From: Jane Sandberg <>
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2020 17:14:49 +0000 (-0800)
Subject: Docs: release notes for 3.5.2

Docs: release notes for 3.5.2

Signed-off-by: Jane Sandberg <>

diff --git a/docs/RELEASE_NOTES_3_5.adoc b/docs/RELEASE_NOTES_3_5.adoc
index 767726b860..f6af79f999 100644
--- a/docs/RELEASE_NOTES_3_5.adoc
+++ b/docs/RELEASE_NOTES_3_5.adoc
@@ -3,6 +3,166 @@ Evergreen 3.5 Release Notes
+Evergreen 3.5.2
+This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.5.1.
+Bug Fixes
+* Help popovers in the AngularJS staff client can now be opened using keyboard navigation
+([Bug 1801947])
+* Keyboard navigation improvement to the Register/Edit Patron screen
+([Bug 1840329])
+* Decorative icons in the navbar are now aria-hidden
+([Bug 1795720])
+* The staff login page now contains an apporopriate heading
+([Bug 1839365])
+* Improve wording in acquisitions line item actions menu
+([Bug 1418694])
+* Permission Group Interface refreshes after making permission changes
+([Bug 1891355])
+* Permissions for creating/modifying booking reservations can now be
+scoped by org unit
+([Bug 1835127])
+* Fixes issues with sharing settings in the reporter
+([Bug 1851413])
+* It is now possible to report on non-cataloged circulations
+separately from non-cataloged in-house uses
+([Bug 1788260])
+* Prevents duplicated report outputs
+([Bug 1893463])
+* Fixes a UI issue in the reporter
+([Bug 1207744])
+* Improves description of an org unit setting
+([Bug 1325704])
+* Catalogers can now batch edit call numbers from item buckets
+([Bug 1747664])
+* The item editor now displays all circulation modifiers when batch updating
+([Bug 1844732])
+* When merging bibliographic records, the deleted record is now also marked as
+inactive ([Bug 1771386])
+* The staff catalog now includes a UPC search option
+([Bug 1885764])
+* Catalogers can now choose "AND" or "OR" as the root node of a record match set
+([Bug 1839562])
+* The Replace Item Barcode screen now displays an error message when trying to
+replace a barcode with a barcode already in use (Bugs
+* The Angular Catalog's Holding View grid now includes more columns
+([Bug 1892077])
+* The Angular Catalog's Holding View grid context menu no longer includes horizontal scroll bars
+([Bug 1890849])
+* Fixes an issue that caused the Holdings View grid to not display all necessary holdings
+([Bug 1845047])
+* Fixes an issue with the Staff Catalog call number browse
+([Bug 1889685])
+* Fixes an issue with exporting MARC records via a CSV file
+([Bug 1850825])
+* Fixes an issue with the queue type selector in the Inspect Queue screen
+([Bug 1890351])
+* Display a helpful message when a staff catalog barcode search doesn't match
+any barcodes ([Bug 1896083])
+* Filters in the angular staff catalog now differentiate between OPAC visible
+and OPAC invisible values
+([Bug 1872867])
+* The Patron Edit form now reflects the opac.hold_notify user setting, if set
+([Bug 1879993])
+* The Register Patron form can now set default password according to a patron's
+phone number when the org setting "Patron: password from phone #" is TRUE
+([Bug 1900184])
+* The Patron self-registration form now persists a patron's selected home library,
+even if they refresh the form in their browser
+([Bug 1361270])
+* Offline circulation interface now lists organizational units in the correct order
+([Bug 1724019])
+* Several improvements to placing holds in the Angular staff catalog
+([Bug 1851882])
+* The org unit selector in the staff catalog holds tab is now sticky
+([Bug 1889113])
+* Fixes an issue that resulted in displaying duplicate holds in the catalog's View
+Holds tab ([Bug 1865564])
+* Fixes an issue in which cataloged resources sometimes do not appear in the
+Booking Pull List ([Bug 1882828])
+* The Booking Pull List grid now allows users to save their grid settings
+([Bug 1882825])
+* Fixes an issue with the hold targeter
+([Bug 1508208])
+* Fixes an issue that prevents items from circulating when OpenSRF is installed
+with non-default router names
+([Bug 1904220])
+* Fixes an issue with keyboard shortcuts in the Angular Staff Client
+([Bug 1883126])
+* Fixes an issue that caused a blank screen to appear
+([Bug 1855737])
+Public Catalog
+* Fixes an issue which prevented Zotero from gathering metadata from the
+public catalog ([Bug 1776954])
+We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code,
+testing and documentation patches to the 3.5.2 point release of Evergreen:
+* Jason Boyer
+* Dan Briem
+* Galen Charlton
+* Garry Collum
+* Jeff Davis
+* Bill Erickson
+* Jason Etheridge
+* Ruth Frasur
+* Rogan Hamby
+* Elaine Hardy
+* Shula Link
+* Tiffany Little
+* Mary Llewellyn
+* Terran McCanna
+* Christine Morgan
+* Michele Morgan
+* Jennifer Pringle
+* Mike Risher
+* Mike Rylander
+* Jane Sandberg
+* Dan Scott
+* Chris Sharp
+* Remington Steed
+* Jason Stephenson
+* Jennifer Weston
+* Beth Willis
 Evergreen 3.5.1