From e9cd992fa4dbf1013346336193cb7469ecee10a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dan Wells <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 12:02:17 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] MFHD compressed holding fixes

1. Add new utility method to
    holdings_by_caption(): return all holdings attached to a
    given caption

2. Add 'passthru_open_ended' option to get_decompressed_holdings()
    Previously, attempts to decompress an open-ended holding
    would error out.  Now, in the absence of this option,
    open-ended holdings are discarded and you get a warning
    (since they cannot logically be decompressed), while if
    this option is 'true' they are passed back unaffected

3. compressed_to_last() on an open-ended holding now more
   correctly returns 'undef' rather than the unaltered holding

4. get_compressed_holdings() will now honor an open-ended holding
   by treating it as "infinite", and thus absorbing any holdings
   which would follow

5. Overloaded comparison operator now correctly detects "swap"
   cases (where only the second operand is a holding)

6. Overloaded comparison operator now consistently treats
   open-ended holdings as "greater-than" a single or closed
   holding which has the same starting point

7. Fix 2 thinkos in comparison operator for overlapping
   compressed holdings

8. Add new compressed_end() method to which can add
   or set a new ending to a holding, making compressed if needed

9. Correctly recognize partially compressed holdings
    If a holding is defined as:
        863 40 $81.1 $a1 $b2-10
    this actually means:
        863 40 $81.1 $a1-1 $b2-10
    so let's make sure to treat it that way.

9. Expand the MFHD test suite to better cover the improvements
   in this commit

There is also the beginnings of a _get_truncated_holdings()
method for handling odd cases where an open-ended holding is
followed by a single/closed holding, but it is currently
commented out, pending further design consideration.

Signed-off-by: Dan Wells <>
 Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/    | 105 ++++++++++++++++++---
 .../src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/ |  69 ++++++++++++--
 .../perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/test/mfhd.t    |  63 +++++++++++++
 .../lib/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/test/mfhddata2.txt      |  57 +++++++++++
 4 files changed, 270 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/test/mfhddata2.txt

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/
index 5b728c039d..6964c56d1b 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/
@@ -252,6 +252,16 @@ sub holdings {
       values %{$self->{_mfhd_HOLDINGS}->{$field}->{$capid}};
+sub holdings_by_caption {
+    my $self  = shift;
+    my $caption = shift;
+    my $htag    = $caption->tag;
+    my $link_id = $caption->link_id;
+    $htag =~ s/^85/86/;
+    return $self->holdings($htag, $link_id);
 sub _holding_date {
     my $self = shift;
     my $holding = shift;
@@ -348,32 +358,44 @@ sub get_compressed_holdings {
     my $opts = shift;
     my $skip_sort = $opts->{'skip_sort'};
-    # make sure none are compressed
+    # make sure none are compressed (except for open-ended)
     my @decomp_holdings;
     if ($skip_sort) {
-        @decomp_holdings = $self->get_decompressed_holdings($caption, {'skip_sort' => 1});
+        @decomp_holdings = $self->get_decompressed_holdings($caption, {'skip_sort' => 1, 'passthru_open_ended' => 1});
     } else {
         # sort for best algorithm
-        @decomp_holdings = $self->get_decompressed_holdings($caption, {'dedupe' => 1});
+        @decomp_holdings = $self->get_decompressed_holdings($caption, {'dedupe' => 1, 'passthru_open_ended' => 1});
     return () if !@decomp_holdings;
+    # if first holding is open-ended, it 'includes' all the rest, so return
+    if ($decomp_holdings[0]->is_open_ended) {
+        return ($decomp_holdings[0]);
+    }
     my $runner = $decomp_holdings[0]->clone->increment;   
     my $curr_holding = shift(@decomp_holdings);
     $curr_holding = $curr_holding->clone;
     my $seqno = 1;
     my @comp_holdings;
-#    my $last_holding;
     foreach my $holding (@decomp_holdings) {
         if ($runner eq $holding) {
-#        } elsif ($holding eq $last_holding) {
-#            carp("Found duplicate holding in compression set, skipping");
         } elsif ($runner gt $holding) { # should not happen unless holding is not in series
             carp("Found unexpected holding, skipping");
+        } elsif ($holding->is_open_ended) { # special case, as it will always be the last
+            if ($runner eq $holding->clone->compressed_to_first) {
+                $curr_holding->compressed_end();
+            } else {
+                push(@comp_holdings, $curr_holding);
+                $curr_holding = $holding->clone;
+                $seqno++;
+                $curr_holding->seqno($seqno);
+            }
+            last;
         } else {
             push(@comp_holdings, $curr_holding);
             while ($runner le $holding) {
@@ -383,7 +405,6 @@ sub get_compressed_holdings {
-#        $last_holding = $holding;
     push(@comp_holdings, $curr_holding);
@@ -394,10 +415,12 @@ sub get_compressed_holdings {
 # create an array of single holdings from all holdings for a given caption,
 # decompressing as needed
-# resulting array is returned as they come in the record, unsorted
-# optional argument will reorder and renumber the holdings before returning
+# optional arguments:
+#    skip_sort: do not sort the returned holdings
+#    dedupe: remove any duplicate holdings from the set
+#    passthru_open_ended: open-ended compressed holdings cannot be logically
+#    decompressed (they are infinite); if set to true these holdings are passed
+#    thru rather than skipped
 # TODO: some of this could be moved to the Caption (and/or Holding) object to
 # allow for decompression in the absense of an overarching MFHD object
@@ -407,15 +430,13 @@ sub get_decompressed_holdings {
     my $opts = shift;
     my $skip_sort = $opts->{'skip_sort'};
     my $dedupe = $opts->{'dedupe'};
+    my $passthru_open_ended = $opts->{'passthru_open_ended'};
     if ($dedupe and $skip_sort) {
         carp("Attempted deduplication without sorting, failure likely");
-    my $htag    = $caption->tag;
-    my $link_id = $caption->link_id;
-    $htag =~ s/^85/86/;
-    my @holdings = $self->holdings($htag, $link_id);
+    my @holdings = $self->holdings_by_caption($caption);
     return () if !@holdings;
@@ -424,6 +445,12 @@ sub get_decompressed_holdings {
     foreach my $holding (@holdings) {
         if (!$holding->is_compressed) {
             push(@decomp_holdings, $holding->clone);
+        } elsif ($holding->is_open_ended) {
+            if ($passthru_open_ended) {
+                push(@decomp_holdings, $holding->clone);
+            } else {
+                carp("Open-ended holdings cannot be decompressed, skipping");
+            }
         } else {
             my $base_holding = $holding->clone->compressed_to_first;
             my @new_holdings = $self->generate_predictions(
@@ -454,6 +481,54 @@ sub get_decompressed_holdings {
     return @return_holdings;
+## close any open-ended holdings which are followed by another holding by
+## combining them
+## This needs more thought about concerning usability (e.g. should it be a
+## mutator?), commenting out for now
+#sub _get_truncated_holdings {
+#    my $self = shift;
+#    my $caption = shift;
+#    my @holdings = $self->holdings_by_caption($caption);
+#    return () if !@holdings;
+#    @holdings = sort {$a cmp $b} @holdings;
+#    my $current_open_holding;
+#    my @truncated_holdings;
+#    foreach my $holding (@holdings) {
+#        if ($current_open_holding) {
+#            if ($holding->is_open_ended) {
+#                next; # consecutive open holdings are meaningless, as they are contained by the previous
+#            } elsif ($holding->is_compressed) {
+#                $current_open_holding->compressed_end($holding->compressed_to_last);
+#            } else {
+#                $current_open_holding->compressed_end($holding);
+#            }
+#            push(@truncated_holdings, $current_open_holding);
+#            $current_open_holding = undef;
+#        } elsif ($holding->is_open_ended) {
+#            $current_open_holding = $holding;
+#        } else {
+#            push(@truncated_holdings, $holding);
+#        }
+#    }
+#    # catch possible open holding at end
+#    push(@truncated_holdings, $current_open_holding) if $current_open_holding;
+#    my $seqno = 1;
+#    foreach my $holding (@truncated_holdings) { # renumber sequence
+#        $holding->seqno($seqno);
+#        $seqno++;
+#    }
+#    return @truncated_holdings;
 # format_holdings(): Generate textual display of all holdings in record
 # for given type of caption (853--855) taking into account all the
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/
index ce08d4f4a1..9b673c2722 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/
@@ -44,7 +44,10 @@ sub new {
             if ($self->{_mfhdh_COMPRESSED}) {
-                $self->{_mfhdh_FIELDS}->{$key}{HOLDINGS} = [split(/\-/, $val)];
+                $self->{_mfhdh_FIELDS}->{$key}{HOLDINGS} = [split(/\-/, $val, -1)];
+                if (!defined($self->{_mfhdh_FIELDS}->{$key}{HOLDINGS}[1])) {
+                    $self->{_mfhdh_FIELDS}->{$key}{HOLDINGS}[1] = $self->{_mfhdh_FIELDS}->{$key}{HOLDINGS}[0];
+                }
             } else {
                 $self->{_mfhdh_FIELDS}->{$key}{HOLDINGS} = [$val];
@@ -561,7 +564,7 @@ sub compressed_to_last {
         return $self;
     } elsif ($self->is_open_ended) {
         carp "Holding is open-ended, cannot convert to last member";
-        return $self;
+        return undef;
     my %changes;
@@ -578,6 +581,40 @@ sub compressed_to_last {
+# Creates or replaces an end of a compressed holding
+sub compressed_end {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $end_holding = shift;
+    my %changes;
+    if ($end_holding) {
+        foreach my $key (keys %{$self->fields}) {
+            my @values = @{$self->field_values($key)};
+            my @end_values = @{$end_holding->field_values($key)};
+            $values[1] = $end_values[0];
+            $self->fields->{$key}{HOLDINGS} = \@values;
+            $changes{$key} = join('-', @values);
+        }
+    } elsif (!$self->is_open_ended) { # make open-ended if no $end_holding
+        foreach my $key (keys %{$self->fields}) {
+            my @values = @{$self->field_values($key)};
+            $self->fields->{$key}{HOLDINGS} = [$values[0]];
+            $changes{$key} = $values[0] . '-';
+        }
+        $self->{_mfhdh_OPEN_ENDED} = 1; #TODO: setter for this value
+    }
+    $self->update(%changes);    # update underlying subfields
+    if (!$self->is_compressed) {
+        $self->is_compressed(1);  # add compressed state
+    }
+    return $self;
 # Basic, working, unoptimized clone operation
 sub clone {
@@ -707,17 +744,23 @@ sub _uncombine {
 # Please note that this comparison is based on what the holding represents,
 # not whether it is strictly identical (e.g. the seqno and link may vary)
+# XXX: sorting using this operator is currently not deterministic for
+# nonsensical holdings (e.g. V.10-V.5), and may require further consideration
 use overload ('cmp' => \&_compare,
               'fallback' => 1);
 sub _compare {
-    my ($holding_1, $holding_2) = @_;
+    my ($holding_1, $holding_2, $swap) = @_;
     # TODO: this needs some more consideration
     # fall back to 'built-in' comparison
     if (!UNIVERSAL::isa($holding_2, ref $holding_1)) {
         if (defined $holding_2) {
-            carp("Use of non-holding in holding comparison operation");
-            return ( "$holding_1" cmp "$holding_2" );
+            carp("Use of non-holding in holding comparison operation") if $holding_2 ne '~~~';
+            if ($swap) {
+                return ( "$holding_2" cmp "$holding_1" );
+            } else {
+                return ( "$holding_1" cmp "$holding_2" );
+            }
         } else {
             carp("Use of undefined value in holding comparison operation");
             return 1; # similar to built-in, something is "greater than" nothing
@@ -729,7 +772,11 @@ sub _compare {
     # 0 for no compressed, 1 for first compressed, 2 for second compressed, 3 for both compressed
     $found_compressed = 0; 
     if ($holding_1->is_compressed) {
-        $holding_1_last = $holding_1->clone->compressed_to_last;
+        if (!$holding_1->is_open_ended) {
+            $holding_1_last = $holding_1->clone->compressed_to_last;
+        } else {
+            $holding_1_last = '~~~'; # take advantage of string sort fallback
+        }
         $found_compressed += 1;
     } else {
         $holding_1_first = $holding_1;
@@ -753,7 +800,11 @@ sub _compare {
         } else { # check the opposite, 2 ends before 1 starts
             # clone is expensive, wait until we need it (here)
             if (!defined($holding_2_last)) {
-                $holding_2_last = $holding_2->clone->compressed_to_last;
+                if (!$holding_2->is_open_ended) {
+                    $holding_2_last = $holding_2->clone->compressed_to_last;
+                } else {
+                    $holding_2_last = '~~~'; # take advantage of string sort fallback
+                }
             if (!defined($holding_1_first)) {
                 $holding_1_first = $holding_1->clone->compressed_to_first;
@@ -766,7 +817,7 @@ sub _compare {
                 return 1;
             } else {
                 $cmp = ($holding_1_first cmp $holding_2_first);
-                if (!$cmp) { # they are not equal
+                if ($cmp) { # they are not equal
                     carp("Overlapping holdings in comparison, lt and gt based on start value only");
                     return $cmp;
                 } elsif ($found_compressed == 1) {
@@ -777,7 +828,7 @@ sub _compare {
                     return -1; # compressed (second holding) is 'greater than' non-compressed
                 } else { # both holdings compressed, check for full equality
                     $cmp = ($holding_1_last cmp $holding_2_last);
-                    if (!$cmp) { # they are not equal
+                    if ($cmp) { # they are not equal
                         carp("Compressed holdings in comparison have equal starts, lt and gt based on end value only");
                         return $cmp;
                     } else {
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/test/mfhd.t b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/test/mfhd.t
index a478b32dfa..d9ad34bc6f 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/test/mfhd.t
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/test/mfhd.t
@@ -63,4 +63,67 @@ while ($rec = testlib::load_MARC_rec($testdata, $testno++)) {
+close $testdata;
+# test: passthru_open_ended
+open($testdata, "<mfhddata2.txt") or die("Cannot open 'mfhddata2.txt': $!");
+$rec = MFHD->new(testlib::load_MARC_rec($testdata, $testno));
+my $rec2 = MFHD->new(testlib::load_MARC_rec($testdata, $testno));
+my @holdings_a = $rec->get_decompressed_holdings(($rec->captions('853'))[0], {'passthru_open_ended' => 1});
+my @holdings_b = $rec2->holdings_by_caption(($rec2->captions('853'))[0]);
+is_deeply(\@holdings_a, \@holdings_b, 'passthru open ended');
+# test: compressed to last
+$rec = MFHD->new(testlib::load_MARC_rec($testdata, $testno));
+$rec2 = MFHD->new(testlib::load_MARC_rec($testdata, $testno));
+@holdings_a = $rec->holdings_by_caption(($rec->captions('853'))[0]);
+@holdings_b = $rec2->holdings_by_caption(($rec2->captions('853'))[0]);
+is_deeply($holdings_a[0]->compressed_to_last, $holdings_b[0], 'compressed to last, normal');
+is($holdings_a[1]->compressed_to_last, undef, 'compressed to last, open ended');
+# test: get compressed holdings, open ended member
+$rec = MFHD->new(testlib::load_MARC_rec($testdata, $testno));
+$rec2 = MFHD->new(testlib::load_MARC_rec($testdata, $testno));
+@holdings_a = $rec->get_compressed_holdings(($rec->captions('853'))[0]);
+@holdings_b = $rec2->holdings_by_caption(($rec2->captions('853'))[0]);
+is_deeply(\@holdings_a, \@holdings_b, 'get compressed holdings, open ended member');
+# test comparisons, for all operands, for all types of holdings
+$rec = MFHD->new(testlib::load_MARC_rec($testdata, $testno));
+$rec2 = MFHD->new(testlib::load_MARC_rec($testdata, $testno));
+@holdings_a = $rec->holdings_by_caption(($rec->captions('853'))[0]);
+@holdings_b = $rec2->holdings_by_caption(($rec2->captions('853'))[0]);
+unshift(@holdings_a, "zzz I am NOT a holding");
+push(@holdings_b, "zzz I am NOT a holding");
+push(@holdings_a, undef);
+unshift(@holdings_b, undef);
+@holdings_a = sort { $a cmp $b } @holdings_a;
+my $seqno = 1;
+foreach my $holding (@holdings_a) {
+    if (ref $holding) {
+        $holding->seqno($seqno);
+        $seqno++;
+    }
+is_deeply(\@holdings_a, \@holdings_b, 'comparison testing via sort');
+close $testdata;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/test/mfhddata2.txt b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/test/mfhddata2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a450bb41f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/lib/OpenILS/Utils/MFHD/test/mfhddata2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+245 00 $aPassthru Open Ended, test data
+853 20 $81$av.$bno.$u12$vr$i(year)$j(month)$wm$x01
+863 40 $81.1$a1$b6-8$i1990$j06-08
+863 40 $81.2$a1-$b11-$i1990-$j11-
+245 00 $aPassthru Open Ended, test results
+853 20 $81$av.$bno.$u12$vr$i(year)$j(month)$wm$x01
+863 41 $81.1$a1$b6$i1990$j06
+863 41 $81.2$a1$b7$i1990$j07
+863 41 $81.3$a1$b8$i1990$j08
+863 40 $81.4$a1-$b11-$i1990-$j11-
+245 00 $aCompressed to last, part 1
+853 20 $81$av.$bno.$u12$vr$i(year)$j(month)$wm$x01
+863 40 $81.1$a1$b6-8$i1990$j06-08
+863 40 $81.2$a1-$b11-$i1990-$j11-
+245 00 $aCompressed to last, part 2
+853 20 $81$av.$bno.$u12$vr$i(year)$j(month)$wm$x01
+863 41 $81.1$a1$b8$i1990$j08
+245 00 $aGet compressed holdings, open ended member
+853 20 $81$av.$bno.$u12$vr$i(year)$j(month)$wm$x01
+863 41 $81.1$a1$b4$i1990$j04
+863 41 $81.2$a1$b5$i1990$j05
+863 40 $81.3$a1-$b6-$i1990-$j06-
+863 41 $81.4$a1$b8$i1990$j08
+245 00 $aGet compressed holdings, open ended member, result
+853 20 $81$av.$bno.$u12$vr$i(year)$j(month)$wm$x01
+863 40 $81.1$a1-$b4-$i1990-$j04-
+245 00 $aComparison test, unsorted
+853 20 $81$av.$bno.$u12$vr$i(year)$j(month)$wm$x01
+863 40 $81.1$a1$b4-7$i1990$j04-07
+863 40 $81.2$a1$b4-7$i1990$j04-07
+863 41 $81.3$a1$b4$i1990$j04
+863 41 $81.4$a1$b4$i1990$j04
+863 40 $81.5$a1-$b3-$i1990-$j03-
+863 40 $81.6$a1$b3-6$i1990$j03-06
+863 40 $81.7$a1$b3-5$i1990$j03-05
+863 41 $81.8$a1$b3$i1990$j03
+863 41 $81.9$a1$b2$i1990$j02
+245 00 $aComparison test, sorted
+853 20 $81$av.$bno.$u12$vr$i(year)$j(month)$wm$x01
+863 41 $81.1$a1$b2$i1990$j02
+863 41 $81.2$a1$b3$i1990$j03
+863 40 $81.3$a1$b3-5$i1990$j03-05
+863 40 $81.4$a1$b3-6$i1990$j03-06
+863 40 $81.5$a1-$b3-$i1990-$j03-
+863 41 $81.6$a1$b4$i1990$j04
+863 41 $81.7$a1$b4$i1990$j04
+863 40 $81.8$a1$b4-7$i1990$j04-07
+863 40 $81.9$a1$b4-7$i1990$j04-07