From 96b5e854d7059a102a9dcbcd5353350278350e24 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robert Soulliere <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 13:23:18 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Documentation: Migrate reports documentation from 2.1

Content reviewed by Jenny Turner. I converted to asciidoc and tested
processing. I also added index terms.

Signed-off-by: Robert Soulliere <>
 docs/reports/reporter_add_data_source.txt          | 239 +++++++++++++++++
 docs/reports/reporter_cloning_shared_templates.txt |  42 +++
 docs/reports/reporter_create_templates.txt         | 291 +++++++++++++++++++++
 docs/reports/reporter_daemon.txt                   |  64 +++++
 docs/reports/reporter_export_usingpgAdmin.txt      |  56 ++++
 docs/reports/reporter_folder.txt                   |  76 ++++++
 docs/reports/reporter_generating_reports.txt       |  87 ++++++
 .../reports/reporter_running_recurring_reports.txt |  42 +++
 docs/reports/reporter_template_terminology.txt     | 107 ++++++++
 docs/reports/reporter_view_output.txt              |  41 +++
 docs/root.txt                                      |  20 ++
 11 files changed, 1065 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 docs/reports/reporter_add_data_source.txt
 create mode 100644 docs/reports/reporter_cloning_shared_templates.txt
 create mode 100644 docs/reports/reporter_create_templates.txt
 create mode 100644 docs/reports/reporter_daemon.txt
 create mode 100644 docs/reports/reporter_export_usingpgAdmin.txt
 create mode 100644 docs/reports/reporter_folder.txt
 create mode 100644 docs/reports/reporter_generating_reports.txt
 create mode 100644 docs/reports/reporter_running_recurring_reports.txt
 create mode 100644 docs/reports/reporter_template_terminology.txt
 create mode 100644 docs/reports/reporter_view_output.txt

diff --git a/docs/reports/reporter_add_data_source.txt b/docs/reports/reporter_add_data_source.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..199314a572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/reports/reporter_add_data_source.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+Adding Data Sources to Reporter
+indexterm:[reports, adding data sources]
+You can further customize your Evergreen reporting environment by adding 
+additional data sources.
+The Evergreen reporter module does not build and execute SQL queries directly, 
+but instead uses a data abstraction layer called *Fieldmapper* to mediate queries 
+on the Evergreen database.Fieldmapper is also used by other core Evergreen DAO 
+services, including cstore and permacrud. The configuration file _fm_IDL.xml_ 
+contains the mapping between _Fieldmapper_ class definitions and the database. 
+The _fm_IDL.xml_ file is located in the _/openils/conf_ directory.
+There are 3 basic steps to adding a new data source. Each step will be discussed 
+in more detail in the
+. Create a PostgreSQL query, view, or table that will provide the data for your 
+data source.
+. Add a new class to _fm_IDL.xml_ for your data source.
+. Restart the affected services to see the new data source in Reporter.
+There are two possbile sources for new data sources:
+* An SQL query built directly into the class definition in _fm_IDL.xml_. You can 
+use this method if you are only going to access this data source through the 
+Evergreen reporter and/or cstore code that you write.
+* A new table or view in the Evergreen PostgresSQL database on which a class 
+definition in _fm_IDL.xml_. You can use this method if you want to be able to 
+access this data source through directly through SQL or using other reporting tool.
+Create a PostgreSQL query, view, or table for your data source
+You need to decide whether you will create your data source as a query, a view, 
+or a table.
+. Create a query if you are planning to access this data source only through the 
+Evergreen reporter and/or cstore code that you write. You will use this query to 
+create an IDL only view.
+. Create a view if you are planning to access this data source through other 
+methods in addition to the Evergreen reporter, or if you may need to do 
+performance tuning to optimize your query.
+. You may also need to use an additional table as part of your data source if 
+you have additional data that's not included in the base Evergreen, or if you 
+need to use a table to store the results of a query for performance reasons.
+To develop and test queries, views, and tables, you will need
+* Access to the Evergree PostgreSQL database at the command line. This is 
+normally the psql application. You 
+can access the Postgres documentation at the 
+http://[Official Postgres documentation] for 
+more information about PostgreSQL.
+* Knowledge of the Evergreen database structure for the data that you want to 
+access. You can find this information by looking at the Evergreen schema
+[Evergreen schema] 
+indexterm:[database schema]
+If the views that you are creating are purely local in usage and are not intended 
+for contribution to the core Evergreen code, create the Views and Tables in the 
+extend_reporter schema. This schema is intended to be used for local 
+customizations and will not be modified during upgrades to the Evergreen system.
+You should make that you have an appropriate version control pocess for the SQL 
+used to create you data sources.
+Here's an example of a view created to incorporate some locally defined user 
+statistical categories:
+.example view for reports
+create view extend_reporter.patronstats as
+select, as "ptype",
+rl.stat_cat_entry as "reg_lib",
+gr.stat_cat_entry as "gender",
+ag.stat_cat_entry as "age_group",
+EXTRACT(YEAR FROM age(u.dob)) as "age", as "home_lib",
+from actor.usr u
+join permission.grp_tree grp 
+	on (u.profile = and (grp.parent = 2 or = 'patron')) 
+join actor.org_unit hl on (u.home_ou =
+left join money.open_usr_summary ms 
+	on (ms.usr = 
+left join actor.stat_cat_entry_usr_map rl 
+	on ( = rl.target_usr and rl.stat_cat = 4) 
+left join actor.stat_cat_entry_usr_map bt 
+	on ( = bt.target_usr and bt.stat_cat = 3) 
+left join actor.stat_cat_entry_usr_map gr 
+	on ( = gr.target_usr and gr.stat_cat = 2) 
+left join actor.stat_cat_entry_usr_map gr 
+	on ( = gr.target_usr and gr.stat_cat = 2) 
+left join actor.stat_cat_entry_usr_map ag 
+	on ( = ag.target_usr and ag.stat_cat = 1) 
+where = 't' and u.deleted <> 't';
+Add a new class to fm_IDL.xml for your data source
+Once you have your data source, the next step is to add that data source as a 
+new class in _fm_IDL.xml_.
+You will need to add the following attributes for the class definition
+* *id*. You should follow a consistent naming convention for your class names 
+that won't create conflicts in the future with any standard classes added in 
+future upgrades. Evergreen normally names each class with the first letter of 
+each word in the schema and table names. You may want to add a local prefix or 
+suffix to your local class names.
+* *controller=”open-ils.cstore”*
+* *oils_obj:fieldmapper=”extend_reporter::long_name_of_view”*
+* *oils_persist.readonly=”true”*
+* *reporter:core=”true”* (if you want this to show up as a “core” reporting source)
+* *reporter:label*. This is the name that will appear on the data source list in 
+the Evergreen reporter.
+* *oils_persist:source_definition*. If this is an IDL-only view, add the SQL query 
+here. You don't need this attribute if your class is based on a PostgreSQL view 
+or table.
+* *oils_persist:tablename="schemaname.viewname or tablename"* If this class is 
+based on a PostgreSQL view or table, add the table name here. You don't need 
+this attribute is your class is an IDL-only view.
+For each column in the view or query output, add field element and set the 
+following attributes. The fields should be wrapped with _<field> </field>_
+* *reporter:label*. This is the name that appears in the Evergreen reporter.
+* *name*. This should match the column name in the view or query output.
+* *reporter:datatype* (which can be id, bool, money, org_unit, int, number, 
+interval, float, text, timestamp, or link)
+For each linking field, add a link element with the following attributes. The 
+elements should be wrapped with _<link> </link>_
+* *field* (should match
+* *reltype* (“has_a”, “might_have”, or “has_many”)
+* *map* (“”)
+* *key* (name of the linking field in the foreign table)
+* *class* (ID of the IDL class of the table that is to be linked to)
+The following example is a class definition for the example view that was created 
+in the previous section.
+.example class definition for reports
+<class id="erpstats" controller="open-ils.reporter-store" 
+oils_persist:tablename="extend_reporter.patronstats" oils_persist:readonly="true" 
+reporter:label="Patron Statistics" reporter:core="true">
+  <fields oils_persist:primary="id">
+  <field reporter:label="Patron ID" name="id" reporter:datatype="link" />
+  <field reporter:label="Patron Type" name="ptype" reporter:datatype="text" />
+  <field reporter:label="Reg Lib" name="reg_lib" reporter:datatype="text" />
+  <field reporter:label="Boro/Twp" name="boro_twp" reporter:datatype="text" />
+  <field reporter:label="Gender" name="gender" reporter:datatype="text" />
+  <field reporter:label="Age Group" name="age_group" reporter:datatype="text" />
+  <field reporter:label="Age" name="age" reporter:datatype="int" />
+  <field reporter:label="Home Lib ID" name="home_lib_id" 
+	reporter:datatype="link" />
+  <field reporter:label="Home Lib Code" name="home_lib_code" 
+	reporter:datatype="text" />
+  <field reporter:label="Home Lib" name="home_lib" reporter:datatype="text" />
+  <field reporter:label="Create Date" name="create_date" 
+	reporter:datatype="timestamp" />
+  <field reporter:label="Expire Date" name="expire_date" 
+	reporter:datatype="timestamp" />
+  <field reporter:label="Balance Owed" name="balance_owed" 
+	reporter:datatype="money" />
+  <link field="id" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="au"/>
+  <link field="home_lib_id" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="aou"/>
+NOTE: _fm_IDL.xml_ is used by other core Evergreen DAO services, including cstore 
+and permacrud. So changes to this file can affect the entire Evergreen 
+application, not just reporter. After making changes fm_IDL.xml, it is a good 
+idea to ensure that it is valid XML by using a utility such as *xmllint* – a 
+syntax error can render much of Evergreen nonfunctional. Set up a good change 
+control system for any changes to fm_IDL.xml. You will need to keep a separate 
+copy of you local class definitions so that you can reapply the changes to 
+_fm_IDL.xml_ after Evergreen upgrades.
+Restart the affected services to see the new data source in the reporter
+The following steps are needed to for Evergreen to recognize the changes to 
+. Copy the updated _fm_IDL.xml_ Update _/openils/conf/fm_IDL.xml_ to 
+cp _/openils/conf/fm_IDL.xml /openils/var/web/reports/fm_IDL.xml
+. Run Autogen to to update the Javascript versions of the fieldmapper definitions.
+. Restart C services
+------------- -l -a restart_c
+. Restart the Evergreen reporter. You may need to modify this command depending 
+on your system configuration and pid path
+------------ -l -action restart -service open-ils.reporter \
+-config /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -pid-dir /openils/var/run
+. Restart the Evergreen application or _use Admin --> For Developers --> Clear 
diff --git a/docs/reports/reporter_cloning_shared_templates.txt b/docs/reports/reporter_cloning_shared_templates.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4cfc68f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/reports/reporter_cloning_shared_templates.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Cloning Shared Templates
+indexterm:[reports, cloning]
+This chapter describes how to make local copies of shared templates for routine 
+reports or as a starting point for customization. When creating a new template 
+it is a good idea to review the shared templates first: even if the exact 
+template you need does not exist it is often faster to modify an existing 
+template than to build a brand new one. A Local System Administrator account is 
+required to clone templates from the _Shared Folders_ section and save them to _My 
+The steps below assume you have already created at least one _Templates_ folder.  
+If you haven’t done this, please see <<reporter_creating_folders,Creating Folders>>.
+. Access the reports interface from the _Admin_ (-) menu under _Local 
+Administration --> Reports_
+. Under _Shared Folders_ expand the _Templates_ folder and the subfolder of the 
+report you wish to clone.  To expand the folders click on the grey arrow or 
+folder icon.  Do not click on the blue underlined hyperlink.
+. Click on the subfolder.
+. Select the template you wish to clone.  From the dropdown menu choose _Clone 
+selected templates_, then click _Submit_.  
+NOTE: By default Evergreen only displays the first 10 items in any folder. To view 
+all content, change the Limit output setting from 10 to All.
+. Choose the folder where you want to save the cloned template, then click 
+_Select Folder_. Only template folders created with your account will be visible. 
+If there are no folders to choose from please see 
+<<reporter_creating_folders,Creating Folders>>.
+. The cloned template opens in the template editor. From here you may modify 
+the template by adding, removing, or editing fields and filters as described in 
+<<reporter_creating_templates,Creating Templates>>. _Template Name_ and 
+_Description_ can also be edited. When satisfied with your changes click _Save_.
+. Click _OK_ in the resulting confirmation windows.
+Once saved it is not possible to edit a template. To make changes, clone a 
+template and change the clone. 
diff --git a/docs/reports/reporter_create_templates.txt b/docs/reports/reporter_create_templates.txt
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index 0000000000..5b3dc3b2ce
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+++ b/docs/reports/reporter_create_templates.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+Creating Templates
+indexterm:[reports, creating templates]
+Once you have created a folder, the next step in building a report is to create 
+or clone a template. Templates allow you to run a report more than once without 
+building it anew every time, by changing definitions to suit current 
+requirements. For example, you can create a shared template that reports on 
+circulation at a given library. Then, other libraries can use your template and 
+simply select their own library when they run the report.
+It may take several tries to refine a report to give the output that you want. 
+It can be useful to plan out your report on paper before getting started with 
+the reporting tool. Group together related fields and try to identify the key 
+fields that will help you select the correct source.
+It may be useful to create complex queries in several steps. For example, first 
+add all fields from the table at the highest source level. Run a report and check 
+to see that you get results that seem reasonable. Then clone the report, add any 
+filters on fields at that level and run another report. Then drill down to the 
+next table and add any required fields. Run another report. Add any filters at 
+that level. Run another report. Continue until you’ve drilled down to all the 
+fields you need and added all the filters. This might seem time consuming and 
+you will end up cloning your initial report several times. However, it will help 
+you to check the correctness of your results, and will help to debug if you run 
+into problems because you will know exactly what changes caused the problem. 
+Also consider adding extra fields in the intermediate steps to help you check 
+your results for correctness.
+This example illustrates creating a template for circulation statistics. This is 
+an example of the most basic template that you can create. The steps required to 
+create a template are the same every time, but the tables chosen, how the data 
+is transformed and displayed, and the filters used will vary depending on your 
+Choosing Report Fields
+indexterm:[reports, creating templates, choosing reports fields]
+. Click on the My Folder template folder where you want the template to be saved.
+. Click on Create a new Template for this folder.
+. You can now see the template creating interface. The upper half of the screen 
+is the _Database Source Browser_. The top left hand pane contains the database 
+_Sources_ drop-down list. This is the list of tables available as a starting point 
+for your report. Commonly used sources are _Circulation_ (for circ stats and 
+overdue reports), _ILS User_ (for patron reports), and _Item_ (for reports on a 
+library's holdings).
+The Enable source nullability checkbox below the sources list is for advanced 
+reporting and should be left unchecked by default.
+. Select _Circulation_ in the _Sources_ dropdown menu. Note that the _Core 
+Sources_ for reporting are listed first, however it is possible to access all 
+available sources at the bottom of this dropdown menu. You may only specify one 
+source per template.
+. Click on _Circulation_ to retrieve all the field names in the Field Name pane. 
+Note that the _Source_ Specifier (above the middle and right panes) shows the 
+path that you took to get to the specific field.
+. Select _Circ ID_ in the middle _Field Name_ pane, and _Count Distinct_ from the 
+right _Field Transform_ pane. The _Field Transform_ pane is where you choose how 
+to manipulate the data from the selected fields. You are counting the number of 
+indexterm:[reports, field transform]
+_Field Transforms_ have either an _Aggregate_ or _Non-Aggregate_ output type. 
+See the section called <<field_transforms,Field Transforms>> for more about 
+_Count, _Count Distinct_, and other transform options.
+. Click _Add Selected Fields_ underneath the _Field Transform_ pane to add this 
+field to your report output. Note that _Circ ID_ now shows up in the bottom left 
+hand pane under the _Displayed Fields_ tab.
+. _Circ ID_ will be the column header in the report output. You can rename 
+default display names to something more meaningful. To do so in this example, 
+select the _Circ ID_ row and click _Alter Display Header_.
+Double-clicking on the displayed field name is a shortcut to altering the 
+display header.
+. Type in the new column header name, for example _Circ count_ and click _OK_.
+. Add other data to your report by going back to the _Sources_ pane and selecting 
+the desired fields. In this example, we are going to add _Circulating Item --> 
+Shelving Location_ to further refine the circulation report.
+In the top left hand _Sources_ pane, expand _Circulation_. Depending on your 
+computer you will either click on the _+_ sign or on an arrow to expand the tree.
+Click on the _+_ or arrow to expand _Circulating Item_. Select 
+_Shelving Location_.
+When you are creating a template take the shortest path to the field you need in 
+the left hand Sources pane. Sometimes it is possible to find the same field name 
+further in the file structure, but the shortest path is the most efficient.
+In the Field Name pane select Name.
+In the upper right _Field Transform_ pane, select _Raw Data_ and click _Add Selected_ 
+Fields. Use _Raw Data_ when you do not wish to transform field data in any manner.
+Name will appear in the bottom left pane. Select the Name row and click _Alter 
+Display Header_.
+. Enter a new, more descriptive column header, for example, _Shelving location_. 
+Click _OK_.
+. Note that the order of rows (top to bottom) will correspond to the order of 
+columns (left to right) on the final report. Select _Shelving location_ and click 
+on _Move Up_ to move _Shelving location_ before _Circ count_.
+. Return to the _Sources_ pane to add more fields to your template. Under 
+_Sources_ click _Circulation_, then select _Check Out Date/Time_ from the middle 
+_Field Name_ pane.
+. Select _Year + Month_ in the right hand _Field Transform_ pane and click _Add 
+Selected Fields_
+. _Check Out Date/Time_ will appear in the _Displayed Fields_ pane. In the report 
+it will appear as a year and month _(YYYY-MM)_ corresponding to the selected tranform.
+. Select the _Check Out Date/Time_ row. Click _Alter Display Header_ and change 
+the column header to _Check out month_.
+. Move _Check out month_ to the top of the list using the _Move Up_ button, so 
+that it will be the first column in an MS Excel spreadsheet or in a chart. 
+Report output will sort by the first column.
+Note the _Change Transform_ button in the bottom left hand pane. It has the same 
+function as the upper right _Field Transform_ pane for fields that have already 
+been added.
+Applying Filters
+indexterm:[reports, applying filters]
+Evergreen reports access the entire database, so to limit report output to a 
+single library or library system you need to apply filters.
+After following the steps in the previous section you will see three fields in 
+the bottom left hand _Template Configuration_ pane. There are three tabs in this 
+pane: _Displayed Fields_ (covered in the previous section), _Base Filters_ and 
+_Aggregate Filters_. A filter allows you to return only the results that meet 
+the criteria you set.
+indexterm:[reports, applying filters, base filter]
+indexterm:[reports, applying filters, aggregate filters]
+_Base Filters_ apply to non-aggregate output types, while _Aggregate Filters_ are 
+used for aggregate types. In most reports you will be using the _Base Filters_ tab. 
+For more information on aggregate and non-aggregate types see the section called 
+“Field Transforms”.
+There are many available operators when using filters. Some examples are _Equals_, 
+_In list_, is _NULL_, _Between_, _Greater than_ or _equal to_, and so on. _In list_ 
+is the most flexible operator, and in this case will allow you flexibility when 
+running a report from this template. For example, it would be possible to run a 
+report on a list of timestamps (in this case will be trimmed to year and month 
+only), run a report on a single month, or run a report comparing two months. It 
+is also possible to set up recurring reports to run at the end of each month.
+In this example we are going to use a Base Filter to filter out one library’s 
+circulations for a specified time frame. The time frame in the template will be 
+configured so that you can change it each time you run the report.
+Using Base Filters
+indexterm:[reports, applying filters, base filter]
+. Select the _Base Filters_ tab in the bottom _Template Configuration_ pane.
+. For this circulation statistics example, select _Circulation --> Check Out 
+Date/Time --> Year + Month_ and click on _Add Selected Fields_. You are going to 
+filter on the time period.
+. Select _Check Out Date/Time_. Click on _Change Operator_ and select _In list_ 
+from the dropdown menu. 
+. To filter on the location of the circulation select 
+_Circulation --> Circulating library --> Raw Data_ and click on _Add Selected Fields_.
+. Select _Circulating Library_ and click on _Change Operator_ and select _Equals_. 
+Note that this is a template, so the value for _Equals_ will be filled out when 
+you run the report.
+For multi-branch libraries, you would select _Circulating Library_ with _In list_ 
+as the operator, so you could specify the branch(es) when you run the report. This 
+leaves the template configurable to current requirements. In comparison, sometimes 
+you will want to hardcode true/false values into a template. For example, deleted 
+bibliographic records remain in the database, so perhaps you want to hardcode 
+_deleted=false_, so that deleted records don’t show up in the results. You might 
+want to use _deleted=true_, for a template for a report on deleted items in the 
+last month.
+. Once you have configured your template, you must name and save it. Name this 
+template _Circulations by month for one library_. You can also add a description. 
+In this example, the title is descriptive enough, so a description is not necessary. 
+Click _Save_.
+. Click _OK_.
+. You will get a confirmation dialogue box that the template was successfully 
+saved. Click OK.
+After saving it is not possible to edit a template. To make changes you will 
+need to clone it and edit the clone
+The bottom right hand pane is also a source specifier. By selecting one of these 
+rows you will limit the fields that are visible to the sources you have specified. 
+This may be helpful when reviewing templates with many fields. Use *Ctrl+Click* to 
+select or deselect items.
diff --git a/docs/reports/reporter_daemon.txt b/docs/reports/reporter_daemon.txt
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index 0000000000..c5d784ba01
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+++ b/docs/reports/reporter_daemon.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+Starting and Stopping the Reporter Daemon
+indexterm:[reports, starting server application]
+indexterm:[reporter, starting daemon]
+Before you can view reports, the Evergreen administrator must start 
+the reporter daemon from the command line of the Evergreen server.
+The reporter daemon periodically checks for requests for new reports or 
+scheduled reports and gets them running.
+Starting the Reporter Daemon
+indexterm:[reporter, starting]
+To start the reporter daemon, run the following command as the opensrf user:
+---- --daemon
+You can also specify other options:
+* *sleep=interval*: number of seconds to sleep between checks for new reports to 
+run; defaults to 10
+* *lockfile=filename*: where to place the lockfile for the process; defaults to 
+* *concurrency=integer*: number of reporter daemon processes to run; defaults to 
+* *boostrap=filename*: OpenSRF bootstrap configuration file; defaults to 
+The open-ils.reporter process must be running and enabled on the gateway before 
+the reporter daemon can be started.
+Remember that if the server is restarted, the reporter daemon will need to be 
+restarted before you can view reports unless you have configured your server to 
+start the daemonautomatically at start up time. 
+Stopping the Reporter Daemon
+indexterm:[reports, stopping server application]
+indexterm:[reporter, stopping daemon]
+To stop the reporter daemon, you have to kill the process and remove the 
+lockfile. Assuming you're running just a single process and that the 
+lockfile is in the default location, perform the following commands as the 
+opensrf user:
+kill `ps wax | grep "Clark Kent" | grep -v grep | cut -b1-6`
+rm /tmp/reporter-LOCK
diff --git a/docs/reports/reporter_export_usingpgAdmin.txt b/docs/reports/reporter_export_usingpgAdmin.txt
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+Exporting Report Templates Using phpPgAdmin
+indexterm:[reports, exporting templates]
+Once the data is exported. Database Administrators/Systems Administrators can 
+easily import this data into the templates folder to make it available in the 
+Dump the Entire Reports Template Table
+The data exported in this method can create issues importing into a different 
+system if you do not have a matching folder and owner. This is going to export 
+report templates created in your system. The most important fields for importing 
+into the new system are _name_, _description_, and _data_. Data defines the actual 
+structure of the report. The _owner_ and _folder_ fields will unique to the system 
+they were exported from and will have to be altered to ensure they match the 
+appropriate owner and folder information for the new system.
+. Go to the *Reporter* schema. Report templates are located in the *Template* table
+. Click on the link to the *Template* table
+. Click the *export* button at the top right of the phpPgAdmin screen
+. Make sure the following is selected
+.. _Data Only_ (checked)
+.. _Format_: Select _CSV_ or _Tabbed_ did get the data in a text format
+.. _Download_ checked
+. Click _export_ button at the bottom
+. A text file will download to your local system
+Dump Data with an SQL Statement
+The following statement could be used to grab the data in the folder and dump it 
+with admin account as the owner and the first folder in your system.
+SELECT 1 as owner, name, description, data, 1 as folder FROM reporter.template
+or use the following to capture your folder names for export
+SELECT 1 as owner,, t.description,, as folder 
+	FROM reporter.template t 
+	JOIN reporter.template_folder f ON
+. Run the above query
+. Click the *download* link at the bottom of the page
+. Select the file format (_CSV_ or _Tabbed_)
+. Check _download_
+. A text file with the report template data will be downloaded.
diff --git a/docs/reports/reporter_folder.txt b/docs/reports/reporter_folder.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+indexterm:[reports, folders]
+There are three main components to reports: _Templates_, _Reports_, and _Output_. 
+Each of these components must be stored in a folder. Folders can be private 
+(accessible to your login only) or shared with other staff at your library, 
+other libraries in your system or consortium. It is also possible to selectively 
+only certain folders and/or subfolders.
+There are two parts to the folders pane. The _My Folders_ section contains folders 
+created with your Evergreen account. Folders that other users have shared with 
+you appear in the _Shared Folders_ section under the username of the sharing 
+Creating Folders
+indexterm:[reports, folders, creating]
+Whether you are creating a report from scratch or working from a shared template 
+you must first create at least one folder.
+The steps for creating folders are similar for each reporting function. It is 
+easier to create folders for templates, reports, and output all at once at the 
+beginning, though it is possible to do it before each step. This example 
+demonstrates creating a folder for a template.
+. Click on _Templates_ in the _My Folders_ section.
+. Name the folder. Select _Share_ or _Do not share_ from the dropdown menu.
+. If you want to share your folder, select who you want to share this folder 
+with from the dropdown menu.
+. Click _Create Sub Folder_.
+. Click _OK_.
+. Next, create a folder for the report definition to be saved to. Click on 
+. Repeat steps 2-5 to create a Reports folder also called _Circulation_.
+. Finally, you need to create a folder for the report’s output to be saved in. 
+Click on _Output_.
+. Repeat steps 2-5 to create an Output folder named _Circulation_.
+TIP: Using a parallel naming scheme for folders in Templates, Reports, 
+and Output helps keep your reports organized and easier to find
+The folders you just created will now be visible by clicking the arrows in _My 
+Folders_. Bracketed after the folder name is whom the folder is shared with. For 
+example, _Circulation (BNCLF)_ is shared with the North Coast Library Federation. 
+If it is not a shared folder there will be nothing after the folder name. You 
+may create as many folders and sub-folders as you like.
+Managing Folders
+indexterm:[reports, folders, managing]
+Once a folder has been created you can change the name, delete it, create a new 
+subfolder, or change the sharing settings. This example demonstrates changing a 
+folder name; the other choices follow similar steps
+. Click on the folder that you wish to rename.
+. Click _Manage Folder_.
+. Select _Change folder name_ from the dropdown menu and click _Go_.
+. Enter the new name and click _Submit_.
+. Click _OK_.
+. You will get a confirmation box that the _Action Succeeded_. Click _OK_.
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+Generating Reports from Templates
+indexterm:[reports, generating]
+Now you are ready to run the report from the template you have created.
+. In the My Folders section click the arrow next to _Templates_ to expand this 
+folder and select _circulation_.
+. Select the box beside _Circulations by month for one library_. Select _Create a 
+new report_ from selected template from the dropdown menu. Click _Submit_. 
+. Complete the first part of report settings. Only _Report Name_ and _Choose a 
+folder_... are required fields.
+1)  _Template Name_, _Template Creator_, and _Template Description_ are for 
+informational purposes only. They are hard coded when the template is created. 
+At the report definition stage it is not possible to change them.
+2)  _Report Name_ is required. Reports stored in the same folder must have unique 
+3) _Report Description_ is optional but may help distinguish among similar 
+4)  _Report Columns_ lists the columns that will appear in the output. This is 
+derived from the template and cannot be changed during report definition.
+5)  _Pivot Label Column_ and _Pivot Data Column_ are optional. Pivot tables are a 
+different way to view data. If you currently use pivot tables in MS Excel it is 
+better to select an Excel output and continue using pivot tables in Excel.
+6)  You must choose a report folder to store this report definition. Only report 
+folders under My Folders are available. Click on the desired folder to select it.
+. Select values for the _Circulation > Check Out Date/Time_. Use the calendar 
+widget or manually enter the desired dates, then click Add to include the date 
+on the list. You may add multiple dates.
+The Transform for this field is Year + Month, so even if you choose a specific 
+date (2009-10-20) it will appear as the corresponding month only (2009-10).
+It is possible to select *relative dates*. If you select a relative date 1 month 
+ago you can schedule reports to automatically run each month. If you want to run 
+monthly reports that also show comparative data from one year ago, select a 
+relative date 1 month ago, and 13 months ago.
+. Select a value for the _Circulating Library_.
+. Complete the bottom portion of the report definition interface, then click 
+1) Select one or more output formats. In this example the report output will be 
+available as an Excel spreadsheet, an HTML table (for display in the staff 
+client or browser), and as a bar chart.
+2) If you want the report to be recurring, check the box and select the 
+_Recurrence Interval_ as described in <<recurring_reports,Recurring Reports>>.  
+In this example, as this is a report that will only be run once, the _Recurring 
+Report_ box is not checked.
+3) Select _Run_ as soon as possible for immediate output. It is also possible to 
+set up reports that run automatically at future intervals.
+4) It is optional to fill out an email address where a completion notice can be 
+sent. The email will contain a link to password-protected report output (staff 
+login required). If you have an email address in your Local System Administrator 
+account it will automatically appear in the email notification box.  However, 
+you can enter a different email address or multiple addresses separated by commas.
+. Select a folder for the report's output.
+. You will get a confirmation dialogue box that the Action Succeeded. Click _OK_.
+Once saved, reports stay there forever unless you delete them.
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+Running Recurring Reports
+indexterm:[reports, recurring]
+Recurring reports are a useful way to save time by scheduling reports that you 
+run on a regular basis, such as monthly circulation and monthly patron 
+registration statistics. When you have set up a report to run on a monthly basis 
+you’ll get an email informing you that the report has successfully run. You can 
+click on a link in the email that will take you directly to the report output. 
+You can also access the output through the reporter interface as described in 
+<<viewing_report_output,Viewing Report Output>>.
+To set up a monthly recurring report follow the procedure in <<generating_reports,
+Generating Reports from Templates>>  but make the changes described below.
+. Select the Recurring Report check-box and set the recurrence interval to 1 month.
+. Do not select Run ASAP. Instead schedule the report to run early on the first 
+day of the next month. Enter the date in _YYYY-MM-DD_ format.
+. Ensure there is an email address to receive completion emails. You will 
+receive an email completion notice each month when the output is ready.
+. Select a folder for the report’s output.
+. Click Save Report.
+. You will get a confirmation dialogue box that the Action Succeeded. Click OK.
+You will get an email on the 1st of each month with a link to the report output. 
+By clicking this link it will open the output in a web browser. It is still 
+possible to login to the staff client and access the output in Output folder.
+*How to stop or make changes to an existing recurring report?*  Sometimes you may 
+wish to stop or make changes to a recurring report, e.g. the recurrence interval, 
+generation date, email address to receive completion email, output format/folder 
+or even filter values (such as the number of days overdue). You will need to 
+delete the current report from the report folder, then use the above procedure 
+to set up a new recurring report with the desired changes. Please note that 
+deleting a report also deletes all output associated with it.
+TIP: Once you have been on Evergreen for a year, you could set up your recurring 
+monthly reports to show comparative data from one year ago. To do this select 
+relative dates of 1 month ago and 13 months ago.
diff --git a/docs/reports/reporter_template_terminology.txt b/docs/reports/reporter_template_terminology.txt
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+++ b/docs/reports/reporter_template_terminology.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+Template Terminology
+Data Types
+indexterm:[reports, data types]
+The central column of the _Database Source Browser_ lists _Field Name_ and _Data 
+Type_ for the selected database table.
+Each data type has its own characteristics and uses:
+|Data Type	|Description	|Notes
+|id		|Unique number assigned by the database to identify a 
+record	|A number that is a meaningful reference for the database but not 
+of much use to a human user. Use in displayed fields when counting records or 
+in filters.
+|text	|Text field	|Usually uses the Raw Data transform.
+|timestamp	|Exact date and time	|Select appropriate date/time transform. 
+Raw Data includes second and timezone information, usually more than is required 
+for a report.
+|bool	|True or False	|Commonly used to filter out deleted item or patron records.
+|org_unit	|A number representing a library, library system, or 
+federation	|When you want to filter on a library, make sure that the field 
+name is on an org_unit or id data type.
+|link	|A link to another database table	|Link outputs a number that is a 
+meaningful reference for the database but not of much use to a human user. You 
+will usually want to drill further down the tree in the Sources pane and select 
+fields from the linked table. However, in some instances you might want to use 
+a link field. For example, to count the number of patrons who borrowed items you 
+could do a count on the Patron link data.
+|int	|Integer	 
+|money	|Number (in dollars)	 
+Field Transforms
+indexterm:[reports, field transforms]
+A _Field Transform_ tells the reporter how to process a field for output. 
+Different data types have different transform options.
+indexterm:[reports, field transforms, raw data]
+*Raw Data*.  To display a field exactly as it appears in the database use the 
+_Raw Data_ transform, available for all data types.
+indexterm:[reports, field transforms, count]
+indexterm:[reports, field transforms, raw distinct]
+*Count and Count Distinct*.  These transforms apply to the _id_ data type and 
+are used to count database records (e.g. for circulation statistics). Use Count 
+to tally the total number of records. Use _Count Distinct_ to count the number 
+of unique records, removing duplicates.
+To demonstrate the difference between _Count_ and _Count Distinct_, consider an 
+example where you want to know the number of active patrons in a given month, 
+where ``active" means they borrowed at least one item. Each circulation is linked 
+to a _Patron ID_, a number identifying the patron who borrowed the item. If we use 
+the _Count Distinct_ transform for Patron IDs we will know the number of unique 
+patrons who circulated at least one book (2 patrons in the table below). If 
+instead, we use _Count_, we will know how many books were circulated, since every 
+circulation is linked to a _patron ID_ and duplicate values are also counted. To 
+identify the number of active patrons in this example the _Count Distinct_ 
+transform should be used.
+|Title	|Patron ID	|Patron Name
+|Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets	|001 	|John Doe
+|Northern Lights	|001	|John Doe
+|Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone	|222	|Jane Doe
+indexterm:[reports, field transforms, output type]
+*Output Type*.  Note that each transform has either an _Aggregate_ or 
+_Non-Aggregate_ output type.
+indexterm:[reports, field transforms, output type, non-aggregate]
+indexterm:[reports, field transforms, output type, aggregate]
+Selecting a _Non-Aggregate_ output type will return one row of output in your 
+report for each row in the database. Selecting an Aggregate output type will 
+group together several rows of the database and return just one row of output 
+with, say, the average value or the total count for that group. Other common 
+aggregate types include minimum, maximum, and sum.
+When used as filters, non-aggregate and aggregate types correspond to _Base_ and 
+_Aggregate_ filters respectively. To see the difference between a base filter and 
+an aggregate filter, imagine that you are creating a report to count the number 
+of circulations in January. This would require a base filter to specify the 
+month of interest because the month is a non-aggregate output type. Now imagine 
+that you wish to list all items with more than 25 holds. This would require an 
+aggregate filter on the number of holds per item because you must use an 
+aggregate output type to count the holds.
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+Viewing Report Output
+indexterm:[reports, output]
+indexterm:[reports, output, tabular]
+indexterm:[reports, output, Excel]
+indexterm:[reports, output, spreadsheet]
+When a report runs Evergreen sends an email with a link to the output to the 
+address defined in the report. Output is also stored in the specified Output 
+folder and will remain there until manually deleted.
+. To view report output in the staff client, open the reports interface from 
+_Admin (-) --> Local Administration --> Reports_
+. Click on Output to expand the folder. Select _Circulation_ (where you just 
+saved the circulation report output).
+. View report output is the default selection in the dropdown menu. Select 
+_Recurring Monthly Circ by Location_ by clicking the checkbox and click _Submit_.
+. A new tab will open for the report output. Select either _Tabular Output_ or 
+_Excel Output_. If Bar Charts was selected during report definition the chart 
+will also appear.
+. Tabular output looks like this:
+. If you want to manipulate, filter or graph this data, Excel output would be 
+more useful. Excel output looks like this in Excel:
diff --git a/docs/root.txt b/docs/root.txt
index bc295d35ee..b3f037c0df 100644
--- a/docs/root.txt
+++ b/docs/root.txt
@@ -265,6 +265,26 @@ Introduction
 Learn how to create and use reports in Evergreen. 
 Using the Public Access Catalog