell_dictionary
-              WHERE prefix_key = $1 $q$
-            INTO conflict_entry
-            USING new_entry.prefix_key;
-        IF new_entry.count <> 0 THEN -- Real word, and count changed
-            IF conflict_entry.prefix_key IS NOT NULL THEN -- we'll be updating
-                IF conflict_entry.count > 0 THEN -- it's a real word
-                    RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
-                        UPDATE  search.symspell_dictionary
-                           SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_count = $2
-                          WHERE prefix_key = $1
-                          RETURNING * $q$
-                        USING new_entry.prefix_key, GREATEST(0, new_entry.count + conflict_entry.count);
-                ELSE -- it was a prefix key or delete-emptied word before
-                    IF conflict_entry.suggestions @> new_entry.suggestions THEN -- already have all suggestions here...
-                        RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
-                            UPDATE  search.symspell_dictionary
-                               SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_count = $2
-                              WHERE prefix_key = $1
-                              RETURNING * $q$
-                            USING new_entry.prefix_key, GREATEST(0, new_entry.count);
-                    ELSE -- new suggestion!
-                        RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
-                            UPDATE  search.symspell_dictionary
-                               SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_count = $2,
-                                    $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions = $3
-                              WHERE prefix_key = $1
-                              RETURNING * $q$
-                            USING new_entry.prefix_key, GREATEST(0, new_entry.count), evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(conflict_entry.suggestions,new_entry.suggestions);
-                    END IF;
-                END IF;
-            ELSE
-                -- We keep the on-conflict clause just in case...
-                RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
-                    INSERT INTO search.symspell_dictionary AS d (
-                        $q$ || source_class || $q$_count,
-                        prefix_key,
-                        $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions
-                    ) VALUES ( $1, $2, $3 ) ON CONFLICT (prefix_key) DO
-                        UPDATE SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_count = d.$q$ || source_class || $q$_count + EXCLUDED.$q$ || source_class || $q$_count,
-                                    $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions = evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(d.$q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions, EXCLUDED.$q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions)
-                        RETURNING * $q$
-                    USING new_entry.count, new_entry.prefix_key, new_entry.suggestions;
-            END IF;
-        ELSE -- key only, or no change
-            IF conflict_entry.prefix_key IS NOT NULL THEN -- we'll be updating
-                IF NOT conflict_entry.suggestions @> new_entry.suggestions THEN -- There are new suggestions
-                    RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
-                        UPDATE  search.symspell_dictionary
-                           SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions = $2
-                          WHERE prefix_key = $1
-                          RETURNING * $q$
-                        USING new_entry.prefix_key, evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(conflict_entry.suggestions,new_entry.suggestions);
-                END IF;
-            ELSE
-                RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
-                    INSERT INTO search.symspell_dictionary AS d (
-                        $q$ || source_class || $q$_count,
-                        prefix_key,
-                        $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions
-                    ) VALUES ( $1, $2, $3 ) ON CONFLICT (prefix_key) DO -- key exists, suggestions may be added due to this entry
-                        UPDATE SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions = evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(d.$q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions, EXCLUDED.$q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions)
-                    RETURNING * $q$
-                    USING new_entry.count, new_entry.prefix_key, new_entry.suggestions;
-            END IF;
-        END IF;
-    END LOOP;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_maintain_entries () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $f$
-    search_class    TEXT;
-    new_value       TEXT := NULL;
-    old_value       TEXT := NULL;
-    search_class := COALESCE(TG_ARGV[0], SPLIT_PART(TG_TABLE_NAME,'_',1));
-        new_value := NEW.value;
-    END IF;
-        old_value := OLD.value;
-    END IF;
-    PERFORM * FROM search.symspell_build_and_merge_entries(new_value, search_class, old_value);
-    RETURN NULL; -- always fired AFTER
-CREATE TRIGGER maintain_symspell_entries_tgr
-    AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON metabib.title_field_entry
-    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE search.symspell_maintain_entries();
-CREATE TRIGGER maintain_symspell_entries_tgr
-    AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON metabib.author_field_entry
-    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE search.symspell_maintain_entries();
-CREATE TRIGGER maintain_symspell_entries_tgr
-    AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON metabib.subject_field_entry
-    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE search.symspell_maintain_entries();
-CREATE TRIGGER maintain_symspell_entries_tgr
-    AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON metabib.series_field_entry
-    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE search.symspell_maintain_entries();
-CREATE TRIGGER maintain_symspell_entries_tgr
-    AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON metabib.keyword_field_entry
-    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE search.symspell_maintain_entries();
-CREATE TRIGGER maintain_symspell_entries_tgr
-    AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON metabib.identifier_field_entry
-    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE search.symspell_maintain_entries();
-/* This will generate the queries needed to generate the /file/ that can
- * be used to populate the dictionary table.
-select $z$select $y$select $y$||||$y$, '$z$||x.x||$z$', count(*) from search.symspell_build_and_merge_entries($x$$y$ || x.value||$y$$x$, '$z$||x||$z$');$y$ from metabib.$z$||x||$z$_field_entry x;$z$ from (select 'keyword'::text x union select 'title' union select 'author' union select 'subject' union select 'series' union select 'identifier') x;
-\qecho ''
-\qecho 'The following should be run at the end of the upgrade before any'
-\qecho 'reingest occurs.  Because new triggers are installed already,'
-\qecho 'updates to indexed strings will cause zero-count dictionary entries'
-\qecho 'to be recorded which will require updating every row again (or'
-\qecho 'starting from scratch) so best to do this before other batch'
-\qecho 'changes.  A later reingest that does not significantly change'
-\qecho 'indexed strings will /not/ cause table bloat here, and will be'
-\qecho 'as fast as normal.  A copy of the SQL in a ready-to-use, non-escaped'
-\qecho 'form is available inside a comment at the end of this upgrade sub-'
-\qecho 'script so you do not need to copy this comment from the psql ouptut.'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho '\\a'
-\qecho '\\t'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho '\\o title'
-\qecho 'select value from metabib.title_field_entry;'
-\qecho '\\o author'
-\qecho 'select value from metabib.author_field_entry;'
-\qecho '\\o subject'
-\qecho 'select value from metabib.subject_field_entry;'
-\qecho '\\o series'
-\qecho 'select value from metabib.series_field_entry;'
-\qecho '\\o identifier'
-\qecho 'select value from metabib.identifier_field_entry;'
-\qecho '\\o keyword'
-\qecho 'select value from metabib.keyword_field_entry;'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho '\\o'
-\qecho '\\a'
-\qecho '\\t'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho '// Then, at the command line:'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/ title > title.sql'
-\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/ author > author.sql'
-\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/ subject > subject.sql'
-\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/ series > series.sql'
-\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/ identifier > identifier.sql'
-\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/ keyword > keyword.sql'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho '// And, back in psql'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho 'ALTER TABLE search.symspell_dictionary SET UNLOGGED;'
-\qecho 'TRUNCATE search.symspell_dictionary;'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho '\\i identifier.sql'
-\qecho '\\i author.sql'
-\qecho '\\i title.sql'
-\qecho '\\i subject.sql'
-\qecho '\\i series.sql'
-\qecho '\\i keyword.sql'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho 'CLUSTER search.symspell_dictionary USING symspell_dictionary_pkey;'
-\qecho 'REINDEX TABLE search.symspell_dictionary;'
-\qecho 'ALTER TABLE search.symspell_dictionary SET LOGGED;'
-\qecho 'VACUUM ANALYZE search.symspell_dictionary;'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_title;'
-\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_author;'
-\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_subject;'
-\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_series;'
-\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_identifier;'
-\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_keyword;'
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1258', :eg_version);
-UPDATE config.metabib_field 
-SET xpath =  '//*[@tag=''260'' or @tag=''264''][1]'
-WHERE id = 52 AND xpath = '//*[@tag=''260'']';
--- Update auditor tables to catch changes to source tables.
---   Can be removed/skipped if there were no schema changes.
-SELECT auditor.update_auditors();
-\qecho This is a partial record attribute reingest of your bib records.
-\qecho It may take a while.
-\qecho You may cancel now without losing the effect of the rest of the
-\qecho upgrade script, and arrange the reingest later.
-SELECT COUNT(metabib.reingest_record_attributes(
-    FROM biblio.record_entry bre
-    JOIN metabib.record_attr_flat mraf ON ( =
-    WHERE deleted IS FALSE
-    AND attr = 'item_type'
-    AND value = 'g';
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.6.2-3.7-rc-upgrade-db.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.6.2-3.7-rc-upgrade-db.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86595b1154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/version-upgrade/3.6.2-3.7-rc-upgrade-db.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,1415 @@
+--Upgrade Script for 3.6.2 to 3.7-rc
+\set eg_version '''3.7-rc'''
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('3.7-rc', :eg_version);
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1247', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO permission.perm_list (id,code,description) VALUES (627,'SSO_ADMIN','Modify patron SSO settings');
+INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type
+( name, grp, label, description, datatype, update_perm )
+ 'opac',
+ oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.enable', 'Enable Shibboleth SSO for the OPAC', 'coust', 'label'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.enable', 'Enable Shibboleth SSO for the OPAC', 'coust', 'description'),
+ 'bool', 627),
+ 'opac',
+ oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.entityId', 'Shibboleth SSO Entity ID', 'coust', 'label'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.entityId', 'Which configured Entity ID to use for SSO when there is more than one available to Shibboleth', 'coust', 'description'),
+ 'string', 627),
+ 'opac',
+ oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.logout', 'Log out of the Shibboleth IdP', 'coust', 'label'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.logout', 'When logging out of Evergreen, also force a logout of the IdP behind Shibboleth', 'coust', 'description'),
+ 'bool', 627),
+ 'opac',
+ oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.allow_native', 'Allow both Shibboleth and native OPAC authentication', 'coust', 'label'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.allow_native', 'When Shibboleth SSO is enabled, also allow native Evergreen authentication', 'coust', 'description'),
+ 'bool', 627),
+ 'opac',
+ oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.evergreen_matchpoint', 'Evergreen SSO matchpoint', 'coust', 'label'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.evergreen_matchpoint',
+  'Evergreen-side field to match a patron against for Shibboleth SSO. Default is usrname.  Other reasonable values would be barcode or email.',
+  'coust', 'description'),
+ 'string', 627),
+ 'opac',
+ oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.shib_matchpoint', 'Shibboleth SSO matchpoint', 'coust', 'label'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext('opac.login.shib_sso.shib_matchpoint',
+  'Shibboleth-side field to match a patron against for Shibboleth SSO. Default is uid; use eppn for Active Directory', 'coust', 'description'),
+ 'string', 627)
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1248', :eg_version);
+DO LANGUAGE plpgsql $$
+  ind RECORD;
+  tablist TEXT;
+  -- We only want to mess with gist indexes in stock Evergreen.
+  -- If you've added your own convert them or don't as you see fit.
+  FROM pg_index idx
+    JOIN pg_class cls ON cls.oid=idx.indexrelid
+    JOIN pg_namespace sc ON sc.oid = cls.relnamespace
+    JOIN pg_class tab ON tab.oid=idx.indrelid
+    JOIN pg_attribute at ON (at.attnum = ANY(idx.indkey) AND at.attrelid = tab.oid)
+    JOIN pg_am am ON am.oid=cls.relam
+  WHERE am.amname = 'gist'
+    AND cls.relname IN (
+      'authority_full_rec_index_vector_idx',
+      'authority_simple_heading_index_vector_idx',
+      'metabib_identifier_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+      'metabib_combined_identifier_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+      'metabib_title_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+      'metabib_combined_title_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+      'metabib_author_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+      'metabib_combined_author_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+      'metabib_subject_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+      'metabib_combined_subject_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+      'metabib_keyword_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+      'metabib_combined_keyword_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+      'metabib_series_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+      'metabib_combined_series_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+      'metabib_full_rec_index_vector_idx'
+    );
+    RETURN;
+  END IF;
+  tablist := '';
+  RAISE NOTICE 'Converting GIST indexes into GIN indexes...';
+  FOR ind IN SELECT sc.nspname AS sch, tab.relname AS tab, cls.relname AS idx, at.attname AS col
+             FROM pg_index idx
+               JOIN pg_class cls ON cls.oid=idx.indexrelid
+               JOIN pg_namespace sc ON sc.oid = cls.relnamespace
+               JOIN pg_class tab ON tab.oid=idx.indrelid
+               JOIN pg_attribute at ON (at.attnum = ANY(idx.indkey) AND at.attrelid = tab.oid)
+               JOIN pg_am am ON am.oid=cls.relam
+             WHERE am.amname = 'gist'
+               AND cls.relname IN (
+                 'authority_full_rec_index_vector_idx',
+                 'authority_simple_heading_index_vector_idx',
+                 'metabib_identifier_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+                 'metabib_combined_identifier_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+                 'metabib_title_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+                 'metabib_combined_title_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+                 'metabib_author_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+                 'metabib_combined_author_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+                 'metabib_subject_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+                 'metabib_combined_subject_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+                 'metabib_keyword_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+                 'metabib_combined_keyword_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+                 'metabib_series_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+                 'metabib_combined_series_field_entry_index_vector_idx',
+                 'metabib_full_rec_index_vector_idx'
+               )
+    -- Move existing index out of the way so there's no difference between new databases and upgraded databases
+    EXECUTE FORMAT('ALTER INDEX %I.%I RENAME TO %I_gist', ind.sch, ind.idx, ind.idx);
+    -- Meet the new index, same as the old index (almost)
+    EXECUTE FORMAT('CREATE INDEX %I ON %I.%I USING GIN (%I)', ind.idx, ind.sch,, ind.col);
+    -- And drop the old index
+    EXECUTE FORMAT('DROP INDEX %I.%I_gist', ind.sch, ind.idx);
+    tablist := tablist || '           ' || ind.sch || '.' || || E'\n';
+  RAISE NOTICE E'Conversion Complete.\n\n           You should run a VACUUM ANALYZE on the following tables soon:\n%', tablist;
+END $$;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1249', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO config.usr_setting_type (
+    name,
+    opac_visible,
+    label,
+    description,
+    datatype,
+    reg_default
+    'circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled',
+    TRUE,
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled',
+        'Receive Overdue and Courtesy Emails',
+        'cust',
+        'label'
+    ),
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled',
+        'Receive overdue and predue email notifications',
+        'cust',
+        'description'
+    ),
+    'bool',
+    'true'
+\qecho The following query will set the circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled
+\qecho user setting to true (the default value) for all existing users,
+\qecho ensuring they continue to receive overdue/predue emails.
+\qecho     INSERT INTO actor.usr_setting (usr, name, value)
+\qecho     SELECT
+\qecho         id,
+\qecho         'circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled',
+\qecho         'true'
+\qecho     FROM actor.usr;
+\qecho The following query will add the circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled
+\qecho user setting as an opt-in setting for all action triggers that send
+\qecho emails based on a circ being due (unless another opt-in setting is
+\qecho already in use).
+\qecho     UPDATE action_trigger.event_definition
+\qecho     SET opt_in_setting = 'circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled',
+\qecho         usr_field = 'usr'
+\qecho     WHERE opt_in_setting IS NULL
+\qecho         AND hook = 'checkout.due'
+\qecho         AND reactor = 'SendEmail';
+\qecho Evergreen admins who wish to use the new setting should run both of
+\qecho the above queries.  Admins who do not wish to use it, or who are
+\qecho already using a custom opt-in setting of their own, do not need to
+\qecho do anything.
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1250', :eg_version);
+CREATE TABLE action.batch_hold_event (
+    id          SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
+    bucket      INT     NOT NULL REFERENCES container.user_bucket (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,
+    target      INT     NOT NULL,
+    hold_type   TEXT    NOT NULL DEFAULT 'T', -- maybe different hold types in the future...
+CREATE TABLE action.batch_hold_event_map (
+    id                  SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
+    batch_hold_event    INT     NOT NULL REFERENCES action.batch_hold_event (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,
+    hold                INT     NOT NULL REFERENCES action.hold_request (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
+INSERT INTO container.user_bucket_type (code,label) VALUES ('hold_subscription','Hold Group Container');
+INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type
+    (name, label, description, grp, datatype)
+    'holds.subscription.randomize',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'holds.subscription.randomize',
+        'Randomize group hold order',
+        'coust',
+        'label'
+    ),
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'holds.subscription.randomize',
+        'When placing a batch group hold, randomize the order of the patrons receiving the holds so they are not always in the same order.',
+        'coust',
+        'description'
+    ),
+    'holds',
+    'bool'
+INSERT INTO permission.perm_list (id,code,description)
+  VALUES ( 628, 'MANAGE_HOLD_GROUPS', oils_i18n_gettext(628, 'Manage hold groups and hold group events', 'ppl', 'description'));
+INSERT INTO action.hold_request_cancel_cause (id,label)
+  VALUES ( 8, oils_i18n_gettext(8, 'Hold Group Event rollback', 'ahrcc', 'label'));
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (active, owner, name, hook, validator, reactor, delay, delay_field, group_field, cleanup_success, template)
+    VALUES ('f', 1, 'Hold Group Hold Placed for Patron Email Notification', 'hold_request.success', 'NOOP_True', 'SendEmail', '30 minutes', 'request_time', 'usr', 'CreateHoldNotification',
+[%- USE date -%]
+[%- user = target.0.usr -%]
+To: [%- params.recipient_email || %]
+From: [%- params.sender_email || default_sender %]
+Date: [%- date.format(, '%a, %d %b %Y %T -0000', gmt => 1) %]
+Subject: Subcription Hold placed for you
+Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
+Dear [% user.family_name %], [% user.first_given_name %]
+The following items have been placed on hold for you:
+[% FOR hold IN target %]
+    [%- copy_details = helpers.get_copy_bib_basics( -%]
+    Title: [% copy_details.title %]
+    Author: [% %]
+    Call Number: [% hold.current_copy.call_number.label %]
+    Barcode: [% hold.current_copy.barcode %]
+    Library: [% %]
+[% END %]
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment (event_def, path ) VALUES
+( currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'), 'usr' ),
+( currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'), 'pickup_lib' ),
+( currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'), 'current_copy.call_number' );
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (
+    active, owner, name, hook, validator, reactor, cleanup_success,
+    delay, delay_field, group_field, template
+    false, 1, 'Hold Group Hold Placed for Patron SMS Notification', 'hold_request.success', 'NOOP_True',
+    'SendSMS', 'CreateHoldNotification', '00:30:00', 'shelf_time', 'sms_notify',
+    '[%- USE date -%]
+[%- user = target.0.usr -%]
+From: [%- params.sender_email || default_sender %]
+Date: [%- date.format(, ''%a, %d %b %Y %T -0000'', gmt => 1) %]
+To: [%- params.recipient_email || helpers.get_sms_gateway_email(target.0.sms_carrier,target.0.sms_notify) %]
+Subject: [% target.size %] subscription hold(s) placed for you
+Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
+[% FOR hold IN target %][%-
+  bibxml = helpers.xml_doc( hold.current_copy.call_number.record.marc );
+  title = "";
+  FOR part IN bibxml.findnodes(''//*[@tag="245"]/*[@code="a"]'');
+    title = title _ part.textContent;
+  END;
+  author = bibxml.findnodes(''//*[@tag="100"]/*[@code="a"]'').textContent;
+%][% hold.usr.first_given_name %]:[% title %] @ [% %]
+[% END %]
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment (
+    event_def,
+    path
+    currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'),
+    'current_copy.call_number.record.simple_record'
+), (
+    currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'),
+    'usr'
+), (
+    currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'),
+    'pickup_lib.billing_address'
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_params (event_def, param, value)
+    VALUES (currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'), 'check_sms_notify', 1);
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1251', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type
+    (grp, name, datatype, label, description)
+    'circ',
+    'circ.renew.expired_patron_allow', 'bool',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'circ.renew.expired_patron_allow',
+        'Allow renewal request if renewal recipient privileges have expired',
+        'coust',
+        'label'
+    ),
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'circ.renew.expired_patron_allow',
+        'If enabled, users within the org unit who are expired may still renew items.',
+        'coust',
+        'description'
+    )
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1252', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO config.coded_value_map
+    (id, ctype, code, opac_visible, value, search_label)
+    SELECT 1738,'search_format','video', true,
+    oils_i18n_gettext(1738, 'All Videos', 'ccvm', 'value'),
+    oils_i18n_gettext(1738, 'All Videos', 'ccvm', 'search_label')
+        SELECT 1 FROM config.coded_value_map WHERE id=1738
+        OR value = 'All Videos' OR search_label = 'All Videos'
+    );
+INSERT INTO config.composite_attr_entry_definition (coded_value, definition)
+    SELECT 1738, '{"_attr":"item_type","_val":"g"}'
+    SELECT 1 FROM config.composite_attr_entry_definition WHERE coded_value = 1738
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1253', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO config.workstation_setting_type (name, grp, datatype, label)
+    'eg.print.template_context.booking_capture', 'gui', 'string',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'eg.print.template_context.booking_capture',
+        'Print Template Context: booking_capture',
+        'cwst', 'label'
+    )
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1254', :eg_version);
+-- XXX Committer: confirm ID below is the next available!
+INSERT INTO permission.perm_list (id, code, description)
+    VALUES ( 629, 'ADMIN_LIBRARY_GROUPS', 'Administer library groups');
+INSERT INTO config.workstation_setting_type (name, grp, datatype, label)
+    '', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        '',
+        'Grid Config:',
+        'cwst', 'label'
+    )
+), (
+    '', 'gui', 'object',
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        '',
+        'Grid Config:',
+        'cwst', 'label'
+    )
+-- check whether patch can be applied
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1255', :eg_version);
+-- 005.schema.actors.sql
+-- CREATE TABLE actor.org_address (
+--     ...
+--     latitude    FLOAT,
+--     longitude   FLOAT
+-- );
+ALTER TABLE actor.org_address ADD COLUMN latitude FLOAT;
+ALTER TABLE actor.org_address ADD COLUMN longitude FLOAT;
+-- 002.schema.config.sql
+CREATE TABLE config.geolocation_service (
+    id           SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
+    active       BOOLEAN,
+    owner        INT NOT NULL, -- REFERENCES actor.org_unit (id)
+    name         TEXT,
+    service_code TEXT,
+    api_key      TEXT
+-- 800.fkeys.sql
+ALTER TABLE config.geolocation_service ADD CONSTRAINT cgs_owner_fkey
+INSERT INTO config.global_flag (name, value, enabled, label)
+    'opac.use_geolocation',
+    NULL,
+    FALSE,
+    oils_i18n_gettext(
+        'opac.use_geolocation',
+        'Offer use of geographic location services in the public catalog',
+        'cgf', 'label'
+    )
+INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type (name, label, grp, description, datatype)
+    'opac.holdings_sort_by_geographic_proximity',
+    oils_i18n_gettext('opac.holdings_sort_by_geographic_proximity',
+        'Enable Holdings Sort by Geographic Proximity',
+        'coust', 'label'),
+    'opac',
+    oils_i18n_gettext('opac.holdings_sort_by_geographic_proximity',
+        'When set to TRUE, will cause the record details page to display the controls for sorting holdings by geographic proximity. This also depends on the global flag opac.use_geolocation being enabled.',
+        'coust', 'description'),
+    'bool'
+INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type (name, label, grp, description, datatype)
+    'opac.geographic_proximity_in_miles',
+    oils_i18n_gettext('opac.geographic_proximity_in_miles',
+        'Show Geographic Proximity in Miles',
+        'coust', 'label'),
+    'opac',
+    oils_i18n_gettext('opac.geographic_proximity_in_miles',
+        'When set to TRUE, will cause the record details page to show distances for geographic proximity in miles instead of kilometers.',
+        'coust', 'description'),
+    'bool'
+INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type (name, label, grp, description, datatype, fm_class)
+    'opac.geographic_location_service_for_address',
+    oils_i18n_gettext('opac.geographic_location_service_for_address',
+        'Geographic Location Service to use for Addresses',
+        'coust', 'label'),
+    'opac',
+    oils_i18n_gettext('opac.geographic_location_service_for_address',
+        'Specifies which geographic location service to use for converting address input to geographic coordinates.',
+        'coust', 'description'),
+    'link', 'cgs'
+INSERT INTO permission.perm_list ( id, code, description ) VALUES
+ ( 630, 'VIEW_GEOLOCATION_SERVICES', oils_i18n_gettext(630,
+    'View geographic location services', 'ppl', 'description')),
+ ( 631, 'ADMIN_GEOLOCATION_SERVICES', oils_i18n_gettext(631,
+    'Administer geographic location services', 'ppl', 'description'))
+-- geolocation-aware variant
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.rank_ou(lib INT, search_lib INT, pref_lib INT, plat FLOAT, plon FLOAT)
+        -- lib matches search_lib
+        (SELECT CASE WHEN $1 = $2 THEN -20000 END),
+        -- lib matches pref_lib
+        (SELECT CASE WHEN $1 = $3 THEN -10000 END),
+        -- pref_lib is a child of search_lib and lib is a child of pref lib.
+        -- For example, searching CONS, pref lib is SYS1,
+        -- copies at BR1 and BR2 sort to the front.
+        (SELECT distance - 5000
+            FROM actor.org_unit_descendants_distance($3)
+            WHERE id = $1 AND $3 IN (
+                SELECT id FROM actor.org_unit_descendants($2))),
+        -- lib is a child of search_lib
+        (SELECT distance FROM actor.org_unit_descendants_distance($2) WHERE id = $1),
+        -- all others pay cash
+        1000
+    ) + ((SELECT CASE WHEN addr.latitude IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE -20038 END) + (earth_distance( -- shortest GC distance is returned, only half the circumfrence is needed
+            ll_to_earth(
+                COALESCE(addr.latitude,plat), -- if the org has no coords, we just
+                COALESCE(addr.longitude,plon) -- force 0 distance and let the above tie-break
+            ),ll_to_earth(plat,plon)
+        ) / 1000)::INT ) -- earth_distance is in meters, convert to kilometers and subtract from largest distance
+    FROM actor.org_unit org
+         LEFT JOIN actor.org_address addr ON (org.billing_address =
+    WHERE = $1;
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1256', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO config.internal_flag (name, value, enabled) VALUES ('symspell.prefix_length', '6', TRUE);
+INSERT INTO config.internal_flag (name, value, enabled) VALUES ('symspell.max_edit_distance', '3', TRUE);
+INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
+( name, grp, label, description, datatype )
+( 'opac.did_you_mean.max_suggestions', 'opac',
+   oils_i18n_gettext(
+     'opac.did_you_mean.max_suggestions',
+     'Maximum number of spelling suggestions that may be offered',
+     'coust', 'label'),
+   oils_i18n_gettext(
+     'opac.did_you_mean.max_suggestions',
+     'If set to -1, provide "best" suggestion if mispelled; if set higher than 0, the maximum suggestions that can be provided; if set to 0, disable suggestions.',
+     'coust', 'description'),
+   'integer' );
+INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
+( name, grp, label, description, datatype )
+( 'opac.did_you_mean.low_result_threshold', 'opac',
+   oils_i18n_gettext(
+     'opac.did_you_mean.low_result_threshold',
+     'Maximum search result count at which spelling suggestions may be offered',
+     'coust', 'label'),
+   oils_i18n_gettext(
+     'opac.did_you_mean.low_result_threshold',
+     'If a search results in this number or fewer results, and there are correctable spelling mistakes, a suggested search may be provided.',
+     'coust', 'description'),
+   'integer' );
+INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
+( name, grp, label, description, datatype )
+( 'search.symspell.min_suggestion_use_threshold', 'opac',
+   oils_i18n_gettext(
+     'search.symspell.min_suggestion_use_threshold',
+     'Minimum required uses of a spelling suggestions that may be offered',
+     'coust', 'label'),
+   oils_i18n_gettext(
+     'search.symspell.min_suggestion_use_threshold',
+     'The number of bibliographic records (more or less) that a spelling suggestion must appear in to be considered before offering it to a user. Defaults to 1 (must appear in the bib data).',
+     'coust', 'description'),
+   'integer' );
+INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
+( name, grp, label, description, datatype )
+( 'search.symspell.soundex.weight', 'opac',
+   oils_i18n_gettext(
+     'search.symspell.soundex.weight',
+     'Soundex score weighting in OPAC spelling suggestions.',
+     'coust', 'label'),
+   oils_i18n_gettext(
+     'search.symspell.soundex.weight',
+     'Soundex, trgm, and keyboard distance similarity measures can be combined to form a secondary ordering parameter for spelling suggestions. This controls the relative weight of the scaled soundex component. Defaults to 0 for "off".',
+     'coust', 'description'),
+   'integer' );
+INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
+( name, grp, label, description, datatype )
+( 'search.symspell.pg_trgm.weight', 'opac',
+   oils_i18n_gettext(
+     'search.symspell.pg_trgm.weight',
+     'Pg_trgm score weighting in OPAC spelling suggestions.',
+     'coust', 'label'),
+   oils_i18n_gettext(
+     'search.symspell.pg_trgm.weight',
+     'Soundex, pg_trgm, and keyboard distance similarity measures can be combined to form a secondary ordering parameter for spelling suggestions. This controls the relative weight of the scaled pg_trgm component. Defaults to 0 for "off".',
+     'coust', 'description'),
+   'integer' );
+INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
+( name, grp, label, description, datatype )
+( 'search.symspell.keyboard_distance.weight', 'opac',
+   oils_i18n_gettext(
+     'search.symspell.keyboard_distance.weight',
+     'Keyboard distance score weighting in OPAC spelling suggestions.',
+     'coust', 'label'),
+   oils_i18n_gettext(
+     'search.symspell.keyboard_distance.weight',
+     'Soundex, trgm, and keyboard distance similarity measures can be combined to form a secondary ordering parameter for spelling suggestions. This controls the relative weight of the scaled keyboard distance component. Defaults to 0 for "off".',
+     'coust', 'description'),
+   'integer' );
+    return uc(shift);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.text_array_merge_unique (
+    TEXT[], TEXT[]
+            UNION
+    ),'{}');
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.qwerty_keyboard_distance ( a TEXT, b TEXT ) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $F$
+use String::KeyboardDistance qw(:all);
+return qwerty_keyboard_distance(@_);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.qwerty_keyboard_distance_match ( a TEXT, b TEXT ) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $F$
+use String::KeyboardDistance qw(:all);
+return qwerty_keyboard_distance_match(@_);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.levenshtein_damerau_edistance ( a TEXT, b TEXT, INT ) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $F$
+use Text::Levenshtein::Damerau::XS qw/xs_edistance/;
+return xs_edistance(@_);
+CREATE TABLE search.symspell_dictionary (
+    keyword_count           INT     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
+    title_count             INT     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
+    author_count            INT     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
+    subject_count           INT     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
+    series_count            INT     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
+    identifier_count        INT     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
+    prefix_key              TEXT    PRIMARY KEY,
+    keyword_suggestions     TEXT[],
+    title_suggestions       TEXT[],
+    author_suggestions      TEXT[],
+    subject_suggestions     TEXT[],
+    series_suggestions      TEXT[],
+    identifier_suggestions  TEXT[]
+) WITH (fillfactor = 80);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_parse_words ( phrase TEXT )
+    SELECT UNNEST(x) FROM regexp_matches($1, '([[:alnum:]]+''*[[:alnum:]]*)', 'g') x;
+-- This version does not preserve input word order!
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_parse_words_distinct ( phrase TEXT )
+    SELECT DISTINCT UNNEST(x) FROM regexp_matches($1, '([[:alnum:]]+''*[[:alnum:]]*)', 'g') x;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_transfer_casing ( withCase TEXT, withoutCase TEXT )
+    woChars TEXT[];
+    curr    TEXT;
+    ind     INT := 1;
+    woChars := regexp_split_to_array(withoutCase,'');
+    FOR curr IN SELECT x FROM regexp_split_to_table(withCase, '') x LOOP
+        IF curr = evergreen.uppercase(curr) THEN
+            woChars[ind] := evergreen.uppercase(woChars[ind]);
+        END IF;
+        ind := ind + 1;
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN ARRAY_TO_STRING(woChars,'');
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_generate_edits (
+    raw_word    TEXT,
+    dist        INT DEFAULT 1,
+    maxED       INT DEFAULT 3
+    item    TEXT;
+    list    TEXT[] := '{}';
+    sublist TEXT[] := '{}';
+    FOR I IN 1 .. CHARACTER_LENGTH(raw_word) LOOP
+        item := SUBSTRING(raw_word FROM 1 FOR I - 1) || SUBSTRING(raw_word FROM I + 1);
+        IF NOT list @> ARRAY[item] THEN
+            list := item || list;
+            IF dist < maxED AND CHARACTER_LENGTH(raw_word) > dist + 1 THEN
+                sublist := search.symspell_generate_edits(item, dist + 1, maxED) || sublist;
+            END IF;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+    IF dist = 1 THEN
+        RETURN evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(list, sublist);
+    ELSE
+        RETURN list || sublist;
+    END IF;
+-- DROP TYPE search.symspell_lookup_output CASCADE;
+CREATE TYPE search.symspell_lookup_output AS (
+    suggestion          TEXT,
+    suggestion_count    INT,
+    lev_distance        INT,
+    pg_trgm_sim         NUMERIC,
+    qwerty_kb_match     NUMERIC,
+    soundex_sim         NUMERIC,
+    input               TEXT,
+    norm_input          TEXT,
+    prefix_key          TEXT,
+    prefix_key_count    INT,
+    word_pos            INT
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_lookup (
+    raw_input       TEXT,
+    search_class    TEXT,
+    verbosity       INT DEFAULT 2,
+    xfer_case       BOOL DEFAULT FALSE,
+    count_threshold INT DEFAULT 1,
+    soundex_weight  INT DEFAULT 0,
+    pg_trgm_weight  INT DEFAULT 0,
+    kbdist_weight   INT DEFAULT 0
+) RETURNS SETOF search.symspell_lookup_output AS $F$
+    prefix_length INT;
+    maxED         INT;
+    word_list   TEXT[];
+    edit_list   TEXT[] := '{}';
+    seen_list   TEXT[] := '{}';
+    output      search.symspell_lookup_output;
+    output_list search.symspell_lookup_output[];
+    entry       RECORD;
+    entry_key   TEXT;
+    prefix_key  TEXT;
+    sugg        TEXT;
+    input       TEXT;
+    word        TEXT;
+    w_pos       INT := -1;
+    smallest_ed INT := -1;
+    global_ed   INT;
+    SELECT value::INT INTO prefix_length FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'symspell.prefix_length' AND enabled;
+    prefix_length := COALESCE(prefix_length, 6);
+    SELECT value::INT INTO maxED FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'symspell.max_edit_distance' AND enabled;
+    maxED := COALESCE(maxED, 3);
+    word_list := ARRAY_AGG(x) FROM search.symspell_parse_words(raw_input) x;
+    -- Common case exact match test for preformance
+    IF verbosity = 0 AND CARDINALITY(word_list) = 1 AND CHARACTER_LENGTH(word_list[1]) <= prefix_length THEN
+        EXECUTE
+          'SELECT  '||search_class||'_suggestions AS suggestions,
+                   '||search_class||'_count AS count,
+                   prefix_key
+             FROM  search.symspell_dictionary
+             WHERE prefix_key = $1
+                   AND '||search_class||'_count >= $2 
+                   AND '||search_class||'_suggestions @> ARRAY[$1]' 
+          INTO entry USING evergreen.lowercase(word_list[1]), COALESCE(count_threshold,1);
+        IF entry.prefix_key IS NOT NULL THEN
+            output.lev_distance := 0; -- definitionally
+            output.prefix_key := entry.prefix_key;
+            output.prefix_key_count := entry.count;
+            output.suggestion_count := entry.count;
+            output.input := word_list[1];
+            IF xfer_case THEN
+                output.suggestion := search.symspell_transfer_casing(output.input, entry.prefix_key);
+            ELSE
+                output.suggestion := entry.prefix_key;
+            END IF;
+            output.norm_input := entry.prefix_key;
+            output.qwerty_kb_match := 1;
+            output.pg_trgm_sim := 1;
+            output.soundex_sim := 1;
+            RETURN NEXT output;
+            RETURN;
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+    <<word_loop>>
+    FOREACH word IN ARRAY word_list LOOP
+        w_pos := w_pos + 1;
+        input := evergreen.lowercase(word);
+        IF CHARACTER_LENGTH(input) > prefix_length THEN
+            prefix_key := SUBSTRING(input FROM 1 FOR prefix_length);
+            edit_list := ARRAY[input,prefix_key] || search.symspell_generate_edits(prefix_key, 1, maxED);
+        ELSE
+            edit_list := input || search.symspell_generate_edits(input, 1, maxED);
+        END IF;
+        output_list := '{}';
+        seen_list := '{}';
+        global_ed := NULL;
+        <<entry_key_loop>>
+        FOREACH entry_key IN ARRAY edit_list LOOP
+            smallest_ed := -1;
+            IF global_ed IS NOT NULL THEN
+                smallest_ed := global_ed;
+            END IF;
+            FOR entry IN EXECUTE
+                'SELECT  '||search_class||'_suggestions AS suggestions,
+                         '||search_class||'_count AS count,
+                         prefix_key
+                   FROM  search.symspell_dictionary
+                   WHERE prefix_key = $1
+                         AND '||search_class||'_suggestions IS NOT NULL' 
+                USING entry_key
+            LOOP
+                FOREACH sugg IN ARRAY entry.suggestions LOOP
+                    IF NOT seen_list @> ARRAY[sugg] THEN
+                        seen_list := seen_list || sugg;
+                        IF input = sugg THEN -- exact match, no need to spend time on a call
+                            output.lev_distance := 0;
+                            output.suggestion_count = entry.count;
+                        ELSIF ABS(CHARACTER_LENGTH(input) - CHARACTER_LENGTH(sugg)) > maxED THEN
+                            -- They are definitionally too different to consider, just move on.
+                            CONTINUE;
+                        ELSE
+                            --output.lev_distance := levenshtein_less_equal(
+                            output.lev_distance := evergreen.levenshtein_damerau_edistance(
+                                input,
+                                sugg,
+                                maxED
+                            );
+                            IF output.lev_distance < 0 THEN
+                                -- The Perl module returns -1 for "more distant than max".
+                                output.lev_distance := maxED + 1;
+                                -- This short-circuit's the count test below for speed, bypassing
+                                -- a couple useless tests.
+                                output.suggestion_count := -1;
+                            ELSE
+                                EXECUTE 'SELECT '||search_class||'_count FROM search.symspell_dictionary WHERE prefix_key = $1'
+                                    INTO output.suggestion_count USING sugg;
+                            END IF;
+                        END IF;
+                        -- The caller passes a minimum suggestion count threshold (or uses
+                        -- the default of 0) and if the suggestion has that many or less uses
+                        -- then we move on to the next suggestion, since this one is too rare.
+                        CONTINUE WHEN output.suggestion_count < COALESCE(count_threshold,1);
+                        -- Track the smallest edit distance among suggestions from this prefix key.
+                        IF smallest_ed = -1 OR output.lev_distance < smallest_ed THEN
+                            smallest_ed := output.lev_distance;
+                        END IF;
+                        -- Track the smallest edit distance for all prefix keys for this word.
+                        IF global_ed IS NULL OR smallest_ed < global_ed THEN
+                            global_ed = smallest_ed;
+                        END IF;
+                        -- Only proceed if the edit distance is <= the max for the dictionary.
+                        IF output.lev_distance <= maxED THEN
+                            IF output.lev_distance > global_ed AND verbosity <= 1 THEN
+                                -- Lev distance is our main similarity measure. While
+                                -- trgm or soundex similarity could be the main filter,
+                                -- Lev is both language agnostic and faster.
+                                --
+                                -- Here we will skip suggestions that have a longer edit distance
+                                -- than the shortest we've already found. This is simply an
+                                -- optimization that allows us to avoid further processing
+                                -- of this entry. It would be filtered out later.
+                                CONTINUE;
+                            END IF;
+                            -- If we have an exact match on the suggestion key we can also avoid
+                            -- some function calls.
+                            IF output.lev_distance = 0 THEN
+                                output.qwerty_kb_match := 1;
+                                output.pg_trgm_sim := 1;
+                                output.soundex_sim := 1;
+                            ELSE
+                                output.qwerty_kb_match := evergreen.qwerty_keyboard_distance_match(input, sugg);
+                                output.pg_trgm_sim := similarity(input, sugg);
+                                output.soundex_sim := difference(input, sugg) / 4.0;
+                            END IF;
+                            -- Fill in some fields
+                            IF xfer_case THEN
+                                output.suggestion := search.symspell_transfer_casing(word, sugg);
+                            ELSE
+                                output.suggestion := sugg;
+                            END IF;
+                            output.prefix_key := entry.prefix_key;
+                            output.prefix_key_count := entry.count;
+                            output.input := word;
+                            output.norm_input := input;
+                            output.word_pos := w_pos;
+                            -- We can't "cache" a set of generated records directly, so
+                            -- here we build up an array of search.symspell_lookup_output
+                            -- records that we can revivicate later as a table using UNNEST().
+                            output_list := output_list || output;
+                            EXIT entry_key_loop WHEN smallest_ed = 0 AND verbosity = 0; -- exact match early exit
+                            CONTINUE entry_key_loop WHEN smallest_ed = 0 AND verbosity = 1; -- exact match early jump to the next key
+                        END IF; -- maxED test
+                    END IF; -- suggestion not seen test
+                END LOOP; -- loop over suggestions
+            END LOOP; -- loop over entries
+        END LOOP; -- loop over entry_keys
+        -- Now we're done examining this word
+        IF verbosity = 0 THEN
+            -- Return the "best" suggestion from the smallest edit
+            -- distance group.  We define best based on the weighting
+            -- of the non-lev similarity measures and use the suggestion
+            -- use count to break ties.
+            RETURN QUERY
+                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list)
+                    ORDER BY lev_distance,
+                        (soundex_sim * COALESCE(soundex_weight,0))
+                            + (pg_trgm_sim * COALESCE(pg_trgm_weight,0))
+                            + (qwerty_kb_match * COALESCE(kbdist_weight,0)) DESC,
+                        suggestion_count DESC
+                        LIMIT 1;
+        ELSIF verbosity = 1 THEN
+            -- Return all suggestions from the smallest
+            -- edit distance group.
+            RETURN QUERY
+                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list) WHERE lev_distance = smallest_ed
+                    ORDER BY (soundex_sim * COALESCE(soundex_weight,0))
+                            + (pg_trgm_sim * COALESCE(pg_trgm_weight,0))
+                            + (qwerty_kb_match * COALESCE(kbdist_weight,0)) DESC,
+                        suggestion_count DESC;
+        ELSIF verbosity = 2 THEN
+            -- Return everything we find, along with relevant stats
+            RETURN QUERY
+                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list)
+                    ORDER BY lev_distance,
+                        (soundex_sim * COALESCE(soundex_weight,0))
+                            + (pg_trgm_sim * COALESCE(pg_trgm_weight,0))
+                            + (qwerty_kb_match * COALESCE(kbdist_weight,0)) DESC,
+                        suggestion_count DESC;
+        ELSIF verbosity = 3 THEN
+            -- Return everything we find from the two smallest edit distance groups
+            RETURN QUERY
+                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list)
+                    WHERE lev_distance IN (SELECT DISTINCT lev_distance FROM UNNEST(output_list) ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 2)
+                    ORDER BY lev_distance,
+                        (soundex_sim * COALESCE(soundex_weight,0))
+                            + (pg_trgm_sim * COALESCE(pg_trgm_weight,0))
+                            + (qwerty_kb_match * COALESCE(kbdist_weight,0)) DESC,
+                        suggestion_count DESC;
+        ELSIF verbosity = 4 THEN
+            -- Return everything we find from the two smallest edit distance groups that are NOT 0 distance
+            RETURN QUERY
+                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list)
+                    WHERE lev_distance IN (SELECT DISTINCT lev_distance FROM UNNEST(output_list) WHERE lev_distance > 0 ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 2)
+                    ORDER BY lev_distance,
+                        (soundex_sim * COALESCE(soundex_weight,0))
+                            + (pg_trgm_sim * COALESCE(pg_trgm_weight,0))
+                            + (qwerty_kb_match * COALESCE(kbdist_weight,0)) DESC,
+                        suggestion_count DESC;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP; -- loop over words
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_build_raw_entry (
+    raw_input       TEXT,
+    source_class    TEXT,
+    no_limit        BOOL DEFAULT FALSE,
+    prefix_length   INT DEFAULT 6,
+    maxED           INT DEFAULT 3
+) RETURNS SETOF search.symspell_dictionary AS $F$
+    key         TEXT;
+    del_key     TEXT;
+    key_list    TEXT[];
+    entry       search.symspell_dictionary%ROWTYPE;
+    key := raw_input;
+    IF NOT no_limit AND CHARACTER_LENGTH(raw_input) > prefix_length THEN
+        key := SUBSTRING(key FROM 1 FOR prefix_length);
+        key_list := ARRAY[raw_input, key];
+    ELSE
+        key_list := ARRAY[key];
+    END IF;
+    FOREACH del_key IN ARRAY key_list LOOP
+        entry.prefix_key := del_key;
+        entry.keyword_count := 0;
+        entry.title_count := 0;
+        entry.author_count := 0;
+        entry.subject_count := 0;
+        entry.series_count := 0;
+        entry.identifier_count := 0;
+        entry.keyword_suggestions := '{}';
+        entry.title_suggestions := '{}';
+        entry.author_suggestions := '{}';
+        entry.subject_suggestions := '{}';
+        entry.series_suggestions := '{}';
+        entry.identifier_suggestions := '{}';
+        IF source_class = 'keyword' THEN entry.keyword_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
+        IF source_class = 'title' THEN entry.title_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
+        IF source_class = 'author' THEN entry.author_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
+        IF source_class = 'subject' THEN entry.subject_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
+        IF source_class = 'series' THEN entry.series_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
+        IF source_class = 'identifier' THEN entry.identifier_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
+        IF source_class = 'keyword' THEN entry.keyword_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
+        IF del_key = raw_input THEN
+            IF source_class = 'keyword' THEN entry.keyword_count := 1; END IF;
+            IF source_class = 'title' THEN entry.title_count := 1; END IF;
+            IF source_class = 'author' THEN entry.author_count := 1; END IF;
+            IF source_class = 'subject' THEN entry.subject_count := 1; END IF;
+            IF source_class = 'series' THEN entry.series_count := 1; END IF;
+            IF source_class = 'identifier' THEN entry.identifier_count := 1; END IF;
+        END IF;
+        RETURN NEXT entry;
+    END LOOP;
+    FOR del_key IN SELECT x FROM UNNEST(search.symspell_generate_edits(key, 1, maxED)) x LOOP
+        entry.keyword_suggestions := '{}';
+        entry.title_suggestions := '{}';
+        entry.author_suggestions := '{}';
+        entry.subject_suggestions := '{}';
+        entry.series_suggestions := '{}';
+        entry.identifier_suggestions := '{}';
+        IF source_class = 'keyword' THEN entry.keyword_count := 0; END IF;
+        IF source_class = 'title' THEN entry.title_count := 0; END IF;
+        IF source_class = 'author' THEN entry.author_count := 0; END IF;
+        IF source_class = 'subject' THEN entry.subject_count := 0; END IF;
+        IF source_class = 'series' THEN entry.series_count := 0; END IF;
+        IF source_class = 'identifier' THEN entry.identifier_count := 0; END IF;
+        entry.prefix_key := del_key;
+        IF source_class = 'keyword' THEN entry.keyword_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
+        IF source_class = 'title' THEN entry.title_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
+        IF source_class = 'author' THEN entry.author_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
+        IF source_class = 'subject' THEN entry.subject_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
+        IF source_class = 'series' THEN entry.series_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
+        IF source_class = 'identifier' THEN entry.identifier_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
+        IF source_class = 'keyword' THEN entry.keyword_suggestions := ARRAY[raw_input]; END IF;
+        RETURN NEXT entry;
+    END LOOP;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_build_entries (
+    full_input      TEXT,
+    source_class    TEXT,
+    old_input       TEXT DEFAULT NULL,
+    include_phrases BOOL DEFAULT FALSE
+) RETURNS SETOF search.symspell_dictionary AS $F$
+    prefix_length   INT;
+    maxED           INT;
+    word_list   TEXT[];
+    input       TEXT;
+    word        TEXT;
+    entry       search.symspell_dictionary;
+    IF full_input IS NOT NULL THEN
+        SELECT value::INT INTO prefix_length FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'symspell.prefix_length' AND enabled;
+        prefix_length := COALESCE(prefix_length, 6);
+        SELECT value::INT INTO maxED FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'symspell.max_edit_distance' AND enabled;
+        maxED := COALESCE(maxED, 3);
+        input := evergreen.lowercase(full_input);
+        word_list := ARRAY_AGG(x) FROM search.symspell_parse_words_distinct(input) x;
+        IF CARDINALITY(word_list) > 1 AND include_phrases THEN
+            RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM search.symspell_build_raw_entry(input, source_class, TRUE, prefix_length, maxED);
+        END IF;
+        FOREACH word IN ARRAY word_list LOOP
+            RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM search.symspell_build_raw_entry(word, source_class, FALSE, prefix_length, maxED);
+        END LOOP;
+    END IF;
+    IF old_input IS NOT NULL THEN
+        input := evergreen.lowercase(old_input);
+        FOR word IN SELECT x FROM search.symspell_parse_words_distinct(input) x LOOP
+            entry.prefix_key := word;
+            entry.keyword_count := 0;
+            entry.title_count := 0;
+            entry.author_count := 0;
+            entry.subject_count := 0;
+            entry.series_count := 0;
+            entry.identifier_count := 0;
+            entry.keyword_suggestions := '{}';
+            entry.title_suggestions := '{}';
+            entry.author_suggestions := '{}';
+            entry.subject_suggestions := '{}';
+            entry.series_suggestions := '{}';
+            entry.identifier_suggestions := '{}';
+            IF source_class = 'keyword' THEN entry.keyword_count := -1; END IF;
+            IF source_class = 'title' THEN entry.title_count := -1; END IF;
+            IF source_class = 'author' THEN entry.author_count := -1; END IF;
+            IF source_class = 'subject' THEN entry.subject_count := -1; END IF;
+            IF source_class = 'series' THEN entry.series_count := -1; END IF;
+            IF source_class = 'identifier' THEN entry.identifier_count := -1; END IF;
+            RETURN NEXT entry;
+        END LOOP;
+    END IF;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_build_and_merge_entries (
+    full_input      TEXT,
+    source_class    TEXT,
+    old_input       TEXT DEFAULT NULL,
+    include_phrases BOOL DEFAULT FALSE
+) RETURNS SETOF search.symspell_dictionary AS $F$
+    new_entry       RECORD;
+    conflict_entry  RECORD;
+    IF full_input = old_input THEN -- neither NULL, and are the same
+        RETURN;
+    END IF;
+    FOR new_entry IN EXECUTE $q$
+        SELECT  count,
+                prefix_key,
+                evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(s,'{}') suggestions
+          FROM  (SELECT prefix_key,
+                        ARRAY_AGG($q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions[1]) s,
+                        SUM($q$ || source_class || $q$_count) count
+                  FROM  search.symspell_build_entries($1, $2, $3, $4)
+                  GROUP BY 1) x
+        $q$ USING full_input, source_class, old_input, include_phrases
+    LOOP
+        EXECUTE $q$
+            SELECT  prefix_key,
+                    $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions suggestions,
+                    $q$ || source_class || $q$_count count
+              FROM  search.symspell_dictionary
+              WHERE prefix_key = $1 $q$
+            INTO conflict_entry
+            USING new_entry.prefix_key;
+        IF new_entry.count <> 0 THEN -- Real word, and count changed
+            IF conflict_entry.prefix_key IS NOT NULL THEN -- we'll be updating
+                IF conflict_entry.count > 0 THEN -- it's a real word
+                    RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
+                        UPDATE  search.symspell_dictionary
+                           SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_count = $2
+                          WHERE prefix_key = $1
+                          RETURNING * $q$
+                        USING new_entry.prefix_key, GREATEST(0, new_entry.count + conflict_entry.count);
+                ELSE -- it was a prefix key or delete-emptied word before
+                    IF conflict_entry.suggestions @> new_entry.suggestions THEN -- already have all suggestions here...
+                        RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
+                            UPDATE  search.symspell_dictionary
+                               SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_count = $2
+                              WHERE prefix_key = $1
+                              RETURNING * $q$
+                            USING new_entry.prefix_key, GREATEST(0, new_entry.count);
+                    ELSE -- new suggestion!
+                        RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
+                            UPDATE  search.symspell_dictionary
+                               SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_count = $2,
+                                    $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions = $3
+                              WHERE prefix_key = $1
+                              RETURNING * $q$
+                            USING new_entry.prefix_key, GREATEST(0, new_entry.count), evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(conflict_entry.suggestions,new_entry.suggestions);
+                    END IF;
+                END IF;
+            ELSE
+                -- We keep the on-conflict clause just in case...
+                RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
+                    INSERT INTO search.symspell_dictionary AS d (
+                        $q$ || source_class || $q$_count,
+                        prefix_key,
+                        $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions
+                    ) VALUES ( $1, $2, $3 ) ON CONFLICT (prefix_key) DO
+                        UPDATE SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_count = d.$q$ || source_class || $q$_count + EXCLUDED.$q$ || source_class || $q$_count,
+                                    $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions = evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(d.$q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions, EXCLUDED.$q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions)
+                        RETURNING * $q$
+                    USING new_entry.count, new_entry.prefix_key, new_entry.suggestions;
+            END IF;
+        ELSE -- key only, or no change
+            IF conflict_entry.prefix_key IS NOT NULL THEN -- we'll be updating
+                IF NOT conflict_entry.suggestions @> new_entry.suggestions THEN -- There are new suggestions
+                    RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
+                        UPDATE  search.symspell_dictionary
+                           SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions = $2
+                          WHERE prefix_key = $1
+                          RETURNING * $q$
+                        USING new_entry.prefix_key, evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(conflict_entry.suggestions,new_entry.suggestions);
+                END IF;
+            ELSE
+                RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
+                    INSERT INTO search.symspell_dictionary AS d (
+                        $q$ || source_class || $q$_count,
+                        prefix_key,
+                        $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions
+                    ) VALUES ( $1, $2, $3 ) ON CONFLICT (prefix_key) DO -- key exists, suggestions may be added due to this entry
+                        UPDATE SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions = evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(d.$q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions, EXCLUDED.$q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions)
+                    RETURNING * $q$
+                    USING new_entry.count, new_entry.prefix_key, new_entry.suggestions;
+            END IF;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_maintain_entries () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $f$
+    search_class    TEXT;
+    new_value       TEXT := NULL;
+    old_value       TEXT := NULL;
+    search_class := COALESCE(TG_ARGV[0], SPLIT_PART(TG_TABLE_NAME,'_',1));
+        new_value := NEW.value;
+    END IF;
+        old_value := OLD.value;
+    END IF;
+    PERFORM * FROM search.symspell_build_and_merge_entries(new_value, search_class, old_value);
+    RETURN NULL; -- always fired AFTER
+CREATE TRIGGER maintain_symspell_entries_tgr
+    AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON metabib.title_field_entry
+    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE search.symspell_maintain_entries();
+CREATE TRIGGER maintain_symspell_entries_tgr
+    AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON metabib.author_field_entry
+    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE search.symspell_maintain_entries();
+CREATE TRIGGER maintain_symspell_entries_tgr
+    AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON metabib.subject_field_entry
+    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE search.symspell_maintain_entries();
+CREATE TRIGGER maintain_symspell_entries_tgr
+    AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON metabib.series_field_entry
+    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE search.symspell_maintain_entries();
+CREATE TRIGGER maintain_symspell_entries_tgr
+    AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON metabib.keyword_field_entry
+    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE search.symspell_maintain_entries();
+CREATE TRIGGER maintain_symspell_entries_tgr
+    AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON metabib.identifier_field_entry
+    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE search.symspell_maintain_entries();
+/* This will generate the queries needed to generate the /file/ that can
+ * be used to populate the dictionary table.
+select $z$select $y$select $y$||||$y$, '$z$||x.x||$z$', count(*) from search.symspell_build_and_merge_entries($x$$y$ || x.value||$y$$x$, '$z$||x||$z$');$y$ from metabib.$z$||x||$z$_field_entry x;$z$ from (select 'keyword'::text x union select 'title' union select 'author' union select 'subject' union select 'series' union select 'identifier') x;
+\qecho ''
+\qecho 'The following should be run at the end of the upgrade before any'
+\qecho 'reingest occurs.  Because new triggers are installed already,'
+\qecho 'updates to indexed strings will cause zero-count dictionary entries'
+\qecho 'to be recorded which will require updating every row again (or'
+\qecho 'starting from scratch) so best to do this before other batch'
+\qecho 'changes.  A later reingest that does not significantly change'
+\qecho 'indexed strings will /not/ cause table bloat here, and will be'
+\qecho 'as fast as normal.  A copy of the SQL in a ready-to-use, non-escaped'
+\qecho 'form is available inside a comment at the end of this upgrade sub-'
+\qecho 'script so you do not need to copy this comment from the psql ouptut.'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho '\\a'
+\qecho '\\t'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho '\\o title'
+\qecho 'select value from metabib.title_field_entry;'
+\qecho '\\o author'
+\qecho 'select value from metabib.author_field_entry;'
+\qecho '\\o subject'
+\qecho 'select value from metabib.subject_field_entry;'
+\qecho '\\o series'
+\qecho 'select value from metabib.series_field_entry;'
+\qecho '\\o identifier'
+\qecho 'select value from metabib.identifier_field_entry;'
+\qecho '\\o keyword'
+\qecho 'select value from metabib.keyword_field_entry;'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho '\\o'
+\qecho '\\a'
+\qecho '\\t'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho '// Then, at the command line:'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/ title > title.sql'
+\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/ author > author.sql'
+\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/ subject > subject.sql'
+\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/ series > series.sql'
+\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/ identifier > identifier.sql'
+\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/ keyword > keyword.sql'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho '// And, back in psql'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho 'ALTER TABLE search.symspell_dictionary SET UNLOGGED;'
+\qecho 'TRUNCATE search.symspell_dictionary;'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho '\\i identifier.sql'
+\qecho '\\i author.sql'
+\qecho '\\i title.sql'
+\qecho '\\i subject.sql'
+\qecho '\\i series.sql'
+\qecho '\\i keyword.sql'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho 'CLUSTER search.symspell_dictionary USING symspell_dictionary_pkey;'
+\qecho 'REINDEX TABLE search.symspell_dictionary;'
+\qecho 'ALTER TABLE search.symspell_dictionary SET LOGGED;'
+\qecho 'VACUUM ANALYZE search.symspell_dictionary;'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_title;'
+\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_author;'
+\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_subject;'
+\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_series;'
+\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_identifier;'
+\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_keyword;'
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1258', :eg_version);
+UPDATE config.metabib_field 
+SET xpath =  '//*[@tag=''260'' or @tag=''264''][1]'
+WHERE id = 52 AND xpath = '//*[@tag=''260'']';
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1259', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment (event_def,path)
+SELECT id,'items' from action_trigger.event_definition WHERE name='biblio.record_entry.print.full'
+AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM action_trigger.environment WHERE
+event_def=(SELECT id FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE name ='biblio.record_entry.print.full' AND owner=1 LIMIT 1)
+AND path='items');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment (event_def,path)
+SELECT id,'items' from action_trigger.event_definition WHERE name=''
+AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM action_trigger.environment WHERE
+event_def=(SELECT id FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE name ='' AND owner=1 LIMIT 1)
+AND path='items');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment (event_def,path)
+SELECT id,'owner' from action_trigger.event_definition WHERE name=''
+AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM action_trigger.environment WHERE
+event_def=(SELECT id FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE name ='' AND owner=1 LIMIT 1)
+AND path='owner');
+-- Update auditor tables to catch changes to source tables.
+--   Can be removed/skipped if there were no schema changes.
+SELECT auditor.update_auditors();
+\qecho This is a partial record attribute reingest of your bib records.
+\qecho It may take a while.
+\qecho You may cancel now without losing the effect of the rest of the
+\qecho upgrade script, and arrange the reingest later.
+SELECT COUNT(metabib.reingest_record_attributes(
+    FROM biblio.record_entry bre
+    JOIN metabib.record_attr_flat mraf ON ( =
+    WHERE deleted IS FALSE
+    AND attr = 'item_type'
+    AND value = 'g';