From: Galen Charlton <>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:57:51 +0000 (-0400)
Subject: proposed motion clarify the election procedure

proposed motion clarify the election procedure

- remove an outdated section
- Board to promulgate election procedures each year
- Vote to be run by Conservancy unless the Board
  decides otherwise.
- Vote to use Scottish STV

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>

diff --git a/governance.txt b/governance.txt
index f1863c8..46f14f8 100644
--- a/governance.txt
+++ b/governance.txt
@@ -88,6 +88,15 @@ Term
     member of a cohort labeled "A", "B", or "C".  Appendix A lists
     the cohort and next election date for Board members as of
     12 April 2013.
+  . Each year, the Board shall promulgate procedures for nominating
+    and electing new Board members.  Nominations may be made by
+    any individual who has contributed to Evergreen or who is
+    employed by an institution that runs Evergreen.
+  . In the absence of an approved Board motion to the contrary,
+    each year the Board shall request that the Software Freedom
+    Conservancy undertake the collection and counting of votes
+    for the Board election.  Votes are to be counted using the
+    Scottish Single Transferable Vote system.
@@ -191,17 +200,6 @@ copy and make extracts. In the event the documents must be mailed or delivered
 in some manner, the requesting Board member shall be responsible for the
 delivery costs.
-Transition to General Rules of Governance and General Elections
-By the end of the 2012 Evergreen International Conference or 30 April 2012,
-whichever comes sooner, the Board will have promulgated rules of governance for
-this Board and the Evergreen Project to be presented for approval by the
-general membership of the Evergreen Project during the conference.  At that
-same time, the board will designate at least 1/3 of its seats to be filled by
-general election at the 2012 conference.  The board will also hold new
-elections for the board officers at that time.
 Ad-Hoc Event Committees
 The Oversight Board shall create ad-hoc committees and task forces as necessary