2021-09-07 Chris SharpLP#1932051: Batch calls for add items to bucket
2021-09-02 Dan BriemLP#1743611 Circ History by Year Info
2021-08-27 Jason BoyerLP827356: Stamp Ugrade Script
2021-08-27 Rogan Hambylp827356 new rules protect bre -1, acn -1 and acl 1...
2021-08-27 Jason BoyerLP1931162: Stamp Upgrade Script
2021-08-27 Mike RylanderLP#1931162: DYM needs some situational optimization
2021-08-18 Jason Etheridgelp1908439 Auto-override enhancment
2021-08-16 Jason BoyerRepair missing line in seed data causing build failures
2021-08-15 Galen CharltonLP#1888723: stamp DB update
2021-08-15 Galen CharltonLP#1888723: tweak eg-item-location-select
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Disable special copy statuses in status selector
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Support disabling select entries in combobox
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Item location select honors context org
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Avoid save warning on vol load; vol save...
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Traditional catalog still uses traditional...
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Remove ref. to nonexistent workstation setting
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Manage mode for single-copy edits notes/tags...
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Angular volcopy Apply All actions
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Merge repairs
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Avoid defaulting CN labels for existing CN's
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Adds call number edit link to catalog copy...
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Remove no longer needed (click) handler
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Sort new-volum holding orgs alphabetically
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Use existing user setting for copy templates
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Repair Add Item Alerts action
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Value summaries '1 copy' vs 'x copies'
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Volcopy strings should be global
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Copy value counts separation
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Call number modification repair
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Detect unapplied changes; improve tab change
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Improve copy default status lookup
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Unsaved changes navigation warning
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Add/Manage item notes from catalog holdings
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Item notes dialog and volcopy entry point
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Copy tag dialog placeholder fixes
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Volcopy parts on demand; checkdigit preference
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Combobox avoids clearing selected for freetext
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Item attrs edit owning lib change repair
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Item attributes editor can now clear stat...
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Angular volcopy UI mods and repairs
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Holdings refresh handles deleted call numbers
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Angular holdings broadcast changes
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Angular holdings trims barcode spaces
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Angular holdings from catalog edit link;...
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Angular Holdings Maint / Item Attr Release...
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Angular Holdings Maintenance / Item Attribute...
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Angular File exporter service
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 combobox down arrow same as click
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Cat vol update API repairs
2021-08-15 Bill EricksonLP1888723 Barcode auto-generate API skip-dupes option
2021-08-15 Jane SandbergLP1906058: Course-term map interface only allow reasona...
2021-08-15 Michele MorganLP#1917809 Create Course: Owning Library Default
2021-08-15 Galen CharltonLP#1905068: (follow-up) never initialize an OU ID to 1
2021-08-15 Jane SandbergLP1905068: Add org-family-select to course list
2021-08-13 Jason StephensonLP1923076: Add Perl live test
2021-08-13 Jason StephensonLP1923976: Remove some dead code
2021-08-13 Jason StephensonLP1923076: Add cast to int in more places
2021-08-13 Jeff DavisLP#1923076: ensure length of empty array is treated...
2021-08-13 Jane SandbergLP1935693: Improve spacing on the OPAC course materials...
2021-08-13 Jane SandbergLP1935693: Add circulation modifier to course page
2021-08-13 Galen CharltonLP#1895052: add a release notes entry
2021-08-13 Galen CharltonLP#1895052: stamp schema update
2021-08-13 Mike RylanderLP#1895052: Avoid foreign targets when local items...
2021-08-13 Mike RylanderLP#1895052: Allow pickup lib to control stalling
2021-08-13 Josh StomproLP#1938450 - missing pieces slip printer context set...
2021-08-13 Bill EricksonLP1910452 Remove staff catalog read-only OPAC Patron...
2021-08-13 Bill EricksonLP1910452 Staff catalog Patron View button
2021-08-13 Galen CharltonLP#1912852: add jump-on-one-hit support to Angular...
2021-08-12 Josh StomproLP#1917396 - Staff Curbside Scheduling UTC Issues
2021-08-12 Galen Charltonfix a think-o that prevented the Angular tests from...
2021-08-12 Galen CharltonLP#1802682: stamp DB update
2021-08-12 Jason BoyerLP1802682: Use Default Net Access Level OUS
2021-08-12 Bill EricksonLP1916754 Angular Grid row index shows > 99
2021-08-12 Dan BriemLP#1933381 Notify by SMS requires SMS fields when placi...
2021-08-12 Terran McCannaLP1909584 Title for Shared Lists in Bootstrap OPAC
2021-08-12 Terran McCannaLP1901028 Update seed data for checkout print template
2021-08-12 Terran McCannaLP1901028 Print Template for Checkout Missing Fields
2021-08-12 Garry CollumLP1920273: improve Bootstrap self registration display
2021-08-12 Galen CharltonLP#1923640: add release notes entry
2021-08-12 Bill EricksonLP1923640 Manage visibility of grid action menu entries
2021-08-12 Galen CharltonLP#1926971: (follow-up) update base holds for patron...
2021-08-12 Jason Etheridgelp1926971 augment holds for patrons print template
2021-08-12 Jeff DavisLP#1930308: avoid duplicate circ modifier column
2021-08-12 Terran McCannaLP1933125 Bootstrap OPAC Hold Count Alignment
2021-08-12 Bill EricksonLP1932358 Serialize patron bucket entry batch deletion
2021-08-12 Jane SandbergLP1919497: Make the login box translateable
2021-08-12 Garry CollumLP1929839 Load Shared Bucket text error
2021-08-12 Galen CharltonLP#1813191: stamp DB update
2021-08-12 Jason BoyerLP1813191: Dots Need Chaperones
2021-08-12 Jason BoyerLP1813191: Add a Dewey Classification View to acn
2021-08-12 Bill EricksonLP1904244 Stamping DB Upgrade : ACQ Admin
2021-08-12 Galen CharltonLP#1904244: add release notes
2021-08-12 Galen CharltonLP#1904244: add grid config settings
2021-08-12 Galen CharltonLP#1904244: Angular currency and exchange rates interface
2021-08-12 Galen CharltonLP#1904244: Angular distribution formulas interface
2021-08-12 Galen CharltonLP#1904244: Angular EDI attr sets interface
2021-08-12 Galen CharltonLP#1406424: display total of rolled over encumbrances...
2021-08-12 Galen CharltonLP#1904244: Angular funds interface
2021-08-12 Galen CharltonLP#1904244: schema: add two indexes
2021-08-12 Galen CharltonLP#1904244: schema: make fund.code NOT NULL