From: senator <senator@dcc99617-32d9-48b4-a31d-7c20da2025e4>
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 20:35:21 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: Move credit card processing ML code into the circ module, removing API method

Move credit card processing ML code into the circ module, removing API method
for direct payment processing.  (Using with auth
can invoke CC processing).

git-svn-id: svn:// dcc99617-32d9-48b4-a31d-7c20da2025e4

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/
index 16bd62ef13..794dba3542 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ use OpenILS::Application::Circ::Survey;
 use OpenILS::Application::Circ::StatCat;
 use OpenILS::Application::Circ::Holds;
 use OpenILS::Application::Circ::HoldNotify;
+use OpenILS::Application::Circ::CreditCard;
 use OpenILS::Application::Circ::Money;
 use OpenILS::Application::Circ::NonCat;
 use OpenILS::Application::Circ::CopyLocations;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Circ/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Circ/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1475fc64c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Circ/
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Niles Ingalls 
+# Niles Ingalls <>
+# Bill Erickson <>
+# Joe Atzberger <>
+# Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenILS::Application::Circ::CreditCard;
+use base qw/OpenSRF::Application/;
+use strict; use warnings;
+use Business::CreditCard;
+use Business::OnlinePayment;
+use Locale::Country;
+use OpenILS::Event;
+use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw/:logger/;
+use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor qw/:funcs/;
+use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
+my $U = "OpenILS::Application::AppUtils";
+use constant CREDIT_NS => "credit";
+# Given the argshash from process_payment(), this helper function just finds
+# a function in the current namespace named "bop_args_{processor}" and calls
+# it with $argshash as an argument, returning the result, or returning an
+# empty hash if it can't find such a function.
+sub get_bop_args_filler {
+    no strict 'refs';
+    my $argshash = shift;
+    my $funcname = "bop_args_" . $argshash->{processor};
+    return &{$funcname}($argshash) if defined &{$funcname};
+    return ();
+# Provide default arguments for calls using the AuthorizeNet processor
+sub bop_args_AuthorizeNet {
+    my $argshash = shift;
+    if ($argshash->{server}) {
+        return (
+            # One might provide "" here.
+            Server => $argshash->{server},
+        );
+    }
+    else {
+        return ();
+    }
+# Provide default arguments for calls using the PayPal processor
+sub bop_args_PayPal {
+    my $argshash = shift;
+    return (
+        Username => $argshash->{login},
+        Password => $argshash->{password},
+        Signature => $argshash->{signature}
+    );
+sub get_processor_settings {
+    my $org_unit = shift;
+    my $processor = lc shift;
+    +{ map { ($_ =>
+        $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value(
+            $org_unit, CREDIT_NS . ".processor.${processor}.${_}"
+        )) } qw/enabled login password signature server testmode/
+    };
+#    signature => {
+#        desc   => 'Process a payment via a supported processor (AuthorizeNet, Paypal)',
+#        params => [
+#            { desc => q/Hash of arguments with these keys:
+#                patron_id: Not a barcode, but a patron's internal ID
+#                       ou: Org unit where transaction happens
+#                processor: Payment processor to use (AuthorizeNet, PayPal, etc)
+#                       cc: credit card number
+#                     cvv2: 3 or 4 digits from back of card
+#                   amount: transaction value
+#                   action: optional (default: Normal Authorization)
+#               first_name: optional (default: patron's first_given_name field)
+#                last_name: optional (default: patron's family_name field)
+#                  address: optional (default: patron's street1 field + street2)
+#                     city: optional (default: patron's city field)
+#                    state: optional (default: patron's state field)
+#                      zip: optional (default: patron's zip field)
+#                  country: optional (some processor APIs: 2 letter code.)
+#              description: optional
+#                /, type => 'hash' }
+#        ],
+#        return => { desc => 'Hash of status information', type =>'hash' }
+#    }
+sub process_payment {
+    my ($argshash) = @_;
+    # Confirm some required arguments.
+    return OpenILS::Event->new('BAD_PARAMS')
+        unless $argshash
+            and $argshash->{cc}
+            and $argshash->{amount}
+            and $argshash->{expiration}
+            and $argshash->{ou};
+    if (!$argshash->{processor}) {
+        if (!($argshash->{processor} =
+                $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value(
+                    $argshash->{ou}, CREDIT_NS . '.processor.default'))) {
+            return OpenILS::Event->new('CREDIT_PROCESSOR_NOT_SPECIFIED');
+        }
+    }
+    # Basic sanity check on processor name.
+    if ($argshash->{processor} !~ /^[a-z0-9_\-]+$/i) {
+        return OpenILS::Event->new('CREDIT_PROCESSOR_NOT_ALLOWED');
+    }
+    # Get org unit settings related to our processor
+    my $psettings = get_processor_settings(
+        $argshash->{ou}, $argshash->{processor}
+    );
+    if (!$psettings->{enabled}) {
+        return OpenILS::Event->new('CREDIT_PROCESSOR_NOT_ENABLED');
+    }
+    # Add the org unit settings for the chosen processor to our argshash.
+    $argshash = +{ %{$argshash}, %{$psettings} };
+    # At least the following (derived from org unit settings) are required.
+    return OpenILS::Event->new('CREDIT_PROCESSOR_BAD_PARAMS')
+        unless $argshash->{login}
+            and $argshash->{password};
+    # A valid patron_id is also required.
+    my $e = new_editor();
+    my $patron = $e->retrieve_actor_user(
+        [
+            $argshash->{patron_id},
+            {
+                flesh        => 1,
+                flesh_fields => { au => ["mailing_address"] }
+            }
+        ]
+    ) or return $e->event;
+    return dispatch($argshash, $patron);
+sub prepare_bop_content {
+    my ($argshash, $patron, $cardtype) = @_;
+    my %content;
+    foreach (qw/
+        login
+        password
+        description
+        first_name
+        last_name
+        amount
+        expiration
+        cvv2
+        address
+        city
+        state
+        zip
+        country/) {
+        if (exists $argshash->{$_}) {
+            $content{$_} = $argshash->{$_};
+        }
+    }
+    $content{action}       = $argshash->{action} || "Normal Authorization";
+    $content{type}         = $cardtype;      #'American Express', 'VISA', 'MasterCard'
+    $content{card_number}  = $argshash->{cc};
+    $content{customer_id}  = $patron->id;
+    $content{first_name} ||= $patron->first_given_name;
+    $content{last_name}  ||= $patron->family_name;
+    $content{FirstName}    = $content{first_name};   # kludge mcugly for PP
+    $content{LastName}     = $content{last_name};
+    # Especially for the following fields, do we need to support different
+    # mapping of fields for different payment processors, particularly ones
+    # in other countries?
+    $content{address}    ||= $patron->mailing_address->street1;
+    $content{address} .= ", " . $patron->mailing_address->street2
+        if $patron->mailing_address->street2;
+    $content{city}       ||= $patron->mailing_address->city;
+    $content{state}      ||= $patron->mailing_address->state;
+    $content{zip}        ||= $patron->mailing_address->post_code;
+    $content{country}    ||= $patron->mailing_address->country;
+    # Yet another fantastic kludge. country2code() comes from Locale::Country.
+    # PayPal must have 2 letter country field (ISO 3166) that's uppercase.
+    if (length($content{country}) > 2 && $argshash->{processor} eq 'PayPal') {
+        $content{country} = uc country2code($content{country});
+    }
+    %content;
+sub dispatch {
+    my ($argshash, $patron) = @_;
+    # The validate() sub is exported by Business::CreditCard.
+    if (!validate($argshash->{cc})) {
+        # Although it might help a troubleshooter, it's probably not a good
+        # idea to put the credit card number in the log file.
+        $logger->warn("Credit card number invalid");
+        # The idea of returning a hashref with statusText and statusCode
+        # comes from an older version handle_authorizenet(), but I'm not
+        # sure it's the best thing to do, really.
+        return {
+            statusText => "Credit card number invalid",
+            statusCode => 500
+        };
+    }
+    # cardtype() also comes from Business::CreditCard.  It is not certain that
+    # a) the card type returned by this method will be suitable input for
+    #   a payment processor, nor that
+    # b) it is even necessary to supply this argument to processors in all
+    #   cases.  Testing this with several processors would be a good idea.
+    (my $cardtype = cardtype($argshash->{cc})) =~ s/ card//;
+    $logger->debug(
+        "applying payment via processor '" . $argshash->{processor} . "'"
+    );
+    # Find B:OP constructor arguments specific to our payment processor.
+    my %bop_args = get_bop_args_filler($argshash);
+    # We're assuming that all B:OP processors accept this argument to the
+    # contstructor.
+    $bop_args{test_transaction} = $argshash->{testmode};
+    my $transaction = new Business::OnlinePayment(
+        $argshash->{processor}, %bop_args
+    );
+    $transaction->content(prepare_bop_content($argshash, $patron, $cardtype));
+    $transaction->submit();
+    # The data structures that we return based on success or failure are still
+    # basically from earlier code.  These might should be improved/reduced.
+    if ($transaction->is_success()) {
+        $logger->info($argshash->{processor} . " payment succeeded");
+        my $retval = {
+            statusText => "Transaction approved: " . $transaction->authorization,
+            processor => $argshash->{processor},
+            cardType => $cardtype,
+            statusCode => 200,
+            approvalCode => $transaction->authorization,
+            server_response => $transaction->server_response
+        };
+        # These result fields may be important in PayPal xactions? Not sure.
+        foreach (qw/correlationid avs_code cvv2_code/) {
+            if ($transaction->can($_)) {
+                $retval->{$_} = $transaction->$_;
+            }
+        }
+        return $retval;
+    }
+    else {
+        $logger->info($argshash->{processor} . " payment failed");
+        return {
+            statusText => "Transaction declined: " . $transaction->error_message,
+            statusCode => 500,
+            errorMessage => $transaction->error_message,
+            server_response => $transaction->server_response
+        };
+    }
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Circ/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Circ/
index dbf9cdc699..2dccec39b6 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Circ/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Circ/
@@ -65,7 +65,36 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method(
                 }/, type => 'hash'
-        ]
+        ],
+        "return" => {
+            "desc" =>
+                q{1 on success, event on failure.  Event possibilities include:
+                BAD_PARAMS
+                    (Bad parameters were given to this API method itself.
+                    See note field.)
+                    (Evergreen has not been set up to process CC payments)
+                    (Evergreen has been incorrectly setup for CC payments)
+                    (Evergreen has been set up for CC payments, but an admin
+                    has not explicitly enabled them)
+                    (Evergreen has been incorrectly setup for CC payments;
+                    specifically, the login and/or password for the CC
+                    processor weren't provided)
+                    (We contacted the CC processor to attempt the charge, but
+                    they declined it.  See the statusText field for their
+                    message.)
+                    (A payment was processed successfully, but couldn't be
+                    recorded in Evergreen.  This is bad bad bad, as it means
+                    somebody made a payment but isn't getting credit for it.
+                    See note field for more info.)
+            "type" => "number"
+        }
 sub make_payments {
@@ -201,10 +230,8 @@ sub make_payments {
         if ($cc_args->{where_process} == 1) {
             return OpenILS::Event->new('BAD_PARAMS', note => 'Need CC number')
                 if not $cc_args->{number};
-            my $response = $apputils->simplereq(
-                '',
-                '',
-                {
+            my $response =
+                OpenILS::Application::Circ::CreditCard::process_payment({
                     "desc" => $cc_args->{note},
                     "amount" => $total_paid,
                     "patron_id" => $user_id,
@@ -221,10 +248,13 @@ sub make_payments {
                     "city" => $cc_args->{billing_city},
                     "state" => $cc_args->{billing_state},
                     "zip" => $cc_args->{billing_zip},
-                }
-            );
+                });
             if (exists $response->{ilsevent}) {
+                $logger->info(
+                    "event response from process_payment(): " .
+                    $response->{"textcode"}
+                );
                 return $response;
             if ($response->{statusCode} != 200) {
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/
deleted file mode 100644
index 10d779c2d5..0000000000
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Niles Ingalls 
-# Niles Ingalls <>
-# Bill Erickson <>
-# Joe Atzberger <>
-# Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-package OpenILS::Application::CreditCard;
-use base qw/OpenSRF::Application/;
-use strict; use warnings;
-use Business::CreditCard;
-use Business::OnlinePayment;
-use Locale::Country;
-use OpenILS::Event;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw/:logger/;
-use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor qw/:funcs/;
-use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
-my $U = "OpenILS::Application::AppUtils";
-use constant CREDIT_NS => "credit";
-# Given the argshash from process_payment(), this helper function just finds
-# a function in the current namespace named "bop_args_{processor}" and calls
-# it with $argshash as an argument, returning the result, or returning an
-# empty hash if it can't find such a function.
-sub get_bop_args_filler {
-    no strict 'refs';
-    my $argshash = shift;
-    my $funcname = "bop_args_" . $argshash->{processor};
-    return &{$funcname}($argshash) if defined &{$funcname};
-    return ();
-# Provide default arguments for calls using the AuthorizeNet processor
-sub bop_args_AuthorizeNet {
-    my $argshash = shift;
-    if ($argshash->{server}) {
-        return (
-            # One might provide "" here.
-            Server => $argshash->{server},
-        );
-    }
-    else {
-        return ();
-    }
-# Provide default arguments for calls using the PayPal processor
-sub bop_args_PayPal {
-    my $argshash = shift;
-    return (
-        Username => $argshash->{login},
-        Password => $argshash->{password},
-        Signature => $argshash->{signature}
-    );
-sub get_processor_settings {
-    my $org_unit = shift;
-    my $processor = lc shift;
-    +{ map { ($_ =>
-        $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value(
-            $org_unit, CREDIT_NS . ".processor.${processor}.${_}"
-        )) } qw/enabled login password signature server testmode/
-    };
-    method    => 'process_payment',
-    api_name  => '',
-    signature => {
-        desc   => 'Process a payment via a supported processor (AuthorizeNet, Paypal)',
-        params => [
-            { desc => q/Hash of arguments with these keys:
-                patron_id: Not a barcode, but a patron's internal ID
-                       ou: Org unit where transaction happens
-                processor: Payment processor to use (AuthorizeNet, PayPal, etc)
-                       cc: credit card number
-                     cvv2: 3 or 4 digits from back of card
-                   amount: transaction value
-                   action: optional (default: Normal Authorization)
-               first_name: optional (default: patron's first_given_name field)
-                last_name: optional (default: patron's family_name field)
-                  address: optional (default: patron's street1 field + street2)
-                     city: optional (default: patron's city field)
-                    state: optional (default: patron's state field)
-                      zip: optional (default: patron's zip field)
-                  country: optional (some processor APIs: 2 letter code.)
-              description: optional
-                /, type => 'hash' }
-        ],
-        return => { desc => 'Hash of status information', type =>'hash' }
-    }
-sub process_payment {
-    my ($self, $client, $argshash) = @_; # $client is unused in this sub
-    # Confirm some required arguments.
-    return OpenILS::Event->new('BAD_PARAMS')
-        unless $argshash
-            and $argshash->{cc}
-            and $argshash->{amount}
-            and $argshash->{expiration}
-            and $argshash->{ou};
-    if (!$argshash->{processor}) {
-        if (!($argshash->{processor} =
-                $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value(
-                    $argshash->{ou}, CREDIT_NS . '.processor.default'))) {
-            return OpenILS::Event->new('CREDIT_PROCESSOR_NOT_SPECIFIED');
-        }
-    }
-    # Basic sanity check on processor name.
-    if ($argshash->{processor} !~ /^[a-z0-9_\-]+$/i) {
-        return OpenILS::Event->new('CREDIT_PROCESSOR_NOT_ALLOWED');
-    }
-    # Get org unit settings related to our processor
-    my $psettings = get_processor_settings(
-        $argshash->{ou}, $argshash->{processor}
-    );
-    if (!$psettings->{enabled}) {
-        return OpenILS::Event->new('CREDIT_PROCESSOR_NOT_ENABLED');
-    }
-    # Add the org unit settings for the chosen processor to our argshash.
-    $argshash = +{ %{$argshash}, %{$psettings} };
-    # At least the following (derived from org unit settings) are required.
-    return OpenILS::Event->new('CREDIT_PROCESSOR_BAD_PARAMS')
-        unless $argshash->{login}
-            and $argshash->{password};
-    # A valid patron_id is also required.
-    my $e = new_editor();
-    my $patron = $e->retrieve_actor_user(
-        [
-            $argshash->{patron_id},
-            {
-                flesh        => 1,
-                flesh_fields => { au => ["mailing_address"] }
-            }
-        ]
-    ) or return $e->event;
-    return dispatch($argshash, $patron);
-sub prepare_bop_content {
-    my ($argshash, $patron, $cardtype) = @_;
-    my %content;
-    foreach (qw/
-        login
-        password
-        description
-        first_name
-        last_name
-        amount
-        expiration
-        cvv2
-        address
-        city
-        state
-        zip
-        country/) {
-        if (exists $argshash->{$_}) {
-            $content{$_} = $argshash->{$_};
-        }
-    }
-    $content{action}       = $argshash->{action} || "Normal Authorization";
-    $content{type}         = $cardtype;      #'American Express', 'VISA', 'MasterCard'
-    $content{card_number}  = $argshash->{cc};
-    $content{customer_id}  = $patron->id;
-    $content{first_name} ||= $patron->first_given_name;
-    $content{last_name}  ||= $patron->family_name;
-    $content{FirstName}    = $content{first_name};   # kludge mcugly for PP
-    $content{LastName}     = $content{last_name};
-    # Especially for the following fields, do we need to support different
-    # mapping of fields for different payment processors, particularly ones
-    # in other countries?
-    $content{address}    ||= $patron->mailing_address->street1;
-    $content{address} .= ", " . $patron->mailing_address->street2
-        if $patron->mailing_address->street2;
-    $content{city}       ||= $patron->mailing_address->city;
-    $content{state}      ||= $patron->mailing_address->state;
-    $content{zip}        ||= $patron->mailing_address->post_code;
-    $content{country}    ||= $patron->mailing_address->country;
-    # Yet another fantastic kludge. country2code() comes from Locale::Country.
-    # PayPal must have 2 letter country field (ISO 3166) that's uppercase.
-    if (length($content{country}) > 2 && $argshash->{processor} eq 'PayPal') {
-        $content{country} = uc country2code($content{country});
-    }
-    %content;
-sub dispatch {
-    my ($argshash, $patron) = @_;
-    # The validate() sub is exported by Business::CreditCard.
-    if (!validate($argshash->{cc})) {
-        # Although it might help a troubleshooter, it's probably not a good
-        # idea to put the credit card number in the log file.
-        $logger->warn("Credit card number invalid");
-        # The idea of returning a hashref with statusText and statusCode
-        # comes from an older version handle_authorizenet(), but I'm not
-        # sure it's the best thing to do, really.
-        return {
-            statusText => "Credit card number invalid",
-            statusCode => 500
-        };
-    }
-    # cardtype() also comes from Business::CreditCard.  It is not certain that
-    # a) the card type returned by this method will be suitable input for
-    #   a payment processor, nor that
-    # b) it is even necessary to supply this argument to processors in all
-    #   cases.  Testing this with several processors would be a good idea.
-    (my $cardtype = cardtype($argshash->{cc})) =~ s/ card//;
-    $logger->debug(
-        "applying payment via processor '" . $argshash->{processor} . "'"
-    );
-    # Find B:OP constructor arguments specific to our payment processor.
-    my %bop_args = get_bop_args_filler($argshash);
-    # We're assuming that all B:OP processors accept this argument to the
-    # contstructor.
-    $bop_args{test_transaction} = $argshash->{testmode};
-    my $transaction = new Business::OnlinePayment(
-        $argshash->{processor}, %bop_args
-    );
-    $transaction->content(prepare_bop_content($argshash, $patron, $cardtype));
-    $transaction->submit();
-    # The data structures that we return based on success or failure are still
-    # basically from earlier code.  These might should be improved/reduced.
-    if ($transaction->is_success()) {
-        $logger->info($argshash->{processor} . " payment succeeded");
-        my $retval = {
-            statusText => "Transaction approved: " . $transaction->authorization,
-            processor => $argshash->{processor},
-            cardType => $cardtype,
-            statusCode => 200,
-            approvalCode => $transaction->authorization,
-            server_response => $transaction->server_response
-        };
-        # These result fields may be important in PayPal xactions? Not sure.
-        foreach (qw/correlationid avs_code cvv2_code/) {
-            if ($transaction->can($_)) {
-                $retval->{$_} = $transaction->$_;
-            }
-        }
-        return $retval;
-    }
-    else {
-        $logger->info($argshash->{processor} . " payment failed");
-        return {
-            statusText => "Transaction declined: " . $transaction->error_message,
-            statusCode => 500,
-            errorMessage => $transaction->error_message,
-            server_response => $transaction->server_response
-        };
-    }