From f119790a843b81f68abec44c76001455e129f038 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dbs <dbs@dcc99617-32d9-48b4-a31d-7c20da2025e4>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2011 14:00:14 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] When modifying existing indexes, ensure subject|complete
 drops into ID 16

Other parts of the upgrade script assumed that subject|complete would be
ID = 16, so we might as well try and make it conform. This means turning
config.bump_metabib_field() into a two-argument function so that we can
provide an explicit target ID for the modified index.

git-svn-id: svn:// dcc99617-32d9-48b4-a31d-7c20da2025e4
 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/1.6.1-2.0-upgrade-db.sql | 35 +++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/1.6.1-2.0-upgrade-db.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/1.6.1-2.0-upgrade-db.sql
index bc4f9aabaa..89945ef2c4 100644
--- a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/1.6.1-2.0-upgrade-db.sql
+++ b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/1.6.1-2.0-upgrade-db.sql
@@ -15517,35 +15517,48 @@ INSERT INTO config.metabib_class ( name, label ) VALUES ( 'identifier', oils_i18
 -- sequence value to leave room for additional stock indexes in subsequent
 -- releases (hello!), so custom added indexes will conflict with these.
--- The following function just adds 100 to the ID of an existing custom
--- index (and any references to that index). So this could break if a site
+-- The following function changes the ID of an existing custom index
+-- (and any references to that index) to the target ID; if no target ID
+-- is supplied, then it adds 100 to the source ID. So this could break if a site
 -- has custom indexes at both 16 and 116, for example - but if that's the
 -- case anywhere, I'm throwing my hands up in surrender:
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION config.bump_metabib_field(custom_id BIGINT) RETURNS INT AS $func$
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION config.modify_metabib_field(source INT, target INT) RETURNS INT AS $func$
     f_class TEXT;
     check_id INT;
+    target_id INT;
-    SELECT field_class INTO f_class FROM config.metabib_field WHERE id = custom_id;
+    SELECT field_class INTO f_class FROM config.metabib_field WHERE id = source;
         RETURN 0;
     END IF;
-    SELECT id FROM config.metabib_field INTO check_id WHERE id = custom_id + 100;
+    IF target IS NULL THEN
+        target_id = source + 100;
+    ELSE
+        target_id = target;
+    END IF;
+    SELECT id FROM config.metabib_field INTO check_id WHERE id = target;
-        RAISE NOTICE 'Cannot bump from % to %; the target ID already exists.', custom_id, custom_id + 100;
+        RAISE NOTICE 'Cannot bump from % to %; the target ID already exists.', source, target;
         RETURN 0;
     END IF;
-    UPDATE config.metabib_field SET id = id + 100 WHERE id = custom_id;
-    EXECUTE ' UPDATE metabib.' || f_class || '_field_entry SET field = field + 100 WHERE field = ' || custom_id;
-    UPDATE config.metabib_field_index_norm_map SET field = field + 100 WHERE field = custom_id;
-    UPDATE search.relevance_adjustment SET field = field + 100 WHERE field = custom_id;
+    UPDATE config.metabib_field SET id = target WHERE id = source;
+    EXECUTE ' UPDATE metabib.' || f_class || '_field_entry SET field = ' || target || ' WHERE field = ' || source;
+    UPDATE config.metabib_field_index_norm_map SET field = target WHERE field = source;
+    UPDATE search.relevance_adjustment SET field = target WHERE field = source;
     RETURN 1;
 -- Now update those custom indexes
-SELECT config.bump_metabib_field(id) FROM config.metabib_field WHERE id > 15 and id < 100;
+SELECT config.modify_metabib_field(id, NULL)
+    FROM config.metabib_field
+    WHERE id > 15 AND id < 100 AND field_class || name <> 'subjectcomplete';
+SELECT config.modify_metabib_field(id, 16)
+    FROM config.metabib_field
+    WHERE id <> 16 AND field_class || name = 'subjectcomplete';
 -- And bump the config.metabib_field sequence to a minimum of 100 to avoid problems in the future
 SELECT setval('config.metabib_field_id_seq', GREATEST(100, (SELECT MAX(id) + 1 FROM config.metabib_field)));