From 104a3025c0b8ebd5e4207f44fbbc383fab698294 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: senator <senator@dcc99617-32d9-48b4-a31d-7c20da2025e4>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 04:45:42 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Be more tolerant of long-running A/T event handling for holds
 pull list printing

git-svn-id: svn:// dcc99617-32d9-48b4-a31d-7c20da2025e4
 .../src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/   | 84 ++++++++++++++++++----
 .../src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Circ/ |  3 +-
 2 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/
index 48e8ca5b80..d48463e4c9 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/
@@ -1176,6 +1176,35 @@ sub is_true {
+sub patientreq {
+    my ($self, $client, $service, $method, @params) = @_;
+    my ($response, $err);
+    my $session = create OpenSRF::AppSession($service);
+    my $request = $session->request($method, @params);
+    my $spurt = 10;
+    my $give_up = time + 1000;
+    try {
+        while (time < $give_up) {
+            $response = $request->recv("timeout" => $spurt);
+            last if $request->complete;
+            $client->status(new OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsContinueStatus);
+        }
+    } catch Error with {
+        $err = shift;
+    };
+    if ($err) {
+        warn "received error : service=$service : method=$method : params=".Dumper(\@params) . "\n $err";
+        throw $err ("Call to $service for method $method \n failed with exception: $err : " );
+    }
+    return $response->content;
 # This logic now lives in storage
 sub __patron_money_owed {
 	my( $self, $patronid ) = @_;
@@ -1596,7 +1625,7 @@ sub find_event_def_by_hook {
 # most appropriate event.  create the event, fire it, then return the resulting
 # event with fleshed template_output and error_output
 sub fire_object_event {
-    my($self, $event_def, $hook, $object, $context_org, $granularity, $user_data) = @_;
+    my($self, $event_def, $hook, $object, $context_org, $granularity, $user_data, $client) = @_;
     my $e = OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor->new(xact => 1);
     my $def;
@@ -1632,10 +1661,19 @@ sub fire_object_event {
         $logger->info("EVENTS = " . OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->perl2JSON(\@event_ids));
-        my $resp = $self->simplereq(
-            'open-ils.trigger', 
-            '',
-            \@event_ids);
+        my $resp;
+        if (not defined $client) {
+            $resp = $self->simplereq(
+                'open-ils.trigger',
+                '',
+                \@event_ids);
+        } else {
+            $resp = $self->patientreq(
+                $client,
+                "open-ils.trigger", "",
+                \@event_ids
+            );
+        }
         return undef unless $resp and $resp->{events} and @{$resp->{events}};
@@ -1648,14 +1686,34 @@ sub fire_object_event {
         $object = $$object[0] if ref $object eq 'ARRAY';
-        my $event_id = $self->simplereq(
-            'open-ils.trigger', $auto_method, $def->id, $object, $context_org, $user_data);
-        my $resp = $self->simplereq(
-            'open-ils.trigger', 
-            '', 
-            $event_id);
+        my $event_id;
+        my $resp;
+        if (not defined $client) {
+            $event_id = $self->simplereq(
+                'open-ils.trigger',
+                $auto_method, $def->id, $object, $context_org, $user_data
+            );
+            $resp = $self->simplereq(
+                'open-ils.trigger',
+                '',
+                $event_id
+            );
+        } else {
+            $event_id = $self->patientreq(
+                $client,
+                'open-ils.trigger',
+                $auto_method, $def->id, $object, $context_org, $user_data
+            );
+            $resp = $self->patientreq(
+                $client,
+                'open-ils.trigger',
+                '',
+                $event_id
+            );
+        }
         return undef unless $resp and $resp->{event};
         return $e->retrieve_action_trigger_event([
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Circ/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Circ/
index 7dde2ef536..49aac1a91c 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Circ/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Circ/
@@ -1279,7 +1279,8 @@ sub print_hold_pull_list {
     push @$sorted_holds, $hold_map->{$_} foreach @$hold_ids;
     return $U->fire_object_event(
-        undef, "ahr.format.pull_list", $sorted_holds, $org_id
+        undef, "ahr.format.pull_list", $sorted_holds,
+        $org_id, undef, undef, $client