From: Bill Erickson <>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2019 19:21:47 +0000 (-0500)
Subject: LP1806087 Synchronize browse code for staff cat / tpac

LP1806087 Synchronize browse code for staff cat / tpac

Teach the TPAC to call the use browse API, which was originally built
from the TPAC browse code.  This way we avoid duplicating the code.

Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <>
Signed-off-by: Dan Wells <>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/WWW/EGCatLoader/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/WWW/EGCatLoader/
index 8f537c51a5..bd8681b074 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/WWW/EGCatLoader/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/WWW/EGCatLoader/
@@ -23,32 +23,7 @@ my $U = 'OpenILS::Application::AppUtils';
 my $browse_cache;
 my $browse_timeout;
-# Plain procedural functions start here.
-sub _init_browse_cache {
-    if (not defined $browse_cache) {
-        my $conf = new OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
-        $browse_timeout = $conf->config_value(
-            "apps", "", "app_settings", "cache_timeout"
-        ) || 300;
-        $browse_cache = new OpenSRF::Utils::Cache("global");
-    }
-sub _get_authority_heading {
-    my ($field, $sf_lookup, $joiner) = @_;
-    $joiner ||= ' ';
-    return join(
-        $joiner,
-        map { $_->[1] } grep { $sf_lookup->{$_->[0]} } $field->subfields
-    );
 # Object methods start here.
 # Returns cache key and a list of parameters for DB proc metabib.browse().
 sub prepare_browse_parameters {
@@ -58,251 +33,18 @@ sub prepare_browse_parameters {
     # XXX TODO add config.global_flag rows for browse limit-limit ?
-    my @params = (
-        scalar($self->cgi->param('qtype')),
-        scalar($self->cgi->param('bterm')),
-        $self->ctx->{copy_location_group_org} ||
+    return {
+        browse_class => scalar($self->cgi->param('qtype')),
+        term => scalar($self->cgi->param('bterm')),
+        org_unit => $self->ctx->{copy_location_group_org} ||
-        $self->ctx->{copy_location_group},
-        $self->ctx->{is_staff} ? 't' : 'f',
-        scalar($self->cgi->param('bpivot')),
-        int(
+        copy_location_group => $self->ctx->{copy_location_group},
+        pivot => scalar($self->cgi->param('bpivot')),
+        limit => int(
             $self->cgi->param('blimit') ||
             $self->ctx->{opac_hits_per_page} || 10
-    );
-    return (
-        "oils_browse_" . md5_hex(OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->perl2JSON(\@params)),
-        @params
-    );
-# Break out any Public General Notes (field 680) for display. These are
-# sometimes (erroneously?) called "scope notes." I say erroneously,
-# tentatively, because LoC doesn't seem to document a "scope notes"
-# field for authority records, while it does so for classification
-# records, which are something else. But I am not a librarian.
-sub extract_public_general_notes {
-    my ($self, $record, $row) = @_;
-    # Make a list of strings, each string being a concatentation of any
-    # subfields 'i', '5', or 'a' from one field 680, in order of appearance.
-    $row->{notes} = [
-        map {
-            join(
-                " ",
-                map { $_->[1] } grep { $_->[0] =~ /[i5a]/ } $_->subfields
-            )
-        } $record->field('680')
-    ];
-sub find_authority_headings_and_notes {
-    my ($self, $row) = @_;
-    my $acsaf_table =
-        $self->ctx->{get_authority_fields}->($row->{control_set});
-    $row->{headings} = [];
-    my $record;
-    eval {
-        $record = new_from_xml MARC::Record($row->{marc});
-    if ($@) {
-        $logger->warn("Problem with MARC from authority record #" .
-            $row->{id} . ": $@");
-        return $row;    # We're called in map(), so we must move on without
-                        # a fuss.
-    }
-    $self->extract_public_general_notes($record, $row);
-    # extract headings from the main authority record along with their
-    # types
-    my $parsed_headings = $self->editor->json_query({
-        from => [ "authority.extract_headings", $row->{marc} ]
-    });
-    my %heading_type_map = ();
-    if ($parsed_headings) {
-        foreach my $h (@$parsed_headings) {
-            $heading_type_map{$h->{normalized_heading}} =
-                $h->{purpose} eq 'variant' ? 'variant' :
-                $h->{purpose} eq 'related' ? $h->{related_type} :
-                '';
-        }
-    }
-    # By applying grep in this way, we get acsaf objects that *have* and
-    # therefore *aren't* main entries, which is what we want.
-    foreach my $acsaf (values(%$acsaf_table)) {
-        my @fields = $record->field($acsaf->tag);
-        my %sf_lookup = map { $_ => 1 } split("", $acsaf->display_sf_list);
-        my @headings;
-        foreach my $field (@fields) {
-            my $h = { main_entry => ( $acsaf->main_entry ? 0 : 1 ),
-                      heading => _get_authority_heading($field, \%sf_lookup, $acsaf->joiner) };
-            my $norm = search_normalize($h->{heading});
-            if (exists $heading_type_map{$norm}) {
-                $h->{type} = $heading_type_map{$norm};
-            }
-            # XXX I was getting "target" from authority.authority_linking, but
-            # that makes no sense: that table can only tell you that one
-            # authority record as a whole points at another record.  It does
-            # not record when a specific *field* in one authority record
-            # points to another record (not that it makes much sense for
-            # one authority record to have links to multiple others, but I can't
-            # say there definitely aren't cases for that).
-            $h->{target} = $2
-                if ($field->subfield('0') || "") =~ /(^|\))(\d+)$/;
-            # The target is the row id if this is a main entry...
-            $h->{target} = $row->{id} if $h->{main_entry};
-            push @headings, $h;
-        }
-        push @{$row->{headings}}, {$acsaf->id => \@headings} if @headings;
-    }
-    return $row;
-sub map_authority_headings_to_results {
-    my ($self, $linked, $results, $auth_ids, $authority_field_name) = @_;
-    # Use the linked authority records' control sets to find and pick
-    # out non-main-entry headings. Build the headings and make a
-    # combined data structure for the template's use.
-    my %linked_headings_by_auth_id = map {
-        $_->{id} => $self->find_authority_headings_and_notes($_)
-    } @$linked;
-    # Graft this authority heading data onto our main result set at the
-    # named column, either "authorities" or "sees".
-    foreach my $row (@$results) {
-        $row->{$authority_field_name} = [
-            map { $linked_headings_by_auth_id{$_} } @{$row->{$authority_field_name}}
-        ];
-    }
-    # Get linked-bib counts for each of those authorities, and put THAT
-    # information into place in the data structure.
-    my $counts = $self->editor->json_query({
-        select => {
-            abl => [
-                {column => "id", transform => "count",
-                    alias => "count", aggregate => 1},
-                "authority"
-            ]
-        },
-        from => {abl => {}},
-        where => {
-            "+abl" => {
-                authority => [
-                    @$auth_ids,
-                    $U->unique_unnested_numbers(map { $_->{target} } @$linked)
-                ]
-            }
-        }
-    }) or return;
-    my %auth_counts = map { $_->{authority} => $_->{count} } @$counts;
-    # Soooo nesty!  We look for places where we'll need a count of bibs
-    # linked to an authority record, and put it there for the template to find.
-    for my $row (@$results) {
-        for my $auth (@{$row->{$authority_field_name}}) {
-            if ($auth->{headings}) {
-                for my $outer_heading (@{$auth->{headings}}) {
-                    for my $heading_blob (@{(values %$outer_heading)[0]}) {
-                        if ($heading_blob->{target}) {
-                            $heading_blob->{target_count} =
-                                $auth_counts{$heading_blob->{target}};
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-# flesh_browse_results() attaches data from authority records. It
-# changes $results and returns 1 for success, undef for failure (in which
-# case $self->editor->event should always point to the reason for failure).
-# $results must be an arrayref of result rows from the DB's metabib.browse()
-sub flesh_browse_results {
-    my ($self, $results) = @_;
-    for my $authority_field_name ( qw/authorities sees/ ) {
-        for my $r (@$results) {
-            # Turn comma-seprated strings of numbers in "authorities" and "sees"
-            # columns into arrays.
-            if ($r->{$authority_field_name}) {
-                $r->{$authority_field_name} = [split /,/, $r->{$authority_field_name}];
-            } else {
-                $r->{$authority_field_name} = [];
-            }
-            $r->{"list_$authority_field_name"} = [ @{$r->{$authority_field_name} } ];
-        }
-        # Group them in one arrray, not worrying about dupes because we're about
-        # to use them in an IN () comparison in a SQL query.
-        my @auth_ids = map { @{$_->{$authority_field_name}} } @$results;
-        if (@auth_ids) {
-            # Get all linked authority records themselves
-            my $linked = $self->editor->json_query({
-                select => {
-                    are => [qw/id marc control_set/],
-                    aalink => [{column => "target", transform => "array_agg",
-                        aggregate => 1}]
-                },
-                from => {
-                    are => {
-                        aalink => {
-                            type => "left",
-                            fkey => "id", field => "source"
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                where => {"+are" => {id => \@auth_ids}}
-            }) or return;
-            $self->map_authority_headings_to_results($linked, $results, \@auth_ids, $authority_field_name);
-        }
-    }
-    return 1;
-sub load_browse_impl {
-    my ($self, @params) = @_;
-    my $results = $self->editor->json_query({
-        from => [ "metabib.browse", @params ]
-    });
-    if (not $results) {  # DB error, not empty result set.
-        $logger->warn(
-            "error in browse (direct): " . $self->editor->event->{textcode}
-        );
-        $self->ctx->{browse_error} = 1;
-        return;
-    } elsif (not $self->flesh_browse_results($results)) {
-        $logger->warn(
-            "error in browse (flesh): " . $self->editor->event->{textcode}
-        );
-        $self->ctx->{browse_error} = 1;
-        return;
-    }
-    return $results;
 # Find paging information, put it into $self->ctx, and return "real"
@@ -324,42 +66,9 @@ sub infer_browse_paging {
     return [ grep { not defined $_->{pivot_point} } @$results ];
-sub leading_article_test {
-    my ($self, $qtype, $bterm) = @_;
-    my $flag_name = "opac.browse.warnable_regexp_per_class";
-    my $flag = $self->ctx->{get_cgf}->($flag_name);
-    return unless $flag->enabled eq 't';
-    my $map;
-    eval { $map = OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->JSON2perl($flag->value); };
-    if ($@) {
-        $logger->warn("cgf '$flag_name' enabled but value is invalid JSON? $@");
-        return;
-    }
-    # Don't crash over any of the things that could go wrong in here:
-    eval {
-        if ($map->{$qtype}) {
-            if ($bterm =~ qr/$map->{$qtype}/i) {
-                $self->ctx->{browse_leading_article_warning} = 1;
-                ($self->ctx->{browse_leading_article_alternative} = $bterm) =~
-                    s/$map->{$qtype}//;
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    if ($@) {
-        $logger->warn("cgf '$flag_name' has valid JSON in value, but: $@");
-    }
 sub load_browse {
     my ($self) = @_;
-    _init_browse_cache();
     # If there's a user logged in, flesh extended user info so we can get
     # her opac.hits_per_page setting, if any.
     if ($self->ctx->{user}) {
@@ -387,20 +96,12 @@ sub load_browse {
     if ($self->cgi->param('qtype') and defined $self->cgi->param('bterm')) {
-        $self->leading_article_test(
-            $self->cgi->param('qtype'),
-            $self->cgi->param('bterm')
-        );
-        my ($cache_key, @params) = $self->prepare_browse_parameters;
+        my $method = '';
+        $method .= '.staff' if $self->ctx->{is_staff};
+        $method .= '.atomic';
-        my $results = $browse_cache->get_cache($cache_key);
-        if (not $results) {
-            $results = $self->load_browse_impl(@params);
-            if ($results) {
-                $browse_cache->put_cache($cache_key, $results, $browse_timeout);
-            }
-        }
+        my $results = $U->simplereq('', 
+            $method, $self->prepare_browse_parameters);
         if ($results) {
             $self->ctx->{browse_results} = $self->infer_browse_paging($results);