From: Dan Scott <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 02:55:27 +0000 (-0400)
Subject: Enhance sample Z39.50 config file

Enhance sample Z39.50 config file

Make "expose holdings" the default; use specific indexes for ISBN and
ISSN; show how to scope results to a part of the org tree; and show that
multiple database configs can be specified in the same file.

Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <>
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/examples/oils_z3950.xml.example b/Open-ILS/examples/oils_z3950.xml.example
index 6fe8777c48..6cacbca2c1 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/examples/oils_z3950.xml.example
+++ b/Open-ILS/examples/oils_z3950.xml.example
@@ -1,14 +1,31 @@
-   <database name="OILS">
+   <database name="CONS">
      <!-- Change "localhost" to your server's name as appropriate. -->
-     <zurl>http://localhost/opac/extras/sru</zurl>
+     <zurl>http://localhost/opac/extras/sru/-/holdings</zurl>
      <option name="sru">get</option>
        <map use="4"><index>eg.title</index></map>
-       <map use="7"><index>eg.keyword</index></map>
-       <map use="8"><index>eg.keyword</index></map>
+       <map use="7"><index>eg.isbn</index></map>
+       <map use="8"><index>eg.issn</index></map>
+       <map use="21"><index>eg.subject</index></map>
+       <map use="1003"><index></index></map>
+       <map use="1018"><index>eg.publisher</index></map>
+       <map use="1035"><index>eg.keyword</index></map>
+       <map use="1016"><index>eg.keyword</index></map>
+     </search>
+   </database>
+   <database name="BR1">
+     <!-- Change "localhost" to your server's name as appropriate. -->
+     <zurl>http://localhost/opac/extras/sru/BR1/holdings</zurl>
+     <option name="sru">get</option>
+     <charset>marc-8</charset>
+     <search>
+       <querytype>cql</querytype>
+       <map use="4"><index>eg.title</index></map>
+       <map use="7"><index>eg.isbn</index></map>
+       <map use="8"><index>eg.issn</index></map>
        <map use="21"><index>eg.subject</index></map>
        <map use="1003"><index></index></map>
        <map use="1018"><index>eg.publisher</index></map>