2012-10-03 Thomas BerezanskyCan't use README for version, so use
2012-10-03 Thomas BerezanskyTPac: Holds Paging
2012-10-03 Michael PetersLP#1020261 Better label for "Host" field in acq.edi_account
2012-10-03 Lebbeous Fogle... Add two fields to the new FlattenerGrid-based hold...
2012-10-03 Dan ScottTeach make_release to set the eg_version var
2012-10-03 Galen CharltonAfter upgrade, list records with missing or incorrect...
2012-10-03 Dan ScottApply the 0715 update during the 2.3.0 upgrade
2012-10-03 Dan ScottAdd an explicit "set eg_version" at start of upgrade...
2012-10-03 Bill EricksonAdd the 2.2-2.3.0 upgrade script
2012-10-03 Bill EricksonTPAC added content lookup uses local server address
2012-10-03 Bill EricksonAdded content connect timeout
2012-10-03 Lebbeous Fogle... Copy Location Order Editor: avoid interface failure...
2012-10-03 Thomas BerezanskyTPac: Disable "Enter places hold" for staff
2012-10-03 Jeff GodinSyndetic AC: Add more review sources with comments
2012-10-02 Yamil SuarezDocumentation: Update authority control set documentati...
2012-09-28 Bill EricksonCopy location group searching repairs
2012-09-28 Dan ScottDocs want a space after the main header
2012-09-28 Ben ShumMake relator_map script executable
2012-09-28 Dan ScottTPAC: Fine-grained credits in record details
2012-09-28 Dan ScottDocs: Minimum list of TPAC templates to customize
2012-09-19 Thomas BerezanskyDefault notify by text receipt replaces to blank
2012-09-19 Dan ScottTPAC: Results - don't show the pubdate if we're showing...
2012-09-19 Dan ScottTPAC: Display full publication info
2012-09-19 Thomas BerezanskyEnable 1-hit redirect for item barcode searches
2012-09-19 Bill EricksonProtect against fleshed circ_lib in legacy check_age_pr...
2012-09-18 edoceoSort of in line with 949322 but not absolutely necessary
2012-09-18 edoceolp949322 Copy Patron barcode to clipboard when clicking...
2012-09-16 Kathy LussierVarious additions to the 2.3 release notes.
2012-09-10 Ben ShumHide Print Page button on Simplified Pull List
2012-09-07 Dan ScottTPAC: Escape single quotes in MFHD record location
2012-09-07 Dan WellsRemove defunct variable from 'jtitle' code
2012-09-07 Lebbeous Fogle... Revert "Bug #1044721: QP handles explicit group+joiner...
2012-09-07 Dan ScottJournal title hackery - move to a more robust location
2012-09-04 Dan WellsUpgrade bits for Vandelay Overlay Changes
2012-09-04 Dan WellsIncrease Overlay Speed for Standard Identifiers
2012-09-04 Lebbeous Fogle... Vandelay: Fix index-miss with MARC Imports using Match...
2012-09-04 Jared Camins... Bug #1044721: QP handles explicit group+joiner badly
2012-09-04 Bill EricksonGracefully handle reporter class with no labels
2012-09-04 Thomas BerezanskyFix Merge All Records in Bucket action
2012-09-04 Dan ScottDefine a few strings missing from
2012-09-04 Bill EricksonImporting translations for 2.3.rc1
2012-09-02 Dan ScottDo the SQL upgrade dance for list pubdate in CSV
2012-09-02 Jason StephensonAdd pub date to CSV output.
2012-09-02 Dan ScottTPAC: Add the ability to set a different default locale
2012-08-31 Dan ScottTPAC: Make call number browse record links retain searc...
2012-08-30 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: removie file reference to line items...
2012-08-30 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: Add sections for new features in Acquisi...
2012-08-30 Steven CallenderChanged the thawing of a hold to first update the hold...
2012-08-30 Lebbeous Fogle... Acq: In general search, make value widgets for OU-linke...
2012-08-30 Lebbeous Fogle... Acq: Fix General Search for Lineitem Attribute-based...
2012-08-30 Lebbeous Fogle... Acq: New lineitems added to existing POs should inherit...
2012-08-30 Bill EricksonACQ support for two-step vandelay imports
2012-08-30 Kathy LussierAdd a new "starts with" search option to the advanced...
2012-08-29 Bill EricksonAdd kpac to 2.3 release notes
2012-08-24 Lebbeous Fogle... Fix sorting when printing from FlattenerGrid-based...
2012-08-24 Dan ScottFix epub complaint about image with extra colon
2012-08-24 Dan ScottDocument how to create a TPAC/KPAC search box
2012-08-24 Dan ScottResolve doc PDF transform error
2012-08-23 Sally FortinDocumentation: Add documentation for setting maximum...
2012-08-23 Sally FortinDocumentaton: Add documentation on patron border color...
2012-08-23 Dan ScottAdd 2.1.2-2.1.3 database schema upgrade script
2012-08-22 Jason StephensonMake the ContainerCSV reactor output more than 10 records.
2012-08-22 Jason StephensonMake item_barcode_shortcut load user bookbags in EGCatL...
2012-08-22 Jason StephensonMake sure that bookbag information loads in MARC expert...
2012-08-22 Dan ScottAllow some buttons in Import via Z39.50 to wrap lines
2012-08-22 Steven ChanFix LP949249, Edit, then Create button creates a new...
2012-08-22 Thomas BerezanskyRemove an extra ternary op
2012-08-22 Mike RylanderAllow copy-ish holds to target, even for part-copies...
2012-08-22 Bill EricksonTPAC: remove some unused CSS
2012-08-22 Michael PetersTTPAC image directory cleanup
2012-08-22 Lebbeous Fogle... 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2 upgrade script
2012-08-22 Bill EricksonSanity check cstore limit/offset param values
2012-08-22 Thomas BerezanskyTPac: Show email address when placing hold
2012-08-22 Dan ScottTPAC: Move "Export to RefWorks" into utility area
2012-08-22 Lebbeous Fogle... 2.2.0 -> 2.2.1 upgrade script never actually went into...
2012-08-22 Bill EricksonImporting translations for 2.3.beta2, Part II
2012-08-22 Bill EricksonImporting translations for 2.3.beta2
2012-08-21 Dan ScottProtect against installs with no locales
2012-08-21 Dan ScottTPAC: Standardize i18n file installation
2012-08-20 Bill EricksonACQ return-to-[search/invoice] buttons repair
2012-08-20 Dan ScottTPAC i18n: Turn UA locales into Evergreen locales
2012-08-20 Bill EricksonMake tpac cache locale-aware
2012-08-20 Bill EricksonSet the default CStoreEditor locale on page load
2012-08-20 Bill EricksonCStoreEditor default session locale
2012-08-17 Dan ScottTPAC: size_bigger, not size-bigger
2012-08-17 Dan ScottTPAC: Autosuggest focus() throws a JS error
2012-08-17 Thomas BerezanskyUse XUL_REMOTE_BROWSER constant in reporter
2012-08-17 Sally FortinDocumentation: Add one paragraph to Auto Override...
2012-08-17 Sally FortinDocumentation: add Auto Override Patron Hold Events...
2012-08-16 Dan ScottTPAC locale picker: use POST instead of GET
2012-08-16 Lebbeous Fogle... Fix thinkos in EDI Invoicing
2012-08-16 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for copy editor field hiding...
2012-08-16 Thomas BerezanskyUpdate permission name to match existing ones
2012-08-16 Mike RylanderProvide permission for copy editor field hiding
2012-08-16 Dan ScottHide OPAC-invisible holdings from SRU/Z39.50
2012-08-16 Dan ScottTPAC: Centralize font size definitions
2012-08-16 Thomas BerezanskyUpdate make_release script for Linux 64 building
2012-08-16 Thomas BerezanskyAdd 64 bit Linux Client building
2012-08-16 Sally FortinDocumentation: Add triggered events and holds managemen...
2012-08-16 Sally FortinDocumentation: Add sections to Local System Administrat...