From d2780ce1270c734989012371e165283274ed31f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: scottmk <scottmk@dcc99617-32d9-48b4-a31d-7c20da2025e4>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 01:54:50 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Tidied up whitespace; added comments; removed comments from
 the header so that they won't override the new doxygen-style comments in the
 implementation file.

M    Open-ILS/include/openils/oils_event.h
M    Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_event.c

git-svn-id: svn:// dcc99617-32d9-48b4-a31d-7c20da2025e4
 Open-ILS/include/openils/oils_event.h |  34 ++----
 Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_event.c      | 197 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 177 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Open-ILS/include/openils/oils_event.h b/Open-ILS/include/openils/oils_event.h
index ccfe4aba9f..111b791b67 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/include/openils/oils_event.h
+++ b/Open-ILS/include/openils/oils_event.h
@@ -9,51 +9,37 @@
 extern "C" {
-/* OILS Event structure */
+	@brief Represents an event; typically some kind of error condition.
 struct _oilsEventStruct {
-	char* event;			/* the event name */
-	char* perm;				/* the permission error name */
-	int permloc;			/* the permission location id */
-	jsonObject* payload;	/* the payload */
-	jsonObject* json;		/* the event as a jsonObject */
-	char* file;
-	int line;
+	char* event;            /**< Event name. */
+	char* perm;             /**< Permission error name. */
+	int permloc;            /**< Permission location id. */
+	jsonObject* payload;    /**< Payload. */
+	jsonObject* json;       /**< The event as a jsonObject. */
+	char* file;             /**< Name of source file where event was created. */
+	int line;               /**< Line number in source file where event was created. */
 typedef struct _oilsEventStruct oilsEvent;
-/** Creates a new event.  User is responsible for freeing event with oilsEventFree */
 oilsEvent* oilsNewEvent( const char* file, int line, const char* event );
-/** Creates a new event with payload.  
- * User is responsible for freeing event with oilsEventFree */
 oilsEvent* oilsNewEvent2( const char* file, int line, const char* event,
 		const jsonObject* payload );
-/** Creates a new event with permission and permission location.  
- * User is responsible for freeing event with oilsEventFree */
 oilsEvent* oilsNewEvent3( const char* file, int line, const char* event,
 		const char* perm, int permloc );
-/** Creates a new event with permission, permission location, and payload.  
- * User is responsible for freeing event with oilsEventFree */
 oilsEvent* oilsNewEvent4( const char* file, int line, const char* event,
 		const char* perm, int permloc, const jsonObject* payload );
-/** Sets the permission info for the event */
 void oilsEventSetPermission( oilsEvent* event, const char* perm, int permloc );
-/* Sets the payload for the event 
- * This clones the payload, so the user is responsible
- * for handling the payload object's memory
- * */
 void oilsEventSetPayload( oilsEvent* event, const jsonObject* payload );
-/** Creates the JSON associated with an event.  The JSON should NOT be
- * freed by the user.  It will be freed by oilsEventFree */
 jsonObject* oilsEventToJSON( oilsEvent* event );
-/* Frees an event object */
 void oilsEventFree( oilsEvent* event );
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_event.c b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_event.c
index 7b229adf5c..1fe547b258 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_event.c
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/c-apps/oils_event.c
@@ -8,32 +8,94 @@ static void _oilsEventParseEvents();
 // The following two osrfHashes are created when we
 // create the first osrfEvent, and are never freed.
+	@brief Lookup store mapping event names to event numbers.
+	- Key: textcode from the events config file.
+	- Data: numeric code (as a string) from the events config file.
 static osrfHash* _oilsEventEvents = NULL;
+	@brief Lookup store mapping event numbers to descriptive text.
+	- Key: numeric code (as a string) of the event.
+	- Data: another layer of lookup, as follows:
+		- Key: numeric code (as a string) of the event.
+		- Data: text message describing the event.
 static osrfHash* _oilsEventDescriptions = NULL;
+	@brief Allocate and initialize a new oilsEvent.
+	@param file The name of the source file where oilsNewEvent is called.
+	@param line The line number in the source code where oilsNewEvent is called.
+	@param event A name or label for the event.
+	@return Pointer to the newly allocated oilsEvent.
+	The first two parameters are normally passed as the OSRF_LOG_MARK macro.
+	The calling code is responsible for freeing the oilsEvent by calling oilsEventFree().
 oilsEvent* oilsNewEvent( const char* file, int line, const char* event ) {
 	if(!event) return NULL;
 	osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Creating new event: %s", event);
-	if(!_oilsEventEvents) _oilsEventParseEvents();
-	oilsEvent* evt = safe_malloc(sizeof(oilsEvent));
+	if(!_oilsEventEvents)
+		_oilsEventParseEvents();
+	oilsEvent* evt = safe_malloc( sizeof(oilsEvent) );
 	evt->event = strdup(event);
 	evt->perm = NULL;
 	evt->permloc = -1;
 	evt->payload = NULL;
 	evt->json = NULL;
-	if(file) evt->file = strdup(file);
-	else evt->file = NULL;
+	if(file)
+		evt->file = strdup(file);
+	else
+		evt->file = NULL;
 	evt->line = line;
 	return evt;
+	@brief Allocate and initialize a new oilsEvent with a payload.
+	@param file The name of the source file where oilsNewEvent is called.
+	@param line The line number in the source code where oilsNewEvent is called.
+	@param event A name or label for the event.
+	@param payload The payload, of which a copy will be incorporated into the oilsEvent.
+	@return Pointer to the newly allocated oilsEvent.
+	The first two parameters are normally passed as the OSRF_LOG_MARK macro.
+	The calling code is responsible for freeing the oilsEvent by calling oilsEventFree().
 oilsEvent* oilsNewEvent2( const char* file, int line, const char* event,
 		const jsonObject* payload ) {
 	oilsEvent* evt = oilsNewEvent(file, line, event);
-	if(payload) evt->payload = jsonObjectClone(payload);
+	if(payload)
+		evt->payload = jsonObjectClone(payload);
 	return evt;
+	@brief Create a new oilsEvent with a permission and a permission location.
+	@param file The name of the source file where oilsNewEvent is called.
+	@param line The line number in the source code where oilsNewEvent is called.
+	@param event A name or label for the event.
+	@param perm The permission name.
+	@param permloc The permission location.
+	@return Pointer to the newly allocated oilsEvent.
+	The first two parameters are normally passed as the OSRF_LOG_MARK macro.
+	The calling code is responsible for freeing the oilsEvent by calling oilsEventFree().
 oilsEvent* oilsNewEvent3( const char* file, int line, const char* event,
 		const char* perm, int permloc ) {
 	oilsEvent* evt = oilsNewEvent(file, line, event);
@@ -44,58 +106,117 @@ oilsEvent* oilsNewEvent3( const char* file, int line, const char* event,
 	return evt;
+	@brief Create a new oilsEvent with a permission and a permission location.
+	@param file The name of the source file where oilsNewEvent is called.
+	@param line The line number in the source code where oilsNewEvent is called.
+	@param event A name or label for the event.
+	@param perm The permission name.
+	@param permloc The permission location.
+	@param payload Pointer to the payload.
+	@return Pointer to the newly allocated oilsEvent.
+	The first two parameters are normally passed as the OSRF_LOG_MARK macro.
+	The calling code is responsible for freeing the oilsEvent by calling oilsEventFree().
 oilsEvent* oilsNewEvent4( const char* file, int line, const char* event,
 		const char* perm, int permloc, const jsonObject* payload ) {
 	oilsEvent* evt = oilsNewEvent3( file, line, event, perm, permloc );
-	if(payload) evt->payload = jsonObjectClone(payload);
+	if(payload)
+		evt->payload = jsonObjectClone(payload);
 	return evt;
+	@brief Set the permission and permission location of an oilsEvent.
+	@param event Pointer the oilsEvent whose permission and permission location are to be set.
+	@param perm The permission name.
+	@param permloc The permission location.
 void oilsEventSetPermission( oilsEvent* event, const char* perm, int permloc ) {
 	if(!(event && perm)) return;
-	if(event->perm) free(event->perm);
+	if(event->perm)
+		free(event->perm);
 	event->perm = strdup(perm);
 	event->permloc = permloc;
+	@brief Install a payload in an oilsEvent.
+	@param event The oilsEvent in which the payload is to be installed.
+	@param payload The payload, a copy of which will be installed in the oilsEvent.
+	If @a payload is NULL, install a JSON_NULL as the payload.
 void oilsEventSetPayload( oilsEvent* event, const jsonObject* payload ) {
 	if(!(event && payload)) return;
-	if(event->payload) jsonObjectFree(event->payload);
+	if(event->payload)
+		jsonObjectFree(event->payload);
 	event->payload = jsonObjectClone(payload);
+	@brief Free an OilsEvent.
+	@param event Pointer to the oilsEvent to be freed.
 void oilsEventFree( oilsEvent* event ) {
 	if(!event) return;
-	if(event->json) jsonObjectFree(event->json);
-    /* event->json will contain a pointer to event->payload */
-    else jsonObjectFree(event->payload); 
+	// If present, the jsonObject to which event->json will include a pointer to
+	// event->payload.  Hence we must avoid trying to free the payload twice.
+	if(event->json)
+		jsonObjectFree(event->json);
+	else
+		jsonObjectFree(event->payload);
+	@brief Package the contents of an oilsEvent into a jsonObject.
+	@param event Pointer to the oilsEvent whose contents are to be packaged.
+	@return Pointer to the newly created jsonObject if successful, or NULL if not.
+	The jsonObject will include a textual description of the event, as loaded from the
+	events file.  Although the events file may include text in multiple languages,
+	oilsEventToJSON() uses only those marked as "en-US".
+	A pointer to the resulting jsonObject will be stored in the oilsEvent.  Hence the calling
+	code should @em not free the returned jsonObject directly.  It will be freed by
+	oilsEventFree().
 jsonObject* oilsEventToJSON( oilsEvent* event ) {
 	if(!event) return NULL;
-	char* code = osrfHashGet( _oilsEventEvents, event->event );
+	char* code = osrfHashGet( _oilsEventEvents, event->event );
 	if(!code) {
-		osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK,  "No such event name: %s", event->event );
+		osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "No such event name: %s", event->event );
 		return NULL;
+	// Search for the right language
 	char* lang = "en-US"; /* assume this for now */
 	char* desc = NULL;
 	osrfHash* h = osrfHashGet(_oilsEventDescriptions, lang);
 	if(h) {
+		// Within that language, search for the right message
 		osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Loaded event lang hash for %s",lang);
 		desc = osrfHashGet(h, code);
 		osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Found event description %s", desc);
-	if(!desc) desc = "";
+	if(!desc)
+		desc = "";  // Not found?  Message defaults to empty string.
 	jsonObject* json = jsonNewObject(NULL);
 	jsonObjectSetKey( json, "ilsevent", jsonNewNumberObject(atoi(code)) );
@@ -108,18 +229,32 @@ jsonObject* oilsEventToJSON( oilsEvent* event ) {
 	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%d", event->file, event->line);
 	jsonObjectSetKey( json, "stacktrace", jsonNewObject(buf) );
-	if(event->perm) jsonObjectSetKey( json, "ilsperm", jsonNewObject(event->perm) );
-	if(event->permloc != -1) jsonObjectSetKey( json, "ilspermloc", jsonNewNumberObject(event->permloc) );
-	if(event->payload) jsonObjectSetKey( json, "payload", event->payload );
-	if(event->json) jsonObjectFree(event->json);
+	if(event->perm)
+		jsonObjectSetKey( json, "ilsperm", jsonNewObject(event->perm) );
+	if(event->permloc != -1)
+		jsonObjectSetKey( json, "ilspermloc", jsonNewNumberObject(event->permloc) );
+	if(event->payload)
+		jsonObjectSetKey( json, "payload", event->payload );
+	if(event->json)
+		jsonObjectFree(event->json);
 	event->json = json;
 	return json;
-/* Parses the events file */
+	@brief Parse and load the events file.
+	Get the name of the events file from previously loaded settings.  Open it and load
+	it into an xmlDoc.  Based on the contents of the xmlDoc, build two osrfHashes: one to
+	map event names to event numbers, and another to map event numbers to descriptive
+	text messages (actually one such hash for each supported language).
 static void _oilsEventParseEvents() {
 	char* xml = osrf_settings_host_value("/ils_events");
 	if(!xml) {
@@ -152,9 +287,10 @@ static void _oilsEventParseEvents() {
 					xmlNodePtr desc = child->children;
 					while(desc) {
 						if( !strcmp((char*) desc->name, "desc") ) {
-							xmlChar* lang = xmlGetProp( desc, BAD_CAST "lang");	
+							xmlChar* lang = xmlGetProp( desc, BAD_CAST "lang");
 							if(lang) {
-								osrfLogInternal(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Loaded event lang: %s", (char*) lang);
+								osrfLogInternal( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+									"Loaded event lang: %s", (char*) lang );
 								osrfHash* langHash = osrfHashGet(
 									_oilsEventDescriptions, (char*) lang);
 								if(!langHash) {
@@ -162,8 +298,10 @@ static void _oilsEventParseEvents() {
 									osrfHashSet(_oilsEventDescriptions, langHash, (char*) lang);
 								char* content;
-								if( desc->children && (content = (char*) desc->children->content) ) {
-									osrfLogInternal(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Loaded event desc: %s", content);
+								if( desc->children
+									&& (content = (char*) desc->children->content) ) {
+									osrfLogInternal( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+										"Loaded event desc: %s", content);
 									osrfHashSet( langHash, content, (char*) code );
@@ -176,7 +314,6 @@ static void _oilsEventParseEvents() {
-	if(!success) osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK,  " ! Unable to parse events file: %s", xml );
+	if(!success)
+		osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, " ! Unable to parse events file: %s", xml );