From: Galen Charlton <>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2019 18:28:18 +0000 (-0400)
Subject: LP#1817645: (follow-up) avoid hardcoding user ID in a live_t test

LP#1817645: (follow-up) avoid hardcoding user ID in a live_t test

This patch is an alternative implementation of an idea from
Ben Shum to avoid assuming that a given username in Concerto
will always be associated with the same patron ID.

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/live_t/ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/live_t/
index 18b7cdd805..bef44d945d 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/live_t/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/live_t/
@@ -19,30 +19,30 @@ SELECT plan(6);
     (SELECT TRUE AS verify_old_pw FROM actor.usr 
-        WHERE id = 189 AND passwd = MD5('montyc1234')),
+        WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM actor.usr WHERE usrname = 'br1mclark') AND passwd = MD5('montyc1234')),
     'Legacy password should match'
 SELECT isnt_empty(
-    'SELECT actor.get_salt(189, ''main'')',
+    'SELECT actor.get_salt((SELECT id FROM actor.usr WHERE usrname = ''br1mclark''), ''main'')',
     'get_salt() returns a new salt'
 SELECT isnt_empty(
-    'SELECT * FROM actor.passwd WHERE usr = 189 AND passwd_type = ''main''',
+    'SELECT * FROM actor.passwd WHERE usr = (SELECT id FROM actor.usr WHERE usrname = ''br1mclark'') AND passwd_type = ''main''',
     'get_salt() should migrate the password'
-    (SELECT actor.verify_passwd(189, 'main', 
-        MD5(actor.get_salt(189, 'main') || MD5('montyc1234')))),
+    (SELECT actor.verify_passwd((SELECT id FROM actor.usr WHERE usrname = 'br1mclark'), 'main',
+        MD5(actor.get_salt((SELECT id FROM actor.usr WHERE usrname = 'br1mclark'), 'main') || MD5('montyc1234')))),
     'verify_passwd should verify migrated password'
     (SELECT NOT (
-        SELECT actor.verify_passwd(189, 'main', 
-            MD5(actor.get_salt(189, 'main') || MD5('BADPASSWORD'))))
+        SELECT actor.verify_passwd((SELECT id FROM actor.usr WHERE usrname = 'br1mclark'), 'main',
+            MD5(actor.get_salt((SELECT id FROM actor.usr WHERE usrname = 'br1mclark'), 'main') || MD5('BADPASSWORD'))))
     'verify_passwd should fail with wrong password'
@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ BEGIN
     -- calls will create a new one.
     SELECT INTO new_salt actor.create_salt('main');
     PERFORM actor.set_passwd(
-        189, 'main', MD5(new_salt || MD5('bobblehead')), new_salt);
+        (SELECT id FROM actor.usr WHERE usrname = 'br1mclark'), 'main', MD5(new_salt || MD5('bobblehead')), new_salt);
 END $$;
-    (SELECT actor.verify_passwd(189, 'main', 
-        MD5(actor.get_salt(189, 'main') || MD5('bobblehead')))),
+    (SELECT actor.verify_passwd((SELECT id FROM actor.usr WHERE usrname = 'br1mclark'), 'main',
+        MD5(actor.get_salt((SELECT id FROM actor.usr WHERE usrname = 'br1mclark'), 'main') || MD5('bobblehead')))),
     'verify_passwd should verify new password'