From: Remington Steed Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2018 15:18:11 +0000 (-0400) Subject: Docs: Add aspell wordlist to improve spellchecking X-Git-Url:;h=8631cf299664da0cbc12a3841bddff52740687ec;p=evergreen%2Fequinox.git Docs: Add aspell wordlist to improve spellchecking To spellcheck the docs: - Go into the docs/ directory. - Copy the wordlist to your home directory (making a backup of your existing wordlist, if you have one): - cp --backup .aspell.en.pws ~/ - Run 'aspell' over all AsciiDoc files, except release notes. Don't need to create backup files, since we're under version control. This runs the interactive spellchecker; use it to fix incorrect words, or add new correct words to the wordlist: - for f in $(find . -name '*.adoc' -and ! -name 'RELEASE*'); do aspell check --ignore-case --dont-backup $f; done - Review your changes: - git diff - Commit spelling corrections in one commit. Noteworthy changes should be included in the commit message. - Commit changed wordlist in a separate commit. Signed-off-by: Remington Steed --- diff --git a/docs/.aspell.en.pws b/docs/.aspell.en.pws new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bfcbbf9fa9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.aspell.en.pws @@ -0,0 +1,1255 @@ +personal_ws-1.1 en 1255 +AAbad +ABno +AccessHandler +accesspoints +ack +acknowledgement +acl +acn +acnp +acns +acp +acpn +acq +ACS +ACsip +actiontriggers +activeapps +ADbad +ADbadpwd +addcount +AddedContent +ADDON +addons +AddOutputFilter +adoc +ADuserpassword +advholdoption +advsrchpg +AE +AEDavid +AEDoug +AEFirstName +AEX +AFOK +AFThank +aggregator +ahcm +ahr +airbender +Aitem +AJ +AJPerl +AJRégion +AlertMesg +algoma +allocator +alopez +altview +AMH +Amongst +Analytics +AngularJS +anonymization +anotes +Anytown +Anytown's +Anzaldua +AO +aoa +AOBR +AOCONS +aou +AOUWOLS +APBR +APCheckin +API +APIs +APOSUL +Appetit +AppSession +aprox +AQ +AQBR +AQOSUL +AreaCode +argc +args +Arial +ARL +asc +ascecm +asciidoc +AstCall +AsteriskHome +async +ateo +atev +atevdef +atevdev +attr +attrs +aua +Audiobook +audiobooks +Audiocassette +auri +ausp +auth +Authen +authenticator +authenticators +authid +AuthorizeNet +authorsort +AuthProxy +authtime +authtoken +authtokens +autogen +autoincrementing +autoreconf +autowidth +auz +backend +backends +backport +Bagley +barcode +barcoded +barcodes +barcoding +basebackup +basedn +baseurl +bashrc +batchimport +BD +bdd +behaviour +Berezansky +Berklee +BG +BGBR +BGOSUL +BH +BHCAD +BHUSD +bibcn +bibkey +biblio +Bibliomation +BIGINT +BIGSERIAL +bitmasked +bitmasks +BKS +Blacklight +BLN +blockquote +BLURAY +BLY +bmp +BNCLF +bnm +Bon +bookbag +bookbags +BOOL +booleans +boostrap +Boro +branchname +branchphone +bre +browsable +brána +BT +btree +buildconfig +BV +BXYYYYYYYYYNYNNNYN +bzr +caed +Café +Callerid +callfile +callfiles +callnum +callnumber +cancelled +Cancelling +casaudiobook +casmusic +catalogue +catalogued +Cataloguer +Cataloguing +cbho +ccbysa +ccs +cdaudiobook +cdmusic +cdr +CDs +Cedarville +centric +Ceské +cgi +charset +checkbox +checkboxes +checkin +checkins +checkmark +checkmarks +children's +ChiliFresh +chkconfig +chown +chron +Circ +circ's +circing +CircIsOverdue +circmod +circpass +circs +Circulator +Circulators +circuser +CJ +CJK +CLAIMSRETURNED +classid +classname +Clearable +Clearbrook +Clearwater +clure +cn +cnf +CNsip +CObad +codebase +codecs +Coderef +colocate +colocated +compressibility +concat +Cond +conf +config +configs +configtt +conninfo +consortial +ContentCafe +contextfield +controlfield +copytags +COsip +cp +CPAN +CPBR +CPUs +CQ +CQN +CQY +CRA +createdb +createuser +crit +cron +cronjob +crontab +CSCA +CSS +cstore +CSV +CTBR +CTE +CTEs +ctl +Ctrl +ctx +ctype +currval +customizable +customizations +cvmpage +CY +cygwin +DAHDI +DANicholas +DAO +datafield +dataset +datasets +datatype +datatypes +dateIssued +datePublished +dbd +DBI +dbname +ddc +DEBG +Deduplicating +DEFERRABLE +deployer +DESC +dest +dev +DFUND +dialer +dialogs +dialplan +dialplans +Digium +DirectoryIndex +dismod +dissite +distro +distros +divs +DLC +DNS +dnsmasq +dnspython +doctype +DocumentRoot +Dodd +Dojo +DOM +dropdown +dropdowns +Drupal +dt +dtd +Duimovich +duplications +durations +DVDs +eaudio +eBook +ebooks +EBSCO +EDI +EDIFACT +editrad +ef +eg +egadmin +EGCatLoader +egdb +EGKPacLoader +eglibid +eglibname +eglibphysloc +egliburl +egrep +egweb +eiNetwork +ejabberd +ELSIF +Elwitt +Emeryville +enablePrivilege +ENet +enmod +ensite +enum +ENV +envvars +epeterson +epo +eq +equalities +ereceipts +erpstats +ErrorDocument +esac +ESI +estat +etype +evideo +exe +expandability +expr +exten +extern +failover +failsafe +Fallthrough +favourably +Fc +festschrift +fi +Fiander +Fieldmapper +filename +filenames +FIRSTNAME +fivefive +fkey +Flattener +FlattenerFilterDialog +Fogle +foreach +Formulae +Fortin +fre +Freenode +FreePBX +fts +fullname +func +functionalities +FXO +GaAaGPL +Geonames +getter +gettext +GIR +gol +Gomer +Gonvick +GoodStuff +Goodstuff's +Goto +GotoIf +GPLS +Grantable +Greyed +grp +GSM +GUC +GV +Hallsville +Halton +hardcode +hardcoded +hba +Helvetica +HH +hl +hoc +Holdable +HoldIsAvailable +homesearch +hostfqdn +hostname +hostnames +hotkey +Hotkeys +hotkeyset +hprox +href +hstone +HSTORE +htime +htmlholdings +HTTPClient +HTTPD +httpResults +https +hy +hyperlinked +IAX +ident +IDL +IDLCHUNK +IDLChunkContentType +IDLChunkEscapeScript +IDLChunkStripComments +IDLChunkStripDoctype +IDLChunkStripPI +idlist +idx +IFF +IfModule +ILIKE +ILS +ilscheckin +ilscheckout +ilsevent +ilshost +ILSlogin +ILSnew +ILSoffline +ilspassword +ILSs +ILSstandalone +ilstab +ilsurl +ilsuser +img +inbox +IndexedDB +indexterm +infile +informacní +ingra +inhouse +init +initialhost +instid +intarray +INTL +invocable +INVOIC +Invoiceable +IP +iptables +IRC +ISBNs +IsDefault +isdeleted +ish +isnew +ISSN +isupdated +itemprop +itemstatus +iTiva +itype +JDBC +Jednotná +jibber +JID +jpg +js +JSAN +JSON +JSON's +JSPAC +jtitle +justintime +Juv +Ka +Kamouraska +katalog +Keeners +keepalive +KeepAliveTimeout +keygen +keyout +keyset +KidsOPAC +KPAC +KPacConfigFile +L'estat +labelled +labour +LastName +lcc +lccn +lcsh +lcshac +LDAP +ldconfig +LDR +Lebbeous +leveloffset +libdbd +libdbi +libid +libname +libphysloc +librarysettings +LibreOffice +Libris +liburl +limitTo +Lincolnton +lineitem +lineitems +Linn +linter +loc +localhost +localtime +localtimestamp +LocationMatch +locg +lockfile +logfile +loggedin +loggedout +login +logins +Logout +longdesc +LONGOVERDUE +lookup +lookups +lpbook +LPTI +lsa +LSAs +lse +LTS +LY +Lyrasis +Makefile +Makefiles +MarcEdit +marcform +MARCReader +marctemplates +marctype +MARCXML +markfor +MassLNC +matchpoint +Matchpoints +matchsets +matiere +mattype +mau +MaxClients +MaxConnectionsPerChild +MaxKeepAliveRequests +maxlength +MaxRequestsPerChild +MaxRequestWorkers +MaxRetries +MaxSpareServers +Mayberry +mbts +Meadowvale +memcache +memcached +ment +metabib +metadata +metapackages +metarecord +metarecords +MFHD +MFHDs +MFORM +microblogging +microdata +microform +MiddleName +Minification +minify +MinSpareServers +mis +mistyped +mkdir +MMM +mmr +modelled +modelling +modifycde +modsCollection +monographic +monospaced +Moorhead +mous +moz +MPIM +mpm +mra +mrc +mrholdgf +msgid +msgstr +Multi +multiselect +mv +MVF +MVLC +mvr +myaccount +myopac +mytown +mytrunk +NACO +nada +namePart +namespace +namespaces +namespacing +NANP +nbsp +newpot +nextval +nFROM +ng +nofollow +nohup +noncataloged +Nonmusical +noop +normalizations +NORMALIZER +nosound +npm +NRCan +nullability +nWHERE +Obalkyknih +OCLC +OCoLC +ODBC +OILSAccessHandlerCheckOU +OILSAccessHandlerFailURL +OILSAccessHandlerGoodStanding +OILSAccessHandlerHomeOU +OILSAccessHandlerLoginURL +OILSAccessHandlerLoginURLRedirectVar +OILSAccessHandlerPermission +OILSAccessHandlerReferrerSetting +OILSWebContextLoader +OILSWebDefaultLocale +OILSWebLocale +OILSWebTemplatePath +oISBN +ol +onblur +onchange +onclick +ondblclick +OneClickdigital +oneone +onfocus +onkeydown +onkeypress +onkeyup +onload +onmousedown +onmousemove +onmouseout +onmouseover +onmouseup +onreset +ons +onselect +onsubmit +onunload +OPAC +OPAC's +OPACs +openils +OpenLibrary +OpenSearch +OpenSRF +OpenSRF's +opensrfIntrospection +OpenSRFOverHTTP +openssl +OpenURL +OR'ed +ord +orderBy +ORDRSP +orgs +orgunit +originInfo +osname +osrf +osrfConfig +osrfConnectStatus +osrfMessage +osrfMethod +osrfMethodException +osrfResult +Ostrowsky +OSTYPE +OSX +OU +outfile +outliers +overdues +overlayed +oversized +parallelizing +param +params +passwd +patronstats +Payflow +PayflowPro +PBX's +PCPatrons +pcrud +PDF +performant +PerlAccessHandler +PerlAddVar +perlmods +PerlSetVar +permacrud +Permalink +pgpm +pgrep +PGSQL +pgt +pgTAP +Phonelist +phonomusic +phonospoken +PHP +phpPgAdmin +physicalDescription +PID +PIDFILE +PITR +PIUnfiltered +pkey +pkill +PlaceHold +plib +plperlu +plpgsql +PN +png +pofiles +popbadge +popmenu +popup +Popups +pos +POSIX +postgres +PostgreSQL +PostgreSQL's +ppl +pprox +PQ +pre +precalculating +precat +Preconfigured +predefine +prefork +prefs +PREOVERDUE +prepend +PRERESERVE +PRI +Pringle +ProcessTemplate +Prox +ProxyHTMLCharsetOut +ProxyHTMLEnable +ProxyHTMLEvents +ProxyHTMLExtended +ProxyHTMLLinks +ProxyHTMLURLMap +Proxying +ProxyPass +ProxyPassReverse +ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain +ProxyPassReverseCookiePath +pset +psql +pts +ptype +pubdate +pubdates +pugm +pupm +PV +py +pymarc +PZ +QA +ql +QP +QStore +qtype +QueryParser +quintile +qw +raboof +radcatrue +radcvmcacolumns +radmvcolumn +Rayner +readline +README +readonly +recordChangeDate +recordContentSource +recordCreationDate +recorddetailpg +recordid +recordIdentifier +recordInfo +recv +Redhat +RefWorks +regclass +Regex +reimplemented +reindex +reingest +reingested +Reingesting +relator +reltype +Repeatability +replicant +repo +republiky +req +RequestHeader +requestor's +resample +rescan +Resending +resensitize +RESERVECANCEL +RESERVEEXPIRE +Reshelving +resize +resolv +resourcetype +responder +respool +retarget +retargeted +Retargeting +RetryTime +revalidate +Revalidation +revalidator +RewriteCond +RewriteMap +RewriteMaps +RewriteRule +RFID +rigrelease +ringback +rl +Roni +roundtrips +rpad +RPC +rss +rsync +rsyslog +rtime +rtl +runtime +rvvvvvvvvvv +Rylander +Rylander's +Sandberg +SayDigits +SayNumber +sbin +sbsum +scalability +schemaLocation +schemaname +schemas +Schirmer +SCO +SCP +Screenshot +sdist +searchable +searchbar +searchbutton +searchfilters +searchForm +searchLabel +searchresults +secondaryperms +sel +selfcheck +SendFile +Sep +SER +seriestitle +ServerAlias +ServerName +serviceRegistration +SetEnv +SetHandler +SettingsClient +SFTP +SFX +Shareable +ShareAlike +shortname +shortnames +shtime +Shum +Shwaish +sig +SimpleText +Siobhan +SIPServer +SIPtest +siss +sisum +sitem +sitemap +sitemaps +SITKA +sixsix +skipemail +SKOS +SL +SMS +softwares +somenumber +sortable +Souborný +Soulliere +Southington +sox +Spindler +sql +SQL's +SQLite +src +srchresultpg +sre +srfsh +SRU +SSDs +SSL +SSN +sssum +sstr +ssub +stacktrace +StartServers +startup +statcat +StateAbb +stateful +StateID +statusCode +STDIN +stdout +Stonebraker +Stratton +Streetsboro +stylesheet +stylesheets +su +subdirectories +subdirectory +subdomain +subdomains +subexpression +subexpressions +subfield +subfields +subfolder +subfolders +sublibraries +suboptimal +Subqueries +subquery +SUBSTR +substring +Substrings +sudo +sunit +Supa +Supercat +superpage +superpages +SVF +symlink +Syndetic +SYS +sysconfdir +sysklogd +syslog +syslogger +tablename +Tahr +TalkingTech +targetAudience +targeter +TCN +TCP +TechRef +templated +testrestore +textcn +textcode +texting +tgr +Thomasville +threadTrace +Thru +timeframe +timeline +timesavers +timespan +TIMESTAMP +timestamps +titleInfo +titlesort +titlestring +TLD +TLDs +tmp +TOC +tocPDF +tocText +TODO +tolower +toolbars +toolbarseparator +toolbarspacer +tooltip +tooltips +topnav +toupper +Townsville +TP +TPAC +transactional +transcendant +TRUNC +tsv +tt +TTOPAC +tuple +twotwo +txt +typeOfResource +UI +uid +UIs +Ulen +ULS +UnAPI +unary +unbarcoded +uncancelled +Uncaptured +uncataloged +uncheck +Uncomment +unconfigured +undef +undeleted +unformatted +UNIMARC +unpaged +Unported +unreceive +Unsponsored +unsubmittable +UPCs +updatable +URI +URI's +usemap +userbucket +userdata +usergroup +userid +Username +Usernames +userpassword +usingpgAdmin +USMARC +usr +usrname +UTC +UTF +util +Utils +UX +Validator +validators +valign +valueset +Vandelay +vedettes +VeriSign +versioning +vhost +vhosts +viewable +viewname +Vinci +VirtualHost +vis +vm +VoIP +VPN +VR +VuFind +WaitTime +WAL +wav +Waverly +WAVs +WCAG +webclient +webrick +websocket +webstaff +Weekley +wget +wildcard +Wildcards +Wo +workflow +workflows +WorldCat +ws +xact +xacts +xbet +xbind +xbool +xcase +xcast +xcol +Xenial +Xerus +xex +XFER +xfunc +xhtml +xid +xin +xisnull +xlink +xlsx +xmllint +xmlns +XMPP +xnull +xnum +xop +XPath +xser +xsi +XSLT +xstr +xsubq +XUL +XULRunner +XXXXX +xzf +Yamil +YAOUS +YNY +yourfile +yourusridhere +YYYY +YYYYMMDDZZZZHHMMSS +YYYYNN +zA +zipcount +ZZZZ