From: Jason Stephenson <>
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2018 14:17:34 +0000 (-0500)
Subject: Lp 1411422: Fix & rename test file.

Lp 1411422: Fix & rename test file.

The tests added for this branch had a bad plan.  It specified 7 tests were
to be run when actually there are 8.

I also renumbered the file to be 26, so that there would be only 1 test
numbered 25.

Signed-off-by: Jason Stephenson <>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/25-lp1411422-transferring-items-volumes-with-parts.t b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/25-lp1411422-transferring-items-volumes-with-parts.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 18fe58c21e..0000000000
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/25-lp1411422-transferring-items-volumes-with-parts.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More tests => 7;
-diag("Test transferring holds with parts.");
-use constant WORKSTATION_NAME => 'BR1-test-25-lp1411422-transferring-items-volumes-with-parts.t';
-use constant WORKSTATION_LIB => 4;
-use strict; use warnings;
-use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
-use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor qw/:funcs/;
-use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
-our $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
-our $e = new_editor(xact => 1);
-# setup workstation and login
-# -------------
-# Find a copy with at least one part
-# -------------
-my $copy = $e->search_asset_copy([
-{ deleted => 'f' },
-    join => {
-        acpm => {
-            type => 'inner',
-            join => {
-                bmp => { type => 'left' },
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    flesh => 1,
-    flesh_fields => { acp => ['parts']},
-    limit => 1
-diag("Using copy ". $copy->id);
-my $parts = $copy->parts;
-my $oldcallnumber = $copy->call_number;
-my $part_objs = [];
-my $part;
-foreach my $spart (@$parts) {
-    $part = $spart;
-diag("Copy part label -> ". $part->label);
-diag("Copy call number ". $oldcallnumber);
-$oldcallnumber = $e->search_asset_call_number({id => $oldcallnumber, deleted => 'f'})->[0];
-diag("Copy attached to bib ". $oldcallnumber->record);
-# Find a bib without parts
-# -------------
-my $sdestbib = $e->search_biblio_record_entry([
-id =>
-    {
-        'not in' =>
-            { "from" => 'bmp',
-                'select' =>  { "bmp" => [ 'record' ] }
-            }
-    },
-deleted => 'f' },
-{ limit => 3 }
-my $destbib;
-foreach(@{$sdestbib}) {
-    if ($_->id > -1) {
-        $destbib = $_;
-        last;
-    }
-diag("Using this non parted bib ". $destbib->id);
-# Create a new volume for the copy to transfer to
-# -------------
-my $newcall = Fieldmapper::asset::call_number->new;
-$newcall->label('Test copy transfer with parts');
-my $stat = $e->create_asset_call_number($newcall);
-ok($stat, 'Created temporary volume on bib '.$destbib->id);
-diag( "New call number id: " . $newcall->id );
-# freshen up the variable
-# get all the rest of the values from the DB
-$newcall = $e->search_asset_call_number({id => $newcall->id})->[0];
-# save changes so that the storage request has access
-# make the transfer
-# -------------
-my @copy_id_array = ($copy->id);
-my $storage = $script->session('');
-my $req = $storage->request(
-    '',  $script->authtoken, $newcall->id, \@copy_id_array )->gather(1);
-# Did the code create a new part on the destination bib?
-# -------------
-my $destparts = $e->search_biblio_monograph_part({record => $newcall->record, label => $part->label, deleted => 'f'})->[0];
-ok($destparts, 'Copy transfer with parts success on bib '.$destbib->id);
-is($destparts->label, $part->label, 'Part labels match and everything!');
-# Now test transferring volumes,
-# might as well transfer it back to the old bib
-# -------------
-my @vols = ($newcall->id);
-my $docid = $oldcallnumber->record;
-my $args = {lib => $oldcallnumber->owning_lib, docid => $docid, volumes => \@vols };
-$storage = $script->session('');
-$req = $storage->request(
-    '',
-    $script->authtoken,
-    $args
-    )->gather(1);
-# Make sure that the old bib received the part
-my $destparts2 = $e->search_biblio_monograph_part({record => $oldcallnumber->record, label => $part->label, deleted => 'f'})->[0];
-ok($destparts2, 'Volume transfer with parts success on bib '.$oldcallnumber->record);
-is($destparts->label, $part->label, 'Part labels match and everything!');
-# Reverse the data
-# -------------
-$storage = $script->session('');
-$req = $storage->request(
-    '',  $script->authtoken, $oldcallnumber->id, \@copy_id_array )->gather(1);
-$stat = $e->delete_asset_call_number($newcall);
-sub setupLogin {
-    my $workstation = $e->search_actor_workstation([ {name => WORKSTATION_NAME, owning_lib => WORKSTATION_LIB } ])->[0];
-    if(!$workstation )
-    {
-        $script->authenticate({
-            username => 'admin',
-            password => 'demo123',
-            type => 'staff'});
-        ok( $script->authtoken, 'Have an authtoken');
-        my $ws = $script->register_workstation(WORKSTATION_NAME,WORKSTATION_LIB);
-        ok( ! ref $ws, 'Registered a new workstation');
-        $script->logout();
-    }
-    $script->authenticate({
-        username => 'admin',
-        password => 'demo123',
-        type => 'staff',
-        workstation => WORKSTATION_NAME});
-    ok( $script->authtoken, 'Have an authtoken associated with the workstation');
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/26-lp1411422-transferring-items-volumes-with-parts.t b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/26-lp1411422-transferring-items-volumes-with-parts.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..5bd7e1f14d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/26-lp1411422-transferring-items-volumes-with-parts.t
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+use Test::More tests => 8;
+diag("Test transferring holds with parts.");
+use constant WORKSTATION_NAME => 'BR1-test-26-lp1411422-transferring-items-volumes-with-parts.t';
+use constant WORKSTATION_LIB => 4;
+use strict; use warnings;
+use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
+use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor qw/:funcs/;
+use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
+our $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
+our $e = new_editor(xact => 1);
+# setup workstation and login
+# -------------
+# Find a copy with at least one part
+# -------------
+my $copy = $e->search_asset_copy([
+{ deleted => 'f' },
+    join => {
+        acpm => {
+            type => 'inner',
+            join => {
+                bmp => { type => 'left' },
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    flesh => 1,
+    flesh_fields => { acp => ['parts']},
+    limit => 1
+diag("Using copy ". $copy->id);
+my $parts = $copy->parts;
+my $oldcallnumber = $copy->call_number;
+my $part_objs = [];
+my $part;
+foreach my $spart (@$parts) {
+    $part = $spart;
+diag("Copy part label -> ". $part->label);
+diag("Copy call number ". $oldcallnumber);
+$oldcallnumber = $e->search_asset_call_number({id => $oldcallnumber, deleted => 'f'})->[0];
+diag("Copy attached to bib ". $oldcallnumber->record);
+# Find a bib without parts
+# -------------
+my $sdestbib = $e->search_biblio_record_entry([
+id =>
+    {
+        'not in' =>
+            { "from" => 'bmp',
+                'select' =>  { "bmp" => [ 'record' ] }
+            }
+    },
+deleted => 'f' },
+{ limit => 3 }
+my $destbib;
+foreach(@{$sdestbib}) {
+    if ($_->id > -1) {
+        $destbib = $_;
+        last;
+    }
+diag("Using this non parted bib ". $destbib->id);
+# Create a new volume for the copy to transfer to
+# -------------
+my $newcall = Fieldmapper::asset::call_number->new;
+$newcall->label('Test copy transfer with parts');
+my $stat = $e->create_asset_call_number($newcall);
+ok($stat, 'Created temporary volume on bib '.$destbib->id);
+diag( "New call number id: " . $newcall->id );
+# freshen up the variable
+# get all the rest of the values from the DB
+$newcall = $e->search_asset_call_number({id => $newcall->id})->[0];
+# save changes so that the storage request has access
+# make the transfer
+# -------------
+my @copy_id_array = ($copy->id);
+my $storage = $script->session('');
+my $req = $storage->request(
+    '',  $script->authtoken, $newcall->id, \@copy_id_array )->gather(1);
+# Did the code create a new part on the destination bib?
+# -------------
+my $destparts = $e->search_biblio_monograph_part({record => $newcall->record, label => $part->label, deleted => 'f'})->[0];
+ok($destparts, 'Copy transfer with parts success on bib '.$destbib->id);
+is($destparts->label, $part->label, 'Part labels match and everything!');
+# Now test transferring volumes,
+# might as well transfer it back to the old bib
+# -------------
+my @vols = ($newcall->id);
+my $docid = $oldcallnumber->record;
+my $args = {lib => $oldcallnumber->owning_lib, docid => $docid, volumes => \@vols };
+$storage = $script->session('');
+$req = $storage->request(
+    '',
+    $script->authtoken,
+    $args
+    )->gather(1);
+# Make sure that the old bib received the part
+my $destparts2 = $e->search_biblio_monograph_part({record => $oldcallnumber->record, label => $part->label, deleted => 'f'})->[0];
+ok($destparts2, 'Volume transfer with parts success on bib '.$oldcallnumber->record);
+is($destparts->label, $part->label, 'Part labels match and everything!');
+# Reverse the data
+# -------------
+$storage = $script->session('');
+$req = $storage->request(
+    '',  $script->authtoken, $oldcallnumber->id, \@copy_id_array )->gather(1);
+$stat = $e->delete_asset_call_number($newcall);
+sub setupLogin {
+    my $workstation = $e->search_actor_workstation([ {name => WORKSTATION_NAME, owning_lib => WORKSTATION_LIB } ])->[0];
+    if(!$workstation )
+    {
+        $script->authenticate({
+            username => 'admin',
+            password => 'demo123',
+            type => 'staff'});
+        ok( $script->authtoken, 'Have an authtoken');
+        my $ws = $script->register_workstation(WORKSTATION_NAME,WORKSTATION_LIB);
+        ok( ! ref $ws, 'Registered a new workstation');
+        $script->logout();
+    }
+    $script->authenticate({
+        username => 'admin',
+        password => 'demo123',
+        type => 'staff',
+        workstation => WORKSTATION_NAME});
+    ok( $script->authtoken, 'Have an authtoken associated with the workstation');