2006-06-23 djfianderChange definition of Patron::available to test to see...
2006-06-22 djfianderAdd tests for invalid patron and invalid item
2006-06-16 djfianderTest for a blocked patron attempting to check out a...
2006-06-16 djfianderFix ILS::checkout to handle more error conditions prope...
2006-06-15 djfianderTest renewing an item that's identified by title rather...
2006-06-15 djfianderAdd code to renew items that are specified by title...
2006-06-14 djfianderDefine an empty array of fields to be checked in the...
2006-06-14 djfianderTest that when a second hold is placed on an item,...
2006-06-14 djfianderAdd second patron to stub ILS, to test multiple holds...
2006-06-13 djfianderGeneralize configuration of Net::Server::PreFork to...
2006-06-13 djfianderClean up after the test is completed by checking the...
2006-06-12 djfianderMinor cleanup: be consistent in use of "LOG_" in syslog...
2006-06-09 djfianderInitial tests for Item Information message
2006-06-09 djfianderExtend reporting of circulation status
2006-06-06 djfianderInitial test for Renew All
2006-06-06 djfiandertext fields in the response messages may be empty
2006-06-06 djfianderAdd support for the configuration parameters
2006-06-06 djfianderwrite_msg() is used by both the server and the test...
2006-06-02 djfianderFix check renewal permissions check
2006-05-31 djfianderInitial set of tests for Renew
2006-05-30 djfianderFix minor bugs in error condition for Renew Response
2006-05-30 djfianderInitial test suite for Checkin
2006-05-30 djfianderConfirm the actual title of the item being held
2006-05-30 djfianderOnly attempt to add the Patron ID to the Checkin Respon...
2006-05-29 djfianderAdd a bunch more tests
2006-05-28 djfianderminor fixups for hold management
2006-05-28 djfianderHold messages can have a patron password in them
2006-05-27 djfianderInitial test case
2006-05-27 djfianderAdd more tests
2006-05-27 djfianderI'm beginning to wonder how many times it'll take me...
2006-05-27 djfianderadd missing value to debug message
2006-05-27 djfianderGet the test right for checking the patron password in
2006-05-26 djfianderInitial set of tests
2006-05-26 djfianderFix bugs in Patron Enable: A valid patron with an invalid
2006-05-21 djfianderInitial set of tests for Checkout Response
2006-05-21 djfianderEliminate warning message for uninitialized variable use
2006-05-19 djfianderFix spelling mistake
2006-05-19 djfianderFix handling of the "renewal ok" status field in the ILS
2006-05-17 djfianderFinish first pass at ILS::Patron documentation
2006-05-16 djfianderInitial, incomplete, documentation for ILS::Patron
2006-05-16 djfianderMissed an unused function in the last code cleanup
2006-05-16 djfianderCode cleanups
2006-05-15 djfianderInitial pass at documentation for ILS::Item
2006-05-15 djfianderDelete unused access method
2006-05-15 djfianderAdd code to build HTML documentation from the podfiles.
2006-05-15 djfianderFinish first pass at documentation for ILS module
2006-05-14 djfianderMinor code cleanups
2006-05-04 djfianderAdjust tests to agree with the code. Since the server...
2006-05-04 djfianderSequence numbers are a single digit, so when it hits...
2006-05-04 djfianderAdjust the test data so that it works with the test...
2006-05-04 djfianderIf the patron is valid, but the patron password is...
2006-05-04 djfiander'0' is a valid sequence number (it comes after '9'...
2006-04-30 djfianderminor cleanups
2006-04-30 djfianderAdd a bunch of tests, and stock field checks
2006-04-30 djfianderMake sure to set BL: Patron Valid when the patron is...
2006-04-30 djfianderFix formatting, export FID_PATRON_BIRTHDATE FID_PATRON_...
2006-04-30 djfianderAdd support for FID_PATRON_BIRTHDATE (PB) and FID_PATRO...
2006-04-30 djfianderAdd stub methods sip_birthdate and ptype, to support...
2006-04-30 djfianderChange port for raw socket connection from 5300 (chosen...
2006-04-26 djfianderVery basic tests. This will be a big test case. I...
2006-04-26 djfianderGeneralize handling of tagged fields, so we can reuse...
2006-04-26 djfianderFix Patron Information message handling to parallel...
2006-04-26 djfianderReplace call to nonexistent method 'hold_items_count...
2006-04-26 djfianderReturn an item title, even if the checkout failed ...
2006-04-26 djfianderClean up handling of Patron Status Response messages...
2006-04-26 djfianderCreate code to test tagged field values, create tests...
2006-04-21 djfianderInitial test environment
2006-04-21 djfianderClean up handling of SIP boolean flags, and fix interfa...
2006-04-19 djfianderRemove hold_items_count method, and move the code to...
2006-04-16 djfianderImplement code to handle Renew All messages.
2006-04-16 djfianderMinor cleanups.
2006-04-16 djfianderMinor cleanups.
2006-04-16 djfianderadd messages for Renew, Renew All, and Patron Enable
2006-04-16 djfianderMove add_count() to from
2006-04-16 djfianderImplement stubs necessary for Renew All support.
2006-04-16 djfianderSwitch to AUTOLOAD-based field access
2006-04-16 djfianderStub code to handle renewals
2006-04-16 djfianderAdd stub code necessary to support item renewal
2006-04-16 djfianderAdd support for Renew message
2006-04-15 djfianderChange IP on service so that it will work regardless...
2006-04-15 djfianderStub code to handle status returned by a "hold" transac...
2006-04-15 djfianderClean up some test messages so they work against the...
2006-04-15 djfianderAdd support for Hold message
2006-04-15 djfianderAdd support for placing, altering, and cancelling holds
2006-04-15 djfianderUse the new $patron->block() method. Implement support...
2006-04-15 djfianderMove block() from the ILS into the ILS::Patron. Create the
2006-04-15 djfianderGet handling of institution IDs right. Make "block_pat...
2006-04-14 djfianderAdd support for Status Update message
2006-04-14 djfianderAdd stub to handle Status Update message
2006-04-14 djfianderuse the new ILS::check_inst_id to verify the institutio...
2006-04-14 djfianderAdded stub routines that provide support for the Item...
2006-04-14 djfianderSip::timestamp now takes an optional parameter (seconds...
2006-04-14 djfiandernew ILS takes an institution configuration as input...
2006-04-14 djfianderAdded code to verify the institution id, and to manage...
2006-04-14 djfianderDelete handling of "FID_FEE_ITEMS", since it doesn...
2006-04-14 djfianderDelete non-existent "FID_FEE_ITEMS", since we heard...
2006-04-12 djfianderDon't use "ILS::pay_fee()", use "$ils->pay_fee()"
2006-04-12 djfianderChange label for tag generation
2006-04-12 djfianderMore documentation
2006-04-12 djfianderInitial documentation for the portable interface...