From 44cce14902dd778865f092344f168ddceaacb3fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Remington Steed <>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2018 14:54:20 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Docs: Clean up installation docs

- Remove redundant NodeJS section
- Relabel sections to distinguish between AngularJS and Angular steps
- Fix a few typos

Signed-off-by: Remington Steed <>
 .../admin_initial_setup/migrating_patron_data.adoc |  2 +-
 docs/installation/server_installation.adoc         | 26 ++++++----------------
 docs/installation/server_upgrade.adoc              |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/admin_initial_setup/migrating_patron_data.adoc b/docs/admin_initial_setup/migrating_patron_data.adoc
index 346ea4adae..9248306cda 100644
--- a/docs/admin_initial_setup/migrating_patron_data.adoc
+++ b/docs/admin_initial_setup/migrating_patron_data.adoc
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ steps to create an import script:
     --Determine which records are new, and which are merely updates of existing patrons
     --You may with to also add a check on the home_ou column here, so that you don't
-    --accidentaly overwrite the data of another library in your consortium.
+    --accidentally overwrite the data of another library in your consortium.
     --You may also use a different matchpoint than actor.usr.ident_value.
     UPDATE students
         SET already_exists = TRUE
diff --git a/docs/installation/server_installation.adoc b/docs/installation/server_installation.adoc
index db6e7e7da3..8b81d350f1 100644
--- a/docs/installation/server_installation.adoc
+++ b/docs/installation/server_installation.adoc
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ Extra steps for web staff client
 Skip this entire section if you are using an official release tarball downloaded
-Install dependencies for AngularJS web staff client
+Install dependencies for web staff client
 You may skip this section if you have installed the
@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@[Node.js]. Add the Node.js `/bin` directory to your
 environment variable `PATH`.
-Install files for web staff client
+Install AngularJS files for web staff client
 1. Building, Testing, Minification: The remaining steps all take place within
    the staff JS web root:
@@ -168,24 +168,12 @@ npm run build-prod
 npm run test
-Install dependencies for Angular web staff client
-You may skip this section if you have installed the
-<<optional_developer_additions,optional developer additions>>.  You will still need to do the following
-steps in <<install_files_for_angular_web_staff_client,Install files for web staff client>>.
-1. Install the long-term stability (LTS) release of
-[Node.js]. Add the Node.js `/bin` directory to your
-environment variable `PATH`.
-Install files for web staff client
+Install Angular files for web staff client
 1. Building, Testing, Minification: The remaining steps all take place within
-   the Angalar staff root:
+   the Angular staff root:
diff --git a/docs/installation/server_upgrade.adoc b/docs/installation/server_upgrade.adoc
index a8ea00b9b5..1983804ca3 100644
--- a/docs/installation/server_upgrade.adoc
+++ b/docs/installation/server_upgrade.adoc
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ distribution of Debian or Ubuntu:
 indexterm:[Linux, Debian]
 indexterm:[Linux, Ubuntu]
-  * `debian-stretch` for Debian Stretch (9.0) (EDI compatibility in progess)
+  * `debian-stretch` for Debian Stretch (9.0) (EDI compatibility in progress)
   * `debian-jessie` for Debian Jessie (8.0) (See[Bug 134222] if you want to use EDI)
   * `ubuntu-xenial` for Ubuntu Xenial Xerus (16.04) (EDI compatibility in progress)
   * `ubuntu-trusty` for Ubuntu Trusty Tahr (14.04) (See[Bug 134222] if you want to use EDI)