From: Galen Charlton <>
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2021 23:40:21 +0000 (-0500)
Subject: LP#1942220: various updates to business logic

LP#1942220: various updates to business logic

* set 024 ind1 correctly (i.e., to '1') when applying UPC as order

* add flesh_po_items_further option to PO retrieval

  This fleshes in any fund debits and debit invoice items associated
  with PO direct charges

* add open-ils.acq.po_item.disencumber method

  This method disencumbers a PO item by setting its fund debit's amount
  to zero. Note that this can be done only for encumbrances; if the
  debit is an expenditure, it cannot be changed.

* add flesh_li_details_receiver to LI retrieval

* add two additional fleshing options to LI retrieval

  Specifically, flesh_copy_location and flesh_call_number. These take
  effect only when flesh_copies is also true and are used to further
  flesh values of items attached to line item details.

* remove cancel reason if last LID of LI is received

  Otherwise, a sequence where a line item was cancelled but one of
  its items was received would have the LI end up in a received
  state but with a cancel reason.

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
Signed-off-by: Ruth Frasur <>
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <>
Signed-off-by: Jane Sandberg <>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Acq/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Acq/
index bc273386c6..f5680f2ccb 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Acq/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Acq/
@@ -1026,6 +1026,11 @@ sub retrieve_purchase_order_impl {
     push (@{$flesh->{flesh_fields}->{acqpo}}, 'po_items') if $options->{flesh_po_items};
+    if ($options->{flesh_po_items_further}) {
+        push (@{$flesh->{flesh_fields}->{acqpoi}}, 'fund_debit');
+        push (@{$flesh->{flesh_fields}->{acqfdeb}}, 'invoice_items');
+        $flesh->{'flesh'} = 3;
+    }
     my $args = (@{$flesh->{"flesh_fields"}->{"acqpo"}}) ?
         [$po_id, $flesh] : $po_id;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Acq/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Acq/
index 60eeb59e03..45d62f86c2 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Acq/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Acq/
@@ -188,7 +188,12 @@ sub retrieve_lineitem_impl {
         push(@{$fields->{acqlid}}, 'cancel_reason') if $$options{flesh_cancel_reason};
         push(@{$fields->{acqlid}}, 'circ_modifier') if $$options{flesh_circ_modifier};
         push(@{$fields->{acqlid}}, 'location')      if $$options{flesh_location};
-        push(@{$fields->{acqlid}}, 'eg_copy_id')    if $$options{flesh_copies};
+        if ($$options{flesh_copies}) {
+            push(@{$fields->{acqlid}}, 'eg_copy_id');
+            push(@{$fields->{acp}},    'call_number') if $$options{flesh_call_number};
+            push(@{$fields->{acp}},    'location')    if $$options{flesh_copy_location};
+        }
+        push(@{$fields->{acqlid}}, 'receiver')      if $$options{flesh_li_details_receiver};
     if($$options{clear_marc}) { # avoid fetching marc blob
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Acq/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Acq/
index 475c61f01a..e8cdf53fa0 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Acq/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Application/Acq/
@@ -623,6 +623,7 @@ sub check_lineitem_received {
     my $li = $mgr->editor->retrieve_acq_lineitem($li_id);
+    $li->clear_cancel_reason; # un-cancel on receive
     return update_lineitem($mgr, $li);
@@ -3483,6 +3484,47 @@ sub delete_po_item_api {
     return 1;
+    method => "disencumber_po_item_api",
+    api_name    => "open-ils.acq.po_item.disencumber",
+    signature => {
+        desc => q/Zeroes out a po_item's encumbrance/,
+        params => [
+            {desc => "Authentication token", type => "string"},
+            {desc => "po_item ID disencumber", type => "number"},
+        ],
+        return => {desc => q/1 on success, Event on error/}
+    }
+sub disencumber_po_item_api {
+    my($self, $client, $auth, $po_item_id) = @_;
+    my $e = new_editor(authtoken => $auth, xact => 1);
+    return $e->die_event unless $e->checkauth;
+    my $po_item = $e->retrieve_acq_po_item([
+        $po_item_id, {
+            flesh => 1,
+            flesh_fields => {acqpoi => ['purchase_order', 'fund_debit']}
+        }
+    ]) or return $e->die_event;
+    return $e->die_event unless 
+        $e->allowed('CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER', 
+            $po_item->purchase_order->ordering_agency);
+    # reduce encumbered amount to zero
+    my $result = disencumber_po_item($e, $po_item);
+    if ($result) {
+        $e->rollback;
+        return $result;
+    }
+    $e->commit;
+    return 1;
 # 1. Removes linked fund debit from a PO item if present and still encumbered.
 # 2. Optionally also deletes the po_item object
@@ -3514,6 +3556,29 @@ sub clear_po_item {
     return undef;
+# Zeroes the amount of a fund debit for a PO item if present and still
+# encumbered. Note that we're intentionally still keeping the fund_debit
+# around to signify that the encumbrance was manually zeroed.
+# po_item is fleshed with purchase_order and fund_debit
+sub disencumber_po_item {
+    my ($e, $po_item, $delete_item) = @_;
+    if ($po_item->fund_debit) {
+        if (!$U->is_true($po_item->fund_debit->encumbrance)) {
+            # debit has been paid.  We cannot delete it.
+            return OpenILS::Event->new('ACQ_NOT_CANCELABLE', 
+               note => "Debit is marked as paid: ".$po_item->fund_debit->id);
+        }
+        # fund_debit is OK to zero out.
+        $po_item->fund_debit->amount(0);
+        $e->update_acq_fund_debit($po_item->fund_debit)
+            or return $e->die_event;
+    }
+    return undef;
     method    => 'user_requests',
@@ -4248,8 +4313,9 @@ sub apply_new_li_ident_attr {
         upc  => '024'
+    my $ind1 = $attr_name eq 'upc' ? '1' : ' ';
     my $marc_field = MARC::Field->new(
-        $tags{$attr_name}, '', '','a' => $attr_value);
+        $tags{$attr_name}, $ind1, '','a' => $attr_value);
     my $li_rec = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($li->marc, 'UTF-8', 'USMARC');