2021-05-14 Garry CollumLP1917944-Hold Pickup Library sometimes Empty
2021-05-14 Andrea Buntz... LP1925725 Relabel copy location filter to shelving...
2021-05-14 Bill EricksonLP1926310 Record bucket batch edit destination
2021-05-14 Galen CharltonLP#1927527: (follow-up) add comment
2021-05-14 Dan BriemLP#1927527 Catalog: Root OU shelving locations do not...
2021-05-13 Jane SandbergDocs: fixing a typo
2021-05-13 blakeIntroduce documentation on how to contribute docs
2021-05-11 Jason BoyerLP1908440: Stamp Upgrade Script
2021-05-11 Rogan Hambylp1908440 editing the photo url in the staff client
2021-05-11 Jason BoyerLP#1892435 - Add Release Note
2021-05-11 Dan BriemLP#1892435 Splash page catalog searches don't work...
2021-04-15 blakedocs: Antora search index limit to master plus new...
2021-04-14 Galen Charltonupdate release notes for 3.7.0
2021-04-14 Galen Charltonupdate version upgrade script for 3.7.0
2021-04-12 Galen Charltonupdate release notes for 3.7-rc
2021-04-12 Galen Charltonupdate version-upgrade script for 3.7-rc
2021-04-12 Galen Charltondocs: update target branches for Antora
2021-04-12 Galen Charltondocs: fix a few asciidoc syntax errors
2021-04-12 Andrea Buntz... Docs: Sort by Geographic Proximity
2021-04-12 Andrea Buntz... Docs: Single Sign On
2021-04-12 Andrea Buntz... Docs: Did You Mean SWSC
2021-04-12 Felicia BeaudryDocs: Hold Groups
2021-04-12 Andrea Buntz... Docs: Report Sources
2021-04-12 Andrea Buntz... Docs: Library Groups
2021-04-02 Galen CharltonLP#1905091: stamp DB update
2021-04-02 Michele MorganLP1905091 Supply environment for added print/email...
2021-04-02 Terran McCannaLP1879769 Cannot Edit Carousels from Action Menu
2021-04-02 Dan BriemLP#1917495 Angular Catalog: Hold status in View Holds...
2021-04-02 Dan BriemLP#1920815 Item edit link displayed for all users
2021-04-02 Andrea Buntz... Docs: added script info to Carousels docs
2021-04-02 Andrea Buntz... Docs: correction to 3.7 release notes
2021-04-01 Jane SandbergDocs: a few typos in 3.7 release notes
2021-03-31 Galen CharltonTranslation updates - po files (3.7 beta)
2021-03-31 Galen Charltondocs: add upgrade instructions to release notes
2021-03-31 Galen Charltondocs: more tweaks to 3.7 release notes
2021-03-31 Terran McCannadocs: additional edits to the 3.7 release notes
2021-03-31 Jane SandbergDocs: 3.6.3 release notes
2021-03-31 Jane SandbergDocs: 3.5.4 release notes
2021-03-31 Galen Charltonupdate Czech translations for Angular staff client
2021-03-31 Galen CharltonTranslation updates - newpot
2021-03-31 Galen CharltonLP#1902965: removing nesting of accordion() calls
2021-03-31 Jeff DavisLP#1902965: HTML filter on OPAC search results and...
2021-03-31 Jason BoyerLP#1902965: Fix search in Bootstrap OPAC
2021-03-31 Jeff DavisLP#1902965: change format type in XML transform to...
2021-03-31 Jeff DavisLP#1902965: HTML filter on Bootstrap OPAC search result...
2021-03-31 Galen Charlton3.6.2 to 3.7-beta DB update script
2021-03-31 Galen CharltonLP#1896840: (follow-up) update script to include the...
2021-03-31 Galen Charltondocs: add new perms/settings/etc. to 3.7 release notes
2021-03-31 Galen Charltondocs: add more acknowledgments to 3.7 release notes
2021-03-31 Andrea Buntz... docs: some edits to the 3.7 release notes
2021-03-30 Galen Charltonclear out old release notes stubs
2021-03-30 Galen Charltonstart 3.7 release notes
2021-03-30 Galen CharltonLP#1853006: add release notes entry
2021-03-30 Michele MorganLP1853006 - Allow new strings to be translated
2021-03-30 Zavier BanksLP1853006 TPAC: add limit to available option to item...
2021-03-30 Galen CharltonRevert "LP1174498: Add a Payments by Billing Type Repor...
2021-03-30 Galen CharltonRevert "LP1174498: IDL changes for Payments by Billing...
2021-03-30 Galen CharltonRevert "LP1174498: Add Release Note"
2021-03-30 Galen CharltonRevert "LP#1174498: (follow-up) reformat release notes"
2021-03-30 Galen CharltonRevert "LP#1174498: stamp schema update"
2021-03-19 Jane SandbergLP1873322: Angular Admin Pages default to workstation OU
2021-03-19 Dan BriemLP#1915323 Angular Staff Client Hamburger Menu Clipped...
2021-03-18 Jeff DavisLP#1917804: only show MARC 500 data in the General...
2021-03-16 Jane SandbergStamping upgrade script
2021-03-16 Bill EricksonLP1896840 Publisher display includes 264 tag
2021-03-16 Garry CollumLP1859513: In-house use link to item summary
2021-03-15 Galen CharltonLP#1424815: adjust release notes
2021-03-15 Kyle HuckinsLP#1424815: 'Read more' accordion in record view
2021-03-15 Galen CharltonRevert "LP#1424815: 'Read more' accordion in record...
2021-03-15 Galen CharltonRevert "Revert "LP#705693: add release notes entry""
2021-03-15 Galen CharltonRevert "LP#705693: add release notes entry"
2021-03-15 Kyle HuckinsLP#1424815: 'Read more' accordion in record view
2021-03-15 Galen CharltonLP#705693: add release notes entry
2021-03-15 Dan BriemLP#705693 Check Number in Bill History
2021-03-15 Galen CharltonLP#1174498: stamp schema update
2021-03-15 Galen CharltonLP#1174498: (follow-up) reformat release notes
2021-03-15 Jason BoyerLP1174498: Add Release Note
2021-03-15 blakeLP1174498: IDL changes for Payments by Billing Type
2021-03-15 blakeLP1174498: Add a Payments by Billing Type Reporting...
2021-03-15 Galen CharltonLP#1830960: update release notes to account for Bootstrap
2021-03-15 Rogan Hambylp1830960 adding more customizing options to opac color...
2021-03-15 Rogan Hambyadding more colors and style.css changes to make them...
2021-03-15 Galen CharltonlP#1863252: (follow-up) fix Angular lint
2021-03-15 Galen CharltonLP#1893997: stamp schema update
2021-03-15 Galen CharltonLP#1893997: mention new settings in the release notes
2021-03-15 Galen CharltonLP#1893997: (follow-up) fix typos in release notes
2021-03-15 Galen CharltonLP#1893997: fix a couple minor thinkos in the upgrade
2021-03-15 Mike RylanderLP#1893997: Did You Mean release notes
2021-03-15 Mike RylanderLP#1893997: Did you mean? Single word, single class
2021-03-12 Jane SandbergLP1907979: Fix Search by Instructor setting lookup...
2021-03-12 Terran McCannaLP1908616 Add email display to hold edit
2021-03-12 Jason BoyerRevert the effects of both LP1687545 and LP1914116
2021-03-11 Mike RylanderMinor mis-merge for geosort, missing comma in INSERT...
2021-03-11 Bill EricksonLP1863252 Stamping DB Upgrade: Geosort
2021-03-11 Terran McCannaLP1863252 Geosort - add dropped END tag
2021-03-11 Jason Etheridgelp1863252 fix Get Coordinates button in org admin
2021-03-11 Jason Etheridgelp1863252 make Geo::Coder::Free optional
2021-03-11 Chris SharpLP#1863252 - Use APT for Perl dependencies where possible.
2021-03-11 Galen Charltonlp1863252 fix unrelated issue that was breaking display...
2021-03-11 Galen Charltonlp1863252 toward geosort