2019-08-01 a. bellenirLP1759864: Mark Item Damaged from Holdings View Fails
2019-08-01 Jane SandbergLP1775920: Improve consistency in item status menus
2019-08-01 Geoff SamsLP1681930 fm_IDL.xml billing/paid total column type...
2019-08-01 Jane SandbergLP1832146: Make sure that comboboxes don't get cut off
2019-08-01 Jane SandbergLP1831390: Don't clobber startId of combobox with null...
2019-08-01 Jane SandbergLP1831390: Fixing implementation of registerOnTouch
2019-08-01 Bill EricksonLP1831390 ControlValueAccessor continued
2019-08-01 Jane SandbergLP1831390: combobox and date-select implement ControlVa...
2019-08-01 Jane SandbergLP1831788: (follow-up) removing small linting errors...
2019-08-01 Galen CharltonLP#1831788: (follow-up) properly handle case where...
2019-08-01 Bill EricksonLP1831788 Add EgCoreModule for CommonWidgetsModule...
2019-08-01 Bill EricksonLP1831788 dialog dismissal and i18n repairs
2019-08-01 Galen CharltonLP#1831788: (follow-up) rename grid method
2019-08-01 Galen CharltonLP#1831788: (follow-up) update sandbox example
2019-08-01 Galen CharltonLP#1831788: add user-level release notes
2019-08-01 Galen CharltonLP#1813788: add example of grid improvements to sandbox
2019-08-01 Galen CharltonLP#1831788: add result filtering and other improvements...
2019-08-01 Galen CharltonLP#1831788: create CommonWidgetsModule
2019-08-01 Rogan HambyLP#1634244 - prevent bibs from being deleted when they...
2019-08-01 Kyle Huckinslp1034058 Disable Renewal Due Dates in the Past
2019-08-01 Chris SharpLP#1006466 - remove testing upgrade script
2019-08-01 Chris SharpLP#1006466 - Stamping upgrade script
2019-08-01 Rogan Hambyadding fk constraint to hold_type on action.hold_reques...
2019-07-31 Bill EricksonLP1832148 Clear selection for deleted grid rows
2019-07-31 Bill EricksonLP1834969 Indicate failures in Angular login
2019-07-31 Galen CharltonLP#1837478: stamp DB update
2019-07-31 Bill EricksonLP1837478 Ang catalog recents/templates release notes
2019-07-31 Bill EricksonLP1837478 Angular Catalog Recent Searches & Templates
2019-07-31 Jane SandbergDocs: LP#1813225: Adding brief release note
2019-07-31 Terran McCannaLP#1813225 Link Billing Location to Library Info
2019-07-31 Garry CollumLP1766982 - CSV downloads contain the string 'null...
2019-07-31 Jason StephensonLP1779467: Fix bug with charging fees when marking...
2019-07-31 Jason StephensonLP 1779467: Fix Error When Marking Item on Hold as...
2019-07-31 Jason StephensonLP 1779467: Fix SyntaxError: missing ) after argument...
2019-07-31 Jason StephensonLP 1779467: Enhance Mark Items Functionality
2019-07-31 Galen CharltonLP#1778414: (follow-up) update Angular client menu...
2019-07-31 Garry CollumLP#1778414 Add Item Status to the Catalog menu
2019-07-31 Galen CharltonLP#1831784: fix Angular's formatting of DOB field
2019-07-31 Galen CharltonLP#1822414: (follow-up) remove au-linked fields sandbox...
2019-07-31 Bill EricksonLP1822414 Ang date select readOnly & fixes
2019-07-31 Bill EricksonLP1822414 Angular format service formatValue pipe
2019-07-30 Josh StomproLP#1798187 - Support CRLF and LF format for item status...
2019-07-30 Galen CharltonLP#1831780: various improvements to the Angular date...
2019-07-30 Galen CharltonLP#1831783: improvements to the Angular org-select...
2019-07-30 Galen CharltonLP#1831907: bump up ng-bootstrap
2019-07-30 Bill EricksonLP1683385 AngJS grid avoid dupe auto-fields
2019-07-30 Jane SandbergLP1809183: Allow passing template to eg-confirm-dialog
2019-07-30 Jane SandbergLP1836962: correcting comments in the Angular client
2019-07-30 Bill EricksonLP1830424 Implement Angular "retrieve last bib record"
2019-07-30 Bill EricksonLP1831785 Combobox pcrud selector and pkey support
2019-07-30 Jane SandbergLP1831785 (follow-up): simplifying static string bindin...
2019-07-30 Jason EtheridgeLP#1831785: eg-combobox support automatic pcrud-based...
2019-07-30 Galen CharltonLP#1796903: (follow-up) disabled the calendar button...
2019-07-30 Jane SandbergLP1796903: Make date picker calendar button more accessible
2019-07-30 Galen CharltonLP#1795972: stamp DB update
2019-07-30 Chris SharpLP#1795972: Add description for APPLY_WORKSTATION_SETTI...
2019-07-30 Kyle Huckinslp1836229 Disable Edit buttons in Merge Records when...
2019-07-29 Galen CharltonLP#1776003: show codes throughout the Physical Characte...
2019-07-29 a. bellenirLP#1776003: Show MARC Code in 'Category of Material...
2019-07-29 Galen CharltonLP#741788: install the MARC stream importer better
2019-07-23 Ben ShumLP#1835458: Add install support for Debian 10 Buster
2019-07-21 Jason StephensonLP#1834208: Use X-Forwarded-For in example Apache confi...
2019-07-19 Jane SandbergLP1837067: Fixing unsubscribed Observable in Replace...
2019-07-18 Dan WellsLP#1823367 Make search bar area neutral
2019-07-18 Dan WellsLP#1823367 Add place to collect style guidelines
2019-07-18 Dan WellsLP#1823367 De-encapsulate holdings grid styles to fix...
2019-07-18 Dan WellsLP#1823367 Tone down org unit row coloring
2019-07-18 Galen CharltonLP#1777207: teach egGrid how to prepend rows more effic...
2019-07-18 Galen CharltonLP#1777207: have eg-grid generate DOM nodes only for...
2019-07-16 Jane SandbergLP1828840: Option to hide grid save settings button...
2019-07-15 Jane SandbergLP1835990: remove i18n inside i18n element
2019-07-10 Bill EricksonLP1830432 Org family renders checkboxes horizontally
2019-07-10 Jane SandbergLP1830432: Use a stub callback with registerOnTouched
2019-07-10 Bill EricksonLP1830432 Uniqify reported org IDs / sandbox tweaks
2019-07-10 Jane SandbergLP1830432: Make sure that unit tests have an org unit...
2019-07-10 Jane SandbergLP1830432: Make the org-family-select reusable
2019-07-03 Dan WellsForward-port 3.3.2 upgrade script
2019-07-03 Dan WellsForward-port 3.2.7 upgrade script
2019-07-03 Dan WellsForward-port 3.1.13 upgrade script
2019-07-03 Galen CharltonLP#1830394: remove console noise from the holdings...
2019-06-28 Dan WellsDocs: Revise 3.3.2 bugfix release notes
2019-06-28 Galen CharltonLP#1831781: tweaks to eg-help-popover
2019-06-28 Cesar VelezLP#1831781: add eg-help-popover Angular component
2019-06-28 Jason BoyerCorrect False Positive on Offline Test
2019-06-25 Kyle Huckinslp1735835 Transfer Bucket Contents to Pending
2019-06-21 Dan WellsLP#1759343 Clean up data seed values
2019-06-21 Dan WellsLP#1759343 Fix annotate payment setting name
2019-06-20 Galen CharltonLP#1833080: have eg-bool recognize IDL bool string...
2019-06-20 Bill EricksonLP1823041 Confirm dialog returns true/false repairs
2019-06-20 Bill EricksonLP1823041 Observable dialogs repairs and cleanup
2019-06-20 Bill EricksonLP1823041 Remove unintentially merged code blocks
2019-06-20 Jane SandbergLP1823041: Converting new dialogs to observables
2019-06-20 Bill EricksonLP1823041 Angular dialogs return observables
2019-06-19 Jane SandbergDocs: 3.3.2 release notes
2019-06-19 Jane SandbergDocs: Release notes for 3.2.7
2019-06-19 Jane SandbergDocs: 3.1.13 release notes
2019-06-18 Mike Risherlp1770217 Items Out count shouldn't increment on renew
2019-06-17 Jane SandbergLP1803787 (follow-up) removing unnecessary arguments
2019-06-17 Bill EricksonLP1803787 Migrate grid action/button click handlers...
2019-06-17 Bill EricksonLP1803787 Grid actions menu tabindex