From f82ebe2f3fbebadcb950fe85b1cf7d97c8e80f6e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dan Scott <>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 11:53:47 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] HathiTrust ETAS integration

For any item that has no electronic resource links, find out if
HathiTrust has a copy, and then provide a link to it under the
"Available holdings" section.

Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <>
 Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/opac/hathitrust.js |  74 ++++++
 test_hathitrust.html                          | 346 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 420 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/opac/hathitrust.js
 create mode 100644 test_hathitrust.html

diff --git a/Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/opac/hathitrust.js b/Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/opac/hathitrust.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ebb91188e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/opac/hathitrust.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+;(function () {
+  /**
+   * Check for HathiTrust holding and display a link 
+   *
+   * Copyright 2020 Dan Scott (, Laurentian University
+   *
+   * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+   * Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+   * option) any later version.
+   *
+   * HathiTrust ETAS offers electronic versions of materials for print-only
+   * items held by member institutions. They match their collection to member
+   * institution collections via OCLC numbers, so we can perform a lookup
+   * just by OCLC number.
+   *
+   * Current limitations:
+   * * Hard-coded for English
+   *
+   * To use this in your catalogue, you will need to modify a few of the CSS
+   * queries to find the OCLC numbers, identify appropriate locations for
+   * inserting the link to HathiTrust. You will also have to provide your
+   * Shibboleth IdP so that users will be prompted to log in via your
+   * institution; otherwise they will see no available full text in the initial
+   * search results and will have to manually log in before they can see the
+   * available temporary access. This latter path is not likely to lead to
+   * success.
+   */
+  /* Path for determining if online is already offered; if so, then just stop */
+  var online_path = 'link[property="availability"][href=""]';
+  /* Path for the OCLC number declaration */
+  var oclc_path = 'link[property="sameAs"][href^=""]';
+  /* Path to place the HathiTrust link */
+  var copies_path = '#rdetail_copy_counts ul';
+  var htrust_api = '';
+  /* Holds the value of the HathiTrust catalogue URL /*
+  var htrust_record;
+  /* Ensure there are no online versions availabl3 */
+  if (!document.querySelector(online_path)) {
+    /* Do we have an OCLC number? */
+    var oclc_node = document.querySelectorAll(oclc_path);
+    /* Find out if HathiTrust holds it */
+    if (oclc_node) {
+      var oclc_num = oclc_node[0].href.substring(oclc_node[0].href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
+      htrust_api = htrust_api + oclc_num;
+      var req = new window.XMLHttpRequest();
+'GET', htrust_api);
+      req.onload = function (evt) {
+        if (req.response) {
+          var key = 'oclc:' + oclc_num;
+          var records = JSON.parse(req.responseText)[key].records;
+          for (var r in records) {
+            htrust_record = (records[r].recordURL);
+            var copy_node = document.querySelectorAll(copies_path);
+            if (copy_node) {
+              var hathilink = document.createElement('a');
+              hathilink.href = htrust_record + '?signon=' + 'swle:';
+              hathilink.innerText = 'HathiTrust';
+              copy_node[0].parentElement.insertBefore(hathilink, copy_node[0]);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      req.send();
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/test_hathitrust.html b/test_hathitrust.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4393d2d6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_hathitrust.html
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
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+<div id="rdetail_summary_header">
+    <div id='rdetail_title_div'>
+        <h1 id='rdetail_title' property="name">The 1985 Juno Awards collection</h1>
+        <div class='rdetail_authors_div'> <span class="rdetail-author-div" typeof="Person" property="contributor" resource="#schemacontrib1"><a href="/eg/opac/results?query=Adams%20%20Bryan;qtype=author" rel="nofollow"><span resource="#schemacontrib1"><span property="name">Adams, Bryan </span></span></a> (<span property="description">Singer</span><link property="sameAs" href="">). </span> <span class="rdetail-author-div" typeof="Person" property="contributor" resource="#schemacontrib2"><a href="/eg/opac/results?qtype=author;query=Hart%20%20Corey" rel="nofollow"><span resource="#schemacontrib2"><span property="name">Hart, Corey </span></span></a> (<span property="description">Singer</span>). </span> <span class="rdetail-author-div" typeof="Person" property="contributor" resource="#schemacontrib3"><a href="/eg/opac/results?query=Silver%20%20Liberty;qtype=author" rel="nofollow"><span resource="#schemacontrib3"><span property="name">Silver, Liberty </span></span></a> (<span property="description">Singer</span>). </span> <span class="rdetail-author-div" typeof="Person" property="contributor" resource="#schemacontrib4"><a href="/eg/opac/results?qtype=author;query=McLauchlan%20%20Murray" rel="nofollow"><span resource="#schemacontrib4"><span property="name">McLauchlan, Murray </span></span></a> (<span property="description">Singer</span>). </span> <span class="rdetail-author-div" typeof="Person" property="contributor" resource="#schemacontrib5"><a href="/eg/opac/results?qtype=author;query=Thompson%20%20Don" rel="nofollow"><span resource="#schemacontrib5"><span property="name">Thompson, Don </span></span></a> (<span property="description">Instrumentalist</span>). </span> <span class="rdetail-author-div" typeof="Person" property="contributor" resource="#schemacontrib6"><a href="/eg/opac/results?query=Luba;qtype=author" rel="nofollow"><span resource="#schemacontrib6"><span property="name">Luba </span></span></a> (<span property="description">Singer</span>). </span> <span class="rdetail-author-div" typeof="Person" property="contributor" resource="#schemacontrib7"><a href="/eg/opac/results?query=Janz%20%20Paul;qtype=author" rel="nofollow"><span resource="#schemacontrib7"><span property="name">Janz, Paul </span></span></a> (<span property="description">Singer</span>). </span> <span class="rdetail-author-div" typeof="Person" property="contributor" resource="#schemacontrib8"><a href="/eg/opac/results?qtype=author;query=lang%20%20k%20d%20%20%20Kathryn%20Dawn%20%201961" rel="nofollow"><span resource="#schemacontrib8"><span property="name">lang, k.d. (Kathryn Dawn),</span> <span property="birthDate">1961</span>-</span></a> (<span property="description">Singer</span>). </span> <span class="rdetail-author-div" typeof="Organization" property="contributor" resource="#schemacontrib9"><a href="/eg/opac/results?qtype=author;query=Idle%20Eyes" rel="nofollow"><span resource="#schemacontrib9"><span property="name">Idle Eyes </span></span></a> (<span property="description">Performer</span>). </span> <span class="rdetail-author-div" typeof="Organization" property="contributor" resource="#schemacontrib10"><a href="/eg/opac/results?qtype=author;query=The%20Family%20Brown" rel="nofollow"><span resource="#schemacontrib10"><span property="name">The Family Brown </span></span></a> (<span property="description">Performer</span>). </span> <span class="rdetail-author-div" typeof="Organization" property="contributor" resource="#schemacontrib11"><a href="/eg/opac/results?qtype=author;query=Parachute%20Club" rel="nofollow"><span resource="#schemacontrib11"><span property="name">Parachute Club </span></span></a> (<span property="description">Performer</span>). </span> <span class="rdetail-author-div" typeof="Organization" property="contributor" resource="#schemacontrib12"><a href="/eg/opac/results?qtype=author;query=Oxford%20String%20Quartet" rel="nofollow"><span resource="#schemacontrib12"><span property="name">Oxford String Quartet </span></span></a> (<span property="description">Performer</span>). </span>
+    </div>
+    <!--
+  <h2 class="rdetail_uris">Electronic resources</h2>
+  <div class="rdetail_uris">
+    <p class="rdetail_uri" property="offers" vocab="" typeof="Offer">
+      <a href="" class="uri_link" property="url" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span property="description">Available online / disponible en ligne (Taylor &amp; Francis)</span></a>
+      <link property="availability" href=""><meta property="gtin13" content="9780849383298">
+    </p>
+    <p class="rdetail_uri" property="offers" vocab="" typeof="Offer">
+      <a href="" class="uri_link" property="url" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span property="description">Available online / disponible en ligne (Taylor &amp; Francis)</span></a>
+      <link property="availability" href=""><meta property="gtin13" content="9780849383298">
+    </p>
+  </div>
+    -->
+    <div id="rdetail_image_div">
+            <a href=''><img
+                    alt="Image of item" id='rdetail_image'
+                    src='' />
+            </a>
+        <br />
+    </div>
+    <div id="format_actions">
+              <img title="Phonograph music recording" 
+                  alt="Phonograph music recording" 
+                  src="" /> 
+              Phonograph music recording
+        <div id="rdetail_actions_div">            <div class="rdetail_aux_utils toggle_list">
+                <a href="/eg/opac/mylist/add?record=349295" class="no-dec" rel="nofollow" vocab="">
+                    <img src="" alt="" />
+                    Add to my list
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+                    <a href="/eg/opac/record/email/349295" class="no-dec" rel="nofollow" vocab="">Email</a>
+                </div>
+                <div class="rdetail_aux_utils share_record">
+                    <a href="/eg/opac/record/349295" class="no-dec">
+                         <img src="" alt="Permalink" />
+                         Permalink
+                    </a>
+                </div>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+<div id="copy_hold_counts"><span id="rdetail_copy_counts">
+    <h2>Available copies</h2>
+    <ul>
+    <li>
+    1 of 1 copy available at Conifer.
+    <a href="/eg/opac/record/349295?copy_depth=0"
+       title="Show copies at Conifer">(Show)</a>
+    </li>
+    <li>
+    1 of 1 copy available at Laurentian University.
+    </li>
+    </ul>
+    <span id="rdetail_hold_counts">
+        <h2>Current holds</h2>
+        <p>
+            0 current holds with 1 total copy.
+        </p>
+    </span>
+<div id="metarecord_population">
+</div> <!-- metarecord_population -->
+<table class="table_no_border_space table_no_cell_pad table_no_border" width="100%" id="rdetails_status">
+    <thead>
+        <tr>
+                        <th scope='col'>Location</th>
+            <th scope='col'>Call Number / Copy Notes</th>
+            <th scope='col'>Barcode</th>
+            <th scope='col'>Shelving Location</th>
+            <th scope='col'>Status</th>
+            <th scope='col'>Due Date</th>
+        </tr>
+    </thead>
+    <tbody class="copy_details_table">        <tr class="copy_details_offers_row" property="offers" typeof="Offer"><td><a property="offeredBy" typeof="Library" href="/eg/opac/library/OSUL"><span property="name">J.N. Desmarais Library</span></a>
+                <link property="businessFunction" href="">
+                <meta property="price" content="0.00">
+            </td>
+            <td><span property="sku">LP 3689</span> </td>
+            <td property="serialNumber">
+                30007006013980                            </td>
+            <td property="availableAtOrFrom">Long-play records (3rd floor)</td>
+            <td><link property="availability" href="" />Available</td>
+            <td>-</td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+        </tr>
+                <tr>
+            <td> 
+            </td>
+        </tr>
+    </tbody>
+<h2 id='rdetail_record_details'>Record details</h2>
+    <li id='rdetail_phys_desc'>
+        <strong class='rdetail_label'>Physical Description:</strong>
+        <span class='rdetail_value'>1 sound disc : 33 1/3 rpm, stereo</span>
+    </li>
+    <li id='rdetail_publisher'>
+        <strong class='rdetail_label'>Publisher:</strong>
+        <span class='rdetail_value' property="publisher" typeof="Organization">
+            <span property="location">Montréal, Qué. :</span>
+            <span property="name">Radio Canada International,</span>
+        </span>
+            <span property="datePublished">1986.</span>    </li>
+<h2 class='rdetail_contents'>Content descriptions</h2>
+<table class='rdetail_content'>
+    <tbody><tr>
+    <td class='rdetail_content_type'>Formatted Contents Note: </td>
+    <td class='rdetail_content_value' property='keywords'> Heaven / Adams -- Never surrender / Hart -- Lost somewhere inside your love / Silver -- Railroad man / McLauchlan -- Tokyo Rose / Idle Eyes -- I've never been in love before / Thompson -- Let it go / Luba -- Go to pieces / Janz -- Wouldn't you love us together again / The Family Brown -- At the feet of the moon / Parachute Club -- Pine and stew / lang -- Minuetto from Quartet in B flat major / Mozart.<br/></td>
+    </tbody>
+<h2 class='rdetail_related_subjects'>Search for related items by subject</h2>
+        <table class='rdetail_subject'>
+            <tbody>
+                <tr>
+                    <td class='rdetail_subject_type'>Subject: </td>
+                    <td class='rdetail_subject_value'><span property="about"><a href="/eg/opac/results?query=Popular%20music;qtype=subject">Popular music</a>  &gt; <a href="/eg/opac/results?query=Popular%20music%20Canada.;qtype=subject">Canada.</a> <br/></span><span property="about"><a href="/eg/opac/results?query=String%20quartets.;qtype=subject">String quartets.</a> <br/></span><span property="about"><a href="/eg/opac/results?qtype=subject;query=Country%20music">Country music</a>  &gt; <a href="/eg/opac/results?query=Country%20music%20Canada.;qtype=subject">Canada.</a> <br/></span></td>
+                </tr>
+            </tbody>
+        </table>
+    <div id='rdetail_extras_div' style='width: 100%;'> 
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+                <a id='gbp_arrow_down_link' name='google_preview' href='javascript:GBDisplayPreview();' class='rdetail_extras_lbl hide_me'>&#9660;</a>
+                <a name='google_preview_lbl' href='javascript:GBDisplayPreview();' class="rdetail_extras_lbl">Google Preview</a></div>
+        </div>
+        <div id="gbp_extra_container" class='rdetail_extras_div'></div>
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+            <div class="rdetail_extras_hr"></div>
+            <div class="rdetail_extras_link">
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+            </div>
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+                <a name='marchtml' href='/eg/opac/record/349295?expand=marchtml#marchtml' class="rdetail_extras_lbl" rel="nofollow" vocab="">&#9658; MARC Record</a>
+            </div>
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