Jason Etheridge [Tue, 27 Sep 2011 19:42:49 +0000 (15:42 -0400)]
LP#860845 hold placement UI can break
hold placement UI can break and give misleading error on Submit
Adds some defensive coding, but since I don't quite grok everything going on here, may not be the best fix.
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
James Fournie [Tue, 1 Nov 2011 23:01:57 +0000 (16:01 -0700)]
This prevents the acq unified_search method from returning anything other
than the objects of the expected type.
This is to address LP 884991 in which Acq users get a perm error for each
result of a search that they don't have access to retrieve. They shouldn't
even know about the existence of anything they don't have access to retrieve.
Signed-off-by: James Fournie <jfournie@sitka.bclibraries.ca>
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
James Fournie [Tue, 20 Sep 2011 19:03:03 +0000 (12:03 -0700)]
Previously invisible copies showed as beige in the staff client, they stopped doing this in 2.0
This is because in 2.0 the copy counts logic was moved from open-ils.storage.biblio.record_entry.copy_count.staff
to an in-database function wrapped in open-ils.search.biblio.record.copy_count.staff. Both methods returned various
counts including an 'unshadow' count, however the 'unshadow' in the new database function was not completed and it
has only been returning a simple copy count rather than a count of opac visible copies as it should be to
replicate the old behaviour.
Signed-off-by: James Fournie <jfournie@sitka.bclibraries.ca>
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley [Thu, 6 Oct 2011 20:13:51 +0000 (16:13 -0400)]
Acq: better error message if trying to create PO without provider or agency
Before now, if you leave either the provider or ordering agency
fields blank in the "Create Purchase Order" dialog, you get a
nonsensical warning about prepayment.
This fixes that.
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
dbs [Wed, 27 Apr 2011 16:18:54 +0000 (16:18 +0000)]
Turn ebooks AC from OpenLibrary into usable HTML
Add <a> elements to turn URLs into links, and use the upper case
ebook format as the content of the link. "Read online" is the one
i18n-unfriendly exception, but this is a good start.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
git-svn-id: svn://svn.open-ils.org/ILS/trunk@20346
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
dbs [Wed, 27 Apr 2011 15:54:48 +0000 (15:54 +0000)]
Teach OpenLibrary.pm how to extract ebook links from OpenLibrary results
If the Internet Archive has an available ebook, then OpenLibrary will
provide links to it in various formats. For now, we return the results
as a plain set of <div> elements with class attributes denoting what
kind of ebook was returned; i18n will have to take care of providing
an actual label. Oh, and I guess we want to turn these into actual
<a> links...
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
Liam Whalen [Thu, 3 Nov 2011 20:53:57 +0000 (16:53 -0400)]
Modified authority.indexing_ingest_or_delete to update MARC data
The authority.indexing_ingest_or_delete trigger in the update script
was missing a call to authority.propagate_changes which is responsible
for updating the MARC data of records affected by an auhtority merge.
This patch adds the call to authority.propagate_changes as it appears
in the authority.indexing_ingest_or_delete trigger from the file
Signed-off-by: Liam Whalen <lwhalen@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca>
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley [Thu, 6 Oct 2011 16:06:09 +0000 (12:06 -0400)]
Acq: fix a bug that sometimes prevents the general search page from loading
Within Acquisitions General Search, javascript included from one file
in the <head> relies on the variable "localeStrings" being initialized
by javascript included from a file in <body>. Sometimes the wrong
javascript wins the race, you get an error about localeStrings being
undefined in the Javascript console, and the page stops loading.
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
Bill Erickson [Tue, 1 Nov 2011 21:02:44 +0000 (17:02 -0400)]
Fine generator; raise multi-session mode recv timeout
When fetching the batch of overdue circ IDs to process for fine
generation, wait a little longer for the data to arrive, since
it is a longer running DB query than most.
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
Jason Etheridge [Tue, 1 Nov 2011 20:19:01 +0000 (16:19 -0400)]
forgot to update upgrade_log
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>
Jason Etheridge [Tue, 1 Nov 2011 20:17:59 +0000 (16:17 -0400)]
pin upgrade script
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>
Mike Rylander [Tue, 1 Nov 2011 19:49:15 +0000 (15:49 -0400)]
Protect SVF normalizers against NULL values
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>
Dan Scott [Tue, 1 Nov 2011 17:29:25 +0000 (13:29 -0400)]
Force Amazon AC requests to use 10-digit ISBNs
Inspired by a patch submitted by Ian Bays <ian.bays@ptfs-europe.com>
via https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/870171, this patch takes
the incoming key and, if it is longer than 10 characters (a 10-digit
ISBN or Amazon ID), attempts to normalize it and return a 10-digit ISBN.
We don't normalize all incoming keys because some sites are horribly
abusing the 020 MARC field to include an Amazon ID instead of an ISBN -
but that works in practice and we'd rather not break working
installations if we can avoid it.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Jason Stephenson [Wed, 19 Oct 2011 20:47:03 +0000 (16:47 -0400)]
Use ne on line 631 of Actor.pm.
This is so that we stop getting errors like
Argument "
4819607085" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/OpenILS/Application/Actor.pm line 630.
in /openils/var/log/open-ils.actor_stderr.log
Signed-off-by: Jason Stephenson <jstephenson@mvlc.org>
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Michael Peters [Thu, 27 Oct 2011 13:42:37 +0000 (09:42 -0400)]
A tweak to eg.conf to prevent against the BEAST exploit in TLS/SSL
Based on recommedation from https://community.qualys.com/blogs/securitylabs/2011/10/17/mitigating-the-beast-attack-on-tls
Signed-off-by: Michael Peters <mrpeters@library.in.gov>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
Jason Etheridge [Tue, 27 Sep 2011 15:56:51 +0000 (11:56 -0400)]
LP#860685 List Actions and Print List fix
List Actions and Print List broken in Check In interface when not using "Fast
Entry (Asynchronous)", due to the way we're using list.refresh_row. This fixes
the internal list state for tracking retrieved versus un-retrieved list rows.
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander@gmail.com>
Bill Erickson [Wed, 5 Oct 2011 13:39:47 +0000 (09:39 -0400)]
Z39.50 local catalog fetch-more repairs
Fixes the following problem:
When paging through local catalog results in the Z39.50 interface,
paging off then end of the local results would result in an unknown
server error caused by trying to retrieve an empty list of records.
$list->{count} in this context is the overall hit count, not the counts
in the current page of results. Note also if {count} is zero, the list
of IDs will be undef, so we use both.
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>
Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley [Thu, 6 Oct 2011 22:06:22 +0000 (18:06 -0400)]
Avoid a possible bug in selection list deletion
This particularly matters for the "ephemeral," unnamed selection list that
Acquisitions General Search uses to hold bib records represented as
lineitems, as that list is deleted for the next run of that kind of
It's possible to get lineitems onto that list that are in a state
other than "new". Code that deletes this list first deletes the
lineitems that belong to it, but that code formerly assumed that there
are two types of lineitems. "new" ones (that should be deleted) and ones
that belong to purchase orders (that should be deatched). That doesn't
necessarily cover all possible lineitems on the picklist, so deletion
ultimately fails.
This fixes that.
[update: now this bugfix incorporates a bugfix, the need for which was
detected by Ben Shum. See LP #869581]
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
Dan Scott [Sun, 16 Oct 2011 16:45:52 +0000 (12:45 -0400)]
LP875819: Fix SRU and Z39.50 default search index failures
Per http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/specs/cql.html :
All parts of CQL are case insensitive [...] If any case insensitive
part of CQL is specified with both upper and lower case, it is
for aesthetic purposes only.
So fold the SRU qualifier and relation to lower case. This then
matches the srw.serverchoice entry that we already have in
config.metabib_search_alias so that default searches will successfully
point to the keyword index.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
Dan Scott [Wed, 19 Oct 2011 20:34:40 +0000 (16:34 -0400)]
README: createunderscoredatabase.sql
Fix another typo noted by Martha Driscoll
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Wed, 19 Oct 2011 20:13:56 +0000 (16:13 -0400)]
README: Use rel_2_1_x for the staff client build ID
Per a suggestion from Martha Driscoll <driscoll@noblenet.org> to have it
match the release number - go halfway and at least match the release
numbering pattern.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Wed, 19 Oct 2011 20:00:58 +0000 (16:00 -0400)]
Fix README issues
Martha Driscoll <driscoll@noblenet.org> noted that the
create_database.sql script wasn't actually targeted by the psql command,
and also that there was an extraneous <code> tag in the OpenSRF start
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Bill Erickson [Wed, 19 Oct 2011 17:42:16 +0000 (13:42 -0400)]
CStoreEditor batch_retrieve repairs
1. If the caller provides additional cstore params, like flesh,
flesh_fields, etc. make sure we only use the first component of the
search (the list of identifier values) for the cstore search.
2. Determine the identifier field from the class being retrieved instead
of hard-coding it to be "id"
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
Galen Charlton [Tue, 18 Oct 2011 17:25:34 +0000 (13:25 -0400)]
add a couple semicolons
Not strictly required, but may as well save a picosecond
of grief for the next person who adds to this code.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
Bill Erickson [Thu, 15 Sep 2011 17:38:17 +0000 (13:38 -0400)]
Create events for hold_request.cancel.patron
When a patron cancels his/her own hold, create events for the
(already-existing) hold_request.cancel.patron A/T hook.
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
Bill Erickson [Tue, 18 Oct 2011 16:07:46 +0000 (12:07 -0400)]
Re-fetch hold for cancel notify to correct timestamp
Re-fetch the cancelled hold from the DB before passing it off to
action/trigger for notification processing. Otherwise, A/T attempts to
perform date math on "now" instead of a valid timestamp and subsequently
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
Dan Scott [Sun, 16 Oct 2011 22:39:00 +0000 (18:39 -0400)]
Cache open-ils.fielder results by locale
The problem was particularly visible in search facets, but existed
before: the cache key used for fielder results did not take locale into
account, so on a multi-locale system the first locale won and populated
the cache for all other locales.
Use a session locale if provided, otherwise default to the locale set in
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <tsbere@mvlc.org>
Jason Etheridge [Thu, 13 Oct 2011 18:43:14 +0000 (14:43 -0400)]
Fix print_init error in checkout interface
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <tsbere@mvlc.org>
Dan Scott [Mon, 17 Oct 2011 17:54:10 +0000 (13:54 -0400)]
Typo: It's MARC, not Marc. Sheesh.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Thomas Berezansky [Tue, 4 Oct 2011 19:28:36 +0000 (15:28 -0400)]
Add "submit on enter" to all advanced search boxes
Instead of just the one with an ID specified.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <tsbere@mvlc.org>
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Jason Etheridge [Fri, 14 Oct 2011 16:14:14 +0000 (12:14 -0400)]
LP873614 print_init error printing bill history
xulG.url_prefix needs to be present for anything using util/print.js and the
Mozilla print strategy. Alternately, we could duplicate the logic behind
url_prefix and bundle it into print.js :-/
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Jason Stephenson <jstephenson@mvlc.org>
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Fri, 14 Oct 2011 02:25:04 +0000 (22:25 -0400)]
Add MARC::Record 2.0.1 minimum test to settings-tester.pl
Wrap the use_ok() tests in a BEGIN block, per the recommendation of the
Test::More perldoc.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Fri, 14 Oct 2011 02:15:53 +0000 (22:15 -0400)]
Settings-tester.pl whitespace
Might as well complete the conversion of the file into modernity.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Fri, 14 Oct 2011 02:10:23 +0000 (22:10 -0400)]
Modernize settings-tester.pl a bit
* Add a section that checks for Evergreen services in opensrf_core.xml
* Ignore the qstore database credentials, as qstore is unused currently
* Split things off into subroutines for easier reading
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Mike Rylander [Thu, 13 Oct 2011 19:59:32 +0000 (15:59 -0400)]
Stamping upgrade for asset.merge_record_assets fix from dbs
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander@gmail.com>
Dan Scott [Thu, 13 Oct 2011 17:09:38 +0000 (13:09 -0400)]
Fix located URI merging in action.merge_record_assets()
Perhaps due to the unexpected results of the XPath expression, which
returns a count of nodes for subfields, etc, rather than just a count of
the number of 856 datafields, NULL was being concatenated onto a string
- which of course made the string NULL.
Use COALESCE() to prevent the NULLness from spreading and enable
action.merge_record_assets() to do the right thing.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander@gmail.com>
Dan Scott [Wed, 12 Oct 2011 18:54:25 +0000 (14:54 -0400)]
Give OrgTree.js a locale, always
We started generating locale-specific OrgTree.js files many moons ago,
and now no longer provide a "default" locale in the root of the
common/js directory. The result was that the index.xhtml page for the
staff client was throwing an "_l is undefined" exception; largely
meaningless, as it seems that the OrgTree isn't even used on that page,
but noise that doesn't need to be in the JavaScript console.
Here we correct that exception by providing a locale, and hopefully
prevent any further copy/paste mistakes.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Bill Erickson [Tue, 11 Oct 2011 21:03:57 +0000 (17:03 -0400)]
Authentication block logging
* Login too-many-auth-failures message at Info level instead of Internal
* Log the username getting blocked
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
Mike Rylander [Wed, 12 Oct 2011 15:47:47 +0000 (11:47 -0400)]
Fix cut-paste-o in unapi.sitem, re stream and unit subobjects
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander@gmail.com>
Jason Stephenson [Fri, 16 Sep 2011 12:52:44 +0000 (08:52 -0400)]
Fix z39.50 import isbn and issn searches on local catalog.
Make cat_search_z_style_wrapper do identifier searches for isbn and
Modify the_quest_for_knowledge to accept identifier searches for isbn
and issn.
Signed-off-by: Jason Stephenson <jstephenson@mvlc.org>
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Wed, 12 Oct 2011 00:31:24 +0000 (20:31 -0400)]
README: Minor whitespace cleanup
Just to get the indentation standardized on second and subsequent lines
of bullets. No big whoop.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Ben Shum [Tue, 11 Oct 2011 22:51:32 +0000 (18:51 -0400)]
Change PostgreSQL 9 source for Ubuntu Lucid users.
Currently, Ubuntu Lucid does not have backport options for PostgreSQL 9.
Instead, most community members who use Lucid have been using
Martin Pitt's PPA as an external repository source.
Signed-off-by: Ben Shum <bshum@biblio.org>
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Bill Erickson [Tue, 27 Sep 2011 20:14:59 +0000 (16:14 -0400)]
Read STDIN up to record separator then stop
The initial (and only known) target for the importer is OCLC Connexion
exports, which export 1 record at a time, with each record ending with
the standard record separator. There is no end-of-file /
end-of-transmission indicator, so the while() loop always blocks and
fails on the timeout alarm after the first record is read.
Until a more flexible solution is in place, roll back support for
reading multiple records via STDIN. The original commit was
Note, the feature being rolled back was not actually necessary to
implement the feature in the commit (file-based imports). It was just
an added bonus.
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
Dan Scott [Mon, 10 Oct 2011 20:46:48 +0000 (16:46 -0400)]
Give CentOS / RHEL a chance at installing PostgreSQL 9.0
Evergreen 2.1 requires PostgreSQL 9.0, and we accordingly updated the
package names back in the summer to point at PostgreSQL 9.0, but nobody
running CentOS / RHEL brought to our attention that the repo target
needed to be updated as well. This, although untested, at least gives
CentOS / RHEL users a fighting chance of installing Evergreen master /
2.1 on their system.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
Dan Scott [Mon, 10 Oct 2011 20:15:04 +0000 (16:15 -0400)]
Fix broken Net::Z3950::SimpleServer 1.14 install
Pin the install of Net::Z3950::SimpleServer to the
known-to-work-with yaz 3.0.x version, 1.12. 1.14 introduced dependencies
on yaz 4.1.x that can't be easily worked around.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
Mike Rylander [Mon, 10 Oct 2011 17:42:11 +0000 (13:42 -0400)]
Fix, as provided by Doug Kyle, for LP#822918
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander@gmail.com>
Galen Charlton [Thu, 6 Oct 2011 17:55:43 +0000 (13:55 -0400)]
fix authentication failure
Ensure that the auth_limit values are read when open-ils.auth
initializes, not during oilsAuthInit(). This solves a problem
observed on brick-based setups where authentication could
incorrectly fail because the drone that processes
open-ils.auth.authenticate.complete didn't have the the block
count value initialized yet.
Also fixed type nit when compare the fail count to the block
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley [Tue, 4 Oct 2011 21:51:35 +0000 (17:51 -0400)]
Really add *entire* selection list to a purchase order, when desired,
and generally do what a user would expect when, in Acq, the user
executes an operation on "all items".
This addresses LaunchPad bug #810030.
The fundamental issue is that an AcqLiTable, which is used in several
different ways in different interfaces, may be representing items on a
selection list (for example), but it doesn't necessarily know all of the
items that belong to that selection list. It only knows what it has drawn.
This addresses that deficiency by teaching the getSelected() method
some new tricks so that it can consult the server in the various ways
appropriate to getting a list of /all/ the items on a selection list, a
purchase order, a virtual PO, a set of search results, etc.
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander@gmail.com>
Dan Scott [Wed, 5 Oct 2011 20:30:54 +0000 (16:30 -0400)]
Fix copy-paste-o: "su - postgres" to become postgres
Thanks to sal_ in IRC who caught this nugget!
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Wed, 5 Oct 2011 17:12:30 +0000 (13:12 -0400)]
README: Explicitly identify accounts for commands
Add a preamble to the beginning listing all of the accounts referenced
in the instructions (Linux accounts, PostgreSQL accounts, Evergreen
administrator accounts). Also move the Developer Instructions to the
start to follow the natural order of operations.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Bill Erickson [Wed, 5 Oct 2011 19:16:17 +0000 (15:16 -0400)]
Avoid collecting facet data for non-facet fields
If a config.metabib_field (Admin -> Server Admin -> MARC Search/Facet
Fields) starts out as a facet field but is later changed, data for that
facet can still bubble up since it has already been extracted. This
patch prevents facets for config.metabib_field entries whose
facet_field=false from getting collected/cached for search results.
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
Dan Wells [Wed, 7 Sep 2011 15:35:18 +0000 (11:35 -0400)]
Clear org_unit cache fix for autogen.sh
autogen.sh is not properly clearing the org_tree cache. It is
unclear how this hasn't caused a problem before, but this fix
works for me and should be at least harmless in other enviroments.
Signed-off-by: Dan Wells <dbw2@calvin.edu>
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
Dan Scott [Wed, 5 Oct 2011 03:17:39 +0000 (23:17 -0400)]
Fix typo in lang.dtd: "instantenous"
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Wed, 5 Oct 2011 03:04:15 +0000 (23:04 -0400)]
i18n: Fix es-ES illegal use of '%' in lang.dtd
The '%' character is used to include previously defined blocks in DTD
files; would be nice if translate-toolkit gave a more obvious error to
alert us to this rather than saying the en-US doesn't validate and
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Sat, 20 Aug 2011 21:51:46 +0000 (17:51 -0400)]
Remove cache-generator.sh from Makefile.am
In a previous commit, we removed cache-generator.sh. Now we remove the
remaining reference to it in the Makefile.am that was generating an
error (reported by Ben Webb).
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dan@coffeecode.net>
Mike Rylander [Tue, 4 Oct 2011 18:50:30 +0000 (14:50 -0400)]
Reify 2.0-2.1 upgrade script
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander@gmail.com>
Dan Scott [Thu, 18 Aug 2011 19:32:53 +0000 (15:32 -0400)]
Update README to reflect the --create-database option
Now that eg_db_config.pl is intelligent enough to create the database,
update the README to free people from the tyranny of having to manually
issue database creation (and contrib-adding) commands.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander@gmail.com>
Dan Scott [Tue, 4 Oct 2011 18:40:44 +0000 (14:40 -0400)]
Slightly updated about.html for rel_2_1
Not sure we want to actually keep listing individuals in this file -
there's a lot more credit to spread around - but at least I can bring it
somewhat up to date with current info.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander@gmail.com>
Jason Etheridge [Tue, 4 Oct 2011 18:22:15 +0000 (14:22 -0400)]
pin version for upgrade script
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>
Thomas Berezansky [Mon, 15 Aug 2011 13:04:13 +0000 (09:04 -0400)]
Unwrapped upgrade script for security lockdown
Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <tsbere@mvlc.org>
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>
Thomas Berezansky [Mon, 15 Aug 2011 12:59:31 +0000 (08:59 -0400)]
Require permission or pref to debug in client
Disables all debug functions I know of unless:
1 - You have new DEBUG_CLIENT permission (after login)
This should work even on operator change.
Once a given debug interface is open you can change operator back.
2 - You have a client with the debug preference enabled
This causes the client in all places I touched to think you have DEBUG_CLIENT
This also allows debugging *before* login, including in the Standalone interface.
Debug functions I know of:
Debug box on login page (already protected by pref)
Debug items in Admin menu
Javascript Shells
Chrome List
CTRL+SHIFT+F7 debug box in overlays
Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <tsbere@mvlc.org>
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>
Thomas Berezansky [Fri, 12 Aug 2011 13:17:46 +0000 (09:17 -0400)]
Clear password from password_prompt post-login
Otherwise it remains as the plain text value.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <tsbere@mvlc.org>
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>
Dan Scott [Tue, 4 Oct 2011 18:13:43 +0000 (14:13 -0400)]
i18n: Fix ru-RU lang.dtd problem
No ampersands at the end of a string! Breaks moz2po horribly.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Jason Etheridge [Tue, 4 Oct 2011 17:36:34 +0000 (13:36 -0400)]
no evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check in 2.1
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>
Jason Etheridge [Tue, 4 Oct 2011 17:20:41 +0000 (13:20 -0400)]
pin version for upgrade script
and put seed data back in; I had merge-conflict-resolved it out of existence previously
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>
Thomas Berezansky [Mon, 12 Sep 2011 16:43:59 +0000 (12:43 -0400)]
Switch to Modal printing
Prevents an OS-level race condition on window focus.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <tsbere@mvlc.org>
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>
Thomas Berezansky [Wed, 24 Aug 2011 15:32:15 +0000 (11:32 -0400)]
Unwrapped upgrade script for print.custom_js_file
Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <tsbere@mvlc.org>
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>
Thomas Berezansky [Wed, 24 Aug 2011 15:31:59 +0000 (11:31 -0400)]
Remove in-template javascript, add script files
Adds support for a print_custom.js file and an org unit specified file.
If either exists and contains a print_custom function it will be called
before printing to allow for DOM manipulation.
If neither exists the print_win.js file will call all functions it has
In addition, if any code sets do_print to false the window will close
instead of attempting to print.
The print_custom function will receive the type of template used, if any.
This only applies to "Receipt Template" based print jobs, and the type in
question is the "Type" that shows in the template editor.
Functions defined in print_win.js:
Main function, checks for print_custom and does final printing
Does summing of values.
Does swapping out of template blocks with display:none styling.
Disables printing under certain circumstances.
For more information about usage of the print_do_sums, print_check_alt,
and print_check_noprint functions check the comments in print_win.js.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <tsbere@mvlc.org>
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>
Thomas Berezansky [Sat, 24 Sep 2011 20:51:20 +0000 (16:51 -0400)]
Require password to change email/username
Alter backend to check password period, not just for password changes.
Add form elements for asking for current password to JSPac.
Add handling for said form elements where needed.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <tsbere@mvlc.org>
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
Thomas Berezansky [Mon, 12 Sep 2011 17:33:03 +0000 (13:33 -0400)]
When workstation is invalid request a new seed
The original one may no longer be valid
Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <tsbere@mvlc.org>
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
Thomas Berezansky [Thu, 1 Sep 2011 20:41:33 +0000 (16:41 -0400)]
Make more auth values configurable
Amount of time seed is valid
Amount of time to keep failure count in memcache since last auth event
Number of failures before locking out auth attempts
Also, remove seed from memcache once it has been used once.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <tsbere@mvlc.org>
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
Thomas Berezansky [Tue, 30 Aug 2011 15:55:35 +0000 (11:55 -0400)]
Brute Force protection for authentication
Count auth failures in memcache.
If 10+ have occurred cause failure.
After 90 seconds of no activity counter resets.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <tsbere@mvlc.org>
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley [Fri, 30 Sep 2011 17:37:58 +0000 (13:37 -0400)]
link asset.copy_template.status to config.copy_status in the IDL
If nothing else, this provides a dropdown for status in the copy
template editor (the one for Serials, under the admin menus, not the
one on the copy editing interface).
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Dan Wells <dbw2@calvin.edu>
Dan Scott [Tue, 16 Aug 2011 03:52:24 +0000 (23:52 -0400)]
Remove CONFIG references from autogen.sh
We're relying on OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript for the location of the
opensrf_core.xml file, so the vestigial references were unnecessary
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <tsbere@mvlc.org>
Dan Scott [Tue, 16 Aug 2011 03:14:01 +0000 (23:14 -0400)]
Further autogen.sh cleanup
* Roll cache-generator.sh functionality into autogen.sh
* No longer install deleted scripts
* Teach Perl build infrastructure about OpenILS::Utils::Configure
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <tsbere@mvlc.org>
Dan Scott [Mon, 15 Aug 2011 22:03:37 +0000 (18:03 -0400)]
Revamp autogen.sh to call functions from a Perl module
This cut moves all of the logic from the individual scripts that
autogen.sh used to call into a self-contained Perl module. We use
OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript to avoid much of the init dupe code.
Note that calling Perl functions from a bash script is not crazy pretty,
but perhaps in the long run autogen.sh becomes something else. This is
just a step towards consolidating those functions in a single module
while maintaining the same interface as before.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <tsbere@mvlc.org>
Mike Rylander [Tue, 4 Oct 2011 13:20:58 +0000 (09:20 -0400)]
Add upgrade_log stuffs
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander@gmail.com>
Dan Scott [Tue, 4 Oct 2011 03:41:04 +0000 (23:41 -0400)]
Correct SQL upgrade script to not do the master-only check
Slavish cherry-pick from master resulted in a dep check for the SQL
upgrade script that won't fly in rel_2_1.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Tue, 4 Oct 2011 02:34:47 +0000 (22:34 -0400)]
LP865817: Fix Located URI visibility test
Wrapped upgrade script for LP865817.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Mike Rylander [Mon, 3 Oct 2011 19:01:26 +0000 (15:01 -0400)]
Correct Located URI visiblity
Located URIs should be visible when they exist at the search context org unit
or an ancestor thereof. However, before the change embodied in this commit,
they effectively acted exactly like copies, making records visible anywhere
within the context+depth range.
An example, using the stock example OU hierarchy:
* Before this change, a Located URI with an owner of BR1 would cause its
record to show up in a search at (or scoped to via a depth parameter) BR1,
* Before this change, a Located URI with an owner of SYS1 would NOT cause its
record to show up in a search at (or scoped to via a depth parameter) BR1!
* After this change, a Located URI with an owner of BR1 will cause its record
to show up only in a search with a context OU of BR1, irrespective of depth
* After this change, a Located URI with an owner of SYS1 WILL cause its
record to show up in a search with a context OU of BR1 or SYS1, regardless of
depth scoping.
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley [Mon, 3 Oct 2011 20:03:00 +0000 (16:03 -0400)]
JSPAC: Fix a bug (I think) in orgIsMine(), and show more MFHD holdings ...
... when search scope would have it so.
Signed-off-by: Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <lebbeous@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Fri, 30 Sep 2011 03:27:19 +0000 (23:27 -0400)]
LP740320: Make <enter> submit the new bookbag dialog
For the keyboard jockeys out there - if the enter key doesn't submit,
the UI reviewer will not commit.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
James Fournie [Fri, 26 Aug 2011 16:23:53 +0000 (09:23 -0700)]
Initial dialog isn't quite wide enough, here's a hackish way to fix it
Signed-off-by: James Fournie <jfournie@sitka.bclibraries.ca>
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
James Fournie [Fri, 26 Aug 2011 16:19:14 +0000 (09:19 -0700)]
Should probably use a more common button rather than the one for the advanced search
Signed-off-by: James Fournie <jfournie@sitka.bclibraries.ca>
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
James Fournie [Fri, 26 Aug 2011 15:56:44 +0000 (08:56 -0700)]
This makes more sense as an alert; the Dojo dialog has no button which is not user-friendly.
Signed-off-by: James Fournie <jfournie@sitka.bclibraries.ca>
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Mike Rylander [Tue, 2 Aug 2011 16:42:53 +0000 (12:42 -0400)]
Markup-based dijit.Dialog implementation, inspired by and based on a patch from Joseph Lewis in https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/787162
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Fri, 30 Sep 2011 02:25:09 +0000 (22:25 -0400)]
i18n: Merge en-GB translation from Launchpad
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Fri, 30 Sep 2011 02:11:57 +0000 (22:11 -0400)]
i18n: Merge en-CA translation from Launchpad
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Fri, 30 Sep 2011 02:03:47 +0000 (22:03 -0400)]
i18n: Merge pt-BR translation from Launchpad
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Fri, 30 Sep 2011 01:44:41 +0000 (21:44 -0400)]
i18n: Merge ru-RU translation from Launchpad
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Thu, 29 Sep 2011 20:26:40 +0000 (16:26 -0400)]
i18n: Merge hy-AM translation from Launchpad
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Thu, 29 Sep 2011 20:09:56 +0000 (16:09 -0400)]
i18n: Merge cs-CZ translation from Launchpad
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Thu, 29 Sep 2011 19:54:22 +0000 (15:54 -0400)]
i18n: Merge es-ES translation from Launchpad
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Dan Scott [Thu, 29 Sep 2011 19:46:35 +0000 (15:46 -0400)]
i18n: Merge fr-CA translation from Launchpad
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Liam Whalen [Fri, 16 Sep 2011 12:52:08 +0000 (08:52 -0400)]
Modified spine_labels.js to retain UTF-8 encoding
Dan Wells posted a fix to the DEV list for receipt printing that allowed the
receipt printer to print UTF-8 characters. I used the ideas in that fix to
modify spine_labels.js. In spine_labels.js, the url passed to the preview in
preview_xul_192 was encoding the url with the javascript encode() function.
This function does not preserve UTF-8 encodings. I changed the function to
encodeURIComponent, and UTF-8 characters are now displayed properly by the
spine label printer code.
Signed-off-by: Liam Whalen <lwhalen@evergreen-dev.catalogue.nrcan.gc.ca>
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Bill Erickson [Thu, 29 Sep 2011 15:57:46 +0000 (11:57 -0400)]
Added missing Penalty module import for AssetCommon
The lack of import primarily affected the Action/Trigger MarkItemLost
reactor, which does not already import OpenILS::Utils::Penalty directly
or indirectly.
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <berick@esilibrary.com>
Dan Scott [Thu, 29 Sep 2011 03:06:19 +0000 (23:06 -0400)]
Remove an installation step: Listen 443 uncommenting
Every distribution known to man ships Apache listening on port 443, so
installers always have to comment out the "Listen 443" directive - so
why not just comment it out ourselves and save a step in the
installation instructions?
Also, merge Apache configuration instructions from master.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Michael Peters [Wed, 28 Sep 2011 13:09:33 +0000 (09:09 -0400)]
A slight modification to prevent clipping in the EDI Accounts interface
Just a few tweaks via CSS to make sure the footer notes don't clip off part of the main grid.
Signed-off-by: Michael Peters <mrpeters@library.in.gov>
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander@gmail.com>
Mike Rylander [Wed, 28 Sep 2011 19:45:36 +0000 (15:45 -0400)]
Provide proper hrefs for links back from report debugging pages
Reimplementation of a fix provided by Michael Peters. The originally submitted
patch included several fixes provided by an unrelated patch, and a regression
in build-time embedded tokens.
Original branch at: http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Evergreen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/mrpeters-isl/clark_kent_back_links
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander@gmail.com>
Dan Scott [Thu, 22 Sep 2011 16:51:22 +0000 (12:51 -0400)]
LP856567: Mark HTML report output as Unicode-encoded
Non-ASCII characters in report ouput that has been generated in HTML
format appears to be corrupted when viewed in a browser. This can be
manually corrected by switching the "Encoding" browser option, but it
would be better to include <meta charset='utf-8'> in the output HTML to
tell the browser directly.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
Signed-off-by: Mike Rylander <mrylander@gmail.com>