2023-05-22 Andrea Buntz... Docs: updating site.yml for 3.11 docs
2023-05-22 Gina MontiDocs: LP1836221 correction for archive stat cat
2023-05-22 Jessica WoolfordLP 1955666 Remove RFID Product Integrations page from...
2023-05-22 Andrea Buntz... Docs: Custom Penalties edits for 3.11
2023-05-22 Stephanie LearyLP2019894 Fix stacked buttons in fund details modal
2023-05-19 Chris SharpLP# 2004205: quiet warn logs from stat cat warnings
2023-05-19 Mike RisherLP#1887866: add aria-labels to AngularJS grid controls
2023-05-18 Jason StephensonForward port database upgrades
2023-05-17 Jason StephensonUpdate 3.10 release notes for security fixes
2023-05-17 Jason StephensonImprove 3.9.3 release notes formatting
2023-05-17 Jason BoyerUpdate release notes with security fixes
2023-05-17 Galen CharltonLP#2004055: add release notes
2023-05-17 Jason BoyerLP#2004055: Stamp Upgrade Script
2023-05-17 Mike RylanderLP#2004055: Simpler Display Field highlighting
2023-05-17 Mike RylanderMalicious search protect release notes
2023-05-17 Mike RylanderAllow QP tester to run without a full stack in simple...
2023-05-17 Mike RylanderLP#1775958: Rework pullup mechanism to flatten more...
2023-05-17 Jason BoyerLP#1908576: Stamp Upgrade Script
2023-05-17 Mike RylanderLogin redirect restriction release notes
2023-05-17 Mike RylanderLP#1908576: Restrict login redirection
2023-05-17 Galen CharltonTranslation updates - xtb files - main
2023-05-17 Galen CharltonTranslation updates - po files - main
2023-05-15 Andrea Buntz... Docs: draft release notes for 3.10.2 and 3.9.3
2023-05-15 Galen CharltonLP#2000482: (follow-up) remove duplicated text
2023-05-13 Terran McCannaLP 2017913 Add html filter to reason
2023-05-13 Terran McCannaLP2017913 Display Upcoming Closures in OPAC
2023-05-13 Galen CharltonLP#2019150: link to AngularJS Patron Requests interface
2023-05-13 Stephanie LearyLP2018939 Restore barcode label for course materials
2023-05-13 Stephanie LearyLP2009092 Line item list checkbox labels
2023-05-13 Jason BoyerLP1915326: Followup to Silence Offline / Shared Worker...
2023-05-13 Galen CharltonLP#1915326: fix AngularJS test suite
2023-05-12 Galen CharltonTranslation updates - newpot - main
2023-05-12 Jeff DavisLP#1778567: don't return cached list/tree before updating
2023-05-12 Stephanie LearyLP2002363 Aria labels for catalog search +/- buttons
2023-05-11 Jane SandbergLP1808016: improve error handling by open-ils.pcrud
2023-05-11 Michele MorganLP#1828468 Release note
2023-05-11 Stephanie LearyLP1828468 keyboard navigation for Angular nav bar
2023-05-11 Galen CharltonLP2008918: (follow-up) standardize on the info cyan...
2023-05-11 Jane SandbergLP2008918: use new default colors for modal headers
2023-05-11 Jane SandbergLP2008918: default modal background color
2023-05-10 Galen CharltonLP#2019032: restore functionality of two line item...
2023-05-10 Dan BriemLP#1901072 Menus Don't Recognize Max Recent Patrons...
2023-05-10 Stephanie LearyLP2015137 Tab order for admin splash link tables
2023-05-09 Galen CharltonLP#2013223: quiet browser console noise from some Angul...
2023-05-09 Chris SharpLP#1920826: Add release notes and stamp upgrade script
2023-05-09 Galen CharltonLP#1920826: ensure that some DB updates missed in 3...
2023-05-09 Galen CharltonLP#1989195: (follow-up) flesh out Chrome e2e options
2023-05-09 Galen CharltonLP#1989195: (follow-up) minor reformatting of Angular...
2023-05-09 Jane SandbergLP1989195: upgrade nightwatch
2023-05-09 Jane SandbergLP1989195: Update nightwatch selectors
2023-05-09 Bill EricksonLP1989195: Nightwatch Chrome Config & Notes
2023-05-09 Jane SandbergLP1989195: Use nightwatch for e2e testing angular client
2023-05-09 Michele MorganLP#2003946 Add Release Note
2023-05-09 Tiffany LittleLP2003946 LI ID in Search jumps to item detail page
2023-05-09 Jane SandbergLP1972917: fix circ modifier column in course materials...
2023-05-09 Michele MorganLP2001728 - Don't display circ_staff for opac and autor...
2023-05-09 Dan BriemLP#2004052 Hold Shelf Actions Menu Includes Irrelevant...
2023-05-09 Jason BoyerLP1940321: Remove apt-key from Makefile.debian
2023-05-09 Jane SandbergLP2011434 stamping upgrade script
2023-05-09 Jane SandbergLP2011434 (follow-up): use NOT VALID / VALIDATE CONSTRA...
2023-05-09 Rogan Hambyadding a foreign key check for selction_ou on action...
2023-05-08 Jason BoyerLP2015481: Re-align Labels for Circ History
2023-05-08 Stephanie LearyLP2015141 Labels for email record math captcha
2023-05-05 Jeff DavisLP#2018534: treat year as numeric when retrieving item...
2023-05-04 Stephanie LearyLP2018208 Empty alt for result record images, icons
2023-05-04 Galen CharltonTranslation updates - newpot - main branch
2023-05-03 Bill EricksonLP2006971 Stamping SQL Upgrade (Custom Penalties)
2023-05-03 Mike RylanderLP#2006971: Batch penalty script additions
2023-05-03 Bill EricksonLP1944986 Has / No-Has Penalty filters
2023-05-03 Bill EricksonLP1944986 Patron penalty batch updater script
2023-05-03 Mike RylanderLP#2006971: Custom system penalty business logic
2023-05-03 Mike RylanderLP#2006971: Custom system penalties
2023-05-03 Michele MorganLP#1965446 Stamping upgrade script
2023-05-03 Jason EtheridgeLP1965446 Option to Disable Title-Level Holds on Bib...
2023-05-03 Galen CharltonTranslation updates - newpot - main branch
2023-05-03 Stephanie LearyLP2018403 Update sr-only class in Facets sidebar
2023-05-03 Galen CharltonLP#1901932: (follow-up) add caveats to documentation
2023-05-03 Galen CharltonLP#1901932: (follow-up) update dataset for upcoming...
2023-05-03 Galen CharltonLP#1901932: (follow-up) update help in make_release
2023-05-03 Galen CharltonLP#1901932: (follow-up) update release notes
2023-05-03 blakeLP#1901932 Wish List - Enhanced Concerto dataset
2023-05-03 blakeLP#1901932 Wish List - Enhanced Concerto dataset
2023-05-03 blakeLP#1901932 Wish List - Enhanced Concerto dataset
2023-05-03 Jeff DavisLP#1979345: Stamping upgrade script
2023-05-03 Jeff DavisLP#1979345: restrict access to holds pull list
2023-05-03 Jane SandbergLP1993305 stamp upgrade script
2023-05-03 Jason EtheridgeLP1993305 Comprise SmartPay release notes
2023-05-03 Jason EtheridgeLP1993305 Comprise SmartPay support, middle layer bits
2023-05-03 Jason EtheridgeLP1993305 Comprise SmartPay support, UI bits
2023-05-03 Jason EtheridgeLP1993305 Comprise SmartPay support, schema
2023-05-03 Jane Sandberglp1857911 follow-up: remove console.log
2023-05-02 Jane Sandberglp1857911: stamp upgrade script
2023-05-02 Jane Sandberglp1857911 (follow-up): update mock to match new AdminPa...
2023-05-02 Jason Etheridgelp1857911 follow-up tweaks
2023-05-02 Jason Etheridgelp1857911 angularized stat cat admin interfaces
2023-05-02 Jason Etheridgelp1857911 underline links in normal eg-grid cells
2023-05-02 Jason Etheridgelp1857911 allow override of IDL class label for display...
2023-05-02 Stephanie LearyLP2018326 Contrast fix for catalog pagination
2023-05-02 Jason BoyerLP#2000482: (Followup) Update Angular Version in Makefi...
2023-05-01 Andrea Buntz... Docs: fixing image file reference