From: abneiman <>
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2018 19:46:26 +0000 (-0400)
Subject: Docs: Update purchase_requests_management.adoc

Docs: Update purchase_requests_management.adoc

Updated to reflect the work EOLI did here

Signed-off-by: Jane Sandberg <>

diff --git a/docs/acquisitions/purchase_requests_management.adoc b/docs/acquisitions/purchase_requests_management.adoc
index 90a0555245..221e0fe40d 100644
--- a/docs/acquisitions/purchase_requests_management.adoc
+++ b/docs/acquisitions/purchase_requests_management.adoc
@@ -6,51 +6,101 @@ Introduction
 indexterm:[purchase requests]
-Patrons may wish to suggest titles for your Library to purchase.  You can track these requests within Evergreen,
-whether or not you are using the acquisitions module for other purposes.  This section describes how you can
-manage these requests.
+Patron Requests can be used to track purchase suggestions from patrons in Evergreen.  This feature allows purchase requests to be placed on selection lists to integrate with the Acquisitions module.  Patron Requests can be accessed through the Acquisitions module under *Acquisitions -> Patron Requests* and through patron accounts under *Other -> Acquisition Patron Requests*.  Requests can be placed and managed through both interfaces.
-. Go to Acquisitions -> Patron Requests.
+Place a Patron Request
-. The Requests Screen will show any other requests that patrons have made.  You may sort the requests by clicking on the column headers.
-. You can filter this screen by organizational unit or patron's barcode.  There are additional filter options available if you click on _Filter_.
-. To remove a user filter, click on _User_ and leave the barcode field blank.
-Adding a request
-You may add a patron purchase request using this screen.
-. To add the request, click the _Create Request_ button.
+. Go to *Acquisitions -> Patron Requests*.  This interface is scoped by Patron Home Library and will default to the library your workstation is registered to. 
+.. Requests can also be placed directly through a patron account, in which case the interface will scope to the patron ID.
-NOTE: You will need the CREATE_PURCHASE_REQUEST permission to add a request.
+image::media/patronrequests_requestgrid.PNG[Patron Requests Grid]
-. If you have not already filtered the search using a patron's barcode, you will be prompted to enter it before starting the request.
-. The request type field is required.  Every other field is optional, although it is recommended that you enter as much information about the
-request as possible.
-. The _Pickup Library_, _User_, and _Request Date/Time_ field will be filled in automatically.
-. You have the option to automatically place a hold for the patron if your library decides to purchase the item.  If you'd like Evergreen to
-generate this hold, check the _Place Hold_ box.
-. When you have finished entering information about the request, click the _Save_ button.
-Adding requests to selection lists
-If you'd like to purchase a patron's request, follow these steps:
-. Click on the blue hyperlinked title of the patron's request.
-. Click the _Add to Selection List_ button.
-. Fill out the requested information. You can either add it to an existing selection list or a new one.
-. After you save the record, the request's _Add to Selection List_ button will change to a _View Selection List_ button that allows you to view the status of this patron request at a later time.
-. You can then use your Library's typical ordering process to purchase the item your patron has requested.
+. Click *Create Request* and a modal with the patron request form will appear.
+. Create the request by filling out the following information:
+.. _User Barcode_ (required): enter the barcode of the user that is placing the request
+.. _User ID_: this field will populate automatically when the User Barcode is entered
+.. _Request Date/Time_: this field will populate automatically
+.. _Need Before Date/Time_: if applicable, set the date and time after which the patron is no longer interested in receiving this title
+.. _Place Hold?_: check this box to place a hold on this title for this patron.  Holds are placed when the bib and item record are created in the catalog as part of the acquisitions process.
+.. _Pickup Library_: pickup library for the hold.  This field will default to the patron’s home library is the pickup library is not selected in the patron account.
+.. _Notify by Email When Hold is Ready_ and _Notify by Phone When Hold is Ready_:  preferences set in patron account will be used or can be set manually here.
+.. _Request Type_ (required): type of material requested
+.. _ISxN_
+.. _UPC_
+.. _Title_
+.. _Volume_
+.. _Author_
+.. _Publisher_
+.. _Publication Location_
+.. _Publication Date_
+.. _Article Title_: option available if Request Type is “Articles”
+.. _Article Pages_: option available if Request Type is “Articles”
+.. _Mentioned In_
+.. _Other Info_
+. Click *Save* at the bottom of the form.
+image::media/patronrequests_requestform.PNG[Patron Requests Form]
+Actions for Requests
+After placing a Patron Request, a variety of actions can be taken by selecting the request, or right-clicking, and selecting Actions within either *Acquisitions -> Patron Requests* or through the patron account under *Other -> Acquisition Patron Requests*:
+* *Edit Request* - make changes to the request via the original request form.  Edits can be made when the status of a request is New.
+* *View Request* - view a read-only version of the request form
+* *Retrieve Patron* - retrieve the account of the patron who placed the request
+* *Add Request to Selection List* - add the request to a new or existing Selection List in the Acquisitions module.  The bibliographic information in the request will generate the MARC order record.  From the selection list, the request will be processed through the acquisitions module and the status of the request itself will be updated accordingly.
+* *View Selection List* - view the Selection List a request has been added to (this option will be active only if the request is on a selection list)
+* *Set Hold on Requests* - allows you to indicate that a hold should be placed on the requested title, without needing to go in and edit the request.  You can set a hold as long as the status of the request is New or Pending.
+* *Set No Hold on Requests* - allows you to indicate that a hold should not be placed on the requested title, without needing to go in and edit the request individually.
+* *Cancel Requests* - cancel the request and select a cancellation reason
+Request Status
+Patron Requests will use the following statuses:
+* *New* - This is the initial state for a newly created acquisition request.  This is the only state from which a request is editable.
+* *Pending* - This is the state after a request is added to a selection list.
+* *Ordered, Hold Not Placed* - This is the state when an associated purchase order has been created and the request's Place Hold flag is false.
+* *Ordered, Hold Placed* - This is the state when the request's Place Hold flag is true, an associated purchase order has been created, and the bibliographic record and item for the request have been created in the catalog as part of the acquisitions process..
+* *Received* - This is the state when the line item on the linked purchase order has been marked as received.
+* *Fulfilled* - This is the state when an associated hold request has been fulfilled.
+* *Canceled* - This is the state when the acquisition request has been canceled.
+Notifications/Action Triggers
+The following email notifications are included with Evergreen, but are disabled by default.  The notices can be enabled through the *Notifications/Action Triggers* interface under *Administration -> Local Administration*.  The existing notices could also be modified to place a message in the *Patron Message Center*.  Any enabled notifications related to holds placed on requests will also be sent to patrons.
+* Email Notice: Acquisition Request created
+* Email Notice: Acquisition Request Rejected
+* Email Notice: Patron Acquisition Request marked On-Order
+* Email Notice: Patron Acquisition Request marked Cancelled
+* Email Notice: Patron Acquisition Request marked Received
+This feature includes one new permission and makes use of several existing permissions.  The following permissions are required to manage patron requests:
+** A new permission that allows users to clear completed requests
+** This permission has been added to the stock Acquisitions permission group
+** user_request.update will still be required with this sort of action
+** The stock permission mappings for the Acquisitions group will be changed to include this permission
+** Will allow the staff user to create a selection list.
+** Permission depth will apply to requests.  If a user tries to view a patron request that is beyond the scope of their permissions, a permission denied message will appear with a prompt to log in with different credentials.
+* user_request.create
+* user_request.view
+* user_request.update
+** This is checked when updating a request or canceling a request
+* user_request.delete
diff --git a/docs/media/patronrequests_requestform.PNG b/docs/media/patronrequests_requestform.PNG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbf7d03cdb
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/media/patronrequests_requestform.PNG differ
diff --git a/docs/media/patronrequests_requestgrid.PNG b/docs/media/patronrequests_requestgrid.PNG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a7afdbafb
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/media/patronrequests_requestgrid.PNG differ