From: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <>
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 23:34:56 +0000 (-0400)
Subject: working! with paging and linking to bibs, except:

working! with paging and linking to bibs, except:

... my new facet thingy doesn't seem to work.  here's what I did

    INSERT INTO config.metabib_field (
        id, field_class, name, label, xpath,
        format, search_field, facet_field
    ) VALUES (
        28, 'identifier',
        'authority_id', 'Authority Record ID',
        '//marc:datafield/marc:subfield[@code=''0'']', 'marcxml', false, true

    INSERT INTO config.metabib_field_index_norm_map (field, norm)
    VALUES (28, 5);

Yet after re-ingesting my bibs I have nothing new in
metabib.facet_entry.  So the "show related bibliographic holdings" links
don't quite work (I believe they /would/, though, if I had the facet
thingy right).

Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <>

diff --git a/Open-ILS/web/opac/common/js/config.js b/Open-ILS/web/opac/common/js/config.js
index 21b20fa2d8..1cdc09dd27 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/web/opac/common/js/config.js
+++ b/Open-ILS/web/opac/common/js/config.js
@@ -47,8 +47,10 @@ var PARAM_PUBD_AFTER = 'pda';
 var PARAM_PUBD_BETWEEN = 'pdt';
 var PARAM_PUBD_DURING = 'pdd';
 /* URL param values (see comments above) */
 var TERM;  
diff --git a/Open-ILS/web/opac/skin/default/css/layout.css b/Open-ILS/web/opac/skin/default/css/layout.css
index 7aaed35b28..8a4ca89efc 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/web/opac/skin/default/css/layout.css
+++ b/Open-ILS/web/opac/skin/default/css/layout.css
@@ -76,8 +76,10 @@ table { border-collapse: collapse; }
 table.authority-record { width: 48em; background-color: #ddd; margin: 1em; }
 td.authority-record-right { width: 24em; }
-td.authority-record-main { font-weight: bold; }
 td.authority-tag-label { font-style: italic; }
+.authority-pager { margin: 1ex 0; }
+.authority-count-holder { padding-left: 1em; font-weight: bold; }
+a.authority-content { font-weight: bold; }
 #searchbar { margin-top: 22px; width: 100%; }
 #searchbar table tr td {font-weight: bold; font-size: 8pt; }
diff --git a/Open-ILS/web/opac/skin/default/js/authbrowse.js b/Open-ILS/web/opac/skin/default/js/authbrowse.js
index 643d6c530c..b2664906df 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/web/opac/skin/default/js/authbrowse.js
+++ b/Open-ILS/web/opac/skin/default/js/authbrowse.js
@@ -2,20 +2,24 @@ dojo.require("openils.CGI");
-var cgi;
+var cgi, acs_helper;
 attachEvt("common", "init", doAuthorityBrowse);
 /* repeatable, supports all args or no args */
 function doAuthorityBrowse(axis, term, page, per_page) {
+    swapCanvas(dojo.byId("loading_alt"));
     if (!axis) {
         if (!cgi) cgi = new openils.CGI();
         axis = cgi.param(PARAM_AUTHORITY_BROWSE_AXIS);
         term = cgi.param(PARAM_AUTHORITY_BROWSE_TERM);
-        page = 0;
-        per_page = 20;
+        page = cgi.param(PARAM_AUTHORITY_BROWSE_PAGE) || 0;
+        per_page = cgi.param(PARAM_AUTHORITY_BROWSE_PER_PAGE) || 20;
+    setPagingLinks(axis, term, page, per_page);
     var url = '/opac/extras/browse/marcxml/authority.'
         + axis
         + '/1' /* this will be OU if OU ever means anything for authorities */
@@ -32,7 +36,30 @@ function doAuthorityBrowse(axis, term, page, per_page) {
+function setPagingLinks(axis, term, page, per_page) {
+    /* XXX since authority browse drops us into the middle of the record set,
+     * we need additional complexity to find out if we're have more records
+     * above and below, so just assume we always do for now.
+     */
+    var up_page = Number(page) - 1;
+    var down_page = Number(page) + 1;
+    dojo.attr(
+        "authority-page-up", "onclick", function() {
+            doAuthorityBrowse(axis, term, up_page, per_page);
+        }
+    );
+    dojo.attr(
+        "authority-page-down", "onclick", function() {
+            doAuthorityBrowse(axis, term, down_page, per_page);
+        }
+    );
 function renderAuthorityTagContent(m, af) {
+    /* XXX This doesn't take into account possible tag repeatability -- a
+     * bona fide library scientist could probably improve this. :-)
+     */
     if (af.tag() && af.sf_list()) {
         return dojo.filter(
@@ -82,14 +109,19 @@ function renderAuthorityMainEntry(m, field, tbody) {
     if (!content.length) return;    /* don't display empty tags */
     var tr = dojo.create("tr", null, tbody);
-    dojo.create(
+    var content_holder = dojo.create(
         "td", {
             "className": "authority-tag-content authority-record-main",
-            "innerHTML": content,
             "colspan": 2
         }, tr
+        "span",
+        {"className":"authority-content", "innerHTML": content},
+        content_holder
+    );
+    dojo.create("span", {"className":"authority-count-holder"}, content_holder);
+    dojo.create(
         "td", {
             "className": "authority-tag-label authority-record-right",
@@ -105,7 +137,7 @@ function renderAuthorityMainEntry(m, field, tbody) {
-function renderAuthorityRecord(m, control_set) {
+function renderAuthorityRecord(m, control_set, auth_id) {
     var main_entries = openils.Util.objectSort(
@@ -114,7 +146,7 @@ function renderAuthorityRecord(m, control_set) {
     var table = dojo.create("table", {"className": "authority-record"});
-    var tbody = dojo.create("tbody", null, table);
+    var tbody = dojo.create("tbody", {"id": "authority_" + auth_id}, table);
         main_entries, function(af) { renderAuthorityMainEntry(m, af, tbody); }
@@ -123,19 +155,82 @@ function renderAuthorityRecord(m, control_set) {
     return table;
+/* displayAuthorityRecords: given a DOM document object that contains marcxml
+ * records, display each one in a table using the apporiate control set to
+ * determine which fields to show.
+ */
 function displayAuthorityRecords(doc) {
-    var acs_helper = new openils.AuthorityControlSet();
+    if (!acs_helper)
+        acs_helper = new openils.AuthorityControlSet();
     /* XXX I wanted to use bibtemplate here, but now I'm not sure it makes
      * sense: the template itself would have to be dynamic, as it would vary
      * from record to record when different control sets were in use.
+    var auth_ids = [];
+    dojo.empty("authority-record-holder");
     dojo.query("record", doc).forEach(
         function(record) {
             var m = new MARC.Record({"xml": record});
-            var s = m.extractFixedField("Subj");
-            var cs = acs_helper.controlSetByThesaurusCode(s);
-  , cs.raw), "test-holder");
+            /* is 001 reliable for this? I'm guessing not */
+            var auth_id = m.field("001").data;
+            auth_ids.push(auth_id);
+            var cs = acs_helper.controlSetByThesaurusCode(
+                m.extractFixedField("Subj")
+            );
+                renderAuthorityRecord(m, cs.raw, auth_id),
+                "authority-record-holder"
+            );
+        }
+    );
+    displayRecordCounts(auth_ids);
+    swapCanvas(dojo.byId("canvas_main"));
+function displayRecordCounts(auth_ids) {
+    fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+        ["", ""], {
+            "params": [auth_ids],
+            "async": true,
+            "oncomplete": function(r) {
+                if ((r = openils.Util.readResponse(r))) {
+                    dojo.forEach(r, function(blob) {
+                        if (blob.bibs > 0) {
+                            displayRecordCount(blob.authority, blob.bibs);
+                        }
+                    });
+                }
+            }
+function displayRecordCount(id, count) {
+    /* 1) put record count where we can see it */
+    dojo.query("#authority_" + id + " .authority-count-holder")[0].innerHTML =
+        "(" + count + ")"; /* XXX i18n ? */
+    /* 2) also, provide a link to show those records */
+    var span = dojo.query("#authority_" + id + " .authority-content")[0];
+    var args = {};
+    args[PARAM_DEPTH] = depthSelGetDepth();
+    args[PARAM_LOCATION] = depthSelGetNewLoc();
+    args[PARAM_TERM] = "identifier|authority_id[" + id + "]";
+    dojo.create(
+        "a", {
+            "innerHTML": span.innerHTML,
+            "href": buildOPACLink(args),
+            "className": "authority-content",
+            "title": "Show related bibliographic holdings" /* XXX i18n! */
+        },
+        span, "replace"
+    );
diff --git a/Open-ILS/web/opac/skin/default/xml/page_authbrowse.xml b/Open-ILS/web/opac/skin/default/xml/page_authbrowse.xml
index 69675ebdca..f137c5d934 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/web/opac/skin/default/xml/page_authbrowse.xml
+++ b/Open-ILS/web/opac/skin/default/xml/page_authbrowse.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
 <div id='canvas_main' class='canvas' style='margin-top: 20px;'>
 	<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' src='<!--#echo var="OILS_OPAC_JS_HOST"-->/skin/default/js/authbrowse.js'></script>
-    Records: <div id="test-holder">
+    <div class="authority-pager">
+        <a id="authority-page-up" href="#" class="classic_link">&;</a>
+    </div>
+    <div id="authority-record-holder"></div>
+    <div class="authority-pager">
+        <a id="authority-page-down" href="#" class="classic_link">&;</a>