From 1d48c734c75ab59800e540ee855239dec5cfa295 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: erickson <erickson@dcc99617-32d9-48b4-a31d-7c20da2025e4>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 20:28:36 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Subsequent EDI patch from Joe Atzberger.  In this
 installmanent, EDI really does some stuff.  Also included are a number of
 test scripts and some mild code cleanup

git-svn-id: svn:// dcc99617-32d9-48b4-a31d-7c20da2025e4
 Open-ILS/examples/fm_IDL.xml                       |    1 +
 Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install               |    1 +
 .../src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Acq/    |  174 +-
 .../perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Acq/   |  173 +-
 .../src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/ |    2 +-
 Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/  |  100 +
 Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/      |    8 +-
 .../src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/    |   44 +-
 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql          |    2 +-
 .../upgrade/ |    2 +-
 .../sql/Pg/upgrade/0245.schema.acq_edi_message.sql |    7 +
 .../upgrade/ |   64 +
 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/Cstore_test.t         |   60 +
 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/Cstore_test2.t        |   62 +
 .../clear_expired_circ_history.srfsh               |    2 +-
 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/        |   64 +
 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/         |  104 +
 .../src/support-scripts/test-scripts/ | 2985 +++++++++++++++++++
 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/   |   83 +
 .../src/support-scripts/test-scripts/     |  131 +
 .../src/support-scripts/test-scripts/   |   52 +
 .../support-scripts/test-scripts/    |   43 +
 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/ |    2 +-
 .../support-scripts/test-scripts/   | 3058 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../support-scripts/test-scripts/   |    2 +-
 .../js/ui/default/conify/global/acq/edi_account.js |   23 +
 Open-ILS/web/opac/locale/en-US/lang.dtd            |    2 +
 .../default/conify/global/acq/edi_account.tt2      |   69 +
 .../default/conify/global/acq/provider.tt2         |   27 +-
 .../xul/staff_client/chrome/content/main/menu.js   |    4 +
 .../chrome/content/main/menu_frame_menus.xul       |    2 +
 .../staff_client/chrome/content/util/fm_view.xul   |    6 +-
 .../chrome/locale/en-US/         |    1 +
 build/tools/                              |    1 +
 34 files changed, 7215 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0245.schema.acq_edi_message.sql
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/Cstore_test.t
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/Cstore_test2.t
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/conify/global/acq/edi_account.js
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/web/templates/default/conify/global/acq/edi_account.tt2

diff --git a/Open-ILS/examples/fm_IDL.xml b/Open-ILS/examples/fm_IDL.xml
index bd4886dc57..67387789f9 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/examples/fm_IDL.xml
+++ b/Open-ILS/examples/fm_IDL.xml
@@ -5795,6 +5795,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
 			<field name="last_activity" reporter:datatype="timestamp" reporter:label="Last Activity"/>
 			<field name="provider"      reporter:datatype="link"      reporter:label="Provider"/>
 			<field name="in_dir"        reporter:datatype="text"      reporter:label="Incoming Directory"/>
+			<field name="vendcode"      reporter:datatype="text"      reporter:label="Vendor Assigned Code"/>
 			<link field="provider" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="acqpro"/>
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install b/Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install
index 8df11b3c55..454a70bf19 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install
@@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ DEB_APACHE_DISMODS = \
 # Chronically unpackaged CPAN modules
     Business::CreditCard::Object \
+    Business::EDI \
     Net::uFTP \
     Net::Z3950::Simple2ZOOM \
     UUID::Tiny \
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Acq/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Acq/
index aebd43af85..1e303a3041 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Acq/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Acq/
@@ -10,11 +10,15 @@ use OpenSRF::EX qw/:try/;
 use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw(:logger);
 use OpenSRF::Utils::JSON;
+use OpenILS::Application::Acq::Lineitem;
 use OpenILS::Utils::RemoteAccount;
 use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor q/new_editor/;
 use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
 use OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI::Translator;
+use Business::EDI;
+use Business::EDI::Segment::BGM;
 use Data::Dumper;
 our $verbose = 0;
@@ -111,7 +115,7 @@ sub retrieve_core {
             __PACKAGE__->record_activity($account, $e);
-            __PACKAGE__->process_jedi($incoming, $e);
+            __PACKAGE__->process_jedi($incoming, $server, $e);
 #           $server->delete(remote_file => $_);   # delete remote copies of saved message
             push @return, $incoming->id;
@@ -317,43 +321,185 @@ sub jedi2perl {
     my ($class, $jedi) = @_;
     $jedi or return;
     my $msg = OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->JSON2perl( $jedi );
-    open (FOO, ">>/tmp/joe_jedi_dump.txt");
+    open (FOO, ">>/tmp/JSON2perl_dump.txt");
     print FOO Dumper($msg), "\n\n";
     close FOO;
     $logger->warn("Dumped JSON2perl to /tmp/JSON2perl_dump.txt");
     return $msg;
-# ->process_jedi($message, $e)
+# ->process_jedi($message, $server, $e)
 sub process_jedi {
     my $class    = shift;
     my $message  = shift or return;
+    my $server   = shift || {};  # context
     my $jedi     = ref($message) ? $message->jedi : $message;  # If we got an object, it's an edi_message.  A string is the jedi content itself.
     unless ($jedi) {
         $logger->warn("EDI process_jedi missing required argument (edi_message object with jedi or jedi scalar)!");
+    my $e = @_ ? shift : new_editor();
     my $perl = __PACKAGE__->jedi2perl($jedi);
     if (ref($message) and not $perl) {
-        my $e = @_ ? shift : new_editor();
-        $message->error(($message->error || '') . " JSON2perl FAILED to convert jedi");
+        $message->error(($message->error || '') . " JSON2perl (jedi2perl) FAILED to convert jedi");
         $e->udpate_acq_edi_message($message) or $logger->warn("EDI update_acq_edi_message failed! $!");
+        return;
+    }
+    if (! $perl->{body}) {
+        $logger->warn("EDI interchange body not found!");
+        return;
+    } 
+    if (! $perl->{body}->[0]) {
+        $logger->warn("EDI interchange body not a populated arrayref!");
+        return;
+    }
+# Crazy data structure.  Most of the arrays will be 1 element... we think.
+# JEDI looks like:
+# {'body' => [{'ORDERS' => [['UNH',{'0062' => '4635','S009' => {'0057' => 'EAN008','0051' => 'UN','0052' => 'D','0065' => 'ORDERS', ...
+# So you might access it like:
+#   $obj->{body}->[0]->{ORDERS}->[0]->[0] eq 'UNH'
+    $logger->info("EDI interchange body has " . scalar(@{$perl->{body}}) . " messages(s)");
+    my @li;
+    my $i = 0;
+    foreach my $part (@{$perl->{body}}) {
+        $i++;
+        unless (ref $part and scalar keys %$part) {
+            $logger->warn("EDI interchange message $i lacks structure.  Skipping it.");
+            next;
+        }
+        foreach my $key (keys %$part) {
+            unless ($key eq 'ORDRSP') {     # We only do one type for now.  TODO: other types here
+                $logger->warn("EDI interchange message $i contains unhandled type '$key'.  Ignoring.");
+                next;
+            }
+            my @li_chunk = __PACKAGE__->parse_ordrsp($part->{$key}, $server, $e);
+            $logger->info("EDI $key parsing returned " . scalar(@li_chunk) . " line items");
+            push @li, @li_chunk;
+        }
+    }
+    return \@li, $perl;   # TODO process perl
+=head2 ->parse_ordrsp($segments, $server, $e)
+Returns array of lineitems.
+# TODO: Build Business::EDI::Message::ORDRSP object instead
+# TODO: Convert access to methods, not reaching inside the data/object like $segbody->{S009}->{'0065'}
+sub parse_ordrsp {
+    my ($class, $segments, $server, $e, $test) = @_;    # test not implemented
+    $e ||= new_editor();
+    my $type = 'ORDRSP';
+    $logger->info("EDI " . scalar(@$segments) . " segments in $type message");
+    my (@lins, $bgm);
+    foreach my $segment (@$segments) {  # Prepass: catch the conditions that might cause us to bail
+        my ($tag, $segbody, @extra) = @$segment;
+        unless ($tag    ) {$logger->warn("EDI empty segment received"     ); next;}
+        unless ($segbody) {$logger->warn("EDI segment '$tag' missing body"); next;}
+        @extra and $logger->warn("EDI extra data (" . scalar(@extra) . " elements) found after pseudohash pair for $tag");
+        if ($tag eq 'UNH') {
+            unless ($segbody->{S009}->{'0065'} and $segbody->{S009}->{'0065'} eq $type) {
+                $logger->error("EDI $tag/S009/0065 ('" . ($segbody->{S009}->{'0065'} || '') . "') conflict w/ message type $type\.  Aborting");
+                return;
+            }
+            unless ($segbody->{S009}->{'0051'} and $segbody->{S009}->{'0051'} eq 'UN') {
+                $logger->warn("EDI $tag/S009/0051 does not designate 'UN' as controlling agency.  Will attempt to process anyway");
+            }
+        } elsif ($tag eq 'BGM') {
+            $bgm = Business::EDI::Segment::BGM->new($segbody);
+            $bgm->seg4343 or $logger->warn(sprintf "EDI $tag/4343 Response Type Code '%s' unrecognized", ($segbody->{4343} || ''));
+            $logger->info(sprintf "EDI $tag/4343 response type: %s - %s (%s)", $bgm->seg4343->value, $bgm->seg4343->label, $bgm->seg4343->desc);
+            my $fcn = $bgm->seg1225;
+            unless ($fcn) {
+                $logger->error(sprintf "EDI $tag/1225 Message Function Code '%s' unrecognized.  Aborting", ($segbody->{1225} || ''));
+                return;
+            }
+        }
-    # __PACKAGE__->process_eval_msg(__PACKAGE__->jedi2perl($jedi), @_);
-    return $perl;   # TODO process perl
+    my @ignored;
+    foreach my $segment (@$segments) {  # The main pass
+        my ($tag, $segbody, @extra) = @$segment;
+        next unless ($tag and $segbody);    # warnings above
+        if ($tag eq 'LIN') {
+            my @chunks = @{$segbody->{SG26}};
+            my $count = scalar(@chunks);
+            $logger->debug("EDI LIN/SG26 has $count chunks");
+# ["RFF", {
+#   "C506": {
+#      "1153": "LI",
+#      "1154": "4639/1"
+#   }
+# }]
+            foreach (@chunks) {
+                my $label = $_->[0];
+                my $body  = $_->[1];
+                # $label eq 'QTY' and push @qtys, $body;
+                $label eq 'RFF' or next;
+                my $obj;
+                unless ($obj = Business::EDI::Segment::RFF->new($body)) {   # assignment, not comparison
+                    $logger->error("EDI $tag/$label failed to convert to an object");
+                }
+                $obj->seg1153 and $obj->seg1153->value eq 'LI' or $logger->warn("EDI $tag/$label object unexpected 1153 value (not 'LI')");
+                __PACKAGE__->update_li($obj->seg1154->value, $segbody, $server, $e);
+            }
+            push @lins, \@chunks;
+        } elsif ($tag ne 'UNH' and $tag ne 'BGM') {
+            push @ignored, $tag;
+        }
+    }
+    @ignored and $logger->debug("EDI: ignoring " . scalar(@ignored) . " segment(s): " . join(', ', @ignored));
+    return @lins;
-sub process_eval_msg {
-    my ($class, $msg, $e) = @_;
-    $msg or return;
+=head2 ->update_li($lineitem_id, $lineitem_object, [$server, $editor])
+ acq.lineitem.estimated_unit_price, 
+ acq.lineitem.state (dependent on mapping codes), 
+ acq.lineitem.expected_recv_time, 
+ acq.lineitem.edit_time (consequently)
+sub update_li {
+    my ($class, $id, $object, $server, $e) = @_;
     $e ||= new_editor();
-## Do all the hard work.
-#   ID the message type
-#   Find PO references
-#   update POs & lineitems(?)
+    $id =~ s#^.*\/##;   # Temporary fix for mbklein's testdata
+    print STDERR "Here we would retrieve/update lineitem $id\n";
+    my $li = OpenILS::Application::Acq::Lineitem::retrieve_lineitem_impl($e, $id); # Could send {options}
+    if (! $li or ref($li) ne 'Fieldmapper::acq::lineitem') {
+        $logger->error("EDI failed to retrieve lineitem by id '$id'");
+        return;
+    }
+    unless ((! $server) or (! $server->provider)) {
+        if ($server->provider != $li->provider) {
+            # links go both ways: acq.provider.edi_default and acq.edi_account.provider
+            $logger->info("EDI acct provider (" . $server->provider. ") doesn't match lineitem provider("
+                            . $li->provider . ").  Checking acq.provider.edi_default...");
+            my $provider = $e->retrieve_acq_provider($li->provider);
+            if ($provider->edi_default != $server->id) {
+                $logger->error(sprintf "EDI provider/acct %s/%s (%s) is blocked from updating lineitem $id belonging to provider/edi_default %s/%s",
+                                $server->provider, $server->id, $server->label, $li->provider, $provider->edi_default);
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return; # TODO: actual updates
+    $e->xact_begin;
+    $e->update_acq_lineitem($li) or $logger->warn("EDI: in update_li, update_acq_lineitem FAILED");
+    $e->xact_commit;
+    # print STDERR "Lineitem to update: ", Dumper($li);
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Acq/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Acq/
index 691771acca..bce94cf45d 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Acq/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Acq/
@@ -70,11 +70,14 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method(
 	signature => {
         desc => 'Retrieves a lineitem',
         params => [
-            {desc => 'Authentication token', type => 'string'},
+            {desc => 'Authentication token',    type => 'string'},
             {desc => 'lineitem ID to retrieve', type => 'number'},
-            {options => q/Hash of options, including 
-                "flesh_attrs", which fleshes the attributes; 
-                "flesh_li_details", which fleshes the order details objects/, type => 'hash'},
+            {options => q/Hash of options, including:
+flesh_attrs         : for attributes,
+flesh_notes         : for notes,
+flesh_cancel_reason : for cancel reason,
+flesh_li_details    : for order details objects,
+clear_marc          : to clear marcxml from lineitem/, type => 'hash'},
         return => {desc => 'lineitem object on success, Event on error'}
@@ -269,10 +272,10 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method(
 	signature => {
         desc => 'Searches lineitems',
         params => [
-            {desc => 'Authentication token', type => 'string'},
-            {desc => 'Search definition', type => 'object'},
+            {desc => 'Authentication token',       type => 'string'},
+            {desc => 'Search definition',          type => 'object'},
             {desc => 'Options hash.  idlist=true', type => 'object'},
-            {desc => 'List of lineitems', type => 'object/number'},
+            {desc => 'List of lineitems',          type => 'object/number'},
@@ -296,9 +299,9 @@ sub lineitem_search {
 __PACKAGE__->register_method (
-    method        => 'lineitems_related_by_bib',
-    api_name    => 'open-ils.acq.lineitems_for_bib.by_bib_id',
-    stream      => 1,
+    method    => 'lineitems_related_by_bib',
+    api_name  => 'open-ils.acq.lineitems_for_bib.by_bib_id',
+    stream    => 1,
     signature => q/
         Retrieves lineitems attached to same bib record, subject to the PO ordering agency.  This variant takes the bib id.
         @param authtoken Login session key
@@ -308,9 +311,9 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method (
 __PACKAGE__->register_method (
-    method        => 'lineitems_related_by_bib',
-    api_name    => 'open-ils.acq.lineitems_for_bib.by_lineitem_id',
-    stream      => 1,
+    method    => 'lineitems_related_by_bib',
+    api_name  => 'open-ils.acq.lineitems_for_bib.by_lineitem_id',
+    stream    => 1,
     signature => q/
         Retrieves lineitems attached to same bib record, subject to the PO ordering agency.  This variant takes the id for any of the pertinent lineitems.
         @param authtoken Login session key
@@ -320,9 +323,9 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method (
 __PACKAGE__->register_method (
-    method        => 'lineitems_related_by_bib',
-    api_name    => 'open-ils.acq.lineitems_for_bib.by_lineitem_id.count',
-    stream      => 1,
+    method    => 'lineitems_related_by_bib',
+    api_name  => 'open-ils.acq.lineitems_for_bib.by_lineitem_id.count',
+    stream    => 1,
     signature => q/See open-ils.acq.lineitems_for_bib.by_lineitem_id. This version returns numbers of lineitems only (XXX may count lineitems we don't actually have permission to retrieve)/
@@ -391,11 +394,11 @@ sub lineitems_related_by_bib {
-    method => "lineitem_search_by_attributes",
-    api_name => "",
-    stream => 1,
+    method    => "lineitem_search_by_attributes",
+    api_name  => "",
+    stream    => 1,
     signature => {
-        desc => "Performs a search against lineitem_attrs",
+        desc   => "Performs a search against lineitem_attrs",
         params => [
             {desc => "Authentication token", type => "string"},
             {   desc => q/
@@ -419,11 +422,11 @@ Options hash:
-    method => "lineitem_search_by_attributes",
-    api_name => "",
-    stream => 1,
+    method    => "lineitem_search_by_attributes",
+    api_name  => "",
+    stream    => 1,
     signature => {
-        desc => "Performs a search against lineitem_attrs where ident is true.".
+        desc => "Performs a search against lineitem_attrs where ident is true.  ".
             "See for params."
@@ -519,9 +522,9 @@ sub lineitem_search_by_attributes {
-	method => 'lineitem_search_ident',
-	api_name => '',
-    stream => 1,
+	method    => 'lineitem_search_ident',
+	api_name  => '',
+    stream    => 1,
 	signature => {
         desc => 'Performs a search against lineitem_attrs where ident is true',
         params => [
@@ -546,20 +549,20 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method(
-    select => {acqlia => ['lineitem']},
-    from => {
+    select => { acqlia => ['lineitem'] },
+    from   => {
         acqlia => {
             acqliad => {
                 field => 'id',
-                fkey => 'definition'
+                fkey  => 'definition'
             jub => {
                 field => 'id',
-                fkey => 'lineitem',
-                join => {
+                fkey  => 'lineitem',
+                join  => {
                     acqpo => {
                         field => 'id',
-                        fkey => 'purchase_order'
+                        fkey  => 'purchase_order'
@@ -622,9 +625,9 @@ sub lineitem_search_ident {
 # this call duplicates a call in and makes references to subs that don't exist.  
 # TODO: Verify then remove.
-	method => 'lineitem_detail_CUD_batch',
-	api_name => 'open-ils.acq.lineitem_detail.cud.batch_',
-    stream => 1,
+	method    => 'lineitem_detail_CUD_batch',
+	api_name  => 'open-ils.acq.lineitem_detail.cud.batch_',
+    stream    => 1,
 	signature => {
         desc => q/Creates a new purchase order line item detail.  
             Additionally creates the associated fund_debit/,
@@ -718,15 +721,15 @@ sub update_li_edit_time {
-	method => 'retrieve_lineitem_detail',
-	api_name	=> 'open-ils.acq.lineitem_detail.retrieve',
-	signature => {
-        desc => q/Updates a lineitem detail/,
+    method    => 'retrieve_lineitem_detail',
+    api_name  => 'open-ils.acq.lineitem_detail.retrieve',
+    signature => {
+        desc   => q/Updates a lineitem detail/,
         params => [
-            {desc => 'Authentication token', type => 'string'},
-            {desc => 'id of lineitem_detail to retrieve', type => 'number'},
+            { desc => 'Authentication token',              type => 'string' },
+            { desc => 'id of lineitem_detail to retrieve', type => 'number' },
-        return => {desc => 'object on success, Event on failure'}
+        return => { desc => 'object on success, Event on failure' }
 sub retrieve_lineitem_detail {
@@ -748,17 +751,16 @@ sub retrieve_lineitem_detail {
-	method => 'approve_lineitem',
-	api_name	=> 'open-ils.acq.lineitem.approve',
-	signature => {
-        desc => 'Mark a lineitem as approved',
+    method    => 'approve_lineitem',
+    api_name  => 'open-ils.acq.lineitem.approve',
+    signature => {
+        desc   => 'Mark a lineitem as approved',
         params => [
-            {desc => 'Authentication token', type => 'string'},
-            {desc => 'lineitem ID', type => 'number'}
+            { desc => 'Authentication token', type => 'string' },
+            { desc => 'lineitem ID',          type => 'number' }
-        return => {desc => '1 on success, Event on error'}
+        return => { desc => '1 on success, Event on error' }
 sub approve_lineitem {
@@ -797,32 +799,32 @@ sub approve_lineitem {
-	method => 'set_lineitem_attr',
-	api_name	=> 'open-ils.acq.lineitem_usr_attr.set',
-	signature => {
-        desc => 'Sets a lineitem_usr_attr value',
+    method    => 'set_lineitem_attr',
+    api_name  => 'open-ils.acq.lineitem_usr_attr.set',
+    signature => {
+        desc   => 'Sets a lineitem_usr_attr value',
         params => [
-            {desc => 'Authentication token', type => 'string'},
-            {desc => 'Lineitem ID', type => 'number'},
-            {desc => 'Attr name', type => 'string'},
-            {desc => 'Attr value', type => 'string'}
+            { desc => 'Authentication token', type => 'string' },
+            { desc => 'Lineitem ID',          type => 'number' },
+            { desc => 'Attr name',            type => 'string' },
+            { desc => 'Attr value',           type => 'string' }
-        return => {desc => '1 on success, Event on error'}
+        return => { desc => '1 on success, Event on error' }
-	method => 'set_lineitem_attr',
-	api_name	=> 'open-ils.acq.lineitem_local_attr.set',
-	signature => {
-        desc => 'Sets a lineitem_local_attr value',
+    method    => 'set_lineitem_attr',
+    api_name  => 'open-ils.acq.lineitem_local_attr.set',
+    signature => {
+        desc   => 'Sets a lineitem_local_attr value',
         params => [
-            {desc => 'Authentication token', type => 'string'},
-            {desc => 'Lineitem ID', type => 'number'},
-            {desc => 'Attr name', type => 'string'},
-            {desc => 'Attr value', type => 'string'}
+            { desc => 'Authentication token', type => 'string' },
+            { desc => 'Lineitem ID',          type => 'number' },
+            { desc => 'Attr name',            type => 'string' },
+            { desc => 'Attr value',           type => 'string' }
-        return => {desc => 'ID of the attr object on success, Event on error'}
+        return => { desc => 'ID of the attr object on success, Event on error' }
@@ -865,14 +867,12 @@ sub set_lineitem_attr {
-	method => 'get_lineitem_attr_defs',
-	api_name	=> 'open-ils.acq.lineitem_attr_definition.retrieve.all',
-	signature => {
-        desc => 'Retrieve lineitem attr definitions',
-        params => [
-            {desc => 'Authentication token', type => 'string'},
-        ],
-        return => {desc => 'List of attr definitions'}
+    method    => 'get_lineitem_attr_defs',
+    api_name  => 'open-ils.acq.lineitem_attr_definition.retrieve.all',
+    signature => {
+        desc   => 'Retrieve lineitem attr definitions',
+        params => [ { desc => 'Authentication token', type => 'string' }, ],
+        return => { desc => 'List of attr definitions' }
@@ -890,16 +890,17 @@ sub get_lineitem_attr_defs {
-	method => 'lineitem_note_CUD_batch',
-	api_name => 'open-ils.acq.lineitem_note.cud.batch',
-    stream => 1,
-	signature => {
-        desc => q/Manage lineitem notes/,
+    method    => 'lineitem_note_CUD_batch',
+    api_name  => 'open-ils.acq.lineitem_note.cud.batch',
+    stream    => 1,
+    signature => {
+        desc   => q/Manage lineitem notes/,
         params => [
-            {desc => 'Authentication token', type => 'string'},
-            {desc => 'List of lineitem_notes to manage', type => 'array'},
+            { desc => 'Authentication token',             type => 'string' },
+            { desc => 'List of lineitem_notes to manage', type => 'array'  },
-        return => {desc => 'Streaming response of current position in the array'}
+        return =>
+          { desc => 'Streaming response of current position in the array' }
@@ -946,7 +947,7 @@ sub lineitem_note_CUD_batch {
     method => 'ranged_line_item_alert_text',
-    api_name => 'open-ils.acq.line_item_alert_text.ranged.retrieve.all');
+    api_name => 'open-ils.acq.line_item_alert_text.ranged.retrieve.all');   # TODO: signature
 sub ranged_line_item_alert_text {
     my($self, $conn, $auth, $org_id, $depth) = @_;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/
index 35e66a5018..10d779c2d5 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2008 Niles Ingalls 
 # Niles Ingalls <>
 # Bill Erickson <>
-# Joe Atzberger <>
+# Joe Atzberger <>
 # Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley <>
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/
index 7a967730ad..89b3cd9c20 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ use OpenSRF::Utils::JSON;
 use OpenSRF::EX qw(:try);
 use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
 use OpenILS::Utils::Lockfile;
+use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor q/:funcs/;
 use File::Basename qw/fileparse/;
@@ -268,4 +269,103 @@ sub bootstrap {
+sub editor_init {
+    my $self = shift or return;
+    OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor::init();   # no return value to check
+    $self->{editor_inited} = 1;
+sub editor {
+    my $self = shift or return;
+    $self->{bootstrapped}  or $self->bootstrap();
+    $self->{editor_inited} or $self->editor_init();
+    return new_editor(@_);
+=head1 NAME
+OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript - Consolidated options handling for any script (not just cron, really)
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    use OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript;
+    my %defaults = (
+        'min=i'      => 0,          # keys are Getopt::Long style options
+        'max=i'      => 999,        # values are default values
+        'user=s'     => 'admin',
+        'password=s' => '',
+        'nolockfile' => 1,
+    };
+    my $core = OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript->new(\%defaults);
+    my $opts = $core->MyGetOptions();   # options now in, e.g.: $opts->{max}
+    $ocre->bootstrap;
+Or if you don't need any additional options and just want to get a session going:
+    use OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript;
+    my $session = OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript->new()->session('open-ils.acq');
+There are a few main problems when writing a new script for Evergreen. 
+=head2 Initialization
+The runtime 
+environment for the application requires a lot of initialization, but during normal operation it
+has already occured (when Evergreen was started).  So most of the EG code never has to deal with 
+this problem, but standalone scripts do.  The timing and sequence of requisite events is important and not obvious.
+=head2 Common Options, Consistent Options
+We need several common options for each script that accesses the database or
+uses EG data objects and methods.  Logically, these options often deal with initialization.  They
+should take the B<exact> same form(s) for each script and should not be 
+dependent on the local author to copy and paste them from some reference source.  We really don't want to encourage (let alone force)
+admins to use C<--config>, C<--osrf-confg>, C<-c>, and C<@ARGV[2]> for the same purpose in different scripts, with different
+default handling, help descriptions and error messages (or lack thereof).
+This suggests broader problem of UI consistency and uniformity, also partially addressed by this module.
+=head2 Lockfiles
+A lockfile is necessary for a script that wants to prevent possible simultaneous execution.  For example, consider a script 
+that is scheduled to run frequently, but that experiences occasional high load: you wouldn't want crontab to start running
+it again if the first instance had not yet finished.  
+But the code for creating, writing to, checking for, reading and cleaning up a lockfile for the script bloats what might otherwise be a terse 
+method call.  Conscript handles lockfile generation and removal automatically.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+The common options (and default values) are:
+    'lock-file=s'   => OpenILS::Utils::Lockfile::default_filename,
+    'osrf-config=s' => '/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml',
+    'debug'         => 0,
+    'verbose+'      => 0,
+    'help'          => 0,
+=head1 TODO 
+More docs here.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+    Getopt::Long
+    OpenILS::Utils::Lockfile
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joe Atzberger <>
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/
index c817c6774c..801faff550 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ sub new_editor { return OpenILS::Utils::Editor->new(@_); }
 # These need to be auto-generated
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 my %PERMS = (
-	'biblio.record_entry'	=> { update => 'UPDATE_MARC' },
-	'asset.copy'				=> { update => 'UPDATE_COPY'},
-	'asset.call_number'		=> { update => 'UPDATE_VOLUME'},
-	'action.circulation'		=> { retrieve => 'VIEW_CIRCULATIONS'},
+    'biblio.record_entry' => { update   => 'UPDATE_MARC'       },
+    'asset.copy'          => { update   => 'UPDATE_COPY'       },
+    'asset.call_number'   => { update   => 'UPDATE_VOLUME'     },
+    'action.circulation'  => { retrieve => 'VIEW_CIRCULATIONS' },
 use constant E => 'error';
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/
index c55bac33bc..89596accc3 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Utils/
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ use Net::uFTP;
 use Net::SSH2;      # because uFTP doesn't handle SSH keys (yet?)
 use File::Temp;
 use File::Basename;
+use File::Spec;
+use Text::Glob qw( match_glob glob_to_regex );
 # use Error;
 $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
@@ -305,6 +307,21 @@ sub ls {
     return $self->ls_uftp(@targets);
+# Checks if the filename part of a pathname has one or more glob characters
+# We split out the filename portion of the path
+# Detect glob or no glob.
+# return: regex for matching filenames
+sub glob_parse {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $path = shift or return;
+    my ($vol, $dir, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($path); # we don't care about attempted globs in mid-filepath
+    $file =~ /\*/ and return (File::Spec->catdir($vol, $dir), glob_to_regex($file));
+    $file =~ /\?/ and return (File::Spec->catdir($vol, $dir), glob_to_regex($file));
+    $logger->debug("No glob detected in '$path'");
+    return;
 # Internal Mechanics
 sub _ssh2 {
@@ -314,7 +331,7 @@ sub _ssh2 {
     my $ssh2 = Net::SSH2->new();
     unless($ssh2->connect($self->remote_host)) {
-        $logger->warn($self->error("SSH2 connect FAILED: $!" . join(" ", $ssh2->error)));
+        $logger->warn($self->error("SSH2 connect FAILED: $! " . join(" ", $ssh2->error)));
         return;     # we cannot connect
@@ -397,7 +414,7 @@ sub get_ssh2 {
     $logger->info("*** get args: " . Dumper(\@_));
-    $logger->info("*** attempting get (" . join(", ", map {$_ =~ /\S/ ? $_ : '*Object'} map {$_ || '*Object'} @_) . ") with ssh keys");
+    $logger->info("*** attempting get (" . join(", ", map {$_ =~ /\S/ ? $_ : '*Object'} map {defined($_) ? $_ : '*Object'} @_) . ") with ssh keys");
     my $ssh2 = $self->_ssh2($keys) or return;
     my $res;
     if ($res = $ssh2->scp_get( @_ )) {
@@ -427,9 +444,10 @@ sub ls_ssh2_full {
     my @list = ();
     foreach my $target (@targets) {
         my ($dir, $file);
-        $dir = $sftp->opendir($target);
+        my ($dirpath, $regex) = $self->glob_parse($target);
+        $dir = $sftp->opendir($dirpath || $target);     # Try to open it like a directory
         unless ($dir) {
-            $file = $sftp->stat($target);
+            $file = $sftp->stat($target);   # Otherwise, check it like a file
             if ($file) {
                 $file->{slash_path} = $self->_slash_path($target, $file->{name});     # it was a file, not a dir.  That's OK.
                 push @list, $file;
@@ -438,11 +456,17 @@ sub ls_ssh2_full {
+        my @pool = ();
         while ($file = $dir->read()) {
             $file->{slash_path} = $self->_slash_path($target, $file->{name});
-            push @list, $file;
-            # foreach (sort keys %$line) { printf "   %20s => %s\n", $_, $line->{$_}; }
+            push @pool, $file;
+        }
+        if ($regex) {
+            my $count = scalar(@pool);
+            @pool = grep {$_->{name} =~ /$regex/} @pool;
+            $logger->info("Glob regex($regex) matches " . scalar(@pool) . " of $count files"); 
+        push @list, @pool;
     return @list;
@@ -516,11 +540,17 @@ sub ls_uftp {
     my @list;
     foreach (@_) {
         my @part;
-        eval { @part = $ftp->ls($_) };
+        my ($dirpath, $regex) = $self->glob_parse($_);
+        eval { @part = $ftp->ls($dirpath || $_) };
         if ($@) {
             $logger->error($self->_error("ls from",  $self->remote_host, "failed with error: $@"));
+        if ($regex) {
+            my $count = scalar(@part);
+            @part = grep {/$regex/} @part;
+            $logger->info("Glob regex($regex) matches " . scalar(@part) . " of $count files"); 
+        }
         push @list, @part;
     return @list;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql
index 3f0efae4c2..af5c930f81 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/002.schema.config.sql
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ CREATE TABLE config.upgrade_log (
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0244'); -- Scott McKellar
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0246'); -- atz
 CREATE TABLE config.bib_source (
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/
index f4d0753267..2bd8d44591 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment (event_def, path) VALUES
   ((SELECT id FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE name='PO JEDI'), 'provider');
 -- The environment insert has to happen here because it relies on subquerying the user-editable field "name" to
--- provide the FK.  Outside of this tranasaction, we cannot be sure the user hasn't changed the name to something else.
+-- provide the FK.  Outside of this transaction, we cannot be sure the user hasn't changed the name to something else.
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0245.schema.acq_edi_message.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0245.schema.acq_edi_message.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6caa02259
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0245.schema.acq_edi_message.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0245');  -- atz
+ALTER TABLE acq.edi_account ADD COLUMN vendcode TEXT;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1595f673e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0246');
+UPDATE action_trigger.event_definition SET template = 
+$$[%- USE date -%]
+[%# start JEDI document -%]
+[%- BLOCK big_block -%]
+   "recipient":"[% target.provider.san %]",
+   "sender":"[% target.ordering_agency.mailing_address.san %]",
+   "body": [{
+     "ORDERS":[ "order", {
+        "po_number":[% %],
+        "date":"[% date.format(, '%Y%m%d') %]",
+        "buyer":[{
+            [%- IF target.provider.edi_default.vendcode -%]
+            "id":"[% target.ordering_agency.mailing_address.san _ ' ' _ target.provider.edi_default.vendcode %]", 
+            "id-qualifier": 91
+            [%- ELSE -%]
+            "id":"[% target.ordering_agency.mailing_address.san %]"
+            [%- END  -%]
+        }],
+        "vendor":[ 
+            [%- # ( -%]
+            "[% target.provider.san %]",
+            {"id-qualifier": 92, "id":"[% %]"}
+        ],
+        "currency":"[% target.provider.currency_type %]",
+        "items":[
+        [% FOR li IN target.lineitems %]
+        {
+            "identifiers":[
+                {"id-qualifier":"SA","id":"[% %]"},
+                {"id-qualifier":"IB","id":"[% helpers.get_li_attr('isbn', li.attributes) %]"}
+            ],
+            "price":[% helpers.get_li_attr('estimated_price', '', li.attributes) %],
+            "desc":[
+                {"BTI":"[% helpers.get_li_attr('title',     '', li.attributes) %]"}, 
+                {"BPU":"[% helpers.get_li_attr('publisher', '', li.attributes) %]"},
+                {"BPD":"[% helpers.get_li_attr('pubdate',   '', li.attributes) %]"},
+                {"BPH":"[% helpers.get_li_attr('pagination','', li.attributes) %]"}
+            ],
+            "quantity":[% li.lineitem_details.size %]
+        [%-# TODO: lineitem details (later) -%]
+        }[% UNLESS loop.last %],[% END %]
+        [% END %]
+        ],
+        "line_items":[% target.lineitems.size %]
+     }]  [% # close ORDERS array %]
+   }]    [% # close  body  array %]
+[% END %]
+[% tempo = PROCESS big_block; helpers.escape_json(tempo) %]
+WHERE name='PO JEDI';
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment (event_def, path) VALUES 
+  ((SELECT id FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE name='PO JEDI'), 'provider.edi_default');
+-- Hope they haven't changed the name...
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/Cstore_test.t b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/Cstore_test.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d577edce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/Cstore_test.t
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Equinox Software, Inc
+# Author: Joe Atzberger <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+use strict; use warnings;
+use vars qw/ $session $e $i $call/;
+use Test::More qw/no_plan/;
+sub nappy {
+    if (@ARGV) {
+        my $nap = shift @ARGV;
+        diag("OK, this time we'll sleep for $nap seconds to see if CStore wakes up");
+        sleep $nap;
+    }
+    $i = 5;
+    $call = 'retrieve_all_acq_edi_account';
+    use_ok('OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript');
+    nappy();
+    use_ok('OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor');
+ok($session = OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript->new()->session('open-ils.acq'),
+    "new session created");
+ok($e = OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor->new(xact => 1),
+    "new CStoreEditor created");
+until (can_ok($e, $call) or $i-- == 0) {
+    diag("CStore FAIL: cannot $call");
+    sleep 2;
+    diag("reloading: prepare for a ton of warnings");
+    delete $INC{'OpenILS/Utils/'};
+    require_ok('OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor');
+    diag("reloaded");
+    ok($e = OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor->new(xact => 1),
+        "replacement CStoreEditor created");
+my $set = $e->retrieve_all_acq_edi_account();
+ok(defined($set), $call);
+print "\ndone\n";
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/Cstore_test2.t b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/Cstore_test2.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68f139abe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/Cstore_test2.t
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Equinox Software, Inc
+# Author: Joe Atzberger <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+use strict; use warnings;
+use vars qw/ $session $e $i $call/;
+use Test::More qw/no_plan/;
+sub nappy {
+    if (@ARGV) {
+        my $nap = shift @ARGV;
+        diag("OK, this time we'll sleep for $nap seconds to see if CStore wakes up");
+        sleep $nap;
+    }
+    $i = 5;
+    $call = 'retrieve_all_acq_edi_account';
+    use_ok('OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript');
+    ok($session = OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript->new()->session('open-ils.acq'),
+        "new session created");
+    nappy();
+    use_ok('OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor');
+ok($e = OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor->new(xact => 1),
+    "new CStoreEditor created");
+until (can_ok($e, $call) or $i-- == 0) {
+    diag("CStore FAIL: cannot $call");
+    sleep 2;
+    diag("reloading: prepare for a ton of warnings");
+    delete $INC{'OpenILS/Utils/'};
+    require_ok('OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor');
+    diag("reloaded");
+    ok($e = OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor->new(xact => 1),
+        "replacement CStoreEditor created");
+my $set = $e->retrieve_all_acq_edi_account();
+ok(defined($set), $call);
+print "\ndone\n";
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/clear_expired_circ_history.srfsh b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/clear_expired_circ_history.srfsh
index 16628ec1f5..935a28be49 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/clear_expired_circ_history.srfsh
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/clear_expired_circ_history.srfsh
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 request open-ils.cstore open-ils.cstore.json_query {"from":["container.clear_all_expired_circ_history_items"]}
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25a37326c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Equinox Software, Inc
+# Author: Joe Atzberger <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use vars qw/$debug/;
+use OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI;
+use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor;   # needs init() after IDL is loaded (by Cronscript session)
+use OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript;
+    $debug = 1;
+OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript->new()->session('open-ils.acq') or die "No session created";
+sub editor {
+    my $ed = OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor->new(@_) or die "Failed to get new CStoreEditor";
+    return $ed;
+my $e = editor();
+my $set = $e->retrieve_all_acq_edi_account();
+my $total_accts = scalar(@$set);
+($total_accts) or die "No EDI accounts found in database (table: acq.edi_account)";
+print "EDI Accounts Total : ", scalar(@$set), "\n";
+my $subset = $e->search_acq_edi_account([
+    {'+acqpro' => {active => 't'}},
+    {
+        'join' => 'acqpro',
+        flesh => 1,
+        flesh_fields => {acqedi => ['provider']},
+    }
+print "EDI Accounts Active: ", scalar(@$subset), "\n";
+my $res = OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI->retrieve_core();
+print "Files retrieved: ", scalar(@$res), "\n";
+$debug and print "retrieve_core returns ", scalar(@$res),  " ids: " . join(', ', @$res), "\n";
+$debug and print Dumper($set);
+print "\ndone\n";
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..885659c1b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Equinox Software, Inc
+# Author: Joe Atzberger <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use vars qw/$debug/;
+use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor;   # needs init() after IDL is loaded (by Cronscript session)
+use OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript;
+use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
+use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
+use OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI;
+    $debug = 1;
+my %opts = (
+    'quiet' => 0,
+OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript->new()->session('open-ils.acq') or die "No session created";
+sub editor {
+    my $ed = OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor->new(@_) or die "Failed to get new CStoreEditor";
+    return $ed;
+my $e = editor();
+my $hook = 'format.po.jedi';
+my $defs = $e->search_action_trigger_event_definition({hook => $hook});
+# print Dumper($defs);
+print "\nHook '$hook' is used in ", scalar(@$defs), " event definition(s):\n";
+$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
+foreach my $def (@$defs) {
+    printf "%3s - '%s'\n", $def->id, $def->name;
+    my $events = $e->search_action_trigger_event([
+        {event_def => $def->id},
+        {flesh => 1, flesh_fields => { atev => ['template_output'] }}
+    ]);
+    print "Event definition ", $def->id, " has ", scalar(@$events), " event(s)\n";
+    foreach (@$events) {
+        my $message = Fieldmapper::acq::edi_message->new;
+        $message->create_time('NOW');   # will need this later when we try to update from the object
+        print "Event ", $_->id, " targets PO ", $_->target, ":\n";  # target is an opaque identifier, so we cannot flesh it
+        print Dumper($_), "\n";
+        my $target = $e->retrieve_acq_purchase_order([              # instead we retrieve it separately
+            $_->target, {
+                flesh => 2,
+                flesh_fields => {
+                    acqpo  => ['provider'],
+                    acqpro => ['edi_default'],
+                },
+            }
+        ]);
+        $debug and print "Target: ", Dumper($target), "\n";
+        my $logstr = sprintf "provider %s (%s)", $target->provider->id, $target->provider->name;
+        unless ($target->provider->edi_default and $message->account($target->provider->edi_default->id)) {
+            printf STDERR "ERROR: No edi_default account found for $logstr.  File will not be sent!\n";
+        }
+        $message->jedi($_->template_output()->data);
+        print "\ntarget->provider->edi_default->id: ", $target->provider->edi_default->id, "\n";
+        print "\nNow calling attempt_translation\n\n";
+        unless (OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI->attempt_translation($message, 1)) {
+            print STDERR "ERROR: attempt_translation failed, skipping message\n";
+            next;
+            # The premise here is that if the translator failed, it is better to try again later from a "fresh" fetched file
+            # than to add a cascade of failing inscrutable copies of the same message(s) to our DB.  
+        }
+        print "Writing new message + translation to DB\n";
+        $e->xact_begin;
+        $e->create_acq_edi_message($message) or warn "create_acq_edi_message failed!  $!";
+        $e->xact_commit;
+        print "Calling send_core(...)\n";
+        my $res = OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI->send_core($target->provider->edi_default, [$message->id]);
+        if (@$res) {
+            my $message_out = shift @$res;
+            print "\tmessage ", $message->id, " status: ", $message_out->status, "\n";
+        } else {
+            print STDERR "ERROR: send_core failed for message ", $message->id, "\n";
+        }
+    }
+print "\ndone\n";
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c4fd91eb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,2985 @@
+use strict; use warnings;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI;
+use OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript;
+use Business::EDI::Object;
+use Business::EDI::Segment::RFF;
+use vars qw/%code_hash/;
+require Business::EDI::DataElement;
+my $core = OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript->new();
+my $editor = $core->editor;
+my $slurp = join '', <DATA>;
+my ($aref, $whole) = OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI->process_jedi($slurp);
+$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
+my $i = 0;
+foreach (@$aref) {
+    print "Building object from chunk ", ++$i, "\n";
+    my $obj = Business::EDI::Object->new($_);
+    print Dumper($obj);
+print "\ndone\n";
+"trailer": ["UNZ", {
+    "0020": "2045",
+    "0036": 1
+"body": [{
+    "ORDRSP": [["UNH", {
+        "S009": {
+            "0052": "D",
+            "0054": "96A",
+            "0065": "ORDRSP",
+            "0051": "UN"
+        },
+        "0062": "723"
+    }], ["BGM", {
+        "4343": "AC",
+        "1225": "29",
+        "C002": {
+            "1001": "231"
+        },
+        "1004": "582822"
+    }], ["DTM", {
+        "C507": {
+            "2379": "102",
+            "2380": "20070618",
+            "2005": "137"
+        }
+    }], ["RFF", {
+        "C506": {
+            "1153": "ON",
+            "1154": "E07158FIC"
+        }
+    }], ["NAD", {
+        "C082": {
+            "3039": "8888888",
+            "3055": "31B"
+        },
+        "3035": "BY"
+    }], ["NAD", {
+        "C082": {
+            "3039": "1556150",
+            "3055": "31B"
+        },
+        "3035": "SU"
+    }], ["NAD", {
+        "C082": {
+            "3039": "8888888",
+            "3055": "91"
+        },
+        "3035": "BY"
+    }], ["CUX", {
+        "C504": [{
+            "6345": "USD",
+            "6347": "2",
+            "6343": "9"
+        }]
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["LACY, AL THINGS NOT SEEN"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 10.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/1"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781576734131",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 1,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["LACY, AL FINAL JUSTICE"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 1,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 1,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/2"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781590529966",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 2,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["MALAMUD, B NATURAL"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/3"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780374502003",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 3,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["SCOTT, PAU RAJ QUARTET THE JEWEL IN"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 32.5
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/4"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780307263964",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 4,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["JAMES, P.  SHROUD FOR A NIGHTINGALE"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/6"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780743219600",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 5,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["LAHAYE, TI TRIBULATION FORCE THE CO"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/7"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780842329217",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 6,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["ZANE AFTERBURN A NOVEL"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 15
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/8"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780743470988",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 7,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["CABOT, MEG BOY NEXT DOOR"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 13.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/9"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780060096199",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 8,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["VONNEGUT,  BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/10"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780385334204",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 9,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["DOSTOYEVSK BROTHERS KARAMAZOV"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 9.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/11"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781593083526",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 10,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["KINGSBURY, FORGIVEN"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 13.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/12"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780842387446",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 11,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["BERLINSKI, FIELDWORK"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 24
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/13"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780374299163",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 12,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["GREGORY, P MERIDON A NOVEL"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 16
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/14"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780743249317",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 13,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["MCCALL SMI MORALITY FOR BEAUTIFUL G"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 12.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/15"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781400031368",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 14,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["CLEAGE, PE WHAT LOOKS LIKE CRAZY ON"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 13.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/16"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780380794874",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 15,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["GREGORY, P WIDEACRE"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 16
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/17"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780743249294",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 16,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["FERBER, ED SO BIG"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "07",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "7B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 13
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/18"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780060956691",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 17,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["GREGORY, P OTHER BOLEYN GIRL"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 16
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/19"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780743227445",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 18,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["UNS", {
+        "0081": "S"
+    }], ["CNT", {
+        "C270": {
+            "6069": "2",
+            "6066": 18
+        }
+    }], ["UNT", {
+        "0074": 155,
+        "0062": "723"
+    }]]
+    "ORDRSP": [["UNH", {
+        "S009": {
+            "0052": "D",
+            "0054": "96A",
+            "0065": "ORDRSP",
+            "0051": "UN"
+        },
+        "0062": "724"
+    }], ["BGM", {
+        "4343": "AC",
+        "1225": "29",
+        "C002": {
+            "1001": "231"
+        },
+        "1004": "582828"
+    }], ["DTM", {
+        "C507": {
+            "2379": "102",
+            "2380": "20070618",
+            "2005": "137"
+        }
+    }], ["RFF", {
+        "C506": {
+            "1153": "ON",
+            "1154": "E07159ANF"
+        }
+    }], ["NAD", {
+        "C082": {
+            "3039": "8888888",
+            "3055": "31B"
+        },
+        "3035": "BY"
+    }], ["NAD", {
+        "C082": {
+            "3039": "1556150",
+            "3055": "31B"
+        },
+        "3035": "SU"
+    }], ["NAD", {
+        "C082": {
+            "3039": "8888888",
+            "3055": "91"
+        },
+        "3035": "BY"
+    }], ["CUX", {
+        "C504": [{
+            "6345": "USD",
+            "6347": "2",
+            "6343": "9"
+        }]
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["HOLM, BILL WINDOWS OF BRIMNES"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 22
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/1"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781571313027",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 1,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["REPA, BARB YOUR RIGHTS IN THE WORKP"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 29.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/2"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781413306439",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 2,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["GUERIN, LI ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO WORKP"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 39.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/3"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781413306910",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 3,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["CLIFFORD,  ESTATE PLANNING BASICS"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 21.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/4"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781413307023",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 4,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["FRIEDMAN,  BABY CARE BOOK"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 29.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/5"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780778801603",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 5,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["KING, RUSS ATLAS OF HUMAN MIGRATION"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 40
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/6"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781554072873",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 6,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["ASH, RUSSE FIREFLYS WORLD OF FACTS"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 29.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/7"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781554073139",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 7,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["WARNER, RA 101 LAW FORMS FOR PERSON"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 29.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/8"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781413307122",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 8,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["BRAY, ILON NOLOS ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 10,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 10,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 24.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/9"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781413306286",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 9,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["WESTWOOD,  HOW TO WRITE A MARKETING"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 1,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "99",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "7B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 17.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/10"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780749445546",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 10,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["ROANE, SUS HOW TO WORK A ROOM YOUR "]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/11"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780061238673",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 11,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["GERMAIN, D REACHING PAST THE WIRE A"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 24.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/12"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780873516068",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 12,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["KLING, KEV DOG SAYS HOW"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 22.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/13"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780873515993",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 13,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["SHORT, SUS BUNDT CAKE BLISS DELICIO"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 16.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/14"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780873515856",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 14,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["BRADY, TIM GOPHER GOLD LEGENDARY FI"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 24.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/15"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780873516013",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 15,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["ROBERTS, K MINNESOTA 150 THE PEOPLE"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 19.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/16"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780873515948",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 16,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["MAK, GEERT IN EUROPE A JOURNEY THRO"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 35
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/17"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780375424953",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 17,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["DONAHUE, P PARENTING WITHOUT FEAR O"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/18"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780312358914",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 18,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["MURRAY, LI BABYCENTERS ESSENTIAL GU"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 15.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/19"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781594864117",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 19,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["LAPINE, MI SNEAKY CHEF SIMPLE STRAT"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 17.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/20"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780762430758",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 20,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["UNS", {
+        "0081": "S"
+    }], ["CNT", {
+        "C270": {
+            "6069": "2",
+            "6066": 20
+        }
+    }], ["UNT", {
+        "0074": 171,
+        "0062": "724"
+    }]]
+    "ORDRSP": [["UNH", {
+        "S009": {
+            "0052": "D",
+            "0054": "96A",
+            "0065": "ORDRSP",
+            "0051": "UN"
+        },
+        "0062": "725"
+    }], ["BGM", {
+        "4343": "AC",
+        "1225": "29",
+        "C002": {
+            "1001": "231"
+        },
+        "1004": "582830"
+    }], ["DTM", {
+        "C507": {
+            "2379": "102",
+            "2380": "20070618",
+            "2005": "137"
+        }
+    }], ["RFF", {
+        "C506": {
+            "1153": "ON",
+            "1154": "E07160FIC"
+        }
+    }], ["NAD", {
+        "C082": {
+            "3039": "8888888",
+            "3055": "31B"
+        },
+        "3035": "BY"
+    }], ["NAD", {
+        "C082": {
+            "3039": "1556150",
+            "3055": "31B"
+        },
+        "3035": "SU"
+    }], ["NAD", {
+        "C082": {
+            "3039": "8888888",
+            "3055": "91"
+        },
+        "3035": "BY"
+    }], ["CUX", {
+        "C504": [{
+            "6345": "USD",
+            "6347": "2",
+            "6343": "9"
+        }]
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["SHAW, REBE COUNTRY LOVERS"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 12.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/1"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781400098224",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 1,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["BLAKE, TON TEMPT ME TONIGHT"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "07",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "7B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 13.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/2"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780061136092",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 2,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["MONING, KA BLOODFEVER"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 22
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/3"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780385339162",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 3,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["MCKENNA, S EDGE OF MIDNIGHT"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/4"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780758211859",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 4,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["BALZO, SAN GROUNDS FOR MURDER"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 27.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/5"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780727865496",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 5,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["PALMER, DI HARD TO HANDLE"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 13.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/6"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780373772612",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 6,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["JONES, LLO MR PIP"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 20
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/7"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780385341066",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 7,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["JILES, PAU STORMY WEATHER"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 24.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/8"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780060537326",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 8,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["DELILLO, D FALLING MAN A NOVEL"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 26
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/9"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781416546023",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 9,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["MORRISON,  SWEETER THAN HONEY"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 24
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/10"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780758215116",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 10,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["SMITH, SHE FOX"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 25.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/11"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780756404215",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 11,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["GROSSMAN,  SOON I WILL BE INVINCIBL"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 22.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/12"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780375424861",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 12,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["LEWYCKA, M SHORT HISTORY OF TRACTOR"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/13"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780143036746",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 13,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["BANNISTER, FLAWED"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 24.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/14"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780312375669",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 14,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["ALEXANDER, REMEMBERED"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 13.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/15"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780764201103",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 15,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["TANIGUCHI, OCEAN IN THE CLOSET"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/16"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781566891943",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 16,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["HENKE, ROX SECRET OF US"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 13.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/17"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780736917018",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 17,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["HERMAN, KA EVER PRESENT DANGER"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 12.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/18"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781590529218",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 18,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["CHAPMAN, G IT HAPPENS EVERY SPRING"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "07",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "7B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 12.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/19"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781414311654",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 19,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["JACKSON, N YADA YADA PRAYER GROUP G"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 13.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/20"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781591453628",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 20,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["UNS", {
+        "0081": "S"
+    }], ["CNT", {
+        "C270": {
+            "6069": "2",
+            "6066": 20
+        }
+    }], ["UNT", {
+        "0074": 171,
+        "0062": "725"
+    }]]
+"recipient": "8888888",
+"sender": "1556150",
+"header": ["UNB", {
+    "S003": {
+        "0007": "31B",
+        "0010": "8888888"
+    },
+    "0020": "2045",
+    "S004": {
+        "0019": 1556,
+        "0017": 70618
+    },
+    "S001": {
+        "0001": "UNOC",
+        "0002": 3
+    },
+    "S002": {
+        "0007": "31B",
+        "0004": "1556150"
+    }
+"sender_qual": "31B",
+"UNA": {
+    "seg_term": "'",
+    "decimal_sign": ".",
+    "esc_char": "?",
+    "de_sep": "+",
+    "ce_sep": ":",
+    "rep_sep": " "
+"recipient_qual": "31B"
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..932c719c77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -IOpen-ILS/src/perlmods 
+use strict; use warnings;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use OpenILS::Utils::RemoteAccount;
+my $delay = 1;
+my %config = (
+    remote_host => '',
+    remote_user => 'some_user',
+    remote_password => 'some_user',
+    remote_file => './out/testfile',
+sub content {
+    my $time = localtime;
+    return <<END_OF_CONTENT;
+This is a test file sent at:
+my $x = OpenILS::Utils::RemoteAccount->new(
+    remote_host => $config{remote_host},
+    remote_user => $config{remote_user},
+    content => content(),
+$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
+print Dumper($x);
+$delay and print "Sleeping $delay seconds\n" and sleep $delay;
+    remote_file => $config{remote_file} . "1.$$",
+    content     => content(),
+}) or die "ERROR: $x->error";
+print "\n\n", Dumper($x);
+my $file = $x->local_file;
+open TEMP, "< $file" or die "Cannot read tempfile $file: $!";
+print "\n\ncontent from tempfile $file:\n";
+while (my $line = <TEMP>) {
+    print $line;
+close TEMP;
+print "\n\nls :\n", join "\n", $x->ls;
+print "\n\nls ('out'):\n", join "\n", $x->ls('out');
+print "\nThis one should fail (at put)\n";
+my $y;
+$y = OpenILS::Utils::RemoteAccount->new(
+    remote_host     => $config{remote_host},
+    remote_user     => $config{remote_user},
+    remote_password => 'some_junk',
+    content => content(),
+    type => 'FTP',
+print STDERR "ERROR: $@ $! : \n", $y->error, "\n";
+print "\n\n", Dumper($y);
+$delay and print "Sleeping $delay seconds\n" and sleep $delay;
+    remote_file => $config{remote_file} . "2.$$",
+    content     => content(),
+}) or warn "ERROR with put: " . $y->error;
+print "\nThis one might succeed\n";
+    remote_file => $config{remote_file} . "3.$$",
+    content     => content(),
+    remote_password => $config{remote_password},
+}) or warn "ERROR with put: " . $y->error;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..987a419852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -IOpen-ILS/src/perlmods 
+use strict; use warnings;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use OpenILS::Utils::RemoteAccount;
+use IO::Scalar;
+use IO::File;
+use Text::Glob qw( match_glob );
+$Text::Glob::strict_leading_dot    = 0;
+$Text::Glob::strict_wildcard_slash = 0;
+my $delay = 1;
+my %config = (
+    remote_host => '',
+    remote_user => 'some_user',
+    remote_password => 'some_user',
+    remote_file => '/home/some_user/out/zzz_testfile',
+sub content {
+    my $time = localtime;
+    return <<END_OF_CONTENT;
+This is a test file sent at:
+my $x = OpenILS::Utils::RemoteAccount->new(
+    remote_host => $config{remote_host},
+    remote_user => $config{remote_user},
+    content => content(),
+$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
+# print Dumper($x);
+$delay and print "Sleeping $delay seconds\n" and sleep $delay;
+    remote_file => $config{remote_file} . "1.$$",
+    content     => content(),
+}) or die "ERROR: $x->error";
+# print "\n\n", Dumper($x);
+my $file  = $x->local_file;
+my $rfile = $x->remote_file;
+open TEMP, "< $file" or die "Cannot read tempfile $file: $!";
+print "\n\ncontent from tempfile $file:\n";
+while (my $line = <TEMP>) {
+    print $line;
+close TEMP;
+my $dir = '/home/some_user/out';
+$delay and print "Sleeping $delay seconds\n" and sleep $delay;
+my $glob6 = $dir . '/*Q*';
+my @res1 = grep {! /\/\.?\.$/} $x->ls({remote_file => $dir});
+my @res2 = grep {! /\/\.?\.$/} $x->ls($dir);
+my @res3 = grep {! /\/\.?\.$/} $x->ls();
+my @res4 = grep {! /\/\.?\.$/} $x->ls('.');
+my @res6 = $x->ls($glob6);
+my $mismatch = 0;
+my $found    = 0;
+my $i=0;
+print "\n\n";
+printf "      %50s | %s\n", "ls ({remote_file => '$dir'})", "ls ('$dir')";
+foreach (@res1) {
+    my $partner = @res2 ? shift @res2 : '';
+    $mismatch++ unless ($_ eq $partner);
+    $_ eq $rfile and $found++;
+    printf "%4d)%1s%50s %s %s\n", ++$i, ($_ eq $rfile ? '*' : ' '), $_, ($_ eq $partner ? '=' : '!'), $partner;
+print "\n";
+print ($found ? "* The file we just sent" : sprintf("Did not find the file we just sent: \n%58s", $rfile));
+print "\nNumber of mismatches: $mismatch\n";
+$mismatch and warn "Different style calls to ls got different results.  Please check again.";
+$mismatch = $found = $i = 0;
+print "\n\n";
+printf "      %50s | %s\n", "ls ('.')", "ls ()";
+foreach (@res4) {
+    my $partner = @res3 ? shift @res3 : '';
+    $mismatch++ unless ($_ eq $partner);
+    printf "%4d)%1s%50s %s %s\n", ++$i, ($_ eq $rfile ? '*' : ' '), $_, ($_ eq $partner ? '=' : '!'), $partner;
+print "\n";
+print "\nNumber of mismatches: $mismatch\n";
+$mismatch and warn "Different style calls to ls got different results.  Please check again.";
+my $target = $res1[0] || $res3[0];
+my $slurp;
+my $io = IO::Scalar->new(\$slurp);
+print "Trying to read $target into an IO::Scalar\n";
+$x->get({remote_file => $target, local_file => $io});
+my $iofile = IO::File->new(">/tmp/io_file_sftp_test.tmp");
+print "Trying to read $target into an IO::File\n";
+$x->get({remote_file => $target, local_file => $iofile});
+my $glob = '*t*';
+my @res5 = (match_glob($glob, @res4));
+print scalar(@res5) . " of " . scalar(@res4) . " files matching $glob :\n";
+$i = 0;
+foreach my $orig (@res4) {
+    printf "%4d)%1s %s\n", ++$i, ((grep {$orig eq $_} @res5 )? '*' : ' '), $orig;
+scalar(@res5) and print "\n* Matching file\n";
+print scalar(@res6) . " of " . scalar(@res1) . " files matching $glob6 :\n";
+$i = 0;
+foreach my $orig (@res1) {
+    printf "%4d)%1s %s\n", ++$i, ((grep {$orig eq $_} @res6 )? '*' : ' '), $orig;
+scalar(@res6) and print "\n* Matching file\n";
+print join("\n", @res6), "\n";
+print "\n\ndone\n";
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cfc5bda07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More qw/no_plan/;
+my %config = (
+    hostname   => @ARGV ? shift @ARGV : '',
+    username   => @ARGV ? shift @ARGV : 'some_user',
+    file       => @ARGV ? shift @ARGV : '.bashrc',
+    privatekey => glob("~/.ssh/id_rsa") || glob("~/.ssh/id_dsa"),
+$config{publickey} = $config{privatekey} . '.pub';
+    use_ok( 'Net::SSH2'  );
+    use_ok( 'IO::Scalar' );
+    use_ok( 'IO::File'   );
+    use_ok( 'File::Glob', qw/:glob/ );
+my $ssh;
+ok($ssh = Net::SSH2->new,
+         'Net::SSH2->new');
+ok($ssh->connect( $config{hostname} ),
+   "ssh->connect('$config{hostname}')");
+ok($ssh->auth_publickey(@config{qw/username publickey privatekey/}),
+   "ssh->auth_publickey("
+        . join(', ', map{"'$_'"} @config{qw/username publickey privatekey/})
+   . ")"
+my (@list, $io, $iofile);
+my $scalar = "## This line starts in the variable before we read the file\n## This line too.\n";
+ok($io     = IO::Scalar->new(\$scalar), "IO::Scalar->new");
+ok($iofile = IO::File->new(">/tmp/io_file.tmp"),
+            "IO::File->new('>/tmp/io_file.tmp')");
+ok($ssh->scp_get($config{file},  $io),
+   "ssh->scp_get($config{file}, \$io) # trying to retrieve file into IO::Scalar"
+diag("Now printing remote file from IO::Scalar:");
+print $io;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b51e669a3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -IOpen-ILS/src/perlmods 
+use strict; use warnings;
+use Net::SSH2;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my $delay = 1;
+my %config = (
+    remote_host => '',
+    remote_user => 'some_user',
+    remote_password => 'whatever',
+$config{remote_file} = '/home/' . $config{remote_user};
+my $x = Net::SSH2->new();
+$x->connect($config{remote_host}) or die "Could not connect to $config{remote_host}: " . $x->error;
+    publickey  => '/home/opensrf/.ssh/',
+    privatekey => '/home/opensrf/.ssh/id_rsa',
+    username   => $config{remote_user},
+#    password   => $config{remote_password},
+    rank => [ qw/ publickey hostbased password / ],
+) or die "Auth failed for $config{remote_host}: " . $x->error;
+print "Reading directory: $config{remote_file}\n";
+my $sftp = $x->sftp;
+my $dir = $sftp->opendir($config{remote_file}) or die $sftp->error;
+print "Directory listing:\n";
+my $i = 0;
+while (my $line = $dir->read()) {
+    printf "%3s)\n", ++$i;
+    foreach (sort keys %$line) {
+        printf "   %20s => %s\n", $_, $line->{$_};
+    }
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
index 21fcaf8fa3..0bbbc156af 100755
--- a/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use Data::Dumper;
 use OpenSRF::Utils::JSON;
-# Does a checkout, renew, and checkin 
+# Creates, retrieves and deletes notes
 err("usage: $0 <config> <username> <password> <patronid> <title> <text>") unless $ARGV[5];
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c57b33187f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,3058 @@
+use strict; use warnings;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript;
+use OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI;
+use Business::EDI::DataElement;
+use Business::EDI::Segment::RFF;
+use vars qw/%code_hash/;
+require Business::EDI::DataElement;
+my $verbose = @ARGV ? shift : 0;
+my $core = OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript->new();
+my $editor = $core->editor;
+my $slurp = join '', <DATA>;
+my ($aref, $whole) = OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI->process_jedi($slurp);
+$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
+# print Dumper($aref);
+my @innards = @$aref;
+my @rffs;
+# `print Dumper(\@innards);
+    ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["LACY, AL THINGS NOT SEEN"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ...
+            ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/1"
+            }
+        }], ... ]}]
+my @qtys = ();
+foreach (@innards) {
+#   my $count = scalar(@{$_->{SG26}});
+   my $count = scalar(@$_);
+   print STDERR "->{SG26} has $count pieces: ";
+   for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
+        my $label = $_->[$i]->[0];
+        my $body  = $_->[$i]->[1];
+        print STDERR "$label ";
+        $label eq 'QTY' and push @qtys, $body;
+        $label eq 'RFF' and push @rffs, $body;
+    }
+    print STDERR "\n";
+    # foreach my $qty (@{$_->{SG26}->[0]}) {
+printf "%4d LINs found\n", scalar(@innards);
+printf "%4d QTYs found\n", scalar(@qtys);
+printf "%4d RFFs found (inside LINs)\n", scalar(@rffs);
+sub example_dump {
+    my $example = shift or return;
+    print "\nexample QTY: ", Dumper($example);
+    foreach (keys %{$example->{C186}}) {
+        # no warnings 'uninitialized';
+        my $x = Business::EDI::DataElement->new($_);
+        print $x->label, " ($_) : ", $example->{C186}->{$_}, "\n";
+    }
+# example_dump($qtys[-1]);
+# We want: RFF > C506 > 1154 where 1153 = LI
+foreach my $rff (@rffs) {
+    my $obj = Business::EDI::Segment::RFF->new($rff);
+    $verbose and print Dumper ($obj);
+    foreach my $subrff (keys %$rff) {
+        $subrff eq 'C506' or next;
+        my $i = 0;
+        foreach (sort keys %{$rff->{$subrff}}) {
+            my $x = Business::EDI::DataElement->new($_, $rff->{$subrff}->{$_});
+            $x or warn "Unknown DataElement code $_";
+            print "$_ ", $x->label, " ", $x->value, " ";
+            $i++ == 0 and print "==> ";
+        }
+        print "\n";
+    }
+print "\ndone\n";
+"trailer": ["UNZ", {
+    "0020": "2045",
+    "0036": 1
+"body": [{
+    "ORDRSP": [["UNH", {
+        "S009": {
+            "0052": "D",
+            "0054": "96A",
+            "0065": "ORDRSP",
+            "0051": "UN"
+        },
+        "0062": "723"
+    }], ["BGM", {
+        "4343": "AC",
+        "1225": "29",
+        "C002": {
+            "1001": "231"
+        },
+        "1004": "582822"
+    }], ["DTM", {
+        "C507": {
+            "2379": "102",
+            "2380": "20070618",
+            "2005": "137"
+        }
+    }], ["RFF", {
+        "C506": {
+            "1153": "ON",
+            "1154": "E07158FIC"
+        }
+    }], ["NAD", {
+        "C082": {
+            "3039": "8888888",
+            "3055": "31B"
+        },
+        "3035": "BY"
+    }], ["NAD", {
+        "C082": {
+            "3039": "1556150",
+            "3055": "31B"
+        },
+        "3035": "SU"
+    }], ["NAD", {
+        "C082": {
+            "3039": "8888888",
+            "3055": "91"
+        },
+        "3035": "BY"
+    }], ["CUX", {
+        "C504": [{
+            "6345": "USD",
+            "6347": "2",
+            "6343": "9"
+        }]
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["LACY, AL THINGS NOT SEEN"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 10.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/1"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781576734131",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 1,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["LACY, AL FINAL JUSTICE"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 1,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 1,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/2"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781590529966",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 2,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["MALAMUD, B NATURAL"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/3"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780374502003",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 3,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["SCOTT, PAU RAJ QUARTET THE JEWEL IN"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 32.5
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/4"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780307263964",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 4,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["JAMES, P.  SHROUD FOR A NIGHTINGALE"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/6"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780743219600",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 5,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["LAHAYE, TI TRIBULATION FORCE THE CO"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/7"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780842329217",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 6,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["ZANE AFTERBURN A NOVEL"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 15
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/8"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780743470988",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 7,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["CABOT, MEG BOY NEXT DOOR"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 13.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/9"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780060096199",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 8,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["VONNEGUT,  BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/10"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780385334204",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 9,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["DOSTOYEVSK BROTHERS KARAMAZOV"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 9.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/11"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781593083526",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 10,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["KINGSBURY, FORGIVEN"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 13.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/12"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780842387446",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 11,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["BERLINSKI, FIELDWORK"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 24
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/13"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780374299163",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 12,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["GREGORY, P MERIDON A NOVEL"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 16
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/14"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780743249317",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 13,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["MCCALL SMI MORALITY FOR BEAUTIFUL G"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 12.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/15"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781400031368",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 14,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["CLEAGE, PE WHAT LOOKS LIKE CRAZY ON"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 13.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/16"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780380794874",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 15,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["GREGORY, P WIDEACRE"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 16
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/17"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780743249294",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 16,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["FERBER, ED SO BIG"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "07",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "7B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 13
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/18"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780060956691",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 17,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["GREGORY, P OTHER BOLEYN GIRL"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 16
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4639/19"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780743227445",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 18,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["UNS", {
+        "0081": "S"
+    }], ["CNT", {
+        "C270": {
+            "6069": "2",
+            "6066": 18
+        }
+    }], ["UNT", {
+        "0074": 155,
+        "0062": "723"
+    }]]
+    "ORDRSP": [["UNH", {
+        "S009": {
+            "0052": "D",
+            "0054": "96A",
+            "0065": "ORDRSP",
+            "0051": "UN"
+        },
+        "0062": "724"
+    }], ["BGM", {
+        "4343": "AC",
+        "1225": "29",
+        "C002": {
+            "1001": "231"
+        },
+        "1004": "582828"
+    }], ["DTM", {
+        "C507": {
+            "2379": "102",
+            "2380": "20070618",
+            "2005": "137"
+        }
+    }], ["RFF", {
+        "C506": {
+            "1153": "ON",
+            "1154": "E07159ANF"
+        }
+    }], ["NAD", {
+        "C082": {
+            "3039": "8888888",
+            "3055": "31B"
+        },
+        "3035": "BY"
+    }], ["NAD", {
+        "C082": {
+            "3039": "1556150",
+            "3055": "31B"
+        },
+        "3035": "SU"
+    }], ["NAD", {
+        "C082": {
+            "3039": "8888888",
+            "3055": "91"
+        },
+        "3035": "BY"
+    }], ["CUX", {
+        "C504": [{
+            "6345": "USD",
+            "6347": "2",
+            "6343": "9"
+        }]
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["HOLM, BILL WINDOWS OF BRIMNES"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 22
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/1"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781571313027",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 1,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["REPA, BARB YOUR RIGHTS IN THE WORKP"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 29.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/2"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781413306439",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 2,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["GUERIN, LI ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO WORKP"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 39.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/3"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781413306910",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 3,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["CLIFFORD,  ESTATE PLANNING BASICS"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 21.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/4"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781413307023",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 4,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["FRIEDMAN,  BABY CARE BOOK"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 29.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/5"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780778801603",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 5,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["KING, RUSS ATLAS OF HUMAN MIGRATION"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 40
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/6"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781554072873",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 6,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["ASH, RUSSE FIREFLYS WORLD OF FACTS"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 29.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/7"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781554073139",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 7,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["WARNER, RA 101 LAW FORMS FOR PERSON"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 29.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/8"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781413307122",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 8,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["BRAY, ILON NOLOS ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 10,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 10,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 24.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/9"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781413306286",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 9,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["WESTWOOD,  HOW TO WRITE A MARKETING"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 1,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "99",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "7B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 17.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/10"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780749445546",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 10,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["ROANE, SUS HOW TO WORK A ROOM YOUR "]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/11"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780061238673",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 11,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["GERMAIN, D REACHING PAST THE WIRE A"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 24.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/12"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780873516068",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 12,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["KLING, KEV DOG SAYS HOW"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 22.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/13"
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+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780873515993",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 13,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["SHORT, SUS BUNDT CAKE BLISS DELICIO"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 16.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/14"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780873515856",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 14,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["BRADY, TIM GOPHER GOLD LEGENDARY FI"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 24.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/15"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780873516013",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 15,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["ROBERTS, K MINNESOTA 150 THE PEOPLE"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 19.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/16"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780873515948",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 16,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["MAK, GEERT IN EUROPE A JOURNEY THRO"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 35
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/17"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780375424953",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 17,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["DONAHUE, P PARENTING WITHOUT FEAR O"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/18"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780312358914",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 18,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["MURRAY, LI BABYCENTERS ESSENTIAL GU"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 15.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/19"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781594864117",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 19,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["LAPINE, MI SNEAKY CHEF SIMPLE STRAT"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 17.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4640/20"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780762430758",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 20,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["UNS", {
+        "0081": "S"
+    }], ["CNT", {
+        "C270": {
+            "6069": "2",
+            "6066": 20
+        }
+    }], ["UNT", {
+        "0074": 171,
+        "0062": "724"
+    }]]
+    "ORDRSP": [["UNH", {
+        "S009": {
+            "0052": "D",
+            "0054": "96A",
+            "0065": "ORDRSP",
+            "0051": "UN"
+        },
+        "0062": "725"
+    }], ["BGM", {
+        "4343": "AC",
+        "1225": "29",
+        "C002": {
+            "1001": "231"
+        },
+        "1004": "582830"
+    }], ["DTM", {
+        "C507": {
+            "2379": "102",
+            "2380": "20070618",
+            "2005": "137"
+        }
+    }], ["RFF", {
+        "C506": {
+            "1153": "ON",
+            "1154": "E07160FIC"
+        }
+    }], ["NAD", {
+        "C082": {
+            "3039": "8888888",
+            "3055": "31B"
+        },
+        "3035": "BY"
+    }], ["NAD", {
+        "C082": {
+            "3039": "1556150",
+            "3055": "31B"
+        },
+        "3035": "SU"
+    }], ["NAD", {
+        "C082": {
+            "3039": "8888888",
+            "3055": "91"
+        },
+        "3035": "BY"
+    }], ["CUX", {
+        "C504": [{
+            "6345": "USD",
+            "6347": "2",
+            "6343": "9"
+        }]
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["SHAW, REBE COUNTRY LOVERS"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 12.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/1"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781400098224",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 1,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["BLAKE, TON TEMPT ME TONIGHT"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "07",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "7B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 13.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/2"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780061136092",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 2,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["MONING, KA BLOODFEVER"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 6,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 22
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/3"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780385339162",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 3,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["MCKENNA, S EDGE OF MIDNIGHT"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/4"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780758211859",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 4,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["BALZO, SAN GROUNDS FOR MURDER"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 27.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/5"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780727865496",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 5,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["PALMER, DI HARD TO HANDLE"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 13.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/6"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780373772612",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 6,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["JONES, LLO MR PIP"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 20
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/7"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780385341066",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 7,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["JILES, PAU STORMY WEATHER"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 24.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/8"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780060537326",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 8,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["DELILLO, D FALLING MAN A NOVEL"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 26
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/9"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781416546023",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 9,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["MORRISON,  SWEETER THAN HONEY"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 24
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/10"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780758215116",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 10,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["SMITH, SHE FOX"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 25.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/11"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780756404215",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 11,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["GROSSMAN,  SOON I WILL BE INVINCIBL"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 22.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/12"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780375424861",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 12,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["LEWYCKA, M SHORT HISTORY OF TRACTOR"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 3,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/13"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780143036746",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 13,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["BANNISTER, FLAWED"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 4,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "03",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 24.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/14"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780312375669",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 14,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["ALEXANDER, REMEMBERED"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 13.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/15"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780764201103",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 15,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["TANIGUCHI, OCEAN IN THE CLOSET"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 2,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 14.95
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/16"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781566891943",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 16,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["HENKE, ROX SECRET OF US"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 13.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/17"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9780736917018",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 17,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["HERMAN, KA EVER PRESENT DANGER"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 12.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/18"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781590529218",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 18,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["CHAPMAN, G IT HAPPENS EVERY SPRING"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 5,
+                "6063": "83"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "07",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "7B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 12.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/19"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781414311654",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 19,
+        "1229": "24"
+    }], ["LIN", {
+        "SG26": [["IMD", {
+            "C273": {
+                "7008": ["JACKSON, N YADA YADA PRAYER GROUP G"]
+            },
+            "7077": "F",
+            "7081": "BST"
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "21"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 8,
+                "6063": "12"
+            }
+        }], ["QTY", {
+            "C186": {
+                "6060": 0,
+                "6063": "85"
+            }
+        }], ["FTX", {
+            "C107": {
+                "4441": "01",
+                "3055": "28",
+                "1131": "8B"
+            },
+            "4451": "LIN"
+        }], ["PRI", {
+            "C509": {
+                "5387": "SRP",
+                "5125": "AAB",
+                "5118": 13.99
+            }
+        }], ["RFF", {
+            "C506": {
+                "1153": "LI",
+                "1154": "4641/20"
+            }
+        }]],
+        "C212": {
+            "7140": "9781591453628",
+            "7143": "EN"
+        },
+        "1082": 20,
+        "1229": "5"
+    }], ["UNS", {
+        "0081": "S"
+    }], ["CNT", {
+        "C270": {
+            "6069": "2",
+            "6066": 20
+        }
+    }], ["UNT", {
+        "0074": 171,
+        "0062": "725"
+    }]]
+"recipient": "8888888",
+"sender": "1556150",
+"header": ["UNB", {
+    "S003": {
+        "0007": "31B",
+        "0010": "8888888"
+    },
+    "0020": "2045",
+    "S004": {
+        "0019": 1556,
+        "0017": 70618
+    },
+    "S001": {
+        "0001": "UNOC",
+        "0002": 3
+    },
+    "S002": {
+        "0007": "31B",
+        "0004": "1556150"
+    }
+"sender_qual": "31B",
+"UNA": {
+    "seg_term": "'",
+    "decimal_sign": ".",
+    "esc_char": "?",
+    "de_sep": "+",
+    "ce_sep": ":",
+    "rep_sep": " "
+"recipient_qual": "31B"
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
index 41ece54d6d..e0d5ecc8c9 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/test-scripts/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Transaction data:
-$0 \\
+$0 \\
     --password=1254618222 \\
     --signature=AiPC9xjkCyDFQXbSkoZcgqH3hpacAVPVw5GcZgNKVA9SGKcbrqLuhLks \\
     --amount=32.75 \\
diff --git a/Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/conify/global/acq/edi_account.js b/Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/conify/global/acq/edi_account.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40ab63ba70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/conify/global/acq/edi_account.js
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+function draw() {
+    if (! targetId) {
+        pListGrid.loadAll({order_by:{acqedi : 'id'}});       
+        pListGrid.onPostCreate = function(fmObject) {
+            location.href = location.href + '/' +;
+        };
+        return;
+    }
+    var pcrud = new openils.PermaCrud();
+    pcrud.retrieve('acqedi', targetId, {
+        oncomplete : function(r) {
+            console.log('edi_account is' + js2JSON(openils.Util.readResponse(r)));
+        }
+    });
diff --git a/Open-ILS/web/opac/locale/en-US/lang.dtd b/Open-ILS/web/opac/locale/en-US/lang.dtd
index 60c5ed67a3..29eca01297 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/web/opac/locale/en-US/lang.dtd
+++ b/Open-ILS/web/opac/locale/en-US/lang.dtd
@@ -819,6 +819,8 @@
 <!ENTITY "S">
 <!ENTITY "Providers">
 <!ENTITY "V">
+<!ENTITY "EDI Accounts">
+<!ENTITY "A">
 <!ENTITY "Distribution Formulas">
 <!ENTITY "D">
 <!ENTITY "Currency Types">
diff --git a/Open-ILS/web/templates/default/conify/global/acq/edi_account.tt2 b/Open-ILS/web/templates/default/conify/global/acq/edi_account.tt2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56b21c0440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/web/templates/default/conify/global/acq/edi_account.tt2
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+[% WRAPPER default/base.tt2 %]
+<script type="text/javascript" src='[% ctx.media_prefix %]/js/ui/default/conify/global/acq/edi_account.js'> </script>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+// dojo.require('openils.widget.OrgUnitFilteringSelect');
+var targetId = '[% ctx.page_args.0 %]';
+function getOrgName(orgId) {
+    return fieldmapper.aou.findOrgUnit(orgId).shortname();
+function getOwner(rowIndex, item) {
+    if (!item) return '';
+    var id =, 'owner');
+    return getOrgName(id);
+function getProvider(rowIndex, item) {
+    if (!item) return '';
+    var id =, 'provider');
+    return id + ':' + id;   // TODO: get acq.provider.code from fieldmapper or elsewhere
+function formatProvider(value) {
+    if (value) {
+        var vals = value.split(/:/);
+        return '<a href="[% ctx.base_path %]/conify/global/acq/provider/'+vals[0]+'">'+vals[1]+'</a>';
+    }
+<div id='main-list-div'>
+    <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" layoutAlign='top'>
+        <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" layoutAlign="top" class='oils-header-panel'>
+            <div>EDI Accounts</div>
+            <div>
+                <button dojoType='dijit.form.Button' onClick='pListGrid.showCreateDialog()'>New Account</button>
+                <button dojoType='dijit.form.Button' onClick='pListGrid.deleteSelected()'>Delete Selected</button> 
+            </div>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <!--
+    <div>
+        <span>Context Org Unit</span>
+        <select dojoType="openils.widget.OrgUnitFilteringSelect" jsId='btContextOrgSelect'
+            searchAttr='shortname' labelAttr='shortname'> </select>
+    </div>
+    -->
+    <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" layoutAlign="client">
+        <table  jsId="pListGrid"
+                dojoType="openils.widget.AutoGrid"
+                fieldOrder="['id', 'label', 'host', 'username', 'password', 'account', 'owner', 'last_activity', 'provider', 'path', 'in_dir', 'vendcode']"
+                query="{id: '*'}"
+                defaultCellWidth='"auto"'
+                autoHeight='true'
+                fmClass='acqedi'
+                showPaginator='true'
+                editOnEnter='true'>
+            <thead>
+                <tr>
+                    <th field='provider' get='getProvider' formatter='formatProvider'/>
+                    <th field='owner' get='getOwner'/>
+                </tr>
+            </thead>
+        </table>
+    </div>
+[% END %]
diff --git a/Open-ILS/web/templates/default/conify/global/acq/provider.tt2 b/Open-ILS/web/templates/default/conify/global/acq/provider.tt2
index e65112383b..de3a7fa610 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/web/templates/default/conify/global/acq/provider.tt2
+++ b/Open-ILS/web/templates/default/conify/global/acq/provider.tt2
@@ -1,34 +1,9 @@
 [% WRAPPER default/base.tt2 %]
-<script src='[% ctx.media_prefix %]/js/ui/default/conify/global/acq/provider.js'> </script>
+<script type="text/javascript" src='[% ctx.media_prefix %]/js/ui/default/conify/global/acq/provider.js'> </script>
 <script type="text/javascript"> 
     var providerId = '[% ctx.page_args.0 %]';
-function formatName(inDatum) {
-    switch (inDatum) {
-    case 'owning_lib':
-        return 'Owning Library';
-    case 'quantity':
-        return 'Quantity';
-    case 'call_number':
-        return 'Call Number';
-    case 'fund_code':
-        return 'Fund Code';
-    case 'local_note':
-        return 'Local Note';
-    case 'price':
-        return 'Price';
-    case 'circ_modifier':
-        return 'Circulation Modifier';
-    case 'copy_location':
-        return 'Copy Location';
-    case 'collection_code':
-        return 'Collection Code';
-    }
 function getInvIdent(rowIndex, item) {
     if (!item) return {};
     return {
diff --git a/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/content/main/menu.js b/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/content/main/menu.js
index d0d2169651..2124e1da17 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/content/main/menu.js
+++ b/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/content/main/menu.js
@@ -778,6 +778,10 @@ = {
                 function() { open_eg_web_page('conify/global/acq/provider', ''); }
+            'cmd_acq_view_edi_account' : [
+                ['oncommand'],
+                function() { open_eg_web_page('conify/global/acq/edi_account', ''); }
+            ],
             'cmd_acq_view_currency_type' : [
                 function() { open_eg_web_page('acq/currency_type/list', ''); }
diff --git a/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/content/main/menu_frame_menus.xul b/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/content/main/menu_frame_menus.xul
index 08045ed7e0..3d617f7ecd 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/content/main/menu_frame_menus.xul
+++ b/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/content/main/menu_frame_menus.xul
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
     <command id="cmd_acq_view_fund" />
     <command id="cmd_acq_view_funding_source" />
     <command id="cmd_acq_view_provider" />
+    <command id="cmd_acq_view_edi_account" />
     <command id="cmd_acq_view_currency_type" />
     <command id="cmd_acq_view_exchange_rate" />
     <command id="cmd_acq_view_distrib_formula" />
@@ -274,6 +275,7 @@
         <menuitem label="&;" accesskey="&;" command="cmd_acq_view_fund" />
         <menuitem label="&;" accesskey="&;" command="cmd_acq_view_funding_source" />
         <menuitem label="&;" accesskey="&;" command="cmd_acq_view_provider" />
+        <menuitem label="&;" accesskey="&;" command="cmd_acq_view_edi_account" />
         <menuitem label="&;" accesskey="&;" command="cmd_acq_view_currency_type" />
         <menuitem label="&;" accesskey="&;" command="cmd_acq_view_exchange_rate" />
         <menuitem label="&;" accesskey="&;" command="cmd_acq_view_distrib_formula" />
diff --git a/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/content/util/fm_view.xul b/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/content/util/fm_view.xul
index 45047114b4..e75d08b094 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/content/util/fm_view.xul
+++ b/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/content/util/fm_view.xul
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
     onload="try { my_init(); font_helper(); } catch(E) { dump(E+'\n'); alert(E); }"
-        <script type="text/javascript">var myPackageDir = 'open_ils_staff_client'; var IAMXUL = true; var g = {};</script>
-        <scripts id="openils_util_scripts"/>
+    <script type="text/javascript">var myPackageDir = 'open_ils_staff_client'; var IAMXUL = true; var g = {};</script>
+    <scripts id="openils_util_scripts"/>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/xul/server/main/JSAN.js"/>
-    <script>
+    <script type="text/javascript">
         var tree;
         var mw = {
diff --git a/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/locale/en-US/ b/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/locale/en-US/
index 51b03d0b50..facfd93227 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/locale/en-US/
+++ b/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/locale/en-US/
@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ Requests Sources Accounts Types Rates Formulas
diff --git a/build/tools/ b/build/tools/
index 03fe903216..5b6e5293c6 100755
--- a/build/tools/
+++ b/build/tools/
@@ -183,3 +183,4 @@ sleep 2;
 cd $INSTALL/bin; ./ ../conf/opensrf_core.xml;
 sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start;
+echo $'done\a'  # \a = Bell character for beep