2022-11-19 Chris SharpLP#1630271 - Add Purchase Order Summary View
2022-11-19 Terran McCannaPINES Custom UI Change: Date Field on Circ Screen
2022-11-19 Terran McCannaPINES Cust: Make offline interface alerts bolder
2022-11-19 Terran McCannaPINES Customization: Patron Summary Link to Library
2022-11-19 Terran McCannaPINES Customization: Alert when no hold notification...
2022-11-19 McCannaPINES Cust: Fix layout for Patron Edit Form
2022-11-19 Chris Sharpfix IP redirection by pulling the X-Real-IP header
2022-11-19 Terran McCannaPINES Customization: Hide Claims Never Checked Out...
2022-11-19 Terran McCannaTemp Fix for Patron Account Expiring Soon Message
2022-11-19 McCannaPINES Customization: Set default damaged billing type
2022-11-19 Terran McCannaPINES Customization: Require patron identification
2022-11-19 Terran McCannaPINES Cust: Reset Patron Search Form with Defaults
2022-11-19 McCannaPINES Customization: Hide Barred Checkbox on New Patron Reg
2022-11-19 McCannaFix for PINES-Specific Holdings Sort Order
2022-11-19 Chris Sharpremove offline blocked list download button
2022-11-19 Chris Sharpadding PINES PO file
2022-11-19 McCannaStaff Client Customization: Browser Tab Naming
2022-11-19 McCannaStaff Client Customization: Backdate Checkin Alert
2022-11-19 McCannaStaff Client Customization: Change Wording on PreCat...
2022-11-19 McCannaStaff Client Customization: Hide Delete Patrons Button
2022-11-19 McCannaStaff Client Customization: Patron Registration Form...
2022-11-19 Terran McCannaPINES Customization: Add IMLS logo to footer
2022-11-19 Chris SharpAdd Invoice Summary Reporting View.
2022-11-19 Terran McCannaDriver's license guidelines
2022-11-19 Terran McCannaOPAC Updates related to page text and translations...
2022-11-19 Terran McCannaAddition of new item format icon for direct audio ...
2022-11-19 Chris Sharpadding login redirection page
2022-11-19 Chris SharpAdding PINES-ified notification wordings.
2022-11-19 Terran McCannaImages for new "no image available" functionality.
2022-11-19 Michael PetersMake users_of_interest test for defined actor.usr.card...
2022-11-19 Chris Sharpadding in gmcharlt's fix for trailing TCN spaces
2022-11-19 Bill EricksonPINES GALILEO TPAC link and auth redirector
2022-11-17 Chris Sharpadd report creator
2022-11-15 Galen Charltonupdate version stamps and ChangeLog
2022-11-15 Galen Charltonmore updates to the server upgrade
2022-11-15 Galen Charltonupdate upgrade instructions for 3.10.0
2022-11-15 Galen Charltonupdate release notes for 3.10.0
2022-11-15 Galen Charltonupdate schema update script
2022-11-11 Jane SandbergDon't reingest in the middle of the upgrade transaction
2022-11-11 Jane SandbergCheck in cs-CZ translations from POeditor
2022-11-11 Jane SandbergBumping version numbers, adding Upgrade Script and...
2022-11-11 Jane SandbergServer upgrade docs for 3.10-rc
2022-11-11 Michele Morganbumping Perl version string for 3.10
2022-11-11 Jane SandbergTranslation updates - po files
2022-11-11 Jane SandbergTranslation updates - newpot
2022-11-11 Michele MorganEdited Release Notes
2022-11-11 Michele Morgan3.10 Release Notes
2022-11-04 Galen CharltonLP#1864507: (follow-up) another fix to the schema update
2022-11-04 Jessica WoolfordLP1755876: Add progress bar when renewing items
2022-11-04 Steven CallenderLP#1989133: Bootstrap physical description display...
2022-11-04 Jane SandbergLP1995032 follow-up: syntax correction
2022-11-04 Terran McCannaLP1895675 Bootstrap OPAC: Add notification method testi...
2022-11-04 Jane SandbergLP1972928: Show course user role dropdown choices witho...
2022-11-04 Jane Sandberglp1856097 stamp and small fixes to upgrade script
2022-11-04 Kyle Huckinslp1856097 Tide Default Classification Scheme Description
2022-11-04 Stephanie LearyLP1995032 Add empty alt text to decorative icons
2022-11-04 Jane SandbergLP1824709: Allow comboboxes inputs to have IDs
2022-11-04 Stephanie LearyLP1993859 Keyboard tabbing for results pagination
2022-11-04 Stephanie LearyLP1994159 Higher contrast H2s
2022-11-03 Jason StephensonAdd another entry for Jason Stephenson to mailmap
2022-11-02 Galen CharltonLP#1864507: (follow-up) fix another error in the 1344...
2022-11-02 Galen Charltonforward-port 3.9.0-3.9.1 update
2022-11-02 Galen Charltonfix version stamp in 1341 update
2022-11-01 Galen Charltonadd additional fixes in 3.9.1 to release notes
2022-11-01 Jennifer Pringledocs: release notes 3.9.1 and 3.8.2
2022-11-01 Galen Charltoncheck in latest cs-CZ strings for the Angular staff...
2022-11-01 Galen CharltonLP#1982887: (follow-up) set l10n list back to en-US
2022-11-01 Jason BoyerLP1982887: Repair translations for eg2 client
2022-10-31 Michele MorganLP1954681 - Add Release Notes
2022-10-31 Dan BriemLP#1954681 Individual overrides when placing multiple...
2022-10-29 Jane SandbergLP1829418 release notes
2022-10-29 Terran McCannaLP1829418 OPAC-Visible Stat Cats Not Visible
2022-10-28 Michele MorganLP1859701 - Stamping upgrade script
2022-10-28 Jane SandbergLP1859701: remove unused imports
2022-10-28 Jason EtheridgeLP1859701 follow-up fixes for Cash Report
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1859701 Cash reports inline patron info
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1859701 Cash Reports Tidying
2022-10-28 Jason EtheridgeLP1859701 fix routing from admin page
2022-10-28 Jason EtheridgeLP1859701 release note
2022-10-28 Jason EtheridgeLP1859701 replace "totals" row in each grid with a...
2022-10-28 Zavier BanksLP1859701 Cash Reports
2022-10-28 Jane SandbergLP1983991 release notes
2022-10-28 Llewellyn MarshallLP1983991 handle when IN list empty
2022-10-28 Llewellyn MarshallLP1983991 Allow display of source address and source...
2022-10-28 Jane SandbergLP1966342 follow-up: prefer === over ==
2022-10-28 Galen CharltonLP#1966342: (follow-up) adjust for color contrast
2022-10-28 Terran McCannaLP1966342 Highlight Zero Holdings in Staff Catalog
2022-10-28 Galen CharltonLP#1977761: (follow-up) enforce use of the permission...
2022-10-28 Galen CharltonLP#1977761: add release note
2022-10-28 Galen CharltonLP#1977761: stamp DB update
2022-10-28 Galen CharltonLP1977761: (follow-up) adjust seed data
2022-10-28 Galen CharltonLP1977761: (follow-up) adjust DB update
2022-10-28 Tiffany LittleLP1977761: Create fund rollover perm
2022-10-28 Galen CharltonLP#1978976: stamp schema update
2022-10-28 Galen CharltonLP#1978976: (follow-up) tweak formatting of releaste...
2022-10-28 Rogan HambyLP#1978976: add release note
2022-10-28 Rogan Hambylp1978976 merge record notes during bib merge
2022-10-28 Galen CharltonLP#1982031: add release note
2022-10-28 Galen CharltonLP#1982031: stamp DB update
2022-10-28 Galen CharltonLP#1982031: (follow-up) corrections to DB update