From 691f0148907c4174199c13815d49ee520e7eb7a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robert Soulliere <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 12:00:25 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Clean up some of my admin docs. add schema.xml to repo. Add
 the docbook conversion script to tools directory. Add postgresql autodoc xml
 docbook template (xml.tmpl) to tools directory.

 1.6/admin/requirements-configuration.xml |     2 +-
 1.6/admin/serveradministration.xml       |   554 +-
 1.6/admin/z3950.xml                      |    19 +-
 1.6/appendices/schema.xml                | 43534 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1.6/intro/releasenotes.xml               |    44 +
 1.6/root.xml                             |     3 +-
 tools/                  |    16 +
 tools/xml.tmpl                           |   129 +
 8 files changed, 44016 insertions(+), 285 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 1.6/appendices/schema.xml
 create mode 100755 tools/
 create mode 100644 tools/xml.tmpl

diff --git a/1.6/admin/requirements-configuration.xml b/1.6/admin/requirements-configuration.xml
index a9295f0574..c1a4fb7268 100644
--- a/1.6/admin/requirements-configuration.xml
+++ b/1.6/admin/requirements-configuration.xml
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
       			<para>The key to Evergreen scalability is in the openSRF configuration files <filename>/openils/conf/opensrf.xml</filename> and 
 			By configuring these files, an administrator could cluster evergreen services over multiple hosts, change the host running a specific service 
-			or change the host of the postgreSQL database.</para> 
+			or change the host of the PostgreSQL database.</para> 
 			<note><para>The default configuration of Evergreen in the installation instructions assumes a single <emphasis>localhost</emphasis> server setup. For more complex 
 			multi-server clustered configurations, some server administration and database administration experience or knowledge will be required.</para></note>		
diff --git a/1.6/admin/serveradministration.xml b/1.6/admin/serveradministration.xml
index 394e35de79..454d1b2c6e 100644
--- a/1.6/admin/serveradministration.xml
+++ b/1.6/admin/serveradministration.xml
@@ -109,7 +109,8 @@ xmlns:xl="" version="5.0" xml:id="serveradministrati
 			<step><para>Select the <guilabel>Organization Unit Type</guilabel> and 
 			<guilabel>Parent Organization Unit</guilabel>.</para></step>
 			<step><para>Check the <guilabel>Can Have Volumes and Copies</guilabel> check box if the 
-			organization units of this type will have volumes and copies assigned to it.<indexterm><primary>organization units</primary><secondary>volumes and copies</secondary></indexterm></para></step>
+			organization units of this type will have volumes and copies assigned to it.<indexterm><primary>organization units</primary><secondary>volumes 
+			and copies</secondary></indexterm></para></step>
 			<step><para>Check the <guilabel>OPAC Visible</guilabel> check box if you want this location to be 
 			visible in the OPAC for searching.<indexterm><primary>Organization Units</primary><secondary>opac visible</secondary></indexterm></para></step>
 			<step><para>Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to save your new organizational unit.</para></step>	
@@ -272,278 +273,7 @@ xmlns:xl="" version="5.0" xml:id="serveradministrati
-	<section xml:id="relevancyrankings">
-		<title>Adjusting Search Relevancy Rankings</title>
-		<info>
-			<abstract>
-				<para>This section describes indexed field weighting and matchpoint weighting, which
-				control relevance ranking in Evergreen catalog search results. Adjusting relevancy can only be completed through access to the Evergreen database as of version 1.6.</para>
-				<tip>
-					<para>In tuning search relevance, it is good practice to make incremental
-					adjustments, capture search logs, and assess results before making further
-					adjustments. </para>
-				</tip>
-			</abstract>
-		</info>
-		<simplesect>
-			<title>Indexed-field Weighting<indexterm><primary>relevancy</primary><secondary>indexed-field weighting</secondary></indexterm> </title>
-			<para>Indexed-field weighting is configured in the Evergreen database in the weight column
-			of the config.metabib_field table, which follows the other four columns in this table:
-			field_class, name, xpath, and format.</para>
-			<para>The following is one representative line from the config.metabib_field table:</para>
-			<para> author | conference | //mods32:mods/mods32:name[@type='conference']/mods32:namePart[../mods32:role/mods32:roleTerm[text()='creator']] | mods32 | 1 ) </para>
-			<para>The default value for index-field weights in config.metabib_field is 1. Adjust the
-			weighting of indexed fields to boost or lower the relevance score for matches on that
-			indexed field. The weight value may be increased or decreased by whole integers. </para>
-			<para>For example, by increasing the weight of the title-proper field from 1 to 2, a search
-			for <emphasis role="bold">jaguar</emphasis> would double the relevance  for the book titled
-			<emphasis role="italic">Aimee and Jaguar</emphasis> than for a record with the term
-			<emphasis role="bold">jaguar</emphasis> in another indexed field. </para>
-		</simplesect>
-		<simplesect>
-			<title>Match point Weighting<indexterm><primary>relevancy</primary><secondary>match point weighting</secondary></indexterm></title>
-			<para> Match point weighting provides another way to fine-tune Evergreen relevance ranking,
-			and is configured through floating-point multipliers in the multiplier column of the
-			search.relevance_adjustment table.</para>
-			<para> Weighting can be adjusted for one, more, or all multiplier fields in
-			search.relevance_adjustment.</para>
-			<para>You can adjust the following three matchpoints:</para> 
-			<itemizedlist>
-			<listitem>
-				<para>first_wordboosts relevance if the query is 
-				one term long and matches the first term in the indexed field (search for <emphasis 
-				role="bold">twain</emphasis>, get a bonus for <emphasis role="bold">twain, mark</emphasis> 
-				but not <emphasis role="bold">mark twain</emphasis>)</para>
-			</listitem>
-			<listitem>
-				<para>word_order increases relevance for words 
-				matching the order of search terms, so that the results for the search <emphasis 
-				role="bold">legend suicide</emphasis> would match higher for the book <emphasis 
-				role="italic">Legend of a Suicide</emphasis> than for the book, 
-				<emphasis role="italic">Suicide Legend</emphasis></para>
-			</listitem>
-			<listitem>
-				<para>full_match boosts relevance when the full 
-				query exactly matches the entire indexed field (after space, case, and diacritics are 
-				normalized). So a title search for <emphasis role="italic">The Future of Ice</emphasis> 
-				would get a relevance boost above <emphasis role="italic">Ice>Ages of the 
-				Future</emphasis>.</para>
-			</listitem>
-			</itemizedlist>
-			<para> Here are the default settings of the search.relevance_adjustment table: </para>
-			<table xml:id="search.relevance">
-			<title>search.relevance_adjustment table</title>
-			<tgroup cols="4">
-				<thead>
-					<row>
-						<entry>field_class</entry>
-						<entry>name</entry>
-						<entry>bump_type</entry>
-						<entry>multiplier</entry>
-					</row>
-				</thead>
-				<tbody>
-					<row>
-						<entry>author</entry>
-						<entry>conference</entry>
-						<entry>first_word</entry>
-						<entry>1.5</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>author</entry>
-						<entry>corporate</entry>
-						<entry>first_word</entry>
-						<entry>1.5</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>author </entry>
-						<entry>other </entry>
-						<entry>first_word</entry>
-						<entry>1.5</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>author</entry>
-						<entry>personal</entry>
-						<entry>first_word</entry>
-						<entry>1.5</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>keyword</entry>
-						<entry>keyword</entry>
-						<entry>word_order</entry>
-						<entry>10</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>series</entry>
-						<entry>seriestitle</entry>
-						<entry>first_word</entry>
-						<entry>1.5</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>series</entry>
-						<entry>seriestitle</entry>
-						<entry>full_match</entry>
-						<entry>20</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>title</entry>
-						<entry>abbreviated</entry>
-						<entry>first_word</entry>
-						<entry>1.5</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>title</entry>
-						<entry>abbreviated</entry>
-						<entry>full_match</entry>
-						<entry>20</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>title</entry>
-						<entry>abbreviated</entry>
-						<entry>word_order</entry>
-						<entry>10</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>title</entry>
-						<entry>alternative</entry>
-						<entry>first_word</entry>
-						<entry>1.5</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>title</entry>
-						<entry>alternative</entry>
-						<entry>full_match</entry>
-						<entry>20</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>title</entry>
-						<entry>alternative</entry>
-						<entry>word_order</entry>
-						<entry>10</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>title</entry>
-						<entry>proper</entry>
-						<entry>first_word</entry>
-						<entry>1.5</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>title</entry>
-						<entry>proper</entry>
-						<entry>full_match</entry>
-						<entry>20</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>title</entry>
-						<entry>proper</entry>
-						<entry>word_order</entry>
-						<entry>10</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>title</entry>
-						<entry>translated</entry>
-						<entry>first_word</entry>
-						<entry>1.5</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>title</entry>
-						<entry>translated</entry>
-						<entry>full_match</entry>
-						<entry>20</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>title</entry>
-						<entry>translated</entry>
-						<entry>word_order</entry>
-						<entry>10</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>title</entry>
-						<entry>uniform</entry>
-						<entry>first_word</entry>
-						<entry>1.5</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>title</entry>
-						<entry>uniform</entry>
-						<entry>full_match</entry>
-						<entry>20</entry>
-					</row>
-					<row>
-						<entry>title</entry>
-						<entry>uniform</entry>
-						<entry>word_order</entry>
-						<entry>10</entry>
-					</row>
-				</tbody>
-			</tgroup>
-			</table>
-		</simplesect>
-		<simplesect>
-			<title>Combining Index Weighting and Match point Weighting</title>
-			<para>Index weighting and matchpoint weighting may be combined. The relevance boost of the combined 
-			weighting is equal to the product of the two multiplied values. </para>
-			<para>If the relevance setting in the config.metabib_field were increased to 2, and the multiplier 
-			set to 1.2 in the search.relevance_adjustment table, the resulting matchpoint increase would be 
-			240%. </para>
-			<note>
-				<para>In practice, these weights are applied serially -- first the index weight, then all 
-				the matchpoint weights that apply -- because they are evaluated at different stages of the 
-				search process.</para>
-			</note>
-		</simplesect>
-		<simplesect>
-			<title>Adjusting Relevancy for Keyword Searches<indexterm><primary>relevancy</primary><secondary>keyword searches</secondary></indexterm></title>
-			<para> Searching the out of the box <emphasis>keyword</emphasis> does not boost the ranking for terms appearing in, the title or subject fields since  there is just one 
-			keyword index which does not distinguish terms that appear in the title field from those in the notes field for example. In comparison, the title index is actually composed of 
-			a number of separate indexes: title|proper, title|uniform, title|alternative, title|translated, etc, that collectively form the title index. You can see this in the 
-			config.metabib_field table. The following procedure will add a keyword|title index so that terms found in the title field of an item are given more weight than terms in 
-			other fields. </para>
-			<procedure>
-				<step>
-					<para>From the command line, access the PostgreSQL command line interface</para>
-					<screen>psql -U evergreen</screen>
-				</step> 
-				<step>
-					<para>Clone the title|proper index to create a keyword|title index</para>
-					<para>6 = the title|proper index</para>
-					<screen>INSERT INTO config.metabib_field 
-					(field_class, name, xpath, weight,</screen>
-					<screen>format, search_field, facet_field)</screen>
- 					<screen>SELECT 'keyword', 'title', xpath, weight, format,</screen> 
-					<screen>search_field, facet_field</screen>
-					<screen>FROM config.metabib_field</screen>
-					<screen>WHERE id = 6;</screen>
-				</step>
-				<step>
-					<para>Populate the keyword|title index with a set of index entries cloned from the metabib.title_field_entry table;</para>
-					<para>6 = the title|proper index</para>
-					<screen>INSERT INTO metabib.keyword_field_entry (source, field, value)</screen>
-					<screen>SELECT source, 17, value (the field value, 17, field be different 
-					in your database so you may need to check the 
-					<emphasis>config.metabib_field</emphasis> for the id of your new index).</screen>
-					<screen>FROM metabib.title_field_entry</screen>
-					<screen>WHERE field = 6;</screen>
-				</step>
-				<step> 
-					<para>Bump the relevance when the first search term appears first in the title in a keyword search.</para>
-					<para>17 = our new keyword|title index (This may be different in your database so you may need to check the <emphasis>config.metabib_field</emphasis> for the id 
-					of your new index).</para>
-					<screen>INSERT INTO search.relevance_adjustment 
-					(active, field, bump_type, multiplier)</screen>
-					<screen>VALUES (true, 17, 'first_word', 5); </screen>
-				</step>
-				<step>
-					<para>Boost the relevance for search terms appearing in the title in general</para>
-					<para>17 = our new keyword|title index (This may be different in your database so you may need to check the <emphasis>config.metabib_field</emphasis> for the id 
-					of your new index).</para>
-					<screen>UPDATE config.metabib_field</screen>
-					<screen>SET weight = 10</screen>
-					<screen>WHERE id = 17;</screen>
-				</step>
-			</procedure>  
-		</simplesect> 
-	</section>
 	<section xml:id="permissions">
 			<title>User and Group Permissions <indexterm><primary>permissions</primary><secondary>group</secondary></indexterm></title>
@@ -2005,4 +1735,282 @@ xmlns:xl="" version="5.0" xml:id="serveradministrati
+	<section xml:id="relevancyrankings">
+		<title>Adjusting Search Relevancy Rankings</title>
+		<info>
+			<abstract>
+				<para>This section describes indexed field weighting and matchpoint weighting, which
+				control relevance ranking in Evergreen catalog search results. Adjusting relevancy can only be completed through access to the Evergreen database as of version 1.6.</para>
+				<tip>
+					<para>In tuning search relevance, it is good practice to make incremental
+					adjustments, capture search logs, and assess results before making further
+					adjustments. </para>
+				</tip>
+			</abstract>
+		</info>
+		<simplesect>
+			<title>Indexed-field Weighting<indexterm><primary>relevancy</primary><secondary>indexed-field weighting</secondary></indexterm> </title>
+			<para>Indexed-field weighting is configured in the Evergreen database in the weight column
+			of the config.metabib_field table, which follows the other four columns in this table:
+			field_class, name, xpath, and format.</para>
+			<para>The following is one representative line from the config.metabib_field table:</para>
+			<para> author | conference | //mods32:mods/mods32:name[@type='conference']/mods32:namePart[../mods32:role/mods32:roleTerm[text()='creator']] | mods32 | 1 ) </para>
+			<para>The default value for index-field weights in config.metabib_field is 1. Adjust the
+			weighting of indexed fields to boost or lower the relevance score for matches on that
+			indexed field. The weight value may be increased or decreased by whole integers. </para>
+			<para>For example, by increasing the weight of the title-proper field from 1 to 2, a search
+			for <emphasis role="bold">jaguar</emphasis> would double the relevance  for the book titled
+			<emphasis role="italic">Aimee and Jaguar</emphasis> than for a record with the term
+			<emphasis role="bold">jaguar</emphasis> in another indexed field. </para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect>
+			<title>Match point Weighting<indexterm><primary>relevancy</primary><secondary>match point weighting</secondary></indexterm></title>
+			<para> Match point weighting provides another way to fine-tune Evergreen relevance ranking,
+			and is configured through floating-point multipliers in the multiplier column of the
+			search.relevance_adjustment table.</para>
+			<para> Weighting can be adjusted for one, more, or all multiplier fields in
+			search.relevance_adjustment.</para>
+			<para>You can adjust the following three matchpoints:</para> 
+			<itemizedlist>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>first_wordboosts relevance if the query is 
+				one term long and matches the first term in the indexed field (search for <emphasis 
+				role="bold">twain</emphasis>, get a bonus for <emphasis role="bold">twain, mark</emphasis> 
+				but not <emphasis role="bold">mark twain</emphasis>)</para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>word_order increases relevance for words 
+				matching the order of search terms, so that the results for the search <emphasis 
+				role="bold">legend suicide</emphasis> would match higher for the book <emphasis 
+				role="italic">Legend of a Suicide</emphasis> than for the book, 
+				<emphasis role="italic">Suicide Legend</emphasis></para>
+			</listitem>
+			<listitem>
+				<para>full_match boosts relevance when the full 
+				query exactly matches the entire indexed field (after space, case, and diacritics are 
+				normalized). So a title search for <emphasis role="italic">The Future of Ice</emphasis> 
+				would get a relevance boost above <emphasis role="italic">Ice>Ages of the 
+				Future</emphasis>.</para>
+			</listitem>
+			</itemizedlist>
+			<para> Here are the default settings of the search.relevance_adjustment table: </para>
+			<table xml:id="search.relevance">
+			<title>search.relevance_adjustment table</title>
+			<tgroup cols="4">
+				<thead>
+					<row>
+						<entry>field_class</entry>
+						<entry>name</entry>
+						<entry>bump_type</entry>
+						<entry>multiplier</entry>
+					</row>
+				</thead>
+				<tbody>
+					<row>
+						<entry>author</entry>
+						<entry>conference</entry>
+						<entry>first_word</entry>
+						<entry>1.5</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>author</entry>
+						<entry>corporate</entry>
+						<entry>first_word</entry>
+						<entry>1.5</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>author </entry>
+						<entry>other </entry>
+						<entry>first_word</entry>
+						<entry>1.5</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>author</entry>
+						<entry>personal</entry>
+						<entry>first_word</entry>
+						<entry>1.5</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>keyword</entry>
+						<entry>keyword</entry>
+						<entry>word_order</entry>
+						<entry>10</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>series</entry>
+						<entry>seriestitle</entry>
+						<entry>first_word</entry>
+						<entry>1.5</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>series</entry>
+						<entry>seriestitle</entry>
+						<entry>full_match</entry>
+						<entry>20</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>title</entry>
+						<entry>abbreviated</entry>
+						<entry>first_word</entry>
+						<entry>1.5</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>title</entry>
+						<entry>abbreviated</entry>
+						<entry>full_match</entry>
+						<entry>20</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>title</entry>
+						<entry>abbreviated</entry>
+						<entry>word_order</entry>
+						<entry>10</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>title</entry>
+						<entry>alternative</entry>
+						<entry>first_word</entry>
+						<entry>1.5</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>title</entry>
+						<entry>alternative</entry>
+						<entry>full_match</entry>
+						<entry>20</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>title</entry>
+						<entry>alternative</entry>
+						<entry>word_order</entry>
+						<entry>10</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>title</entry>
+						<entry>proper</entry>
+						<entry>first_word</entry>
+						<entry>1.5</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>title</entry>
+						<entry>proper</entry>
+						<entry>full_match</entry>
+						<entry>20</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>title</entry>
+						<entry>proper</entry>
+						<entry>word_order</entry>
+						<entry>10</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>title</entry>
+						<entry>translated</entry>
+						<entry>first_word</entry>
+						<entry>1.5</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>title</entry>
+						<entry>translated</entry>
+						<entry>full_match</entry>
+						<entry>20</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>title</entry>
+						<entry>translated</entry>
+						<entry>word_order</entry>
+						<entry>10</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>title</entry>
+						<entry>uniform</entry>
+						<entry>first_word</entry>
+						<entry>1.5</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>title</entry>
+						<entry>uniform</entry>
+						<entry>full_match</entry>
+						<entry>20</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>title</entry>
+						<entry>uniform</entry>
+						<entry>word_order</entry>
+						<entry>10</entry>
+					</row>
+				</tbody>
+			</tgroup>
+			</table>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect>
+			<title>Combining Index Weighting and Match point Weighting</title>
+			<para>Index weighting and matchpoint weighting may be combined. The relevance boost of the combined 
+			weighting is equal to the product of the two multiplied values. </para>
+			<para>If the relevance setting in the config.metabib_field were increased to 2, and the multiplier 
+			set to 1.2 in the search.relevance_adjustment table, the resulting matchpoint increase would be 
+			240%. </para>
+			<note>
+				<para>In practice, these weights are applied serially -- first the index weight, then all 
+				the matchpoint weights that apply -- because they are evaluated at different stages of the 
+				search process.</para>
+			</note>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect>
+			<title>Adjusting Relevancy for Keyword Searches<indexterm><primary>relevancy</primary><secondary>keyword searches</secondary></indexterm></title>
+			<para> Searching the out of the box <emphasis>keyword</emphasis> does not boost the ranking for terms appearing in, the title or subject fields since  there is just one 
+			keyword index which does not distinguish terms that appear in the title field from those in the notes field for example. In comparison, the title index is actually composed of 
+			a number of separate indexes: title|proper, title|uniform, title|alternative, title|translated, etc, that collectively form the title index. You can see this in the 
+			config.metabib_field table. The following procedure will add a keyword|title index so that terms found in the title field of an item are given more weight than terms in 
+			other fields. </para>
+			<procedure>
+				<step>
+					<para>From the command line, access the PostgreSQL command line interface</para>
+					<screen>psql -U evergreen</screen>
+				</step> 
+				<step>
+					<para>Clone the title|proper index to create a keyword|title index</para>
+					<para>6 = the title|proper index</para>
+					<programlisting>
+					INSERT INTO config.metabib_field 
+						(field_class, name, xpath, weight, format, search_field, facet_field)
+						SELECT 'keyword', 'title', xpath, weight, format, search_field, facet_field
+						FROM config.metabib_field
+						WHERE id = 6;
+					</programlisting>
+				</step>
+				<step>
+					<para>Populate the keyword|title index with a set of index entries cloned from the metabib.title_field_entry table;</para>
+					<para>6 = the title|proper index</para>
+					<programlisting>
+					INSERT INTO metabib.keyword_field_entry 
+						(source, field, value)
+						SELECT source, 17, value (the field value, 17, field be different in your database so you may need to check the 
+						<emphasis>config.metabib_field</emphasis> for the id of your new index).
+						FROM metabib.title_field_entry
+						WHERE field = 6;
+					</programlisting>
+				</step>
+				<step> 
+					<para>Bump the relevance when the first search term appears first in the title in a keyword search.</para>
+					<para>17 = our new keyword|title index (This may be different in your database so you may need to check the <emphasis>config.metabib_field</emphasis> for the id 
+					of your new index).</para>
+					<programlisting>
+					INSERT INTO search.relevance_adjustment 
+						(active, field, bump_type, multiplier)
+					VALUES (true, 17, 'first_word', 5); 
+					</programlisting>
+				</step>
+				<step>
+					<para>Boost the relevance for search terms appearing in the title in general</para>
+					<para>17 = our new keyword|title index (This may be different in your database so you may need to check the <emphasis>config.metabib_field</emphasis> for the id 
+					of your new index).</para>
+					<programlisting>
+					UPDATE config.metabib_field
+					SET weight = 10
+					WHERE id = 17;
+					</programlisting>
+				</step>
+			</procedure>  
+		</simplesect> 
+	</section>
diff --git a/1.6/admin/z3950.xml b/1.6/admin/z3950.xml
index 79c77054c2..f2d99dd1b9 100644
--- a/1.6/admin/z3950.xml
+++ b/1.6/admin/z3950.xml
@@ -19,11 +19,10 @@
 			<note><para>Some older versions of yaz-client have known issues with SRU. Ensure that you are using the latest edition of yaz from 
 			<link xlink:href=""></link>.</para></note>
-			<screen>
-			$ yaz-client
-			Z> sru GET 1.1
-			Z> find hemingway
-			</screen>
+			<screen>$ yaz-client</screen>
+			<screen>Z> sru GET 1.1</screen>
+			<screen>Z> find hemingway</screen>
 			 <para>If your database has records that match that term, you will get the corresponding MARCXML records in your response from yaz-client.</para>
 			 <para>Here's what the SRU request looks like as sent to the Evergreen web server:</para>
 			 <screen>GET /opac/extras/sru?version=1.1&amp;operation=searchRetrieve&amp;query=hemingway&amp;maximumRecords=0</screen>
@@ -109,7 +108,7 @@
 					<para>Create a Simple2ZOOM configuration file. Something like the following is a good start, and is based on the Simple2ZOOM documentation example. 
 					We'll name the file dgo.conf for our example:</para>	
- 					<screen>
+ 					<programlisting>
         			 		&lt;database name="gapines"&gt;
@@ -128,7 +127,7 @@
-					</screen>
+					</programlisting>
 					<para>You can have multiple &lt;database&gt; sections in a single file, each pointing to a different scope of your consortium. The name attribute on 
 					the &lt;database&gt; element is used in your Z39.50 connection string to name the database. The &lt;zurl&gt; element must point to 
 					<emphasis>http://hostname/opac/extras/sru</emphasis>. As of Evergreen 1.6, you can append an optional organization unit shortname for search 
@@ -140,7 +139,7 @@
 					<para>Run simple2ZOOM as a daemon, specifying the configuration files and one or more listener addresses that the Z39.50 server will be accessible on. 
 					If you do not specify a port, it will automatically run on port 9999. In the following example, we tell it to listen both to localhost on port 2210, 
 					and on on port 210:</para>
-					<screen>
+					<programlisting>
           					&lt;server id="server1"&gt;
@@ -153,7 +152,7 @@
-					</screen>
+					</programlisting>
 					<para>Run simple2ZOOM as a daemon, specifying the configuration files and one or more listener addresses that the Z39.50 server will be accessible on. 
@@ -162,7 +161,7 @@
 					<command>simple2zoom -c dgo.conf -- -f xml2marc-yaz.cfg localhost:2210</command>
-			<para>To test the Z39.50 server, we can use yaz-client again:</para>]
+			<para>To test the Z39.50 server, we can use yaz-client again:</para>
 			Z&gt; open localhost:2210/gapines
diff --git a/1.6/appendices/schema.xml b/1.6/appendices/schema.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1496441ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.6/appendices/schema.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,43534 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<chapter id="databaseschema">
+	<title>Database Schema</title>
+	<para>This is the schema for the Evergreen database.</para>
+	<section id="acq.schema">
+		<title>Schema acq</title>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.currency-type" xreflabel="acq.currency_type">		
+			<title>currency_type</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing acq.exchange_rate via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.funding-source"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.provider"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.distribution-formula" xreflabel="acq.distribution_formula">		
+			<title>distribution_formula</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>skip_count</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing acq.distribution_formula_entry via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.distribution-formula-entry"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.distribution-formula-entry" xreflabel="acq.distribution_formula_entry">		
+			<title>distribution_formula_entry</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>formula</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.distribution-formula"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>position</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_count</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owning_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>location</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.copy-location"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on distribution_formula_entry</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>acqdfe_must_be_somewhere</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK (((owning_lib IS NOT NULL) OR (location IS NOT NULL)))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="acq.exchange_rate">		
+			<title>exchange_rate</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>from_currency</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.currency-type"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>to_currency</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.currency-type"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ratio</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.fiscal-calendar" xreflabel="acq.fiscal_calendar">		
+			<title>fiscal_calendar</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing acq.fiscal_year via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.fiscal-year"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.fiscal-year" xreflabel="acq.fiscal_year">		
+			<title>fiscal_year</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>calendar</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                      								UNIQUE#2
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.fiscal-calendar"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>year</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>year_begin</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#2
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>year_end</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="">		
+			<title>fund</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>org</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#2
+										;
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>year</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#2
+										;
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT date_part(&apos;year&apos;::text, now());
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>currency_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.currency-type"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#2
+										;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing acq.fund_allocation via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem-detail"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="acq.fund_allocation">		
+			<title>fund_allocation</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>funding_source</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.funding-source"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fund</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>percent</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>allocator</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on fund_allocation</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>allocation_amount_or_percent</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((((percent IS NULL) AND (amount IS NOT NULL)) OR ((percent IS NOT NULL) AND (amount IS NULL))))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>fund_allocation_percent_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK (((percent IS NULL) OR ((percent &gt;= 0.0) AND (percent &lt;= 100.0))))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="acq.fund_allocation_total">		
+			<title>fund_allocation_total</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fund</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(100,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="acq.fund_combined_balance">		
+			<title>fund_combined_balance</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fund</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="acq.fund_debit">		
+			<title>fund_debit</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fund</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>origin_amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>origin_currency_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.currency-type"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>encumbrance</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>debit_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xfer_destination</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing acq.lineitem_detail via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem-detail"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="acq.fund_debit_total">		
+			<title>fund_debit_total</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fund</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>encumbrance</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="acq.fund_encumbrance_total">		
+			<title>fund_encumbrance_total</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fund</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="acq.fund_spent_balance">		
+			<title>fund_spent_balance</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fund</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="acq.fund_spent_total">		
+			<title>fund_spent_total</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fund</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="acq.fund_tag">		
+			<title>fund_tag</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing acq.fund_tag_map via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="acq.fund_tag_map">		
+			<title>fund_tag_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fund</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tag</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.funding-source" xreflabel="acq.funding_source">		
+			<title>funding_source</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>currency_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.currency-type"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing acq.fund_allocation via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.funding-source-credit"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.view.funding-source-allocation-total" xreflabel="acq.funding_source_allocation_total">		
+			<title>funding_source_allocation_total</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>funding_source</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(100,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.view.funding-source-balance" xreflabel="acq.funding_source_balance">		
+			<title>funding_source_balance</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>funding_source</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(100,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.funding-source-credit" xreflabel="acq.funding_source_credit">		
+			<title>funding_source_credit</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>funding_source</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.funding-source"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.view.funding-source-credit-total" xreflabel="acq.funding_source_credit_total">		
+			<title>funding_source_credit_total</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>funding_source</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.lineitem" xreflabel="acq.lineitem">		
+			<title>lineitem</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>selector</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>provider</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.provider"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>purchase_order</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.purchase-order"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>picklist</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.picklist"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>expected_recv_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>marc</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>eg_bib_id</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="biblio.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source_label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_count</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>state</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;new&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on lineitem</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>picklist_or_po</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK (((picklist IS NOT NULL) OR (purchase_order IS NOT NULL)))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing acq.lineitem_attr via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem-attr"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem-detail"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem-note"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.lineitem-attr" xreflabel="acq.lineitem_attr">		
+			<title>lineitem_attr</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>definition</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>lineitem</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>attr_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>attr_name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>attr_value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.lineitem-attr-definition" xreflabel="acq.lineitem_attr_definition">		
+			<title>lineitem_attr_definition</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>remove</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.lineitem-detail" xreflabel="acq.lineitem_detail">		
+			<title>lineitem_detail</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>lineitem</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fund</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fund_debit</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>eg_copy_id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>barcode</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>cn_label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>collection_code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_modifier</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.circ-modifier"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owning_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>location</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.copy-location"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recv_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.lineitem-generated-attr-definition" xreflabel="acq.lineitem_generated_attr_definition">		
+			<title>lineitem_generated_attr_definition</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>remove</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xpath</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.lineitem-local-attr-definition" xreflabel="acq.lineitem_local_attr_definition">		
+			<title>lineitem_local_attr_definition</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>remove</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.lineitem-marc-attr-definition" xreflabel="acq.lineitem_marc_attr_definition">		
+			<title>lineitem_marc_attr_definition</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>remove</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xpath</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.lineitem-note" xreflabel="acq.lineitem_note">		
+			<title>lineitem_note</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>lineitem</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.lineitem-provider-attr-definition" xreflabel="acq.lineitem_provider_attr_definition">		
+			<title>lineitem_provider_attr_definition</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>remove</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xpath</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>provider</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.provider"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.lineitem-usr-attr-definition" xreflabel="acq.lineitem_usr_attr_definition">		
+			<title>lineitem_usr_attr_definition</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>remove</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.picklist" xreflabel="acq.picklist">		
+			<title>picklist</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>org_unit</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing acq.lineitem via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.po-note" xreflabel="acq.po_note">		
+			<title>po_note</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>purchase_order</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.purchase-order"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.provider" xreflabel="acq.provider">		
+			<title>provider</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#2
+										;
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>currency_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.currency-type"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#2
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>holding_tag</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing acq.lineitem via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem-provider-attr-definition"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.provider-address"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.provider-contact"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.provider-holding-subfield-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.purchase-order"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.provider-address" xreflabel="acq.provider_address">		
+			<title>provider_address</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>valid</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>address_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>provider</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.provider"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>street1</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>street2</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>city</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>county</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>state</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>country</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>post_code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.provider-contact" xreflabel="acq.provider_contact">		
+			<title>provider_contact</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>provider</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.provider"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>role</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>email</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>phone</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing acq.provider_contact_address via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.provider-contact-address"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.provider-contact-address" xreflabel="acq.provider_contact_address">		
+			<title>provider_contact_address</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>valid</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>address_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>contact</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.provider-contact"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>street1</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>street2</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>city</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>county</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>state</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>country</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>post_code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.provider-holding-subfield-map" xreflabel="acq.provider_holding_subfield_map">		
+			<title>provider_holding_subfield_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>provider</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.provider"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>subfield</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="acq.table.purchase-order" xreflabel="acq.purchase_order">		
+			<title>purchase_order</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ordering_agency</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>provider</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="acq.table.provider"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>state</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;new&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>order_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing acq.lineitem via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.po-note"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="action.schema">
+		<title>Schema action</title>
+		<simplesect id="action.table.aged-circulation" xreflabel="action.aged_circulation">		
+			<title>aged_circulation</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr_post_code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr_home_ou</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr_profile</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr_birth_year</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_call_number</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_location</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_owning_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_bib_record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_start</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_finish</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>unrecovered</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_copy</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>renewal_remaining</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>due_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_fines_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>duration</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fine_interval</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recuring_fine</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>phone_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>desk_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>duration_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recuring_fine_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_fines</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action.view.all-circulation" xreflabel="action.all_circulation">		
+			<title>all_circulation</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr_post_code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr_home_ou</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr_profile</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr_birth_year</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_call_number</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_location</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_owning_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_bib_record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_start</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_finish</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_copy</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>renewal_remaining</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>due_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_fines_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>duration</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fine_interval</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recuring_fine</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>phone_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>desk_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>duration_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recuring_fine_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_fines</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action.view.billable-circulations" xreflabel="action.billable_circulations">		
+			<title>billable_circulations</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_start</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_finish</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>unrecovered</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_copy</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>renewal_remaining</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>due_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_fines_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>duration</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fine_interval</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recuring_fine</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>phone_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>desk_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>duration_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recuring_fine_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_fines</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action.view.billable-cirulations" xreflabel="action.billable_cirulations">		
+			<title>billable_cirulations</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_start</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_finish</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>unrecovered</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_copy</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>renewal_remaining</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>due_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_fines_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>duration</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fine_interval</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recuring_fine</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>phone_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>desk_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>duration_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recuring_fine_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_fines</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action.table.circulation" xreflabel="action.circulation">		
+			<title>circulation</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;money.billable_xact_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_start</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_finish</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>unrecovered</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_copy</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>renewal_remaining</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>due_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_fines_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>duration</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fine_interval</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;1 day&apos;::interval;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recuring_fine</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>phone_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>desk_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>duration_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recuring_fine_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_fines</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on circulation</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>circulation_stop_fines_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((stop_fines = ANY (ARRAY[&apos;CHECKIN&apos;::text, &apos;CLAIMSRETURNED&apos;::text, &apos;LOST&apos;::text, &apos;MAXFINES&apos;::text, &apos;RENEW&apos;::text, &apos;LONGOVERDUE&apos;::text])))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action.table.hold-copy-map" xreflabel="action.hold_copy_map">		
+			<title>hold_copy_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>hold</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="action.table.hold-request"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_copy</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action.table.hold-notification" xreflabel="action.hold_notification">		
+			<title>hold_notification</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>hold</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="action.table.hold-request"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>notify_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>notify_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>method</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action.table.hold-request" xreflabel="action.hold_request">		
+			<title>hold_request</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>request_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>capture_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fulfillment_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>return_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>prev_check_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>expire_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>cancel_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>current_copy</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fulfillment_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fulfillment_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>request_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>requestor</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>selection_ou</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>selection_depth</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pickup_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>hold_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>holdable_formats</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>phone_notify</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>email_notify</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>frozen</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>thaw_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>cancel_cause</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>cancel_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>shelf_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on hold_request</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>hold_request_hold_type_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((hold_type = ANY (ARRAY[&apos;M&apos;::text, &apos;T&apos;::text, &apos;V&apos;::text, &apos;C&apos;::text])))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing action.hold_copy_map via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.hold-copy-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.hold-notification"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.hold-transit-copy"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action.table.hold-request-cancel-cause" xreflabel="action.hold_request_cancel_cause">		
+			<title>hold_request_cancel_cause</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action.table.hold-transit-copy" xreflabel="action.hold_transit_copy">		
+			<title>hold_transit_copy</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;transit_copy_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source_send_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dest_recv_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_copy</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dest</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>prev_hop</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_status</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>persistant_transfer</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>hold</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="action.table.hold-request"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="action.in_house_use">		
+			<title>in_house_use</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>org_unit</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>use_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action.table.non-cat-in-house-use" xreflabel="action.non_cat_in_house_use">		
+			<title>non_cat_in_house_use</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_type</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.non-cataloged-type"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>org_unit</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>use_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action.table.non-cataloged-circulation" xreflabel="action.non_cataloged_circulation">		
+			<title>non_cataloged_circulation</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>patron</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_type</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.non-cataloged-type"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="action.open_circulation">		
+			<title>open_circulation</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_start</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_finish</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>unrecovered</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_copy</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>renewal_remaining</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>due_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_fines_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>duration</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fine_interval</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recuring_fine</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>phone_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>desk_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>duration_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recuring_fine_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_fines</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action.table.reservation-transit-copy" xreflabel="action.reservation_transit_copy">		
+			<title>reservation_transit_copy</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;transit_copy_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source_send_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dest_recv_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_copy</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="booking.table.resource"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dest</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>prev_hop</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_status</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>persistant_transfer</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>reservation</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="booking.table.reservation"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action.table.survey" xreflabel="action.survey">		
+			<title>survey</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>start_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>end_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT (now() + &apos;10 years&apos;::interval);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr_summary</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>poll</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>required</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing action.survey_question via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.survey-question"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.survey-response"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action.table.survey-answer" xreflabel="action.survey_answer">		
+			<title>survey_answer</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>question</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="action.table.survey-question"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>answer</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing action.survey_response via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.survey-response"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action.table.survey-question" xreflabel="action.survey_question">		
+			<title>survey_question</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>survey</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="action.table.survey"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>question</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing action.survey_answer via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.survey-answer"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.survey-response"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action.table.survey-response" xreflabel="action.survey_response">		
+			<title>survey_response</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>response_group_id</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>survey</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="action.table.survey"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>question</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="action.table.survey-question"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>answer</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="action.table.survey-answer"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>answer_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>effective_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action.table.transit-copy" xreflabel="action.transit_copy">		
+			<title>transit_copy</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source_send_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dest_recv_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_copy</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dest</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>prev_hop</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="action.table.transit-copy"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_status</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.copy-status"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>persistant_transfer</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing action.transit_copy via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.transit-copy"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action.table.unfulfilled-hold-list" xreflabel="action.unfulfilled_hold_list">		
+			<title>unfulfilled_hold_list</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>current_copy</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>hold</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fail_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="action-trigger.schema">
+		<title>Schema action_trigger</title>
+		<simplesect id="action-trigger.table.cleanup" xreflabel="action_trigger.cleanup">		
+			<title>cleanup</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>module</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing action_trigger.event_definition via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action-trigger.table.event-definition"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action-trigger.table.collector" xreflabel="action_trigger.collector">		
+			<title>collector</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>module</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing action_trigger.environment via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action-trigger.table.environment"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action-trigger.table.environment" xreflabel="action_trigger.environment">		
+			<title>environment</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>event_def</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="action-trigger.table.event-definition"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>path</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>collector</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="action-trigger.table.collector"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on environment</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>environment_label_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((label &lt;&gt; ALL (ARRAY[&apos;result&apos;::text, &apos;target&apos;::text, &apos;event&apos;::text])))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action-trigger.table.event" xreflabel="action_trigger.event">		
+			<title>event</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>event_def</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="action-trigger.table.event-definition"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>add_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>run_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>start_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>update_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>complete_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>update_process</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>state</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;pending&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>template_output</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="action-trigger.table.event-output"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>error_output</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="action-trigger.table.event-output"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on event</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>event_state_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((state = ANY (ARRAY[&apos;pending&apos;::text, &apos;invalid&apos;::text, &apos;found&apos;::text, &apos;collecting&apos;::text, &apos;collected&apos;::text, &apos;validating&apos;::text, &apos;valid&apos;::text, &apos;reacting&apos;::text, &apos;reacted&apos;::text, &apos;cleaning&apos;::text, &apos;complete&apos;::text, &apos;error&apos;::text])))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action-trigger.table.event-definition" xreflabel="action_trigger.event_definition">		
+			<title>event_definition</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>active</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                      								UNIQUE#2
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>hook</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#2
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="action-trigger.table.hook"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>validator</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#2
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="action-trigger.table.validator"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>reactor</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#2
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="action-trigger.table.reactor"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>cleanup_success</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="action-trigger.table.cleanup"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>cleanup_failure</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="action-trigger.table.cleanup"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>delay</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#2
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;00:05:00&apos;::interval;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_delay</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>delay_field</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#2
+										;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>group_field</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>template</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing action_trigger.environment via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action-trigger.table.environment"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action-trigger.table.event"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action-trigger.table.event-params"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action-trigger.table.event-output" xreflabel="action_trigger.event_output">		
+			<title>event_output</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>is_error</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>data</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing action_trigger.event via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action-trigger.table.event"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action-trigger.table.event-params" xreflabel="action_trigger.event_params">		
+			<title>event_params</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>event_def</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="action-trigger.table.event-definition"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>param</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action-trigger.table.hook" xreflabel="action_trigger.hook">		
+			<title>hook</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>key</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>core_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>passive</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing action_trigger.event_definition via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action-trigger.table.event-definition"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action-trigger.table.reactor" xreflabel="action_trigger.reactor">		
+			<title>reactor</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>module</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing action_trigger.event_definition via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action-trigger.table.event-definition"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="action-trigger.table.validator" xreflabel="action_trigger.validator">		
+			<title>validator</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>module</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing action_trigger.event_definition via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action-trigger.table.event-definition"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="actor.schema">
+		<title>Schema actor</title>
+		<simplesect id="actor.table.card" xreflabel="actor.card">		
+			<title>card</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>barcode</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>active</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="actor.table.hours-of-operation" xreflabel="actor.hours_of_operation">		
+			<title>hours_of_operation</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dow_0_open</entry>
+								<entry>time without time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;09:00:00&apos;::time without time zone;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dow_0_close</entry>
+								<entry>time without time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;17:00:00&apos;::time without time zone;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dow_1_open</entry>
+								<entry>time without time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;09:00:00&apos;::time without time zone;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dow_1_close</entry>
+								<entry>time without time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;17:00:00&apos;::time without time zone;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dow_2_open</entry>
+								<entry>time without time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;09:00:00&apos;::time without time zone;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dow_2_close</entry>
+								<entry>time without time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;17:00:00&apos;::time without time zone;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dow_3_open</entry>
+								<entry>time without time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;09:00:00&apos;::time without time zone;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dow_3_close</entry>
+								<entry>time without time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;17:00:00&apos;::time without time zone;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dow_4_open</entry>
+								<entry>time without time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;09:00:00&apos;::time without time zone;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dow_4_close</entry>
+								<entry>time without time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;17:00:00&apos;::time without time zone;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dow_5_open</entry>
+								<entry>time without time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;09:00:00&apos;::time without time zone;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dow_5_close</entry>
+								<entry>time without time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;17:00:00&apos;::time without time zone;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dow_6_open</entry>
+								<entry>time without time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;09:00:00&apos;::time without time zone;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dow_6_close</entry>
+								<entry>time without time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;17:00:00&apos;::time without time zone;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="actor.org_address">		
+			<title>org_address</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>valid</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>address_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;MAILING&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>org_unit</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>street1</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>street2</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>city</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>county</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>state</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>country</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>post_code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing actor.org_unit via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="actor.org_lasso">		
+			<title>org_lasso</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing actor.org_lasso_map via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="actor.org_lasso_map">		
+			<title>org_lasso_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>lasso</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>org_unit</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="actor.org_unit">		
+			<title>org_unit</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>parent_ou</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ou_type</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ill_address</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>holds_address</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>mailing_address</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>billing_address</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>shortname</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>email</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>phone</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_visible</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing acq.distribution_formula via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.distribution-formula"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.distribution-formula-entry"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.funding-source"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem-detail"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.picklist"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.provider"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.purchase-order"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.circulation"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.hold-request"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.non-cat-in-house-use"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.non-cataloged-circulation"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.survey"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.transit-copy"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action-trigger.table.event-definition"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.hours-of-operation"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.stat-cat"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.stat-cat-entry"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.usr-org-unit-opt-in"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.usr-standing-penalty"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.workstation"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.copy-location"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.copy-transparency"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.stat-cat"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.stat-cat-entry"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="booking.table.reservation"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="booking.table.resource"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="booking.table.resource-attr"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="booking.table.resource-attr-value"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="booking.table.resource-type"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.billing-type"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.circ-matrix-matchpoint"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.hold-matrix-matchpoint"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.idl-field-doc"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="money.table.collections-tracker"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="permission.table.grp-penalty-threshold"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="permission.table.usr-work-ou-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="reporter.table.output-folder"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="reporter.table.template-folder"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="serial.table.record-entry"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.import-bib-trash-fields"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.import-item-attr-definition"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="actor.org_unit_closed">		
+			<title>org_unit_closed</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>org_unit</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>close_start</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>close_end</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>reason</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="actor.org_unit_proximity">		
+			<title>org_unit_proximity</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>from_org</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>to_org</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>prox</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="actor.org_unit_setting">		
+			<title>org_unit_setting</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>org_unit</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="actor.org_unit_type">		
+			<title>org_unit_type</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>depth</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>parent</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>can_have_vols</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>can_have_users</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing actor.org_unit via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.hold-matrix-matchpoint"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.hold-matrix-test"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="actor.table.stat-cat" xreflabel="actor.stat_cat">		
+			<title>stat_cat</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_visible</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing actor.stat_cat_entry via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.stat-cat-entry"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.stat-cat-entry-usr-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="actor.table.stat-cat-entry" xreflabel="actor.stat_cat_entry">		
+			<title>stat_cat_entry</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stat_cat</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.stat-cat"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="actor.table.stat-cat-entry-usr-map" xreflabel="actor.stat_cat_entry_usr_map">		
+			<title>stat_cat_entry_usr_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stat_cat_entry</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stat_cat</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.stat-cat"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="actor.table.usr" xreflabel="actor.usr">		
+			<title>usr</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>card</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>profile</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="permission.table.grp-tree"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usrname</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>email</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>passwd</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>standing</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 1;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.standing"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident_type</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.identification-type"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident_value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident_type2</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.identification-type"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident_value2</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>net_access_level</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 1;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>photo_url</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>prefix</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>first_given_name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>second_given_name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>family_name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>suffix</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>day_phone</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>evening_phone</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>other_phone</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>mailing_address</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr-address"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>billing_address</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr-address"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>home_ou</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dob</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>active</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>master_account</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>super_user</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>barred</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deleted</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usrgroup</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>claims_returned_count</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>credit_forward_balance</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 0.00;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_xact_id</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;none&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>alert_message</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>expire_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT (now() + &apos;3 years&apos;::interval);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>alias</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>juvenile</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing acq.fund_allocation via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem-note"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem-usr-attr-definition"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.picklist"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.po-note"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.purchase-order"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.circulation"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.hold-notification"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.hold-request"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.non-cat-in-house-use"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.non-cataloged-circulation"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.card"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.stat-cat-entry-usr-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.usr-address"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.usr-note"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.usr-org-unit-opt-in"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.usr-password-reset"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.usr-setting"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.usr-standing-penalty"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.copy-note"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="biblio.table.record-entry"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="biblio.table.record-note"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="booking.table.reservation"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="container.table.biblio-record-entry-bucket"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="container.table.copy-bucket"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="container.table.user-bucket"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="container.table.user-bucket-item"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="money.table.billable-xact"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="money.table.collections-tracker"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="permission.table.usr-grp-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="permission.table.usr-object-perm-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="permission.table.usr-perm-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="permission.table.usr-work-ou-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="reporter.table.output-folder"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="reporter.table.schedule"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="reporter.table.template"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="reporter.table.template-folder"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.queue"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="actor.table.usr-address" xreflabel="actor.usr_address">		
+			<title>usr_address</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>valid</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>within_city_limits</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>address_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;MAILING&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>street1</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>street2</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>city</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>county</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>state</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>country</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>post_code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pending</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>replaces</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing actor.usr via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="actor.table.usr-note" xreflabel="actor.usr_note">		
+			<title>usr_note</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pub</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>title</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="actor.table.usr-org-unit-opt-in" xreflabel="actor.usr_org_unit_opt_in">		
+			<title>usr_org_unit_opt_in</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>org_unit</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opt_in_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opt_in_ws</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.workstation"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="actor.table.usr-password-reset" xreflabel="actor.usr_password_reset">		
+			<title>usr_password_reset</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>uuid</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>request_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp without time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>has_been_reset</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="actor.table.usr-setting" xreflabel="actor.usr_setting">		
+			<title>usr_setting</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="actor.table.usr-standing-penalty" xreflabel="actor.usr_standing_penalty">		
+			<title>usr_standing_penalty</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>org_unit</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>standing_penalty</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.standing-penalty"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>set_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="actor.table.workstation" xreflabel="actor.workstation">		
+			<title>workstation</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owning_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing actor.usr_org_unit_opt_in via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.usr-org-unit-opt-in"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="money.table.bnm-desk-payment"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="asset.schema">
+		<title>Schema asset</title>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="asset.call_number">		
+			<title>call_number</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="biblio.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owning_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deleted</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing asset.call_number_note via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.uri-call-number-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="serial.table.subscription"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="asset.call_number_note">		
+			<title>call_number_note</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>call_number</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pub</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>title</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="asset.table.copy" xreflabel="asset.copy">		
+			<title>copy</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>call_number</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_number</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>status</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.copy-status"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>location</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 1;
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.copy-location"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>loan_duration</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fine_level</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>age_protect</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circulate</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deposit</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ref</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>holdable</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deposit_amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 0.00;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>price</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(8,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>barcode</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_modifier</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.circ-modifier"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_as_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dummy_title</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dummy_author</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>alert_message</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_visible</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deleted</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on copy</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>copy_fine_level_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((fine_level = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 3])))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>copy_loan_duration_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((loan_duration = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 3])))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing acq.lineitem_detail via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem-detail"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.circulation"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.hold-copy-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.hold-request"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.hold-transit-copy"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.transit-copy"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.copy-note"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.copy-transparency-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.stat-cat-entry-copy-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="container.table.copy-bucket-item"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="extend-reporter.table.legacy-circ-count"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="serial.table.issuance"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="asset.table.copy-location" xreflabel="asset.copy_location">		
+			<title>copy_location</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owning_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>holdable</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>hold_verify</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_visible</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circulate</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing acq.distribution_formula_entry via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.distribution-formula-entry"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem-detail"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="serial.table.issuance"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="asset.table.copy-note" xreflabel="asset.copy_note">		
+			<title>copy_note</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owning_copy</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pub</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>title</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="asset.table.copy-transparency" xreflabel="asset.copy_transparency">		
+			<title>copy_transparency</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deposit_amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>loan_duration</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fine_level</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>holdable</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circulate</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deposit</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ref</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_visible</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_modifier</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_as_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on copy_transparency</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>copy_transparency_fine_level_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((fine_level = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 3])))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>copy_transparency_loan_duration_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((loan_duration = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 3])))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing asset.copy_transparency_map via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.copy-transparency-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="asset.table.copy-transparency-map" xreflabel="asset.copy_transparency_map">		
+			<title>copy_transparency_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>transparency</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.copy-transparency"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_copy</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="asset.table.stat-cat" xreflabel="asset.stat_cat">		
+			<title>stat_cat</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_visible</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing asset.stat_cat_entry via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.stat-cat-entry"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.stat-cat-entry-copy-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="asset.table.stat-cat-entry" xreflabel="asset.stat_cat_entry">		
+			<title>stat_cat_entry</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stat_cat</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.stat-cat"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing asset.stat_cat_entry_copy_map via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.stat-cat-entry-copy-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="asset.table.stat-cat-entry-copy-map" xreflabel="asset.stat_cat_entry_copy_map">		
+			<title>stat_cat_entry_copy_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stat_cat</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.stat-cat"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stat_cat_entry</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.stat-cat-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owning_copy</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="asset.table.stat-cat-entry-transparency-map" xreflabel="asset.stat_cat_entry_transparency_map">		
+			<title>stat_cat_entry_transparency_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stat_cat</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stat_cat_entry</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owning_transparency</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="asset.table.uri" xreflabel="asset.uri">		
+			<title>uri</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>href</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>use_restriction</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>active</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing asset.uri_call_number_map via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.uri-call-number-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="serial.table.subscription"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="asset.table.uri-call-number-map" xreflabel="asset.uri_call_number_map">		
+			<title>uri_call_number_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>uri</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.uri"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>call_number</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="auditor.schema">
+		<title>Schema auditor</title>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="auditor.actor_org_unit_history">		
+			<title>actor_org_unit_history</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_action</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>parent_ou</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ou_type</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ill_address</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>holds_address</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>mailing_address</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>billing_address</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>shortname</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>email</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>phone</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_visible</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="auditor.actor_org_unit_lifecycle">		
+			<title>actor_org_unit_lifecycle</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>?column?</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_action</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>parent_ou</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ou_type</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ill_address</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>holds_address</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>mailing_address</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>billing_address</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>shortname</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>email</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>phone</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_visible</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="auditor.actor_usr_address_history">		
+			<title>actor_usr_address_history</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_action</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>valid</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>within_city_limits</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>address_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>street1</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>street2</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>city</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>county</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>state</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>country</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>post_code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pending</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>replaces</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="auditor.actor_usr_address_lifecycle">		
+			<title>actor_usr_address_lifecycle</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>?column?</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_action</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>valid</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>within_city_limits</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>address_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>street1</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>street2</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>city</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>county</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>state</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>country</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>post_code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="auditor.actor_usr_history">		
+			<title>actor_usr_history</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_action</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>card</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>profile</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usrname</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>email</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>passwd</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>standing</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident_type</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident_value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident_type2</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident_value2</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>net_access_level</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>photo_url</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>prefix</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>first_given_name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>second_given_name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>family_name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>suffix</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>day_phone</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>evening_phone</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>other_phone</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>mailing_address</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>billing_address</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>home_ou</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dob</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>active</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>master_account</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>super_user</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>barred</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deleted</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usrgroup</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>claims_returned_count</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>credit_forward_balance</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_xact_id</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>alert_message</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>expire_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>alias</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>juvenile</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="auditor.actor_usr_lifecycle">		
+			<title>actor_usr_lifecycle</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>?column?</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_action</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>card</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>profile</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usrname</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>email</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>passwd</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>standing</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident_type</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident_value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident_type2</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident_value2</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>net_access_level</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>photo_url</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>prefix</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>first_given_name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>second_given_name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>family_name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>suffix</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>day_phone</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>evening_phone</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>other_phone</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>mailing_address</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>billing_address</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>home_ou</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dob</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>active</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>master_account</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>super_user</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>barred</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deleted</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usrgroup</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>claims_returned_count</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>credit_forward_balance</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_xact_id</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>alert_message</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>expire_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="auditor.table.asset-call-number-history" xreflabel="auditor.asset_call_number_history">		
+			<title>asset_call_number_history</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_action</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owning_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deleted</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="auditor.view.asset-call-number-lifecycle" xreflabel="auditor.asset_call_number_lifecycle">		
+			<title>asset_call_number_lifecycle</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>?column?</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_action</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owning_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deleted</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="auditor.table.asset-copy-history" xreflabel="auditor.asset_copy_history">		
+			<title>asset_copy_history</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_action</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>call_number</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_number</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>status</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>location</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>loan_duration</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fine_level</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>age_protect</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circulate</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deposit</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ref</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>holdable</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deposit_amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>price</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(8,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>barcode</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_modifier</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_as_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dummy_title</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dummy_author</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>alert_message</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_visible</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deleted</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="auditor.view.asset-copy-lifecycle" xreflabel="auditor.asset_copy_lifecycle">		
+			<title>asset_copy_lifecycle</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>?column?</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_action</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>call_number</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_number</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>status</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>location</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>loan_duration</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fine_level</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>age_protect</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circulate</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deposit</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ref</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>holdable</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deposit_amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>price</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(8,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>barcode</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_modifier</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_as_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dummy_title</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dummy_author</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>alert_message</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_visible</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deleted</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="auditor.table.biblio-record-entry-history" xreflabel="auditor.biblio_record_entry_history">		
+			<title>biblio_record_entry_history</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_action</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>quality</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>active</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deleted</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fingerprint</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tcn_source</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tcn_value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>marc</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_xact_id</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="auditor.view.biblio-record-entry-lifecycle" xreflabel="auditor.biblio_record_entry_lifecycle">		
+			<title>biblio_record_entry_lifecycle</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>?column?</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audit_action</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>quality</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>active</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deleted</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fingerprint</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tcn_source</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tcn_value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>marc</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_xact_id</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="authority.schema">
+		<title>Schema authority</title>
+		<simplesect id="authority.table.full-rec" xreflabel="authority.full_rec">		
+			<title>full_rec</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tag</entry>
+								<entry>character(3)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ind1</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ind2</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>subfield</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>index_vector</entry>
+								<entry>public.tsvector</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="authority.table.rec-descriptor" xreflabel="authority.rec_descriptor">		
+			<title>rec_descriptor</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record_status</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>char_encoding</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="authority.table.record-entry" xreflabel="authority.record_entry">		
+			<title>record_entry</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>arn_source</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;AUTOGEN&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>arn_value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 1;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 1;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>active</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deleted</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>marc</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_xact_id</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing authority.record_note via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="authority.table.record-note"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.authority-match"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.queued-authority-record"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="authority.table.record-note" xreflabel="authority.record_note">		
+			<title>record_note</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="authority.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 1;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 1;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="authority.view.tracing-links" xreflabel="authority.tracing_links">		
+			<title>tracing_links</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>main_id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>main_tag</entry>
+								<entry>character(3)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>main_value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>relationship</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>use_restriction</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deprecation</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>display_restriction</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>link_id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>link_tag</entry>
+								<entry>character(3)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>link_value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="biblio.schema">
+		<title>Schema biblio</title>
+		<simplesect id="biblio.table.record-entry" xreflabel="biblio.record_entry">		
+			<title>record_entry</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 1;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 1;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>quality</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>active</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deleted</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fingerprint</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tcn_source</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;AUTOGEN&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tcn_value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT next_autogen_tcn_value();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>marc</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_xact_id</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing acq.lineitem via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="biblio.table.record-note"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="booking.table.resource-type"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="container.table.biblio-record-entry-bucket-item"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="metabib.table.keyword-field-entry"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="metabib.table.metarecord"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="metabib.table.metarecord-source-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="metabib.table.real-full-rec"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="metabib.table.rec-descriptor"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="metabib.table.subject-field-entry"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="metabib.table.title-field-entry"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="serial.table.record-entry"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.bib-match"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.queued-bib-record"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="biblio.table.record-note" xreflabel="biblio.record_note">		
+			<title>record_note</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="biblio.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 1;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 1;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pub</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="booking.schema">
+		<title>Schema booking</title>
+		<simplesect id="booking.table.reservation" xreflabel="booking.reservation">		
+			<title>reservation</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;money.billable_xact_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_start</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_finish</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>unrecovered</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>request_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>start_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>end_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>capture_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>cancel_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pickup_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>return_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>booking_interval</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fine_interval</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fine_amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(8,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_resource_type</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="booking.table.resource-type"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_resource</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="booking.table.resource"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>current_resource</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="booking.table.resource"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>request_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pickup_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>capture_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(8,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing action.reservation_transit_copy via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.reservation-transit-copy"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="booking.table.reservation-attr-value-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="booking.table.reservation-attr-value-map" xreflabel="booking.reservation_attr_value_map">		
+			<title>reservation_attr_value_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>reservation</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="booking.table.reservation"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>attr_value</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="booking.table.resource-attr-value"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="booking.table.resource" xreflabel="booking.resource">		
+			<title>resource</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>type</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="booking.table.resource-type"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>overbook</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>barcode</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deposit</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deposit_amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(8,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 0.00;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>user_fee</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(8,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 0.00;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing action.reservation_transit_copy via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.reservation-transit-copy"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="booking.table.reservation"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="booking.table.resource-attr-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="booking.table.resource-attr" xreflabel="booking.resource_attr">		
+			<title>resource_attr</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>resource_type</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="booking.table.resource-type"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>required</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing booking.resource_attr_map via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="booking.table.resource-attr-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="booking.table.resource-attr-value"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="booking.table.resource-attr-map" xreflabel="booking.resource_attr_map">		
+			<title>resource_attr_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>resource</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="booking.table.resource"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>resource_attr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="booking.table.resource-attr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="booking.table.resource-attr-value"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="booking.table.resource-attr-value" xreflabel="booking.resource_attr_value">		
+			<title>resource_attr_value</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>attr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="booking.table.resource-attr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>valid_value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing booking.reservation_attr_value_map via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="booking.table.reservation-attr-value-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="booking.table.resource-attr-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="booking.table.resource-type" xreflabel="booking.resource_type">		
+			<title>resource_type</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fine_interval</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fine_amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(8,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>catalog_item</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>transferable</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								<xref linkend="biblio.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(8,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>elbow_room</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing booking.reservation via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="booking.table.reservation"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="booking.table.resource"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="booking.table.resource-attr"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="config.schema">
+		<title>Schema config</title>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.audience-map" xreflabel="config.audience_map">		
+			<title>audience_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.bib-level-map" xreflabel="config.bib_level_map">		
+			<title>bib_level_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.bib-source" xreflabel="config.bib_source">		
+			<title>bib_source</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>quality</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>transcendant</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on bib_source</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>bib_source_quality_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK (((quality &gt;= 0) AND (quality &lt;= 100)))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing vandelay.queued_bib_record via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.queued-bib-record"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.billing-type" xreflabel="config.billing_type">		
+			<title>billing_type</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>default_price</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing money.billing via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="money.table.billing"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.circ-matrix-circ-mod-test" xreflabel="config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test">		
+			<title>circ_matrix_circ_mod_test</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>matchpoint</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.circ-matrix-matchpoint"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>items_out</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test_map via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.circ-matrix-circ-mod-test-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.circ-matrix-circ-mod-test-map" xreflabel="config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test_map">		
+			<title>circ_matrix_circ_mod_test_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_mod_test</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.circ-matrix-circ-mod-test"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_mod</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.circ-modifier"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.circ-matrix-matchpoint" xreflabel="config.circ_matrix_matchpoint">		
+			<title>circ_matrix_matchpoint</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>active</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>org_unit</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>grp</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="permission.table.grp-tree"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_modifier</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.circ-modifier"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>marc_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.item-type-map"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>marc_form</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.item-form-map"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>marc_vr_format</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.videorecording-format-map"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ref_flag</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>is_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr_age_lower_bound</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr_age_upper_bound</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>juvenile_flag</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circulate</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>duration_rule</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.rule-circ-duration"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recurring_fine_rule</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.rule-recuring-fine"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine_rule</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.rule-max-fine"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>script_test</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.circ-matrix-circ-mod-test"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.circ-matrix-test"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.circ-matrix-test" xreflabel="config.circ_matrix_test">		
+			<title>circ_matrix_test</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>matchpoint</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.circ-matrix-matchpoint"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circulate</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_items_out</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_overdue</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fines</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(8,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>org_depth</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>script_test</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.circ-modifier" xreflabel="config.circ_modifier">		
+			<title>circ_modifier</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>sip2_media_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>magnetic_media</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing acq.lineitem_detail via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="acq.table.lineitem-detail"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.circ-matrix-circ-mod-test-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.circ-matrix-matchpoint"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.hold-matrix-matchpoint"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.copy-status" xreflabel="config.copy_status">		
+			<title>copy_status</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>holdable</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_visible</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing action.transit_copy via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.transit-copy"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.hold-matrix-matchpoint" xreflabel="config.hold_matrix_matchpoint">		
+			<title>hold_matrix_matchpoint</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>active</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>user_home_ou</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>request_ou</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pickup_ou</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_owning_ou</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_circ_ou</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr_grp</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								<xref linkend="permission.table.grp-tree"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>requestor_grp</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="permission.table.grp-tree"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_modifier</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.circ-modifier"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>marc_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.item-type-map"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>marc_form</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.item-form-map"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>marc_vr_format</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.videorecording-format-map"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ref_flag</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>juvenile_flag</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>age_hold_protect_rule</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.rule-age-hold-protect"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>holdable</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>distance_is_from_owner</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>transit_range</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_holds</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>include_frozen_holds</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_blocked_user</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing config.hold_matrix_test via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.hold-matrix-test"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.hold-matrix-test" xreflabel="config.hold_matrix_test">		
+			<title>hold_matrix_test</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>matchpoint</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.hold-matrix-matchpoint"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>holdable</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>distance_is_from_owner</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>transit_range</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_holds</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>include_frozen_holds</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_blocked_user</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>age_hold_protect_rule</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.rule-age-hold-protect"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.i18n-core" xreflabel="config.i18n_core">		
+			<title>i18n_core</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fq_field</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>identity_value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>translation</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.i18n-locale"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>string</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.i18n-locale" xreflabel="config.i18n_locale">		
+			<title>i18n_locale</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>marc_code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.language-map"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing config.i18n_core via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.i18n-core"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.identification-type" xreflabel="config.identification_type">		
+			<title>identification_type</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing actor.usr via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.idl-field-doc" xreflabel="config.idl_field_doc">		
+			<title>idl_field_doc</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fm_class</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>field</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>string</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.item-form-map" xreflabel="config.item_form_map">		
+			<title>item_form_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.circ-matrix-matchpoint"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.hold-matrix-matchpoint"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.item-type-map" xreflabel="config.item_type_map">		
+			<title>item_type_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.circ-matrix-matchpoint"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.hold-matrix-matchpoint"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.language-map" xreflabel="config.language_map">		
+			<title>language_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing config.i18n_locale via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.i18n-locale"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.lit-form-map" xreflabel="config.lit_form_map">		
+			<title>lit_form_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.metabib-field" xreflabel="config.metabib_field">		
+			<title>metabib_field</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>field_class</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xpath</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>weight</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 1;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>format</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;mods32&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>search_field</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>facet_field</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on metabib_field</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>metabib_field_field_class_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((lower(field_class) = ANY (ARRAY[&apos;title&apos;::text, &apos;author&apos;::text, &apos;subject&apos;::text, &apos;keyword&apos;::text, &apos;series&apos;::text])))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing metabib.author_field_entry via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="metabib.table.keyword-field-entry"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="metabib.table.subject-field-entry"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="metabib.table.title-field-entry"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="search.table.relevance-adjustment"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="config.net_access_level">		
+			<title>net_access_level</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing actor.usr via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.non-cataloged-type" xreflabel="config.non_cataloged_type">		
+			<title>non_cataloged_type</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owning_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_duration</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;14 days&apos;::interval;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>in_house</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing action.non_cat_in_house_use via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.non-cat-in-house-use"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="action.table.non-cataloged-circulation"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.rule-age-hold-protect" xreflabel="config.rule_age_hold_protect">		
+			<title>rule_age_hold_protect</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>age</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>prox</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on rule_age_hold_protect</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>rule_age_hold_protect_name_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((name ~ &apos;^\\w+$&apos;::text))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing config.hold_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.hold-matrix-matchpoint"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.hold-matrix-test"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.rule-circ-duration" xreflabel="config.rule_circ_duration">		
+			<title>rule_circ_duration</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>extended</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>normal</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>shrt</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_renewals</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on rule_circ_duration</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>rule_circ_duration_name_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((name ~ &apos;^\\w+$&apos;::text))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.circ-matrix-matchpoint"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.rule-max-fine" xreflabel="config.rule_max_fine">		
+			<title>rule_max_fine</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>is_percent</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on rule_max_fine</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>rule_max_fine_name_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((name ~ &apos;^\\w+$&apos;::text))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.circ-matrix-matchpoint"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.rule-recuring-fine" xreflabel="config.rule_recuring_fine">		
+			<title>rule_recuring_fine</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>high</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>normal</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>low</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recurance_interval</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;1 day&apos;::interval;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on rule_recuring_fine</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>rule_recuring_fine_name_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((name ~ &apos;^\\w+$&apos;::text))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.circ-matrix-matchpoint"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.standing" xreflabel="config.standing">		
+			<title>standing</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing actor.usr via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.standing-penalty" xreflabel="config.standing_penalty">		
+			<title>standing_penalty</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>block_list</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing actor.usr_standing_penalty via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.usr-standing-penalty"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="permission.table.grp-penalty-threshold"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.upgrade-log" xreflabel="config.upgrade_log">		
+			<title>upgrade_log</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>version</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>install_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.videorecording-format-map" xreflabel="config.videorecording_format_map">		
+			<title>videorecording_format_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.circ-matrix-matchpoint"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.hold-matrix-matchpoint"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.xml-transform" xreflabel="config.xml_transform">		
+			<title>xml_transform</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>namespace_uri</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>prefix</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xslt</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.z3950-attr" xreflabel="config.z3950_attr">		
+			<title>z3950_attr</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.z3950-source"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>format</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>truncation</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="config.table.z3950-source" xreflabel="config.z3950_source">		
+			<title>z3950_source</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>host</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>port</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>db</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record_format</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;FI&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>transmission_format</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;usmarc&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>auth</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing config.z3950_attr via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.z3950-attr"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="container.schema">
+		<title>Schema container</title>
+		<simplesect id="container.table.biblio-record-entry-bucket" xreflabel="container.biblio_record_entry_bucket">		
+			<title>biblio_record_entry_bucket</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>btype</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;misc&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pub</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing container.biblio_record_entry_bucket_item via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="container.table.biblio-record-entry-bucket-item"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="container.table.biblio-record-entry-bucket-note"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="container.table.biblio-record-entry-bucket-item" xreflabel="container.biblio_record_entry_bucket_item">		
+			<title>biblio_record_entry_bucket_item</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>bucket</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="container.table.biblio-record-entry-bucket"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_biblio_record_entry</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="biblio.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pos</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing container.biblio_record_entry_bucket_item_note via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="container.table.biblio-record-entry-bucket-item-note"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="container.table.biblio-record-entry-bucket-item-note" xreflabel="container.biblio_record_entry_bucket_item_note">		
+			<title>biblio_record_entry_bucket_item_note</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="container.table.biblio-record-entry-bucket-item"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="container.table.biblio-record-entry-bucket-note" xreflabel="container.biblio_record_entry_bucket_note">		
+			<title>biblio_record_entry_bucket_note</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>bucket</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="container.table.biblio-record-entry-bucket"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="container.table.biblio-record-entry-bucket-type" xreflabel="container.biblio_record_entry_bucket_type">		
+			<title>biblio_record_entry_bucket_type</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="container.call_number_bucket">		
+			<title>call_number_bucket</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>btype</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;misc&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pub</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing container.call_number_bucket_item via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="container.call_number_bucket_item">		
+			<title>call_number_bucket_item</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>bucket</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_call_number</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pos</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing container.call_number_bucket_item_note via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="container.call_number_bucket_item_note">		
+			<title>call_number_bucket_item_note</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="container.call_number_bucket_note">		
+			<title>call_number_bucket_note</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>bucket</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="container.call_number_bucket_type">		
+			<title>call_number_bucket_type</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="container.table.copy-bucket" xreflabel="container.copy_bucket">		
+			<title>copy_bucket</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>btype</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;misc&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pub</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing container.copy_bucket_item via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="container.table.copy-bucket-item"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="container.table.copy-bucket-note"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="container.table.copy-bucket-item" xreflabel="container.copy_bucket_item">		
+			<title>copy_bucket_item</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>bucket</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="container.table.copy-bucket"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_copy</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pos</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing container.copy_bucket_item_note via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="container.table.copy-bucket-item-note"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="container.table.copy-bucket-item-note" xreflabel="container.copy_bucket_item_note">		
+			<title>copy_bucket_item_note</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="container.table.copy-bucket-item"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="container.table.copy-bucket-note" xreflabel="container.copy_bucket_note">		
+			<title>copy_bucket_note</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>bucket</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="container.table.copy-bucket"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="container.table.copy-bucket-type" xreflabel="container.copy_bucket_type">		
+			<title>copy_bucket_type</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="container.table.user-bucket" xreflabel="container.user_bucket">		
+			<title>user_bucket</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>btype</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;misc&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pub</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing container.user_bucket_item via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="container.table.user-bucket-item"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="container.table.user-bucket-note"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="container.table.user-bucket-item" xreflabel="container.user_bucket_item">		
+			<title>user_bucket_item</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>bucket</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="container.table.user-bucket"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_user</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pos</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing container.user_bucket_item_note via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="container.table.user-bucket-item-note"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="container.table.user-bucket-item-note" xreflabel="container.user_bucket_item_note">		
+			<title>user_bucket_item_note</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="container.table.user-bucket-item"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="container.table.user-bucket-note" xreflabel="container.user_bucket_note">		
+			<title>user_bucket_note</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>bucket</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="container.table.user-bucket"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="container.table.user-bucket-type" xreflabel="container.user_bucket_type">		
+			<title>user_bucket_type</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="extend-reporter.schema">
+		<title>Schema extend_reporter</title>
+		<simplesect id="extend-reporter.view.full-circ-count" xreflabel="extend_reporter.full_circ_count">		
+			<title>full_circ_count</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_count</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="extend_reporter.global_bibs_by_holding_update">		
+			<title>global_bibs_by_holding_update</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>holding_update</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>update_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="extend-reporter.table.legacy-circ-count" xreflabel="extend_reporter.legacy_circ_count">		
+			<title>legacy_circ_count</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_count</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="metabib.schema">
+		<title>Schema metabib</title>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="metabib.author_field_entry">		
+			<title>author_field_entry</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="biblio.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>field</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.metabib-field"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>index_vector</entry>
+								<entry>public.tsvector</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="metabib.view.full-rec" xreflabel="metabib.full_rec">		
+			<title>full_rec</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tag</entry>
+								<entry>character(3)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ind1</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ind2</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>subfield</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>index_vector</entry>
+								<entry>public.tsvector</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="metabib.table.keyword-field-entry" xreflabel="metabib.keyword_field_entry">		
+			<title>keyword_field_entry</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="biblio.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>field</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.metabib-field"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>index_vector</entry>
+								<entry>public.tsvector</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="metabib.table.metarecord" xreflabel="metabib.metarecord">		
+			<title>metarecord</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fingerprint</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>master_record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="biblio.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>mods</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing metabib.metarecord_source_map via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="metabib.table.metarecord-source-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="metabib.table.metarecord-source-map" xreflabel="metabib.metarecord_source_map">		
+			<title>metarecord_source_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>metarecord</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="metabib.table.metarecord"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="biblio.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="metabib.table.real-full-rec" xreflabel="metabib.real_full_rec">		
+			<title>real_full_rec</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;full_rec_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="biblio.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tag</entry>
+								<entry>character(3)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ind1</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ind2</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>subfield</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>index_vector</entry>
+								<entry>public.tsvector</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="metabib.table.rec-descriptor" xreflabel="metabib.rec_descriptor">		
+			<title>rec_descriptor</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="biblio.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_form</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>bib_level</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>control_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>char_encoding</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>enc_level</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>audience</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>lit_form</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>type_mat</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>cat_form</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pub_status</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_lang</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>vr_format</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>date1</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>date2</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="metabib.table.series-field-entry" xreflabel="metabib.series_field_entry">		
+			<title>series_field_entry</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>field</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>index_vector</entry>
+								<entry>public.tsvector</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="metabib.table.subject-field-entry" xreflabel="metabib.subject_field_entry">		
+			<title>subject_field_entry</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="biblio.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>field</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.metabib-field"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>index_vector</entry>
+								<entry>public.tsvector</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="metabib.table.title-field-entry" xreflabel="metabib.title_field_entry">		
+			<title>title_field_entry</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="biblio.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>field</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.metabib-field"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>index_vector</entry>
+								<entry>public.tsvector</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="money.schema">
+		<title>Schema money</title>
+		<simplesect id="money.table.billable-xact" xreflabel="money.billable_xact">		
+			<title>billable_xact</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_start</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_finish</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>unrecovered</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.view.billable-xact-summary" xreflabel="money.billable_xact_summary">		
+			<title>billable_xact_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_start</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_finish</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_paid</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_type</entry>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>balance_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_type</entry>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.view.billable-xact-with-void-summary" xreflabel="money.billable_xact_with_void_summary">		
+			<title>billable_xact_with_void_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_start</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_finish</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_paid</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_type</entry>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>balance_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_type</entry>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.table.billing" xreflabel="money.billing">		
+			<title>billing</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>billing_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voided</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voider</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>void_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>billing_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>btype</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.billing-type"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.table.bnm-desk-payment" xreflabel="money.bnm_desk_payment">		
+			<title>bnm_desk_payment</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;payment_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voided</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount_collected</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>accepting_usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>cash_drawer</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.workstation"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.table.bnm-payment" xreflabel="money.bnm_payment">		
+			<title>bnm_payment</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;payment_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voided</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount_collected</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>accepting_usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.view.bnm-payment-view" xreflabel="money.bnm_payment_view">		
+			<title>bnm_payment_view</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voided</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount_collected</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>accepting_usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_type</entry>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="money.cash_payment">		
+			<title>cash_payment</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;payment_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voided</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount_collected</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>accepting_usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>cash_drawer</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.view.cashdrawer-payment-view" xreflabel="money.cashdrawer_payment_view">		
+			<title>cashdrawer_payment_view</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>org_unit</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>cashdrawer</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_type</entry>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voided</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.table.check-payment" xreflabel="money.check_payment">		
+			<title>check_payment</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;payment_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voided</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount_collected</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>accepting_usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>cash_drawer</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>check_number</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.table.collections-tracker" xreflabel="money.collections_tracker">		
+			<title>collections_tracker</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>collector</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>location</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>enter_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="money.credit_card_payment">		
+			<title>credit_card_payment</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;payment_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voided</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount_collected</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>accepting_usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>cash_drawer</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>cc_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>cc_number</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>expire_month</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>expire_year</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>approval_code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="money.credit_payment">		
+			<title>credit_payment</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;payment_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voided</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount_collected</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>accepting_usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.view.desk-payment-view" xreflabel="money.desk_payment_view">		
+			<title>desk_payment_view</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voided</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount_collected</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>accepting_usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>cash_drawer</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_type</entry>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.table.forgive-payment" xreflabel="money.forgive_payment">		
+			<title>forgive_payment</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;payment_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voided</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount_collected</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>accepting_usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.table.goods-payment" xreflabel="money.goods_payment">		
+			<title>goods_payment</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;payment_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voided</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount_collected</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>accepting_usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="">		
+			<title>grocery</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;billable_xact_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_start</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_finish</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>unrecovered</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>billing_location</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.table.materialized-billable-xact-summary" xreflabel="money.materialized_billable_xact_summary">		
+			<title>materialized_billable_xact_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_start</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_finish</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_paid</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_type</entry>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>balance_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_type</entry>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.view.non-drawer-payment-view" xreflabel="money.non_drawer_payment_view">		
+			<title>non_drawer_payment_view</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voided</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount_collected</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>accepting_usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_type</entry>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="money.open_billable_xact_summary">		
+			<title>open_billable_xact_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>billing_location</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_start</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_finish</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_paid</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_type</entry>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>balance_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_type</entry>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="money.open_transaction_billing_summary">		
+			<title>open_transaction_billing_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="money.open_transaction_billing_type_summary">		
+			<title>open_transaction_billing_type_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="money.open_transaction_payment_summary">		
+			<title>open_transaction_payment_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_type</entry>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_paid</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="money.open_usr_circulation_summary">		
+			<title>open_usr_circulation_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_paid</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>balance_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="money.open_usr_summary">		
+			<title>open_usr_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_paid</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>balance_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.table.payment" xreflabel="money.payment">		
+			<title>payment</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voided</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.view.payment-view" xreflabel="money.payment_view">		
+			<title>payment_view</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voided</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_type</entry>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.view.transaction-billing-summary" xreflabel="money.transaction_billing_summary">		
+			<title>transaction_billing_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.view.transaction-billing-type-summary" xreflabel="money.transaction_billing_type_summary">		
+			<title>transaction_billing_type_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.view.transaction-billing-with-void-summary" xreflabel="money.transaction_billing_with_void_summary">		
+			<title>transaction_billing_with_void_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_billing_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.view.transaction-payment-summary" xreflabel="money.transaction_payment_summary">		
+			<title>transaction_payment_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_type</entry>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_paid</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.view.transaction-payment-with-void-summary" xreflabel="money.transaction_payment_with_void_summary">		
+			<title>transaction_payment_with_void_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_type</entry>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_paid</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.view.usr-circulation-summary" xreflabel="money.usr_circulation_summary">		
+			<title>usr_circulation_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_paid</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>balance_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="money.view.usr-summary" xreflabel="money.usr_summary">		
+			<title>usr_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_paid</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>balance_owed</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="money.work_payment">		
+			<title>work_payment</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;payment_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>payment_ts</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voided</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>amount_collected</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>accepting_usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="offline.schema">
+		<title>Schema offline</title>
+		<simplesect id="offline.table.script" xreflabel="offline.script">		
+			<title>script</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>session</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>requestor</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>workstation</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>logfile</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>time_delta</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>count</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="offline.table.session" xreflabel="offline.session">		
+			<title>session</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>key</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>org</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>in_process</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>start_time</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>end_time</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>num_complete</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="permission.schema">
+		<title>Schema permission</title>
+		<simplesect id="permission.table.grp-penalty-threshold" xreflabel="permission.grp_penalty_threshold">		
+			<title>grp_penalty_threshold</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>grp</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="permission.table.grp-tree"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>org_unit</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>penalty</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.standing-penalty"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>threshold</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(8,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="permission.table.grp-perm-map" xreflabel="permission.grp_perm_map">		
+			<title>grp_perm_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>grp</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="permission.table.grp-tree"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>perm</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="permission.table.perm-list"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>depth</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>grantable</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="permission.table.grp-tree" xreflabel="permission.grp_tree">		
+			<title>grp_tree</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>parent</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="permission.table.grp-tree"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usergroup</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>perm_interval</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;3 years&apos;::interval;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>application_perm</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing actor.usr via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.circ-matrix-matchpoint"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="config.table.hold-matrix-matchpoint"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="permission.table.grp-penalty-threshold"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="permission.table.grp-perm-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="permission.table.grp-tree"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="permission.table.usr-grp-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="permission.table.perm-list" xreflabel="permission.perm_list">		
+			<title>perm_list</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing permission.grp_perm_map via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="permission.table.grp-perm-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="permission.table.usr-object-perm-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="permission.table.usr-perm-map"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="permission.table.usr-grp-map" xreflabel="permission.usr_grp_map">		
+			<title>usr_grp_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>grp</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="permission.table.grp-tree"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="permission.table.usr-object-perm-map" xreflabel="permission.usr_object_perm_map">		
+			<title>usr_object_perm_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>perm</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="permission.table.perm-list"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>object_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>object_id</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>grantable</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="permission.table.usr-perm-map" xreflabel="permission.usr_perm_map">		
+			<title>usr_perm_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>perm</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="permission.table.perm-list"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>depth</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>grantable</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="permission.table.usr-work-ou-map" xreflabel="permission.usr_work_ou_map">		
+			<title>usr_work_ou_map</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>work_ou</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>	
+	<section id="reporter.schema">
+		<title>Schema reporter</title>
+		<simplesect id="reporter.view.circ-type" xreflabel="reporter.circ_type">		
+			<title>circ_type</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>		
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="reporter.view.currently-running" xreflabel="reporter.currently_running">		
+			<title>currently_running</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>runner_barcode</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>run_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>scheduled_wait_time</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="reporter.view.demographic" xreflabel="reporter.demographic">		
+			<title>demographic</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dob</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>general_division</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="reporter.view.hold-request-record" xreflabel="reporter.hold_request_record">		
+			<title>hold_request_record</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>hold_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>bib_record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="reporter.table.materialized-simple-record" xreflabel="reporter.materialized_simple_record">		
+			<title>materialized_simple_record</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fingerprint</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>quality</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tcn_source</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tcn_value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>title</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>author</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>publisher</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pubdate</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>isbn</entry>
+								<entry>text[]</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>issn</entry>
+								<entry>text[]</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="reporter.view.old-super-simple-record" xreflabel="reporter.old_super_simple_record">		
+			<title>old_super_simple_record</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fingerprint</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>quality</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tcn_source</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tcn_value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>title</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>author</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>publisher</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pubdate</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>isbn</entry>
+								<entry>text[]</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>issn</entry>
+								<entry>text[]</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="reporter.table.output-folder" xreflabel="reporter.output_folder">		
+			<title>output_folder</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>parent</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="reporter.table.output-folder"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>shared</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>share_with</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing reporter.output_folder via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="reporter.table.output-folder"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="reporter.table.schedule"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="reporter.view.overdue-circs" xreflabel="reporter.overdue_circs">		
+			<title>overdue_circs</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_start</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_finish</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>unrecovered</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_copy</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>renewal_remaining</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>due_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_fines_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>duration</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fine_interval</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recuring_fine</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>phone_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>desk_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>duration_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recuring_fine_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_fines</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="reporter.view.overdue-reports" xreflabel="reporter.overdue_reports">		
+			<title>overdue_reports</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>runner_barcode</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>run_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>scheduled_wait_time</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="reporter.view.pending-reports" xreflabel="reporter.pending_reports">		
+			<title>pending_reports</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>runner_barcode</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>run_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>scheduled_wait_time</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="">		
+			<title>report</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>template</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="reporter.table.template"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>data</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>folder</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recur</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recurance</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing reporter.schedule via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="reporter.table.schedule"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="" xreflabel="reporter.report_folder">		
+			<title>report_folder</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>parent</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>shared</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>share_with</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="reporter.table.schedule" xreflabel="reporter.schedule">		
+			<title>schedule</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>report</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>folder</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="reporter.table.output-folder"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>runner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>run_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>start_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>complete_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>email</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>excel_format</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>html_format</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>csv_format</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>chart_pie</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>chart_bar</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>chart_line</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>error_code</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>error_text</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="reporter.view.simple-record" xreflabel="reporter.simple_record">		
+			<title>simple_record</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>metarecord</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fingerprint</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>quality</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tcn_source</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tcn_value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>title</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>uniform_title</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>author</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>publisher</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pubdate</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>series_title</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>series_statement</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>summary</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>isbn</entry>
+								<entry>text[]</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>issn</entry>
+								<entry>text[]</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>topic_subject</entry>
+								<entry>text[]</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>geographic_subject</entry>
+								<entry>text[]</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>genre</entry>
+								<entry>text[]</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name_subject</entry>
+								<entry>text[]</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>corporate_subject</entry>
+								<entry>text[]</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>external_uri</entry>
+								<entry>text[]</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="reporter.view.super-simple-record" xreflabel="reporter.super_simple_record">		
+			<title>super_simple_record</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fingerprint</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>quality</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tcn_source</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tcn_value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>title</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>author</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>publisher</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pubdate</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>isbn</entry>
+								<entry>text[]</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>issn</entry>
+								<entry>text[]</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="reporter.table.template" xreflabel="reporter.template">		
+			<title>template</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>data</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>folder</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="reporter.table.template-folder"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend=""/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="reporter.table.template-folder" xreflabel="reporter.template_folder">		
+			<title>template_folder</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>parent</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="reporter.table.template-folder"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>shared</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>share_with</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing reporter.template via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="reporter.table.template"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="reporter.table.template-folder"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="reporter.view.xact-billing-totals" xreflabel="reporter.xact_billing_totals">		
+			<title>xact_billing_totals</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>unvoided</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voided</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="reporter.view.xact-paid-totals" xreflabel="reporter.xact_paid_totals">		
+			<title>xact_paid_totals</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>unvoided</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>voided</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>total</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="search.schema">
+		<title>Schema search</title>
+		<simplesect id="search.table.relevance-adjustment" xreflabel="search.relevance_adjustment">		
+			<title>relevance_adjustment</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>active</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>field</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.metabib-field"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>bump_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>multiplier</entry>
+								<entry>numeric</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 1.0;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on relevance_adjustment</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>relevance_adjustment_bump_type_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((bump_type = ANY (ARRAY[&apos;word_order&apos;::text, &apos;first_word&apos;::text, &apos;full_match&apos;::text])))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="serial.schema">
+		<title>Schema serial</title>
+		<simplesect id="serial.table.bib-summary" xreflabel="serial.bib_summary">		
+			<title>bib_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>subscription</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="serial.table.subscription"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>generated_coverage</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>textual_holdings</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="serial.table.binding-unit" xreflabel="serial.binding_unit">		
+			<title>binding_unit</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>subscription</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="serial.table.subscription"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing serial.issuance via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="serial.table.issuance"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="serial.table.index-summary" xreflabel="serial.index_summary">		
+			<title>index_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>subscription</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="serial.table.subscription"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>generated_coverage</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>textual_holdings</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="serial.table.issuance" xreflabel="serial.issuance">		
+			<title>issuance</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>subscription</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="serial.table.subscription"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_copy</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.copy"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>location</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.copy-location"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>binding_unit</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="serial.table.binding-unit"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="serial.table.record-entry" xreflabel="serial.record_entry">		
+			<title>record_entry</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="biblio.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owning_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 1;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 1;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT 1;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>source</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>active</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT true;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deleted</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>marc</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>last_xact_id</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="serial.table.subscription" xreflabel="serial.subscription">		
+			<title>subscription</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>callnumber</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>uri</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="asset.table.uri"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>start_date</entry>
+								<entry>date</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>end_date</entry>
+								<entry>date</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing serial.bib_summary via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="serial.table.bib-summary"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="serial.table.binding-unit"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="serial.table.index-summary"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="serial.table.issuance"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="serial.table.sup-summary"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="serial.table.sup-summary" xreflabel="serial.sup_summary">		
+			<title>sup_summary</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>subscription</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="serial.table.subscription"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>generated_coverage</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>textual_holdings</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="stats.schema">
+		<title>Schema stats</title>
+		<simplesect id="stats.view.fleshed-call-number" xreflabel="stats.fleshed_call_number">		
+			<title>fleshed_call_number</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owning_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deleted</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date_day</entry>
+								<entry>date</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date_day</entry>
+								<entry>date</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date_hour</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date_hour</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_lang</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_form</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="stats.view.fleshed-circulation" xreflabel="stats.fleshed_circulation">		
+			<title>fleshed_circulation</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>usr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_start</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xact_finish</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>unrecovered</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>target_copy</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_staff</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>renewal_remaining</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>due_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_fines_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>checkin_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>duration</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fine_interval</entry>
+								<entry>interval</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recuring_fine</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>phone_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>desk_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_renewal</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>duration_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>recuring_fine_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>max_fine_rule</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>stop_fines</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>start_date_day</entry>
+								<entry>date</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>finish_date_day</entry>
+								<entry>date</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>start_date_hour</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>finish_date_hour</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>call_number_label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owning_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_lang</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_form</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="stats.view.fleshed-copy" xreflabel="stats.fleshed_copy">		
+			<title>fleshed_copy</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>creator</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>call_number</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>editor</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_number</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>status</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>location</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>loan_duration</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>fine_level</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>age_protect</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circulate</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deposit</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ref</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>holdable</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deposit_amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(6,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>price</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(8,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>barcode</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_modifier</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_as_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dummy_title</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>dummy_author</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>alert_message</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_visible</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deleted</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date_day</entry>
+								<entry>date</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date_day</entry>
+								<entry>date</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_date_hour</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>edit_date_hour</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>call_number_label</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owning_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_lang</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_form</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+	<section id="vandelay.schema">
+		<title>Schema vandelay</title>
+		<simplesect id="vandelay.table.authority-attr-definition" xreflabel="vandelay.authority_attr_definition">		
+			<title>authority_attr_definition</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xpath</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>remove</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing vandelay.queued_authority_record_attr via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.queued-authority-record-attr"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="vandelay.table.authority-match" xreflabel="vandelay.authority_match">		
+			<title>authority_match</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>matched_attr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="vandelay.table.queued-authority-record-attr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>queued_record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="vandelay.table.queued-authority-record"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>eg_record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="authority.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="vandelay.table.authority-queue" xreflabel="vandelay.authority_queue">		
+			<title>authority_queue</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;queue_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>complete</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>queue_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;authority&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on authority_queue</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>authority_queue_queue_type_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((queue_type = &apos;authority&apos;::text))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>queue_queue_type_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((queue_type = ANY (ARRAY[&apos;bib&apos;::text, &apos;authority&apos;::text])))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing vandelay.queued_authority_record via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.queued-authority-record"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="vandelay.table.bib-attr-definition" xreflabel="vandelay.bib_attr_definition">		
+			<title>bib_attr_definition</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>serial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>code</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>description</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>xpath</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>remove</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ident</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing vandelay.queued_bib_record_attr via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.queued-bib-record-attr"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="vandelay.table.bib-match" xreflabel="vandelay.bib_match">		
+			<title>bib_match</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>field_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>matched_attr</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="vandelay.table.queued-bib-record-attr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>queued_record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="vandelay.table.queued-bib-record"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>eg_record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="biblio.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on bib_match</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>bib_match_field_type_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((field_type = ANY (ARRAY[&apos;isbn&apos;::text, &apos;tcn_value&apos;::text, &apos;id&apos;::text])))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="vandelay.table.bib-queue" xreflabel="vandelay.bib_queue">		
+			<title>bib_queue</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;queue_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>complete</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>queue_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;bib&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>item_attr_def</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="vandelay.table.import-item-attr-definition"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on bib_queue</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>bib_queue_queue_type_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((queue_type = &apos;bib&apos;::text))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>queue_queue_type_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((queue_type = ANY (ARRAY[&apos;bib&apos;::text, &apos;authority&apos;::text])))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing vandelay.queued_bib_record via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.queued-bib-record"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="vandelay.table.import-bib-trash-fields" xreflabel="vandelay.import_bib_trash_fields">		
+			<title>import_bib_trash_fields</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>field</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="vandelay.table.import-item" xreflabel="vandelay.import_item">		
+			<title>import_item</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="vandelay.table.queued-bib-record"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>definition</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="vandelay.table.import-item-attr-definition"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owning_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>call_number</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_number</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>status</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>location</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circulate</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deposit</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deposit_amount</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(8,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ref</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>holdable</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>price</entry>
+								<entry>numeric(8,2)</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>barcode</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_modifier</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_as_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>alert_message</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pub_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>priv_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_visible</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="vandelay.table.import-item-attr-definition" xreflabel="vandelay.import_item_attr_definition">		
+			<title>import_item_attr_definition</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend=""/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>tag</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>keep</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owning_lib</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_lib</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>call_number</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>copy_number</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>status</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>location</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circulate</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deposit</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>deposit_amount</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>ref</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>holdable</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>price</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>barcode</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_modifier</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>circ_as_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>alert_message</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>opac_visible</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pub_note_title</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>pub_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>priv_note_title</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>priv_note</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing vandelay.bib_queue via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.bib-queue"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.import-item"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="vandelay.table.queue" xreflabel="vandelay.queue">		
+			<title>queue</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>owner</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="actor.table.usr"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>name</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>complete</entry>
+								<entry>boolean</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT false;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>queue_type</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                      								UNIQUE#1
+										;
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;bib&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on queue</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>queue_queue_type_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((queue_type = ANY (ARRAY[&apos;bib&apos;::text, &apos;authority&apos;::text])))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="vandelay.table.queued-authority-record" xreflabel="vandelay.queued_authority_record">		
+			<title>queued_authority_record</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;queued_record_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>import_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>purpose</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;import&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>marc</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>queue</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="vandelay.table.authority-queue"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>imported_as</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="authority.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on queued_authority_record</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>queued_record_purpose_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((purpose = ANY (ARRAY[&apos;import&apos;::text, &apos;overlay&apos;::text])))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing vandelay.authority_match via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.authority-match"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.queued-authority-record-attr"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="vandelay.table.queued-authority-record-attr" xreflabel="vandelay.queued_authority_record_attr">		
+			<title>queued_authority_record_attr</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="vandelay.table.queued-authority-record"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>field</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="vandelay.table.authority-attr-definition"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>attr_value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing vandelay.authority_match via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.authority-match"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="vandelay.table.queued-bib-record" xreflabel="vandelay.queued_bib_record">		
+			<title>queued_bib_record</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+                								DEFAULT nextval(&apos;queued_record_id_seq&apos;::regclass);
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>import_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>purpose</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;import&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>marc</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>queue</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="vandelay.table.bib-queue"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>bib_source</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="config.table.bib-source"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>imported_as</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								<xref linkend="biblio.table.record-entry"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on queued_bib_record</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>queued_record_purpose_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((purpose = ANY (ARRAY[&apos;import&apos;::text, &apos;overlay&apos;::text])))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing vandelay.bib_match via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.bib-match"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.import-item"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.queued-bib-record-attr"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="vandelay.table.queued-bib-record-attr" xreflabel="vandelay.queued_bib_record_attr">		
+			<title>queued_bib_record_attr</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>record</entry>
+								<entry>bigint</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="vandelay.table.queued-bib-record"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>field</entry>
+								<entry>integer</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								<xref linkend="vandelay.table.bib-attr-definition"/>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>attr_value</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing vandelay.bib_match via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="vandelay.table.bib-match"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+        				</itemizedlist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect id="vandelay.table.queued-record" xreflabel="vandelay.queued_record">		
+			<title>queued_record</title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>id</entry>
+								<entry>bigserial</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>create_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT now();
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>import_time</entry>
+								<entry>timestamp with time zone</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>purpose</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+                								DEFAULT &apos;import&apos;::text;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+              						<row>
+								<entry>marc</entry>
+								<entry>text</entry>
+								<entry><para>
+                								NOT NULL;
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on queued_record</title>
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term>queued_record_purpose_check</term>
+            						<listitem><para>CHECK ((purpose = ANY (ARRAY[&apos;import&apos;::text, &apos;overlay&apos;::text])))</para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+        				</variablelist>
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+	</section>
+  </chapter>
diff --git a/1.6/intro/releasenotes.xml b/1.6/intro/releasenotes.xml
index 1db9488432..693a21c43c 100644
--- a/1.6/intro/releasenotes.xml
+++ b/1.6/intro/releasenotes.xml
@@ -4,6 +4,50 @@
 	<title>Release Notes</title>
+	<simplesect>
+		<title></title>
+		<simplesect>
+			<title>New features</title>
+			<itemizedlist>
+				<listitem>Added index for case insensitive barcode searching ( for speed.</listitem>
+				<listitem>Move to BibTemplate for general title detail display, not just overlay of MVR-based display.</listitem>
+			</itemizedlist> 
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect>
+			<title>Bug fixes</title>
+			<itemizedlist>
+				<listitem>Offline transaction timestamp and export fixes.</listitem>
+				<listitem>More configuration interface improvements.</listitem>
+				<listitem>Printing improvements to avoid the dreaded <quote>inner print_tree</quote> errors.</listitem>
+				<listitem>Fix Google Books full-text functionality.</listitem>
+				<listitem>User Editor improvements (addresses, appropriate required fields).</listitem>
+			</itemizedlist> 
+		</simplesect>
+	</simplesect>
+	<simplesect>
+		<title></title>
+		<simplesect>
+			<title>New features</title>
+			<itemizedlist>
+				<listitem>Made barcode searching from the general user search interface case insensitive</listitem>
+			</itemizedlist> 
+		</simplesect>
+		<simplesect>
+			<title>Bug fixes</title>
+			<itemizedlist>
+				<listitem>FIFO Holds Org Setting name in the Library Settings Editor did not match that used by the SQL – repaired.</listitem>
+				<listitem>Repaired Authority Record ingest.</listitem>
+				<listitem>Backdating timestamp format bug fixed – patch from James Fournie at SITKA.</listitem>
+				<listitem>Configuration interface bugs addressed (ongoing improvement from</listitem>
+				<listitem>Action/Trigger (notifications, etc) bugs addressed.</listitem>
+				<listitem>In-Database record merging bug fixes (indicators, Located URIs)</listitem>
+				<listitem>In-Database hold testing stored procedure bug fixed – patch from John Craig.</listitem>
+			</itemizedlist> 
+		</simplesect>
+	</simplesect>
diff --git a/1.6/root.xml b/1.6/root.xml
index b854936c91..638207e9f8 100755
--- a/1.6/root.xml
+++ b/1.6/root.xml
@@ -114,7 +114,8 @@
-<!--		<xi:include href="development/schema.xml"/>-->
+		<xi:include href="appendices/schema.xml"/>
+		<xi:include href="glossary.xml"/>
 		<xi:include href="appendices/bookindex.xml"/>
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..51b5f914d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#generate draft html
+ xsltproc --xinclude --stringparam base.dir /openils/var/web/evergreen_documentation/draft/html/ /home/rsoulliere/doctools/EvergreenDocumentation/evergreen_docbook_files/evergreen_xhtml.xsl /home/rsoulliere/doctools/EvergreenDocumentation/root.xml
+#Generate PDF via FO
+xsltproc --xinclude  --output /home/rsoulliere/doctools/EvergreenDocumentation/pdf/ /home/rsoulliere/doctools/EvergreenDocumentation/evergreen_docbook_files/evergreen_fo.xsl /home/rsoulliere/doctools/EvergreenDocumentation/root.xml
+# must run fop from same directory as root.xml
+cd /home/rsoulliere/doctools/EvergreenDocumentation/
+ ~/doctools/fop/fop -fo pdf/ -pdf /openils/var/web/evergreen_documentation/draft/pdf/Evergreen_Documentation.pdf 
+# remove temporary .fo file
+rm pdf/
diff --git a/tools/xml.tmpl b/tools/xml.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7758a8f9e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/xml.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<chapter id="databaseschema">
+	<title>Database Schema</title>
+	<para>This is the schema for the Evergreen database.</para>
+	<!-- TMPL_LOOP name="schemas" -->
+	<section id="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="schema_sgmlid" -->">
+		<title>Schema <!-- TMPL_VAR name="schema_dbk" --></title>
+		<!-- TMPL_LOOP name="tables" -->
+		<simplesect id="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="table_sgmlid" -->" xreflabel="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="schema_dbk" -->.<!-- TMPL_VAR name="table_dbk" -->">		
+			<title><!-- TMPL_VAR name="table_dbk" --></title>
+			<informaltable>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
+					<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2*"/>
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Field</entry>
+							<entry>Data Type</entry>
+							<entry>Constraints and References</entry>
+						</row>
+						</thead>
+						<tbody>
+						<!-- TMPL_LOOP name="columns" -->
+              						<row>
+								<entry><!-- TMPL_VAR name="column_dbk" --></entry>
+								<entry><!-- TMPL_VAR name="column_type_dbk" --></entry>
+								<entry><para>
+									<!-- TMPL_LOOP name="column_constraints" -->
+										<!-- TMPL_IF name="column_primary_key" -->
+                									PRIMARY KEY
+										<!-- /TMPL_IF name="column_primary_key" -->				
+									<!-- TMPL_IF name="column_unique" -->
+                      								UNIQUE<!-- TMPL_IF name="column_unique_keygroup" -->#<!-- TMPL_VAR name="column_unique_keygroup" -->
+										<!-- /TMPL_IF name="column_unique_keygroup" -->;
+										<!-- /TMPL_IF name="column_unique" -->
+									<!-- /TMPL_LOOP name="column_constraints" -->
+									<!-- TMPL_IF name="column_constraint_notnull" -->
+                								NOT NULL;
+									<!-- /TMPL_IF name="column_constraint_notnull" -->
+									<!-- TMPL_IF name="column_default" -->
+                								DEFAULT <!-- TMPL_VAR name="column_default_dbk" -->;
+									<!-- /TMPL_IF name="column_default" -->
+									<!-- TMPL_LOOP name="column_constraints" -->
+										<!-- TMPL_IF name="column_fk" -->
+                								<xref linkend="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="column_fk_sgmlid" -->"/>
+										<!-- /TMPL_IF name="column_fk" -->
+									<!-- /TMPL_LOOP name="column_constraints" -->
+									</para></entry>
+							</row>
+						<!-- /TMPL_LOOP name="columns" -->
+						</tbody>
+					</tgroup>
+				</informaltable>
+				<para>
+				<!-- TMPL_LOOP name="constraints" -->
+				<!-- TMPL_IF name="__FIRST__" -->
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Constraints on <!-- TMPL_VAR name="table_dbk" --></title>
+						<!-- /TMPL_IF name="__FIRST__" -->
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term><!-- TMPL_VAR name="constraint_name_dbk" --></term>
+            						<listitem><para><!-- TMPL_VAR name="constraint_dbk" --></para></listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+						<!-- TMPL_IF name="__LAST__" -->
+        				</variablelist>
+				<!-- /TMPL_IF name="__LAST__" -->
+				<!-- /TMPL_LOOP name="constraints" -->
+				<!-- TMPL_LOOP name="fk_schemas" -->
+				<!-- TMPL_IF name="__FIRST__" -->
+        				<itemizedlist>
+          					<title>
+            						Tables referencing <!-- TMPL_IF name="number_of_schemas" --><!-- TMPL_VAR ESCAPE="HTML" name="fk_schema_dbk" -->.<!-- /TMPL_IF name="number_of_schemas" --><!-- TMPL_VAR ESCAPE="HTML" name="fk_table_dbk" --> via Foreign Key Constraints
+          					</title>
+				<!-- /TMPL_IF name="__FIRST__" -->
+          						<listitem>
+            							<para><xref linkend="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="fk_sgmlid" -->"/></para>
+          						</listitem>
+							<!-- TMPL_IF name="__LAST__" -->
+        				</itemizedlist>
+				<!-- /TMPL_IF name="__LAST__" -->
+				<!-- /TMPL_LOOP name="fk_schemas" -->
+				<!-- TMPL_LOOP name="permissions" -->
+				<!-- TMPL_IF name="__FIRST__" -->
+        				<variablelist>
+          					<title>Permissions on <!-- TMPL_IF name="number_of_schemas" --><!-- TMPL_VAR ESCAPE="HTML" name="schema" -->.<!-- /TMPL_IF name="number_of_schemas" --><!-- TMPL_VAR name="table_dbk" --></title>
+				<!-- /TMPL_IF name="__FIRST__" -->
+          					<varlistentry>
+            						<term><!-- TMPL_VAR name="user_dbk" --></term>
+            						<listitem>
+              							<para>
+                						<simplelist type="inline">
+								<!-- TMPL_IF name="select" -->
+                  							<member>Select</member>
+								<!-- /TMPL_IF name="select" -->
+								<!-- TMPL_IF name="insert" -->
+                  							<member>Insert</member>
+								<!-- /TMPL_IF name="insert" -->
+								<!-- TMPL_IF name="update" -->
+                  							<member>Update</member>
+								<!-- /TMPL_IF name="update" -->
+								<!-- TMPL_IF name="delete" -->
+                  							<member>Delete</member>
+								<!-- /TMPL_IF name="delete" -->
+								<!-- TMPL_IF name="rule" -->
+                  							<member>Rule</member>
+								<!-- /TMPL_IF name="rule" -->
+								<!-- TMPL_IF name="references" -->
+                  							<member>References</member>
+								<!-- /TMPL_IF name="references" -->
+								<!-- TMPL_IF name="trigger" -->
+                 							 <member>Trigger</member>
+								<!-- /TMPL_IF name="trigger" -->
+                						</simplelist>
+              							</para>
+            						</listitem>
+          					</varlistentry>
+				<!-- TMPL_IF name="__LAST__" -->
+        				</variablelist>
+				<!-- /TMPL_IF name="__LAST__" -->
+				<!-- /TMPL_LOOP name="permissions" -->
+		</para>
+		</simplesect>
+		<!-- /TMPL_LOOP name="tables" -->
+	</section>
+	<!-- /TMPL_LOOP name="schemas" -->
+  </chapter>