2020-11-30 Chris SharpLP#1398107: Add i18n attribute to alert text
2020-11-30 Chris SharpLP#1398107: Add header to generic alerts.
2020-11-30 Chris SharpLP#1398107: Alert when autodeleting a title with holds...
2020-11-25 Jason BoyerCorrect asciidoc issues
2020-11-18 Jane SandbergDocs: fix typo in 3.6 release notes
2020-11-18 Jane SandbergDocs: release notes for 3.6.1
2020-11-18 Jane SandbergDocs: release notes for 3.5.2
2020-11-18 Jane SandbergDocs: release notes for 3.4.5
2020-11-13 Jason BoyerLP1904220: Fix Booking Service Check
2020-11-09 Dan BriemLP#1900184 Patron password use phone not working
2020-11-09 Katie Greenleaf... Docs: LP1826256 Change 'catalogue' to 'catalog'
2020-10-28 Jason EtheridgeLP#1508208: live_t/ test for this branch
2020-10-28 Mike RylanderLP#1508208: Only look at holds that age protection...
2020-10-28 Chris SharpLP#1325704: stamping upgrade script
2020-10-28 Remington SteedLP#1325704: Update Items-Out YAOUS descrip for web...
2020-10-27 Mike RylanderLP#1879790: Give carousels their own context org
2020-10-27 Jane SandbergDocs: adding information about 3.6 features from the...
2020-10-23 Bill EricksonLP1901038 Repair Angular catalog journal title search
2020-10-23 Bill EricksonLP1855737 Don't send error object across shared worker...
2020-10-22 Mike RylanderLP#1893463: Protect against null emails
2020-10-15 Bill EricksonLP#1713138 EDI buyer codes from RFF+API
2020-10-14 Jason BoyerLP1882828: (follow-up) Add static parameter to ViewChil...
2020-10-13 Galen Charltonstamp version-upgrade script for 3.6.0
2020-10-13 Galen Charltonstamp release notes for 3.6.0
2020-10-08 Chris SharpLP1893463: Follow-up to address de-duplication and...
2020-10-07 Chris SharpLP1893463: stamp upgrade script
2020-10-07 Jason BoyerLP1893463: Prevent duplicated report outputs
2020-10-07 Galen Charltonupdate Czech translation for Angular staff client
2020-10-07 Galen CharltonTranslation updates - newpot
2020-10-07 Galen Charltonmove 3.6-beta2 update to 3.6-rc
2020-10-07 Galen Charltonstamp release notes for 3.6-beta2
2020-10-07 Galen CharltonLP#1895398: (follow-up) show outline when the login...
2020-10-07 Chris BurtonLP1895398 Bootstrap OPAC Follow Up #2
2020-10-07 Chris BurtonLP1895398 Bootstrap OPAC Follow Up #1
2020-10-05 Galen Charltondocs: release notes: adding EOLI to the list of commiss...
2020-10-05 Lisa Carluccidocs: corrections to the 3.6 release notes
2020-10-02 Galen Charltonupdate target branches for Antora
2020-09-30 Bill EricksonLP1774008 Remove Hatch storage options
2020-09-30 Galen CharltonTranslation updates - newpot
2020-09-30 Galen Charltonmove 3.6-beta1 schema update to 3.6-beta2
2020-09-30 Galen Charltonstamp 3.6-beta2 release notes
2020-09-30 Galen Charltonclean up RELEASE_NOTES_NEXT upon branching of rel_3_6
2020-09-30 Galen CharltonLP#1896070: ensure that deatching course material doesn...
2020-09-29 Angela Kilsdonkdocs: Curbside Pickup documentation
2020-09-29 Angela Kilsdonkdocs: OPAC Email Print documentation
2020-09-29 Angela Kilsdonkdocs: Acquisitions Providers documentation
2020-09-29 Andrea Buntz... docs: adding new image files for Hopeless Holds
2020-09-29 Felicia Beaudrydocs: updates to holds documentation
2020-09-29 Andrea Buntz... docs: Angular Acq Sprint 0 Tools and Infrastructure
2020-09-29 Angela Kilsdonkdocs: Acquisitions Search documentation
2020-09-29 Andrea Buntz... docs: updates to Best Hold Sort Selection Order
2020-09-29 Andrea Buntz... docs: adding credit card payment info
2020-09-29 Jason BoyerLP1849212: (follow-up) Don't use group ids in upgrade...
2020-09-25 Andrea Buntz... Docs: more 3.6 release notes updates
2020-09-25 Andrea Buntz... Docs: 3.6 release notes update
2020-09-25 Bill EricksonLP1851882 Relase Notes (Angular catalog hold types)
2020-09-25 Bill EricksonLP1851882 Angular catalog recall/force/part holds
2020-09-24 Chris Sharpaccount for race condition in courses live test
2020-09-24 Bill EricksonLP1872867 Staff catalog filters use search labels
2020-09-24 Chris SharpLP#1096209: Stamp upgrade script
2020-09-24 Jeff DavisLP#1096209: add check_sms_notify parameter to all relev...
2020-09-24 Chris SharpLP#1776954 - Add release notes
2020-09-24 Dan ScottLP#1776954 Avoid empty string for tcn_source
2020-09-24 Jane SandbergLP1882828: Fix issues with displaying cataloged resourc...
2020-09-24 Galen CharltonLP#1882825: (follow-up) include update number
2020-09-24 Galen CharltonLP#1835127: (follow-up) fixes to update script
2020-09-24 Jason BoyerRepair Permission Seed Data
2020-09-23 Chris SharpLP1882825 - Stamp upgrade script
2020-09-23 Jane SandbergLP1882825: Add setting for booking pull list grid
2020-09-23 Chris SharpLP#1835127 - Stamp upgrade script
2020-09-23 Jeff DavisLP#1835127: scoped permissions for reservations
2020-09-23 Dan BriemLP#1361270 Self-registration doesn't retain org unit...
2020-09-23 Bill EricksonLP1883126 Angular accesskey sort repair
2020-09-22 Bill EricksonLP1896629 Angular catalog deleted record indicators
2020-09-22 Galen CharltonLP#1885767: stamp DB update
2020-09-22 Bill EricksonLP1885767 Staff catalog exclude electronic option
2020-09-22 Bill EricksonLP1892111 Staff Catalog Digital Bookplates
2020-09-22 Bill EricksonLP1896081 Repair staff catalog filter expansion error
2020-09-22 Bill EricksonLP1896083 Staff catalog handles not-found barcodes
2020-09-22 Bill EricksonLP1896512 Angular retrieve record by ID/TCN
2020-09-21 Galen CharltonLP#1788260: stamp schema update
2020-09-21 Chris SharpLP#1788260 - Break out in-house-use non-cat circulations.
2020-09-17 Galen Charltonmake npm run export-strings happier
2020-09-16 Jason BoyerRemove Extraneous Permissions from Course Reserves
2020-09-16 Galen Charltonupdate schema update script for Curbside Pickup
2020-09-16 Galen Charltonfirst pass at consolidated schema update for 3.6-beta1
2020-09-16 Jason BoyerCorrect typo in seed data
2020-09-16 Galen CharltonTranslation updates - po file - 3.6
2020-09-16 Galen CharltonTranslation updates - newpot for 3.6
2020-09-16 Galen Charltonadjusted release notes title to use -beta1 rather than...
2020-09-16 Michele Morganvarious changes to the 3.6 release notes
2020-09-16 Galen Charltonupdate draft release notes for Curbside Pickup
2020-09-16 Galen Charltonstart 3.6 release notes
2020-09-16 Jason BoyerCorrect opensrf.xml.example
2020-09-15 Jane SandbergFix errors in live tests for courses
2020-09-15 Galen Charltonfix some warnings reported by Launchpad's translation...
2020-09-15 Galen CharltonLP#1811710: (follow-up) update loadChildren for hopeles...
2020-09-15 Galen CharltonLP#1879983: stamp schema update
2020-09-15 Mike RylanderLP#1879983: Look at closings when getting times for...
2020-09-15 Mike RylanderLP#1879983: Create and protect a floor on appt granularity