From: scottmk <scottmk@dcc99617-32d9-48b4-a31d-7c20da2025e4>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2010 21:08:08 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: Add new program test_qstore, a command-line utility for testing

Add new program test_qstore, a command-line utility for testing
and exercising most of the code for the qstore server.

A    Open-ILS/src/c-apps/test_qstore.c
M    Open-ILS/src/c-apps/

git-svn-id: svn:// dcc99617-32d9-48b4-a31d-7c20da2025e4

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/ b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/
index b725746d3c..4953c7b5b1 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 AM_CFLAGS = $(DEF_CFLAGS) -DOSRF_LOG_PARAMS -I@top_srcdir@/include/
-bin_PROGRAMS = oils_dataloader dump_idl test_json_query
+bin_PROGRAMS = oils_dataloader dump_idl test_json_query test_qstore
 oils_dataloader_SOURCES = oils_dataloader.c
 oils_dataloader_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) -loils_idl
 oils_dataloader_DEPENDENCIES =
@@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ test_json_query_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS)
 test_json_query_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) -loils_idl -loils_utils
 test_json_query_DEPENDENCIES =
+test_qstore_SOURCES = test_qstore.c buildSQL.c oils_buildq.c oils_execsql.c oils_sql.c oils_storedq.c 
+test_qstore_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS)
+test_qstore_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) -loils_idl -loils_utils
+test_qstore_DEPENDENCIES =
 liboils_idl_la_SOURCES = oils_idl-core.c
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/test_qstore.c b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/test_qstore.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b65ddc7cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/test_qstore.c
@@ -0,0 +1,651 @@
+	@file test_qstore.c
+	@brief Test driver for routines to build queries from tables in the query schema.
+	This command-line utility exercises most of the code used in the qstore server, but
+	without the complications of sending and receiving OSRF messages.
+	Synopsis:
+	test_qstore  [options]  query_id
+	Query_id is the id of a row in the query.stored_query table, defining a stored query.
+	The program reads the specified row in query.stored_query, along with associated rows
+	in other tables, and displays the corresponding query as an SQL command.  Optionally it
+	may execute the query, display the column names of the query result, and/or display the
+	bind variables.
+	In order to connect to the database, test_qstore uses various connection parameters
+	that may be specified on the command line.  Any connection parameter not specified
+	reverts to a plausible default.
+	The database password may be read from a specified file or entered from the keyboard.
+	Options:
+	-b  Boolean; Display the name of any bind variables, and their default values.
+	-D  Specifies the name of the database driver; defaults to "pgsql".
+	-c  Boolean; display column names of the query results, as assigned by PostgreSQL.
+	-d  Specifies the database name; defaults to "evergreen".
+	-h  Specifies the hostname of the database; defaults to "localhost".
+	-i  Specifies the name of the IDL file; defaults to "/openils/conf/fm_IDL.xml".
+	-p  Specifies the port number of the database; defaults to 5432.
+	-u  Specifies the database user name; defaults to "evergreen".
+	-v  Boolean; Run in verbose mode, spewing various detailed messages.  This option is not
+		likely to be useful unless you are troubleshooting the code that loads the stored
+		query.
+	-w  Specifies the name of a file containing the database password (no default).
+	-x  Boolean: Execute the query and display the results.
+	Copyright (C) 2010  Equinox Software Inc.
+	Scott McKellar <>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <termios.h>
+#include <dbi/dbi.h>
+#include "opensrf/utils.h"
+#include "opensrf/string_array.h"
+#include "opensrf/osrf_json.h"
+#include "openils/oils_idl.h"
+#include "openils/oils_buildq.h"
+typedef struct {
+	int new_argc;
+	char ** new_argv;
+	int   bind;
+	char* driver;
+	int   driver_found;
+	char* database;
+	int   database_found;
+	char* host;
+	int   host_found;
+	char* idl;
+	int   idl_found;
+	unsigned long port;
+	int   port_found;
+	char* user;
+	int   user_found;
+	char* password_file;
+	int   password_file_found;
+	int   verbose;
+	int   columns;
+	int   execute;
+} Opts;
+static void show_bind_variables( osrfHash* vars );
+static void show_msgs( const osrfStringArray* sa );
+static dbi_conn connect_db( Opts* opts );
+static int load_pw( growing_buffer* buf, FILE* in );
+static int prompt_password( growing_buffer* buf );
+static void initialize_opts( Opts * pOpts );
+static int get_Opts( int argc, char * argv[], Opts * pOpts );
+int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
+	// Parse the command line
+	printf( "\n" );
+	Opts opts;
+	if( get_Opts( argc, argv, &opts )) {
+		fprintf( stderr, "Unable to parse command line\n" );
+		return EXIT_FAILURE;
+	}
+	// Connect to the database
+	dbi_conn dbhandle = connect_db( &opts );
+	if( NULL == dbhandle )
+		return EXIT_FAILURE;
+	if( opts.verbose )
+		oilsStoredQSetVerbose();
+	osrfLogSetLevel( OSRF_LOG_WARNING );
+	// Load the IDL
+	if ( !oilsIDLInit( opts.idl )) {
+		fprintf( stderr, "Unable to load IDL at %s\n", opts.idl );
+		return EXIT_FAILURE;
+	}
+	// Load the stored query
+	BuildSQLState* state = buildSQLStateNew( dbhandle );
+	state->defaults_usable = 1;
+	state->values_required = 0;
+	StoredQ* sq = getStoredQuery( state, atoi( opts.new_argv[ 1 ] ));
+	if( !sq ) {
+		show_msgs( state->error_msgs );
+		printf( "Unable to build query\n" );
+	} else {
+		// If so requested, show the bind variables
+		if( opts.bind )
+			show_bind_variables( state->bindvar_list );
+		// Build the SQL query
+		if( buildSQL( state, sq )) {
+			show_msgs( state->error_msgs );
+			fprintf( stderr, "Unable to build SQL statement\n" );
+		}
+		else {
+			printf( "%s\n", OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR( state->sql ));
+			// If so requested, get the column names and display them
+			if( opts.columns ) {
+				jsonObject* cols = oilsGetColNames( state, sq );
+				if( cols ) {
+					printf( "Column names:\n" );
+					char* cols_str = jsonObjectToJSON( cols );
+					char* cols_out = jsonFormatString( cols_str );
+					printf( "%s\n\n", cols_out );
+					free( cols_out );
+					free( cols_str );
+					jsonObjectFree( cols );
+				} else
+					fprintf( stderr, "Unable to get column names\n\n" );
+			}
+			// If so requested, execute the query and display the results
+			if( opts.execute ) {
+				jsonObject* row = oilsFirstRow( state );
+				if( state->error ) {
+					show_msgs( state->error_msgs );
+					fprintf( stderr, "Unable to execute query\n" );
+				} else {
+					printf( "[" );
+					int first = 1;         // boolean
+					while( row ) {
+						if( first ) {
+							printf( "\n\t" );
+							first = 0;
+						} else
+							printf( ",\n\t" );
+						char* json = jsonObjectToJSON( row );
+						printf( "%s", json );
+						free( json );
+						row = oilsNextRow( state );
+					}
+					if( state->error ) {
+						show_msgs( state->error_msgs );
+						fprintf( stderr, "Unable to fetch row\n" );
+					}
+					printf( "\n]\n" );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	storedQFree( sq );
+	buildSQLStateFree( state );
+	buildSQLCleanup();
+	if ( dbhandle )
+		dbi_conn_close( dbhandle );
+	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+	@brief Display the bind variables.
+	@param vars Pointer to a hash keyed on bind variable name.
+	The data for each hash entry is a BindVar, a C struct whose members define the
+	attributes of the bind variable.
+static void show_bind_variables( osrfHash* vars ) {
+	printf( "Bind variables:\n\n" );
+	BindVar* bind = NULL;
+	osrfHashIterator* iter = osrfNewHashIterator( vars );
+	// Traverse the hash of bind variables
+	while(( bind = osrfHashIteratorNext( iter ))) {
+		const char* type = NULL;
+		switch( bind->type ) {
+			case BIND_STR :
+				type = "string";
+				break;
+			case BIND_NUM :
+				type = "number";
+				break;
+			case BIND_STR_LIST :
+				type = "string list";
+				break;
+			case BIND_NUM_LIST :
+				type = "number list";
+				break;
+			default :
+				type = "(unrecognized)";
+				break;
+		}
+		// The default and actual values are in the form of jsonObjects.
+		// Transform them back into raw JSON.
+		char* default_value = NULL;
+		if( bind->default_value )
+			default_value = jsonObjectToJSONRaw( bind->default_value );
+		char* actual_value = NULL;
+		if( bind->actual_value )
+			actual_value = jsonObjectToJSONRaw( bind->actual_value );
+		// Display the attributes of the current bind variable.
+		printf( "Name:    %s\n", bind->name );
+		printf( "Label:   %s\n", bind->label );
+		printf( "Type:    %s\n", type );
+		printf( "Desc:    %s\n", bind->description ? bind->description : "(none)" );
+		printf( "Default: %s\n", default_value ? default_value : "(none)" );
+		printf( "Actual:  %s\n", actual_value ? actual_value : "(none)" );
+		printf( "\n" );
+		if( default_value )
+			free( default_value );
+		if( actual_value )
+			free( actual_value );
+	} // end while
+	osrfHashIteratorFree( iter );
+	@brief Write a series of strings to standard output.
+	@param sa Array of strings.
+	Display messages emitted by the query-building machinery.
+static void show_msgs( const osrfStringArray* sa ) {
+	if( sa ) {
+		int i;
+		for( i = 0; i < sa->size; ++i ) {
+			const char* s = osrfStringArrayGetString( sa, i );
+			if( s )
+				printf( "%s\n", s );
+		}
+	}
+	@brief Connect to the database.
+	@return If successful, a database handle; otherwise NULL;
+static dbi_conn connect_db( Opts* opts ) {
+	// Get a database handle
+	dbi_initialize( NULL );
+	dbi_conn dbhandle = dbi_conn_new( opts->driver );
+	if( !dbhandle ) {
+		fprintf( stderr, "Error loading database driver [%s]", opts->driver );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	char* pw = NULL;
+	growing_buffer* buf = buffer_init( 32 );
+	// Get the database password, either from a designated file
+	// or from the terminal.
+	if( opts->password_file_found ) {
+		FILE* pwfile = fopen( opts->password_file, "r" );
+		if( !pwfile ) {
+			fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open password file %s\n", opts->password_file );
+			buffer_free( buf );
+			return NULL;
+		} else {
+			if( load_pw( buf, pwfile )) {
+				fprintf( stderr, "Unable to load password file %s\n", opts->password_file );
+				buffer_free( buf );
+				return NULL;
+			} else
+				pw = buffer_release( buf );
+		}
+	} else {
+		if( prompt_password( buf )) {
+			fprintf( stderr, "Unable to get password\n" );
+			buffer_free( buf );
+			return NULL;
+		} else
+			pw = buffer_release( buf );
+	}
+	// Set database connection options
+	dbi_conn_set_option( dbhandle, "host", opts->host );
+	dbi_conn_set_option_numeric( dbhandle, "port", opts->port );
+	dbi_conn_set_option( dbhandle, "username", opts->user );
+	dbi_conn_set_option( dbhandle, "password", pw );
+	dbi_conn_set_option( dbhandle, "dbname", opts->database );
+	// Connect to the database
+	const char* err;
+	if( dbi_conn_connect( dbhandle) < 0 ) {
+		sleep( 1 );
+		if ( dbi_conn_connect( dbhandle ) < 0 ) {
+			dbi_conn_error( dbhandle, &err );
+			fprintf( stderr, "Error connecting to database: %s", err );
+			dbi_conn_close( dbhandle );
+			free( pw );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	free( pw );
+	return dbhandle;
+	@brief Load one line from an input stream into a growing_buffer.
+	@param buf Pointer to the receiving buffer.
+	@param in Pointer to the input stream.
+	@return 0 in all cases.  If there's ever a way to fail, return 1 for failure.
+	Intended for use in loading a password.
+static int load_pw( growing_buffer* buf, FILE* in ) {
+	buffer_reset( buf );
+	while( 1 ) {
+		int c = getc( in );
+		if( '\n' == c || EOF == c )
+			break;
+		else if( '\b' == c )
+			buffer_chomp( buf );
+		else
+			OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( buf, c );
+	}
+	return 0;
+	@brief Read a password from the terminal, with echo turned off.
+	@param buf Pointer to the receiving buffer.
+	@return 0 if successful, or 1 if not.
+	Read from /dev/tty if possible, or from stdin if not.
+static int prompt_password( growing_buffer* buf ) {
+	struct termios oldterm;
+	printf( "Password: " );
+	fflush( stdout );
+	FILE* term = fopen( "//dev//tty", "rw" );
+	if( NULL == term )
+		term = stdin;
+	// Capture the current state of the terminal
+	if( tcgetattr( fileno( term ), &oldterm ))
+		return 1;
+	// Turn off echo
+	struct termios newterm = oldterm;
+	newterm.c_lflag &= ~ECHO;
+	if( tcsetattr( fileno( term ), TCSAFLUSH, &newterm ))
+		return 1;
+	// Read the password
+	int rc = load_pw( buf, term );
+	// Turn echo back on
+	(void) tcsetattr( fileno( term ), TCSAFLUSH, &oldterm );  // restore echo
+	if( term != stdin )
+		fclose( term );
+	return rc;
+	@brief Initialize an Opts structure.
+	@param pOpts Pointer to the Opts to be initialized.
+static void initialize_opts( Opts * pOpts ) {
+	pOpts->new_argc = 0;
+	pOpts->new_argv = NULL;
+	pOpts->bind = 0;
+	pOpts->driver_found = 0;
+	pOpts->driver = NULL;
+	pOpts->database_found = 0;
+	pOpts->database = NULL;
+	pOpts->host_found = 0;
+	pOpts->host = NULL;
+	pOpts->idl_found = 0;
+	pOpts->idl = NULL;
+	pOpts->port_found = 0;
+	pOpts->port = 0;
+	pOpts->user_found = 0;
+	pOpts->user = NULL;
+	pOpts->password_file_found = 0;
+	pOpts->password_file = NULL;
+	pOpts->verbose = 0;
+	pOpts->columns = 0;
+	pOpts->execute = 0;
+	@brief Parse the command line.
+	@param argc argc from the command line.
+	@param argv argv from the command line.
+	@param pOpts Pointer to the Opts to be populated.
+	@return Zero if successful, or 1 if not.
+static int get_Opts( int argc, char * argv[], Opts * pOpts ) {
+	int rc = 0; /* return code */
+	unsigned long port_value = 0;
+	char * tail = NULL;
+	int opt;
+	/* Define valid option characters */
+	const char optstring[] = ":bD:cd:h:i:p:u:vw:x";
+	/* Initialize members of struct */
+	initialize_opts( pOpts );
+	/* Suppress error messages from getopt() */
+	opterr = 0;
+	/* Examine command line options */
+	while( ( opt = getopt( argc, argv, optstring )) != -1 )
+	{
+		switch( opt )
+		{
+			case 'b' :   /* Display bind variables */
+				pOpts->bind = 1;
+				break;
+			case 'c' :   /* Display column names */
+				pOpts->columns = 1;
+				break;
+			case 'D' :   /* Get database driver */
+				if( pOpts->driver_found )
+				{
+					fprintf( stderr, "Only one occurrence of -D option allowed\n" );
+					rc = 1;
+					break;
+				}
+				pOpts->driver_found = 1;
+				pOpts->driver = optarg;
+				break;
+			case 'd' :   /* Get database name */
+				if( pOpts->database_found )
+				{
+					fprintf( stderr, "Only one occurrence of -d option allowed\n" );
+					rc = 1;
+					break;
+				}
+				pOpts->database_found = 1;
+				pOpts->database = optarg;
+				break;
+			case 'h' :   /* Get hostname of database */
+				if( pOpts->host_found )
+				{
+					fprintf( stderr, "Only one occurrence of -h option allowed\n" );
+					rc = 1;
+					break;
+				}
+				pOpts->host_found = 1;
+				pOpts->host = optarg;
+				break;
+			case 'i' :   /* Get name of IDL file */
+				if( pOpts->idl_found )
+				{
+					fprintf( stderr, "Only one occurrence of -i option allowed\n" );
+					rc = 1;
+					break;
+				}
+				pOpts->idl_found = 1;
+				pOpts->idl = optarg;
+				break;
+			case 'p' :   /* Get port number of database */
+				if( pOpts->port_found )
+				{
+					fprintf( stderr, "Only one occurrence of -p option allowed\n" );
+					rc = 1;
+					break;
+				}
+				pOpts->port_found = 1;
+				/* Skip white space; check for negative */
+				while( isspace( (unsigned char) *optarg ))
+					++optarg;
+				if( '-' == *optarg )
+				{
+					fprintf( stderr, "Negative argument not allowed for "
+						"-p option: \"%s\"\n", optarg );
+					rc = 1;
+					break;
+				}
+				/* Convert to numeric value */
+				errno = 0;
+				port_value = strtoul( optarg, &tail, 10 );
+				if( *tail != '\0' )
+				{
+					fprintf( stderr, "Invalid or non-numeric argument "
+							"to -p option: \"%s\"\n", optarg );
+					rc = 1;
+					break;
+				}
+				else if( errno != 0 )
+				{
+					fprintf( stderr, "Too large argument "
+						"to -p option: \"%s\"\n", optarg );
+					rc = 1;
+					break;
+				}
+				pOpts->port = port_value;
+				break;
+			case 'u' :   /* Get username of database account */
+				if( pOpts->user_found )
+				{
+					fprintf( stderr, "Only one occurrence of -u option allowed\n" );
+					rc = 1;
+					break;
+				}
+				pOpts->user_found = 1;
+				pOpts->user = optarg;
+				break;
+			case 'v' :   /* Set verbose mode */
+				pOpts->verbose = 1;
+				break;
+			case 'w' :   /* Get name of password_file */
+				if( pOpts->password_file_found )
+				{
+					fprintf( stderr, "Only one occurrence of -w option allowed\n" );
+					rc = 1;
+					break;
+				}
+				pOpts->password_file_found = 1;
+				pOpts->password_file = optarg;
+				break;
+			case 'x' :   /* Set execute */
+				pOpts->execute = 1;
+				break;
+			case ':' : /* Missing argument */
+				fprintf( stderr, "Required argument missing on -%c option\n",
+					 (char) optopt );
+				rc = 1;
+				break;
+			case '?' : /* Invalid option */
+				fprintf( stderr, "Invalid option '-%c' on command line\n",
+					(char) optopt );
+				rc = 1;
+				break;
+			default :  /* Programmer error */
+				fprintf( stderr, "Internal error: unexpected value '-%c'"
+						"for optopt", (char) optopt );
+				rc = 1;
+				break;
+		} /* end switch */
+	} /* end while */
+	/* See if required options were supplied; apply defaults */
+	if( ! pOpts->driver_found )
+		pOpts->driver = "pgsql";
+	if( ! pOpts->database_found )
+		pOpts->database = "evergreen";
+	if( ! pOpts->host_found )
+		pOpts->host = "localhost";
+	if( ! pOpts->idl_found )
+		pOpts->idl = "/openils/conf/fm_IDL.xml";
+	if( ! pOpts->port_found )
+		pOpts->port = 5432;
+	if( ! pOpts->user_found )
+		pOpts->user = "evergreen";
+	if( optind > argc )
+	{
+		/* This should never happen! */
+		fprintf( stderr, "Program error: found more arguments than expected\n" );
+		rc = 1;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		/* Calculate new_argcv and new_argc to reflect */
+		/* the number of arguments consumed */
+		pOpts->new_argc = argc - optind + 1;
+		pOpts->new_argv = argv + optind - 1;
+		if( pOpts->new_argc < 2UL )
+		{
+			fprintf( stderr, "Not enough arguments beyond options; must be at least 1\n" );
+			rc = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	return rc;