From: scottmk <scottmk@dcc99617-32d9-48b4-a31d-7c20da2025e4>
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 16:53:24 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: Add idlval.c -- source for a new utility for

Add idlval.c -- source for a new utility for
validating IDL files.

This commit does not include any changes
to the Makefile.

A    Open-ILS/src/c-apps/idlval.c

git-svn-id: svn:// dcc99617-32d9-48b4-a31d-7c20da2025e4

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/idlval.c b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/idlval.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ee5f089a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/idlval.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1688 @@
+	@file idlval.c
+	@brief Validator for IDL files.
+Copyright (C) 2009  Georgia Public Library Service
+Scott McKellar <>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <libxml/globals.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlerror.h>
+#include <libxml/parser.h>
+#include <libxml/tree.h>
+#include <libxml/debugXML.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "osrf_hash.h"
+/* Represents the command line */
+struct Opts {
+	int new_argc;
+	char ** new_argv;
+	char * idl_file_name;
+	int idl_file_name_found;
+	int warning;
+typedef struct Opts Opts;
+/* datatype attribute of <field> element */
+typedef enum {
+	DT_ID,
+} Datatype;
+/* Represents a <Field> aggregate */
+struct Field_struct {
+	struct Field_struct* next;
+	xmlChar* name;
+	int is_virtual;     // boolean
+	xmlChar* label;
+	Datatype datatype;
+typedef struct Field_struct Field;
+/* reltype attribute of <link> element */
+typedef enum {
+} Reltype;
+/* Represents a <link> element */
+struct Link_struct {
+	struct Link_struct* next;
+	xmlChar* field;
+	Reltype reltype;
+	xmlChar* key;
+	xmlChar* classref;
+typedef struct Link_struct Link;
+/* Represents a <class> aggregate */
+typedef struct {
+	xmlNodePtr node;
+	int loaded;        // boolean
+	int is_virtual;    // boolean
+	xmlChar* primary;  // name of primary key column
+	Field* fields;     // linked list
+	Link* links;       // linked list
+} Class;
+static int get_Opts( int argc, char * argv[], Opts * pOpts );;
+static int val_idl( void );
+static int cross_validate_classes( Class* class, const char* id );
+static int cross_validate_linkage( Class* class, const char*id, Link* link );
+static int val_class( Class* class, const char* id );
+static int val_class_attributes( Class* class, const char* id );
+static int check_labels( const Class* class, const char* id );
+static int val_fields_attributes( Class* class, const char* id, xmlNodePtr fields );
+static int val_links_to_fields( const Class* class, const char* id );
+static int compareFieldAndLink( const Class* class, const char* id,
+		const Field* field, const Link* link );
+static int val_fields_to_links( const Class* class, const char* id );
+static const Field* searchFieldByName( const Class* class, const xmlChar* field_name );
+static int val_fields( Class* class, const char* id, xmlNodePtr fields );
+static int val_one_field( Class* class, const char* id, xmlNodePtr field );
+static Datatype translate_datatype( const xmlChar* value );
+static int val_links( Class* class, const char* id, xmlNodePtr links );
+static int val_one_link( Class* class, const char* id, xmlNodePtr link );
+static Reltype translate_reltype( const xmlChar* value );
+static int scan_idl( xmlDocPtr doc );
+static int register_class( xmlNodePtr child );
+static int addField( Class* class, const char* id, Field* new_field );
+static int addLink( Class* class, const char* id, Link* new_link );
+static Class* newClass( xmlNodePtr node );
+static void freeClass( char* key, void* p );
+static Field* newField( xmlChar* name );
+static void freeField( Field* field );
+static Link* newLink( xmlChar* field );
+static void freeLink( Link* link );
+/* Stores an in-memory representation of the IDL */
+static osrfHash* classes = NULL;
+static int warn = 0;       // boolean; true if -w present on command line
+int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
+	// Examine command line
+	Opts opts;
+	if( get_Opts( argc, argv, &opts ) )
+		return 1;
+	const char* IDL_filename = NULL;
+	if( opts.idl_file_name_found )
+		IDL_filename = opts.idl_file_name;
+	else {
+		IDL_filename = getenv( "OILS_IDL_FILENAME" );
+		if( ! IDL_filename )
+			IDL_filename = "/openils/conf/fm_IDL.xml";
+	}
+	if( opts.warning )
+		warn = 1;
+	int rc = 0;
+	xmlLineNumbersDefault(1);
+	xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadFile( IDL_filename, NULL, XML_PARSE_XINCLUDE );
+	if ( ! doc ) {
+		fprintf( stderr, "Could not load or parse the IDL XML file %s\n", IDL_filename );
+		rc = 1;
+	} else {
+		printf( "Validating: %s\n", IDL_filename );
+		classes = osrfNewHash();
+		osrfHashSetCallback( classes, freeClass );
+		// Load the IDL
+		if( scan_idl( doc ) )
+			rc = 1;
+		if( opts.new_argc < 2 ) {
+			// No classes specified: validate all classes
+			if( val_idl() )
+				rc = 1;
+		} else {
+			// Validate one or more specified classes
+			int i = 1;
+			while( i < opts.new_argc ) {
+				const char* classname = opts.new_argv[ i ];
+				Class* class = osrfHashGet( classes, classname );
+				if( ! class ) {
+					printf( "Class \"%s\" does not exist\n", classname );
+					rc = 1;
+				} else {
+					// Validate the class in isolation
+					if( val_class( class, classname ) )
+						rc = 1;
+					// Cross-validate with linked classes
+					if( cross_validate_classes( class, classname ) )
+						rc = 1;
+				}
+				++i;
+			}
+		}
+		osrfHashFree( classes );
+		xmlFreeDoc( doc );
+	}
+	return rc;
+	@brief Examine the command line
+	@param argc Number of entries in argv[]
+	@param argv Array of pointers to command line strings
+	@param pOpts Pointer to structure to be populated
+	@return 0 upon success, or 1 if the command line is invalid
+static int get_Opts( int argc, char * argv[], Opts * pOpts ) {
+	int rc = 0; /* return code */
+	int opt;
+	/* Define valid option characters */
+	const char optstring[] = ":f:w";
+	/* Initialize members of struct */
+	pOpts->new_argc = 0;
+	pOpts->new_argv = NULL;
+	pOpts->idl_file_name_found = 0;
+	pOpts->idl_file_name = NULL;
+	pOpts->warning = 0;
+	/* Suppress error messages from getopt() */
+	opterr = 0;
+	/* Examine command line options */
+	while( ( opt = getopt( argc, argv, optstring ) ) != -1 ) {
+		switch( opt ) {
+			case 'f' :   /* Get idl_file_name */
+				if( pOpts->idl_file_name_found ) {
+					fprintf( stderr, "Only one occurrence of -f option allowed\n" );
+					rc = 1;
+					break;
+				}
+				pOpts->idl_file_name_found = 1;
+				pOpts->idl_file_name = optarg;
+				break;
+				case 'w' :   /* Get warning */
+					pOpts->warning = 1;
+					break;
+					case ':' : /* Missing argument */
+						fprintf( stderr, "Required argument missing on -%c option\n",
+								 (char) optopt );
+						rc = 1;
+						break;
+						case '?' : /* Invalid option */
+							fprintf( stderr, "Invalid option '-%c' on command line\n",
+									 (char) optopt );
+							rc = 1;
+							break;
+							default :  /* Programmer error */
+								fprintf( stderr, "Internal error: unexpected value '-%c'"
+										"for optopt", (char) optopt );
+								rc = 1;
+								break;
+		} /* end switch */
+	} /* end while */
+	if( optind > argc ) {
+		/* This should never happen! */
+		fprintf( stderr, "Program error: found more arguments than expected\n" );
+		rc = 1;
+	} else {
+		/* Calculate new_argcv and new_argc to reflect */
+		/* the number of arguments consumed */
+		pOpts->new_argc = argc - optind + 1;
+		pOpts->new_argv = argv + optind - 1;
+	}
+	return rc;
+	@brief Validate all classes.
+	@return 1 if errors found, or 0 if not.
+	Traverse the class list and validate each class in turn.
+static int val_idl( void ) {
+	int rc = 0;
+	osrfHashIterator* itr = osrfNewHashIterator( classes );
+	Class* class = NULL;
+	// For each class
+	while( (class = osrfHashIteratorNext( itr )) ) {
+		const char* id = osrfHashIteratorKey( itr );
+		if( val_class( class, id ) )               // validate class separately
+			rc = 1;
+		if( cross_validate_classes( class, id ) )  // cross-validate with linked classes
+			rc = 1;
+	}
+	osrfHashIteratorFree( itr );
+	return rc;
+	@brief Make sure that every linkage appropriately matches the linked class.
+	@param class Pointer to the current Class.
+	@param id Class id.
+	@return 1 if errors found, or 0 if not.
+static int cross_validate_classes( Class* class, const char* id ) {
+	int rc = 0;
+	Link* link = class->links;
+	while( link ) {
+		if( cross_validate_linkage( class, id, link ) )
+			rc = 1;
+		link = link->next;
+	}
+	return rc;
+	@brief Make sure that a linkage appropriately matches the linked class.
+	@param class Pointer to the current class.
+	@param id Class id.
+	@param link Pointer to the link being validated.
+	@return 1 if errors found, or 0 if not.
+	Rules:
+	- The linked class must exist.
+	- The field to which the linkage points must exist.
+	- If the linked class has a corresponding link back to the current class, then exactly
+	one end of the linkage must have a reltype of "has_many".
+	It is not an error if the linkage is not reciprocated.
+static int cross_validate_linkage( Class* class, const char*id, Link* link ) {
+	int rc = 0;
+	Class* other_class = osrfHashGet( classes, (char*) link->classref );
+	if( ! other_class ) {
+		printf( "In class \"%s\": class \"%s\", referenced by \"%s\" field, does not exist\n",
+				id, (char*) link->classref, (char*) link->field );
+		rc = 1;
+	} else {
+		// Make sure the other class is loaded before we look at it further
+		if( val_class( other_class, (char*) link->classref ) )
+			rc = 1;
+		// Now see if the other class links back to this one
+		Link* other_link = other_class->links;
+		while( other_link ) {
+			if( !strcmp( id, (char*) other_link->classref )                    // class to class
+				&& !strcmp( (char*) link->key,   (char*) other_link->field )   // key to field
+				&& !strcmp( (char*) link->field, (char*) other_link->key ) ) { // field to key
+				break;
+			}
+			other_link = other_link->next;
+		}
+		if( ! other_link ) {
+			// Link is not reciprocated?  That's okay, as long as
+			// the referenced field exists in the referenced class.
+			if( !searchFieldByName( other_class, link->key ) ) {
+				printf( "In class \"%s\": field \"%s\" links to field \"%s\" of class \"%s\", "
+					"but that field doesn't exist\n", id, (char*) link->field,
+					(char*) link->key, (char*) link->classref );
+				rc = 1;
+			}
+		} else {
+			// The link is reciprocated.  Make sure that exactly one of the links
+			// has a reltype of "has_many"
+			int many_count = 0;
+			if( RT_HAS_MANY == link->reltype )
+				++many_count;
+			if( RT_HAS_MANY == other_link->reltype )
+				++many_count;
+			if( 0 == many_count ) {
+				printf( "Classes \"%s\" and \"%s\" link to each other, but neither has a reltype "
+						"of \"has_many\"\n", id, (char*) link->classref );
+				rc = 1;
+			} else if( 2 == many_count ) {
+				printf( "Classes \"%s\" and \"%s\" link to each other, but both have a reltype "
+						"of \"has_many\"\n", id, (char*) link->classref );
+				rc = 1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return rc;
+	@brief Validate a single class.
+	@param id Class id.
+	@param class Pointer to the XML node for the class element.
+	@return 1 if errors found, or 0 if not.
+	We have already validated the id.
+	Rules:
+	- Allowed elements are "fields", "links", "permacrud", and "source_definition".
+	- None of these elements may occur more than once in the same class.
+	- The "fields" element is required.
+	- No text allowed, other than white space.
+	- Comments are allowed (and ignored).
+static int val_class( Class* class, const char* id ) {
+	if( !class )
+		return 1;
+	else if( class->loaded )
+		return 0;         // We've already validated this one locally
+	int rc = 0;
+	if( val_class_attributes( class, id ) )
+		rc = 1;
+	xmlNodePtr fields = NULL;
+	xmlNodePtr links = NULL;
+	xmlNodePtr permacrud = NULL;
+	xmlNodePtr src_def = NULL;
+	// Examine every child element of the <class> element.
+	xmlNodePtr child = class->node->children;
+	while( child ) {
+		const char* child_name = (char*) child->name;
+		if( xmlNodeIsText( child ) ) {
+			if( ! xmlIsBlankNode( child ) ) {
+				// Found unexpected text.  After removing leading and
+				// trailing white space, complain about it.
+				xmlChar* content = xmlNodeGetContent( child );
+				xmlChar* begin = content;
+				while( *begin && isspace( *begin ) )
+					++begin;
+				if( *begin ) {
+					xmlChar* end = begin + strlen( (char*) begin ) - 1;
+					while( (isspace( *end ) ) )
+						--end;
+					end[ 1 ] = '\0';
+				}
+				printf( "Unexpected text in class \"%s\": \"%s\"\n", id,
+					(char*) begin );
+				xmlFree( content );
+			}
+		} else if( !strcmp( child_name, "fields" ) ) {
+			if( fields ) {
+				printf( "Multiple <fields> elements in class \"%s\"\n", id );
+				rc = 1;
+			} else {
+				fields = child;
+				// Identify the primary key, if any
+				class->primary = xmlGetProp( fields, (xmlChar*) "primary" );
+				if( val_fields( class, id, fields ) )
+					rc = 1;
+			}
+		} else if( !strcmp( child_name, "links" ) ) {
+			if( links ) {
+				printf( "Multiple <links> elements in class \"%s\"\n", id );
+				rc = 1;
+			} else {
+				links = child;
+				if( val_links( class, id, links ) )
+					rc = 1;
+			}
+		} else if( !strcmp( child_name, "permacrud" ) ) {
+			if( permacrud ) {
+				printf( "Multiple <permacrud> elements in class \"%s\"\n", id );
+				rc = 1;
+			} else {
+				permacrud = child;
+			}
+		} else if( !strcmp( child_name, "source_definition" ) ) {
+			if( src_def ) {
+				printf( "Multiple <source_definition> elements in class \"%s\"\n", id );
+				rc = 1;
+			} else {
+				// To do: verify that there is nothing in <source_definition> except text and
+				// comments, and that the text is non-empty.
+				src_def = child;
+			}
+		} else if( !strcmp( child_name, "comment" ) )
+			;  // ignore comment
+		else {
+			printf( "Line %ld: Unexpected <%s> element in class \"%s\"\n",
+				xmlGetLineNo( child ), child_name, id );
+			rc = 1;
+		}
+		child = child->next;
+	}
+	if( fields ) {
+		if( check_labels( class, id ) )
+			rc = 1;
+		if( val_fields_attributes( class, id, fields ) )
+			rc = 1;
+	} else {
+		printf( "No <fields> element in class \"%s\"\n", id );
+		rc = 1;
+	}
+	if( val_links_to_fields( class, id ) )
+		rc = 1;
+	if( val_fields_to_links( class, id ) )
+		rc = 1;
+	class->loaded = 1;
+	return rc;
+	@brief Validate the class attributes.
+	@param class Pointer to the current Class.
+	@param id Class id.
+	@return if errors found, or 0 if not.
+	Rules:
+	- Only the following attributes are valid: controller, core, field_safe, field_mapper,
+	id, label, readonly, restrict_primary, tablename, and virtual.
+	- The controller and fieldmapper attributes are required (as is the id attribute, but
+	that's checked elsewhere).
+	- Every attribute value must be non-empty.
+	- The values of attributes core, field_safe, reaadonly, and virtual must be either
+	"true" or "false".
+	- A virtual class must not have a tablename attribute.
+static int val_class_attributes( Class* class, const char* id ) {
+	int rc = 0;
+	int controller_found = 0;     // boolean
+	int fieldmapper_found = 0;    // boolean
+	int tablename_found = 0;      // boolean
+	xmlAttrPtr attr = class->node->properties;
+	while( attr ) {
+		const char* attr_name = (char*) attr->name;
+		if( !strcmp( (char*) attr_name, "id" ) ) {
+			;  // ignore; we already grabbed this one
+		} else if( !strcmp( (char*) attr_name, "controller" ) ) {
+			controller_found = 1;
+			xmlChar* value = xmlGetProp( class->node, (xmlChar*) "controller" );
+			if( '\0' == *value ) {
+				printf( "Line %ld: Value of controller attribute is empty in class \"%s\"\n",
+					xmlGetLineNo( class->node ), id );
+				rc = 1;
+			}
+			xmlFree( value );
+		} else if( !strcmp( (char*) attr_name, "fieldmapper" ) ) {
+			fieldmapper_found = 1;
+			xmlChar* value = xmlGetProp( class->node, (xmlChar*) "fieldmapper" );
+			if( '\0' == *value ) {
+				printf( "Line %ld: Value of fieldmapper attribute is empty in class \"%s\"\n",
+						xmlGetLineNo( class->node ), id );
+				rc = 1;
+			}
+			xmlFree( value );
+		} else if( !strcmp( (char*) attr_name, "label" ) ) {
+			xmlChar* value = xmlGetProp( class->node, (xmlChar*) "label" );
+			if( '\0' == *value ) {
+				printf( "Line %ld: Value of label attribute is empty in class \"%s\"\n",
+						xmlGetLineNo( class->node ), id );
+				rc = 1;
+			}
+			xmlFree( value );
+		} else if( !strcmp( (char*) attr_name, "tablename" ) ) {
+			tablename_found = 1;
+			xmlChar* value = xmlGetProp( class->node, (xmlChar*) "tablename" );
+			if( '\0' == *value ) {
+				printf( "Line %ld: Value of tablename attribute is empty in class \"%s\"\n",
+						xmlGetLineNo( class->node ), id );
+				rc = 1;
+			}
+			xmlFree( value );
+		} else if( !strcmp( (char*) attr_name, "virtual" ) ) {
+			xmlChar* virtual_str = xmlGetProp( class->node, (xmlChar*) "virtual" );
+			if( virtual_str ) {
+				if( !strcmp( (char*) virtual_str, "true" ) ) {
+					class->is_virtual = 1;
+				} else if( strcmp( (char*) virtual_str, "false" ) ) {
+					printf(
+						"Line %ld: Invalid value \"%s\" for virtual attribute of class\"%s\"\n",
+						xmlGetLineNo( class->node ), (char*) virtual_str, id );
+					rc = 1;
+				}
+				xmlFree( virtual_str );
+			}
+		} else if( !strcmp( (char*) attr_name, "readonly" ) ) {
+			xmlChar* readonly = xmlGetProp( class->node, (xmlChar*) "readonly" );
+			if( readonly ) {
+				if(    strcmp( (char*) readonly, "true" )
+					&& strcmp( (char*) readonly, "false" ) ) {
+					printf(
+						"Line %ld: Invalid value \"%s\" for readonly attribute of class\"%s\"\n",
+						xmlGetLineNo( class->node ), (char*) readonly, id );
+					rc = 1;
+				}
+				xmlFree( readonly );
+			}
+		} else if( !strcmp( (char*) attr_name, "restrict_primary" ) ) {
+			xmlChar* value = xmlGetProp( class->node, (xmlChar*) "restrict_primary" );
+			if( '\0' == *value ) {
+				printf( "Line %ld: Value of restrict_primary attribute is empty in class \"%s\"\n",
+						xmlGetLineNo( class->node ), id );
+				rc = 1;
+			}
+			xmlFree( value );
+		} else if( !strcmp( (char*) attr_name, "core" ) ) {
+			xmlChar* core = xmlGetProp( class->node, (xmlChar*) "core" );
+			if( core ) {
+				if(    strcmp( (char*) core, "true" )
+					&& strcmp( (char*) core, "false" ) ) {
+					printf(
+					   "Line %ld: Invalid value \"%s\" for core attribute of class\"%s\"\n",
+						xmlGetLineNo( class->node ), (char*) core, id );
+					rc = 1;
+				}
+				xmlFree( core );
+			}
+		} else if( !strcmp( (char*) attr_name, "field_safe" ) ) {
+			xmlChar* field_safe = xmlGetProp( class->node, (xmlChar*) "field_safe" );
+			if( field_safe ) {
+				if(    strcmp( (char*) field_safe, "true" )
+					&& strcmp( (char*) field_safe, "false" ) ) {
+					printf(
+						"Line %ld: Invalid value \"%s\" for field_safe attribute of class\"%s\"\n",
+						xmlGetLineNo( class->node ), (char*) field_safe, id );
+					rc = 1;
+				}
+				xmlFree( field_safe );
+			}
+		} else {
+			printf( "Line %ld: Unrecognized class attribute \"%s\" in class \"%s\"\n",
+				xmlGetLineNo( class->node ), attr_name, id );
+			rc = 1;
+		}
+		attr = attr->next;
+	} // end while
+	if( ! controller_found ) {
+		printf( "Line %ld: No controller attribute for class \"%s\"\n",
+			xmlGetLineNo( class->node ), id );
+		rc = 1;
+	}
+	if( ! fieldmapper_found ) {
+		printf( "Line %ld: No fieldmapper attribute for class \"\%s\"\n",
+			xmlGetLineNo( class->node ), id );
+		rc = 1;
+	}
+	if( class->is_virtual && tablename_found ) {
+		printf( "Line %ld: Virtual class \"%s\" shouldn't have a tablename",
+			xmlGetLineNo( class->node ), id );
+		rc = 1;
+	}
+	return rc;
+	@brief Determine whether fields are either all labeled or all unlabeled.
+	@param class Pointer to the current Class.
+	@param id Class id.
+	@return 1 if errors found, or 0 if not.
+	Rule:
+	- The fields for a given class must either all be labeled or all unlabeled.
+	For purposes of this validation, a field is considered labeled even if the label is an
+	empty string.  Empty labels are reported elsewhere.
+static int check_labels( const Class* class, const char* id ) {
+	int rc = 0;
+	int label_found = 0;    // boolean
+	int unlabel_found = 0;  // boolean
+	Field* field = class->fields;
+	while( field ) {
+		if( field->label )
+			label_found = 1;
+		else
+			unlabel_found = 1;
+		field = field->next;
+	}
+	if( label_found && unlabel_found ) {
+		printf( "Class \"%s\" has a mixture of labeled and unlabeled fields\n", id );
+		rc = 1;
+	}
+	return rc;
+	@brief Validate the fields attributes.
+	@param class Pointer to the current Class.
+	@param id Class id.
+	@param fields Pointer to the XML node for the fields element.
+	@return if errors found, or 0 if not.
+	Rules:
+	- The only valid attributes for the fields element are "primary" and "sequence".
+	- Neither attribute may have an empty string for a value.
+	- If there is a sequence attribute, there must also be a primary attribute.
+	- If there is a primary attribute, the field identified must exist.
+	- If the primary key field has the datatype "id", there must be a sequence attribute.
+	- If the datatype of the primary key is not "id" or "int", there must @em not be a
+	sequence attribute.
+static int val_fields_attributes( Class* class, const char* id, xmlNodePtr fields ) {
+	int rc = 0;
+	xmlChar* sequence = NULL;
+	xmlChar* primary  = NULL;
+	// Traverse the attributes
+	xmlAttrPtr attr = fields->properties;
+	while( attr ) {
+		const char* attr_name = (char*) attr->name;
+		if( !strcmp( attr_name, "primary" ) ) {
+			primary = xmlGetProp( fields, (xmlChar*) "primary" );
+			if( '\0' == primary[0] ) {
+				printf(
+					"Line %ld: value of primary attribute is an empty string for class \"%s\"\n",
+					xmlGetLineNo( fields ), id );
+				rc = 1;
+			}
+		} else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "sequence" ) ) {
+			sequence = xmlGetProp( fields, (xmlChar*) "sequence" );
+			if( '\0' == sequence[0] ) {
+				printf(
+					"Line %ld: value of sequence attribute is an empty string for class \"%s\"\n",
+					xmlGetLineNo( fields ), id );
+				rc = 1;
+			}
+		} else {
+			printf( "Line %ld: Unexpected fields attribute \"%s\" in class \"%s\"\n",
+				xmlGetLineNo( fields ), attr_name, id );
+			rc = 1;
+		}
+		attr = attr->next;
+	}
+	if( sequence && ! primary ) {
+		printf( "Line %ld: class \"%s\" has a sequence identified but no primary key\n",
+			xmlGetLineNo( fields ), id );
+		rc = 1;
+	}
+	if( primary ) {
+		// look for the primary key
+		Field* field = class->fields;
+		while( field ) {
+			if( !strcmp( (char*) field->name, (char*) primary ) )
+				break;
+			field = field->next;
+		}
+		if( !field ) {
+			printf( "Primary key field \"%s\" does not exist for class \"%s\"\n",
+				(char*) primary, id );
+			rc = 1;
+		} else if( DT_ID == field->datatype && ! sequence && ! class->is_virtual ) {
+			printf(
+				"Line %ld: Primary key is an id; class \"%s\" should have a sequence attribute\n",
+				xmlGetLineNo( fields ), id );
+			rc = 1;
+		} else if(    DT_ID != field->datatype
+				   && DT_INT != field->datatype
+				   && DT_ORG_UNIT != field->datatype
+				   && sequence ) {
+			printf(
+				"Line %ld: Datatype of key for class \"%s\" does not allow a sequence attribute\n",
+				xmlGetLineNo( fields ), id );
+			rc = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	xmlFree( primary );
+	xmlFree( sequence );
+	return rc;
+	@brief Verify that every Link has a matching Field for a given Class.
+	@param class Pointer to the current class.
+	@param id Class id.
+	@return 1 if errors found, or 0 if not.
+	Rules:
+	- For every link element, there must be a matching field element in the same class.
+	- If the link's reltype is "has_many", the field must be a virtual field of type link
+	or org_unit.
+	- If the link's reltype is "has_a" or "might_have", the field must be a non-virtual link
+	of type link or org_unit.
+static int val_links_to_fields( const Class* class, const char* id ) {
+	if( !class )
+		return 1;
+	int rc = 0;
+	const Link* link = class->links;
+	while( link ) {
+		if( link->field && *link->field ) {
+			const Field* field = searchFieldByName( class, link->field );
+			if( field ) {
+				if( compareFieldAndLink( class, id, field, link ) )
+					rc = 1;
+			} else {
+				printf( "\"%s\" class has no <field> corresponding to <link> for \"%s\"\n",
+					id, (char*) link->field );
+				rc = 1;
+			}
+		}
+		link = link->next;
+	}
+	return rc;
+	@brief Compare matching field and link elements to see if they are compatible
+	@param class Pointer to the current Class.
+	@param id Class id.
+	@param field Pointer to the Field to be compared to the Link.
+	@param link Pointer to the Link to be compared to the Field.
+	@return 0 if they are compatible, or 1 if not.
+	Rules:
+	- If the reltype is "has_many", the field must be virtual.
+	- If a field corresponds to a link, and is not the primary key, then it must have a
+	datatype "link" or "org_unit".
+	- If the datatype is "org_unit", the linkage must be to the class "aou".
+	Warnings:
+	- If the reltype is "has_a" or "might_have", the the field should probably @em not
+	be virtual, but there are legitimate exceptions.
+	- If the linkage is to the class "aou", then the datatype should probably be "org_unit".
+static int compareFieldAndLink( const Class* class, const char* id,
+		const Field* field, const Link* link ) {
+	int rc = 0;
+	Datatype datatype = field->datatype;
+	const char* classref = (const char*) link->classref;
+	// Validate the virtuality of the field
+	if( RT_HAS_A == link->reltype || RT_MIGHT_HAVE == link->reltype ) {
+		if( warn && field->is_virtual ) {
+			// This is the child class; field should usually be non-virtual,
+			// but there are legitimate exceptions.
+			printf( "WARNING: In class \"%s\": field \"%s\" is tied to a \"has_a\" or "
+				"\"might_have\" link; perhaps should not be virtual\n",
+				id, (char*) field->name );
+		}
+	} else if ( RT_HAS_MANY == link->reltype ) {
+		if( ! field->is_virtual ) {
+			printf( "In class \"%s\": field \"%s\" is tied to a \"has_many\" link "
+					"and therefore should be virtual\n", id, (char*) field->name );
+			rc = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	// Validate the datatype of the field
+	if( class->primary && !strcmp( (char*) class->primary, (char*) field->name ) ) {
+		; // For the primary key field, the datatype can be anything
+	} else if( DT_NONE == datatype || DT_INVALID == datatype ) {
+		printf( "In class \"%s\": \"%s\" field should have a datatype for linkage\n",
+				id, (char*) field->name );
+		rc = 1;
+	} else if( DT_ORG_UNIT == datatype ) {
+		if( strcmp( classref, "aou" ) ) {
+			printf( "In class \"%s\": \"%s\" field should have a datatype "
+					"\"link\", not \"org_unit\"\n", id, field->name );
+			rc = 1;
+		}
+	} else if( DT_LINK == datatype ) {
+		if( warn && !strcmp( classref, "aou" ) ) {
+			printf( "WARNING: In class \"%s\", field \"%s\": Consider changing datatype "
+					"to \"org_unit\"\n", id, (char*) field->name );
+		}
+	} else {
+		// Datatype should be "link", or maybe "org_unit"
+		if( !strcmp( classref, "aou" ) ) {
+			printf( "In class \"%s\": \"%s\" field should have a datatype "
+					"\"org_unit\" or \"link\"\n",
+					id, (char*) field->name );
+			rc = 1;
+		} else {
+			printf( "In class \"%s\": \"%s\" field should have a datatype \"link\"\n",
+					id, (char*) field->name );
+			rc = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	return rc;
+	@brief See if every linked field has a counterpart in the links aggregate.
+	@param class Pointer to the current class.
+	@param id Class id.
+	@return 1 if errors found, or 0 if not.
+	Rules:
+	- If a field has a datatype of "link" or "org_unit, there must be a corresponding
+	entry in the links aggregate.
+static int val_fields_to_links( const Class* class, const char* id ) {
+	int rc = 0;
+	const Field* field = class->fields;
+	while( field ) {
+		if( DT_LINK != field->datatype && DT_ORG_UNIT != field->datatype ) {
+			field = field->next;
+			continue;  // not a link?  skip it
+		}
+		// See if there's a matching entry in the <links> aggregate
+		const Link* link = class->links;
+		while( link ) {
+			if( !strcmp( (char*) field->name, (char*) link->field ) )
+				break;
+			link = link->next;
+		}
+		if( !link ) {
+			if( !strcmp( (char*) field->name, "id" ) && !strcmp( id, "aou" ) ) {
+				// Special exception: primary key of "aou" is of
+				// datatype "org_unit", but it's not a foreign key.
+				;
+			} else {
+				printf( "In class \"%s\": Linked field \"%s\" has no matching <link>\n",
+						id, (char*) field->name );
+				rc = 1;
+			}
+		}
+		field = field->next;
+	}
+	return rc;
+	@brief Search a given Class for a Field with a given name.
+	@param class Pointer to the class in which to search.
+	@param field_name The field name for which to search.
+	@return Pointer to the Field if found, or NULL if not.
+static const Field* searchFieldByName( const Class* class, const xmlChar* field_name ) {
+	if( ! class || ! field_name || ! *field_name )
+		return NULL;
+	const char* name = (const char*) field_name;
+	const Field* field = class->fields;
+	while( field ) {
+		if( field->name && !strcmp( (char*) field->name, name ) )
+			return field;
+		field = field->next;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+	@brief Validate a fields element.
+	@param class Pointer to the current Class.
+	@param id Id of the current Class.
+	@param fields Pointer to the XML node for the fields element.
+	@return 1 if errors found, or 0 if not.
+	Rules:
+	- There must be at least one field element.
+	- No other elements are allowed.
+	- Text is not allowed, other than white space.
+	- Comments are allowed (and ignored).
+static int val_fields( Class* class, const char* id, xmlNodePtr fields ) {
+	int rc = 0;
+	int field_found = 0;    // boolean
+	xmlNodePtr child = fields->children;
+	while( child ) {
+		const char* child_name = (char*) child->name;
+		if( xmlNodeIsText( child ) ) {
+			if( ! xmlIsBlankNode( child ) ) {
+				// Found unexpected text.  After removing leading and
+				// trailing white space, complain about it.
+				xmlChar* content = xmlNodeGetContent( child );
+				xmlChar* begin = content;
+				while( *begin && isspace( *begin ) )
+					++begin;
+				if( *begin ) {
+					xmlChar* end = begin + strlen( (char*) begin ) - 1;
+					while( (isspace( *end ) ) )
+						--end;
+					end[ 1 ] = '\0';
+				}
+				printf( "Unexpected text in <fields> element of class \"%s\": \"%s\"\n", id,
+					(char*) begin );
+				xmlFree( content );
+			}
+		} else if( ! strcmp( child_name, "field" ) ) {
+			field_found = 1;
+			if( val_one_field( class, id, child ) )
+				rc = 1;
+		} else if( !strcmp( child_name, "comment" ) )
+			;  // ignore comment
+		else {
+			printf( "Line %ld: Unexpected <%s> element in <fields> of class \"%s\"\n",
+				xmlGetLineNo( child ), child_name, id );
+			rc = 1;
+		}
+		child = child->next;
+	}
+	if( !field_found ) {
+		printf( "No <field> element in class \"%s\"\n", id );
+		rc = 1;
+	}
+	return rc;
+	@brief Validate a field element within a fields element.
+	@param class Pointer to the current Class.
+	@param id Class id.
+	@param field Pointer to the XML node for the field element.
+	@return 1 if errors found, or 0 if not.
+	Rules:
+	- id attribute must be present with a non-empty value.
+	- label attribute, if present, must have a non-empty value.
+	- virtual attribute, if present, must have a value of "true" or "false".
+static int val_one_field( Class* class, const char* id, xmlNodePtr field ) {
+	int rc = 0;
+	xmlChar* label = NULL;
+	xmlChar* field_name = NULL;
+	int is_virtual = 0;
+	Datatype datatype = DT_NONE;
+	// Traverse the attributes
+	xmlAttrPtr attr = field->properties;
+	while( attr ) {
+		const char* attr_name = (char*) attr->name;
+		if( !strcmp( attr_name, "name" ) ) {
+			field_name = xmlGetProp( field, (xmlChar*) "name" );
+		} else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "virtual" ) ) {
+			xmlChar* virt = xmlGetProp( field, (xmlChar*) "virtual" );
+			if( !strcmp( (char*) virt, "true" ) )
+				is_virtual = 1;
+			else if( strcmp( (char*) virt, "false" ) ) {
+				printf( "Line %ld: Invalid value for virtual attribute: \"%s\"\n",
+					xmlGetLineNo( field ), (char*) virt );
+				rc = 1;
+			}
+			xmlFree( virt );
+			// To do: verify that the namespace is oils_persist
+		} else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "label" ) ) {
+			label = xmlGetProp( field, (xmlChar*) "label" );
+			if( '\0' == *label ) {
+				printf( "Line %ld: Empty value for label attribute for class \"%s\"\n",
+					xmlGetLineNo( field ), id );
+				xmlFree( label );
+				label = NULL;
+				rc = 1;
+			}
+			// To do: verify that the namespace is reporter
+		} else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "datatype" ) ) {
+			xmlChar* dt_str = xmlGetProp( field, (xmlChar*) "datatype" );
+			datatype = translate_datatype( dt_str );
+			if( DT_INVALID == datatype ) {
+				printf( "Line %ld: Invalid datatype \"%s\" in class \"%s\"\n",
+					xmlGetLineNo( field ), (char*) dt_str, id );
+				rc = 1;
+			}
+			xmlFree( dt_str );
+			// To do: make sure that the namespace is reporter
+		} else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "array_position" ) ) {
+			;  // Ignore for now, but it should be deprecated
+		} else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "selector" ) ) {
+			;  // Ignore for now
+		} else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "i18n" ) ) {
+			xmlChar* i18n = xmlGetProp( field, (xmlChar*) "i18n" );
+			if( strcmp( (char*) i18n, "true" ) && strcmp( (char*) i18n, "false" ) ) {
+				printf( "Line %ld: Invalid value for i18n attribute: \"%s\"\n",
+					xmlGetLineNo( field ), (char*) i18n );
+				rc = 1;
+			}
+			xmlFree( i18n );
+			// To do: verify that the namespace is oils_persist
+		} else if( !strcmp( attr_name, "primitive" ) ) {
+			xmlChar* primitive = xmlGetProp( field, (xmlChar*) "primitive" );
+			if( strcmp( (char*) primitive, "string" ) && strcmp( (char*) primitive, "number" ) ) {
+				printf( "Line %ld: Invalid value for primitive attribute: \"%s\"\n",
+					xmlGetLineNo( field ), (char*) primitive );
+				rc = 1;
+			}
+			xmlFree( primitive );
+		} else {
+			printf( "Line %ld: Unexpected field attribute \"%s\" in class \"%s\"\n",
+				xmlGetLineNo( field ), attr_name, id );
+			rc = 1;
+		}
+		attr = attr->next;
+	}
+	if( warn && DT_NONE == datatype ) {
+		printf( "Line %ld: WARNING: No datatype attribute for field \"%s\" in class \"%s\"\n",
+			xmlGetLineNo( field ), ((char*) field_name ? : ""), id );
+	}
+	if( ! field_name ) {
+		printf( "Line %ld: No name attribute for <field> element in class \"%s\"\n",
+			xmlGetLineNo( field ), id );
+		rc = 1;
+	} else if( '\0' == *field_name ) {
+		printf( "Line %ld: Field name is empty for <field> element in class \"%s\"\n",
+			xmlGetLineNo( field ), id );
+		rc = 1;
+	} else {
+		// Add to the class's field list
+		Field* new_field = newField( field_name );
+		new_field->is_virtual = is_virtual;
+		new_field->label = label;
+		new_field->datatype = datatype;
+		if( addField( class, id, new_field ) )
+			rc = 1;
+	}
+	return rc;
+	@brief Translate a datatype string into a Dataype (an enum).
+	@param value The value of a datatype attribute.
+	@return The datatype in the form of an enum.
+static Datatype translate_datatype( const xmlChar* value ) {
+	const char* val = (const char*) value;
+	Datatype type;
+	if( !value || !*value )
+		type = DT_NONE;
+	else if( !strcmp( val, "bool" ) )
+		type = DT_BOOL;
+	else if( !strcmp( val, "float" ) )
+		type = DT_FLOAT;
+	else if( !strcmp( val, "id" ) )
+		type = DT_ID;
+	else if( !strcmp( val, "int" ) )
+		type = DT_INT;
+	else if( !strcmp( val, "interval" ) )
+		type = DT_INTERVAL;
+	else if( !strcmp( val, "link" ) )
+		type = DT_LINK;
+	else if( !strcmp( val, "money" ) )
+		type = DT_MONEY;
+	else if( !strcmp( val, "number" ) )
+		type = DT_NUMBER;
+	else if( !strcmp( val, "org_unit" ) )
+		type = DT_ORG_UNIT;
+	else if( !strcmp( val, "text" ) )
+		type = DT_TEXT;
+	else if( !strcmp( val, "timestamp" ) )
+		type = DT_TIMESTAMP;
+	else
+		type = DT_INVALID;
+	return type;
+	@brief Validate a links element.
+	@param class Pointer to the current Class.
+	@param id Id of the current Class.
+	@param links Pointer to the XML node for the links element.
+	@return 1 if errors found, or 0 if not.
+	Rules:
+	- No elements other than "link" are allowed.
+	- Text is not allowed, other than white space.
+	- Comments are allowed (and ignored).
+	Warnings:
+	- There is usually at least one link element.
+static int val_links( Class* class, const char* id, xmlNodePtr links ) {
+	int rc = 0;
+	int link_found = 0;    // boolean
+	xmlNodePtr child = links->children;
+	while( child ) {
+		const char* child_name = (char*) child->name;
+		if( xmlNodeIsText( child ) ) {
+			if( ! xmlIsBlankNode( child ) ) {
+				// Found unexpected text.  After removing leading and
+				// trailing white space, complain about it.
+				xmlChar* content = xmlNodeGetContent( child );
+				xmlChar* begin = content;
+				while( *begin && isspace( *begin ) )
+					++begin;
+				if( *begin ) {
+					xmlChar* end = begin + strlen( (char*) begin ) - 1;
+					while( (isspace( *end ) ) )
+						--end;
+					end[ 1 ] = '\0';
+				}
+				printf( "Unexpected text in <links> element of class \"%s\": \"%s\"\n", id,
+					(char*) begin );
+				xmlFree( content );
+			}
+		} else if( ! strcmp( child_name, "link" ) ) {
+			link_found = 1;
+			if( val_one_link( class, id, child ) )
+				rc = 1;
+		} else if( !strcmp( child_name, "comment" ) )
+			;  // ignore comment
+		else {
+			printf( "Line %ld: Unexpected <%s> element in <link> of class \"%s\"\n",
+				xmlGetLineNo( child ), child_name, id );
+				rc = 1;
+		}
+		child = child->next;
+	}
+	if( warn && !link_found ) {
+		printf( "WARNING: No <link> element in class \"%s\"\n", id );
+	}
+	return rc;
+		@brief Validate one link element.
+		@param class Pointer to the current Class.
+		@param id Id of the current Class.
+		@param link Pointer to the XML node for the link element.
+		@return 1 if errors found, or 0 if not.
+	Rules:
+	- The only allowed attributes are "field", "reltype", "key", "map", and "class".
+	- Except for map, every attribute is required.
+	- Except for map, every attribute must have a non-empty value.
+	- The value of the reltype attribute must be one of "has_a", "might_have", or "has_many".
+static int val_one_link( Class* class, const char* id, xmlNodePtr link ) {
+	int rc = 0;
+	xmlChar* field_name = NULL;
+	Reltype reltype = RT_NONE;
+	xmlChar* key = NULL;
+	xmlChar* classref = NULL;
+	// Traverse the attributes
+	xmlAttrPtr attr = link->properties;
+	while( attr ) {
+		const char* attr_name = (const char*) attr->name;
+		if( !strcmp( attr_name, "field" ) ) {
+			field_name = xmlGetProp( link, (xmlChar*) "field" );
+		} else if (!strcmp( attr_name, "reltype" ) ) {
+			;
+			xmlChar* rt = xmlGetProp( link, (xmlChar*) "reltype" );
+			if( *rt ) {
+				reltype = translate_reltype( rt );
+				if( RT_INVALID == reltype ) {
+					printf(
+						"Line %ld: Invalid value \"%s\" for reltype attribute in class \"%s\"\n",
+						xmlGetLineNo( link ), (char*) rt, id );
+					rc = 1;
+				}
+			} else {
+				printf( "Line %ld: Empty value for reltype attribute in class \"%s\"\n",
+					xmlGetLineNo( link ), id );
+				rc = 1;
+			}
+			xmlFree( rt );
+		} else if (!strcmp( attr_name, "key" ) ) {
+			key = xmlGetProp( link, (xmlChar*) "key" );
+		} else if (!strcmp( attr_name, "map" ) ) {
+			;   // ignore for now
+		} else if (!strcmp( attr_name, "class" ) ) {
+			classref = xmlGetProp( link, (xmlChar*) "class" );
+		} else {
+			printf( "Line %ld: Unexpected attribute %s in links element of class \"%s\"\n",
+				xmlGetLineNo( link ), attr_name, id );
+			rc = 1;
+		}
+		attr = attr->next;
+	}
+	if( !field_name ) {
+		printf( "Line %ld: No field attribute found in <link> in class \"%s\"\n",
+			xmlGetLineNo( link ), id );
+		rc = 1;
+	} else if( '\0' == *field_name ) {
+		printf( "Line %ld: Field name is empty for <link> element in class \"%s\"\n",
+			xmlGetLineNo( link ), id );
+		rc = 1;
+	} else if( !reltype ) {
+		printf( "Line %ld: No reltype attribute found in <link> in class \"%s\"\n",
+			xmlGetLineNo( link ), id );
+		rc = 1;
+	} else if( !key ) {
+		printf( "Line %ld: No key attribute found in <link> in class \"%s\"\n",
+				xmlGetLineNo( link ), id );
+		rc = 1;
+	} else if( '\0' == *key ) {
+		printf( "Line %ld: key attribute is empty for <link> element in class \"%s\"\n",
+			xmlGetLineNo( link ), id );
+		rc = 1;
+	} else if( !classref ) {
+		printf( "Line %ld: No class attribute found in <link> in class \"%s\"\n",
+			 xmlGetLineNo( link ), id );
+		rc = 1;
+	} else if( '\0' == *classref ) {
+		printf( "Line %ld: class attribute is empty for <link> element in class \"%s\"\n",
+			xmlGetLineNo( link ), id );
+		rc = 1;
+	} else {
+		// Add to Link list
+		Link* new_link = newLink( field_name );
+		new_link->reltype = reltype;
+		new_link->key = key;
+		new_link->classref = classref;
+		if( addLink( class, id, new_link ) )
+			rc = 1;
+	}
+	return rc;
+	@brief Translate an attribute value into a Reltype (an enum).
+	@param value The value of a reltype attribute.
+	@return The value of the attribute translated into the enum Reltype.
+static Reltype translate_reltype( const xmlChar* value ) {
+	const char* val = (char*) value;
+	Reltype reltype;
+	if( !val || !*val )
+		reltype = RT_NONE;
+	else if( !strcmp( val, "has_a" ) )
+		reltype = RT_HAS_A;
+	else if( !strcmp( val, "might_have" ) )
+		reltype = RT_MIGHT_HAVE;
+	else if( !strcmp( val, "has_many" ) )
+		reltype = RT_HAS_MANY;
+	else
+		reltype = RT_INVALID;
+	return reltype;
+	@brief Build a list of classes, while checking for several errors.
+	@param doc Pointer to the xmlDoc loaded from the IDL.
+	@return 1 if errors found, or 0 if not.
+	Rules:
+	- Every child element of the root must be of the element "class".
+	- No text is allowed, other than white space, between classes.
+	- Comments are allowed (and ignored) between classes.
+static int scan_idl( xmlDocPtr doc ) {
+	int rc = 0;
+	xmlNodePtr child = xmlDocGetRootElement( doc )->children;
+	while( child ) {
+		char* child_name = (char*) child->name;
+		if( xmlNodeIsText( child ) ) {
+			if( ! xmlIsBlankNode( child ) ) {
+				// Found unexpected text.  After removing leading and
+				// trailing white space, complain about it.
+				xmlChar* content = xmlNodeGetContent( child );
+				xmlChar* begin = content;
+				while( *begin && isspace( *begin ) )
+					++begin;
+				if( *begin ) {
+					xmlChar* end = begin + strlen( (char*) begin ) - 1;
+					while( (isspace( *end ) ) )
+						--end;
+					end[ 1 ] = '\0';
+				}
+				printf( "Unexpected text between class elements: \"%s\"\n",
+					(char*) begin );
+				xmlFree( content );
+			}
+		} else if( !strcmp( child_name, "class" ) ) {
+			if( register_class( child ) )
+				rc = 1;
+		} else if( !strcmp( child_name, "comment" ) )
+			;  // ignore comment
+		else {
+			printf( "Line %ld: Unexpected <%s> element under root\n",
+				xmlGetLineNo( child ), child_name );
+			rc = 1;
+		}
+		child = child->next;
+	}
+	return rc;
+	@brief Register a class.
+	@param class Pointer to the class node.
+	@return 1 if errors found, or 0 if not.
+	Rules:
+	- Every class element must have an "id" attribute.
+	- A class id must not be an empty string.
+	- Every class id must be unique.
+	Warnings:
+	- A class id normally consists entirely of lower case letters, digits and underscores.
+	- A class id longer than 12 characters is suspiciously long.
+static int register_class( xmlNodePtr class ) {
+	int rc = 0;
+	xmlChar* id = xmlGetProp( class, (xmlChar*) "id" );
+	if( ! id ) {
+		printf( "Line %ld: Class has no \"id\" attribute\n", xmlGetLineNo( class ) );
+		rc = 1;
+	} else if( ! *id ) {
+		printf( "Line %ld: Class id is an empty string\n", xmlGetLineNo( class ) );
+		rc = 1;
+	} else {
+		// In principle a class id could contain any arbitrary characters, but in practice
+		// anything but lower case, digits, and underscores is probably a mistake.
+		const xmlChar* p = id;
+		while( *p ) {
+			if( islower( *p ) || isdigit( *p ) || '_' == *p )
+				++p;
+			else if( warn ) {
+				printf( "Line %ld: WARNING: Dubious class id \"%s\"; not all lower case, "
+						"digits, and underscores\n", xmlGetLineNo( class ), (char*) id );
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		// Warn about a suspiciously long id
+		if( warn && strlen( (char*) id ) > 12 ) {
+			printf( "Line %ld: WARNING: Class id is unusually long: \"%s\"\n",
+				xmlGetLineNo( class ), (char*) id );
+		}
+		// Add the classname to the list of classes.  If the size of
+		// the list doesn't change, then we must have a duplicate.
+		Class* entry = newClass( class );
+		unsigned long class_count = osrfHashGetCount( classes );
+		osrfHashSet( classes, entry, (char*) id );
+		if( osrfHashGetCount( classes ) == class_count ) {
+			printf( "Line %ld: Duplicate class name \"%s\"\n",
+				xmlGetLineNo( class ), (char*) id );
+			rc = 1;
+		}
+		xmlFree( id );
+	}
+	return rc;
+	@brief Add a field to a class's field list (unless the id collides with an earlier entry).
+	@param class Pointer to the current class.
+	@param id The class id.
+	@param new_field Pointer to the Field to be added.
+	@return 0 if successful, or 1 if not (probably due to a duplicate key).
+	If the id collides with a previous entry, we free the new Field instead of adding it
+	to the list.  If the label collides with a previous entry, we complain, but we go
+	ahead and add the Field to the list.
+	- Each field name should be unique within the fields element.
+	- Each label should be unique within the fields element.
+static int addField( Class* class, const char* id, Field* new_field ) {
+	if( ! class || ! new_field )
+		return 1;
+	int rc = 0;
+	int dup_name = 0;
+	// See if the class has any other fields with the same name or label.
+	const Field* old_field = class->fields;
+	while( old_field ) {
+		// Compare the ids
+		if( !strcmp( (char*) old_field->name, (char*) new_field->name ) ) {
+			printf( "Duplicate field name \"%s\" in class \"%s\"\n",
+				(char*) new_field->name, id );
+			dup_name = 1;
+			rc = 1;
+			break;
+		}
+		// Compare the labels. if they're both non-empty
+		if( old_field->label && *old_field->label
+		 && new_field->label && *new_field->label
+		 && !strcmp( (char*) old_field->label, (char*) new_field->label )) {
+			printf( "Duplicate labels \"%s\" in class \"%s\"\n",
+				(char*) old_field->label, id );
+			rc = 1;
+		}
+		old_field = old_field->next;
+	}
+	if( dup_name ) {
+		free( new_field );
+	} else {
+		new_field->next = class->fields;
+		class->fields = new_field;
+	}
+	return rc;
+	@brief Add a Link to the Link list of a specified Class (unless it's a duplicate).
+	@param class Pointer to the Class to whose list to add the Link.
+	@param id Class id.
+	@param new_link Pointer to the Link to be added.
+	@return 0 if successful, or 1 if not (probably due to a duplicate).
+	If there's already a Link in the list with the same field name, free the new Link
+	instead of adding it.
+static int addLink( Class* class, const char* id, Link* new_link ) {
+	if( ! class || ! new_link )
+		return 1;
+	int rc = 0;
+	int dup_name = 0;
+	// See if the class has any other links with the same field
+	const Link* old_link = class->links;
+	while( old_link ) {
+		if( !strcmp( (char*) old_link->field, (char*) new_link->field ) ) {
+			printf( "Duplicate field name \"%s\" in links of class \"%s\"\n",
+				(char*) old_link->field, id );
+			rc = 1;
+			dup_name = 1;
+			break;
+		}
+		old_link = old_link->next;
+	}
+	if( dup_name ) {
+		freeLink( new_link );
+	} else {
+		// Add to the linked list
+		new_link->next = class->links;
+		class->links = new_link;
+	}
+	return rc;
+	@brief Create and initialize a new Class.
+	@param node Pointer to the XML node for a class element.
+	@return Pointer to the newly created Class.
+	The calling code is responsible for freeing the Class by calling freeClass().  In practice
+	this happens automagically when we free the osrfHash classes.
+static Class* newClass( xmlNodePtr node ) {
+	Class* class = safe_malloc( sizeof( Class ) );
+	class->node = node;
+	class->loaded = 0;
+	class->is_virtual = 0;
+	xmlFree( class->primary );
+	class->fields = NULL;
+	class->links = NULL;
+	return class;
+	@brief Free a Class and everything it owns.
+	@param key The class id (not used).
+	@param p A pointer to the Class to be freed, cast to a void pointer.
+	This function is designed to be a freeItem callback for an osrfHash.
+static void freeClass( char* key, void* p ) {
+	Class* class = p;
+	// Free the linked list of Fields
+	Field* next_field = NULL;
+	Field* field = class->fields;
+	while( field ) {
+		next_field = field->next;
+		freeField( field );
+		field = next_field;
+	}
+	// Free the linked list of Links
+	Link* next_link = NULL;
+	Link* link = class->links;
+	while( link ) {
+		next_link = link->next;
+		freeLink( link );
+		link = next_link;
+	}
+	free( class );
+	@brief Allocate and initialize a Field.
+	@param name Field name.
+	@return Pointer to a new Field.
+	It is the responsibility of the caller to free the Field by calling freeField().
+static Field* newField( xmlChar* name ) {
+	Field* field = safe_malloc( sizeof( Field ) );
+	field->next         = NULL;
+	field->name         = name;
+	field->is_virtual   = 0;
+	field->label        = NULL;
+	field->datatype     = DT_NONE;
+	return field;
+	@brief Free a Field and everything in it.
+	@param field Pointer to the Field to be freed.
+static void freeField( Field* field ) {
+	if( field ) {
+		xmlFree( field->name );
+		if( field->label )
+			xmlFree( field->label );
+		free( field );
+	}
+	@brief Allocate and initialize a Link.
+	@param field Field name.
+	@return Pointer to a new Link.
+	It is the responsibility of the caller to free the Link by calling freeLink().
+static Link* newLink( xmlChar* field ) {
+	Link* link = safe_malloc( sizeof( Link ) );
+	link->next         = NULL;
+	link->field        = field;
+	link->reltype      = RT_NONE;
+	link->key          = NULL;
+	link->classref     = NULL;
+	return link;
+	@brief Free a Link and everything it owns.
+	@param link Pointer to the Link to be freed.
+static void freeLink( Link* link ) {
+	if( link ) {
+		xmlFree( link->field );
+		xmlFree( link->key );
+		xmlFree( link->classref );
+		free( link );
+	}