From: Jeff Davis <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2019 00:34:58 +0000 (-0800)
Subject: LP#1817645: RemoteAuth Perl live test for basic HTTP authentication (RFC 7617)

LP#1817645: RemoteAuth Perl live test for basic HTTP authentication (RFC 7617)

Signed-off-by: Jeff Davis <>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/29-lp1817645-remoteauth-patron-api.t b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/29-lp1817645-remoteauth-patron-api.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13a4a0e8f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/live_t/29-lp1817645-remoteauth-patron-api.t
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+use Test::More tests => 9; # XXX
+diag("Tests RemoteAuth patron auth/retrieval");
+use strict; use warnings;
+use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
+use MIME::Base64;
+use HTTP::Request;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor qw/:funcs/;
+use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
+our $U = "OpenILS::Application::AppUtils";
+my $not_found = { barcode => '99999393000', password => 'nonexistentbarcode' };
+my $expired = { barcode => '99999393001', password => 'marges1234' };
+my $deleted = { barcode => '99999393002', password => 'homers1234' };
+my $barred = { barcode => '99999393003', password => 'barts1234' };
+my $valid = { barcode => '99999393004', password => 'lisas1234' };
+my $inactive = { barcode => '99999393005', password => 'maggies1234' };
+my $external = { barcode => '99999393100', password => 'shelbyvillem1234' };
+# context org is SYS1, test user's home OU is BR1;
+# use BR3 (under SYS2) to test external users
+my $external_org = 6; # BR3
+my $staff_login = $U->simplereq(
+    'open-ils.auth',
+    'open-ils.auth.login', {
+        username => 'admin',
+        password => 'demo123',
+        type => 'staff'
+    }
+is($staff_login->{textcode}, 'SUCCESS', 'Staff login OK');
+my $e = new_editor( authtoken => $staff_login->{payload}->{authtoken} );
+my $client = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+$client->ssl_opts( verify_hostname => 0 );
+# my $res = $client->request( $method, $uri, $headers, $content, $request_timeout );
+# requests:
+# - validate barcode only?
+# - validate barcode + PIN
+# - retrieve user and check for required fields in response
+# test cases:
+# - valid user with username or barcode (opac.barcode_regex)
+# - valid user with barcode prefix
+# - valid user with barcode
+# - invalid password
+# - barcode not found
+# - user is deleted
+# - user is expired
+# - user is barred
+# - user has non-blocking penalties, auth/retrieval succeeds
+# - user has blocking penalties
+# - user exists, but home OU is not in scope
+# not currently supported:
+# - AuthProxy: services should use the remote auth server directly
+# - opted-in patrons: these are external patrons and thus not auth'd
+# Basic access authentication (RFC 7617)
+# - endpoint: /api/basicauth
+# - client auth: none
+# - request: includes "Authorization: Basic <credentials>" header,
+#   credentials = Base64-encoded "id:password" string
+# - response: HTTP 200 on success, 401 with WWW-Authenticate header 
+#   field on failure
+# - does not return patron info
+sub basic_request {
+    my ($u, $password) = @_;
+    my $barcode = $u->{barcode};
+    $password ||= $u->{password};
+    my $resp = $client->get(
+        "https://localhost/api/basicauth",
+        'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . encode_base64("$barcode:$password")
+    );
+    return $resp->code;
+my $basic_not_found = basic_request($not_found);
+is ( $basic_not_found, '403', 'Basic request for nonexistent barcode correctly returned 403' );
+my $basic_success = basic_request($valid);
+is( $basic_success, '200', 'Basic request for valid patron OK' );
+# invalid password
+my $basic_invalid_pw = basic_request($valid, 'badpassword');
+is( $basic_invalid_pw, '403', 'Basic request with invalid password correctly returned 403' );
+# user is deleted
+my $basic_deleted = basic_request($deleted);
+is( $basic_deleted, '403', 'Basic request for deleted user correctly returned 403' );
+# user is expired
+my $basic_expired = basic_request($expired);
+is( $basic_expired, '403', 'Basic request for expired user correctly returned 403' );
+# user is inactive
+my $basic_inactive = basic_request($inactive);
+is( $basic_inactive, '403', 'Basic request for inactive user correctly returned 403' );
+# user is barred
+my $basic_barred = basic_request($barred);
+is( $basic_barred, '403', 'Basic request for barred user correctly returned 403' );
+# home OU is not in scope
+my $basic_external = basic_request($external);
+is( $basic_external, '403', 'Basic request for external user correctly returned 403' );
+# TODO: user has blocking penalties
+# TODO: user has non-blocking penalties, auth/retrieval succeeds
+# TODO: EZProxy external script authentication:
+# - endpoint: /remoteauth/ezproxy/<shortname>/<id>/<password>
+# - client auth: none
+# - request: GET with user and pass params, as above
+# - response: "+VALID" if auth succeeds
+# TODO: verify user activity based on the above tests