From fec9789666b9517fb0f6c82eb06a741fbb508e34 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lfloyd <>
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2019 14:26:35 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Docs: Added linkages, and additonal terms.

Signed-off-by: Andrea Buntz Neiman <>
 docs/glossary.adoc | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/glossary.adoc b/docs/glossary.adoc
index 2426403ef0..5bbb7eedce 100644
--- a/docs/glossary.adoc
+++ b/docs/glossary.adoc
@@ -8,21 +8,23 @@ xref:A[A] xref:B[B] xref:C[C] xref:D[D] xref:E[E] xref:F[F] xref:G[G] xref:H[H]
 AACR2 (Angolo-American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition)::
   AACR2 is a set of cataloging rules for descriptive cataloging of various types of resources.
-  Processes related to ordering materials and managing expenditures
+  Processes related to ordering materials and managing expenditures.
 Age Protection:: 
   Allows libraries to prevent holds on new books (on a item by item basis) from outside the owning library's branch or system for a designated amount of time.
   Open-source web server software used to serve both static content and dynamic web pages in a secure and reliable way. More information is available at
 Authority Record::
   Records used to control the contents of MARC fields.
-[[B]]Balance stop percent ::
+[[B]]Balance stop percent::
   A setting in acquisitions that prevents you from making purchases when only a specified amount of the fund remains. 
-  The code/number attached to the item.  This is not the Circulation ID.
+  The code/number attached to the item.  This is not the database ID. Barcodes are added to items to facilitate the checking in and out of an item. Barcodes can be changed as needed. Physical barcodes that can be placed on items can follow several different barcode symboligies.
 Bibliographic record::
   The record that contains data about a work, such as title, author and copyright date.
   Processes relating to reserving cataloged and non- bibliographic items.
+  A brick is a unit consisting of one or more servers. It refers to a set of servers with ejabberd, Apache, and all applicable Evergreen services.  It is possible to run all the software on a single server, creating a “single server brick.” Typically, larger installations will have more than one such brick and, hence, be more robust.
   This is a container of items. See also Record Buckets and Item Buckets.
 [[C]]Call number::
@@ -45,18 +47,36 @@ Circulation limit sets::
   Refines circulation policies by limiting the number of items that users can check out. 
 Circulation modifiers::
   Circulation modifiers pull together Loan Duration, Renewal Limit, Fine Level, Max Fine, and Profile Permission Group to create circulation rules for different types of materials. Circulation Modifiers are also used to determine Hold Policies.
-  see Item
+Cloud Computing::
+  The use of a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or computer. Terms sush as Software as a Service(SaaS) refer to these kinds of systems.  ILS vendors offering hosting where they manage the servers used by the ILS and provide access via the internet is an example of cloud computing.
+  To make code changes to the software code permanent. In open source software development, the ability to commit is usually limited to a core group. 
+  Community in the open source world of software development and use refers to the users and developers who work in concert to develop, communicate, and collaborate to develop the software.
+  A compiled software is where the software has been translated to a machine code for use. Compiled software usually targets a specific computer architecture. The code cannot be read by humans. 
+  A consortium is a organization of two or more individuals, companies, libraries, consortiums, etc. formed to undertake an enterprise beyond the resources of any one member. 
+Consortial Library System (CLS)::
+  An ILS designed to run an consortium. A CLS is designed for resource sharing between all members of the consortium, it provides an union catalog for all items in the consortium. 
+  see <<item, Item>>
 [[D]]Default Search Library::
   The default search library setting determines what library is searched from the advanced search screen and portal page by default. Manual selection of a search library will override it. One recommendation is to set the search library to the highest point you would normally want to search.
 Distribution formulas:: 
-  Used to specify the number of copies that should be distributed to specific branches and item locations.
+  Used to specify the number of copies that should be distributed to specific branches and item locations in Acquisitions
 Due date::
   The due date is the day on or before which an item must be returned to the library in order to avoid being charged an overdue fine. 
-[[E]]Electronic data interchange (EDI)::
+  ejabberd stands for Erland Jabber Daemon. This is the software that runs <<jabber, jabber>>. ejabberd is used to exchange data between servers.
+Electronic data interchange (EDI)::
   Transmission of data between organizations using electronic means. This is used for Acquisitions. 
+  Evergreen is an open source ILS designed to handle the processing of a geographical dispersed, resource sharing library network. 
 [[F]]FIFO (First In First Out):: 
   In a FIFO environment, holds are filled in the order that they are placed.
+FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt)::
+  FUD is a marketing stratagy to try to install Fear, Uncertainty, and/or Doubt about a competitors product.   
 Fund tags::
   Tags used in acquisitions to allow you to group Funds.
 Funding sources::
@@ -67,6 +87,10 @@ FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records)::
   See[Library of Congress FRBR documentation]
   Git is a versioning control software for tracking changes in the code. It is designed to work with multiple developers.
+  GNU is a recursive acronym for "GNU's Not Unix". GNU is an open source Unix like operating system.  
+GNU GPL version 2 (GNU General Public License version 2)::
+  GNU GPL Version 2 is the license in which Evergreen is licensed. GNU GPL version 2 is a copyleft licence, which means that derivative work must be open source and distributed under the same licence terms. See for complete license information. 
   A additional program that is installed as an extension of your browser to extend printing functionality with Evergreen.
@@ -74,16 +98,16 @@ Hold::
 Hold boundaries::
   Define which organizational units are available to fill specific holds.
 Holdings import profile::
-  Identifies the Import Item Attributes definition.
+  Identifies the <<IIA, Import Item Attributes>> definition.
 Holding subfield::
   Used in the acquisitions module to map subfields to the appropriate item data. 
 [[I]]ICL (Inter-Consortium Loans)::
   Inter-Consortium Loans are like ILL's, but different in the fact that the loan happens just with in the Consortium. 
-ILS (Integrated Library System)::
+[[ILS]]ILS (Integrated Library System)::
   The Integrated Library System is a set of applications which perform the business and technical aspects of library management, including but not exclusive to acquistions, cataloging, circulation, and booking. 
 ILL (Inter-Library Loan)::
   Inter-Library Loan is the process of one libray borrows materials for a patron from another library. 
-Import item attributes::
+[[IIA]]Import item attributes::
   Used to map the data in your holdings tag to fields in the item record during a MARC import.
 Insufficient quality fall-through profile::
   A back-up merge profile to be used for importing if an incoming record does not meet the standards of the minimum quality ratio.
@@ -91,7 +115,7 @@ ISBN (International Standard Book Number)::
   The ISBN is a publisher product number that has been used in the book supply industry since 1968. A published book that is a separate product gets its own ISBN. ISBNs are either 10 digits or 13 digits long. They may contain information on the country of publication, the publisher, title, volume or edition of a title. 
 ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)::
   International Standard Serial Number is a unigue 8 digit number assigned by the Internation Serials Data System to identify a specfic Serial Title. 
   The actual item.
 Item barcode::
   Item barcodes uniquely identify each specific item entered into the Catalog.
@@ -99,8 +123,8 @@ Item Buckets::
   This is a container of individual items.
 Item Status::
   Item Status allows you to see the status of a item without having to go to the actual Title Record.  Item status is a intragal part of Evergreen and how it works.
-  The communications protocol used for client-server message passing within Evergreen. Now known as XMPP, it was originally named "Jabber."
+  The communications protocol used for client-server message passing within Evergreen. Now known as <<XMPP, XMPP>>, it was originally named "Jabber."
 Juvenile flag::
   User setting used to specify if a user is a juvenile user for circulation purposes.
 [[K]]KPAC (Kids' OPAC):: 
@@ -109,6 +133,8 @@ Juvenile flag::
   Launchpad is an open source suite of tools that help people and teams to work together on software projects. Launchpad brings together bug reports, wishlist ideas, translations, and blueprints for future development of Evergreen.
 LCCN (Library of Congress Control Number)::
   The LCCN is a system of numbering catalog records at the Library of Congress
+LMS (Library Management System)::
+  see <<ILS>>
 Loan duration::
   Loan duration (also sometimes referred to as "loan period") is the length of time a given type of material can circulate.
 [[M]]MARC (Machine Readable Cataloging)::
@@ -183,7 +209,7 @@ Shelving location::
   Shelving location is the area within the library where a given item is shelved.
 SIP (Standard Interchange Protocol)::
   SIP is a communications protocol used within Evergreen for transferring data to and from other third party devices, such as RFID and barcode scanners that handle patron and library material information. Version 2.0 (also known as "SIP2") is the current standard. It was originally developed by the 3M Corporation.
-SRU (Search & Retrieve URL)::
+[[SRU]]SRU (Search & Retrieve URL)::
   Acronym for Search & Retrieve URL Service. SRU is a search protocol used in web search and retrieval. It expresses queries in Contextual Query Language (CQL) and transmits them as a URL, returning XML data as if it were a web page.
 Staff client::
   The graphical user interface used by library workers to interact with the Evergreen system. Staff use the Staff Client to access administration, acquisitions, circulation, and cataloging functions.
@@ -213,13 +239,13 @@ Workstation::
   The unique name associated with a specific computer and Org Unit.
 [[X]]XML (eXtensible Markup Language)::
   Acronym for eXtensible Markup Language, a subset of SGML. XML is a set of rules for encoding information in a way that is both human-readable and machine-readable. It is primarily used to define documents but can also be used to define arbitrary data structures. It was originally defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
-XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol)::
+[[XMPP]]XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol)::
   The open-standard communications protocol (based on XML) used for client-server message passing within Evergreen. It supports the concept of a consistent domain of message types that flow between software applications, possibly on different operating systems and architectures. More information is available at
-  See Also: Jabber. 
+  See Also: <<jabber,Jabber>>. 
   The XML Path Language, a query language based on a tree representation of an XML document. It is used to programmatically select nodes from an XML document and to do minor computation involving strings, numbers and Boolean values. It allows you to identify parts of the XML document tree, to navigate around the tree, and to uniquely select nodes. The currently version is "XPath 2.0". It was originally defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). 
   Yet Another Organization Unit Setting
 [[Z]]Z39.50 ::
   An international standard client/server protocol for communication between computer systems, primarily library and information related systems.
-  See Also: SRU
+  See Also: <<SRU>>