From: Kyujung Lim <>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2011 20:58:28 +0000 (-0400)
Subject: Added staffclientinstallation.xml with old 1.6 content for now

Added staffclientinstallation.xml with old 1.6 content for now

diff --git a/2.0/admin/staffclientinstallation.xml b/2.0/admin/staffclientinstallation.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc3ad5b12f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.0/admin/staffclientinstallation.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1537 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<chapter xml:id="staffclientinstallation" xmlns="" xmlns:xi="" xmlns:xl="">
+	<info>
+		<title>Installation of Evergreen Staff Client Software</title>
+		<abstract>
+			<para>This section describes installation of the Evergreen Staff Client software.</para>
+		</abstract>
+	</info>
+	<section xml:id="staffclientinstallation-installing-staffclient">
+		<title>Installing the Staff Client</title>
+		<indexterm>
+			<primary>staff client</primary>
+			<secondary>installing</secondary>
+		</indexterm>
+		<section xml:id="staffclientinstallation-installing-prebuilt">
+			<title>Installing a Pre-Built Staff Client</title>
+			<para>A pre-built Staff Client is available for <systemitem class="osname">Windows</systemitem>,
+			<systemitem class="osname">Mac</systemitem> or Linux systems. Installing the Staff Client in
+			each of these environments is described in the following sections.</para>
+			<section xml:id="staffclientinstallation-installing-windows">
+				<title>Installing on <systemitem class="osname">Windows</systemitem></title>
+				<indexterm>
+					<primary>staff client</primary>
+					<secondary>installing</secondary>
+					<tertiary>Windows</tertiary>
+				</indexterm>
+				<para>In this section we describe the process of installing the Staff Client on the
+				<systemitem class="osname">Microsoft Windows</systemitem> operating system.</para>
+				<para>Visit the downloads section of the Evergreen website at
+				<ulink url=""></ulink>
+				and find the standard <systemitem class="osname">Microsoft Windows</systemitem> Installer
+				that contains the current version of the Staff Client. Download the Installer, then run
+				it. A screen that looks similar to this should appear:</para>
+				<mediaobject>
+					<alt>
+						<phrase>Running the Staff Client installer</phrase>
+					</alt>
+					<imageobject>
+						<imagedata fileref="../media/staffclientinstallation-staffclient-1.png" format="PNG" scalefit="1" width="60%"/>
+					</imageobject>
+				</mediaobject>
+				<para>Click <guibutton>'Next'</guibutton> to continue through the guided install
+				process. The Install Wizard will ask you to agree to the end-user license, ask you where
+				to install the software, ask about where to place icons, and then will automatically
+				install the software on your workstation.</para>
+				<para>When you run the Staff Client for the first time, a screen similar to this should
+				appear:</para>
+				<mediaobject>
+					<alt>
+						<phrase>Running the Staff Client for the first time</phrase>
+					</alt>
+					<imageobject>
+						<imagedata fileref="../media/staffclientinstallation-staffclient-2.png" format="PNG" scalefit="1" width="60%"/>
+					</imageobject>
+				</mediaobject>
+				<para>First, add the name of your Evergreen server to the field 
+				<emphasis role="bold">Hostname</emphasis> in the <emphasis role="bold">Server</emphasis>
+				section. For example, the PINES demo system is 
+				<ulink url=""></ulink>. 
+				After adding the server name, click <guibutton>'Re-Test Server'</guibutton>.</para>
+				<para>Because this is the initial run of the Staff Client, you will see a warning in the
+				upper-right saying: <emphasis role="bold">Not yet configured for the specified
+				server</emphasis>. The first thing you must do to the Staff Client on every workstation
+				is to assign it a workstation name. This is covered in 
+				<xref linkend="staffclientinstallation-workstationnames"/>.</para>
+					<note><para>Users must have the <literal>REGISTER_WORKSTATION</literal> permission and be assigned the appropriate working location(s) in order to 
+					register a workstation.</para></note> 
+					<para>To add working locations to a user’s account:</para>
+					<orderedlist>
+						<listitem>
+							<para>Retrieve the user through a patron search and select <menuchoice><guimenu>Other</guimenu><guimenuitem>User Permission 
+							Editor</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and select the boxes for the locations necessary.</para> 
+							<para>Save the user record.</para>
+							<note>
+								<para>Making modifications to <guilabel>Working Locations</guilabel> while changing permission settings does not work – when this 
+								workflow is performed, permission changes will not be applied to the database.</para>
+							</note>
+						</listitem>
+						<listitem>
+							<para>Alternately, from the <guimenu>Admin</guimenu> menu, select <guimenuitem>User Permission Editor</guimenuitem> and retrieve the user by 
+							barcode.</para>  
+							<para>Make changes to working locations as described above.</para>
+						</listitem>
+					</orderedlist>
+			</section>
+			<section xml:id="staffclientinstallation-installing-macos">
+				<title>Installing on <systemitem class="osname">Mac OS</systemitem></title>
+				<indexterm>
+					<primary>staff client</primary>
+					<secondary>installing</secondary>
+					<tertiary>Mac OS</tertiary>
+				</indexterm>
+				<para>This section describes <systemitem class="osname">Mac OS</systemitem>
+				packages and related versions of <application>XULrunner</application> that can
+				be used to run the Staff Client in a <systemitem class="osname">Mac OS</systemitem>
+				environment.</para>
+				<simplesect>
+					<title>Evergreen Version</title>
+					<orderedlist>
+						<listitem>
+							<para>A <systemitem class="osname">Mac OS</systemitem> package that
+							contains an early version of the Staff Client (version for use
+							with <application>XULrunner</application> is available. You can find
+							current releases of <application>XULrunner</application> here:
+							<ulink url="">
+</ulink> .
+							Download and install the latest version. You can find further information 
+							about <application>XULrunner</application> here: 
+							<ulink url="">
+							<para>Note that later versions of <application>XULrunner</application>
+							(e.g., version have replaced version, which has known
+							security holes and is not recommended for applications that deal with
+							public web content.</para>
+						</listitem>
+						<listitem>
+							<para>A <systemitem class="osname">Mac OS</systemitem>
+							Installation package for Staff Client version is
+							available from Evergreen Indiana. Download and install it from
+							here:
+							<ulink url="">
+</ulink> .
+							</para>
+						</listitem>
+						<listitem>
+							<para>To upgrade to a more recent version of the Staff Client, you can
+							copy the <filename class="directory">build</filename> directory from a
+							working <systemitem class="osname">Windows</systemitem> installation of
+							the desired version of the Staff Client to your 
+							<systemitem class="osname">Mac</systemitem>. 
+							The required files may be located in a directory like this on the
+							<systemitem class="osname">Windows</systemitem> machine: 
+							<filename class="directory">C:\Program Files\Evergreen Staff Client\build</filename>.
+							Copy these files to the <filename class="directory">Resources</filename>
+							folder within the <package>Open-ILS</package> package in your 
+							<filename class="directory">Applications</filename> directory on the Mac,
+							overwriting files with the same names.</para>
+						</listitem>
+						<listitem>Drag the application's icon to your toolbar for easier
+						access.</listitem>
+					</orderedlist>
+					<para>When you run the Staff Client installer, a screen will appear that looks
+					similar to this:</para>
+					<mediaobject>
+						<alt>
+							<phrase>Running the Staff Client installer for 
+							<systemitem class="osname">Mac OS</systemitem></phrase>
+						</alt>
+						<imageobject>
+							<imagedata fileref="../media/staffclientinstallation-staffclient-3.png" format="PNG" scalefit="1" width="20%"/>
+						</imageobject>
+					</mediaobject>
+					<para>Click <guibutton>'Continue'</guibutton>, accept the license, then finish the
+					installation. The application will be located at the destination you selected
+					during installation. You will then be able to drag the application into your
+					toolbar for easier access.</para>
+					<mediaobject>
+						<alt>
+							<phrase>Finishing the installation</phrase>
+						</alt>
+						<imageobject>
+							<imagedata fileref="../media/staffclientinstallation-staffclient-4.png" format="PNG" scalefit="1" width="20%"/>
+						</imageobject>
+					</mediaobject>
+				</simplesect>
+				<simplesect>
+					<title>Running directly using <application>XULrunner</application></title>
+					<indexterm>
+						<primary>staff client</primary>
+						<secondary>XULRunner</secondary>
+					</indexterm>
+					<para>You must install an appropriate version of <application>XULrunner</application> 
+					to match the Evergreen version. See the following table for the recommended version of
+					<application>XULrunner</application>:</para>
+					<table xml:id="staffclientinstallation-table-1">
+						<?dbfo keep-together="always" ?>
+						<title>Evergreen / <application>XULrunner</application> Dependencies</title>
+						<tgroup align="left" cols="2" colsep="1" rowsep="1">
+							<colspec colname="evergreen_version" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
+							<colspec colname="xulrunner_version" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
+							<thead>
+								<row>
+									<entry>Evergreen Version</entry>
+									<entry>XULRunner Version</entry>
+								</row>
+							</thead>
+							<tbody>
+								<row>
+									<entry>Evergreen 1.6.x.x</entry>
+									<entry>XULrunner 1.9.x.x</entry>
+								</row>
+								<row>
+									<entry>Evergreen 1.4.x.x</entry>
+									<entry>XULrunner or XULrunner</entry>
+								</row>
+								<row>
+									<entry>Evergreen 1.2.x.x</entry>
+									<entry>XULrunner or XULrunner</entry>
+								</row>
+							</tbody>
+						</tgroup>
+					</table>
+					<note>If you have issues removing previously installed
+					<application>XULrunner</application> versions see 
+					<xref linkend="staffclientinstallation-remove-xulrunner"/>
+					for further information.</note>
+					<para>The Staff Client data from the directory 
+					<filename class="directory">./staff_client/build</filename> must be placed
+					somewhere on the machine (e.g. 
+					<filename class="directory">~/Desktop/Evergreen_Staff_Client</filename>).</para>
+					<para>Remember to call <application>XULrunner</application> with the full path to the
+					binary, followed by the install command and the path to the client data:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	/Library/Frameworks/XUL.framework/xulrunner-bin --install-app ~/Desktop/Evergreen_Staff_Client</userinput>
+					<para>The command should exit quietly and will create the folder 
+					<filename class="directory">/Applications/OpenILS</filename>,
+					containing a launcher named <application>open_ils_staff_client</application>.</para>
+				</simplesect>
+				<simplesect xml:id="staffclientinstallation-remove-xulrunner">
+					<title>(OPTIONAL) Removing previously installed XULRunner versions</title>
+					<indexterm>
+						<primary>XULRunner</primary>
+						<secondary>removing previous versions</secondary>
+					</indexterm>
+					<para>If you already have a newer version of
+					<application>XULrunner</application> installed, per the release notes, 
+					you will need to remove the entire directory 
+					<filename class="directory">/Library/Frameworks/XUL.framework</filename> 
+					before downgrading.</para>
+					<para>In addition, you may also need to remove the previous file
+					<filename>/Library/Receipts/xulrunner-ver-mak.pkg</filename> .</para>
+					<para>If file <filename>/Library/Receipts/xulrunner-ver-mak.pkg</filename> does
+					not exist (possibly in newer <systemitem class="osname">Mac OS</systemitem>
+					releases), you need to flush the file <filename>receiptdb</filename>.</para>
+					<note>If you install a newer version of <application>XULrunner</application>
+					over a previous (older) install, the older install is not removed but the
+					symlinks are changed to the newer one.</note>
+				</simplesect>
+				<simplesect>
+					<title>(OPTIONAL) Flush Receiptdb file:</title>
+					<para>First, get the package identifier, then purge/forget the build that was
+					initially installed:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	sudo pkgutil --pkgs > /tmp/pkgs.txt
+	sudo pkgutil --forget org.mozilla.xulrunner</userinput>
+					<note>It may not be necessary to edit the file
+					<filename>/Library/Receipts/InstallHistory.plist</filename> after deleting the
+					folder <filename class="directory">XUL.framework</filename>. See
+					<ulink url="">
+					for more information.</note>
+				</simplesect>
+				<simplesect>
+					<title>Creating an APP file: Staff Client and <application>XULrunner</application> Bundled</title>
+					<para>An APP file is basically a folder. Start with a folder stucture like this:</para>
+	<prompt>
+	__Contents
+	____Frameworks
+	____Resources
+	____MacOS</prompt>
+					<para>Create an APP folder structure with the following commands:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	mkdir -p
+	mkdir -p
+	mkdir -p</userinput>
+					<orderedlist>
+						<listitem>
+							<para>Create a new file in the folder
+							<filename class="directory"></filename>
+							containing the following data (adjust for your version of
+							Evergreen):</para>
+							<programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
+<plist version="1.0">
+	<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
+	<string>xulrunner</string>
+	<key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
+	<string>OpenILS open_ils_staff_client rel_1_6_1_6</string>
+	<key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>
+	<string>6.0</string>
+	<key>CFBundleName</key>
+	<string>Evergreen Staff Client</string>
+	<key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
+	<string>APPL</string>
+	<key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
+	<string>rel_1_6_1_6</string>
+	<key>CFBundleVersion</key>
+	<string>rel_1_6_1_6.rel_1_6_1_6</string>
+	<key>NSAppleScriptEnabled</key>
+	<true/>
+	<key>CFBundleTypeIconFile</key>
+	<string>Evergreen.icns</string>
+						</listitem>
+						<listitem>Download and install an appropriate 
+						<systemitem class="osname">Mac OS</systemitem> package of 
+						<application>XULrunner</application> from the Mozilla website
+						<ulink url="">
+</ulink> (see 
+						<xref linkend="staffclientinstallation-table-1"/> for recommendations).</listitem>
+						<listitem>
+							<para>Make a copy of the folder
+							<filename class="directory">/Library/Frameworks/XUL.Framework</filename>
+							inside your APP file. It should look something like this:</para>
+	<prompt>
+	__Contents/
+	____Frameworks/
+	______XUL.Framework/
+	______Versions/
+	________Current -> (symlink)
+	________1.9.1.3/
+	______XUL -> Versions/Current/XUL
+	______libxpcom.dylib -> Versions/Current/libxpcom.dylib
+	______xulrunner-bin -> Versions/Current/xulrunner-bin</prompt>
+						</listitem>
+						<listitem>Copy
+						<filename>XUL.Framework/Versions/Current/xulrunner</filename> into the
+						folder <filename class="directory"></filename>
+						(do not symlink; copy the file).</listitem>
+						<listitem>
+							<para>Make <filename></filename> the root
+							of your Evergreen application files like this:</para>
+	<prompt>
+	__Contents/
+	____Resources/
+	______BUILD_ID
+	______application.ini
+	______chrome/
+	______components/
+	______etc.</prompt>
+						</listitem>
+						<listitem>Put a <systemitem class="osname">Mac</systemitem> 
+						format icon file named <filename>Evergreen.icns</filename> in 
+						<filename class="resources">Resources</filename>.</listitem>
+					</orderedlist>
+				</simplesect>
+			</section>
+			<section xml:id="staffclientinstallation-installing-linux">
+				<title>Installing on Linux</title>
+				<simplesect>
+					<title>Quick Upgrade of the Staff Client</title>
+					<para>A Linux Staff Client is automatically built on the server as part of the
+					normal <emphasis>make install</emphasis> process for Evergreen server-side
+					software. To upgrade the Staff Client on a remote Linux workstation with a new
+					version, just copy the directory tree containing the Staff Client from your
+					server to the remote workstation.</para>
+					<para>Execute the following commands, replacing <literal>USER</literal>,
+					<literal>WORKSTATION</literal>, and <literal>SOME_PATH</literal> with
+					appropriate values:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	scp -r ./build USER@WORKSTATION:/SOME_PATH/</userinput>
+					<para>You should test the newly copied Staff Client on the remote workstation.
+					Log into the workstation and execute the following command:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	xulrunner /SOME_PATH/build/application.ini</userinput>
+				</simplesect>
+				<simplesect>
+					<title>Building the Staff Client on the Server</title>
+					<indexterm>
+						<primary>staff client</primary>
+						<secondary>building on the server</secondary>
+					</indexterm>
+					<para>A Linux Staff Client is automatically built on the server as part of the
+					normal <emphasis>make install</emphasis> process for Evergreen server-side
+					software. See <xref linkend="serversideinstallation-compile"/> for details of
+					the build process.</para>
+					<para>In order to install a compatible Staff Client on another Linux system, you
+					can copy the appropriate files from the Staff Client build directory on your
+					server to the new Linux system. You could manually build the Staff Client on the
+					new system, but you must ensure that the <envar>BUILD_ID</envar> you chose on
+					the server matches the <envar>BUILD_ID</envar> for each Staff Client you use on
+					other systems.</para>
+					<para>If you wish to use a pre-packaged <systemitem class="osname">Windows</systemitem>
+					version on some systems, you may want to choose the <envar>BUILD_ID</envar> on
+					both server and other versions to match that of the 
+					<systemitem class="osname">Windows</systemitem> Staff Client. To determine which
+					<envar>BUILD_ID</envar> was used for existing Staff Client installations,
+					execute each Staff Client and click the <guibutton>'About this Client'</guibutton>
+					button.</para>
+					<para>If you are allowed to make changes on the Evergreen server, another option
+					is to create a symbolic link. In order for a copy of the Staff Client and server
+					to work together, the <envar>BUILD_ID</envar> must match the name of the
+					directory containing the server components of the Staff Client, or the name of a
+					symbolic link to that directory. As the 
+					<systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user, make the changes as follows:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the root user:
+	cd /openils/var/web/xul
+	ln -s SERVER_BUILD_ID/ CLIENT_BUILD_ID</userinput>
+				</simplesect>
+				<simplesect>
+					<title>Building the Staff Client on a Client Machine</title>
+					<para>This section is directed toward end-users who wish to use Linux rather than
+					<systemitem class="osname">Windows</systemitem> for client machines, but have limited
+					Linux experience. You can build the Staff Client on a Linux system without installing the
+					Evergreen Server component. This is a relatively simple process compared to server
+					installation, but does require some command-line work. The following instructions are 
+					for building Staff Client version on 
+					<systemitem class="osname">Kubuntu 7.10</systemitem>; modify them as needed for
+					other distributions (the instructions should work as-is for
+					<systemitem class="osname">Ubuntu</systemitem> or 
+					<systemitem class="osname">Ubuntu</systemitem> derivatives).</para>
+					<procedure>
+						<step>
+							<title>Prerequisites</title>
+							<para>Both <application>subversion</application> and
+							<application>XULrunner</application> are required to build the Staff
+							Client. As the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user, 
+							use <command>apt-get</command> to install packages for
+							<application>subversion</application> and
+							<application>XULrunner</application>. You can also use
+							<command>synaptic</command>, the graphical user interface for
+							<command>apt-get</command>. For <application>subversion</application>,
+							select the latest version; for <application>XULrunner</application>,
+							select version <emphasis></emphasis>.</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the root user:
+	sudo apt-get install subversion
+	sudo apt-get install xulrunner</userinput>
+						</step>
+						<step>
+							<title>Download the Source Code</title>
+							<itemizedlist>
+								<listitem>
+									<para>Determine which version is needed</para>
+									<para>For most end-users, a specific version is required
+									to communicate properly with the Evergreen server. Check
+									with your system administrator, IT person, or HelpDesk to
+									determine which Staff Client versions are
+									supported.</para>
+									<para>Next, you need to determine which
+									<emphasis>tag</emphasis> to use when downloading the
+									source code. Tags are markers in the source code to create
+									a snapshot of the code as it existed at a certain time;
+									tags usually point to tested and stable code, or at least
+									a community-recognized release version.</para>
+									<para>To determine which tag to use, browse to 
+									<ulink url="">
+									Look in the <guilabel>Visit</guilabel> drop-down box; see
+									the list of <guilabel>Branches</guilabel> and, further
+									down, a list of <guilabel>Tags</guilabel>. You may have 
+									to do some guesswork, but it is fairly straightforward to
+									determine which tag to use. If the server is version
+, you will want to use the tag that looks most
+									appropriate. For example, as you look through the tag
+									list, notice the tag named 'rel_1_6_1_6'. This is the tag
+									you need; make a note of it for the next step.</para>
+								</listitem>
+								<listitem>
+									<para>Download the Code</para>
+									<para>As the
+									<systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> 
+									user, open a terminal (command-line prompt) and navigate
+									to the directory in which you wish to download the Staff
+									Client. Use the following commands to download the proper
+									version of the source code by tag name:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	svn co rel_1_6_1_6/</userinput>
+									<para>Remember to change "rel_1_6_1_6" to the appropriate
+									tag for your installation.</para>
+								</listitem>
+							</itemizedlist>
+						</step>
+						<step>
+							<title>Build the Staff Client</title>
+							<para>In the following example, navigate to the directory in
+							which the source code was downloaded, then navigate to the
+							proper subdirectory and run the "make" utility to actually build
+							the Staff Client. Remember to check with your system
+							administrator about which Staff Client <envar>BUILD_ID</envar>
+							to use. The server checks the Staff Client
+							<envar>BUILD_ID</envar> against itself to determine whether or
+							not a connecting client is supported. For instance, for the
+							PINES installation (version the supported
+							<envar>BUILD_ID</envar> is "rel_1_6_1_6". Modify the following
+							commands accordingly.</para>
+							<para>As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem>
+							user, run the following commands to build the Staff Client:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	wget
+	tar xfz Evergreen-ILS-
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	./configure --prefix=/openils --sysconfdir=/openils/conf
+	cd ./Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/
+	make STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID='rel_1_6_1_6' install</userinput>
+						</step>
+						<step>
+							<title>Run the Staff Client</title>
+							<para>As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> 
+							user, navigate to the <filename class="directory">build/</filename>
+							subdirectory and run the following command:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	xulrunner application.ini</userinput>
+						</step>
+						<step>
+							<title>(OPTIONAL) Clean Up / Create Shortcuts</title>
+							<para>The source code download included many files that are
+							needed to build the Staff Client but are not necessary to run
+							it. You may wish to remove them to save space, or to create a
+							clean <literal>staging</literal> directory containing the
+							finished Staff Client that can then be copied to other
+							machines. To do this, execute the following commands (remember
+							to replace <emphasis>DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY</emphasis> and
+							<emphasis>STAGING_DIRECTORY</emphasis> with the appropriate
+							paths):</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cp -r staff_client ~/STAGING_DIRECTORY</userinput>
+							<para>Test the Staff Client to verify that all necessary files
+							were copied to the staging directory:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd ~/STAGING_DIRECTORY/staff_client/build
+	xulrunner application.ini</userinput>
+							<para>If there were no problems, then finish the cleanup by
+							removing the original download directory as shown:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	rm -r -f ~/DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY</userinput>
+							<para>Finally, the command:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	xulrunner ~/STAGING_DIRECTORY/staff_client/build/application.ini</userinput>
+							<para>will now run the Staff Client. You may wish to create a
+							shortcut for the Staff Client. To do so, use the previous
+							command as the target for the shortcut:
+							<menuchoice>
+								<guimenu>Desktop</guimenu>
+								<guimenuitem>StartMenu</guimenuitem>
+								<guimenuitem>K-Menu</guimenuitem>
+							</menuchoice></para>
+						</step>
+					</procedure>
+				</simplesect>
+				<simplesect>
+					<title>Using Wine to Install on Linux</title>
+					<indexterm>
+						<primary>staff client</primary>
+						<secondary>using wine to install on Linux</secondary>
+					</indexterm>
+					<para>The Linux application <application>Wine</application> is another
+					alternative if you wish to install the packaged 
+					<systemitem class="osname">Windows</systemitem> versions rather than manually
+					building the Staff Client. <application>Wine</application> is a Linux
+					application that allows users to directly run
+					<systemitem class="osname">Windows</systemitem> executables, and is a simple 
+					way for casual Linux users to use the Staff Client. You can find more information 
+					about <application>Wine</application> at
+					<ulink url="">
+					<para>As the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user, use
+					<command>apt-get</command> to install the package for <application>Wine</application>. 
+					You can also use <command>synaptic</command>, the graphical user interface.</para>
+					<orderedlist>
+						<listitem>
+							<para>Install wine:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the root user:
+	sudo apt-get install wine</userinput>
+						</listitem>
+						<listitem>
+							<para>Visit the downloads section of the Evergreen website at
+							<ulink url="">
+</ulink> and find the
+							<systemitem class="osname">Microsoft Windows</systemitem> Installer
+							that contains the desired version of the Staff Client. Download
+							the installer and place it in a temporary directory.</para>
+						</listitem>
+						<listitem>
+							<para>As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem>
+							user, navigate to the temporary directory where you downloaded 
+							the <systemitem class="osname">Windows</systemitem> installer 
+							file, then execute it with the <application>wine</application>
+							application (remember to replace <emphasis>VERSION</emphasis> with
+							the release number of the Staff Client you downloaded):</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	wine evergreen-setup-rel_VERSION.exe</userinput>
+							<para>If this step fails, you may need to configure
+							<application>Wine</application> first to properly emulate 
+							<systemitem class="osname">Windows XP</systemitem>. To do so,
+							type <command>winecfg</command> from the command line; in the
+							<literal>Applications</literal> tab of the window that pops up,
+							select <literal>Default Settings</literal> and choose
+							<literal>Windows XP</literal> from the drop-down menu, then
+							click <guibutton>'Apply'</guibutton>.</para>
+						</listitem>
+						<listitem>
+							<para>Launch the Staff Client</para>
+							<para>A new entry for the Staff Client should now appear
+							somewhere in the <literal>All Applications</literal> menu of
+							your Linux desktop. You may also find a new desktop shortcut for
+							the Staff Client. To launch the Staff Client, visit the
+							<literal>All Applications</literal> menu on your desktop and
+							find the section similar to:</para>
+							<para>
+								<menuchoice>
+									<guimenu>Wine</guimenu>
+									<guimenuitem>Program Files</guimenuitem>
+									<guimenuitem>Evergreen Staff Client</guimenuitem>
+									<guimenuitem>Evergreen Staff Client</guimenuitem>
+								</menuchoice>,
+							</para>
+							<para>or else launch the Staff Client from the new desktop shortcut.</para>
+						</listitem>
+					</orderedlist>
+				</simplesect>
+			</section>
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>Building the Staff Client</title>
+			<indexterm>
+				<primary>staff client</primary>
+				<secondary>building</secondary>
+			</indexterm>
+			<para>You can also manually build the Staff Client by using the <command>make</command>
+			utility in the Staff Client source directory (e.g., the directory 
+			<filename class="directory">/home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-</filename>
+			for the current Evergreen version). There are a number of possible options to manually
+			build special versions of the Staff Client on a Linux system. Following is a list of
+			variables that you can pass to <command>make</command> to influence the manual build
+			process:</para>
+			<simplesect>
+				<title>
+					Build Variable <envar>STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID</envar></title>
+				<para>During the normal <emphasis>make install</emphasis> Evergreen server-side
+				software build process, the variable defaults to an automatically generated
+				date/time string, but you can also override the value of <envar>BUILD_ID</envar>.</para>
+				<para>You could use the following commands during the normal install process:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the root user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID=1_6_1_6 install</userinput>
+				<para>You can also manually build the Staff Client in the Staff Client
+				source directory with a different <envar>BUILD_ID</envar>.</para>
+				<para>As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> user,
+				execute the following commands to build the Staff Client (remember to replace
+				<emphasis>NEW_VERSION</emphasis> with an appropriate value):</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID=NEW_VERSION  build</userinput>
+			</simplesect>
+			<simplesect>
+				<title>
+					Build Variable <envar>STAFF_CLIENT_VERSION</envar></title>
+				<para>During the normal <emphasis>make install</emphasis> Evergreen server-side
+				software build process, the variable is pulled automatically from a README file
+				in the Evergreen source root. The variable defaults to
+				<emphasis>0trunk.revision</emphasis>, where the value of "revision" is
+				automatically generated. You can override the value of <envar>VERSION</envar>
+				similarly to the <envar>BUILD_ID</envar>.</para>
+				<para>You could use the following commands during the normal install process:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the root user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make STAFF_CLIENT_VERSION=0mytest.200 install</userinput>
+				<para>You can also manually build the Staff Client in the Staff Client
+				source directory with a different <envar>VERSION</envar>.</para>
+				<para>If you plan to make extensions update automatically, the 
+				<envar>VERSION</envar> needs to conform to the format recommended in 
+				<ulink url="">
+				Toolkit Version Format</ulink> and newer versions need to be "higher" than older
+				versions.</para>
+				<para>As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> user,
+				execute the following commands to build the Staff Client:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make STAFF_CLIENT_VERSION=0mytest.200  build</userinput>
+			</simplesect>
+			<simplesect>
+				<title>
+					Build Variable <envar>STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID</envar></title>
+				<para>During the normal <emphasis>make install</emphasis> Evergreen
+				server-side software build process, the variable is generated from
+				<envar>STAFF_CLIENT_VERSION</envar>. You may want to have multiple versions
+				of the Staff Client with different stamps, possibly for different uses or
+				client-side customizations. You can override the value of
+				<envar>STAMP_ID</envar> similarly to the <envar>BUILD_ID</envar>.</para>
+				<para>You could use the following commands during the normal install process:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the root user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID=my_test_stamp install</userinput>
+				<para>You can also manually build the Staff Client in the Staff Client
+				source directory with a different <envar>STAMP_ID</envar>.</para>
+				<para>As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> user,
+				execute the following commands to build the Staff Client:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID=my_test_stamp  build</userinput>
+			</simplesect>
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>Advanced Build Options</title>
+			<indexterm>
+				<primary>staff client</primary>
+				<secondary>building</secondary>
+				<tertiary>advanced build options</tertiary>
+			</indexterm>
+			<para>In addition to the basic options listed above, there are a number of advanced
+			options for building the Staff Client. Most are target names for the
+			<command>make</command> utility and require that you build the Staff Client from the
+			<literal>staff_client</literal> directory. See the following table for a list of
+			possible <command>make</command> target keywords:</para>
+			<table>
+				<title>Keywords For Advanced Build Options</title>
+				<?dbfo keep-together="always" ?>
+				<tgroup align="left" cols="2" colsep="1" rowsep="1">
+					<colspec colname="keyword" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
+					<colspec colname="description" colnum="2" colwidth="3.0*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Keyword</entry>
+							<entry>Description</entry>
+						</row>
+					</thead>
+					<tbody>
+						<row>
+							<entry>clients</entry>
+							<entry>Runs "make win-client", "make linux-client", and "make
+							generic-client" individually</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>client_dir</entry>
+							<entry>Builds a client directory from the build directory, without
+							doing a rebuild. The same as "copy everything but
+							server/".</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>client_app</entry>
+							<entry>Prerequisite "client_dir"; removes "install.rdf" from
+							client directory so an APP bundle can't be installed as an
+							extension</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>client_ext</entry>
+							<entry>Prerequisite "client_dir"; remove "application.ini",
+							"autoupdate.js", "standalone_xul_app.js" from client directory so
+							an extension won't break Firefox</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>extension</entry>
+							<entry>Prerequisite "client_ext"; rewritten to use "client_ext"</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>generic-client</entry>
+							<entry>Prerequisite "client_app"; makes an XPI file suitable for
+							use with "xulrunner --install-app""</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>win-xulrunner</entry>
+							<entry>Prerequisite "client_app"; adds Windows xulrunner to client build</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>linux-xulrunner</entry>
+							<entry>Prerequisite "client_app"; adds Linux xulrunner to client build</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>win-client</entry>
+							<entry>Prerequisite "win-xulrunner"; builds "setup exe" (requires
+							that "nsis" package be installed, will add options for automatic
+							update if configured and developer options if client build was a
+							"make devbuild")</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>linux-client</entry>
+							<entry>Prerequisite "linux_xulrunner"; builds a "tar.bz2" bundle
+							of the Linux client</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>[generic-|win-|linux-|extension-]updates[-client]</entry>
+							<entry>Calls external/ to build full and partial
+							updates generic/win/linux/extension prefix limit to that
+							distribution; Adding <option>-client</option> builds clients and
+							copies them to a subdirectory of the 
+							<filename class="directory">updates</filename> directory as well;
+							<option>extension-updates-client</option> doesn't exist.</entry>
+						</row>
+					</tbody>
+				</tgroup>
+			</table>
+			<para>Following are descriptions of other special build options:</para>
+			<simplesect>
+				<title>Developer Build</title>
+				<para>You can create a so-called <emphasis>developer build</emphasis>
+				of the Staff Client by substituting <option>devbuild</option> for
+				<option>build</option> when running <command>make</command> from the
+				<literal>staff_client</literal> directory. The build will contain an
+				extra configuration file that enables some developer options.</para>
+				<para>As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> user, run
+				the following commands from the Staff Client source directory:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make devbuild</userinput>
+			</simplesect>
+			<simplesect>
+				<title>Compressed Javascript</title>
+				<para>You can execute the Google <systemitem class="resource">Closure Compiler</systemitem>
+				utility to automatically review and compress Javascript code after the build
+				process completes, by substituting <option>compress-javascript</option> for
+				<option>build</option> when running <command>make</command>.
+				For more information on the Google Closure Compiler, see 
+				<ulink url="">
+				<para>As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> user, run
+				the following commands from the Staff Client source directory:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make compress-javascript</userinput>
+				<para>You can also combine Javascript review and compression, and also perform a
+				<emphasis>developer build</emphasis>.</para>
+				<para>As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> user, run 
+				the following <command>make</command> command from the Staff Client source directory
+				(the order of options is important):</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make  devbuild  compress-javascript</userinput>
+			</simplesect>
+			<simplesect xml:id="staffclientinstallation-autoupdatehost">
+				<title>Automatic Update Host</title>
+				<para>You can override the host used to check for automatic Staff Client updates
+				by specifying the <option>AUTOUPDATE_HOST</option> option.</para>
+				<para>You could use the following commands during the normal install process:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the root user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make AUTOUPDATE_HOST=localhost install</userinput>
+				<para>You can manually build the Staff Client in the Staff Client
+				source directory and set <option>AUTOUPDATE_HOST</option> to enable automatic
+				update checking.</para>
+				<para>As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> user,
+				execute the following commands to build the Staff Client:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make AUTOUPDATE_HOST=localhost build</userinput>
+				<para>For more information on Automatic Updates, see
+				<xref linkend="staffclientinstallation-autoupdate"/>.</para>
+			</simplesect>
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>Installing and Activating a Manually Built Staff Client</title>
+			<para>The Staff Client is automatically built, installed and activated as part of the
+			normal <command>make<option>install</option></command> process for Evergreen
+			server-side software. However, if you manually build the Staff Client from the
+			<literal>staff_client</literal> directory, then you need to take additional steps to
+			properly install and activate it. You also have the option of installing the Staff
+			Client on the same machine it was built on, or on a different machine.</para>
+			<para>Assuming you have already built the Staff Client, and that your installation is
+			in the directory <filename class="directory">/openils/var/web/xul</filename>, as the
+			<systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> user execute the following
+			commands:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	mkdir -p "/openils/var/web/xul/$(cat build/BUILD_ID)"
+	cp -R build/server "/openils/var/web/xul/$(cat build/BUILD_ID)"</userinput>
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>Packaging the Staff Client</title>
+			<para>Once you have built the Staff Client, you can create several forms of special client
+			packages by using a modified <command>make</command> command in the <literal>staff_client</literal>
+			directory.</para>
+			<simplesect>
+				<title>Packaging a Generic Client</title>
+				<para>This build creates a Staff Client packaged as an XPI file suitable for use with
+				the <option>--install-app</option> parameter of <application>XULrunner</application>.
+				It requires that you already have the <systemitem>zip</systemitem> utility
+				installed on your system.</para>
+				<para>As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> user, execute
+				the following commands:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make generic-client</userinput>
+				<para>The output file <filename>evergreen_staff_client.xpi</filename> will be created.</para>
+			</simplesect>
+			<simplesect>
+				<title>Packaging a <systemitem class="osname">Windows</systemitem> Client</title>
+				<para>This build creates a Staff Client packaged as a 
+				<systemitem class="osname">Windows</systemitem> executable. It requires that
+				you already have the <application>unzip</application> utility installed on
+				your system. It also requires that you install 
+				<ulink url="">NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System)</ulink>,
+				a professional open source utility package used to create 
+				<systemitem class="osname">Windows</systemitem> installers (the
+				<application>"makensis"</application> utility is installed as part of the
+				<application>"nsis"</application> package). You should use Version 2.45 or
+				later.</para>
+				<para>If you wish for the Staff Client to have a link icon/tray icon by
+				default, you may wish to provide a pre-modified
+				<application>xulrunner-stub.exe</application>. Place it in the Staff Client
+				source directory and <command>make</command> will automatically use it instead
+				of the one that comes with the downloaded <application>XULrunner</application>
+				release. The version of <application>xulrunner-stub.exe</application> need not
+				match exactly.</para>
+				<para>You can also use a tool such as 
+				<ulink url="">Resource Hacker</ulink>
+				to embed icons. <application>Resource Hacker</application> is an open-source
+				utility used to modify resources within 32-bit
+				<systemitem class="osname">Windows</systemitem> executables. 
+				Some useful icon ID strings include the following:</para>
+				<table>
+					<?dbfo keep-together="always" ?>
+					<title>Icon IDs for Packaging a Windows Client</title>
+					<tgroup align="left" cols="2" colsep="1" rowsep="1">
+						<colspec colname="keyword" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
+						<colspec colname="icon" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
+						<tbody>
+							<row>
+								<entry>IDI_APPICON</entry>
+								<entry>Tray icon</entry>
+							</row>
+							<row>
+								<entry>32512</entry>
+								<entry>Default window icon</entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</table>
+				<para>As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> user
+				execute the following commands:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make win-client</userinput>
+				<para>The output file <filename>evergreen_staff_client_setup.exe</filename> will be created.</para>
+			</simplesect>
+			<simplesect>
+				<title>Packaging a Linux Client</title>
+				<para>This build creates a Staff Client packaged as a compressed
+				<literal>tar</literal> archive file with <application>XULrunner</application>
+				already bundled with it. It requires that you already have the
+				<application>bzip2</application> utility installed on your system.</para>
+				<para>As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> user, 
+				execute the following commands:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make linux-client</userinput>
+				<para>The output file <filename>evergreen_staff_client.tar.bz2</filename> will be created.</para>
+			</simplesect>
+			<simplesect>
+				<title>Packaging a <application>Firefox</application> Extension</title>
+				<para>This build creates a Staff Client packaged as a <application>Firefox</application>
+				extension. It requires that you already have the <systemitem>zip</systemitem>
+				utility installed on your system.</para>
+				<para>As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> user,
+				execute the following commands:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make extension</userinput>
+				<para>The output file <filename>evergreen.xpi</filename> will be created.</para>
+			</simplesect>
+		</section>
+		<section xml:id="staffclientinstallation-autoupdate">
+			<title>Staff Client Automatic Updates</title>
+			<indexterm>
+				<primary>staff client</primary>
+				<secondary>automatic updates</secondary>
+			</indexterm>
+			<para>It is possible to set up support for automatic Staff Client updates, either during
+			the normal Evergreen server-side build process, or by manually building the Staff Client
+			with certain special options.</para>
+			<warning>
+				<para>Automatic update server certificate requirements are more strict than
+				normal server requirements. <application>Firefox</application> and
+				<application>XULrunner</application> will both ignore any automatic update
+				server that is not validated by a trusted certificate authority. Servers with
+				exceptions added to force the Staff Client to accept them <emphasis>WILL NOT
+				WORK</emphasis>.</para>
+				<para>In addition, automatic updates have special requirements for the file
+				<filename>update.rdf</filename>:</para>
+				<orderedlist>
+					<listitem>It must be served from an SSL server, or</listitem>
+					<listitem>It must be signed with the  <ulink url="">
+</ulink> tool.</listitem>
+				</orderedlist>
+				<para>You can pre-install the signing key into the file
+				<filename>install.rdf</filename> directly, or install it into a copy as
+				<filename>install.mccoy.rdf</filename>. If the latter exists it will be copied
+				into the build instead of the original file
+				<filename>install.rdf</filename>.</para>
+			</warning>
+			<simplesect>
+				<title>Autoupdate Host</title>
+				<para>You can manually set the name of the automatic update host. If you do
+				not set the name then, by default, the Staff Client will not include an
+				automatic update preference. You can set the autoupdate host name as
+				follows:</para>
+				<itemizedlist>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>At configuration time during the normal <emphasis>make install</emphasis>
+						process for Evergreen server-side software.</para>
+						<para>You can do this when you first configure the Evergreen server-side 
+						software (see <xref linkend="serversideinstallation-configure"/>). 
+						As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> user, execute 
+						the following commands:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	./configure --prefix=/openils --sysconfdir=/openils/conf --with-updateshost=hostname
+	make</userinput>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>During a manual Staff Client build process.</para>
+						<para>You can override the variable
+						<envar>AUTOUPDATE_HOST=hostname</envar> and manually build the
+						Staff Client from the <literal>staff_client</literal>
+						directory (see <xref linkend="staffclientinstallation-autoupdatehost"/> 
+						for details). If you specify only a bare hostname (for example, 
+						<systemitem class="domainname"></systemitem>) then
+						the Staff Client will automatically use the secure URL 
+						<systemitem class="domainname"></systemitem>.
+						If you wish to use a non-https URL, then you must explicitly 
+						specify the full URL (for example, 
+						<systemitem class="domainname"></systemitem>).</para>
+						<para>As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> user,
+						execute the following commands to build the Staff Client (remember to
+						replace <emphasis>SOME_URL</emphasis> with an appropriate value):</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make AUTOUPDATE_HOST=http://SOME_URL build</userinput>
+					</listitem>
+				</itemizedlist>
+			</simplesect>
+			<simplesect>
+				<title>Building Updates</title>
+				<indexterm>
+					<primary>staff client</primary>
+					<secondary>automatic updates</secondary>
+					<tertiary>building</tertiary>
+				</indexterm>
+				<para>Similar to building clients, you can use the targets
+				<option>generic-updates</option>, <option>win-updates</option>,
+				<option>linux-updates</option>, and <option>extension-updates</option>
+				individually with <command>make</command> to build the update files for the
+				Staff Client. To build all the targets at once, simply use the target
+				<option>updates</option>.</para>
+				<para>A full update will be built for each specified target (or for all if you
+				use the target <option>updates</option>). For all but extensions any previous
+				full updates (archived by default in the directory 
+				<filename class="directory">/openils/var/updates/archives</filename>) will be
+				used to make partial updates. Partial updates tend to be much smaller and will
+				thus download more quickly, but if something goes wrong with a partial update
+				the full update will be used as a fallback. Extensions do not currently support
+				partial updates.</para>
+				<para>As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> user, change
+				directory to the Staff Client source directory, then execute the following
+				commands:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-</userinput>
+				<para>Command to build all updates at once:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	make updates</userinput>
+				<para>commands to build updates individually:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	make generic-updates
+	make win-updates
+	make linux-updates
+	make extension-updates</userinput>
+			</simplesect>
+			<simplesect>
+				<title>Building updates with clients</title>
+				<indexterm>
+					<primary>staff client</primary>
+					<secondary>automatic updates</secondary>
+					<tertiary>building with clients</tertiary>
+				</indexterm>
+				<para>To save time and effort you can build updates and manual download
+				clients at the same time by adding the phrase <literal>"-client"</literal> to each
+				target name (for example, you could specify <option>updates-client</option> to build 
+				all the targets at once, or you could specify <option>win-updates-client</option>
+				to build updates individually). This process will not work for the option
+				<option>extension-updates</option>.</para>
+				<para>The clients will be installed alongside the updates and listed on the
+				<filename>manualupdate.html</filename> page, instead of being left in the
+				<literal>staff_client</literal> directory.</para>
+				<para>As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> user, execute
+				one of the following commands:</para>
+				<para>To build all updates at once:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make updates-client</userinput>
+				<para>To build updates individually:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make generic-updates-client
+	make win-updates-client
+	make linux-updates-client</userinput>
+			</simplesect>
+			<simplesect>
+				<title>Activating the Update Server</title>
+				<indexterm>
+					<primary>staff client</primary>
+					<secondary>automatic updates</secondary>
+					<tertiary>activating the update server</tertiary>
+				</indexterm>
+				<para>This section reviews scripts associated with the update server, and
+				requires some final adjustments to file permissions.</para>
+				<para>The Apache example configuration creates an <literal>updates</literal>
+				directory that, by default, points to the directory 
+				<filename class="directory">/openils/var/updates/pub</filename>. This
+				directory contains one HTML file and several specially-named script files.</para>
+				<para>The <filename>updatedetails.html</filename> file is the fallback web
+				page for the update details. The <filename>check</filename> script is used for
+				<application>XULrunner</application> updates. The
+				<filename>update.rdf</filename> script is used for extension updates. 
+				The <filename>manualupdate.html</filename> file checks for clients to provide
+				download links when automatic updates have failed and uses the download script
+				to force a download of the generic client XPI (compared to
+				<application>Firefox</application> trying to install it as an
+				extension).</para>
+				<para>To change the permissions for the scripts
+				<filename>check</filename>, <filename>download</filename>,
+				<filename>manualupdate.html</filename>, and
+				<filename>update.rdf</filename>, as the root user execute the following
+				commands:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the root user:
+	cd /openils/var/updates/pub
+	chmod +x  check  download  manualupdate.html  update.rdf</userinput>
+			</simplesect>
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>Other tips</title>
+			<simplesect xml:id="staffclientinstallation-othertips">
+				<title>Multiple workstations on one install</title>
+				<para>Multiple workstation registrations for the same server can be accomplished
+				with a single Staff Client install by using multiple profiles. When running
+				<application>XULrunner</application> you can specify the option
+				<literal>"-profilemanager"</literal> or <literal>"-P"</literal> (uppercase "P")
+				to force the Profile Manager to start. Unchecking the <literal>"Don't ask at startup"</literal>
+				option will make this the default.</para>
+				<para>Once you have opened the Profile Manager you can create additional
+				profiles, one for each workstation you wish to register. You may need to install
+				SSL exceptions for each profile.</para>
+				<para>When building any of the targets <option>win-client</option>,
+				<option>win-updates-client</option>, or <option>updates-client</option>, you can
+				specify <option>NSIS_EXTRAOPTS=-DPROFILES</option> to add an option
+				<guimenuitem>"Evergreen Staff Client Profile Manager"</guimenuitem> to the
+				start menu.</para>
+				<para>As the <systemitem class="username">opensrf</systemitem> user, 
+				execute the following commands:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	make NSIS_EXTRAOPTS=-DPROFILES win-client</userinput>
+			</simplesect>
+			<simplesect>
+				<title> Multiple Staff Clients</title>
+				<para>It may be confusing if you are not careful, but you can log in to
+				multiple Evergreen servers at the same time, or a single Evergreen server
+				multiple times. In either case you will need to create an additional profile for
+				each additional server or workstation you want to log in as (see the previous
+				tip in <xref linkend="staffclientinstallation-othertips"/>).</para>
+				<para>Once you have created the profiles, run
+				<application>XULrunner</application> with the option <option>-no-remote</option>
+				(in addition to <option>"-profilemanger"</option> or <option>"-P"</option> if
+				needed). Instead of <application>XULrunner</application> opening a new login
+				window on your existing session it will start a new session instead, which can
+				then be logged in to a different server or workstation ID.</para>
+			</simplesect>
+		</section>
+	</section>
+	<section xml:id="staffclientinstallation-running-staffclient">
+		<title>Running the Staff Client</title>
+		<indexterm>
+			<primary>staff client</primary>
+			<secondary>running</secondary>
+			<tertiary>linux</tertiary>
+		</indexterm>
+		<para>You can run the Staff Client on a Linux system by using the
+		<application>XULrunner</application> application (installed automatically and by default
+		with <application>Firefox</application> <literal>Version 3.0</literal> and later on 
+		<systemitem class="osname">Ubuntu</systemitem> and
+		<systemitem class="osname">Debian</systemitem> distributions).</para>
+		<para>For example, if the source files for the Evergreen installation are in the directory 
+		<filename class="directory">/home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-</filename> you can start the 
+		Staff Client as shown in the following example:</para>
+	<userinput>
+	# as the opensrf user:
+	cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-
+	xulrunner application.ini</userinput>
+		<section xml:id="staffclientinstallation-workstationnames">
+			<title>Assigning Workstation Names</title>
+			<indexterm>
+				<primary>staff client</primary>
+				<secondary>assigning workstation names</secondary>
+			</indexterm>
+			<para>The Staff Client must be assigned to a library and given a unique name before it
+			will connect fully to the Evergreen server. The only restriction is that the workstation's
+			name must be unique within the assigned library. Make sure to select a workstation name
+			that you will remember later, one that reflects the role, purpose, and/or location of a
+			particular computer. These names will come up later in statistical reporting, and can also
+			be handy when troubleshooting.</para>
+			<mediaobject>
+				<alt>
+					<phrase>Example of unconfigured Staff Client</phrase>
+				</alt>
+				<imageobject>
+					<imagedata fileref="../media/staffclientinstallation-staffclient-workstationnames-1.png" format="PNG" scalefit="1" width="60%"/>
+				</imageobject>
+			</mediaobject>
+			<para>In order to assign a workstation a name, a user with appropriate
+			permissions must login to the Staff Client. In PINES, the local system
+			administrator (OPSM) has the ability to assign workstation names in their
+			library system. Library managers (LIBM's) have the ability within their
+			branch. To assign a workstation a name, login to the system. You will be
+			prompted to assign the workstation a library and a name:</para>
+			<mediaobject>
+				<alt>
+					<phrase>Example of configured Staff Client</phrase>
+				</alt>
+				<imageobject>
+					<imagedata fileref="../media/staffclientinstallation-staffclient-workstationnames-2.png" format="PNG" scalefit="1" width="60%"/>
+				</imageobject>
+			</mediaobject>
+			<para>Select the library this workstation physically operates in from the drop
+			down menu. In this example, we have selected "MGRL-MA". Type in a friendly name
+			for the workstation. In this example, we are installing the Staff Client on the
+			director's personal system, and have named it as such. Then click
+			<guibutton>'Register'</guibutton>.</para>
+			<para>Once you have registered your workstation
+			with the server, your screen will look like this:</para>
+			<mediaobject>
+				<alt>
+					<phrase>Example of registered Staff Client</phrase>
+				</alt>
+				<imageobject>
+					<imagedata fileref="../media/staffclientinstallation-staffclient-workstationnames-3.png" format="PNG" scalefit="1" width="60%"/>
+				</imageobject>
+			</mediaobject>
+			<para>You are now ready to log into the Staff Client for the first time. Type in
+			your password again, and click <guibutton>'Login'</guibutton>.</para>
+		</section>
+		<section xml:id="staffclientinstallation-proxy">
+			<title>Running the Staff Client Over An <systemitem class="protocal">SSH</systemitem> Tunnel</title>
+			<indexterm>
+				<primary>staff client</primary>
+				<secondary>running through an SSH tunnel</secondary>
+			</indexterm>
+			<para>You can configure the Staff Client to communicate with the Evergreen server over
+			an <systemitem class="protocal">SSH</systemitem> tunnel using a SOCKS 5 proxy
+			server. There are several reasons for sending network traffic for the Staff Client
+			through an <systemitem class="protocal">SSH</systemitem> proxy:</para>
+			<itemizedlist>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>Firewalls may prevent you from reaching the Evergreen
+					server. This may happen when you are connecting the Staff
+					Client to a test server that should not be available
+					generally, or it may be the result of network design
+					priorities other than ease of use.</para>
+				</listitem>
+				<listitem>
+					<para>You may wish to improve security in situations where
+					Staff Client traffic may be susceptible to network
+					eavesdropping. This is especially true when staff machines
+					connect via wireless links to the network.</para>
+				</listitem>
+			</itemizedlist>
+			<section>
+				<title>Setting Up an <systemitem class="protocal">SSH</systemitem> Tunnel</title>
+				<para>You will need a server that allows you to log in via 
+				<systemitem class="protocal">SSH</systemitem> and has network access to the 
+				Evergreen server you want to reach. You will use your username and password
+				for that <systemitem class="protocal">SSH</systemitem> server to set up a
+				tunnel.</para>
+				<para>For <systemitem class="osname">Windows</systemitem> users, one good
+				solution is the open-source utility
+				<ulink url="">PuTTY</ulink>,
+				a free <systemitem class="protocal">telnet/SSH</systemitem> client.
+				Following are instructions for setting up an <application>SSH</application> 
+				session using the <application>PuTTY</application> utility:</para>
+				<mediaobject>
+					<alt>
+						<phrase>Setting up an <systemitem class="protocal">SSH</systemitem>
+						tunnel in <application>PuTTY</application></phrase>
+					</alt>
+					<imageobject>
+						<imagedata fileref="../media/staffclientinstallation-proxy-putty-1.png" format="PNG" scalefit="1" width="60%"/>
+					</imageobject>
+				</mediaobject>
+				<procedure>
+					<step>
+						<para>Using the menu on the left, find the section:</para>
+						<para>
+							<menuchoice>
+								<guimenu>Connection</guimenu>
+								<guimenuitem>SSH</guimenuitem>
+								<guimenuitem>Tunnels</guimenuitem>
+							</menuchoice>
+						</para>
+					</step>
+					<step>
+						<para>In the section on the right labeled <literal>"Source
+						port"</literal>, enter <literal>9999</literal>.</para>
+					</step>
+					<step>
+						<para>Set the checkbox <literal>"Dynamic"</literal>. Do not
+						enter anything in the <literal>"Destination"</literal> text
+						entry box.</para>
+					</step>
+					<step>
+						<para>Click <guibutton>'Add'</guibutton> and notice that
+						<literal>"D9999"</literal> now appears in the section
+						labeled <literal>"Forwarded ports"</literal>.</para>
+					</step>
+					<step>
+						<para>Use the menu on the left, find the
+						<literal>"Session"</literal> section, then enter the host name
+						of the <systemitem class="protocal">SSH</systemitem>
+						server.</para>
+					</step>
+					<step>
+						<para>A pop-up window will open to allow you to enter your
+						username and password. Once you are logged in, the tunnel is
+						open.</para>
+					</step>
+				</procedure>
+				<para>See <ulink url="">How to set up
+				<systemitem class="protocal">SSH</systemitem> (for the beginner)</ulink> for information on
+				setting up <systemitem class="protocal">SSH</systemitem> for other client operating
+				systems.</para>
+			</section>
+			<section>
+				<title>Configuring the Staff Client to Use the <systemitem class="protocal">SSH</systemitem> Tunnel</title>
+				<para>In order to tell the Staff Client that all traffic should be sent
+				through the <systemitem class="protocal">SSH</systemitem> tunnel just configured,
+				you must find edit the file <filename>all.js</filename>, usually located at
+				<filename>C:\Program Files\Evergreen Staff Client\greprefs\all.js</filename>
+				 on a  <systemitem class="osname">Windows</systemitem> system.
+				Search this file for the word <literal>socks</literal> to find the appropriate
+				section for the following changes.</para>
+				<mediaobject>
+					<alt>
+						<phrase>The SOCKS section of "all.js" before changes</phrase>
+					</alt>
+					<imageobject>
+						<imagedata fileref="../media/staffclientinstallation-proxy-socks-1.png" format="PNG" scalefit="1" width="70%"/>
+					</imageobject>
+				</mediaobject>
+				<para>Make the following changes:</para>
+				<itemizedlist>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>Change the value of <literal>network.proxy.socks</literal> 
+						from <literal>""</literal> to <literal>localhost</literal>.</para>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>Change the value of <literal>network.proxy.socks_port</literal>
+						from <literal>0</literal> to <literal>9999</literal>.</para>
+					</listitem>
+				</itemizedlist>
+				<mediaobject>
+					<alt>
+						<phrase>The SOCKS section of "all.js" after changes</phrase>
+					</alt>
+					<imageobject>
+						<imagedata fileref="../media/staffclientinstallation-proxy-socks-2.png" format="PNG" scalefit="1" width="70%"/>
+					</imageobject>
+				</mediaobject>
+				<para>If everything is working correctly, you should now be able to run 
+				the Staff Client and all its data will be sent encrypted through the 
+				<systemitem class="protocal">SSH</systemitem> tunnel you have just configured.</para>
+			</section>
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>Navigating a Tabbed Interface</title>
+			<para>Like many popular current web browsers and other applications, the Staff Client
+			uses a "tabbed" interface. Tabs allow you to have several pages open at the same time
+			in a single window. This is easier to manage on your computer screen than multiple
+			windows, since you can easily switch between tabs in the same window.</para>
+			<mediaobject>
+				<alt>
+					<phrase>Tabs in the Staff Client window</phrase>
+				</alt>
+				<imageobject>
+					<imagedata fileref="../media/staffclientinstallation-tabbed-1.png" format="PNG" scalefit="1" width="70%"/>
+				</imageobject>
+			</mediaobject>
+			<para>The "tabs" appear below the menu bar in the Staff Client with a descriptive
+			title. Simply select a tab to bring it to the front and view the page displayed in the
+			tab. You can use tabs to have access to multiple things all at the same time: patron
+			records and searches, bibliographic records and searches, circulation or cataloging
+			interfaces - anything at all in the Staff Client.</para>
+			<itemizedlist>
+				<listitem>Create a new tab by pressing
+ 				<keycombo>
+					<keycap>Ctrl</keycap>
+					<keycap>T</keycap>
+				</keycombo>
+				on the keyboard or selecting:
+				<menuchoice>
+					<guimenu>File</guimenu>
+					<guimenuitem>New Tab</guimenuitem>
+				</menuchoice>
+				from the menu.</listitem>
+				<listitem>Close a tab by pressing
+  				<keycombo>
+					<keycap>Ctrl</keycap>
+					<keycap>W</keycap>
+				</keycombo> on the keyboard or selecting
+				<menuchoice>
+					<guimenu>File</guimenu>
+					<guimenuitem>Close Tab</guimenuitem>
+				</menuchoice>
+				from the menu.</listitem>
+				<listitem>Switch tabs by pressing 
+  				<keycombo>
+					<keycap>Ctrl</keycap>
+					<keycap>Tab</keycap>
+				</keycombo>
+				on the keyboard or selecting the tab in the tab bar.</listitem>
+			</itemizedlist>
+		</section>
+	</section>