2020-04-16 Dan Allenrewrite pipeline to emit compiled layouts from stream...
2020-04-14 Dan Allenmerge !111
2020-04-13 Dan Allenwhen creating a resource bundle, use mtime of newest...
2020-04-12 Dan Allenbuild TOC entries using text-only content
2020-04-11 Dan Allenmerge !109
2020-04-11 Dan Allenannounce path of bundle in the form of the --ui-bundle...
2020-04-11 Dan Allenoutput report from prettier to console using fancy-log
2020-04-11 Dan Allenconsolidate script for TOC sidebar
2020-04-11 Dan Allenallow use of void keyword
2020-04-11 Dan Allenconvert style value to float instead of integer in...
2020-04-11 Dan Allenformat source
2020-04-11 Dan Allenconsolidate zip routine to a single call
2020-04-09 Dan Allenmerge !108
2020-04-09 Dan Allenuse title of component version instead of component...
2020-04-09 Dan Allenmerge !107
2020-04-09 Dan Allenslighly tweak the thresholds for the scroll spy
2020-04-09 Dan Allenslightly increase scroll spy buffer above heading
2020-04-08 Dan Allenactivate entries in sidebar TOC for all visible heading...
2020-04-08 Dan Allenapply ventilated prose to final section of preview...
2020-04-08 Dan Allenconsolidate on this page code
2020-04-08 Dan Allenenable home icon in preview
2020-04-08 Dan Allenreplace more #if statements with #with statements to...
2020-04-08 Dan Allenremove redundant guard around description and keywords...
2020-04-08 Dan Allenuse #with for simple template fragments guarded by...
2020-04-06 Dan Allenremove fringe languages from highlight.js bundle to...
2020-04-06 Dan Allenupgrade highlight.js
2020-04-06 Dan Allenupgrade postcss plugins
2020-04-06 Dan Allenupgrade gulp plugins
2020-04-06 Dan Allenupgrade stylelint
2020-04-06 Dan Allenupgrade handlebars
2020-04-06 Dan Allenupgrade eslint
2020-04-06 Dan Allenupdate dependency lock file
2020-04-04 Dan Allenuse #with instead of #if to retrieve Antora version
2020-04-04 Dan Allenput comparison value second in eq condition
2020-04-04 Dan Allenuse .. instead of ../this in template
2020-04-02 Dan Allenonly remove background color from active link, not...
2020-04-01 Dan Allendon't allow the toc sidebar to grow beyond the bounds...
2020-03-31 Dan Allenmerge !56
2020-03-31 Dan Allenadd styles for TOC and integrate TOC into page layout
2020-03-31 Dan Allenadd JavaScript that generates the "on this page" sidebar
2020-03-31 Dan Allencorrection: disable link background on active
2020-03-31 Dan Allendisable background on link focus
2020-03-31 Dan Allenmerge !105
2020-03-31 Dan Allenpreallocate space for scrollbar on nav menu
2020-03-31 Dan Allenuse em instead of rem to align conum in colist
2020-03-31 Dan Allenfix alignment of conums and description text in conum...
2020-03-30 Dan Allenadd article class to main element
2020-03-30 Dan Allenmerge !104
2020-03-30 Dan Allenselect nav item on hash change (and initial page load)
2020-03-27 Dan Allenmerge !92
2020-03-27 Dan Allenrework description of source maps and move to section...
2020-03-26 Dan Allenformat source
2020-03-26 Dan Allenresolves #117 fix order of statements in relativize...
2020-03-19 Dan Allenmerge !102
2020-03-19 Dan Allenhonor environment variable (FORCE_SHOW_EDIT_PAGE_LINK...
2020-03-18 Dan Allenmerge !103
2020-03-18 Dan Allenregister built-in helpers (resolvePage and resolvePageU...
2020-03-18 Dan Allenimprove implementation for #99 and add example to previ...
2020-03-18 Dan Allenmerge !101
2020-03-18 Konrumifix: decode anchor hash string to support Chinese chara...
2020-03-18 Dan Allenmodify implementation of relativize helper
2020-03-18 Dan Allenadd blank line after regexp constant in helper
2019-12-10 Dan Allendocument the page.displayVersion UI model property
2019-11-13 Dan Allenadd warning that using a backslash in front of a mustac...
2019-11-13 Dan Allenmake the reference table of UI variables clearer
2019-11-02 Dan Allenupgrade eslint and update configuration for comma-dangle
2019-10-31 Dan Allenupdate dependencies
2019-10-30 Dan Allenresolves #103 style part heading and partintro block
2019-10-29 Dan Allendon't use fileUri for edit link if CI env var is set
2019-10-29 Dan Allenmerge !97
2019-10-29 Dan Allenuse fileUri for edit page link if available
2019-10-13 Dan Allenupdate handlebars to address vuln
2019-10-06 Antoine Le... Add information about page.editUrl as this functionnali...
2019-10-04 Dan Allenrename table role spread to stretch to be compliant...
2019-10-01 Dan Allendocument the env and antoraVersion template variables
2019-10-01 Dan Allendocument the siteRootPath template variable
2019-10-01 Dan Allenmerge !94
2019-10-01 Dan Allenadd support for line-through role
2019-10-01 Dan Allenadd .doc namespace to CSS selectors for doc where missing
2019-10-01 Dan Allenremove redundant role from main element
2019-10-01 Dan Allenminor rewording in docs
2019-09-11 Dan Allencorrectly document how to disable the editUrl (and...
2019-09-10 Dan Allenmention in README that Node.js provides npm
2019-09-10 Dan Allenrefresh dependencies
2019-09-10 Dan Allenclarify how page attributes are defined and used
2019-09-03 Dan Allenresolves #98 ignore image optimizer if not available
2019-09-03 Dan Allenupdate dependencies
2019-09-03 Dan Allenupdate dependency lock file
2019-09-03 Dan Allenuse fallback function when image optimizer isn't available
2019-09-03 Dan Allencopy any gif images under src/img
2019-08-28 Daniel MulhollandUpdate README.adoc
2019-08-28 Dan Allenupdate dependencies; fix newly detected lint error
2019-08-28 Dan Allenmerge !91
2019-08-28 Dan Allenprepend site path when resolving relative URL if from...
2019-08-28 Dan Allenminor rewording in docs for site.url and site.path...
2019-08-28 Dan Allenuse single-quoted strings in Handlebars expressions
2019-08-25 Dan Allencolor unresolved link
2019-08-25 Dan Allenclarify docs for site.path property in UI model
2019-08-25 Dan Allendocument the site.path property in the UI model
2019-08-24 Dan Allenmerge !90