From: dbs <dbs@dcc99617-32d9-48b4-a31d-7c20da2025e4>
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 05:44:33 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: Draw SRU search indexes from config.metabib_search_alias

Draw SRU search indexes from config.metabib_search_alias

We had hardcoded search indexes for SRU, but thanks to the work
of Mike Rylander, it is fairly easy to remove that brittle code
and replace it with code that polls the contents of
config.metabib_search_alias and dumps it into the explain document.

git-svn-id: svn:// dcc99617-32d9-48b4-a31d-7c20da2025e4

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/
index 425d098239..658a34d346 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ Returns the XML representation of the requested bibliographic record's holdings
 		  params   =>
 				{ name => 'label',
-				  desc => 'The target call number lable',
+				  desc => 'The target call number label',
 				  type => 'string' },
 				{ name => 'org_unit',
 				  desc => 'The org unit shortname (or "-" or undef for global) to browse',
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ Returns the XML representation of the requested bibliographic record's holdings
 		  params   =>
 				{ name => 'label',
-				  desc => 'The target call number lable',
+				  desc => 'The target call number label',
 				  type => 'string' },
 				{ name => 'org_unit',
 				  desc => 'The org unit shortname (or "-" or undef for global) to browse',
@@ -2841,6 +2841,41 @@ Returns the ISBN list for the metarecord of the requested isbn
+sub return_bib_search_aliases {
+    my %aliases;
+	my $_storage = OpenSRF::AppSession->create( 'open-ils.cstore' );
+	my $cmsa = $_storage->request(
+		'',
+		{ alias => { like => '%.%'} }
+	)->gather(1);
+    foreach my $alias (@$cmsa) {
+        my ($qualifier, $name) = $alias->alias =~ m/^(.+?)\.(.+)$/;
+        push(@{$aliases{$qualifier}}, $name);
+    }
+    return \%aliases;
+	method    => 'return_bib_search_aliases',
+	api_name  => 'open-ils.supercat.biblio.search_aliases',
+	api_level => 1,
+	argc      => 0,
+	signature =>
+		{ desc     => <<"		  DESC",
+Returns the set of qualified search aliases in the system
+		  DESC
+		  params   => [ ],
+		  'return' =>
+		  	{ desc => 'Hash of qualified search aliases',
+			  type => 'object' }
+		}
 package OpenILS::Application::SuperCat::unAPI;
 use base qw/OpenILS::Application::SuperCat/;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/WWW/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/WWW/
index f473ee82eb..92cab95cd5 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/WWW/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/WWW/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ my $log = 'OpenSRF::Utils::Logger';
 my $U = 'OpenILS::Application::AppUtils';
 # set the bootstrap config when this module is loaded
-my ($bootstrap, $supercat, $actor, $parser, $search, $xslt, $cn_browse_xslt, %browse_types);
+my ($bootstrap, $supercat, $actor, $parser, $search, $xslt, $cn_browse_xslt, %browse_types, %qualifier_map);
 $browse_types{call_number}{xml} = sub {
     my $tree = shift;
@@ -143,6 +143,10 @@ sub child_init {
     $cn_browse_xslt = $xslt->parse_stylesheet( $cn_browse_xslt );
+    %qualifier_map = %{$supercat
+        ->request("open-ils.supercat.biblio.search_aliases")
+        ->gather(1)};
     my $list = $supercat
@@ -1601,91 +1605,6 @@ sub item_age_browse {
     return Apache2::Const::OK;
-our %qualifier_map = (
-    # Some EG qualifiers
-    ''               => 'site',
-    'eg.sort'               => 'sort',
-    'eg.direction'          => 'dir',
-    'eg.available'          => 'available',
-    # Title class:
-    'eg.title'              => 'title',
-    'dc.title'              => 'title',
-    'bib.titleabbreviated'  => 'title|abbreviated',
-    'bib.titleuniform'      => 'title|uniform',
-    'bib.titletranslated'   => 'title|translated',
-    'bib.titlealternative'  => 'title',
-    'bib.titleseries'       => 'series',
-    'eg.series'             => 'title',
-    # Author/Name class:
-    ''             => 'author',
-    ''               => 'author',
-    'creator'               => 'author',
-    'dc.creator'            => 'author',
-    'dc.contributer'        => 'author',
-    'dc.publisher'          => 'keyword',
-    ''              => 'author',
-    'bib.namepersonal'      => 'author|personal',
-    'bib.namepersonalfamily'=> 'author|personal',
-    'bib.namepersonalgiven' => 'author|personal',
-    'bib.namecorporate'     => 'author|corporate',
-    'bib.nameconference'    => 'author|conference',
-    # Subject class:
-    'eg.subject'            => 'subject',
-    'dc.subject'            => 'subject',
-    'bib.subjectplace'      => 'subject|geographic',
-    'bib.subjecttitle'      => 'keyword',
-    'bib.subjectname'       => 'subject|name',
-    'bib.subjectoccupation' => 'keyword',
-    # Keyword class:
-    'eg.keyword'            => 'keyword',
-    'srw.serverchoice'      => 'keyword',
-    # Identifiers:
-    'dc.identifier'         => 'keyword',
-    # Dates:
-    'bib.dateissued'        => undef,
-    'bib.datecreated'       => undef,
-    'bib.datevalid'         => undef,
-    'bib.datemodified'      => undef,
-    'bib.datecopyright'     => undef,
-    # Resource Type:
-    'dc.type'               => undef,
-    # Format:
-    'dc.format'             => undef,
-    # Genre:
-    'bib.genre'             => 'keyword',
-    # Target Audience:
-    'bib.audience'          => undef,
-    # Place of Origin:
-    'bib.originplace'       => undef,
-    # Language
-    'dc.language'           => 'lang',
-    # Edition
-    'bib.edition'           => 'keyword',
-    # Part:
-    'bib.volume'            => 'keyword',
-    'bib.issue'             => 'keyword',
-    'bib.startpage'         => 'keyword',
-    'bib.endpage'           => 'keyword',
-    # Issuance:
-    'bib.issuance'          => 'keyword',
 our %qualifier_ids = (
     eg  => '',
     dc  => 'info:srw/cql-context-set/1/dc-v1.1',
@@ -2101,8 +2020,7 @@ sub return_sru_explain {
             $e->findnodes('/z:explain/z:indexInfo')->shift->appendChild( $set_node );
-            for my $index ( keys %{ $qualifier_map->{$name} } ) {
-                my $desc = $qualifier_map->{$name}{$index}[1] || $index;
+            for my $index ( @{$qualifier_map{$name}} ) {
                 my $name_node = $doc->createElementNS( '', 'name' );
@@ -2115,10 +2033,10 @@ sub return_sru_explain {
                 $index_node->appendChild( $title_node );
                 $index_node->appendChild( $map_node );
-                $index_node->setAttribute( id => $name . '.' . $index );
-                $title_node->appendText( $desc );
+                $index_node->setAttribute( id => "$name.$index" );
+                $title_node->appendText( $index);
                 $name_node->setAttribute( set => $name );
-                $name_node->appendText($index );
+                $name_node->appendText($index);
                 $e->findnodes('/z:explain/z:indexInfo')->shift->appendChild( $index_node );