From: Remington Steed <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2017 13:26:15 +0000 (-0400)
Subject: Docs: Update "Monograph Parts" for web client

Docs: Update "Monograph Parts" for web client

  - Replace screenshots
  - Reformat long lines to around 72 characters
  - Convert numbered list to automatic numbering
  - Update instructions to match web client

Thanks to Kevin Tran for the screenshots.

Signed-off-by: Remington Steed <>

diff --git a/docs/cataloging/monograph_parts.adoc b/docs/cataloging/monograph_parts.adoc
index d234ba3b75..50f300b4ad 100644
--- a/docs/cataloging/monograph_parts.adoc
+++ b/docs/cataloging/monograph_parts.adoc
@@ -1,9 +1,24 @@
 Monograph Parts
-*Monograph Parts* enables you to differentiate between parts of monographs or other multi-part items.  This feature enables catalogers to describe items more precisely by labeling the parts of an item.  For example, catalogers might identify the parts of a monograph or the discs of a DVD set.  This feature also allows patrons more flexibility when placing holds on multi-part items.  A patron could place a hold on a specific disc of a DVD set if they want to access a specific season or episode rather than an entire series.
+*Monograph Parts* enables you to differentiate between parts of
+monographs or other multi-part items.  This feature enables catalogers
+to describe items more precisely by labeling the parts of an item.  For
+example, catalogers might identify the parts of a monograph or the discs
+of a DVD set.  This feature also allows patrons more flexibility when
+placing holds on multi-part items.  A patron could place a hold on a
+specific disc of a DVD set if they want to access a specific season or
+episode rather than an entire series.
-Four new permissions are used by this functionality: CREATE_MONOGRAPH_PART, UPDATE_MONOGRAPH_PART, DELETE_MONOGRAPH_PART and MAP_MONOGRAPH_PART.  These permissions should be assigned at the consortial level to those groups or users that will make use of the features described below.
+Four new permissions are used by this functionality:
+These permissions should be assigned at the consortial level to those
+groups or users that will make use of the features described below.
 Add a Monograph Part to an Existing Record
@@ -11,45 +26,54 @@ Add a Monograph Part to an Existing Record
 To add a monograph part to an existing record in the catalog:  
-1. Retrieve a record.
+. Retrieve a record.
-2. Click *Actions for this Record -> Manage Parts*
+. Click the *Manage Parts* tab.
-image::media/manage_parts_menu.png[Menu: Manage Parts]
+image::media/manage_parts_menu.jpg[Menu: Manage Parts]
-3. Click *New Monograph Part*
+. Click the *New Monograph Part* button
-4. Enter the *label* that you want to appear to the user in the catalog,
+. Enter the *label* that you want to appear to the user in the catalog,
 and click *Save*.  This will create a list of monograph parts from which
 you can choose when you create a volume and copy.
-5. Add a volume and copy.  To add a volume and copy to your workstation
-library, click the *Add Volumes* link in the *Record Summary* at the top
-of the bibliographic record, or click *Actions for this Record -> Add
+. Add a volume and copy.  To add a volume and copy to your workstation
+library, click the *Add Volumes* button in the *Record Summary* area above the tabs.
-To add a volume and copy to your workstation library or other libraries, click *Actions for this Record -> Holdings Maintenance -> Add Volumes*.  
+To add a volume and copy to your workstation library or other libraries,
+click the *Holdings View* tab, right-click the appropriate
+library, and choose *Add -> Volumes and Copies*.
-6. The *Unified Volume/Copy Creator* opens. Enter the number of volumes
+. The *Unified Volume/Copy Creator* opens. Enter the number of volumes
 that you want to add to the catalog and the volume description.
-7. Enter the number of copies and barcode(s) of each item.
+. Enter the number of copies and barcode(s) of each item.
-8. Select the *part designation* from the drop down menu adjacent to the barcode field.
-9. Apply a template to the copies, or edit fields in the *Copy Editor*.
+. Choose the part label from the *Part* drop down menu.
-10. Click *Create Volumes/Items*.
+. Apply a template to the copies, or edit fields in the *Working Copies* section below.
+. Click *Store Selected* when those copies are ready.
+. Review your completed copies on the "Completed Copies" tab.
+. When all copies have been stored and reviewed, click "Save {amp}
+NOTE: If you are only making one set of changes, you can simply click
+*Save {amp} Exit* and skip the *Store Selected* stage.
-11. The *Holdings Maintenance* screen will refresh to demonstrate the
-addition of the part information.  These fields also appear in the OPAC
+. The *Holdings View* tab now shows the new part information. These fields
+also appear in the OPAC View.
 image::media/manage_parts_opac.png[Catalog Record showing copies with part details]
diff --git a/docs/media/manage_parts_menu.jpg b/docs/media/manage_parts_menu.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0982e3ea23
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/media/manage_parts_menu.jpg differ
diff --git a/docs/media/monograph_parts2.jpg b/docs/media/monograph_parts2.jpg
index 20f63e3151..0e43663a53 100644
Binary files a/docs/media/monograph_parts2.jpg and b/docs/media/monograph_parts2.jpg differ
diff --git a/docs/media/monograph_parts3.jpg b/docs/media/monograph_parts3.jpg
index f40687d941..4fad88fc19 100644
Binary files a/docs/media/monograph_parts3.jpg and b/docs/media/monograph_parts3.jpg differ
diff --git a/docs/media/monograph_parts4.jpg b/docs/media/monograph_parts4.jpg
index ae91126a28..08e5747734 100644
Binary files a/docs/media/monograph_parts4.jpg and b/docs/media/monograph_parts4.jpg differ
diff --git a/docs/media/monograph_parts5.jpg b/docs/media/monograph_parts5.jpg
index f4130e34af..a482ff2d8d 100644
Binary files a/docs/media/monograph_parts5.jpg and b/docs/media/monograph_parts5.jpg differ